Sale At His Farm Located Along State Route 371 Midway Between Cohocton And North Cohocton.
Selling will be: 2020 Kubota RTV900, 4x4, partial cab, diesel, hyd. dump box, 866 hrs.!; 2019 Chevy Equinox “Premier” personal original owner auto, will sell with app. 64,000 low miles, all wheel drive and navigation, nearly new tires and brakes!;
TRACTORS-DOZER:JD 6715 MFWD, cab, 16 sp. power quad., left hand reverser, 2 remotes, 18.4x38 rear and 13.6x28 front tires, 2999 hrs.; JD 5100E MFWD, cab, left hand reverser, 2 remotes, 12x12 trans., 1961 hrs.; JD 5603 MFWD, cab, 12 x 12 trans., 2 remotes, 18.4x30 rear and 12.4x24 front tires, 3222 hrs., complete with JD 542 loader with bucket, (set of pallet forks and a 66 in. heavy duty stone bucket will sell separately); Sixteen (16) JD suitcase weights sell separately; JD 3020 diesel, open station, side console, 2 post ROPS, 16.9x34 tires, sells with JD loader with bale spear; AC 7040 cab, 2WD, shows 6436 hrs., 2 hyd., 1000 p.t.o., 20.8x38 tires; AC 185 open station, fenders, 2 remotes, 18.4x30 tires; AC 5020 diesel utility with 66 in. belly mower, turf tires, 3 pt. hitch!; Ford 971 diesel tractor, fenders, n.f.e., 3 pt., Selecto Speed trans.; JD 420S utility tractor, w.f.e., 3 pt. hitch; AC “WC” n.f.e.; AC “D17” with sickle bar side mower, w.f.e.; Farmall “H” n.f.e.; JD “H” n.f.e. tractor, doesn’t run; JD 450C dozer, 6-way blade, needs under carriage work; 5 snowplow blade;
GRAIN LINE:Kinze 3000 6-row narrow liquid planter, piston pump, KPM monitor, row unit mounted, no-till coulters, excellent machine with only 1500 total acres of use!; 5100 grain only drill, 16 single discs, with front mounted grass seeder, nice; Hutchinson 8 in. x app. 51 ft. p.t.o. transport auger, like new!; 2010 IH Durastar cab S/A grain truck, (originally Dudley Poultry truck) Fuller 6 sp. trans., MaxxForce DT diesel engine, air brakes, 18 ft. steel dump body, with scissor hoist; EZ Trail 475 (1000 p.t.o.) grain cart; Older gravity box wagon; Conveyair 2355 grain vacuum; Gleaner F2 diesel combine, 2WD, corn/soy special, hydro trans., 4-row black corn head; 3 pt. 5 shank nitrogen applicator on double tool bar with 150 gal. plastic tank; BINS: (Hold Harmless Agreement Required) REMOVE by May 1st, 2025. Inspect prior to auction. Three (3) older steel bins: 2 Butler app. 20 ft. diameter (4 rings x 44 in. high); 1 probably Butler 7 rings x 32 in. high, appears to be a little bigger diameter?; one 20 ft. bin sweep auger;
HEATING&COOLING: Werepairandserviceall typesofoilandgasheating systems.Boilers,furnaces, waterheaters,residential/ mobilehomes.Oilheatservicecontracts,A/Ccleaning &repair.Fastservice,honest advice,guaranteedwork.7 dayemergencyservice. VISA/MC.MemberBBBof WNY.CallSUMMIT BURNERSERVICE 315-521-8789, 607-566-0080.www.
FORSALEand PRICEDTOSELL! Wehave51restaurantcoffeecarafes,(6) sneezeguardsfor saladbarsandbuffets, andbeautiful,likenewburgundytable clothes:(20)Rectangle70”X104”and (51)Square72”X 72”. Formoreinformation,orto scheduleaviewing inBath,NY,call 814-758-3438.
