Tri-County- Genesee Valley Penny Saver- 11-8-24

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Parents who want to encourage their children to volunteer may find their effortsatdoingsoaremoreconvincing if they volunteer themselves. A 2013 study published in the Journal of Adolescence examined the effects that parents who volunteer and talk about volunteering have on children. Researchers found that the children of volunteers were 27 percent more likely to volunteer than children whose parents did not volunteer. In addition,adolescents were 47 percent more likely to volunteer when their parents volunteered and talked about volunteering with their children.

10 Editions delivered weekly to 105,000 Homes

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PO Box 340 • 1471 Route 15 Avon, NY 14414

Phone: 585-226-8111 Fax: 585-226-3390


President ...........................Steve Harrison

General Manager ...........................Manuel Karam

Creative Director ..............................Cristie Leone

Production Supervisor .................................Jeff Wasson

Circulation Manager ...............................Paul Schojan

Members of:

Gold Standard Publication National Award Winning Paper


Genesee Valley Penny Saver, PE 25776, Copyright © 2024, is published weekly by Genesee Valley Publications, Inc, 106 W. Main St., Honeoye Falls, NY. Periodical Postage paid at Pittsford Post Office and at additional mailing offices.


Send address changes to: Genesee Valley Penny Saver PO BOX 340 Avon, NY 14414-0340

Send Holiday Happiness

Send your loved ones season’s greetings and share your favorite memories with our custom designed holiday card collection! Go online now to check out our designs and order yours today!

Available for any order on Does not include custom orders through Penny Lane Printing. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 12/31/2024.


earned money. Your local merchant is working just as hard to earn your money. And when you choose to not support your local merchant and shop outside your community or county, you’ve robbed yourself of the benefits of your money staying where you live.

THINK LOCAL, especially at this gi ing time of year. Make it a Merry Christmas for all of us because, ‘it matters!’

businesses was more important than getting the best deals. That may be due to the feeling of helping out a fellow neighbor.

Create job opportunities

Shopping at small businesses keeps those establishments afloat, along with their employees. Small businesses are the largest employers in the United States. That’s also true in Canada, where 68.8 percent of the total labor force works for a small business. A person may never know when he or she - or a relative - will need a job. Keeping small businesses viable provides a strong job market for locals.

Keep more money in the community

The Small Business Administration says $48 out of every $100 spent at a small business stays in the community. Spend the same $100 at a national retailer and only $14 stays.

Enjoy a more local flavor

National retailers and other businesses follow a global business model that may not allow for much customization, but small businesses can provide products or services that relate directly to the needs of the communities they serve. These same small businesses may also be more inclined to work with local vendors and start-ups than national companies that have global supply chains.



Thank You!

Massive Disrespect!

Thank you to the kind and generous lady who paid for my groceries at Tops.

Thank You!

Thank you to the gentleman at the local full service gas station. You helped fill my tire with air and brightened my Monday morning! I always appreciate the employees willing to stand in all weather to fill my gas tank.

To the people who think our local cemetery is a public park. From people who walk dogs there, to the people who take coins from the headstones, SHAME ON YOU! A cemetery is a place to remember and honor your past loved ones. Not a place for your dog to do its business, or for you to pick up change!

Money spent on political campaigns

It is unbelievable the amount of money spent in and on political campaigns. Millions are spent with the conventions and all the campaign mailings, along with the traveling and campaigning. All of that money could be spent in so many needed areas.




Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke

2583 Main Rd., East Pembroke, NY 14056

585-762-8721 (secretary hours Tues., Wed., urs. 9am-1pm)

Pastor Glenn Bloom 585-356-4657 • Joyce 585-356-8253

Vacation Bible School, August 3rd, 9am-12pm “ e Pilgrim’s Progress”

First Baptist Church

306 E. Main St., Batavia, NY • 585-343-9002

Minister - Pastor Jeremai Williams



Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes

44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 •

Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm

St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm


St. James Episcopal Church

405 East Main St., Batavia, NY •

Sundays: 9am Service of God’s Word and Spiritual Communion -- via Zoom 10am Service of the Holy Eucharist -- In Person, Children Welcome Zoom link: Meeting ID: 808 543 2266 • Password: zrXG3y


Pavilion United Methodist Church

Come worship with us!

