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is a happy little beagle. He loves toys, chasing chipmunks, cuddles and puppy play dates with cousins Archie and Aubrey.
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Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My German Shepherd, “Dante,” is smart but stubborn, and constant training is essential. But I wanted to share a method I use to make sure I keep up with his basic obedience training and work on advanced skills year-round.
Every three to four months, I sit down with a new notebook and make a training journal for Dante. It helps me organize my thoughts around how to best train him in the late fall and winter, when going outside every day isn’t always possible, or the weather is so unpleasant that Dante won’t listen to my commands.
I write down the training goals I want to accomplish during this period. I note any behavioral or training issues that Dante has had up to now. Shepherds, like many big dogs and herders, have a lot of energy and need at least an hour per day of exercise, so I figure out the best times to do that. ere are also a lot of holidays during this period, and the journal gives me a place to figure out in advance how I will handle travel, training, parties and other schedule challenges.
I hope my method will help other readers who are trying to maintain their dog’s obedience skills while having a busy life. -- Cheryl K. in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
DEAR Cheryl: at’s fantastic advice! ank you for sharing your journaling method. It sounds like it provides a space to write down much more information than jotting notes on a wall calendar.
Creating a training schedule and journal also is a big help in monitoring how well your dog is progressing with their training, and noting areas where improvements can be made.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
Look for EV-friendly lodging: Many hotels now feature charging stations exclusively for guests with EVs. Some hotels include the cost of utilizing such stations in their parking fees, while others may charge an additional amount. Either way, the convenience of finding a hotel with its own charging station outweighs any extra costs, as cars can be charged overnight while guests are asleep, leaving more time to travel in a vehicle that’s fully charged each morning.
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Homeowners who do not currently have a finished basement but are considering such a project should approach the remodel with a few key factors in mind.
• Investment value: Conventional wisdom among home renovation and real estate experts suggests that a basement remodel is best if done to satisfy current inhabitants and not necessarily to appeal to prospective buyers once the home is put up for sale. Though not a poor return on investment, homeowners who are remodeling a basement solely for the potential ROI at resale can find other projects that provide a greater return.
• Foundation: The foundation of the home must garner ample consideration before beginning a basement remodel. Certain foundation issues, such as soft concrete, cracked or curved outside walls and cracks in the flooring, are indicative of significant issues with the foundation. These issues can be costly to address, and they must be remedied before the basement remodel can begin.
• Existing space: Some homeowners may have bought their homes with partially finished basements or even finished areas that they simply want to remodel. In such instances, a preremodel inspection from a licensed home inspector can save homeowners lots of money and heartache over the long haul. Partially finished or even aging finished basements might not have been renovated in adherence to codes, which could lead to costly violations down the road. An inspection in advance of a remodel can give homeowners an idea of what they will need to do to bring the basement up to code. Local officials also can provide a list of necessary permits and a detailed description of requirements to ensure the remodeled basement adheres to code.
• Soil: Soil surrounding the home should be tested prior to beginning the project. Radon is an odorless gas found in soil that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency notes can increase individuals’ risk for lung cancer. Radon can seep into basements and increase that risk even further if it is present at elevated levels in the soil surrounding a home. Radon tests are simple and inexpensive, and no basement remodel project should begin without first conducting such a test.
Repair loose floorboards and pull carpet taut if it has started to stretch out. Address cracks outdoors and ensure that patio stones, bricks and pavers are secure and level to reduce tripping hazards. Fix areas of the landscape where water may pool and freeze, creating potential hazards.
Handrails, grab bars, nonslip stair treads, and many other devices can make homes safer for people of all ages and abilities. Outfit cabinets and closets with organizers that put frequently used items within easy reach. A sturdy step stool can reduce the risk of injury while reaching for items stored on high shelves.
Get Your Garden Growing: Four Tips for Starting a Garden (Family Features)
1. Know the Lay of the Land - Assess the gardening conditions in your yard before you dig your first hole or plant your first seed. Conditions such as sun, shade, soil type, climate and moisture levels are all key factors to consider when creating your gardening plan.
2. Prepare Your Soil - Healthy soil translates to better plant growth, so be sure your soil has the nutrients it needs to flourish. Talk to a representative at your local home and garden center for tips on choosing the right type of fertilizer based on the soil and the plants you’re growing.
Home improvement trends come and go. What’s popular among today’s homeowners may feel dated to prospective buyers a decade from now. But solar energy is one home improvement trend that does not figure to go the way of sunken living rooms or popcorn ceilings.
According to the Solar Energies Industry Association®, solar energy experienced a compound annual growth rate of more than 60 percent between 2006 and 2016. Solar energy has also done wonders to improve the employment rate. According to the Solar Foundation’s National Solar Jobs Census, in the United States there were more than 260,000 solar workers in 2016, an increase of 25 percent from the previous year. Things are equally rosy in Canada, where the Government of Canada reports installed capacity for solar thermal power has experienced a compound growth rate of nearly 14 percent since 2004.
The use of solar energy is on the rise, and there are many reasons for homeowners to embrace this increasingly popular energy source.