G5STORAGE:Units available torent!Approx. 10x10,clean/new construction.Locatedatthe intersectionofRte36& CountyRte126in Troupsburg.Creditcards accepted,priceforautomatic paymentsonly$99/month. Doyoualreadyrentaunit withus?Recommendusto someonewhoendsup rentingandgetonemonth rentfree!Text585-507-1430
Circulated or Uncirculated
COALSTOKERS: Keystone &EFMcoalstokerfurnaces andboilersrepairedand serviced.CallSUMMIT BURNERSERVICE 315-521-8786, 607-566-0800
HAY TOOLS: NH 848 chain type round baler; Also 848 baler for parts; NH 489 haybine; NH 256 rake;
AGINGROOF? NewHomeowner?GotStormDamage? Youneedalocalexpertproviderthatproudlystandsbehindtheirwork.Fast,free estimate.Financingavailable. Call1-888-878-9091
GENERAL PURPOSE: Stoltzfus 5 ton tandem axle p.t.o. driven wet lime spreader; Woods BW180 15 ft. batwing mower, airplane tires, chain shields, 540 p.t.o.; Woods BB 72.50 model 3 pt. rotary mower, 540 p.t.o.; 16 ft. van box with rear roll up door on track for storage; Pr. of 18.4x38 snap on duals; Winco (old) 20,000 watt p.t.o. generator on cart; 2003 Hooper tri axle trailer, pintle hitch, (9 ton), 20 ft. flat deck plus 4 ft. beaver tail with steel ramps; S.A. bumper pull 12 ft. flat deck utility trailer with full width corrugated metal ramp; 2004 Chevy 2500 4x4, SLV pickup, single cab, in “as parked” condition; there will be some scrap steel;
TILLAGE:Brillion 18 ft. dual wheel floating ring transport cultipacker, notched packer wheels, like new!; Deutz 1500 9 shank coulter chisel; IH 490 20 ft. disk harrow, hyd. folding wings, blade scrapers; AC 1500 9 shank coulter chisel with Remlinger finger levelers; IH 720 18 in. plow, 5-b frame, (4-b mounted, other is resting); 3 pt. heavy duty 8 ft. scraper blade;
MISCELLANEOUS: cast seats; Farm primitive tools; Wooden box 2 seat narrow people wagon, on 4 wheel running gear; Large Dealership Size AGCO plastic sign; Metal signs such as: “Ford and Ford Parts”; Wayne Feeds; GLF; “Brock Bins Empire Agri Systems”; Wolf Heads Motor Oil; Jerry’s Lube and Highway Supply; Agway bagged feeds; Various hand tools; Upright compressor; Set of acc tanks with cart; Pelican fiberglass 10 ft. flat bottom boat, 12 volt battery powered; Near new 500 gal. diesel skid tank with electric pump; SALE ORDER: Intending to sell Machinery First at 10:00AM in the field and end with signs, tools, misc. items inside last. Sale will be completed before 2:00PM.
INSPECTION: Week of Auction November 3 through Sale Day during day light hours!
LOADOUT: Sale Day to 5:00PM; Sunday 9:00AM to 12:00PM; Monday as per Appointment! Equipment not recently used, most is stored indoors, all sells “as is”! Lunch and comfort facility on site!
TERMS: CASH. Honorable check from known persons day of auction. Nothing to be removed until settled for in full auction day. A Ten Percent (10%) buyer’s premium will be added Only to items selling for Less Than One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
Acceptable ID for bidders card.
Phone: 585-728-2520 • Email: Pictures/Updates on our Web Page:
Brought to you by the Southern Tier Shopper’s printing division
Send your loved ones holiday greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday cards! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today.
35 Liberty St. • Bath, NY • 607-776-6060
Serving the Area for 3 Generations
• Cemetery Memorials • Please call for an appointment 315-536-8181
E. Lake Rd., Penn Yan
“If I Can’t Have a Nielsen Granite Memorial, I’m Not Going!”
Writing a Sympathy Card
An authentic handwritten message can mean a lot to someone dealing with grief. It shows that you’ve sat down and thought about it as opposed to buying a pre-written card. Sharing fond memories and sincere feelings is a respectful way to remember the passing of a loved one and to offer condolences to their friends and family. If you’re able to offer support, then definitely mention this in your sympathy card. ose grieving will o en have lots to do and will appreciate any help you may be able to offer even if they don’t take you up on it.
CAMPBELL, NY: Stephen Paul Wray, age 33, Route 415 of Campbell, New York, passed away on October 4, 2024, at home.
He is now resting in the armsofhisbeautifulmother, Cathrine Emerson.
Born on July 5, 1991, in Corning, New York, to Catherine Emerson and Charlie Wray of Campbell.
Stephen graduated from Campbell-Savona School in 2010. His passion was baseball, enjoyed canoeing, fishing, and working outside in his yard. He loved his dogs (Duncan, Susan, and Pooka), and was very proud of his beef jerky.
He was formerly employed by BelGioioso Cheese Inc. in Campbell, New York.
Stephen leaves behind three beautiful daughters, Kimberly, Kristen, and Charli; and a son, William; his father, Charlie (Cindy) of Campbell; two brothers, Charlie (Jayde) Wray of Savona, Mark (Heather) Wray of Campbell; and paternal grandmother, Beverly (Ron) Matthews. He leaves behind numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, and nephews.
Stephen is preceded in death by his mother, Catherine Emerson (2005); maternal grandparents Charlies and Adelliah Emerson (2006); and paternal grandfather, Richard Wray (1982); and Donald Knowles (2013).
Family and friends may get together at the Campbell Fire Hall on November 3, 2024, from 2:00PM to 5:00PM. A special Mass will be held November 9, 2024, at St. Joseph Church (4:00PM) 8508 Main Street, Campbell, New York.
In honor of Stephen, please remember to embrace each moment with family and friends with love and
Perhaps you sent us flowers or made us a meal
Perhaps you sent a lovely card or maybe we saw you there
Perhaps you spoke the kindest words that a friend could ever say
Perhaps you were not there at all but kept us in your thoughts & prayers
Our loving thanks to all of you, whatever part you played.
The Family of Patricia C. Hopkins JANUARY 8, 1943 - OCTOBER 7, 2024
William, Michael, Leann, Linette and Marc
Avoid cram sessions. Devising a study plan is better than cramming the night before a test. The American Psychological Association says students may perform well on a test for which they’ve crammed, but that doesn’t mean they’ve truly learned the material. Studying with a goal of retaining the material long-term is important.
