Rush-Henrietta- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 10-4-24

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215 Summit St., Batavia, NY 14020

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Holiday Season Already?

Brought to you by the Genesee Valley Penny Saver’s printing division

Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.

1. MOVIES: Which animated film was the first to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Picture?

2. SCIENCE: What is a common name for the Aurora Borealis?

3. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the third U.S. president?

4. GEOGRAPHY: Where are the Maldives (islands) located?

5. MUSIC: Who was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

6. TELEVISION: What is Dorothy’s job on “The Golden Girls”?

7. MATH: Which number doesn’t have a Roman numeral equivalent?

8. LITERATURE: In the Harry Potter series of novels, what was Lord Voldemort’s name before he changed it?

9. ANIMAL KINGDOM: Which dog breed doesn’t “bark”?

10. FAMOUS QUOTES: Who wrote the poetic line about fall, “Nature’s first green is gold”?


If you own a small business, keep business cards, flyers or a sign advertising another small business in the area to show mutual support.

“Beauty and the Beast.”
2. Northern Lights.
3. Thomas Jefferson.
4. Indian Ocean.
5. Aretha Franklin.
6. Substitute teacher.
7. Zero.
8. Tom Marvolo Riddle.
9. Basenji.
10. Robert Frost, “Nothing Gold Can Stay.”




Thank you for paying it forward!

Balloons Blow

A big THANK YOU to the woman behind my husband and I in line last Saturday for the big craft event. We traveled quite far to attend and were told there was no admission fee and had not brought cash with us. Turns out there was a cash only admission fee and we were told we could enter the grounds to access an ATM and come back and pay. But before we could do so the woman behind us quietly and generously paid for both my husband and my admission as well as for her friend! We thanked her there but it really meant a lot to be given this kindness and wanted to thank her again. Hope she reads this!

I cringe watching another balloon release in memory of a family’s loved one on the news almost every week. Yes, losing a loved one is tragic but balloons don’t just disappear in the heavens, out of sight and out of mind. They come back down to earth, polluting land and water, killing wildlife and causing power outages. Don’t be ignorant; please use other environmentally safe alternatives: blow bubbles, release flowers or petals in water, plant a tree or native flowers, use pinwheels or other stationary decorations. City or Town laws should be put in place to prevent balloon releases.


Team Dominos

On 9/27, I went to a local pizza place with my grand-nephew. Upon entering, the busy staff exclaimed welcoming greetings. Due to time constraints, I had to exit without placing an order! Upon exiting, the team again exclaimed kind farewells. I actually was astounded and wanted to go back in again just to tell them how heartwarming their hospitality impressed me. It restored my faith that “customer care” is still thriving at this local shop. Love the pizza and the offers!!

I can’t understand why people can be proud of being a billionaire or why people admire them. It only proves how selfish they are. If you are a person who really cares about others, you can always find a charity that does good for the deserving, such as charities that help save the lives of children or organizations that find water so people can grow their own food and bathe. There are so many charities that do really good work and help make this planet a better place for all of us to live. You don’t usually accumulate even several million dollars if you truly do your best to share. I grew up in a family that didn’t have much money because my siblings were not the healthiest, but my parents always gave to others who were in need. The world would be a better place if people cared about others and less about accumulating a lot of things they really don’t need.

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PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390


President ...........................Steve Harrison

General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone

Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson

Sales Department ............................Colleen Mann

Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan

Members of:

Gold Standard Publication National Award Winning Paper

Rush- Henrietta

Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25775, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.


Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340

Tree Tamers

Trimming • Take Down Brush Chipper Cabling Stump Grinding Reasonable Rates

Free Estimates • Insured Office - 538-2745

Cell - 585-259-5117

Online POLL

With collective bargaining conflicts rising again, this time with talk of strikes and walkouts of dockworkers at dozens of US ports potentially on the horizon, do you think we will face supply chain issues again this year?

- Yes - No

Poll ends 10-08-2024

Poll ended 10-01-2024

The autumnal equinox marks the first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere. What is your take on fall?

50.0% It’s my favorite season. Bring on all things fall.

38.9% It’s too short, sandwiched between summer’s heat and winter’s bitter cold

11.1% I’m indifferent.

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!


* Barking Sands Beach in Hawaii is famous for the “woofing” sound the dunes make when built-up sand slides.

Rush Public Library

5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370

Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm

Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm

Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm

Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm


Henrietta Public Library

625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 •

Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…


Euchre Club

Joineuchreenthusiast,Cheryl,for somefunandfriendlyEuchregames! Euchreknowledgeisnecessary,asthis isnotaclassforbeginners.Theclub willmeettwiceamonthon WednesdaysOctober9th&23rdat 6:30PM.Pleaseregisterforeachdate youplantoattend.


