Bonus hunting: Another pitfall to avoid is the temptation to use credit cards instead of cash in an effort to accumulate more travel miles or cash back bonuses. Consumers should aspire to use cash over credit whenever possible. Doing so ensures consumers are not spending money they don’t have, which is one of the most common ways that individuals build significant consumer debt.
10 Editions delivered weekly to 105,000 Homes
165,000 Print Readers
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PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414
Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390 Email:
President ...........................Steve Harrison
General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam
Creative Director ................................Kelly Nolan
Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson
Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340
Mice & Rat Treatment
Genesee Valley Health Partnership
Anti-violence and bullying training and education in many Livingston County schools and communities is supported by UWLC.
How to pack a suitcase: Roll pants and tops, adding to suitcase first, toward the handle side. Then add heavy items (shoes, boots) toward the wheel end. Make sure you choose the right size case for the trip; too much room will cause items to shift around.
YOU KNOW? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, air currents can carry pesticides that were applied to nearby properties. That means even people who do not apply pesticides in their lawns and gardens can still be at risk of exposure to these potentially harmful chemicals. People concerned by the prospect of being exposed to the pesticides being applied by their neighbors can stay indoors with their children and pets while the substances are being applied. Those who live near fields and parks where pesticides are routinely applied can plant hardy, thick-branched trees to reduce their risk of airborne exposure.The EPA notes that such plants and shrubs can serve as buffers against airborne pesticides, essentially acting as walls around a property that prevent gusty winds from blowing pesticides into yards and gardens.
I have an advanced programming procedure that can maximize your ability to understand speech clearly with your current hearing aids. We honor all warranties no matter where purchased.
Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.
is one of the sweetest cats
I’ve ever had the pleasure of sharing life with. Whenever I’m feeling down or think I’ve had enough, I hear her squeaker meow. I reach down with a smile on my face as I pet her, and all is well. But don’t let that fool you. 24/7 she asks for treats with all kinds of antics!!!
Help Reduce Animal Overpopulation
One of the easiest ways to prevent pet overpopulation is to spay and neuter animals. Cats can reproduce at very fast rates. According to the Cat Rescue, Adoption & Foster Team of Central Oregon, two uncontrolled breeding cats can create the following situation if they have two litters a year at a survival rate of 2.8 kittens per litter: 12 cats in the first year, 66 cats in the second year, and 2,201 cats in the third year. Cats reach puberty between 4 and 12 months of age. Female cats reproduce between January and September, and might come back into “heat” every 14 to 21 days until they have bred or daylight decreases considerably. Cats can give birth 60 days after they have bred.
By Sam Marzotta
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I am a brand-new pet sitter with four clients. I’m able to take one pet at a time into my home to care for them when their owners are traveling for long stretches, and I do home visits for the others. Well, the toy poodle I have in my care for the next three weeks brought an unpleasant surprise: fleas! Normally I would ask the client to clear up the flea problem before pet-sitting services can continue, but I’m already caring for the dog, so I’m stuck. What should I do? -- Jane H. in Wellesley, Massachusetts
DEAR JANE: Immediately contact the client to inform them. en ask for their permission to treat the dog. If they only want you to use a specific treatment, follow their instructions. Save your receipts for any flea treatments purchased.
A flea infestation can spread to the other pets you care for, so follow these steps to reduce infestation:
• Isolate the dog from most areas of your home until he has completed treatment and you are brushing away only dead fleas.
• Mop and vacuum your entire home daily, especially the corners. (Hint: Put a brand-new flea collar inside the vacuum cleaner bag to kill the fleas that are sucked in.)
• Wash or steam clean area rugs and drapes, and the dog’s bedding.
• Wash clothes that you have worn around the dog. (Hint: Set the clothes dryer to a medium or high heat setting, which will kill most eggs and fleas.)
Level: Advanced
is is a good time to review and update your pet-sitting contract. Add a clause requiring pets to be free of fleas, ticks and communicable diseases, as well as a clause that says owners must reimburse you for expenses incurred if their pet causes an infestation.
