2 minute read
Youth Golf Camp
August 1st-3rd
Banana Cream Pie
2/3 c. sugar
2 T. butter
1/4 c. cornstarch
1 T., plus 1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. salt
2 large bananas
3 c. milk whipped cream
4 egg yolks, slightly beaten
1 (9-inch) baked pie shell
Stir together sugar, cornstarch and salt in saucepan. Blend milk and egg yolks and gradually stir into sugar mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir for one minute. Remove from heat; blend in butter and vanilla. Cool at room temperature. Peel and slice bananas; arrange slices in baked pie shell. Pour cooled filling into pie shell. Chill pie at least 2 hours. Just before serving, top pie with whipped cream.
HENRIETTA: 102GateHouseTrail June22,23,242023 EstateSale (9am-3pm)eachday.50%offthelast day.Itemsinclude:Bedroom furniture,CouchandLoveseat, Livingroomchairs,Dressers,Lenox, Waterford,Householditems, Glassware,Stairlift,Holidaydecorationsandmuchmuchmore.
CALEDONIA326Country ClubDr.June23-25th(9am-4pm) MultiFamilyHouseholdSale. We’vegotsomethingforeveryone.
Avoid yard sales on major holiday weekends. Many people are away, and you may not get the traffic you’re hoping for.
WESTHENRIETTA:74Chelsea MeadowsDriveJune29-July1st, Multi-householdsale!(9:00-5:00) RainorShine!Waytoomuchtolist, includeshouseholdandelectronics, crafts,yarn,babygirlclothingand accessories,books,jigsawpuzzles, muchmore.
HENRIETTA:3Carney Circle, 6/30,FridayOnly!(8:30-3:30pm) BabyandChildrenitems,toys, furniture,collegedorm,sporting items.MichaelKors,Coach,Vera Bradley,Householdgoods,craftbookingitems,dancecostumes,greatfor dressupandHalloween,andmore.
❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■❒■ YARD SALE TIPS
In summer, the song sings itself.
~William Carlos Williams
Advertise the sale. The more shoppers the better, so advertising your sale can be advantageous.
I winter over amaryllis bulbs. This year the four I planted all have tall, beautiful, greens but no flowers came. If I keep them might they bloom next year?
While people often treat them as annuals, you can get amaryllis to rebloom next year.As flowers begin to fade,cut them off to prevent seed formation.Allowing seeds to form depletes energy resources and can lead to reduced blooming in subsequent years. Wait to remove the flower stalk until it begins to yellow. The flower stalk can photosynthesize (like leaves) and create energy/food stored for future flower growth.Leave the amaryllis leaves.As with other bulbs, like tulips and daffodils, the leaves create energy/food so the plants can bloom again.
After your amaryllis is done blooming, place it in a bright indoor location (a window with southern exposure is best). Water regularly and fertilize monthly with an all-purpose houseplant or indoor plant fertilizer (follow the directions on the label).
Amaryllis can be taken outdoors after frost risk. Place them in an area that receives filtered sunlight at first, and then gradually move to where it will get a minimum of six hours of sunlight a day. Continue to water and fertilize as needed. In the fall, bring the amaryllis indoors before the first frost.
For amaryllis to rebloom, they need to be exposed to cool temperatures for a period. This can be done by forcing your plants into dormancy by placing them in a cool (45 to 55°F), dark location. The bulb needs a resting period of approximately 8-12 weeks before it can bloom again. During this time, do not water the plants. Once the leaves yellow, they can be removed.
While in this resting period, periodically inspect the bulbs. If they begin to grow, place them in a sunny window. If they don’tstarttogrowontheirown,forcenew growth by watering the soil thoroughly and putting them back in a warmer, sunnylocation.Whenbulbsshowsignsof growth, resume watering and fertilizing. Flowers will usually develop about 4-6 weeks after this dormant period.