WhetheryouarenewtoMedicare, continuingtoworkafterage65,or consideringretirement,comelearn aboutyourMedicareoptionsand whatisrightforyou!Thisisabasic overviewofMedicarePartsA,B,C& DpresentedbyRenePettenski,DirectorofLifespan’sHealthInsuranceInformation,Counseling,&Assistance Program(HIICAP)whichprovides free&confidentialassistancewith healthcarequestionsandMedicare coveragechoices.

Pleaseregisterforthisprogramthat willtakeplaceinthelibraryon Wednesday,October9that6:30PM. Registerforeventsathttps://www. (585)533-1370


FridayDriveThroughFishFryEnjoy a12to16ouncebattered haddockfilet,Frenchfries,ourspecialin-housemadecoleslaw,tartar sauceandalemonwedgefor $13.00!September20from46:30pmattheRushHenrietta AmericanLegionPost,260Middle Road,Henrietta.https://www.

ElksLodgeChickenBBQ - BBQ 1/2chicken,saltpotatoes,baked beans,roll&butter.Curbsideservice-driveupandwe’lltakeyour order!October6,12-4pmortill soldout.RochesterElksLodge#24, 3525E.HenriettaRd.,Henrietta. Proceedsbenefitourcharitable activitiesinthecommunity!


DriveThruChickenBBQ to benefitScoutsBSATroop410.Saturday, October5th,11-3pmatHarryAllen Park,HoneoyeFalls.Featuring Chiavetta’sBarbeque!$15eachincludes 1⁄2 chicken,2sidesandroll. Reserveyourticketstoensureyour mealbyemailing orcalling585-497-1295.Thank youforyoursupport!


* Facebook’s theme color is blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colorblind.

AWA Communication Technologies Museum Two Hundred Years of Innovations

Hours are: Tuesdays 10am-3pm and Saturdays 1-5pm

6925 State Route 5, Bloomfield, New York 14469 585-257-5119 •


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


RoundTableonNursingHome Problems andSolutions -Elder JusticeCommitteeofMetroJustice invitesnursinghomeresidents, families,carestaff,advocates,and electedofficialstodiscussconcerns thataffecthealth,safety,physical andemotionalwell-beingofthose receivingcareinnursinghomes andwhatcan/shouldbedoneto resolveproblems.Yourexperience andperspectivewillbewelcomed andappreciated.October17, 2:00-3:30PM,PittsfordLibrary,24 StateStreet14534ejcevent@ (585)397-3537


Happy50thAnniversaryGenesee ValleyWoodcarvers! Come CarveWithUs-Thecluboffers carvingopportunities,classes, guestspeakers,anannualshow andcompetition,andsocial connections.Allcarversarewelcome-beginnersthruaccomplished.MemberscomefromMonroe,Ontario,Livingston,and Steubencounties.Theclubmeets at6:30pmonthesecondMonday ofthemonthatthe40&8Club, 933UniversityAve,Rochester. Moreinformation:www. guest;comebackasamember!

In autumn, don’t go to jewelers to see gold; go to the parks! ~Mehmet Murat ildan

FallDriveThruPulledPorkBBQ Saturday, October5th-4:30until gone.AtonementLutheran Church,1900WestfallRoad, Brighton.Dinnerincludespulled pork,corn,coleslaw,roll&butter andcookiefor$15.00.Theeventis firstcome,firstserved.Proceeds willgotosupportHabitatfor Humanity.


TrackingFallFoliagebyTrolley Car - Agreatwayforfamiliesto enjoythecolorsofanupstateautumnisfromthewindowsofa vintageelectrictrolleycaratthe NewYorkMuseumof TransportationinRush.RidesoperateSundaysonly,October6,13, and27andareincludedfreewith admissiontothemuseum.The20minuteridesdepartat11:30, 12:30,1:30,2:30and3:30.The museumisopen11am-4pm.No reservationsneeded.TheNYMTis locatedat6393EastRiverRoad, Rush.Familyfriendlyadmissionfor theentireexperienceisjust$10 adults,$9seniorsover65,and$6 youthsage3through12. (585)533-1113www.

HalloweenTrolleyExpress! The New YorkMuseumof Transportationonceagainwilldelightfamilieswiththeirunique “HalloweenTrolleyExpress”,SundayOctober20.Ridesscheduledat 11:15,12:05,12:55,1:45,2:35 halloween/.$17adults,$13ages 2-14.Thetrolleytravelstothe PumpkinPatchwherechildren decorateababypumpkintotake home,andeveryonewillenjoydeliciousapplecideranddonuts.Back atthemuseum,toteswillbeprovidedfortrick-or-treatinginthefull sizetrolleycarsandthesteamlocomotive.Gamesandlivemusical entertainmenttoo!6393EastRiver Road.(585)533-1113


WheatlandSeniorCitizensClub will havetheirmonthlymeetingon TuesdayOctober8at12:00noon attheSeniorCenterintheTown HallonMainSt.inScottsville.Bring yourownlunch.Coffeeandteais available.Formoreinfoortojoin theclubpleasecontactDarrylCady at585-889-4330.