11115 East Park St., Pavilion • 585-584-3808

Worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.

Pastor Karen Woodworth

All are welcome!

List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.


By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet. ~Thomas Merton

Batavia First United Methodist Church

To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God! 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am.

Indian Falls Methodist Church 7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY 14036 • (585) 762-9105

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am Sunday School (all ages) 11:30am All Are Welcome!


585-637-2650 • 10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link Additional parking at 69 High Street.


Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish

Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians Full schedule of services and live service streaming at


Saturday Worship Service: 9:30am Bible Study: 11am-12pm

“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” —Albert Einstein, The World as I See It


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the qualified voters of the Brockport Central School District shall be held at the Technology and Training Center, 40 Allen Street, Building 800 in said District, on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. e following proposition will be submitted for voter approval at said meeting:


Shall the following resolution be adopted to wit:

Resolved that the Board of Education of the Brockport Central School District is hereby authorized to undertake certain capital improvements consisting of addition to the High School Building, and improvements to, and reconstruction of, various school buildings and facilities, site and athletic field improvements and the acquisition of certain original furnishings, equipment, and apparatus and other incidental improvements required in connection therewith for such construction and school use, all at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $65,980,000; and to appropriate and expend from existing capital reserve funds $16,700,000 for such costs, and that the balance of such cost, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by the levy of a tax to be collected in annual installments, with such tax to be offset by state aid available therefor; and, in anticipation of such tax, debt obligations of the school district as may be necessary not to exceed $49,280,000 shall be issued.

e School District, acting as lead agency under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder (“SEQRA”), has completed its environmental review and, on October 15, 2024, has duly issued a negative declaration and has determined that the implementation of the unlisted action as proposed will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.

AND NOTICE IS GIVEN that qualified military voters may apply for a military ballot by requesting an application from the District Clerk at (585) 637-1810 or For a military voter to be issued a military ballot, the District Clerk must have received a valid ballot application no later than 5:00 PM on November 14, 2024. In a request for a military ballot application or ballot, the military voter may indicate their preference for receiving the application or ballot by mail, facsimile transmission, or email.

AND NOTICE IS GIVEN that applications for early mail and absentee ballots shall be obtainable during school business hours from the District Clerk; completed applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the vote and election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the vote and election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. Early mail and absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk at Clerk’s Office/ Business Office, District Office Building, 40 Allen Street, Building 100, Brockport, New York 14420 not later than 5:00 PM on December 10, 2024.

A list of persons to whom early mail, absentee and military ballots are issued will be available for inspection to qualified voters of the District in the office of the District Clerk on and a er November 26, 2024, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM on weekdays prior to the Election; and on December 10, 2024, the day set for the Election, said list will be posted at the polling place.

e District Clerk is authorized to amend or modify this notice to comply with applicable legal requirements.

DATED: October 18, 2024

Brockport, New York

Brockport Central School District

New York


How Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Affects Older Women

DEAR DR. ROACH: I had all the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) when I was younger. I could go six months without having my period. I had all the other symptoms, too, like oily skin and facial hair. It’s a terrible thing for a young teenage girl. I also had trouble getting pregnant; though, fortunately, Clomid worked well for me during both of my pregnancies.

My question is, how does PCOS affect older women? My doctor doesn’t know. Is this why my hair is thinning so badly? What else can I expect now that I’m older? (I’m 66 now, and I had menopause at 51.) What can I do about it? I still have hot flashes and thinning hair. -- L.L.P.