Forceful entry is required in 95 percent of all home invasions. Forceful entry could involve breaking a window, picking a lock or kicking in a door. Burglars may use pry bars, pliers, screwdrivers, or small hammers to gain entry into a home. (NCHSS)
3. Choose and Care for Plants Expertly - Once you’ve prepared your gardening space, you can begin to explore plant options available. To prevent the discouraging cycle of trial and error gardening with new plants, try Black & Decker’s new PlantSmart digital plant care sensor, a revolutionary gardening tool that provides expert advice for growing and maintaining all types of plants and flowers, both indoors and out. Its reusable, waterresistant sensor uses patented technology to measure key environmental information from sunlight and temperature to moisture, soil conditions and more. Your readings are then uploaded to your personal PlantSmart online account and combined with real-time climate and horticultural information from your local area, for a foolproof gardening experience. This tool will help ensure you are choosing and growing the right plants in your new garden.
4. Take the First Dig - When you’re ready, dig a hole that is slightly bigger and deeper than your plant’s roots, and gently place the plant in the prepared hole. Pat the surrounding soil down firmly, but don’t pack it, and be sure to leave enough space between plants. If using seeds, refer to the package’s directions to gauge the soil depth needed for proper growth; drop the seeds in and place soil firmly on top.
Please bring a canned good or financial donation to benefit
(NAPSA)—Make a difference—choose ENERGY STAR certified appliances, electronics, lighting, smart thermostats and air conditioners, independently certified to save energy and reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases associated with climate change. Learn more at www.energystar.gov/earthday. Having a realistic financial plan can help you live within your means during retirement. A financial planner can help, suggests Bankers Life President Scott Goldberg. For further facts and ideas about your finances, visit www. bankerslife.com.
Head lice love every season and anyone with a head of hair. They’re not going anywhere. Fortunately, you can be proactive when it comes to defending against head lice with pesticide-free Vamousse Lice Defense Daily Shampoo and Vamousse Lice Repellent Leave-In Spray.Learn more at www.vamousselice.com.
Here’s a delicious twist on an old favorite:creamy,cheesy,scallopedsweet potatoes,an easy-to-make casserole that willwoweveryoneatthetable.California sweet potatoes are high in fiber, loaded with vitamins and minerals. For recipes, nutritional info and tips, go to www. casweetpotatoes.com.
Fire experts agree you have as little as two minutes to escape a burning home before it’s too late. That’s why the Red Cross encourages you to practice your home fire escape plan twice a year.Visit redcross.org/homefires for a free plan. Making lawn mowing easier is the selfcharging robotic Miimo mower from Honda. A dealer-installed boundary wire defines the area to be mowed. Sensors and a floating cover keep it from coming too close to a person or pet. Learn more at www.miimo.honda. com and www.powerequipment. honda.com/dealer-locator.
When you work on your car, you may need more than the traditional hand soap to clean up. Lava Soap has the power of the pumice to quickly break through the toughest grease and grime while leaving your hands moisturized. Learn more at www.lavasoap.com.
When a dog attacks a letter carrier, the dog owner could be held liable for all medical expenses, repayment of lost work hours, replacement of the uniform and other costs, which can run into thousands of dollars.
For a 21st century digital lifestyle when you move into a new home, you need GigabitInternetforyourdigitaldevices. It’s offered by Internet service providers (ISPs) in most metropolitan areas, led by America’s cable companies. Learn more at www.smartmove.us.
Hot and spicy food is in. For example, Church’s Spicy Chicken (available as Spicy Tender Strips and classic bonein chicken) is marinated in a spiceand-pepper blend for at least 12 hours before it’s hand-battered and fried to a crispy crunch. Learn more at www.churchs.com.
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Remove mildew from plastic shower curtains by spraying them with a mix of bleach and water, or just toss them in the washing machine with your next load of towels.
* “Need your nails to dry in a hurry? You can use the cool setting on your hair dryer. It works really fast.” -L.E. in Georgia
* To get a couple more days out of your cat litter, clean the box out and mix in a cup of baking soda.
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Sue DeBruyne, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology
By Keith Roach, M.D.
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585.286.3664 SouthsideHearingCenter.com
Sinuses are bony, hollow, air-filled cavities inside the face and skull. They are located in the low-center of the forehead, behind the eyes and in bones behind the nose. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center says the sinuses lighten the skull and produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose. Unfortunately, when colds or the flu strike, sinuses may become one of the first spots affected by these illnesses.
When the sinuses are working properly, mucus will drain into the nasal passages or out the back of the throat. Most of this drainage goes unnoticed. However, the American Sinus Institute says that factors such as allergies, illness, weather changes, dehydration, and dry air can make the sinus mucus thicker and drainage more difficult. This is when problems like infection, stuffiness or throat irritation may occur.
In order to combat sinus congestion and drainage concerns, people may try certain strategies that include flushing the sinuses and thinning the mucus. It is imperative to use safe flushing methods to keep the sinuses healthy.
Neti pots are among the more popular methods to flushing sinuses. These small teapot-like devices with elongated snouts have become a fixture in many medicine cabinets. Because they are drug-free alternatives, they can be handy for those worried about antihistamines making them drowsy or reacting with other drugs. Neti pots and other nasal irrigation systems use saline to moisten and clear out nasal passages to promote drainage of sinus cavities. However, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, using these devices improperly can increase one’s risk of infection. CBS News says that neti pots have even been linked to the deadly Naegleria fowleri, which is otherwise known as the “braineating” amoeba.
The key to preventing infection is to only use previously boiled, sterile or distilled water to irrigate. Tap water is not adequately filtered, says the FDA, and may contain low levels of organisms that can stay alive in nasal passages and potentially cause serious infections.