FallBloodDrive - TheRedCrossis sponsoringaBloodDonorDriveon Thursday,October10th,from 1:00-6:00p.m.attheWebsterVolunteerFiremen’sBuilding,172SanfordSt.,Webster.Thebuildingis locatedonSanfordStreet,justoutsideoftheVillageofWebsterand adjacenttotheWebsterFiremen’s Field.Blooddonorswillberewardedwithsupremely scrumptioushomemadecookies donatedbytheWomen’sClubof Webstertoenjoywiththeirjuice. Appointmentsnotrequired.Donors shouldfeelfreetojustdropin.For informationortoschedulean appointment,callKatieHout, AmericanRedCross, 585-353-9964.

Women’sClubofWebster Meeting -Thursday,October17: AmyStringer,ownerofWebster’s NorthBeeshopandexpertonall thingsbee-related,willsharetheir numerouslittle-knownbenefitsat theWCW’sOctobermeetingat Nucci’sItalianRestaurant,807 RidgeRd.,Webster14580.Social: 11:15;meeting:12:00noon;lunch: 12:30followedbyMs.Stringer’s presentation.Buffetfeatures ChickenParm,Vegetables,Oven RoastedPotatoes,Pennewith sauce,salad,andacannoli.Cost: $21.NewmembersWELCOME! SendcheckmadeouttoWCWby October10thtoCarolynRittenhouse,405CountyLineRoad,Ontario,14519.Questions(?)phone Carolynat585-265-1303.


GeneseeValleyHenrietta Moose Lodge2290andChapter 1998 -HOLIDAYARTS&CRAFTS SHOW:Saturday,November23, 10am-4pmattheGeneseeValley HenriettaMooseLodge,5375West HenriettaRd.,WestHenrietta. HandmadeCrafts,Towels,Jewelry, Candles,Candy,Blankets,Bibs, WoodItems,QuiltedItems,Baked GoodsandMuchMore!Something foreveryoneplusaBasketRaffle! SoupandSandwichlunchavailable. CallSueforinformation 585-259-3020,onbeingavendor.


Though office work might not be the first profession individuals think of in relation to elevating one’s cancer risk, sitting at a desk for most of the day can increase a person’s risk for cancer. According to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, sitting for most of the day without engaging in physical activity puts individuals at increased risk for cancer. How much extra risk does that entail? Though no two individuals are the same, studies have equated sitting for eight hours a day without any physical activity to the risk posed by obesity and smoking. The DFCI notes that sitting over long periods of time has been known to cause increased blood pressure, high cholesterol and excess body fat around the waist, each of which have been identified as factors that increase a person’s risk for cancer.


Hotels: Men and women over 50 may have extra time on their hands once their kids go off to college and then begin careers and families of their own. Many such adults use that extra free time to travel, which requires staying in hotels. Many hotels offer discounted rates to travelers over the age of 50.



DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My dog “Austin” was recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. He’s responding very well to treatment with antibiotics. Still, I’m wracking my brain as to how he was exposed. I check him for ticks every time we go out hiking, and I’ve never found one. I avoid trails in the deep woods during the summer months, when there’s a lot of brush and ticks are out. What can I do to protect him from another tick bite? -- Zack in Asheville, North Carolina

DEAR ZACK: I’m glad to hear Austin is on the mend! Lyme disease in dogs can be very debilitating.

e most important tool in the tick-fighting arsenal is prevention. Use a flea and tick preventive treatment -- like a topical ointment or a chewable medication -- to arm your dog in advance of going outside. Oral treatments o en have the added advantage of heartworm medication to prevent this dangerous transmitted disease in dogs from fleas and mosquitoes.

Avoiding the deep woods in summer is one way to reduce the chance of acquiring a tick (or three, or four), but ticks can lurk right in your yard and around the neighborhood. Keep the lawn mowed and brush trimmed back, and remove any debris piles around your property. Vacuum carpets weekly and sweep and mop the floors regularly.

Check Austin every day for ticks, even on days that you don’t go out hiking. It’s not unheard of to miss a tick in a dog’s fur, before it’s latched on to the skin -- and you have a 48-hour window to locate and remove an attached tick before Lyme exposure occurs.