ANSWER: I’m sorry that you aren’t getting good advice. PCOS doesn’t go away after menopause, but it’s harder to diagnose. There aren’t good data to help guide treatment, so understanding what’s happening at a biochemical level is important. Although cysts in the ovaries are usually seen with PCOS, the most important parts of the diagnosis have more to do with androgen excess (male hormones) and abnormal ovulation. Insulin resistance is also an important part of PCOS, with or without obesity.

The androgen excess is responsible for oily skin and facial hair, and it’s partially responsible for insulin resistance. As women age, most androgen levels tend to return to normal, but women still may have some residual symptoms. Although any woman can get female-pattern hair loss (overall thinning of the hair, often worst in the center part), women with PCOS are at a higher risk for developing this type.

However, women with PCOS may also occasionally develop male-pattern hair loss (a receding hairline and thinning on the crown) when the ovaries produce excess male hormones and fewer female hormones. Treatment with the antiandrogen medication finasteride seems particularly promising, and topical (or low-dose oral) minoxidil can be helpful. A dermatologist who specializes in hair loss should be the expert in the management of PCOS-associated female-pattern hair loss.

In addition, the excess male hormones may play a role in increasing a postmenopausal woman’s risk for heart disease. HDL cholesterol levels tend to be lower in postmenopausal women with PCOS. The standard calculators to help a clinician decide when to start medication (such as a statin) to reduce the risk of heart disease are likely to underestimate the risk. Thus, diet and exercise are very important for women with PCOS. Hot flashes do not seem to be worsened by PCOS. Although hormone replacement can be used in women with hot flashes and PCOS, it is especially risky in a woman of 66 due to the increased risk of heart disease. Nonhormonal treatment, such as venlafaxine or fezolinetant, is my recommendation.

Finally, insulin resistance is present in over half of all women with PCOS, so regular evaluations of blood sugar levels and A1C levels are important to diagnose prediabetes or overt diabetes as quickly as possible. Again, diet, exercise and sometimes medication are even more important for women with PCOS, to help reduce the risk for developing diabetes. © 2024 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved


(NAPSA)—Pressureulcersarebothcostly anddeadlybutnewtechnologysuchas theLeaf PatientMonitoringSystemcan dramatically curb the pressure ulcer pandemic,saysDr.MargaretDoucette.

The not-for-profit National Ground Water Association (NGWA) says people who have inground wells in areas affected by flooding need to watch for contaminated water.To learn to protect your well from floods and find other resources,

CBD oil is known for relieving aches and pains when applied topically. Now, it’s used to treat acne, wrinkles and sensitive skin in the luxury skin care line from MermaidWizdom.Learn

The new SILGRANITsink color,Concrete Gray from BLANCO, is clean, organic and at home in both urban and natural settings. You can find an app at www.

There’s a new online group planning tool from Vrbo.Trip Boards let travelers save (“heart”) their favorite vacation homes and collaborate with fellow travelers to vote and comment on which rentals they like best (or least). Download the Vrbo app and find your vacationhomematch.

Proper RV maintenance is key to preventing frustrating equipment issues that can lead to expensive repairs. One help can be to use 3-INONE RVcare Rubber Seal Conditioner to protect rubber seals against damaging ultraviolet rays. Learn more

The top floral gifting company named the hot pink rose its 2019 Flower of the Year. “A symbol of hope and empowerment,radiantpinkisstunning and perfect for every occasion,” explained Alfred Palomares, VP of Merchandising for


Brett Sachs, DPM, FACFAS • Foot & Ankle Surgeon practicing in Denver, CO • Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (NAPSI)—One in five Americans suffers from bunions. A bunion, or hallux valgus, starts out as redness and a bump on the side of the foot near the big toe. Over time, bunions can cause chronic pain and restrict movement.

Bunions are progressive and don’t go away on their own, so it’s important for people with bunions to see a foot and ankle surgeon who will evaluate the severity of the deformity and develop a treatment plan. Nonsurgical treatmentsmayreducethechance ofdamagetothejointandeasethe pain of bunions. However, these treatments will not reverse the deformity itself. If the pain begins interfering with normal daily activities, surgical intervention will typically be the next step.

