15 minute read
Hometown Events
Byron Bergen Public Library
13 S. Lake St., Bergen 585-494-1120 Byron-BergenPublicLibrary.org Tues.-Thurs., 10-12 & 2-8, Fri., 10-6 & Sat., 10-1
Caledonia Library
3108 Main Street, Caledonia (585) 538-4512 Hours: Mon. & Thurs., 2-5:30 & 7-9; Tues. 9-1 & 2-5:30; Fri., 2-5:30; Sat. 9-1
Chili Public Library
3333 Chili Avenue, Rochester 585-889-2200 • www.chililibrary.org Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-9; Fri. 9-5, Except 1st Fri. Ea. Month 11-5 Open Sat. 9-5, Sept.-May Only Open Sun. 1-4, Oct.-April Only
Hollwedel Memorial Library
Pavilion (585) 584-8843 Hours: M, W:2-7, F: 1-5; Sat. 10am-Noon
Mumford Branch Library
883 George Street, Mumford 585-538-6124 Open Mon., Wed., Fri. 12-6
Newman Riga Library
1 S. Main St. Churchville, NY www.newmanrigalibrary.org 585-293-2009 Hours: M, W, F 11-5; T, Th 11-9, Sat. 10-2
Scottsville Free Library
28 Main Street, Scottsville 585-889-2023 Hours: M, W, F 10-5 T, Th 1-8; Sat. 10-1
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
Hollwedel Memorial Library: SUMMER READ KICKOFF -TAILS AND TALES: Our summer reading program is continuing. Check on line or stop in for details! Stop in and see the GREAT prize baskets for readers of all ages. Check for special events, too! It’s not too late to join!!! STORYTIME: Tuesdays at 11 am IN PERSON or on FaceBook Live. Join Miss Joss for stories, singing, dancing, Make and Takes and fun! You can also view the stories later on our FB page if you miss the live broadcast. Don’t miss it!!! To attend in person, just call or stop in to make a reservation. Children 2 and over and unvaccinated patrons must wear masks, . We are limited to 20 children. KNITTER’S NOOK: Mondays from 3:00-5:00 pm. Join our friendly needleworkers to work on your special projects and chat. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETINGS: Second Wed. of each month at 6pm in the library.
Caledonia Library: “SUMMER READING PROGRAM” Tails and Tales! Free books and prizes. Pokémon Club meets on Tuesdays and Lego Hour is every Thursday. Reading Program ends on August 17th with our grand prize drawing. “NEW ITEMS” (Adult Fiction) Hidden by Fern Michaels, The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict, Legacy by Nora Roberts; (Children’s Fiction) Legend of the Squinker by J.E. Paddock. “DAILY LOTTERY DRAWING” Take a chance to win and support our library at the same time. Membership is limited to 1000 ticketholders and winners may repeat. Numbers will be matched between September 1st and September 30th of 2021. You will be notified if you are a winner. Winners receive $50.00. Get your tickets at the library or from any library board member. “SENIOR BOOK CLUB” Meets one Tuesday afternoon each month. “LIBRARY BOARD MEETINGS” Last Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. ALEXANDER
Flea Market - Saturday and Sunday, July 24 & 25, 8am-5pm both days, at the WNY Gas & Steam Engine Grounds, 10294 Gillate Rd., Alexander. Food & Drink available. Come search for that rare item or part. Many unique items to repurpose. Information call Bonnie 7 1 6 - 8 6 4 - 0 0 6 3 o r B i l l 7 1 6 - 3 8 0 - 7 0 6 1 . h t t p : / / w w w . alexandersteamshow.com
Genesee County 4-H Market Animal Auction: Join us at the 51st annual Genesee County 4-H Market Animal Auction at the Genesee County Fair on Thursday, July 29th at 7:00pm. Selling chickens, goats, lambs, beef steers, dairy steers and hogs raised by local 4-H youth. For more information, contact the Genesee County 4-H O f f i c e a t 5 8 5 - 3 4 3 - 3 0 4 0 o r genesee4h@cornell.edu.
Batavia First P resbyterian Church
invites you to join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 10:00 am or on Livestream on Facebook Live. You can connect to the livestream (10:00 am) worship through our website at: https://fpcbatavia.org/ or by using this link: https://www.facebook.com/fpcbatavia/videos/ For the in-person worship at 10:00 am, we practice coronavirus courtesy.
