15 minute read
Vunte s
• Hospeace House In Naples: Serving Naples and surrounding communities in a two bedroom comfort care home. Donate to e Wild ower Challenge to defray operation costs and volunteer for resident care, cleaning, cooking and shopping. Visit Hospeacehouse.org or call 585-374-2090
• House of John: e House of John is a 2-bedroom Comfort Care Home located in Cli on Springs. We provide end-of-life care to those unable to be cared for at home at no cost to the resident. We are looking for caring, reliable people willing to share 4-8 hrs. a month to assist with resident care. No caregiving experience required. All training is provided free of charge. If interested, please call or email the House at 315-462-5646 or house@houseo ohn.org
• Perinton Ambulance: Seeking volunteers for general o ce/administrative work as well as building & grounds. Hours and tasks vary based on ability and availability. Email volunteer@pvac.org
• Catholic Charities of Bu alo: e Home Visitation Program needs Friendly Home Visitors, age 21+ to volunteer one hour each week through in person visits or calls to a 60+ older adult in Genesee County who is living independently and has expressed feelings of loneliness. You can be the bright spot in their week by providing a smile and laughter that brings increased socialization and a feeling of community connection. Call Lisa Wittmeyer at 716-341-6751 to learn more about volunteering with us.
• Light Hill, of Canandaigua Comfort Care Home Inc.: A two-bed end of life care home. We are always seeking volunteers for hands-on care, home & garden maintenance, light housekeeping and/or fundraising support! Contact us today or ll out an application on our website at lighthillhome. org. We would be so honored to add YOU to our extended family! Email us at mk@lighthillhome.org or call 585-393-1311.
• Charlotte House Comfort Care: Resident care help needed. We would love to bring new volunteers into our family. It is a rewarding experience and a great way to spend time with friends or make new friends. Email charlottehouseinc.@gmail.com
• Webster Comfort Care Home: We use volunteers to handle every aspect of resident care. We are a two person home for the terminally ill and we rely on community volunteers to o er round the clock care to our residents. We are also looking for volunteers with graphic skills, writing skills and strong social media skills. Email VolunteerCoord@ webstercomfortcare.org
• Genesee County 4-H Program, 4-H Teen Club Leader: Coordinate monthly meetings and projects for youth age 13-18. Call 585-343-3040 or email genesee4h@cornell.edu
• Serenity House of Victor: A two-bed comfort care home serving residents with end-of-life care. Serenity House needs volunteers to share their time & talent through providing resident care, building & grounds maintenance, or fundraising support. Come join our team! Share your most valuable gi – yourself ! Please contact the Director at serenityhousevictor@gmail.com or call 585-729-7617.
• PAX - Program of Academic Exchange: Seeking host families for the 2022-2023 academic year (or “welcome families” for 6-8 weeks). Share YOUR America with an exchange student. Contact me with questions at emilypelkowski@gmail.com or 315-576-2326.
• Geneseo Groveland Emergency Food Pantry: Needs your help! Email ggefoodpantry@gmail.com
• Wood Library: Shelving books and other materials, ful lling hold requests, special library events, straightening shelves. Call 585-394-1381 or email stoomey@pls-net.org
Charitable Organizations and Nonprofits can submit requests at gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us.’ Published online and in print of the last week of the month as space permits. See more volunteer opportunities at gvpennysaver.com.