January 12–18, 2025
It’s perhaps no surprise that le er writing and handwriting are soon becoming lost talents in our increasingly high-tech society. Text, instant messages, and email are fantastic for their ease, convenience, and speed. But nothing beats the thrill of receiving a le er or a handwri en greeting card in the mail.
Letters have existed throughout history, from ancient India, Egypt, and Sumer, to Rome, China, and Greece up till today. Letters were utilized to self-educate in the 1600s and 1700s. Letters were primarily used to provide information, news, and pleasantries.
Fun Facts
In 1840, the first le er to be mailed with a stamp was wri en in the United Kingdom. e first postage stamp was released in the United States in 1847. Before the advent of the stamp, a person had to rely on his or her memory.
Title | e dot placed above the le er “i” is known as a title. e M.V.P. | e most used word in the English language is “the.”
Simply consider who you want to write to. It may be an old friend with whom you have lost touch. It could also be a long-distance le er to a grandparent or family member. Write a letter
The pinnacle of birthday celebrations, if there’s no piñata to break open, is when the birthday cake comes out and party attendees serenade the guest of honor. The song everyone harmonizes to is among the most widely recognized and well-loved tunes in the world. The “birthday song,” also known as “Happy Birthday to You,” is in the public domain in the United States and the European Union. The song originally was penned as a classroom greeting song titled “Good Morning to All,” written by sisters Mildred J. Hill and Patty Smith Hill. Both were educators and developed unique teaching strategies to assist students. The song was composed by Mildred and the lyrics were written by Patty to be used in kindergarten classrooms.
It is unclear who changed the lyrics and turned the song into a birthday ditty, as none of the earliest references to the song included credits or copyright notices. Two tales circulate regarding the eventual copyright of the song. One has The Summy Company registering a copyright in 1935, crediting authors Preston Ware Orem and Mrs. R. R. Forman. The other says Jessica Hill, sister to Mildred and Patty, who was working with publisher Clayton F. Summy Company, copyrighted and published “Happy Birthday to You” in 1935. Eventually Warner Chappell bought the company that was originally The Summy Company, and argued the birthday song was under copyright until 2030, making performances of the song illegal without paying royalties. However, a federal judge ruled in 2015 that Warner Chappell’s claim to a copyright on the song was not valid. The judge ruled its registration only covered a specific piano version, not the melody and lyrics. Therefore, “Happy Birthday to You” can be sung both privately and publicly without being subject to royalties or other restrictions.
Mass Times: Daily Mass ursday 8:30am; Saturday Vigil 5pm
Indian Falls Global Methodist Church 7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY 14036 • (585) 762-9105 •
Rev. Karen McCaffery •
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am • Sunday School (all ages) 11:30am
Our Mission is: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, & witness boldly.” • All Are Welcome!
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians Full schedule of services and live service streaming at
From the Air Force to Cooking with Heroes: Chef Ellen Adams’ Inspiring Journey of Service and Flavor
Ellen Adams‚ a former U.S. Air Force officer turned personal chef and culinary instructor‚ cra s more than meals; she creates connections and inspires healthy change. Best known for her commitment to fresh, preservative-free cooking, Ellen’s career path is as rich and diverse as the recipes she teaches.
Ellen grew up in Littleton, NH, as the youngest of six children. Reflecting on her childhood, she recalls, “No one takes six kids out to eat, so my mother cooked everything we ate – treats, snacks, meals. She was good at it, too. I knew what good cooking was.” Watching her mother gave her knowledge of the basics and an appreciation for home-cooked meals, but Ellen didn’t envision culinary arts as a career until later in life.