Those who are concerned about nasal irrigation safety may be wise to skip neti pots and use pre-packaged, sterile saline solutions that are bottled for the purpose of alleviating congestion. However, when prepared water is used in a clean neti pot or other device, these methods can be perfectly safe.
Sinuses can get clogged for many reasons. To free up breathing, people are urged to consult their physicians to learn more about how to safely irrigate their nasal passages.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I just retired from working the graveyard shift for 40 years. I am hoping you can share some information on how to safely learn to sleep at night once again. --
ANSWER: Changing your body’s circadian rhythm isn’t always easy, and after such a long time, it will take longer for you. But it shouldn’t be as difficult as you might fear. When people fly to the other part of the world, they need to get accustomed to a new sleep schedule, and it usually doesn’t take more than a week or two for them to get accustomed. For you, it will be difficult learning to be up during the day, which is more of a behavioral issue than a circadianrhythm issue.
The first advice I give is to push your internal time clock forward, not backward. Try to stay up two hours or so later each day until you get to a bedtime that works with your family (if appropriate) and goals. Your body has an easier time moving forward than backward.
Bright light can be your friend or your enemy. You want bright light when you wake up, not right before bed. Computers, phones and tablets all put out light that signals your brain to wake up, so don’t use these before bed. Making sure that your bedroom is dark when you want to sleep is something you probably have already done, but it’s still worth mentioning.
Caffeine is very helpful to a lot of people, so if you partake, do so when you awaken, not before bedtime. Some people metabolize caffeine slowly, so if you do, don’t have any caffeine for at least 8 hours before planning to go to sleep.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
Level: Intermediate
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The Red Cross put out a request for blood donations to help hurricane victims. I made an appointment with the John St. Donation Center in Henrietta. I can’t say enough about the wonderful Staff at this location. I was treated like I was the #1 blood donor but I noticed that ALL OF US WERE TREATED like we were #1. Thank you to all the staff for their care, compassion and help.
It’s laughable seeing people already hoarding toilet paper and other items because of the dockworkers’ strike. Didn’t we learn anything from Covid? Buy more throughout the year. Stock up. With costs rising, most items cost less 6 months or a year ago. Now they run into stores and buy in bulk before anyone else does. Planning ahead helps everyone.
The volunteers of the Friends of the Batavia Peace Garden would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers, patrons, donors and friends for their unwavering support. The Peace Garden looks amazing, thanks to the dedicated volunteers who weeded and watered throughout the summer.
Our famous Friday hot dog stand had an outstanding season. Our hot dog stand volunteers worked diligently to serve our new and repeat customers. We thoroughly enjoyed everyone who stopped by for lunch and to visit.
We are grateful for the community support afforded to us. You all had a hand in keeping the flags flying and the flowers blooming.
A heartfelt thanks to all and we look forward to seeing you next year.
To the person who drives the blue [vehicle] all over town: your loud, obnoxious, obtrusive driving is a distraction and nuisance to numerous people. I recently saw a fleet of [vehicles] and they were quiet, so the noise level is something within your control. I think it would behoove you to find another, more productive way to spend your time; it’s curious how you are able to drive around aimlessly all night and all weekend.
St. Agnes, St. Rose, St. Paul of the Cross saintagnespaulrose.org • 226-2100
Saturday: 4pm at St. Agnes in Avon
Sunday: 8am at St. Rose in Lima
Sunday: 9:45am at St. Paul of the Cross in Honeoye Falls
Sunday: 11:30am at St. Agnes in Avon
Family Friendly, Traditional, Missouri Synod Sun. Worship, (In Person) 10:00am
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Worship Services Sun. 10am. Select Sunday services are on our website at www.jcpconthehill.org. Live services are available via Zoom most Sundays. We are a small church with a big heart. We hope you will come and join us.
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Inside and out, life can be loud. Retreat from the hustle and bustle of the world by making your home, or specific rooms within it, a calm, relaxingsanctuary.
There’s a room in every house that could benefit from greater sound control, whether it’s a home theater, music room, studio, home office, children’s play room, bathroom, mechanical, or laundry room.Insulatingproperlywillallow you to really enjoy your home that much more and achieve a higher level of comfort.
Experts suggest selecting a dense insulation with a non-directional fiber structure to combat airborne noise such as music, speech and foot traffic. This insulation material creates an excellent sound barrier that effectively absorbs noise and reduces the transfer of sound waves from one room to another. Its resistance to fire is an added benefit that also adds passive fire protection to your home, a type of fire precaution that is part of the core of the building and will help controlfirebylimitingitsspread.
Certain sound dampening measures, such as carpeting, might also help alleviate echo and reverberation, as will acoustic panels that prevent sound reflections throughout a room. With basic DIY skills, you can simply and affordably construct your own acoustic panels using a stone wool rigid board which is effective at reducing the intensity andpropagationofnoise.