OTC MELAGENINA PLUS LOTION, 235 mL, unopened. Expiration April 2025. Can send photos of the bottle if interested: rsmckernan@frontiernet.net
SUBARU VERTICAL SHAFT ENGINE, did run, needs pull start replaced: 585-737-0491
BOXES and PACKING MATERIALS: donna.lievense@gmail.com
WOMEN’S DIAPERS, size large. Still in bags: 585-236-0426
Clean QUEEN SIZE MATTRESS, 2” thick. Perfect for camper: 585-755-1948
FELLED 4-5’ SECTIONS ASH WOOD; take as much as you want. Easy access; wood on edges of lawn: 585-281-1717
LG TV, 55” Smart TV. Won a new one in a raffle. Must be picked up: joedriscoll45@gmail.com
El Dorado model 8½ TRUCK CAMPER. Propane stove/oven, fridge, heater, light. For parts or scrap. Must take entire camper: 585-438-4118
CASTRO CONVERTIBLE COUCH and SLIPCOVER - cushions ripped, but mattress perfect: grleah1@juno.com
ICE FISHING SLED: jpt423@yahoo.com
FIREWOOD. Large cotton wood tree; felled, trunk and large branches broken down. Easy access. You pick up, Ionia: 585-657-4894
Two IGLOO DOG HOUSES, one small and one large. You pick up: 585-507-8788
You move: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
SINGER SEWING MACHINE, model 8280, with directions. Excellent condition. Fairport: 585-223-9014
WURLITZER PIANO - great condition; only one sticky key. Located on the second floor. Text: 585-755-9697
YOUNG CHANG PIANO. You pick up, Honeoye Falls: 585-944-5825
RESMED S8 ELITE II CPAP - Case, Heater/Humidifier, 2 Tanks, Cord, Manual, Hose, but CPAP part probably no good. West Henrietta: cmonroj1@rochester.rr.com
VHS BLANK TAPES. I have several and never been opened. Corfu area: sbly5722@gmail.com
AVANA COMFORT MATTRESS ELEVATOR (king size). Pick up, Webster: 585-872-6756
PATTERNS for an 18” doll: 585-624-5144
PREVAIL OVERNIGHT UNDERWEAR, small, bladder control and a box of ALCOHOL
PREP PADS. Pick up Batavia: 716-474-0292 leave message
OLD WOODEN HIGHCHAIR, blonde wood. Good condition. Pittsford/Mendon area: 585-414-0845
SLEEPER SOFA, any size. Please, not if it smells like smoke or cat urine. Will pick up! Thanks! 585-443-9338
VINTAGE ELECTRONICS - Tubes, tube testers, vintage stereo equipment, radios, microphones, motors, speakers, meters, turntables, communication gear, Advertising, Ham, Test Equipment: 585-538-9341
ROSARIES (old and new) to add to my 300+ collection: 585-293-2199
COMICS AND SPORTS/COLLECTIBLE CARDS, any condition, will pick up. I enjoy everything. Thank You! God Bless. Text: 585-260-0437
KEYBOARD in working condition for a 90s Dell computer for a disabled person to work with: 585-346-7022
CLEAN STORAGE BOXES, like copier paper boxes, with lids for moving. Stored indoors. Will pick up: 585-497-2327
HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61, new or expired okay. Thank you: 585-519-3325
OLD ELECTRONICS, will refurbish and pass on to others in need, or recyclecomputers, stereos, printers, etc.: terrybeckley1@gmail.com
Senior Navy Veteran needs any running VEHICLE that has passed inspection for himself and animal rescue: 585-531-4004
Rock music - 8 TRACK TAPES, CASSETTE TAPES, and VINYL RECORDS for my own personal collection. Thanks in advance: gzintel@yahoo.com
BOX TRAILER: 585-323-1762 (leave message)
COOPERSTOWN DREAMS PARK TRADING PINS and carrying case for granddaughter who will be in this summer’s tournament: 585-334-6134
AIR COMPRESSOR - 10+ gallons: mhoskins@pvac.org
INVERSION TABLE, for senior with bad back: stujaxon@yahoo.com
TRAILER WHEEL & TIRE, ST175-80D13 13” wheel, 5 lugs: 585-993-1917
BUILT/UNBUILT MODELS OR KITS. Parts and pieces ok. Longtime collector seeks projects/restorations/customs. Auto, Truck, Plane, Military, etc. Call 585-314-6989, thanks
DIRT BIKES, ATVs, GO-KARTS wanted that are running or not running for father-son project. Thank you in advance! 315-576-1278
Looking for a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Thank you and feel free to call or text me: 315-576-1278
Looking for GARAGE SIGNS, OIL CANS, or other decorative automotive memorabilia from the 1970s and earlier. Thank you! 315-576-1278
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Rush Public Library
5977 East Henrietta Rd. Rush 585-533-1370 www.libraryweb.org/rush
Monday 1:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday 11:00am - 8:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Thursday 11:00am - 8:00pm Friday 1:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday 10:00am - 2:00pm
Henrietta Public Library
625 Calkins Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 359-7092 • www.hpl.org
Mon.-Thurs. 9am-9pm Fri. 9am-5pm; Sat. 10am-5pm
Henrietta Public Library currently provides curbside pickup and in-building services. Hours are subject to change. Please call (585) 359-7092 for hours before visiting.