Instead, she embarked on a 20-year career in the U.S. Air Force, where she worked in government contracting, purchasing everything from military boots to dog food to equipment for the Iraqi army. Her service took her across the globe, from e Netherlands and Germany to nine U.S. states and even a deployment to Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
When Ellen retired, she saw a flyer for cooking classes at a Colorado community college. It inspired her. “I really wanted to take the international cooking class,” she said, but she had to start with the basics. Using her GI Bill, Ellen earned her culinary degree at 42, finishing her degree with two night classes at MCC, and began cooking professionally, preparing meals in clients’ homes.
challengeslikePTSDormedicalissuesmanyoftheveteransexperience. By learning new skills, veterans build connections and gain tools to live healthier, more fulfilling lives.
e program, supported by produce grown on the Equicenter’s three-acre garden, focuses on seasonal, health-conscious recipes. “ e gardener tells me what’s coming out of the garden, and I create the menu around that,” Ellen says. Recent classes featured dishes like roasted beef and carrots with tahini sauce and sweet potatoes with craisins and almonds. Veterans leave not only with new skills but also with fresh produce to share with their families.
Ellen’s culinary journey took her to the Food Network’s Chopped in 2015, though she says that experience was “awful” and “one of the three most stressful days of [her] life” (the others were when she deployed to Iraq and when her husband was in the Pentagon on 9/11). More a directed reality show than a cooking show, she says the cooking part was real, testing contestants’ mettle in the kitchen, but the drama was fabricated (bickering was encouraged and she wondered, ‘Why would I have a problem with my competitor? I just met him five minutes ago and he seems fine.’ As the Air Force retiree up against the young mother or the young man with PTSD on the show, she said, “ ere was no chance they’d give me the $10,000.”
However, the appearance on the show had a silver lining: A Las Vegas viewer, inspired by Ellen’s story (wanting to use the $10k prize to open a veterans cooking school in Rochester), donated $10,000 to kickstart her veterans cooking program at the Equicenter. Ellen says that benefactor continues to come to Mendon every year to cook with the veterans and continues to financially support the program. So, Ellen insists, “I did win” Chopped a er all.
Cooking with Heroes is a free bi-weekly program helping veterans reconnect through healthy cooking, camaraderie, and homemade meals. Small classes provide comfort and support, addressing
She loves teaching, especially sharing little things people may not know, such as why we always cook potatoes starting in cold water (so they don’t start cooking from the outside first, as would happen if the water was already boiling). She says, “ ere’s always a little acorn of information someone doesn’t know.”
Ellen’s passion for international flavors is rooted in her time overseas and her extensive travels. She spent three months in Italy, learning techniques from Michelin-starred chefs. Italian food is always a hit, she says, and she loves making tiramisu and Godiva chocolate crème brûlée.
Ellen raves about the Rochester area’s generosity. ough the nearest military base is at Fort Drum to the northeast or Fort Niagara to the west, Rochester’s support for veteran populations is amazing, and she’s proud to lend her expertise in this Cooking with Heroes program.
To learn more about this or other programs for Veterans, visit
Love to write? You could earn CASH when you share your original story, personal experience, community happening or school event with us! It may be featured on our popular website for all to see and even selected for print! Go to My Hometown at or email!
By Keith Roach, M.D.
MRI Reveals A Disease Of The Blood Vessels In The Brain
Puzzle Answers This Week
DEAR DR. ROACH: A recent fall split the skin below my left eye. I went to the emergency room to see if it required stitches. Since I complained of a headache in the back of my head on the left side, they ordered an MRI, which showed “atherosclerotic vascular disease with mild small vessel ischemic disease.” They also saw plaque within my internal carotid arteries. The ER doctors said I should see a vascular specialist soon. Of course, I am scared. I am a 76-year-old woman on Bystolic, rosuvastatin, benazepril and thyroid replacement. I also take sulfasalazine for my inflammatory arthritis. I am thin, take many vitamins and supplements, and exercise four times a week. Does the MRI mean I have dementia or Alzheimer’s? What does it mean? -- R.M.
ANSWER: No, the MRI cannot make a diagnosis of dementia. Dementia is diagnosed presumptively by a clinical exam that notes impairments in cognitive functioning such as memory, language and attention. (A definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is made by a pathological evaluation of brain tissue, which is almost never obtained while a person is alive.)