Finally, talk to the vet about whether a Lyme vaccine would be a good choice for your dog.

Send your tips, comments or questions to


Participate in LGBTQ+ events. Public participation in events like Spirit Day, which is a day to support LGBTQ+ youth in their fight against bullying, is a great way for business owners to declare their support and respect for the local LGBTQ+ community.Pitch in with donations generated through sales or additional fundraising efforts and promote events via social media. Events such as Spirit Day are great ways to raise awareness and promote understanding, and they also provide ideal opportunities for business owners and their staffs to publicly express their support for the local LGBTQ+ community.


Mouth-Watering Stuffed Mushrooms

Prep Time: 45 min

Servings: 6

12 whole fresh mushrooms, washed

1 T. vegetable oil

1 T. garlic, minced

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1/4 c. grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 t. ground black pepper

1/4 t. onion powder

1/4 t. ground cayenne pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Carefully break off mushroom stems and chop until extremely fine. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add mushroom stems and garlic and fry until no moisture remains, taking care not to burn garlic. Set aside to cool.

Combine cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, black pepper, onion powder and cayenne pepper. Stuff each mushroom cap with cheese mixture and arrange on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, or until mushrooms are piping hot and liquid starts to form under caps.


8 servings • Preparation time: 15 minutes • Cooking time: 30 minutes

2 American Lamb racks, frenched

2 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoons coarse grain mustard

2 cloves minced garlic

3/4 cup fresh bread crumbs

3/4 cup toasted and chopped pecans

4 tablespoons chopped fresh rosemary, divided

4 ounces semi-soft goat cheese, crumbled

1 cup balsamic vinegar

Rub lamb with oil and salt. Place in a roasting pan, fat side down. Roast at 425 degrees F for 8 minutes; turn and roast an additional 8 minutes. Remove from oven.

Combine mustard, garlic, bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of the rosemary and cheese. Spread over lamb. Return to oven; cook 15 minutes, until crust is golden brown. Remove from oven; cover with foil to keep warm. In saucepan, combine vinegar and remaining 2 tablespoons of rosemary; simmer for 6 to 8 minutes or until reduced to half.

Slice lamb into individual chops; drizzle sauce over chops. Serve with roasted butternut squash.


Now Hiring Pizza Makers

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4164 West Henrietta Rd.

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Make sure the windshield is clean. Water marks, dead insects, cracks, and road grime can make it even harder to see out of the windshield when the sun is blazing. Clean windshields regularly, and don’t wait until you’re head-on into the sun to engage the windshield washer spray. Doing so may only further compromise visibility.

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* Use a turkey baster to "squirt" pancake batter into your frying pan. Mix the batter as normal and unscrew the top of the baster to load. You can use it to make letters for fun kids' breakfasts. No drips!

* If you have trouble opening the lid on glass jars, try using a pair of standard dishwashing gloves. ey work to grip both the lid and the jar. ey work especially well if your hands are the least bit moist.

- D.Y. in Pennsylvania

Hocus Focus

Four 5’ x 7’ BARN RUGS. Avon. 585-503-7083


3 SCREEN DOORS, 32’ X 80’, one vinyl, two wood. With handles, hinges, and spring closer. Text only please. 585-278-5100

5TH WHEEL TRAILER. Good for hunting cabin. Must pick up. Corfu. 585-604-0006

Large PLASTIC DOG KENNEL and RED BRICKS. You haul / pick up. 585-764-3525

21” Toro CORDLESS ELECTRIC MOWER, charger, extra blade, adapter plug and collection bag. You pick up. 585-705-6354

COMPUTER PARTS, lots of memory sticks, motherboard, (2) 10” tablets for parts. Must take all. 585-748-1179

MASON / BALL CANNING JARS - (11) quart jars, (9) two cup jars, no rings, or lids. Must take all. 585-748-1179

Black VariDesk Pro Plus 36” STANDING DESKTOP CONVERTER with dual monitor arms. Heavy. East Bloomfield. Texts only, please. 315-753-2193

FLOOR CLOCK, 6’ tall. Needs repair. Text only. 585- 730-0869


Two one-gallon cans of natural color. Unopened. Rush area.

Heavy duty OUTDOOR ELECTRIC WHEELCHAIR for a handicapped person. Needs batteries. You pick up. 585-223-2612 or 315-9869405

CAR BIKE RACK - holds two bikes. Needs trailer hitch. Good condition. 585-455-6116

Perfectly preserved ROBIN’S NEST with two eggs for science class or nature study. Text 585-813-2671

Large bag of PINECONES for crafting. Please text. 585-314-1548

BOOKS IN GERMAN (mostly novels I think). 585-233-5625

FULL SIZE COUCH (99”) and LOVE SEAT (55”), good condition, no rips/tears. Beige/tan. W/pillows. You pick up in Rush. 585-533-1223 20 Green CHOIR ROBES with yellow stoles. 585-356-9941

UPRIGHT PIANO. Old heavy beast. Would be cool to gut and repurpose as desk, etc.