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
The RushLibraryMovieMatinee:This month’smatineeisNightattheMuseum(ratedPG)showingat11:30 AMonThursday,March2.BenStiller leadsanall-starcastincludingRobin Williams,DickVanDyke,andMickey Rooneyinthishilariousfantasycomedyaboutanightwatchmanhiredat theMuseumofNaturalHistory.He soondiscoversthatanancientcurse bringsalltheexhibitstolifeafterthe sunsets.Pleaseregisterinadvance andwe’llhavetherefreshments ready!
WatercolorandMixedMedia6x6: JoinSusanMiccichéonWednesday, March8from6:00-8:30PMinthe WilliamUdiciousPavilion.Participantswillcreatetwo6x6artworks usingpenandwatercolor.Onewillbe awhimsicalwildlifemotif,theothera non-representational,colorfuloriginal design.Noexperienceneeded;simply showupwithyourloveofcolorand senseofadventure.$15coversall materials.Forages13+
I prefer winter and Fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show.
~ Andrew Wyeth
Tween Makers:Thursdays,March2& 16|4:15PM|fortweens|registrationrequired
WorldWildlifeDay:Friday,March3| 2PM|forkids|registrationrequired BiscuitVisitstheLibrary:Saturday, March4|11AMor1:45PM|for kids|registrationrequired SweetBitesPoetry:Tuesday,March7 |12PM|virtual|foradults| registrationrequired HealthCareNavigatorSession:Tuesday,March7|4:30-7PM|foradults| registrationrequired
SiamsaEveningofIrishEntertainment:Wednesday,March8|7PM| foradults|registrationrequired
IrishDance:Sunday,March12|2PM |forallages|registrationrequired
February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J.R. Stockton
TheGreatBataviaTrainShowMarch 26,9:30am-3:30pm,RichardCCallArenaGCC,OneCollege Dr.,Batavia.Allformsofmodel railroadandtrain-relatedmerchandisewillbeavailable.Itemsoffered includeallscalesofmodeltrains, historicrailroaditems,books, DVD’sandtoys.Freeparking. Snackbar.$6adults,$3under18, freeforchildrenunder13.http:// gsme.org
TheAntoinetteBrownBlackwell Woman oftheYearAward is giveninmemoryofthefirstordainedwomanministerinthe UnitedStates.Antoinettewasborn in1825andraisedinHenrietta,NY. Anywomanwhoispresentlya residentofHenrietta,hasdemonstratedleadership,andhasmade asignificantcontributiontoher community,maybenominatedfor thisaward.IfyouknowofaHenriettawomanwhoisdeservingof nomination,pleasesubmither nameontheWomanoftheYear NominationformontheTownof Henriettawebsite:henrietta.org.Or contactJoanneWales-Smith,Chair atsunny14586.jw@gmail.com. SubmitnominationsbyMarch10, 2023.