What the MRI shows is a disease of the blood vessels of the brain caused by cholesterol plaque. High blood pressure, smoking, high blood cholesterol, a previous family history, and other factors put people at risk for this condition. Some, but not all, people with the kinds of blood vessel disease you have will develop dementia, which is caused by cumulative damage to the brain tissue from multiple small strokes. In your case, both the large vessels (carotids) and small vessels are affected, suggesting that your cholesterol and blood pressure haven’t been ideal.
Your doctor has already taken some steps to slow or prevent the worsening of this condition. Careful control of your blood pressure (with Bystolic and benazepril) is essential. A statin drug (rosuvastatin) has been shown to reduce stroke risk and your overall dementia risk. I don’t know whether these are the best medicines for you or whether they are at the right doses, since only your doctor knows you well enough, but it is clear that your doctor is taking steps to protect your heart and brain.
Inflammatory arthritis (especially rheumatoid arthritis and lupus) increases the risk of blood vessel damage in the brain and heart, so early treatment is more important with people who have these conditions. Unfortunately, not all primary care doctors know how important inflammatory arthritis is when it comes to heart attack and stroke risk.
I do not believe there are any supplements or vitamins that are both safe and effective at preventing stroke, but there are a handful of people who may benefit from them. For example, people with high homocysteine in their blood may benefit from vitamin B12, folic acid, or their methylated counterparts.
A careful review of your overall health condition and diet is critical. You may be referred to a specialist for cognitive testing if there is any evidence of change in your thinking ability. A few blood tests will help further stratify your risk and may show a need for additional treatment.
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center 1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 325-2500 •
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows.
Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
Wanttoreply? Goonlinetosee all&comment! 2
Santa almost got away
Express means fast
A huge thank you to the fella that stopped on Five Mile Line Rd. by Klem to pick up our Santa blowup the morning of 12/30. It drifted to the middle of the road from the wind and he brought it right up to our door. Hope you have an awesome 2025!
West Wayne Florist Thank You
Thank you to the florist at the West Wayne Plaza (Macedon) shop ... You sent a beautiful rose in a beautiful vase directly to our door to celebrate our 71st anniversary. What a totally unexpected, fine gesture. The florist is a small businesswoman and she didn’t have to do that, but it was such a fine gesture, we want to thank you!
I needed one more thing from the grocery store on Christmas Eve so off to [local store] I went. I ran in and grabbed the one thing I needed and headed to the checkout. Glancing over the express lines I got in the one where the people ahead of me only had a few items. It was a seven items or less line. The woman in front of me had seven items. Just as the man in front of her was finishing up, the woman's husband came over and handed her seven gift cards to buy. I pointed out that the line was for seven items or less and got "thank you for telling me" and then she started to get rung up. After a few cards were put through she hit some sort of limit and a manager had to come over to override the rest of the gift cards. This was taking quite a long time. All the while the line was getting longer and longer. Activating seven gift cards is NOT an express lane transaction! Please be respectful of other people.
Integrity is lacking in so many TV commercials!
It is impossible to read the small print on so many TV commercials. The print is too small or similar color to the background or way too long to read in the time flashed OR all of the above. If this information is required or necessary, then it should be readable so it could be understood. And as another note, products advertised on TV should require the country of origin to help consumers make their decisions.
active senior living
Here’s A Tip
BYLINE: By JoAnn Derson
* Many people have written in the tip to use two similarly sized bowls, one larger than the other, to serve cold salads at picnics. You add a few cups of crushed ice to the larger bowl, then nestle the smaller bowl into it, making it “chilled.” In any case, remember: Don’t leave food out longer than two hours.
* If you are doing food platters for your barbecue, consider making several smaller platters instead of one large dish. e large ones are harder to store when you prep beforehand, but a better reason is that the items will not go stale/too warm/too cold quite as fast, and it’s easy to switch out plates throughout the party.
Hocus Focus
Hit the slopes (seriously). Skiing might be the furthest thing on people’s minds in summer. However, skiing hotspots can make for the ideal summer getaways for individuals looking for a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Instead of traversing slopes on skis, visitors can hike their way through the mountains before retiring to their resort for a more laid back evening of relaxation.
