2 minute read
Puppy Piddling is a Real Pain
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My 6-month-old, medium-size mixed breed dog Jake has a problem I can’t seem to train him out of. Whenever he gets excited, he leaves pee droplets across the oor. Jake is healthy and energetic, and he housetrained quickly. What can I do to stop the piddling? --
Pupper Dad in Ohio
DEAR PUPPER DAD: ere’s a very good chance that it can be resolved. It will take time and training, though.
Puppies under a year old piddle when they get excited or when they think they’re in trouble. Part of it may be a smaller bladder, but another part of it is what’s called “submissive urination.” Dogs piddle instinctively to signal that you are their superior. However, this isn’t a wild dog pack outdoors; it’s you and your dog and your beautiful hardwood oor.
Punishing or yelling at Jake when he piddles will not solve the problem. e real issue is one of con dence and of nding where he belongs in the household. Most puppies stop piddling at around one year old, especially in a home where there’s a predictable structure, as they mature and settle into their place in the family.
Encourage this during Jake’s rst year by staying calm when he piddles. Yelling or trying to correct on the spot can make the problem worse. Clean up the urine and lead him to a di erent spot, and work on a basic command with him like “sit-stay.”
Try not to pay attention to Jake when you come in the door from work. Ask visitors to look away from him when they come in. Later, when you and your visitors are settled on the sofa, pay attention to Jake with lots of praise. Learn more at this link: www.tu syourdog. com/dogtrainingandbehavior/the-three-reasons-puppies-piddle-indoors/.
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
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Notice to Bidders LEGAL NOTICE
e Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority requests bids for approximately 70,000 sq of 2” milling, 2” ll with 7F top at di erent locations within our property at 900 Je erson Rd. Bids will be opened Mon., July 31st at 1:00 PM in the Administration o ce at 900 Je erson Rd., Henrietta, NY 14623. Prevailing wage job. e Market reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Respectfully submitted, Brendan
Tydings Administrator