SWING SET in very good condition. Picture available upon request. You disassemble. 585-317-4821

OUTBACK BIKE RACK - Mounts in standard trailer 2” receiver. Holds two bikes. Good condition. Text please 585-746-1798

Two small PET STEPS for ailing pets to get up on bed/couch. TEXT PLEASE. 585-315-0563


COBALT BLUE WINE BOTTLES for garden bottle tree. sunny14586.

3-5 CONCRETE PAVERS for under raised garden. 2 ft. by 3 or 4 ft. We will remove. Please text. 585-416-3530

RECLINER in good, clean condition. No pets. For senior. marge_

Two older WEIGHT BENCHES, 2 bars, dumbbell bars, tricep bar, and over 300 pounds of weights. 585-243-5412

RELIABLE CAR for medical apts and job. Graciously needed. Brockport to city several times a week. 585-287-0624


Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS and POKÉMON CARDS.


Any SPORTS COLLECTIBLES, good pair of size 8/9 MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, Buffalo Bills WINTER HAT AND GLOVES, lightweight and foldable RASCAL SCOOTERS, COSTUME JEWELRY. Call 585-415-8513.

COMIC BOOKS. Will pick up, any & all, any amount & condition. Call or text 585-260-0437

Any beater CAR for travel to and from work. Only one vehicle in the household. Needed security for wife and children. 585-729-1259

ADULT NUTRITION/MEAL REPLACEMENT DRINKS. Brand unimportant. Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706

ELECTRIC LEAF BLOWER in good condition, CAR RAMPS and CROCHET SET. 585-507-8788

Looking for ‘70s/’80s/’90s Rock and Roll 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTES, and VINYL RECORDS.

XL DOG CRATE & DOG CARRIER. 585-507-8788

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111


Multiple Myeloma Patients Can Live Longer With Proper Treatment

3513 Thomas Dr., Suite 2


20 Finn Road, Suite C Accepting New Patients.



Sinuses are bony, hollow, air-filled cavities inside the face and skull. They are located in the low-center of the forehead, behind the eyes and in bones behind the nose. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center says the sinuses lighten the skull and produce a mucus that moisturizes the inside of the nose. Unfortunately, when colds or the flu strike, sinuses may become one of the first spots affected by these illnesses.

When the sinuses are working properly, mucus will drain into the nasal passages or out the back of the throat. Most of this drainage goes unnoticed. However, the American Sinus Institute says that factors such as allergies, illness, weather changes, dehydration, and dry air can make the sinus mucus thicker and drainage more difficult. This is when problems like infection, stuffiness or throat irritation may occur.

In order to combat sinus congestion and drainage concerns, people may try certain strategies that include flushing the sinuses and thinning the mucus. It is imperative to use safe flushing methods to keep the sinuses healthy.

Neti pots are among the more popular methods to flushing sinuses. These small teapot-like devices with elongated snouts have become a fixture in many medicine cabinets. Because they are drug-free alternatives, they can be handy for those worried about antihistamines making them drowsy or reacting with other drugs. Neti pots and other nasal irrigation systems use saline to moisten and clear out nasal passages to promote drainage of sinus cavities. However, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, using these devices improperly can increase one’s risk of infection. CBS News says that neti pots have even been linked to the deadly Naegleria fowleri, which is otherwise known as the “braineating” amoeba.

The key to preventing infection is to only use previously boiled, sterile or distilled water to irrigate. Tap water is not adequately filtered, says the FDA, and may contain low levels of organisms that can stay alive in nasal passages and potentially cause serious infections.

Those who are concerned about nasal irrigation safety may be wise to skip neti pots and use pre-packaged, sterile saline solutions that are bottled for the purpose of alleviating congestion. However, when prepared water is used in a clean neti pot or other device, these methods can be perfectly safe.

Sinuses can get clogged for many reasons. To free up breathing, people are urged to consult their physicians to learn more about how to safely irrigate their nasal passages.

DEAR DR. ROACH: Can someone have diffuse multiple myeloma with serious symptoms (like bone pain, pale skin, amber-colored urine, constipation, fatigue, insomnia, excessive sweating, and dizziness) and still be alive after four years? -- J.O.