BenefitConcertforHonorFlight Rochester - VictorCommunity ChorusandFingerLakesChoralein conjunctionwithJohnCalvinPresbyterianChurchpresentafundraisingconcertofinspiringmusicto benefitHonorFlightRochester. Sunday,March5that2:00pm, JohnCalvinPresbyterianChurch, 50WardHillRd,Henrietta.FREE Admission.Representativesfrom HonorFlightRochesterwillbepresenttoprovideinformation.Official HonorFlightmerchandiseavailable forpurchase.DONATIONS ACCEPTED.AlldonationsgodirectlytoHonorFlightRochester. www.honorflightrochester.org, www.jcpconthehill.org
Paint&Sip-MissJulie’sSchool of BeautyFundraiser: Webelieve thepastshouldn’tkeepyoufroma beautifulfuture.Helpusopenour school.JoinGuestArtistShawnee Hill.Ticketpurchaseincludesall suppliesandinstructionforabeautifulpaintingbyyou,plustwodrink ticketsandsweettreats.March12, 2-5pm,FairportBrewingCompany &Meadery,1044UniversityAve., Rochester.Tickets:$55/person.We hopetoseeyouthere!MissJulie’s SchoolofBeautyisastartup,nonprofitcosmetologyschoolinRochester,seekingtoprovidevocational trainingtothoseatriskandsurvivorsofhumantrafficking.www. missjuliesschoolofbeauty.org
Honeoye Falls
TheHoneoyeFalls/Townof Mendon HistoricalSociety will presentaprogramfeaturingJack Kowiak.Entitled:“AllAboutSt. Patrick’sDay”onThursday,March 2,2023,7:30pm.Thiswillbea virtualmeetingviaZoom.Toobtain theZoomapp:https://zoom.us/ join.ToobtaintheZoomaccess codes,gototheHistoricalSociety’s websitehfmhistorical.orgon March1st.Questions?Call 624-5655..
Take-outSpaghettiDinner at the UnitedMethodistChurchof Livonia,21SummerSt,Livoniaon Wednesday,March8,4:30-6:00PM (oruntilsoldout).Spaghetti,sauce, meatballs,undressedsalad,and garlicbread.Donationsaccepted.
According to KidsHealth.org, more than one-third of child injuries and deaths happen at home. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that most incidents at home occur where there is water, such as in the bathroom or kitchen; heat or flame, like in the kitchen or around the grill; toxic substances, like those found in medicine cabinets or beneath kitchen sinks; and in places where kids can fall, such as on staircases.
AttentionAllSingers!! The Canaltown ChoralewillbeginrehearsalsTuesday,March7,6:40PM withregistrationforthenewseason.RehearsalsheldTuesday evenings7-9PMintheUnited ChurchofMarion,3848N.Main St.,Marion(rightsidedoorentrance).Auditionsnotrequiredbut somechoralexperienceishelpful. Allarewelcome!Anyoneinterested injoiningthisSATBchoraleisinvitedtoattendtheMarchrehearsals.Registrationfeeof$10is requiredperconcertseasonasis proofofCOVIDvaccines.AllCDC guidelineswillbefollowed.Information:BarbVanDelinder 315-597-9558,GeneralManager orDottieGraudons,membership chair,315-331-5961orgotothe CanaltownChoralepageon Facebook.
WCW:Music,Foodand Friendship - TheWomen’sClubof Webster’sMarchGeneralMeeting andLuncheonfeaturesStevePetrovichwithhisguitarandclassic songs.Thiseventwilltakeplaceon Thursday,March16thatthePenfieldCountryClub,1784Jackson Rd.Penfield.Social:11:15a.m., Meeting:12:00noon.Lunch:12:30 p.m.followedbySteve’smusic. Luncheonbuffetofassortedwraps, tossedsalad,fruitsaladanda cookie.Cost:$23.WomeninWebsterandsurroundingareasareinvitedtoattend.Sendcheckmade outtoWCWbyMarch9thto CarolynRittenhouse,405County LineRoad,Ontario,14519.Questions?585-265-1303.