LA-Z-BOY RECLINER. Manual. Tan. Pick up Batavia. 585-343-6994
4 TIRE RIMS, 17” x 7-1/2”, Black Steel, 5 lug. Used, Good Condition. Pick Up - Ontario. Call 585-697-4618
NAZARETH ACADEMY YEARBOOKS 1963 & 1964. Webster. 585-671-2118
Many TASTE OF HOME MAGAZINES and annual hardcover editions from 2000-2010. Geneseo.
ADULT DIAPERS: pull-up or tabbed, various sizes. BED PADS and PAD INSERTS. LIQUID THICKENER, several packages. Canandaigua. 585-393-1311
Assorted BOARD GAMES. All in excellent condition: Checkers, Parcheesi, etc. Two LAWNMOWER LIFTS. Excellent condition. Phelps.
HEARING AID BATTERIES #312 brand new. 585-315-6916
STEREO SYSTEM with cabinet. Tuner, turntable, tape deck, etc. Canandaigua. 585-396-7265
WOOD KITCHEN TABLE, 36” diameter. Very heavy. Legs detach for transport. Palmyra.
All kinds of COLORING BOOKS. Pick up, Henrietta. 585-236-0426
CANDLE MAKING SUPPLIES. Top notch. Molds, wax, dyes, etc. Will meet in Avon.
GAMING CHAIR. Has some wear but still works. Large DOG CRATE. Geneseo. Text 585-752-9544
ELASTICATED TUBULAR BANDAGE. New in box, size F (4” W x app. 10 yd). Pick up, Henrietta. 585-435-3594
Queen size Jamestown BOX SPRING. Almost new. In two sections for easy handling. Henrietta. 585-334-3267
Three 2-drawer STEEL FILE CABINETS. Pick up, Penfield. 585-264-1068
LITTLE TYKES SCHOOL DESK. Pick up, Bergen. 716-474-2884
Two complete TWIN BEDS with frames, mattresses, box springs, mattress pads, blankets. Hemlock.
Working JEWELRY MAKING KILN, kiln and jewelry making accessories.
FLAT ROCK for edging.
DIRT BIKE or ATV, gas powered. Running or not. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278
MODELS - Built/Unbuilt Aviation, Autos & Trucks, Military, Ships, Etc. Plastic, Wood, Metal. Parts and Pieces are okay. 585-314-6989
WEBER GRILLS - Propane or Charcoal. Call or Text Matt 315-576-1278
HOME CB Radio or HANDHELD that will work inside the home.
Cooperstown Dreams Field TRADING PINS.
OLD COMPUTER, STEREO EQUIPMENT and CAMERAS. ‘80s and ‘90s Apple and other brands amp speakers. 585-883-5334
SHED in good condition. Will pick up! 585-301-1247
METAL OFFICE CHAIR, TWIN SHEET SETS and a pair of MEN’S WINTER BOOTS, size 8/9. 585-415-8513
SMALL HARD-SHELL CAMPER needed by local Boy Scout Troop. Text/Call 585-455-4363
MOVIE FILM or VIDEO of 2 local rock bands from 1966-1972 named Us & Company and Redhorse.
A COMPUTER CHAIR in Batavia. 585-536-6269
7’ MEDIUM/HEAVY FISHING ROD with 30# fishing line and any extra fishing tackle. 585-645-2618 (no texting)
WOOL BLANKETS for insulation from the ground. 585-500-8839
COMIC BOOKS, any & all, any condition. Will pick up.
Text/Call 585-260-0437
ADULT NUTRITIONAL DRINKS, any brand. Text/Call 585-649-8706
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
Determine how much space you truly need. Current business owners and prospective owners can save substantial amounts of money and avoid wasting energy by giving ample thought to how much office space they truly need. Large office spaces may not be necessary for businesses that recentlydownsizedstaff,whilethosestartingoutmaywanttostartinsmall spaces before upgrading to larger spaces if and when their businesses expand. Small business owners leasing their office space can speak with their leasing agents to determine if they can include a clause in their lease that allows them to move into larger spaces if the need arises before their existing leases expire.