1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Please leave message 585-323-1762
SONY TAPE RECORDER, Reel-to-Reel. Model TC-200. 585-344-0689
WURLITZER SPINET PIANO and BENCH. Good condition. You move. Canandaigua. Text 585-690-9916
Ethan Allen harvest style DROP LEAF TABLE with four matching CHAIRS. 585-538-2224
PICTURE FRAMES, assorted sizes. Approx. three dozen. Wood, plastic, and metal. Must take all. You pick up, Victor. 585-742-3687
WEATHERTECH FLOOR MATS for 2017 Buick Envision, also used in 2020 Chevy Equinox. Text only. 585-415-3825
ELECTRIC HOSPITAL BED w/LIFT. Macedon. 585-236-7091
Two older WEIGHT BENCHES, 2 bars, dumbbell bars, tricep bar, and over 300 pounds of weights. 585-243-5412
7.5 ft artificial CHRISTMAS TREE with stand. Good condition. You pick up. Livonia. 585-346-2215
17 USED washable INCONTINENCE BED PADS 31”x34”. nadlhoc1@gmail.com
50+ CINDER BLOCKS. Whole - some used. You haul. Clarkson. Jim 585-352-9395 jeschneima@aol.com
GRASS BAG for Honda mower. 585-645-9835 texts preferred ProForm 740CS folding TREADMILL. Wayland. 585-728-5738
Collection of 78 RPM RECORDS from early 1950s, all in original jackets. Some top artists & famous hits. You take all. Very good condition. Victor. 585-742-3687
Garden Gate gardening & design MAGAZINES, volumes 35-121 (Oct 2000 - 2015). 585-289-4357
Four 5’ x 7’ BARN RUGS. Avon. 585-503-7083
3 SCREEN DOORS, 32’ X 80’, one vinyl, two wood. With handles, hinges, and spring closer. Text only please. 585-278-5100
5TH WHEEL TRAILER. Good for hunting cabin. Must pick up. Corfu. 585-604-0006
Large PLASTIC DOG KENNEL and RED BRICKS. You haul / pick up. 585-764-3525
COMPUTER PARTS, lots of memory sticks, motherboard, (2) 10” tablets for parts. Must take all. 585-748-1179
HEAVY DUTY TRIPOD. 607-936-3137
WALL INSULATION in good condition. michelle@thechildrensagenda.org
OLD DIRT BIKES. Call or text 315-576-1278
PEDAL EXERCISER. 585-698-5937
LADDER FOR BUNK BEDS. Text 585-750-2834
DOG FOOD, CAT LITTER & TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Queen size BED FRAME (RAILS). Not looking for head/foot boards. Salubrious48@yahoo.com
Old, colorful PYREX GLASS-BOWLS, butter-dishes, casserole-dishes and more from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s & 1970s. Call or text 315576-1278
Wood floor BUFFER, CROQUET SET, COAT TREE, aluminum LADDER. 585-507-8788
CAR or TRUCK, RIDING LAWNMOWER, SNOWBLOWER in good working condition. 585-471-4424 or 585-531-4004 COBALT BLUE WINE BOTTLES for garden bottle tree. sunny14586.jw@gmail.com
3-5 CONCRETE PAVERS for under raised garden. 2 ft. by 3 or 4 ft. We will remove. Please text. 585-416-3530
RECLINER in good, clean condition. No pets. For senior. marge_behl@yahoo.com
RELIABLE CAR for medical apts and job. Graciously needed. Brockport to city several times a week. 585-287-0624
DOG FOOD, CAT FOOD, CAT LITTER, and TIMOTHY HAY. holdfort@rochester.rr.com
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Therapy DogTraining
Somesuperheroeshavefur!Come andlearnhowyourdogcanbecomeacertifiedTherapyDogand thewonderfulplacesthatwillwelcomeyourjoyfulvisits.OnWednesday,October16that7:00PMin thelibrarymeetingroom,you’ll meetRickHartt&Ally,certified throughBrightandBeautifulTherapyDogsInc.,andKellyPruden& ReesefromRocDog,aRochesterbasedtherapydoggroup.Plus, you’llmeetErinNelsonofE-DOT LLCinRush,anAKC-certified trainerwhooffersclassesforAKC CanineGoodCitizens.Ampletime willbeprovidedforanswering questionsandpettingthepups. Pleaseregisterinadvanceat Rushlibrary.orgorcall533-1370
PatrickPlace-DuelingPianosAnnual Gala: ToBenefitPatrick Place-AComfortCareHomein Scottsville.Friday,November1st, 6pm,9:30pmatJack’sPlaceat ChiliCountryClub,760Scottsville ChiliRd,Scottsville.Appetizers, CashBarandSilentAuction.50/50 raffle.Purchasetickets:https://pay. patrickplace.org/ 2024DuelingPianos.TheWNYHi OctaneDuelingPiano.Showincorporatestheaudienceinarequest drivenhighpoweredpresentation ofmusic,comedyandfractured songs,alldesignedtocreatean eveningofsingalong,thumpthe tables.
TheAddisonofWillowPond presents ANAFTERNOONOF SONG,DANCE&COMEDYfeaturingtheaward-winningTRAVELING CABARETBroadway,movie&pop musicalrevue.Sunday,October27, 3:00PMat40WillowPondWayoffRte.441.FREE*HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE.INFORMATION: 585-388-7663.
AutumnArtisanMarketatTinker NaturePark! Joinusforthe AutumnArtisanMarketatTinker NaturePark!Discoveracelebration oflocaltalentamidstthebeautyof autumnonOctober12thfrom 10amto3pm.Enjoyadayfilled withcreativity,community,andthe splendoroffallfoliage.Don’tmiss outmarkyourcalendarsandbring yourfriends!Foodtrucks:Rob’s KebobsandCoffeeConnection. Widevarietyofvendors!