May, June and July consistently rank among the most popular months to get married. These months typically provide pleasant weather, and if it does rain, it’s often in the form of a brief thunderstorm.
Holland Land Office Museum C o n c e r t : S t e v e K r u p p n e r “Americana Music” - Join us Wednesday, July 21st, 7pm-9pm as the Holland Land Office Museum welcomes local musician Steve Kruppner as he plays an outdoor concert at the museum. The concert will feature various genres of songs that can be summed up as “Americana”. The concert will be outdoors weather permitting. If you would like to bring your own chair you are welcome, but seating will be provided. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held inside. Admission is $5 or $4 for museum members. If you are interested in attending please call the museum at 585-343-4727.
Java with Joe E.- Erica Wanescki “Polio Treatment in WNY”: Join us Thursday, July 22nd at 9 am at the Holland Land Office Museum as we welcome Erica Wanescki as she details the history of the treatment of the disease polio in Western New York. Java with Joe E. is free to attend. If you plan on attending p l e a s e c a l l t h e m u s e u m a t 585-343-4727. The presentation will also be available via Zoom, please visit the museum’s Facebook page or www.hollandlandoffice. com for the link.
HLOM Guest Speaker Series: Bill Kauffman “The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable”. Join us Wednesday, July 28th, 7pm, Holland Land Office Museum as we welcome local author Bill Kauffman as he debuts his latest work The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable, 1968-1984.“ Kauffman is the editor of the work which is a compilation of entries from Congressman Barber Conable about the machinations of Congress and the American government at the highest level. Admission is $3 per person or $2 for museum members. The presentation will also be available via Zoom, to find the link please visit the museum’s Facebook p a g e o r w e b s i t e w w w . hollandlandoffice.com. Copies of the book will also be available for sale. All Babies Cherished Fall Vendor Festival! Saturday, October 23rd, from 10:00 until 3:00 pm, Batavia City Center Mall Concourse, 102 Main Street, Batavia. OVER 50 VENDORS; CRAFTERS, ARTISTS, ARTISANS, DIRECT SALES. GAMES FOR THE CHILDREN! FOOD TRUCKS! FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! A VISIT WITH SANTA CLAUS! Start your holiday shopping with us! FREE ADMISSION! Sponsored by; All Babies Cherished. https://www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / e v e n t s / 323333872505223 Crossroads House Garage Sale! Thursday, July 29, 9am-6pm. Friday, July 30, 9am-4pm. Saturday, July 31, 9am-noon. No Early Birds. Located at 11 Liberty Street, Batavia, NY. Pre-Sale: Wednesday July 28 from 9am-noon. Admission $5 per person aged 16 or older. We are accepting donations of saleable items on Mondays & Thursdays from 10am-2pm, until sale. For more information, please call Jackie at (585) 734-0125. CALEDONIA
Cal-Mum Lions Club Pulled Pork BBQ Dinner - Saturday, August 21 from 4-6pm at Gunsmoke Country Grill in LeRoy. Drive-thru, take-out dinners. Tickets are pre-sale only $12. Call 538-4320 or 538-4618. Cal-Mum Lions Club 2020 Citizen of the Year Dinner is Rescheduled! Celebrate Citizen of the Year Jim Dutton on September 11, 2021 at JW Jones Hall in Caledonia. Tickets $30. Cocktails at 6pm, Dinner at 7pm. RSVP by September 3 to nihick1948@gmail. com or lynjo@frontiernet.net or call 226-6817 or 538-4618. CANANDAIGUA
LIVE Summer Programming Finger Lakes Opera - Join us for Summer Scenes on July 21, 2021 @ 7 PM at Lincoln Hill Farms. Tickets limited and available @ fingerlakesopera.org and Three Little Pigs on July 25, 2021 @ 4 PM at M a x i o n S t a g e ( d o w n t o w n Canandaigua). Tickets free, but l i m i t e d w i t h r e g i s t r a t i o n @ fingerlakesopera.org
It’s Christmas in July! Sing aLong with Steve Valvano - July 19th, 6:30 pm (Rain date July 22). Held at the Union Congregational UCC - In The Back Parking Lot, 14 N . M a i n S t . , C h u r c h v i l l e (585-293-1665). Be ready to sing those songs you missed out on last Christmas! All are welcome to come sing-a-long! EAST PEMBROKE