Join Our Team at Lapp, LLC –e Global Leader in High-Voltage Insulators!
Are you ready to work for a company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to quality and innovation? Lapp, LLC, based in LeRoy, NY, is looking for a dedicated and skilled individual to join our team as a Production Worker.
Position: Production Worker
Location: LeRoy, NY Shi : 1st and 2nd Shi ($1.25 /hour shi differential for 2nd shi )
Wage Range: Starting at $20.10/hour.
What You’ll Do:
• Read and interpret production orders, simple blueprints, & work instructions.
• Perform tasks requiring strong mechanical skills and attention to detail.
• Handle physical duties, including li ing heavy loads.
What We’re Looking For:
• Strong mechanical aptitude and ability to follow instructions accurately.
• A team-oriented attitude and willingness to contribute to a collaborative environment.
• Physical stamina to meet the demands of the position. How to Apply:
Complete your application at Lapp, LLC 130 Gilbert Street, LeRoy, NY 14482 or submit your resume via email to
Union Representation: is position is covered under a collective bargaining agreement.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): Lapp, LLC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other legally protected status. We encourage applications from diverse candidates, including veterans and individuals with disabilities.
Take the next step in your career— Apply today and become a part of our dynamic team!
General Education Teacher (K-5) Earth Science Teacher (7-12)
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes:
• Teachers (Certified and Uncertified)
• Aides/TAs
• RNs/LPNs
• Cleaners
• Bus Drivers
All interviews begin upon receipt of application
Additional information and application available:
Keywords, phrasing, formatting, and having the right skills for the job can ensure a résume is seen by a recruiter, and perhaps even lead to a new career.
By Fifi Rodriguez
1. TELEVISION: Which popular spinoff series originated with the drama “Breaking Bad”?
2. HOLIDAYS: What is another name for Three Kings Day, celebrated on Jan. 6?
3. LANGUAGE: What does the Latin phrase “bona fide” mean?
4. MOVIES: In the movie “Babe,” what kind of animal is the title character?
5. MEASUREMENTS: How many grams are in a kilogram?
6. GEOGRAPHY: Which strait separates Saudi Arabia from Africa?
7. SCIENCE: What are the three layers that make up the Earth?
8. FOOD & DRINK: Which breakfast food is associated with the retro series “Stranger Things”?
9. MEDICAL: What is the common name for muscae volitantes?
Automotive Mechanic, Bus Attendant & Driver, Cafeteria Monitor, Custodian, Food Service Helper, Grounds Equipment Operator, Maintenance Mechanic, Senior Student Behavioral Assistant, Teacher Aide, and Subs in all areas.
10. LITERATURE: Which poet wrote a six-volume biography of President Abraham Lincoln? 1. “Better Call Saul.”
Looking for individual with experience and skillset for challenges with Autism.
Assistance needed for our daughter with self direction goals in the community.
$20+ per hour, depending on experience. Call Kathy at 585-594-3813.
Placer, Operator and Maintenance roles available.
Pay range for production roles:
Pay range for maintenance roles: $33.33-$37.86/hr.
Hiring for all shifts. Competitive benefits and shift differentials. Apply Now
Use your network. The notion that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has some truth to it. Successful jobseekers continually expand their professional contacts. This is achievedbygoingtoinformational interviews, attending trade association meetings and reviewing trade publications. Target people who work at the companies where you see yourself, so you can get the inside track about job openings.
Online POLL
With the end of 2024, many research institutions across the US and the world have made predictions about the state of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in the new year. Whether or not it happens this year, as some predict, overall, do you think AI will become smarter than humans?
- Yes - No - Unsure
ends 01-14-2025
ended 01-07-2024
According to the Siena College Research Institute in 2024, 49% of New Yorkers will make a resolution for the New Year, with 83% of those believing they will keep that resolution. Where do you stand – Do you plan to make (or have you made) a New Year’s resolution this year?
30.8% Yes and I believe I’ll keep it/them
69.2% No I don’t plan to make any resolutions
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!
EARCORNBY THEBUSHEL. Hay alsoavailable.Hilton.Call 585-434-9338
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