Until recently, the procedure had been very painful and the recovery difficult. However, foot and ankle surgeons have made several advancements in surgical techniques and patients return to normalactivitiessooner.Recovery typically takes four to six weeks.

Foot and ankle surgeons implement pain management techniques following bunion surgery, including using nerve blocks, postsurgical pain pumps, and vitamin C and calcium supplements. These let patients recover fully with minimal pain. For more information or to find a foot andanklesurgeonnearby,visitwww., the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons’ patienteducationwebsite.

Brett Sachs, DPM, FACFAS is a boardcertified foot and ankle surgeon and Fellow Member of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Dark wood DOUBLE BED, two DRESSERS and MIRROR. Two NIGHTSTANDS (do not match). Hemlock. 585-704-2786


LOWREY ORGAN, Deluxe Model. Works. Batavia. 585-356-0839

SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINES - Lifetime collection. North Rose. 315-587-9811


20 EGG CARTONS. Elba. 585-757-2218

VICTORIAN LOVE SEAT that needs reupholstering and a burgundy WING CHAIR with no rips. 585-362-6906

QUEEN SIZE ADJUSTABLE BED: Mattress, frame and remote. Very clean and in great shape. LeRoy. 585-768-2165

PERM RODS – all sizes. Webster. 585-872-6688

HOYER LIFT. Like new. Holley. Text or call, leave msg. 585-880-8073

FOLDING CARD TABLE with four chairs. Batavia. 585-356-2311

TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES including VINTAGE: IBM electric character ball, can of ink eraser, typewriter cleaner, brushes, ribbons, paper, carbon paper. Penfield.


Two sets of old DOWNHILL SKIS with poles. One pair of BOOTS. Use as is or repurpose. Bloomfield. 585-451-9678

Non-working ZENITH FLAT SCREEN TV. Pick up. Text only to Janice 585-752-5809

TWIN BED w/mattress & box spring, railing & headboard. Pick up, Batavia. 585-300-7776

Large pile of RED BRICKS. Pick up, Riga. 585-293-1439

1940s ROPER GAS STOVE. Heavy; you must move. Leave message 585-323-1762

TRACHEOSTOMY SUPPLIES: cannulas, sterile water, suction catheters, and more.

ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, great condition. Light wood approx. 15’3” long x 22” deep x 5’1” tall. Call or text 585-750-0688

FIREWOOD. Pick up, Ontario. 585-265-0374 leave message

Twelve-piece PUNCH SET GLASSES. Brockport. 585-704-1030

RECLINER, brown. With footrest and reclines. Pick up, Brockport. 585-615-9177

STATIONARY BIKE, in good shape. Needs battery. Pittsford. 585-385-3699



HP PRINTER INK CARTRIDGES #60 and #61 new or expired okay. 585-519-3325

CLEAN-”ISH” FILL wanted. 585-813-8389

BABY CRIB in good condition. 585-394-0099

HUBCAP for a 2003 Buick LeSabre. 585-671-3822

TOY BOX. 585-410-4672

Any CAT FOOD (wet or dry) or canned TUNA FISH. Text 585-298-8581

VINTAGE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Will also use vintage bulbs. The large colorful ones from back in the ‘50s. 315-559-1406

CANON AE1 PROGRAM 35MM CAMERA with zoom lens or similar. 585-733-4085


DOLL HOUSE with or without furniture, PET/BABY GATE and a CRATE. 585-507-8788


Cooperstown Dream Field TRADING PINS.