ANSWER: Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer of the bone marrow. The cells in the bone marrow (called plasma cells) stop responding as they should and make large amounts of antibodies. Unfortunately, these antibodies don’t help you fight off infections; they consist of a single clone that usually doesn’t have any discernible activity. What myeloma does do is crowd out the rest of the cells in the bone marrow so that the person can’t make adequate red blood cells (causing pale skin and dizziness), blood-clotting cells (predisposing people to bleeding), and other immune system cells. This puts a person at a high risk for infection. The myeloma cells can get into the bone and cause bone pain. The high metabolic activity can also cause dizziness and sweating, and many cancers cause more nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, insomnia and constipation. Myeloma can also damage the kidney.

Although myeloma is generally considered incurable, new treatments have greatly improved the prognosis. In people with the standard type of myeloma, survival is eight years with the usual treatment. With a stem-cell transplant, survival with average-risk myeloma is over 12 years. Some highly aggressive forms of myeloma have a much worse survival rate.

I don’t have enough information to tell whether you have standard or high-risk myeloma. Your symptoms suggest that your disease isn’t under good control. But the majority of people treated with the best available treatments do live longer than four years.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved

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1817 | Harper Bros. was founded in NYC Palmer Putnam and John Wiley established one of America's first major publishing houses in what would later become the center of the publishing industry: New York City.

1439 | Printing press sparks a revolution Johannes Gutenberg began work on his printing press — the first with mechanical movable type. The ability to print anything quickly sparked the Printing Revolution, where knowledge and ideas spread around the world.

1. Start a new book One of the best ways to celebrate National Book Month is by opening a book you've never read before.

How to observe National Book Month: Find the book

2. Share an old book Take one of your favorites and share it with someone.

3. Post on social media #NationalBookMonth

Penny Saver



On the whole I take it that middle age is a happier period than youth. In the entire circle of the year there are no days so delightful as those of a fine October, when the trees are bare to the mild heavens, and the red leaves bestrew the road, and you can feel the breath of winter morning and evening—no days so calm, so tenderly solemn, and with such a reverent meekness in the air.

~Alexander Smith (1829–1867), “An Essay on an Old Subject”

Springside Meadow Apartments

is a 62+ or disabled of any age community.

125 Scottsville-W. Henrietta Rd. We have 54 one bedroom units with private entrances. Great amenities. Country setting. Income based. 585-359-3320

Shed Dealer - Quality buildings with lifetime warranties


Fair Housing Statement

All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

At Featured Media and Penny Lane Printing we bring your visions to life with cutting-edge digital printing technology. Whether you need vibrant marketing materials, stunning posters, or sharp, professional business cards, our state-of-the-art equipment ensures every detail is captured with exceptional clarity.

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PEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Rush Fire District in the Town of Rush, County of Monroe, State of New York, will hold a Board of Fire Commissioners Public Meeting to vote on the Budget for 2025 on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM at the Rush Fire District’s Building located at 1971 Rush Mendon Road, Rush New York. All meetings of the Board of Fire Commissioners are open to the public.

is notice is being publicized and posted in accordance with the provisions of Section 104 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York by order of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Rush Fire District.

Dated: Rush, New York, October 4, 2024

Catherine Stappenbeck, Secretary Rush Fire District

Magic Maze


Special Saturday Bingo

October 5th • 7:30PM

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Must be at least 18 years of age to play! Public Welcome!

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Level: Beginner



Keep a journal. A journal can help men and women log their screen time over the course of a few weeks. Jot down time spent watching TV, using a computer, using mobile devices, or playing video games. Some people may be surprised to learn just how much time they’re spending staring at screens, and that realization may be just what they need to make changes.

Athletes can pursue a host of potential hobbies or activities that will foster their love of sports. Men and women who still have a hop in their step can sign up to compete in adult sports leagues. Depending on the sport, leagues might be available to adults of various ages and skill levels, and some may even be more focused on fun than competition. For athletes who can no longer lace up their cleats, coaching youth sports or volunteering to coach at a nearby school provides a chance to stay involved even if competing is no longer possible.

Three Generations, Family


Restoring shine to flooring involves making sure the floor is clean. Dirt and grime can diminish the color and look of flooring. Homeowners are urged to use products designed for their particular flooring material, such as wood, laminate, stone, or vinyl. Products oftentimes are not interchangeable. Begin by thoroughly sweeping or vacuuming the floor. Clean along all surfaces of the floor, including under furniture where dust and dirt tends to accumulate. Use the hard-floor setting on a vacuum to avoid having the brush rolls scratch or damage the flooring. Laminate can scratch easily and hardwood flooring is not impervious to dings and scratches. Quite often a dry mop or a static-charged mopping cloth effectively picks up debris left behind on many flooring surfaces.