VarietyShowandBakeSaleFundraiser tosupporttheWomen’s MinistryatCongregationShema Yisrael.Greatmusicaltalentand raffleprizesallnightlong.Saturday,February25,7pm-10pmatthe CongregationShemaYisrael,250 EdgewoodAve.,Rochester.Cost: $5perperson,$10perfamily. http://www.ShemaYisrael.org
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
HearingLossAssociationof America Rochesterchapter: HEARTOGETHER-SpeechlanguagepathologistKristinBergholtz CCC/SLPconductsavirtualsupport groupforparentsandcaregiversof Deaf/hardofhearingchildren.Registeratkristinbslp@gmail.com.VIRTUAL-HeldTuesday,February28, 8pm-9pm.http://www. hearinglossrochester.org
RochesterRhapsody,NowAuditioning! Rochester Rhapsodywelcomessingersofallages,backgroundsandculturestoaspecial openrehearsalnighttolearnmore aboutauditioningforthechorus.If youareasingerenthusiasticabout performinginthegreaterRochestercommunity,improving yourvocalskills,andhavingFUN, comeseewhatwedo!Rochester Rhapsodyisopentoindividuals whoidentifyasfemale,aswellas peopleassignedfemaleatbirth whonowidentifyasnonbinaryand arecomfortablebelonginginour communityofwomen.February 27,7pm-9pm,TempleBethEl,139 WintonRdS,Rochester.RSVP appreciated-https://forms.gle/ fb7PsKKQj7kQcApY8
Questions?Sue(585)259-3094or emailinfo@rochesterrhapsody.com
KnightsofColumbusFishFry at St MarianneCopeParish(Guardian AngelsChurch),2061EHenrietta Rd.,RochesteronFridays,February 24-March24,5pm-6:30pm.Itis takeoutoreatin.Dinnerincludes Haddockfish,saltpotatoes,coleslaw,drinkandaroll.Comeenjoya nightwithKnightsofColumbus,it istheirfundraisertohelpCoatsfor Kids,AngelCareandmanyother supportgroups.
Can-DoDancingSWINGfrom Scratch! SWING fromScratch, taughttotheBluesmusicyoulove! Afun&easywaytogetstarted Swingdancing-withour“CanDo”approach,you’llbeoutonthe dancefloorinnotime!
Wednesdays,March1-15,7pm8:30pm,TwelveCornersPresbyterianChurch,1200S.WintonRd., Rochester.$50/person,series. https://estherbrillpartnerdance. com/
GPASPopsforPetsConcert: The Greece PerformingArtsSociety (GPAS)willpresenttheirPopsfor PetsConcertonSunday,March12, 2023,at2PMat75StutsonStreet, Rochester.Raisingawarenessfor GRASP(GreeceResidentsAssisting StrayPets),thisSundayMatinee willfeatureEmceeMichaelDeLuca andperformersfromtheGreece CommunityOrchestra,Greece ConcertBand,GreeceChoralSociety,and75StutsonStreet.Tickets are$10generaladmission,$5for students.Asuggesteddonationof catanddogfoodwillbegratefully acceptedattheevent.Foradditionalinformationandtopurchase tickets,pleasevisitwww. greeceperformingarts.org.
Bluey’sBigPlay: This isBluey’sBig Play,ForRealLife.Bluey’sBigPlayis abrand-newtheatricaladaptation oftheEmmy award-winningchildren’stelevisionseries,withan originalstorybyBlueycreatorJoe Brumm,andnewmusicbyBluey composer,JoffBush.JointheHeelersintheirfirstlivetheatreshow madejustforyou,featuringbrilliantlycreatedpuppets,thisisBluey asyou’veneverseenitbefore, broughttoreallife.Bluey’sBigPlay ispresentedbyBBCStudiosand AndrewKayinassociationwith WindmillTheatreCo.blueylive. com.March10-11,RBTL’sAuditoriumTheatre,885EastMainSt., Rochester.https://rbtl.org/events/ bluey/
Open House- Large(40x60’HO trainlayoutdepictingtheLehigh Valleyrailroadofthe1950’sfrom BuffalothruPennsylvaniatoJersey City.Membershaveusedphotos, actualplansandon-sitevisitsand picturestorecreatemanyofthe actualscenes,buildingsandbridges alongtherailroadwhichtheclub callstheSenecaValleyLines.Held March4,10-5pmandMarch5, 1-5pm.Theeventisnot handicappedaccessibleasthelayoutisinthebasementoftheFirst UniversalistChurch,150South Ave.,Rochester.Masksareoptional.$5,Kidsunder12free. http://www.rocMRRC.com
RTOSMarchTheatreOrganConcert: The RochesterTheaterOrgan Societypresents“EverythingNewis OldAgain!”Sunday,March5th, 2:30PMattheAuditoriumTheatre. RonRhodereturnsforhis14th appearanceontheRTOS-Grierson Wurlitzer4/23theatrepipeorgan! AdmissionforNON-members$15 perperson.Children12andunder, andstudentswithschoolIDare alwaysFREEwithadult.Thedoors openat1:30PM.SeatingisGeneral Admission,notReserved.TheRTOS annualmembershipfeeofonly$75 includesFREEadmissionforyou andaguesttoeightconcertseach year.VisittheRTOSwebsite rtosonline.orgorstopbytheMembershipTable.