Rush Public Library
5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370 www.libraryweb.org/rush
Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday CLOSED
Henrietta Public Library
625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 • www.hpl.org Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
AreYouHavingTrouble Controlling theWayYouEat? AreyouOverweight?Underweight?Obsessedwithfood weightordieting?Youarenot alone.Today,thereisasolution.FA FoodAddictsinRecovery Anonymous.Comehearaboutit! It’sfree!Meetings:EverySaturday at8:30am,St.Peter’sEpiscopal Church,3825E.HenriettaRd., Henrietta.Contact:LaurieL. 585-760-9753.
AllYouCanEatBreakfastBuffet - October20, 9-11:30,RushHenriettaAmericanLegionPost,260 MiddleRd.,Henrietta.Youget regularorwesternstylescrambled eggs,bacon,sausage,ham,potato gems,pancakes,Frenchtoast,sausagegravy&biscuits,freshfruit salad,orangejuiceandcoffeefor just$13!Childrenundertheageof 8eatfree.
FridayDriveThroughFishFryEnjoy a12to16ouncebattered haddockfilet,Frenchfries,ourspecialin-housemadecoleslaw,tartar sauceandalemonwedgefor $13.00!October18from46:30pmattheRushHenrietta AmericanLegionPost,260Middle Road,Henrietta.https://www. alpost1151.org/
Helps reduce inflammation: Honey is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, honey can help treat diabetes, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and other diseases traced back to widespread inflammation, according to Greek researcher Natalia Vallianou of the Evangelismos Hospital in Athens.
RoundTableonNursingHome Problems andSolutions -Elder JusticeCommitteeofMetroJustice invitesnursinghomeresidents, families,carestaff,advocates,and electedofficialstodiscussconcerns thataffecthealth,safety,physical andemotionalwell-beingofthose receivingcareinnursinghomes andwhatcan/shouldbedoneto resolveproblems.Yourexperience andperspectivewillbewelcomed andappreciated.October17, 2:00-3:30PM,PittsfordLibrary,24 StateStreet14534ejcevent@ elderjusticecommittee.org (585)397-3537
PetAdoptionNetworkOpen House - Ourmissionasanonprofit andno-killorganizationistorescue homelesscatsandkittens,obtain veterinarycareforthem.Allcats andkittensinourprogramlivein fosterhomesuntilthey’rereadyfor adoption.Alladoptablefostercats andkittenshavebeenspayed/ neutered,combotested,andwill haveageappropriatevaccines.Currentlyouradoptioncenterisopen Sunday’sonly-Noonto4:00pmat 4261CulverRoad,Rochester.Can’t gettoourcenterduringopen hours?Call585-338-9175and leaveamessage.Wewillarrange appointmentstobringadopters andkittiestogether.Price:Kittens $200;Cats$150;Seniors$100.
Happy50thAnniversaryGenesee ValleyWoodcarvers! Come CarveWithUs-Thecluboffers carvingopportunities,classes, guestspeakers,anannualshow andcompetition,andsocial connections.Allcarversarewelcome-beginnersthruaccomplished.MemberscomefromMonroe,Ontario,Livingston,and Steubencounties.Theclubmeets at6:30pmonthesecondMonday ofthemonthatthe40&8Club, 933UniversityAve,Rochester. Moreinformation:www. gvwoodcarvers.com.Comeasa guest;comebackasamember! Weaver’sGuildofRochester Holiday Sale2024- TheWeavers’ GuildofRochester(WGR)invites youtoattendourAnnualHoliday SaleatthehistoricPerkins Mansion/AAUW,494EastAvenue, Rochester.Areafiberartistspresent one-of-a-kindcreationsforsale. Scarves,Blankets,Hats,Mittens, Rugs,Towels,Clothingandmore willbeavailable.Allitemsarehandmadebythefiberartistsofthe WGR.HolidaySaleTimes:Saturday, November2,2024from11am6pm Sunday,November3,2024from 11am-3pm.Admissionisfree.Parkinginthebackofthebuilding,and inthePrinceStreetLot.Finduson: WGRWebsite:https://www. weaversguildofrochester.org. Facebook:Weavers’GuildofRochester.Instagram:#weaversguildofrochester.
AfricanChildren’sChoir40th Anniversary Tour- TheAfrican Children’sChoiriscomposedof Africanchildren,aged8to11years old.TheChoirisaprogramofa largerinternationalorganization calledMusicforLife,whichprovidesthousandsofimpoverished childrenthroughoutAfricawiththe education,discipleshipandleadershipskillsneededtoriseabovetheir conditionssotheycanbringpositive,lastingchangetotheirfamilies,communitiesandcountries. HeldOctober25,6-8:3pm,Trinity ReformedChurch,909LandingRd. North,Rochester.http://facebook. com/TrinityReformedRochester TheGatesHistoricalSociety’s October Program- TheOctober GatesHistoricalSocietyprogram willbeheldonMonday,October 21at7:00pmintheGatesTown HallAnnex.JaneGrant,Author, willbepresentingaprogramabout barnsandhowsomehave disappeared,whileothersremain. Comeenjoysomecuriousbarnrelatedanecdotes,learnabouta fewlocalfarmingfamiliesandbe inspiredtoagreaterappreciation fortheremainingbarns.Thisprogramisfreeandhandicapped accessible.