RULES: 1) Find the numbered Trick or Treat Pumpkins in the ads of participating businesses. 2) Answer the question with the corresponding number on the entry blank below. 3) YOU MUST ANSWER ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. 4) Fill out your name, address and phone number. 5) Mail or drop off your entry to The Southern Tier Shopper, PO Box 416, 8478 State Route 54, Hammondsport, New York 14840 by Friday, November 01, 2024. (No metered mail accepted).
LIMIT OF ONE ENTRY PER PERSON PER WEEK. We will draw a winner from all correct entries. Winner must have answered all questions correctly.
1) Where are we located?
2) What is the phone number for our business? ____________
3) What are our daily hours?
4) How much for a Wild Mike’s Ultimate Pizza?
5)Whatisthediscountondining sets in our fall stock?
6) How late are we open on Friday? _____________________
7)WhattimeistheOpenHouse on November 2nd?
8) What is our web address?
9) What is the cost of a Large Cheese Pizza?
10) How much is our CAB Boneless Sirloin Steak?
12) What are our Saturday Hours? _____________________
13) What two brands of tools do we showcase in our store?
14)WhatisthecostforSeniors at our next Sunday Brunch?
15) What days are we open?
16) We have two phone numbers, what are they?
17) How much off any Insurance Job of $2000 or higher at our shop? ___________________
NAME: __________________________
ADDRESS: ______________________
COLONIALLAWNS: 2 bedroomtownhouse apartments,VillageofBath. Fullbasementwithwasher& dryerhookups.Ceilingfans, privateentrance,backyard, catsOK.Walktostores.24 hourmaintenance.Rentis $635plussecuritydepositof $635&1stmonthrentrequired.5%seniordiscount, callforavailability. 607-776-4261
All real estate advertised in the Southern Tier Shopper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, whichmakesitillegaltoadvertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunitybasis.
Monroe County LegalAssistance Center
1 W. Main St., Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •
FORRENT: Nice2bedroomupperapartmentin BathVillage.$850/ monthand$850security deposit.Stove,refrigerator,washer/dryer, water,sewer&garbage included.Tenantpays electric.NOsmoking, NOpets.1yearrental lease,personal&credit references,proofof income/employment& criminalbackground checkallrequired.Call 607-776-2830BEFORE 7PM.
APARTMENTS: Spacious1 &2bedroomapartments. Rentstartingat$750(1bedroom),$820(2bedroom), fullyappliancedkitchens,on sitelaundry,lowBathelectric.Seeourupgradedunitsnewkitchens&bathsplus newcarpetingthroughout. Callformoreinformation, 607-776-6196
ROOMFORRENT: Near downtownBath.$350/ month,Dishincluded. 585-813-5282
FORRENT: 7rooms apartment,$850/month plussecuritydeposit.Pay ownutilities,absolutely NOPETS.607-776-7326
areindigenous to the Western Hemisphere. As Frenchman Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence region of North America in the 1500s, he melons.” The name was translated into English
Not only are they one of the best-known sources of beta-carotene (an antioxidant converted to vitamin potassium, and vitamin C.
Help your parent make a pumpkin recipe whether it’s a pie, bread, cookie, scone, soup or smoothie! Carve a pumpkin! Think of your favorite cartoon character, slogan, or image and have fun carving it into a pumpkin.
ROOMSFORRENT: 512 WWashingtonSt,Bath. Sharedbath/kitchen,offstreetparking.$350/month plussecurity.607-776-5744
OFFICEFORRENT: DowntownBath.Connected warehousespaceavailable. 607-776-5757
LOOKINGFORRENTAL: Malelookingforroomtorent orshareinArkport.Please call585-335-62069am-12or after6pm.
I like people who smile when it’sraining. Author
You find out who your real friends are when your autocorrectmixesupyourand you’re. ~Keith Wynn It’s all righttobreakyourwordif you useahyphen. 20,000 Quips & Quotes, Evan Esar,1968
TEXT: H768637 TO: 843367 (VIDEOS) Michelle Kremmin* PH: 315-886-3244
TEXT: H769597 TO: 843367 (VIDEOS) JAN CORNING*** PH: 914-260-4704
This is a zigzag word search puzzle. Words go left, right, up, down, not diagonally, and can bend at a right angle. There are no unused letters in the grid, every letter is used only once.
Find all the words from the list (ignore spaces and dashes, if any)
Located at 9671 Back Street, Wayne, NY
Phone: 607-284-4015
Hours Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Evenings & Saturdays by Appointment
Need to borrow a tool? We also have many tools available for rent.
By Keith Roach, M.D.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am a 69-year-old, very active male. My left Achilles tendon severed two years ago, but it was surgically repaired. I had an 8-inch incision that has totally healed, with the exception of one small area about the size of the lead of a pencil. It’s 3 inches above my heel. This small area would close up for a few days, then reopen with small amounts of offwhite fluid oozing from the little hole. Sometimes I apply Iodosorb, which keeps the area dry for a while. But, for whatever reason, showers seem to make the incision release fluid. I apply a bandage over the wound for most sporting or exercise events, just so that it doesn’t get rubbed by the top of my shoe. Is there any solution to this, or do I just have to live with it? -R.M.