ATVs or DIRT BIKES wanted. Gas powered, running or not. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278

Seeking WEBER GRILLS. Call or text 315-576-1278


HYGIENE SUPPLIES, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, etc. Drop off at Liberty Square, Batavia. 585-483-3456


CRIB MATTRESS. 585-697-4489

Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received. Submit at under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111

Penny Saver


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My next-door neighbor puts out food for all of the outdoor cats in the area. at includes a lot of strays who are now mingling with the cats who have homes. She even buys specialty cat food if she thinks they don’t like what she’s offering. I think this is a dangerous situation, because the cats may be exposed to diseases from the strays. What should I say to her to stop this? -- Concerned Next Door

DEAR NEXT DOOR: If you’re on polite terms with the neighbor, go over and talk to her about the issue, calmly. Explain your concerns and let her know that some of those cats have homes and owners who may not be happy about their cats being fed somewhere else. However, if you’re not comfortable speaking directly with her -- or if the conversation accomplishes nothing -- you will need to consider other routes.

If you have a neighborhood HOA, bring up the issue in a community meeting. e cats’ owners may not be aware of what’s going on. If you don’t have an HOA, try discussing the issue with the other owners directly. Explain that their cats are at risk of contracting diseases common among strays, like FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) or could be injured in a territorial fight. e least painful solution is for cat owners to keep their outdoor cats inside and away from the neighbor. en contact your local animal control. Now, animal control doesn’t always intervene in these situations, but if they feel that the strays are a danger to other pets, they may come out and try to trap and remove them to a shelter, or at least have a talk with your neighbor about putting food out.

active senior living

Here’s A Tip

* For every degree you lower your thermostat during the heating season, you generally reduce your energy costs by 3% daily. Also, turn down the temperature setting on your hot water heater.

* Here’s a no-fail strategy for raking up leaves: Rake leaves into a single long line, preferably onto a sidewalk. en turn a large garbage can on its side and sweep the leaf pile into the can, breaking to empty leaves into bags as needed. e raking goes much quicker when done in “stripes.” And bagging is faster as well.

* If you have an ink stain on fabric, try blotting it with hairspray. Saturate the ink spot with hairspray and blot using a clean white cloth or non-decorated paper towel. Repeat until all the ink is gone. Make sure you test on an inconspicuous area first.

Hocus Focus


Potato Derby:Monday,November 11,12:00pmto1:00pm 11/1-11/11:Stopintothelibraryto pickyourpotato-racerbuildingkit. Athome,puttogetherthefastest potatomobile!Comebackon 11/11toraceyourpotatomobileon ourstate-of-the-arttrack.Forall ages,butintendedforages5-12. Whilesupplieslast.

Hamlin Public Library

1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320

M & W 10am-6pm

Tu./Th. 10am-8pm

F.10am-4pm Sat. 10am-2pm

Hoag Library

134 S. Main St., Albion


Visit our website for hours.

Holley Community

Free Library

86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 •

Hrs.: M & W: 10am-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm Sept.-June (closed Sat. during summer)

Seymour Library

161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050

Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm

Here’s what’s happening at your local library…


Thank businesses who support veterans. Many businesses show their gratitude to veterans by offering them free services on Veterans Day. When a local business shows its appreciation to veterans, patronize that business and let them know you appreciate their efforts to help veterans.

HowtoFoldtheAmericanFlag: Monday,November11,1:00pmto 2:00pm

TheGirlScoutswillteachushowto foldtheAmericanflag.

FlagRaising:Monday,November 11,2:00pmto3:00pm JointheScoutsinraisingournew Americanflag.

SeymourChessClub:Tuesday, November12,6:00pmto7:00pm Comeplaychessandenjoy!

ShavingCreamArt:Wednesday, November13,4:00pmto5:00pm Useshavingcreamtocreateyour ownmarbledpaper!Forgrades 6-12.Noregistrationrequired. Ornaments*:Friday,November15, 12:00pmto2:00pm Comemakefestiveornamentswith Leslietodecorateyourholidayseason.*Registrationrequired.