Residents, Family, Friends, Care Staff, Advocates and Legislators are invited to share concerns and possible solutions
Thursday, October 17, 2024 • 2:00-3:30pm
Pittsford Library – Fisher Meeting Room 24 State St. (Rt. 31) • Pittsford, NY 14534 Presented By ELDER JUSTICE COMMITTEE of
ejcevent@elderjusticecommittee.org (585) 397-3537
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
HalloweenTrolleyExpress! The New YorkMuseumof Transportationonceagainwilldelightfamilieswiththeirunique “HalloweenTrolleyExpress”,SundayOctober20.Ridesscheduledat 11:15,12:05,12:55,1:45,2:35 and3:25.Reservationsarerequired:www.nymtmuseum.org/ halloween/.$17adults,$13ages 2-14.Thetrolleytravelstothe PumpkinPatchwherechildren decorateababypumpkintotake home,andeveryonewillenjoydeliciousapplecideranddonuts.Back atthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfortrick-or-treatinginthefull sizetrolleycarsandthesteamlocomotive.Gamesandlivemusical entertainmenttoo!6393EastRiver Road.(585)533-1113
Just as a painter needs light in order to put the finishing touches to his picture, so I need an inner light, which I feel I never have enough of in the autumn.
~Leo Tolstoy, to Nikolay Strakhov
LionsClubofScottsvilleSenior Fall Feast- TheLionsClubof ScottsvillepresentstheSeniorFall FeastonTuesday,October22, 2024at11:00a.m.atJack’sPlace, 760ScottsvilleChiliRoad,witha buffetlunchservedatnoon.Costis $8.00perpersonwitha50/50and prizes.RSVPbyOctober15toJoyce Oberlinat585-889-1303.
Women’sClubofWebsterFall Luncheon Card/GameParty fundraiser,Tues.,Nov.5th,at Glendoveers,2328OldBrowncroft Rd.,Rochester,14625,10:00am3:30pm.Donation:$40.00/perperson.10:00amcoffee/beverages andpastries.12:30pm:luncheon buffet.Door-prizes/Raffles/Games! Netproceedstobenefitlocal charitiesincludingWebsterComfortCare.Guestsencouragedto bringgames.Reservations:check payableto“WCW”byWed.,Oct. 30.Mailto:DianeMiller,428SenecaParkAve.,Rochester,NY 14617.Statename,phonenumber,emailaddressandnamesof otherplayers,ifany.Information? DianeMiller,585-230-6042.
CraftSale: Saturday, October26, 2024,from9:00AMto3:00PM. TobeheldinsidetheWestHenriettaFireDepartment,774Erie StationRoad,WestHenrietta.Parkingbehindthefirehouse.(Weare nexttotheWestHenriettaBaptist Church).
GeneseeValleyHenrietta Moose Lodge2290andChapter 1998 -HOLIDAYARTS&CRAFTS SHOW:Saturday,November23, 10am-4pmattheGeneseeValley HenriettaMooseLodge,5375West HenriettaRd.,WestHenrietta. HandmadeCrafts,Towels,Jewelry, Candles,Candy,Blankets,Bibs, WoodItems,QuiltedItems,Baked GoodsandMuchMore!Something foreveryoneplusaBasketRaffle! SoupandSandwichlunchavailable. CallSueforinformation 585-259-3020,onbeingavendor.
WestHenriettaBaptistChurch Garage Sale- 5660WHenrietta Rd,WHenrietta.SaturdayOctober 26,2024,10am-3pm.GarageSale andCraft&VendorSale.2Great Eventstogether!!And,visitthe HenriettaFireDepartmentnext doorfortheirCraftSale.That’s3 GreatEventstogether!!!!
WestHenriettaBaptistChurch Craft &VendorSale- 5660W HenriettaRd.,W.Henrietta.SaturdayOctober26,2024,10am3pm.Craft&VendorSaleand GarageSale.2GreatEventstogether!!And,visittheHenrietta FireDepartmentnextdoorfortheir CraftSale.That’s3GreatEvents together!!!!
Ask someone you trust. The ABA® notes that seeking recommendations from friends, relatives or business associates can be a great way to find a reliable lawyer. Individuals you know who live nearby may offer advice on who to hire or even lawyers to avoid based on their own experiences, so don’t hesitate to ask around. However, the ABA® points out that no two legal cases are the same, so a lawyer who was right for a loved one’s case may not necessarily be perfect for you.
The Avon Chamber of Commerce has named Livingston County Board Chair and Avon Town Supervisor David LeFeber as its 2024 Citizen of the Year.
e chamber presented LeFeber with the award during its 37th Annual Citizen of the Year Dinner on Oct. 5, 2024 at e Avon Inn. e award acknowledges and celebrates individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service and dedication to the Avon community. LeFeber was nominated by his nephew, Collin Hayes, who cited the lifelong Avon resident’s dedication to public service in his recommendation to chamber members.
“I was inspired to nominate him because he should be celebrated for his years of service to the community, although he is happy to perform this public service knowing that it o en goes without recognition,” explained Hayes. “Not many people understand the work that goes into farming and the efforts he has invested in making our small family farm an efficient and productive operation.
e fact that he is able to give back to the community on top of that, and has for so many years, is truly admirable.
As his nephew, I’m grateful to have him as a role model, and as an Avonite, I’m grateful to have him as a leader in our community.”
LeFeber was first elected as Avon’s town supervisor in 2002 and has served as chair of the Livingston County Board of Supervisors since 2018. He owns and operates LeFeber Farms, a third generation dairy farm comprising 1,400 acres in southern Avon.