ANSWER: The Achilles tendon is a thick, tough piece of connective tissue between the calf muscles and the heel bone. It can rupture under extreme trauma (often sports injuries), in people who have weakness of the tendon, or due to treatment with antibiotics that are in the quinolone class, such as ciprofloxacin. When repairing the tendon, the surgeon uses sutures or wires to put it back together.
A residual wound defect is quite concerning to me. The foreign material in the tendon is at a high risk for infection. It’s possible that there is an infection, which led to a fistula (an abnormal connection) between the tendon.
I definitely recommend going back to see the surgeon. They may want to do further testing (possibly imaging) to see if there is any evidence of an infection in the repaired tendon.
DEAR DR. ROACH: I’m a 63-year-old man in generally good health. Recently, we moved into a new home with a pool. When I floated on my back, I noticed a 6-by-2-inch bulge from my breastbone to my navel. I contacted my doctor, who said it was rectus diastasis.
I researched online, and there doesn’t appear to be anything that can be done to correct it. Apparently, it doesn’t pose a serious problem. Am I correct that I should just live with it? -- G.B.
ANSWER: Correct. The left and right halves of your abdominus rectus muscle (your “abs”) are normally connected in the middle by tough fibrous tissue. Instead of them being held tightly together, they can be separated by a centimeter or so (called congenital rectus diastasis) in some people. Sometimes, the muscles can also separate during adulthood when people’s abdomens start to get larger, whether it’s through pregnancy, weight gain or other reasons. The area can bulge out with increased abdominal pressure. Nothing needs to be done, and although there are elective cosmetic surgeries to correct it, I’ve never had a patient want one. Most of the time, I make the diagnosis when I’m doing an abdominal exam, and the patient isn’t even aware that they have it. (Or they think that everyone has it.)
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to © 2024 North
Furniture HouseoldItems
• Linens Tools
607.661.7329 • 607.794.8407 52 LIBERTY STREET • BATH, NEW YORK
ANTHONY’SASPHALT MAINTENANCE: Drivewaysealcoating;parkinglotsealcoating;hotcrack repair;snowremoval.Free estimates.607-745-3761.
ForSaleGrizzleModel G1026shaper,3hp,220V, 3/4“,1”and11/4“spindles,also1/2”routercollet, onmobilebase.$525. Phone:607-483-8704.
In order to do an efficient job of plowing snow this winter, there will be NO PARKING along Town Roads or Right-of-Ways in the Town of Pulteney from November1,2024toApril1,2025. All vehicles will be towed away at the owner’s expense.
Please remember plowing driveways across roadways is dangerous, as well as against the law. Anyone plowing snow across the roadway will be subject to a violation and may be issued an appearance ticket.
BY ORDER OF THE PULTENEY TOWN BOARD Terry Gibson, Highway Superintendent
CAVAPOOPUPPIES: Beautifulcolors,lovable,energeticandfullofbounce! Greatwithotherpets.1st shotsanddewormed. Availablenow,$400. 315-759-3118 vaccinated.$425,LIC.1257 315-536-3640
MUDCREEKKENNELSBOARDING: Yourpet’s homeawayfromhome. Phone:607-583-2055
GERMANSHEPHERD PUPPIES: 13weeksold, AKCregistered,shots/ dewormed,veryfriendly, $350.315-531-8231
PUG/JACKRUSSELLMIX PUPPIES: Eightweeksold, $100each.607-395-2030, noSundaycalls.
FRENCHTONPUPPIES: Comemeettheseadorable puppiesthatarereadyto meetlifewithbounce!Beautifulmerlecolors,very socialized/greatwithother pets.Uptodatewithshots/ dewormed,$800. 315-759-3118
HOME: 9monthold beautifulfemaleHusky puppy.Uptodateon shots,pleasecall 607-438-8560.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: my long-haired cat, Charlie, is scratching many times per day. He also is shedding more than usual -- mostly undercoat, rather than hair. What’s going on? I can’t see any evidence of fleas on his coat or skin. -- Dan in Colorado Springs
DEAR ZACK: thing we think ofwhen a cat starts scratching incessantly, but other conditions could be causing skin irritation. And it may be hard to see lesions or hot spots, especially in longhaired cats. Charlie’s undercoat is coming out because he’s really scratching those spots. e best thing to do is take Charlie to the veterinarian. Some itching issues have an external cause and can be eased pretty quickly. But some chronic conditions and diseases have itching as one symptom, and only your vet can diagnose these.
Make sure to tell the veterinarian where exactly Charlie is scratching the most. e vet, with an assistant holding Charlie still, will check these areas more closely for broken skin, lesions, rash and evidence of fleas. ey’ll also take skin scrapings and fur samples to see if mites are to blame or if there’s a bacterial or yeast infection. Blood samples should be taken to test for underlying medical conditions and/or specific allergies. ey may send you home with specimen kits to collect urine and poop and bring them in for analysis, too.
e vet will advise you on whether to use a prescription or over-the-counter medication to ease Charlie’s itching. When the tests come back (some may be same-day, others may need to go to a lab), they’ll know the best treatment path to take.