CLOSED- Monday,November11th

HealthyEatingonaBudget ONLINE-Monday,November11th 6:30-7:30pm Learnhowtoplanbudgetfriendly recipestomakethemostofyour grocerytrip.PresentedbyCornell CooperativeExtension.PleaseregisterforaZOOMlink. Teen/TweenCraftClub:Marbled Leaves-Thursday,November14th 6:00-7:00pm Makeyourownwatercolormarbledleaves.Grades6+up.Noregistration.

Alzheimer’sAssociationEmpoweredCaregiverSeries:Exploring CareandSupportServices-November15th10:30-11:30am Thisclassexamineshowbestto prepareforfuturecaredecisions andchanges.Noregistration.

Crafternoon:MakeaButton Pumpkin!-November15th2:003:00pm Joinustomakeacutebutton pumpkintohangonyourwall! Suppliesarelimited.Registration required.

FleeceTiedAnimalBeds-November 16th10:30-1:30pm Makeano-sewbedfortheanimals atNorthPawRescue.Materials providedbythelibrary-allyouneed todoistie!Allages.Noregistration.


MuseumQuiltGuildmeetsNovember 16thattheVAMedicalCenter, 222RichmondAve.,Bldg.4,2nd Fl.Auditorium,Batavia,NY.Meetingsbeginat9:30AMandinclude ashortbusinessmeeting,Show& TellandaProgramsometimeswith aWorkshop.Otheractivitiesincludetheraffle,minifleamarket andourminilibrary.Wehavea phonetreetocontactmembers duringinclementweather.Duesare $25/yearforeachmember.

3rdAnnualSmallBusinessCraft and VendorEvent: HostedbySt. PaulLutheranChurchandSchool. JoinusSaturday,November30 from10-3pmatSt.PaulChurch andSchool,31WashingtonAve., Batavia.Comebrowseavarietyof handcrafteditems,quilts,blankets, children/babyitems,woodcrafts, jewelryandmuchmore!Formore informationcontact:585-343-0488 or585-993-2410.

HLOM24thAnnualWonderland of TreesOpeningGala “Gingerbread&Peppermint”-OnNovember22nd,6pm,the24thAnnual WonderlandofTreeswillofficially kickoff!Viewover30community treesandsomeamazingdecorations!Checkoutalltheamazing decorations,basketraffle,communityatmosphere,andsomuch more!MusicbytheDSPJazzTrio! FoodprovidedbyBatavia’sOriginal PizzeriaandTheAlabamaHotel, alongwithdessertsfromASweet EndingBakery!Tickets:$20,$15 formuseummembers,and$5for children12andunder.Gotothe websitetoreservetickets! hollandlandoffice.comorstopby themuseum.

MuseumQuiltGuild meets on the3rdSaturdayofeachmonthat theVAMedicalCenter,222RichmondAve.,Bldg.4,2ndFloor, Auditorium,inBatavia(Exceptfor Decembermeetingwhichisthe secondSaturday.)Meetingsbegin at9:30AMandincludeashort businessmeeting,Show&Telland aProgramsometimeswithaWorkshop.Otheractivitiesincludethe raffle,minifleamarketandour minilibrary.Wehaveaphonetree tocontactmembersduringinclementweather.Duesare$25peryear foreachmember.Formoreinformationclickon:https://www.


Bi-monthlyFundraisingDinners - Bi-monthly fundraisingdinners willbeheldonthe2ndand4th Wednesdaysofthemonthtohelp supporttheBrockportAreaVeteransClub(222WestAvenue,Brockport).TheAmericanLegionAuxiliary#379willserveaLasagna Dinneronthe2ndWednesdayof themonthandaChicken&Biscuit Dinneronthe4thWednesdayof themonth.Bothdinnersarefrom 4PM-6PM(DineinorTakeout). Cost:$12/person;$6/Veteran.For reservations,call(585)637-5012.


LasagnaDinner: 2024 -TheKendallMethodistChurch,1814KendallRd,Kendallwillhaveadrive throughLasagnaDinneron Thursday,November21serving from4:30-6:00p.m.TheCostis $14.00.Call281-1514forreservations.Reservationsarerecommendedbutnotrequired.


Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:

• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program

• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor

• Organizations seeking donations of items

Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date

REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414


FunForTheWholeFamilyArt Classes - Thefollowingarefree eventsoccurringthroughout2024 andsponsoredbyGoArt.All eventsareheldatTheGoose,33 SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.MondayNovember18th3:00&6:00VintageBoxTree-RegistrationRequired.TuesdayDecember10th 1:00-8:00pmHollyJollyCalendarsRegistrationRequired.Register

ChairYoga - EveryThursdayfrom 10:00a.m.to11:00a.m.Opento all!Allequipmentisprovided!No RegistrationRequired!Walkinand joinus!TheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainStreet,Oakfield.http://www.

JoinUsAtTheGoose! Coffee Hour EveryWednesdayfrom10:00 a.m.to11a.m.,Justwalkinand joinus!PleaseFollowTheGoose Facebookpageforupdates,additions,andcancellations.The GOOSECommunityCenter,33 SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http://

We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon: Theme: HONORING OURVETERANS.TuesdayNovember19,2024,11:30-1:30pm,So AlabamaFirehall,Route63(2230 JudgeRoad,Oakfield).Lunch promptlyat11:45am.Weareopen tothepublicandwelcomeall!Our speakerthisisWilliamJoyce,DirectorofourGeneseeCountyVeteransServiceAgency.Hewillbe talkingabouttheWNYNational CemeteryinIndianFalls,NYaswell asalltheservicestheyoffertoour Veterans.WeinviteAllVeteransto attendourluncheon.Weareopen tothepublicandwelcomeall. Bringyourfavoritedish-to-passOR makeadonationatthedoor! Comeandenjoylunchandan afternoonoffunwitholdandnew friends.Contact:LaNoraThompson 630-888-8966.

STATISTICS SHOW JUST HOW BIG SMALL BUSINESS IS No business is too small to be a small business. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that microbusinesses, which are defined as firms that employ between one and nine employees, accounted for 75 percent of all private-sector employers asrecentlyas2013.

And the Autumn clutches the forests green

In a hasty and eager clasp; But the leaves are true to the Summer they love, And they wither and fade in his grasp.

~J.J. Britton (1832–1913), “Death”

Online POLL

According to Food Institute, industry experts suggest the pumpkin spice “flavor profile is so popular because it evokes and capitalizes upon positive feelings associated with the fall season.” How do you feel about pumpkin spice flavored products?

- Love them – I try everything pumpkin spice!

- Like them – I enjoy a few items each season

- Indifferent – I don’t mind them, but I don’t seek them out

- Dislike them – I avoid pumpkin spice

- Strongly dislike – No pumpkin spice for me, ever!

Poll ends 11-12-2024

Poll ended 11-05-2024

According to the National Confectioners Association poll, more than half of all parents say they steal from their children’s Halloween candy. What do or did you do with your child/ren’s collection?

43.8% I openly take candy as the Parent Tax

31.3% I sneak a few pieces of candy from my child/ren’s candy

6.3% I don’t touch any of their candy

18.8% My child/ren don’t collect candy on Halloween

We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit!

Beef, Ham and Turkey

Spaghetti & Meatball $3 Dinner

Fri., Nov. 15 Doors Open 6pm BROCKPORT ELKS LODGE 4400 Sweden Walker Road 637-5110

Puzzle Answers This Week

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Local & Long Distance Services

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The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports that mushrooms contain about 15 vitamins and minerals, including folate magnesium, potassium, vitamin B6,andzinc.Mushroomsalsoarelowin calories and rich in antioxidants, which can help to lower risk for inflammation.

Each mumbered row contains two clues and two answers. e two answers differ from each other by only one letter, which has already been inserted. For example, if you exchange the A from MASTER for an I, you get MISTER. Do not change the order of the letters.