“It’s a great honor to be recognized like this and I’m very thankful to the Avon Chamber of Commerce,” said LeFeber. “I feel like this award belongs to everyone I work alongside. Everything I News from Livingston County, N.Y. does is truly a collaborative effort of friends and neighbors helping each other to achieve positive change for our community. e great people of Avon and Livingston County have helped me out in so many ways throughout my career and I wouldn’t be where I am without their incredible support.”
LeFeber is also a member of the Avon Rotary and generously supports numerous community causes.
Stay up-to-date with the latest news, events and more by following Livingston County on X, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.
About Livingston County: Founded in 1821, Livingston County, N.Y., is home to more than 61,000 residents in 17 towns located across 631 square miles of the Finger Lakes region.
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at www.gvpennysaver.com or email hometown@gvpennysaver.com!
Full range of cemetery memorials & services. Many granite stones, colors, shapes & engraving options on display. Friendly, caring & here to help!
Proprietors: David & Kathy Cooper (585) 261-0012 5650 County Rd. #41, Farmington, NY 14425 Tues.-Sat. 10-5 or by appointment.
An aspect of estate planning concerns funeral arrangements. Many people prefer to make their own funeral and burial plans so that these heart-wrenching decisions do not fall on the shoulders of grieving family members. Funeral planning may include choosing a burial plot, selecting a casket, indicating cremation, and paying for everything in advance so there is no financial burden on surviving family members.
Paying the HIGHEST RATE in the area
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Work-relatedstressisasignificant issue for many professionals. But working in tandem with their employers can help professionals effectively cope with that stress.
Hours and pay vary by position.
NYS Pension and benefit eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4hfl.org
According to Gallup’s 2021 Economy and Personal Finance survey,the average individual in the United States is retiring earlier than many people might expect. Gallup found that the average retirement age was 62, which is two years earlier than the working respondents indicated they planned to retire. Canadians are retiring a little bit later than their American counterparts, as Statistics Canada reports the average retirement age in Canada is just over 63 and a half. The average retirement age is worth noting, as studies routinely find that many working professionals greatest concern about retiring is that they won’t have enough money saved to meet their needs. By recognizing that they may end up retiring earlier than they initially planned, professionals can make a concerted effort to save more money in the years ahead.
Schedules can help professionals in much the same way that grocery lists help consumers at the grocery store. When visiting a grocery store without a shopping list, shoppers are bound to forget items, necessitating follow-up visits to the store, and waste time wondering what they need. Without schedules in an office environment, workers may allow time to idle away because there are no deadlines motivating them to complete projects.
For a busy independent repair facility in the Geneseo area.
• 2+ years experience in the automotive field working with domestic, import & light trucks
• Must have clean NYS driver’s license
• Tow endorsement a plus
• NYS Inspector’s license
• Good work habits
• Good basic automotive skillshave your own tools, including air tools
• Experience in computerized engine controls, with scanners and driveablility problems and in the use of diagnostic equipment, alignments, etc. are a plus for the job.
Pay and benefits are based on experience. Stop in for full job description, to get an application or to drop off a resume.
TRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags with handlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... Placing anObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia? Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
12thANNUALFALLCONSIGNMENT AUCTION: SaturdayNovember9th,9am.OrleansProduceAuction,12590RidgeRoad,AlbionNY 14411Receivingconsignments November6,7,and8(10am-5pm) Consignmentswanted:lumber, buildingmaterials,farmequipment, lawnandgardenequipment,power tools,hay,straw,firewood,smallanimalsandpoultry.Lotsofgoodfood available!Chickenbbqandbaked goods.Terms:cashandapproved check.10%buyerspremium.AuctioneeringbyCalebNicodemus. 585-322-6331.Fruitandvegetable boxesinstock.Halfpeckheavyduty peckboxes.Tomatoboxes.Half bushelandbushelboxes.
EXPERTPIANOTUNING & REPAIR.Since1980.MusicianExtraordinaire,CharlesM.Freida, 585-426-2334.
OVER25,0000 LP’s, cassettes,CDs, Country,Jazz,Rockandhundredsof guitars.Lowestprices. BUZZOMUSIC 106MainSt.,Geneseo. Call585-243-2480.
FUSEDGLASSCLASSES in Lima andOntario.Startingat$65,no experienceneeded.Tolearnmore visit:https://laura-leigh-creations. square.site/
JUNKCARS,TRUCKS, andVans Wanted!Highercashpaidformost. Alwaysfreepickup.Wearethe ONLYsmalllocalcompanythat paysHonestandFairestforover30 years.585-305-5865.
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TWOCHRISTMASTREES: A) Pre-lit6’xmastree.Perfectforapt. $50.B)NewPre-lit7’withlighting options.$75.Henrietta, 585-350-4036.
HANDMADECOFFEETABLE (small), floorlamps, chinaware,smallantiquesewingtablewithdrawers,electric floorpolisher,miscellaneous items.CallMark 585-448-9105
I’MLOOKINGFOR A WOMAN whowantstotravel.Mustlikepeople, wanttoseesomethings.Nobaggage please.Mustbeingoodhealth.Will needdriverlicense.Helpwithsomeof thecost.Adventuretypepersonwho wantstoseesomeoftheUnitedStates ofAmerica.Racedoesn’tmattertome ornationality.Lookingforpersonfull ofadventureandlife.Blackmale, older,retired.POBoxnumberis 30091,Rochester.