Send your tips, comments or questions to
A family man born in Wheeler, age 32, married with 2 lovely daughters, ages 3 & 6. A member of the Avoca Fire Department for 10 years which also serves Wheeler. I believe in "We the People"'s vote first and foremost, and would resist more government overreach into our small town. Fact: All current board members live within 3.5 miles of Wheeler Center, including my opponent. Wheeler has 80 miles of dirt roads in the rest of the district that need representation. I would also like to encourage the board to develop a website for a more open government process. ank you & I look forward to making sure your voice will be brought to the table! Jonathan Coe (607)590-6426
CASHPAID:Antiques& Collectibleswantedtobuy. Especiallyinterestedintin signs,advertising,early paperwork,oldtoys,military items,hunting&fishing,vintagejewelry,pocketwatches, oldradios,lighting,oldbottles,crocks&artglass, primitivefurniturew/milk paint.Knowledgeable& friendly,payingfairpricesfor antiques.PhoneIrving 607-368-6020(5/7)
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. U.S. STATES: Which is the least populated state?
2. TELEVISION: Which character on “The Office” has a heart attack during a fire drill?
3. HISTORY: Why is Delaware’s nickname The Diamond State?
4. LITERATURE: Which children’s book features the characters Tweedledee and Tweedledum?
5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of The Bahamas?
6. MOVIES: What is the name of the villain in “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”?
7. SCIENCE: Which unit measures food energy?
8. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of swimming ducks called?
9. MUSIC: Where does the pop group name The Bee Gees come from?
10. PSYCHOLOGY: What irrational fear is represented in the condition called globophobia?
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KENNEDYPAINTING: Professionalinterior/exterior paintingandstainingsince 1994!Decks,houses,docks, cottages&cabins.Call 315-694-6685.
Pupildilation: The eye doctor will administer eye drops that dilate the pupils, which enables a better view of the retina, optic nerve, cornea, and surrounding blood vessels during an ophthalmoscopy.
The pupil can only educate himself. Teachers are the custodians of apparatus upon which he himself must turn and twist to acquire the excellencies that distinguish the better from the poorer of God’svessels.
Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)
A cataract is a clouding of the naturally transparent lens of the eye that can occur as one ages. Natural proteins in the lens clump together and can cloud the eye. The National Eye Institute says most cataracts develop with age, as more than half of all Americans age 80 or older either have cataracts or have had surgery to remove them. But cataracts can occur for other reasons, such as after an eye injury or after surgery for another vision problem.The American Academy of Opthalmology says cataracts can make it seem like a person is looking through a foggy or dusty car windshield. Everything is hazy, blurry or less colorful. Additional vision changes associated with cataracts include extra light sensitivity; seeing bright colors as faded or yellowed; seeing double or a ghosted image; and difficulty seeing at night. Using brighter lights at home or getting a new eyeglasses prescription can help manage cataracts in their early stages. An eye doctor may suggest surgery if cataracts are getting in the way of daily activities. Surgery removes the clouded lens and replaces it with a new, artificial lens.
Whether they are a princess, an astronaut, or a firefighter, they were born to stand out, and their party should, too! Take all of your celebrations to the next level with personalized touches from party invitations and announcement cards to birthday banners and everything else. All uniquely designed just for their happy day! Order online at or email for custom designs by our award-winning creative team.
PROFESSIONALLAWN SERVICE: Fertilization, weedcontrol,seeding,aeration&mosquitocontrol. Callnowforafreequote. Askaboutourfirstapplicationspecial!1-833-606-6777
LOOKINGTOBUY: Rifles, shotguns,pistols,revolvers (willbuyentirecollectionsof gunsandammo)andknife collections.Willtravel,licenseddealer.315-886-4282 or607-767-7832,leavemessage.
FREEWATER WITCHING: JOHNUPDIKE WELLDRILLING,40+years experience.DECApproved. Guaranteeswater,ornocost toyou.Freeestimates. Financingavailable.Call 607-868-3677
MOBILEHELP: America’s premiermobilemedicalalert system.Whetheryou’re homeoraway.Forsafety& peaceofmind.Nolongterm contracts!Freebrochure! 1-888-489-3936
SEWINGMACHINEREPAIRS: Anymake,freeestimates,guaranteed.Shirley’s Lumber,Bath607-776-2051 ORDecorator’sChoice,Hornell607-324-6001.
DON´TLETSTAIRSLIMIT YOURMOBILITY! Discover theidealsolutionforanyone whostrugglesonthestairs,is concernedaboutafallor wantstoregainaccessto theirentirehome.Call Ameri-Glidetoday! 1-833-399-3595
SEPTICPUMPING and tankreplacement.Drywells &leachfields.CallFredat ALLEN’SSEPTICSERVICE, 607-868-PUMP(7867)
FORSALE:SnowDogg MD75 stainlesssteelsnow ploww/mountandChevy mount,handheldcontroller, workingheadlights,deflector,shoeassemblies,blade guides,lotsoffluid.Might needapump.$1099.Bath N.Y.607-776-6549,leave message.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sealed bids, in DUPLICATE, are sought and requested by the Prattsburgh Central School District (hereinafter called “Owner”), for the construction of the following Project:
Bids are requested for a single prime contract for Plumbing Work, in accordance with Drawings, Project Manual, and other Bidding and Contract Documents prepared by Hunt Engineers, Architects, Land Surveyors & Landscape Architect,DPC 100 Hunt Center,Airport Corporate Park,Horseheads,NY 14845.