TheRushHistoricalSociety invites youtoaplanningworkshop onSunday,February26,from2:00 PMto3:00PMintheRushTown Pavilion.*noRSVPrequired*.Light refreshments,freeparking, handicapaccessible.You’llmeet membersoftheRHSandtheRush townhistorian,andhelpgenerate programmingideasforRHSforthe next2years.ThiscanincludeRushcenteredtopics,Rushfamilyhistories,guestspeakers,fundraising ideas/activities:Getcreativewith yoursuggestions!You’llalsolearn aboutourNewYorkStateCultural ArtsGrantsubmissionforthepurposeofrenovatingthe1911House forusebytheRHS.
WheatlandHistoricalAssoc. Hosts “TheRoaringTwenties”Popularauthorandspeaker,Don Shilling,willpresent“TheRoaring Twenties”theeveningofMarch16 from7to9pm.attheSageMarloweHouseinScottsville,69 MainSt.TheWHAishonoredtobe hostingMr.Shillingagainashis previousprogramwaswellreceived.TheSage-MarloweHouse museumwillbeopenandrefreshmentswillfollowtheprogram. Formoreinformationcontact whascottsville@gmail.com
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
* On Feb. 24, 1786, Wilhelm Karl Grimm, the younger of the two Brothers Grimm, is born in Germany. The Grimm collection of folk and fairy tales includes “Hansel and Gretel” and “Little Red Riding Hood.”
South Bristol- HikeandExplore thetrailsofOntarioCountyParkin
SouthBristolonSunday,February 26from2-4PMwithSpringwater Trails.Foradditionalinformation/ directions/updatesvisitthewebsite: springwatertrails.org
West Henrietta
BINGO!! Genesee ValleyHenrietta Moose,5375WestHenriettaRoad. Phone:359-1937.ElevatorService Available.WearenowSmoking Free!ATMAvailable.Beourguest! Opentothepublic.EveryTuesday at7:30pm.$15-AllyoucanplayJackpotIncluded.NewGames. Smallerpackagesavailable.Queen ofHearts&BonusBallPlayatevery session.Food.Raffles.Surprises! SealCards&PullTabsSold.Must beatleast18yearsoldtoplay.
Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour. We go forth austere, dedicated, believing in the iron links of Destiny, and will not turn on our heel to save our life: but a book, or a bust, or only the sound of a name, shoots a spark through the nerves, and we suddenly believe in will...
~Ralph Waldo Emerson, Representative Men: Seven Lectures, “IV: Montaigne; Or, the Skeptic,” 1849, published 1850
Online POLL
Works by Children’s author, Roald Dahl, famous for works such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, and James and the Giant Peach and being edited to remove certain words that could be deemed offensive to modern audiences. Do you think we should review and edit children’s books for the current times?
• Any steps that will promote inclusivity should be taken, including rewrites.
• Certain words should be omitted, but adding language that was not original to the author should be off limits.
• Freedom of speech should protect the right to leave the works as is.