Although many commercial cleaners can clean flooring, homemade mopping solutions are sometimes just as effective. Keep in mind that wood, laminate and vinyl should not be soaked in water. A little liquid can go a long way on these surfaces. Water and other liquids can seep between laminate and wood boards, potentially contributing to swelling and damage over time. Also, resist the urge to use too much soap. Soap can leave behind a residue that dulls the finish of the floor. Vinegar-based solutions can work well on a wide variety of flooring types and help cut through any sticky residue left behind from cooking, cleaning and the activities of daily life. Many wood-flooring cleaners and polishes are oil-based to condition the wood in the process. Whenever making one’s own solution, test a small amount in an inconspicuous spot to make sure it will not damage the flooring.


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Plants need sunlight to thrive and grow, but some need less sunlight than others. People who find their landscapes are less supportive to sun-loving plants can choose from a variety of shade-tolerant plants, shrubs and trees.

Shade tolerance refers to a plant’s ability to withstand low levels of light. Certain plants have adapted this feature to survive in the wild. Plants that grow at the base of forest floors, for example, will get less sunlight than others outside of the tree canopy. Such adaptations enable a wide variety of foliage to grow even though they are not exposed to much sunlight. While sun-loving plants often have broad leaves and expend significant energy to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, shade-tolerant plants expend less energy and tend to be more efficient consumers of soil nutrients and sunlight.

Penn State Extension’s Plant and Pests division says the amount of shade a plant is growing under will directly affect the density of the foliage and the plant’s flowering and fruiting characteristics. Blending shade-tolerant plants into the landscape can be an effective use of space. Before choosing plants for an existing landscape, it’s important to assess the level of shade or sun the plants will receive.

Once homeowners understand which type of shade they are dealing with, they can then visit plant nurseries and select their plants. Most greenery comes with care instructions that include recommendations regarding the amount of shade/sunlight the plant will need to do well. If further assistance is needed, a knowledgeable employee can make suggestions based on landscape needs.

Shade-tolerant plants can make welcome additions to the landscape, offering greenery and color in the darker areas of a property.


One of the easiest and most effective defenses against heat loss is proper insulation. Prevent cold drafts from entering and the loss of heated air through basement headers, which, when left exposed, can make your furnace work harder. Look for a moisture-resistant product offering high thermal performance, such as Roxul Comfortbatt insulation. This type of mineral wool insulation makes installation simple. All that’s needed is a serrated blade or bread knife. Cut the batt to fit the cavity and press into place. The insulation will help improve energy efficiency as soon as it’s in place and provide savings over the lifetime of your home. Comfortbatt can also be used to top or replace old attic insulation. Aim for an R-50 or a depth of 16 inches.



Homeowners often choose to save money and learn valuable skills by doing their own home improvement projects. These minor or major renovations are made much more successful by having the right tools for the job. Investing in good tools can be smart, but those tools are only effective if they are accessible and in good repair. Homeowners who emphasize taking care of their tools can make DIY projects that much easier and more rewarding.


Serves 6

1 cake compressed yeast, 1 packet active dry yeast or 1 packet quick-rising yeast

A pinch of sugar

1 cup warm water

4 1/4 cups Italian “00” flour or cake flour

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

1 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 cup brown sugar, plus extra to sprinkle

Finely grated peel of 1 unwaxed lemon

3/4 cup walnuts, chopped

8 ounces black grapes, seeded (Sangiovese wine grapes, if possible)

2 cups heavy cream or mascarpone

3 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar

6 tablespoons Vin Santo

1 jelly roll pan, 9 x 13 inches, oiled

If you are using compressed yeast, mix it with the sugar in a medium bowl, then beat in the warm water. Leave for 10 minutes until frothy. For other yeasts, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Sift the flour into a large bowl and make a well in the center. Pour in the yeast mixture, egg yolks, olive oil, and salt. Mix until the dough comes together. Tip out onto a lightly floured work surface. Wash and dry your hands. Knead the dough for 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. It should be quite soft, but if it’s too soft to handle, add more flour. Place in an oiled bowl, cover with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel, and let rise until doubled in size - about 1 hour.

To make the walnut butter, cream the butter and sugar together, then stir in the lemon peel and walnuts. Keep at room temperature.

Uncover the dough, punch out the air, then shape into a ball. Roll or pull the dough into a rectangle to line the prepared jelly roll pan. Spread the walnut butter over the schiacciata crust, add the grapes, and sprinkle with brown sugar. Cover with plastic wrap or a damp kitchen towel and let rise for 1 hour until puffy and doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 400 F. Uncover the dough and bake for 15 minutes. Turn the oven down to 350 F and bake for 20 minutes more or until risen and golden. Let cool slightly before turning out.