Sealed bids will be received by the Owner until 1:00 P.M. local time on November 14, 2024 at district office, Prattsburgh CSD Prattsburgh, NY 14873, at which time and place all bids will be opened and publicly read aloud.
The Bidding Documents and Bid Forms may be examined at the following: The Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier: East - 15 Belden Street, Binghamton New York 13903 West - 65 East Main Street, Falconer, New York 14733
Builders Exchange of Rochester, 180 Linden Oaks, Suite 100, Rochester, New York 14625-2837
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & Western New York 2660 Williams Street, Cheektowaga, New York 14227
Syracuse Builders Exchange, 6563 Ridings Road, Syracuse, New York 13206 Dodge Data and Analytics, 2860 S State Highway 161, Suite 160 #501 Grand Prairie, Texas 75052
Construction Market Data (CMD), a Construct Connect Company. Subscribers only; website: Prattsburgh Central School District
Hunt Engineers, Architects, Land Surveyors & Landscape Architect, DPC Airport Corporate Park, 100 Hunt Center, Horseheads, New York 14845-1019
Bid Documents are also available for electronic viewing at; including an up to date Plan Holders list.
Bid Documents may be obtained from the document distributor: Dataflow, Inc. via their designated web portal: Office: Airport Corporate Park, 100 Hunt Center, Horseheads, New York 14845, phone (607) 5622196 or (607) 772-2001 or Ordering from this web portal automatically places the prospective bidder on the plan holders’ list. This designated web portal will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of registered plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a bid for the project. All official notifications, addenda, and other bidding documents will be offered through the designated web portal with notifications to registered bidders. Neither the Owner, Construction Manager, Architect/Engineer, nor Dataflow, Inc., as applicable will be responsible for bidding documents, including addenda, if any, that are obtained from sources other than the designated web portal.
Bid documents including plans and specifications are available for electronic download for a non-refundable fee of $59.00, payable by credit card. Bid documents including printed sets of plans and specifications may be ordered in paper format for a refundable fee of $50, payable by credit card. Non-refundable shipping charges may apply.
Refunds for printed sets will be made by Dataflow directly to the credit card provided by the bidder. Refunds for payment of one (1) copy of the printed sets will be made to those submitting bids on the forms furnished, if the printed set is returned in good condition to Dataflow within 30 days from the award of the contract or rejection of bids. Any non-bidder may be refunded their deposit only upon returning the printed set PRIOR to bid opening. All questions prior to bid opening must be received by the close of business on November 8, 2024. Questions shall be directed to Cameron Sprague at LeChase at email All bidders request for information shall use the form located in specification 00 12 00 - Request for Information. A digital copy of this form is available upon request.
As bid security, each Bid shall be accompanied by a certified check or Bid Bond made payable to Owner, in accordance with the amounts and terms described in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.
The Owner requires that all bids shall comply with the bidding requirements specified in the INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. The Owner may, at his discretion, waive informalities in bids, but is not obligated to do so, nor does this represent that he will do so. The Owner also reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Under no circumstances will the Owner waive any informality which, by such waiver, would give one Bidder a substantial advantage or benefit not enjoyed by all other Bidders. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid before forty-five (45) days after the actual date of the opening thereof, unless a mistake due to error is claimed by the Bidder in accordance with INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS.
Attention of Bidders is particularly called to requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the Contract.
A Pre-Bid conference for all Bidders will be held by appointment only. Please contact Cameron Sprague at (607)329-3958 for the purpose of reviewing the bidding procedures, the scope of work, and inspecting the proposed work areas. Kory Bay, Superintendent
DIRECTVSTREAM: CarriesthemostlocalMLB games!ChoicePackage $89.99/mofor12months. Streamon20devicesat once.HBOMaxincludedfor 3months(w/ChoicePackageorhigher.)Nocontractor hiddenfees!Somerestrictionsapply.CallIVS 1-866-859-0405
WESLEYFINANCIAL GROUP,LLC: Timeshare CancellationExperts.Over $50,000,000intimeshare debt&feescanceledin2019. Getafreeinfopackage& learnhowtogetridofyour timeshare!Freeconsultations.Over450positivereviews.1-833-308-1971
SANDBLASTING: Car parts,frames,tractors,trucks, trailers,rims.Smallprojects welcome.Zimmerman’s SandBlasting.11747County Rte122,Prattsburgh. 607-268-4006,bychanceor byappointment.
STUMPGRINDING: SpecialRates!Willingto dealonanystumps. 607-382-5571.