Children’s Bible Hour - Every Wednesday in July from 10-11am. Ages: Kindergarten - 11 years old. Story, music, art, and snacks. Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke, 2583 Main Rd. (Rt 5), East Pembroke. GENESEO
Geneseo Garden Club Craft Sale - Saturday and Sunday, July 17th and 18th, 10:00 am 4:00 pm, at the Conesus Lake Arts & Craft Show at Long Point Park on Conesus Lake. Hand crafted items by Club members. Proceeds support the Club’s programs (Village and Town plantings, scholarships, holiday Village fountain decorations.) HONEOYE FALLS
13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race - Join us for the 13th annual Young and Wyld 5K Race through beautiful historic Honeoye Falls. Wednesday, August 4 at 7PM. Starts across from the Honeoye Falls Post Office. Further Details/ Register at runsignup.com. Includes free food and root beer floats post race. Open to all ages, families. Walkers welcome. Proceeds benefit Y o u n g L i f e . Q u e s t i o n s : lesley54321@yahoo.com STRANGE BUT TRUE
By Lucie Winborne * The asteroids in “Star Wars” were actually painted potatoes.
LeRoy UMC Chicken BBQ or Chicken & Ribs Drive-Thru: LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Pk, LeRoy, holds Summer Chicken BBQ/ Chicken & Rib BBQ on July 17 & 18. Drive-thru event starting at 11 am till gone. July 17th features 1⁄2 BBQ Chicken for $12. July 18th BBQ features CHOICE of 1⁄2 BBQ Chicken for $12 OR 1⁄4 BBQ Chicken & 1⁄4 Rack of Ribs for $15 (all include Salt Potatoes, Macaroni Salad, Roll, Cookie). Presale reservations requested @ 585-768-8980 (please leave your name, phone number & dinner preference). We will call to confirm your reservation
LeRoy-Stafford Senior Citizens: Luncheon will be on Wednesday, July 21st at 12:30 PM at the Knights of Columbus. Lunch and dessert will be provided at a cost of $5 per person. Please bring your own beverage. After lunch join in on an afternoon of fun and games. CONTACT - Rosemary #506-5233, Lucy #721-6073 or Sue #861-0422, before JULY 16TH, to reserve your spot.
The Genesee Valley Civil War Roundtable will be meeting on Wednesday, July 21st at 7pm at the Pavilion United Methodist Church in Pavilion at the Crossroads of Route 19 & 63. The speaker will be Joyce Thompson-Hovey who will enlighten you on a little known person who played a key role in the Lincoln Assassination aftermath. The church is handicap accessible. Everyone is welcome to attend. ROCHESTER
Gates Historical Society July program - The July program of the Gates Historical Society will be held on Monday, July 19 at 7:00 pm in the Gates Town Hall Annex, 1605 Buffalo Road, Rochester. Valerie O’Hara, owner of Pike Stained Glass, will do a powerpoint presentation on the history of stained glass that includes the 112 year history of the studio. She will also show the process it takes to design, create, and repair stained glass windows. This program is free. The facilities are handicapped accessible. Masks are optional except for those not vaccinated. Social distancing is encouraged. http://www. gateshistory.org
Events should occur on a specifi c date at a specifi c time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items: • Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program • Organizations seeking crafters or vendor • Organizations seeking donations of items Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date R E G I S T E R A N D S U B M I T Y O U R E V E N T O N L I N E AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414 Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire throne. ~Barry Cornwall
Online POLL
Numbers climbed into the hundreds as the search of the Champlain Towers South collapse site in Surfside, Florida continues. How severely shold accountability be enforced for those responsible for this devastating loss of life?
• Completely accountable! • Somewhat accountable • Not accountable at all!
Poll Ends 07-20-21
Results From 07-06-21
Do you think the Olympics, scheduled to take place in Tokyo this summer, should go on as scheduled considering the increase of COVID cases in Japan?
50% Yes, absolutely! 50% Yes, but with extra precautions 0% Definitely not!