Poll ends 2-28-23
Poll ended 2-21-23
New Jersey restaurant is implementing a no kids under 10 policy because of loud, unruly, messy children. What do you think of this policy?
43.3% I agree with it. Not all restaurants are a good fit for children
10.0% I welcome a restaurant which won’t have the distraction of small children
23.3% They should have a section dedicated to families with young kids
6.7% Kids should be welcome no matter what
16.7% My kids are well behaved, would they make an exception?
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
General eulogy preparation tips:
* Eulogies are for the living, and for everyone at a remembrance service.
* Be brief. People listen for three to five minutes. After five minutes, people stop listening.
* Do a bit of research. Talk to others. What are some childhood memories? Was there a favorite lesson learned? Was there a favorite quote or an inspiring song? What was the deceased like at work? What were some favorite accomplishments?
* Write out the eulogy. Even if you are an experienced speaker, during the emotional time of a rememberance service it is especially easy to wander.
* Write and speak from the heart. Be yourself.
* Practice the eulogy. Time it. Rehearse in front of an audience (one or two people). Listen to their feedback. Edit. Practice again.
* Have a back-up plan. In case you are unable to begin or finish, have someone else prepared to deliver the eulogy for you.
Things To Know Before Drafting A Living Will
Do I want to remove the burden of tough choices from my loved ones? A living will relieves grieving loved ones of the responsibility of making challenging decisions of invoking life-saving procedures or not - particularly if they’re not sure what you desire.
Jerome “Jerry” David Dougherty February 20, 2023
Jerome “Jerry” David Dougherty, born January 18, 1946, the middle child among the brood of 11 born to Harold and Phyllis Dougherty, passed peacefully at his cherished home on the lake, February 20, 2023. Jerry was a proud and faithful husband, predeceased by his wife of 51 years, Kimberly Dougherty, just 19 days earlier, and father to Jennifer (Tim), John (Mark) and Colleen (Bryan) to which he gave more life, love and inspiration than he could ever imagine. But being Papa to Ruairi, Gideon and Killian was undeniably his most treasured role in this life. Never did his Irish eyes smile more than when telling a story about his beautiful, smart granddaughter or his witty, fun and mischievous little buddies. And while at a distance, he never hesitated a moment to ask about his inherited grandsons Fisher and West.
Jerry is survived by his sisters, Cheryl Bryar (Bill), Pam Arrigenna (Peter), Kay McAfee (Ron); brothers, Kevin, Peter (Barb); brother-in-law, Steve Harrison (Kathy) and dozens of loving and loved nieces, nephews, grand-nieces and grand-nephews. He was predeceased by his sisters, Marcia Quinlan (Kevin), Karen Arrigenna (Jim), MaryJane Stoltman (Paul); sister-in-law, Susan Dougherty and brothers, Jim (Eileen) and John.
Jerry’s love for life, his family, his friends, his faith, his fellow Rotarians and anyone walking down the street willing to strike up a conversation was a contagious gi that was irresistible. ere was never a time that a party of 5 to 500 wasn’t called for, as long as he could convince Kim to get out the invitations and pull together the right food. He just needed time to make sure he had enough Baileys and Jameson on hand and to fastidiously manicure his lawn.
Which, of course, meant engaging his longest and most loyal friend, Ernie, and his dedicated helper, Luke.
Jerry, with his faithful better half, Kim, by his side, was an unstoppable force for good times, great laughs and generous giving. Most notably this was seen in his passion and commitment to his community as a Rotarian, living the motto “Service Above Self” every day. But, if you were lucky enough to be brought into the ‘family,’ whether by blood, sharing a Baileys, a Notre Dame bus trip or simply showing up for his favorite 3rd of July celebrations on the lake, you knew and felt his love of life, his goodwill and loyal friendship. Like Kim, he was also the beloved “American parent” to so many foreign exchange students and used that opportunity to learn about and travel the world. He treasured his years of both morning co ee at the Village restaurant and a ernoon co ee at Pizzaland. More recently the stories stemmed from “the lunch bunch” and an a ernoon co ee at Ernie and Joanne’s.