FRENCHBULLDOGPUPPIES: Available. 12Weeksold.VetChecked andreadytogo.Forinformation, pleasecallortext585-200-9644
AKCGOLDENRETRIEVER Puppies bornJuly10th,readynow.Crate trained,1stvaccines,dewormed,vet checked,microchipped.Text/Call (585)213-0254
FRENCHIEPUPPIES:AKC Registered, 1stshotsanddewormed,ParentsonpremisesSeriousinquiriesonly CallorText585-969-8026or 903-280-8600
DANSVILLE:112Franklin St. House ForSale.OPENHOUSESaturday10/20and10/27(1pm-4pm)3 Bedroom,1bathroom2cargarage, newerroof,furnace.$125,000orbest offer.585-919-9771.
* There have been more than 300 different Kit Kat flavors in Japan, including soy sauce, “European cheese” and wasabi. Some of them are limited or regional editions. Because the
bar’s name coincidentally sounds like the Japanese expression “Kitto Katsu,” which translates to “You will surely win,” it is a
Quality Service.
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MARALELECTRICLLC: Commercial/ Residential. Licensed/Insured.25yrsexperience.FORALLYOURELECTRICALNEEDS!AllMajorCredit CardsAccepted. 585-490-3607.
TRICODOORCOMPANY for garagedoorsandopeners.Parts,Service, Salesandinstallations.Commercial, Residential,Automatic.FREEESTIMATES.585-924-3210.Insured.
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Residential JunkRemoval Cleanout... Estates,Hoarders,MoveOuts Attics,Basements,Garages,Barns Demo...Garages,Pools, Sheds,Barns BBBMember Mike,585-975-9019, 585-482-8366.
40 Years Experience 16Colors,Facia&Sofitrepair& replacement, GutterScreensinstalled NoJobTooSmall. FullyInsured. A.J.Fritz,585-506-5904
GENESEEVALLEYTREE & BRUSH REMOVAL:WeSpecializeinthesmall jobsthebigguysdon’twanttodo!We offerStumpGrinding.Callforan estimate.585-261-3285
JUNKCLEANOUTSERVICES: Rates startingat$49. CleanoutofAttics,Cellars, Houses,Barns,etc! Removalgarages,fences,etc. Also,Tree/BrushRemoval FastResponseTime SAMEDAYSERVICE! MasterCardorVisaaccepted. FALLCOUPONSPECIAL JDJunk&CleanoutService, 585-719-8004
SAVAGEMASONRYCHIMNEY REPAIRS: Rebuilds,ChimneyCaps,Cleanings,Crowns, Relining.Basementwalls,small roofleaks.Insured!RobertSavage 585-703-2526
AGINGROOF?NEWHOMEOWNER? Got StormDamage?You needalocalexpertproviderthat proudlystandsbehindtheirwork. Fast,freeestimate.Financing available.Call1-888-878-9091.
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SEWINGMACHINEREPAIR, all makes. 50plusyearsexperience.Call Chuck24/7:585-813-6854.Rapid turnaround,allworkdoneinstoreby Bailey’sSewingCenter.134Main Street,Leicester.StoreHours:11-4.
Interior Painting House-DeckPressureWashing RoofingShedsGutterCleaning T-11Replaced MailBox-PostReplaced Lenny, 585-857-6326
ANTIQUESWANTED: Coins. Furniture, Toys,Crocks,OilPaintings, Oil/FarmSigns,PedalTractors.Howard,FOXFARMANTIQUES, 585-226-6160,585-747-0193.
US Coins,Currency,Collections HIGHESTPRICESPAID PrivateCollector Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909
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YODERBRO’sHORSE Logging, wants standingtimber,specializingin BlackWalnut,loggingisdonewith horsesforlessdamagetoyourproperty,(585)567-8325callfrom6:006:30pmMon-Fri.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
Candy corn was originally produced in the 1880s as a candy called Chicken Feed, with its ‘cousin’ the mallocreme pumpkins coming along around 1950. According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 35 million pounds of candy corn are produced each year. Which do you prefer?
- Candy Corn
- Mellowcreme Pumpkins
- Neither Poll ends 10-15-2024
Poll ended 10-08-2024
With collective bargaining conflicts rising again, this time with talk of strikes and walkouts of dockworkers at dozens of US ports potentially on the horizon, do you think we will face supply chain issues again this year?
72.2% Yes
27.8% No
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
Just after the death of the flowers, And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season, When nature is all aglow— Aglow with a mystical spendour That rivals the brightness of spring,
Aglow with a beauty more tender Than aught which fair summer could bring....
~Emeline B. Smith, “Indian Summer”
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. MOVIES: Where was “The Lord of the Rings” filmed?
2. TELEVISION: What is the setting for the animated series “South Park”?
3. SCIENCE: What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust?
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president proclaimed June 14 to be Flag Day?
5. MATH: Which letter is contained in every odd number when it is spelled out?
6. GEOGRAPHY: Both the Equator and the Tropic of Capricorn pass through which country?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of porcupines called?
8. MUSIC: Which British singer/ songwriter helped create many songs on “The Lion King” soundtrack?
9. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who wrote the line about fall, “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers”?
10. LITERATURE: Which children’s book features a fictional world where it is always winter but never Christmas?