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
• Buy the right bikes. Take time to research different brands of bicycles and what they offer. Some bikes are ideal for streets or paved trails, while others are better for rustic roads and trails. A qualified bike retailer can help shoppers find the right bike for them and their families, ensuring everyone in the family is riding the right size bike and the one commensurate with their skill level. • Limit the distance. Children won’t be able to put in as many miles as their parents or older Going for a bike ride is one of the best ways for people to exercise in fresh air. Cycling is not only earth-conscious and convenient, but it also is a fun & popular activity that families can enjoy. siblings. Limit cycling excursions to a reasonable amount of time so youngsters’ health is not compromised. • Focus on fun. Consider what kids will get out of the trip and gear the afternoon around that. Choose a path that circles a scenic lake or leads to an ice cream stand. Make your cycling excursion more of an afternoon out than a marathon biking session. • Take frequent breaks. Little legs may not be able to keep up, and adults will need to
FA M I LY CYC L I NG I S A N Enjoyable Escape anticipate stopping along the way. • Know the terrain. Stick to routes you have ridden before. Leave the more intense courses that include extreme climbs and dips for those times when kids are not in tow. Stick to lightly trafficked routes, or travel during off-peak hours. Consult with trail guides and read reviews as well.
Cycling as a family can be an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon & get some exercise.
By Lucie Winborne * Doc Martens come in all different colors and sizes now, but the fi rst pair was created using old tires. RUSH
Trolley Rides - Sunday, July 25! T h e N e w Y o r k M u s e u m o f Transportation, in Rush, will be offering trolley rides included with museum admission Sunday, July 25. Reservations are required and may be made at www.http:// nymtmuseum.org/summer2/. The museum is open 11am-4pm and rides depart at 11:30, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, and 3:30. Family friendly admission, including the ride, is $10 adults, $9 seniors 65+, and $6 youths age 3 - 12. The New York Museum of Transportation is located just 20 minutes south of Rochester at 6393 East River Road in Rush, one mile north of Rt. 251 (I-390 exit 11). www.nymtmuseum. org info@nymtmuseum.org (585) 533-1113
Grace’s Table Food Cupboard (Grace Episcopal Church, 9 Browns Ave) - In addition to our regular food bags, we will be distributing a special “Summer Picnic Bag” for our clients on Thursday, July 22nd from 4:00-5:30. If you are new to our program, please call 889-2028 to register by July 16th. Please leave your name and phone number.
Historic Home Open House: The Wheatland Historical Association is happy to announce the SageMarlowe House will be open for visitors every Sunday from 2 -4pm beginning July 11 through August 29. When was the last time you visited this quaint 1840’s home? A wonderful summer activity for history buffs, or those who just want to learn more about 19th century life in Scottsville. Don’t forget to see what heirloom herbs and vegetables are growing out in the kitchen garden. Free and open to the public. Sage-Marlowe House, 69 Main St., Scottsville.
A warm welcome awaits you! Join us for 100% Biblically-based worship: 11:00 AM Sunday Brockport Church of Christ 60 Spring St., P.O. Box 230 Brockport, NY 14420 (585) 637-2650 (parking lot located next to 69 High Street) Visit our website for more information: www.brockportchurchofchrist.org God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in spirit, and in truth ( John 4:24)
Bumper cars, also called dogems in other English-speaking countries, were the brainchild of inventor Victor Levand, who worked for General Electric.
A l l Y o u C a n E a t P a n c a k e Breakfast by the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department, Main Road, Stafford. Save the Date!! Sunday, July 25, 2021 from 8am to 1pm. Adults $8.00, children 5-12 $5.00 and under 5 free.
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On July 19, 1799, the Rosetta Stone is found in Egypt by a French soldier. The irregularly shaped black basalt slab contained fragments of passages written Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Egyptian demotic. It held the key to solving the riddle of hieroglyphics, a written language that had been “dead” for nearly 2,000 years.
July 24-31, 2021
Traditional fair foods and healthy options Don’t miss the Fair-run Chuckwagon food stand! Small Fry Tractor Pull Visit with over 1,000 animals Midway rides and carnival games
Grandstand Events Stock Car Racing and Demolition Derby Live Bands Draft Horse Show Pig Racing Niagara Down Under Kids Day Midway Ride $10 Special 7/28, 7/30 & 7/31