WATERDAMAGE CLEANUP: Asmallamount ofwatercancausemajor damagetoyourhome.Our trustedprofessionalsdryout wetareas&repairtoprotect yourfamily&yourhome value!Call24/7: 1-888-872-2809.Havezip code!
withthebestlooking&longestlastingmaterial,steel fromErieMetalRoofs!3 styles&multiplecolors available.Guaranteedtolast alifetime!LimitedTimeOffer,upto50%offinstall+ Additional10%offinstall (military,health&1stresponders.)1-833-370-1234
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there will
Six piece patio set with swivel chairs; double glider rocker; antique settee; quartersawn white oak round front curio cabinets; book cases; granite carvings; fifteen plus pieces Pyrex; stained glass lamps; brass lamps; solid glass animals; cast animals; Griswold pans; variety of crocks; wooden hand planes; wooden crates; fifteen plus lanterns, some railroad; railroad jacks; railroad buttons and railroad locks; milk cans; carnival and depression glass; Kobalt tool chest; large Redbull ice cooler; roaster; Jeff Gordon #24 car tire and collector items; Hess trucks; Hotwheels; coins including Morgans, wheat pennies, watches; jewelry; and more; variety of kitchenware and tools; and much, much more as we clean out corners and more!!
DOORS OPEN FOR PREVIEW AT 2:00PM ON NOVEMBER 1ST. FOR MORE INFO AND PHOTOS GO TO: AUCTIONZIP.COM ID# 51220. AUCTIONEER’S NOTES: Come check out this variety of antiques and more! Only a sample of items to be sold. Terms of sale are cash, check or credit card. A 10% buyers premium will be added to all purchases. HAVE QUESTIONS?
Officials Salary Notification Submitted by Bookkeeper to Town Clerk 10-21-2024 Town Supervisor $16,379.00 Deputy Supervisor $3,276.00
*Town Board Members (3) $8,896.00 Highway Superintendent $72,236.00 Town Clerk $39,499.00
*One member not taking 4% increase
*Town Board Members (2) $6,084.00
*Town Board Member (1) $2,812.00
By Order of the Campbell Town Board Michelle Seeley, Town Clerk
Bring cash along: If one person in the family is covering the tab, then payment method may not matter. However, if a few different people are contributing to the bill, it may be easiest to have everyone bring cash so that the money can be divided easily.However, money sharing apps like Zelle, Paypal or Venmo may enable those who do not want to use cash to simply send funds to another person so that this individual will pay the bill. FIRSTFRIDAYFELLOWSHIP: November1statBath FirstPresbyterian.Praise& worshipsingalongstartsat
PANCAKEBREAKFAST: EverySunday7am-10amat thePrattsburghFireHouse. $9.00Full&$6.00Half.
TOY&GAMESALE: Inside,9175CountyRte74, Hammondsport.October 30th&31st,930-1pm. November1st430-7pm. Baby-teen,woodentoys,puzzles,Barbiehouse,adult coloring,child-adultgames, new&used.HarryPotter stylewands.
APPLESFORSALE: Freshpicked,several varieties$10,RobbinsRd inBath.607-776-3656
Learn all you can from the mistakes of others. You won’t have time to make them all yourself.
Alfred Sheinwold (1912–1997),unverified
Check for food allergies/ restrictions: Nowadays it is essential to be mindful of people’s diets, including foods that they may have to avoid. Individuals will want to alert the restaurant staff of any special needs well in advance to ensure their needs are accommodated.
Hours in the Town of Pulteney THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31ST
Trick or Treat at the Pulteney Free Library on Halloween night from 6-8PM. Free books, treat bags, craft kits, and “Wynter” the dog will be there! Come have a “Spooktacular” good time Kindness of the Pulteney Firemen’s Auxiliary and the Pulteney Free
Sat., Nov. 2nd • 9am-4pm
Sun., Nov. 3rd • 12-3pm
11 Pearl St., Hornell
Furniture: Dressing table, cedar chest, dresser, drop front desk, jewelry chest, rockers, PR side chairs, mirror, small stands, drop leaf table. ALSO: Pottery, Lenox, China sets, kids books, cigar humidifier, bikes, signed Celtics shirt, rock posters, Stetson hat, treadmill & more!
Small but nice sale, reductions Sunday. For more info. call Fred • 607-382-8480
Craft Fair
Sat., Nov. 9 • 10am-3pm
Vendors • Bake Sale Granny’s Attic Raffles • Prizes
St. John Vianney Parish St. Mary’s Church (O’Malley Hall) 32 East Morris St., Bath Lunch Available
WANTED: Persontodo lighthousework&groceryshopping.Bonny Hillarea,607-776-7326.
FARMFRESHBEEF& PORK: Noaddedhormones, noantibiotics,noGMO.Half, wholeorquartersprocessed toyourstandards.Call 315-536-6646
HANDYMANSERVICES: Repairs,Flooring,Roofing,Installs,Demolition,Painting, Staining,Doors/Windows, Cleanouts,etc.withspecialty inFinishing.Servingallof Steuben/Schuylercounties. ReasonableRates!CALL 716-606-9015.
FRIDAY FISH FRY FRIDAY 4:00 PM to 8:00PM $15.00 PER DINNER Haddock or Shrimp, Baked Potato, Twice Baked Potato Or French Fries, Dinner Roll, With Choice Of Coleslaw Or Salad. Cup ($4.00) Or Bowl ($6.00) Of Clam Chowder. EAT IN OR TAKE OUT 607.243.8669
WANTED COINSCURRENCY USCoins,Currency, Collections HIGHESTPRICESPAID PrivateCollector Honeoye-Pittsford 585-322-5909
HANDYMANSERVICES: Repairs,Flooring,Roofing,Installs,Demolition,Painting, Staining,Doors/Windows, Cleanouts,etc.withspecialty inFinishing.Servingallof Steuben/Schuylercounties. ReasonableRates!CALL 716-606-9015.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.” -- Dale Carnegie
FIREWOODFORSALE: SeasonedAshfirewood,$70 perfacecord.315-536-7102
DENTALINSURANCE fromPhysiciansMutual InsuranceCompany.Coveragefor400+procedures. Realdentalinsurance-not justadiscountplan.Getyour freeInformationKitwithdetails!1-855-526-1060www.