To make the Vin Santo cream, beat the cream, confectioners’ sugar and Vin Santo together in a bowl until the mixture forms soft peaks. Cut the focaccia into wedges and serve with the Vin Santo cream.

Sarah’s Place

Entertainment Venue with Vintage Vibes

“Sarah’s Place is a unique location for that special event with the atmosphere of stepping back in time.”

is elegant two-story home has the capacity to entertain 12 guests with five bedrooms, 4 bathrooms and two kitchens. e lower level consists of a gaming room with multiple TVs, pool table, multiple gaming tables with an addition prepping area for food. Catering and beverage services can be provided.

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Puzzle Answers This Week

The Erie Canal and Henrietta: A Waterway That Transformed Autumn Harvests

The completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 was a transformative event for New York State, connecting the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and revolutionizing commerce in our region. For towns like Henrietta, the canal was not just a feat of engineering but a vital connection to larger markets, particularly during the autumn harvest season. e impact of the Erie Canal on Henrietta’s agricultural practices and economy is a story of growth, opportunity, and the profound influence of a waterway that opened new horizons for local farmers.

Before the canal’s construction, Henrietta’s farmers faced significant challenges in reaching markets beyond their immediate area. Transportation was slow and costly, limiting the ability of local farmers to sell their produce elsewhere. e Erie Canal changed this dynamic, providing a direct, efficient route to major urban centers such as New York City. During autumn harvest season, farmers could transport their goods quickly and at a lower cost by canal, ensuring products arrived at markets in peak condition.

e canal’s accessibility encouraged Henrietta’s farmers to diversify their crops and increase production. Grains like wheat, barley, and oats, which were well-suited for bulk transport, became more prominent. e ability to reach distant markets also motivated farmers to improve produce quality, knowing they could command higher prices for superior goods. Apples, a key crop in the Henrietta area, benefited particularly from canal transportation. During the fall, vast quantities of apples were harvested, carefully packed in barrels, and shipped via canal boats to new markets, enhancing the profitability of local apple growers.

e process of preparing goods for canal transport became an integral part of the autumn season in Henrietta. Harvesting was only the beginning; farmers also had to process and package their crops to ensure they were market-ready. Grains needed to be threshed, winnowed, and bagged, while apples required careful packing to prevent bruising during transport. is preparation was o en a communal effort, with local farmers working together to maximize the efficiency and quality of their shipments.

e canal’s influence extended beyond the fields, stimulating the development of processing industries in Henrietta. Gristmills that ground grain into flour and cider mills that pressed apples into juice became more common, particularly near the canal where access to

both raw materials and shipping routes was easiest. e rise of these industries boosted the local economy, creating jobs and adding value to the crops grown in the area.

Autumn in Henrietta became a season of bustling activity, with the Erie Canal at the heart of the town’s agricultural commerce. Canal boats in Rochester were loaded with produce from Henrietta, ready to embark on the journey to distant markets. is seasonal surge in trade benefited more than just farmers; so did local businesses that supplied goods and services to those involved in the canal trade. Merchants, blacksmiths, and general stores experienced increased business during the fall as farmers prepared for the harvest and subsequent transport of their goods. Additionally, the canal brought an influx of seasonal workers to Henrietta, many of whom stayed temporarily to assist with the harvest and shipment, creating a vibrant, if short-lived, economic boost each autumn.

Although the rise of railroads eventually diminished the Erie Canal’s dominance as a transportation route, its impact on Henrietta’s agricultural history remains significant. e canal not only opened new markets to Henrietta’s farmers but also fostered a sense of connectedness with the broader economy of New York State and beyond. Today, the legacy of the Erie Canal in Henrietta is still felt, particularly in the town’s agricultural traditions. Fall farmers’ markets, apple festivals, and other seasonal events continue to celebrate the harvest’s bounty, much as they did when the canal first brought new opportunities to the region. While the Erie Canal may no longer serve as the vital commercial artery it once was, its role in shaping the history and economy of Henrietta endures.

Sources: e Erie Canal: Exploring New York’s Great Canals by omas X. Grasso; Henrietta: e First 200 Years by Jean West; History of Monroe County, New York by W.H. McIntosh; e Erie Canal and the Growth of New York State Agriculture by Peter L. Bernstein

Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email!

Tug pulling barges - from the Albert R Stone Negative Collection, Rochester Museum & Science Center
Erie Canal Rochester Aqueduct in 1878 - Erie


Placer, Operator and Maintenance roles



Pay range for maintenance roles:


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Church Secretary

John Calvin Presbyterian Church 50 Ward Hill Road • Henrietta, NY 14467

We are looking for someone who has the ability to manage an office, secretarial skills, comfort with computer use and can interact well with people.

For more information, please contact Janet Marventano, Chair of Personnel

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