Jerry’s was a life well-lived and leaves many stories to be told of Adirondack summer vacations, shing and skiing trips with his buddies, holiday parties and beautiful sunsets on the Florida beach. While he leaves countless friends and family to remember him, Jerry le this world to celebrate with the countless many treasured family and friends with whom we know he is already having a party. You are invited to celebrate with family and friends, as he did for so many and as only he would have it. Calling hours will be Sunday, February 26, 2023 from 2-6PM at the Stephenson – Dougherty Funeral Home, 350 Genesee Street, Avon. His Funeral Mass will be held Monday, February 27, 2023 at 11:30AM at St. Agnes Church, 96 Prospect Street, Avon. Interment St. Agnes Cemetery, Avon. Donations in his honor may be made to the Avon Food Pantry.
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• Bus Monitors
Hours and pay vary by position. NYS Pension and bene t eligible positions available. To apply, visit: www.work4h .org
Prioritize saving. Lightning may not strike twice, but plan ahead for another job loss by prioritizing savings in the future.
Local Avon, NY Manufacturer accepting applications for
Full-timeO ceSecretary
Monday-Friday • 8:00am-4:40pm
Clerical, ling and general o ce support
Minimum of Associate’s degree preferred. Minimum 5 years’ o ce experience required. Excel Sheet & Word Document pro cient.
Starting wage $17-$18.50 per hour based on experience & education.
1. Receptionist/primary phone answering, augmented o ce needs and ll in for others.
2. Help with other o ce sta clerical/ ling needs and ll in for absent sta .
PTO per company handbook, Paid Recognized Holidays.
Elective Bene ts include: 401K, medical, dental, life insurance. Eligible for $250 sign-on bonus at 90 days employment. EAP, Long & Short term disability.
Apply in person at 495 Rochester St., Avon, NY or email H-R@graymetal.com
Expanding Rochester, NY area Automobile Shredder
Operation looking for experienced Heavy Equipment Operators and General Laborers. Experience in the Scrap Industry a plus, but not required. Position is full-time plus OT. Reliable transportation a must. Pre-hire background check and drug screening required.
Very competitive wages and benefits including vacation, paid holidays, 401 (k) and health insurance.
Learn more about us at unionscrap.com. Call for an application, apply in person or mail resume to:
Union Scrap Processing, Inc.
PO Box 486, 3484 S. Union St., N. Chili, NY 14514
E-mail resume to: dspaulding@unionscrap.com
Or fax resume/application to: (585) 594-0160
Direct inquires to Diane at: (585) 594-1600
Cdl Dump Truck Driver
CDL B required. Full or Part-Time Small, local paving company. Call Tony: 585-748-4348 or 585-624-3778
Opportunities for Entry-level and for those with Experience in our Rochester Division:
CME Associates, Inc. provides Quality Assurance Services for the Construction Industry with material testing and special inspection services.
• Material Testing – Soil, Concrete, Asphalt
• Special Inspections – Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Fireproo ng, Geotechnical, Structural Steel Welds & Bolting, and more.
Current Opportunities:
• Construction Materials Testing Technician
• Construction (Special) Inspector
Willing to train motivated individuals. Must have reliable transportation.
One of the leading General Contractors in Western NY is looking to support its continuing growth by hiring a motivated Carpenter and general jack-of-all-trades. is dynamic individual needs to be a carpentry specialist, with additional supporting construction skills, while exhibiting the professionalism and energy of this growing company.
Candidates seeking to join this Rochester Top 100 company will need to have a minimum of 5 years of experience in nish carpentry, as well as basic understanding of all trades.
Please send electronic resume and salary requirements to info@BuildTaylor.com.
Avoid Financial Peril After A Job Loss
Involve the entire family. It can be embarrassing to lose a job, but look to family for support. Children may not need to know every detail, but they can have a cursory awareness of family finances and understand they may have to cut back until Mom or Dad is working again.