PUREMAPLESYRUP &FRESHRASPBERRY JAM: Fortheholidays! At6299FritzHillRd, BathNY.
COALFORSALE: Wesell Blaschakbaggedcoalchestnutandrice.$425.00 pertonor$9.00perbag. 6299FritzHillRd,BathNY.
FORSALE: Hayandstraw, smallsquarebales$5.75per bale.Crackedcorn,56lb. bag$11.00.Shelledcorn,56 lb.bag$10.00.Blackoilsunflowerseeds,40lb.bag $22.00.Alsobaleageforsale. Pickupatfarmintan/green building.Walk-MoorFarms LLC,10459StateRte371, Cohocton,NY. 607-738-1180.
HAYFORSALE: 5x4round bales,plasticwrapped.Also smallsquarebales. 607-794-8380
By JoAnn Derson
* Medication labels can fade, so when you get yours, put a piece of clear tape over the instructions. is way, you’ll always be able to read the instructions.
* “During the holidays (the height of baking season for me), I keep a large plastic saltshaker filled with flour and a bit of dry rice. e rice helps the flour to shake out without getting clumped up, and I use it to dust cake pans, rolling pins, kneading boards, etc.” -- W.F. in Canada
7418 State Route 415 North Bath, New York 14810 Office: 607.776.2000 Missy Wilk, Manager: 315-264-7355
Tarter Squeeze Chute With Palpation Cage.
15-Head Black And Red Angus Cross Bulls (350-450 Pounds)
15 Head Red And White Cross Cows
12 Head Red And White Cross Bulls (900-1000 Pounds)
9 Head Black Angus/Charolais Cross Steers (450-600 Pounds) (Vaccinated & Boostered)
16 Hereford Steers And Heifers (Vaccinated & Boostered)
10 Head Angus Steers (800-900 Pounds) (Natural, Vaccinated And Boostered)
12 Head Bred Limousine Angus Cows
13 Head Limo Cross Feeders (Natural, Vaccinated And Boostered)
Ask Us About Our Vaccination Protocols!
Visit our website to print vaccination forms at home and to see the latest Market Reports!
ALL Cattle Must Be In Barn By Friday, Nov. 8th
Accepting Cattle 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM. CATTLE WILL BE FED AND WATERED Cattle needing preg checked and all PA cattle MUST be at the barn by 4:00 PM on Friday.
ATTN.OXYGENTHERAPYUSERS! Discoveroxygentherapythatmoveswith youwithInogenPortable OxygenConcentrators.Free informationkit. 1-866-477-9045
REDWINGSHOES: LaCrosse,IrishSetter&other brands.Boots,leatherbelts, dogcollars&leashes,horse supplies,harness&tack. HILL&VALLEYHARNESS& SHOE.3215FiveCorners Road.Jasper,NY14885
Smithsonian National Zoo - Parents will love Smithsonian National Zoo for any number of reasons, perhaps none more than the free admission. More than 400 species of animals are represented at the Smithsonian National Zoo, which is located in the heart of the Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C. Families who want to get a glimpse of what they’ll get to see before visiting the zoo can access its animal webcams, which are live 24/7, at
* “One of the household cleaners I prefer comes in a spray bottle, and it’s on the expensive side. I make sure to get all of the liquid out by adding some regular glass marbles to the bottle. It displaces the liquid up, ensuring it finds the bottom of the sprayer’s suction tube.” -- T.H. in Mississippi
[Local Road]
We just moved to [local town] and live on [local road]. At one end of the road the speed limit is 45 and at the other end it is 30. No other speed limit is posted. Cars go by our house 55 +++. We have farm tractors/joggers/bikers/horses going by all day. It should be 45 all the way til the village line. I emailed the town highway about speed limits about 3 months ago. Maybe they are way to busy to read it. Also there are many deer in the area
There is nothing quite like fall in upstate New York. We recently had visitors from out of state and they could not get over the beautiful foliage all around the area. Whether it’s the Finger Lakes, Letchworth State Park or just 75 degree sunny days in mid October, sometimes we take our surroundings for granted and it takes visitors to remind us just how lucky we are.
Freedom on display
Driving down local streets and seeing neighbors displaying their choice of political sign demonstrates what a great country we live in. We can voice our opinions and coexist with a neighbor who may have differing views. I’m thankful for a democracy that encourages open dialogue, mutual respect, and allows diversity of opinions.
I recently spent a couple of days at [local casino] and was shocked and appalled that almost all the slot machines had racist imagery, specifically seeming to be aimed at Asian cultures. They feature caricatures of Japanese women and other offensive stereotypes like dragons. I was wondering if there would be interest locally in helping eradicate these awful slot machines. I love to gamble and this just puts a damper on the whole thing.