Fall is a great time to enjoy the great outdoors.Beautiful fall foliage coupled with great weather compel many people to spend ample time outdoors before the arrival of harsh winter weather drives them back indoors.

Magic Maze


Level: Beginner

Filling the Gap

WNY Heroes Provides Lifesaving Support for Veterans and Their Families

Chris Kreiger served in the US Army for ten years, deployed to Bosnia and Iraq and serving at NYC’s Ground Zero. When he returned home in April 2004, he had so many medical and trauma setbacks. He spent time in the hospital dealing with epilepsy from his traumatic brain injury as well as surgery on his right foot that was crushed in a Humvee accident. He also required spinal cord surgery and weeks of treatment at the polyoma brain center in Richmond, Virginia.

When he finally returned to New York and filed for the VA benefits he was promised until he recovered and got back on his feet, Chris was disappointed to learn the benefits were dreadfully insufficient and unsatisfactory. His family lost everything they worked so hard for as Chris recovered. ey lost their home, they drained checking and savings accounts, and borrowed from friends and family until no one could help any more. He turned to the VFW and American Legion, with no luck. Other resources refused to help him because his was a military issue, so he was stuck.

Believing no veteran should struggle financially when they return from serving their country, especially when expensive medical issues are caused by said service, Kreiger determined to form WNY Heroes in 2007, a crucial lifeline to veterans’ financial security. No one, not even the VA, offered the services and programs WNY Heroes did, beginning with financial support but also Peer-toPeer support programs including monthly dinners, breakfast, and outings to socialize with other veterans and their families. rough all their programs, WNY Heroes aims to help veterans and their families financially and emotionally when the heroes return home. As Kreiger says, “We want that Veteran to

concentrate on his/her mental health and reunite with their family. Allow us to handle the rest for you.” Each year, WNY Heroes provides hundreds of thousands of dollars toward veterans’ rent/ mortgage, utilities, food, and the peer-to-peer support programs, as well as the Pawsitive for Heroes service dog training and support program.

WNY Heroes launched Pawsitive for Heroes in 2013, providing service dogs to Veterans in medical need and those medicallyreferred through VA hospitals. Kreiger says the program has drawn so much attention it went national last year. To date, WNY Heroes has paired 200 service dogs with Veterans. Kreiger says, “We name our dogs a er those who served and passed away, a small way for us to keep remembering those who served.”

WNY Heroes partners with county and NYS correctional facilities to train dogs. Service dogs spend ten months in the facilities training with inmates and Kreiger and other trainers. en, dogs are paired with veterans, and those pairs train for another 6-8 months in WNY Heroes’ facility so the handlers can learn voice commands, hand signals, public access training, restaurant etiquette, laws, etc. A er that, the dog can go anywhere the handler, the Veteran, goes.

Kreiger says, “A service dog is meant for a single individual’s need or purpose. e dog can’t be touched by everybody and anybody. e dog must listen directly to the handler. It can only be touched by the handler. ere’s a huge difference between Companion, Emotional Support, erapy, and Service Dogs. When they put on their vests, a service dog is working. It’s all business. When the vest comes off, they go right back to being normal house dogs.”

WNY Heroes and its Pawsitive for Heroes program make a marked difference in Veterans’ lives. Kreiger says they are thankful for their amazing donors and volunteers, but the need is always greater, so they’re always in need of donations and volunteers.

e 3rd Wednesday of the month, veterans are invited to breakfast at varied locations in Batavia – fun, laughter, and camaraderie. For more information on this and other WNY Heroes events, visit

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WNY Heroes in Washington


The PathStone Weatherization Assistance Program is available for income-eligible households in Monroe County located outside of the city limits.

1. MOVIES: What was the name of the tournament in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”?

2. GEOGRAPHY: What was the name of the train service that started in 1883 between Paris and Constantinople (Istanbul)?

3. LITERATURE: Who did the pigs represent in the allegorical novel “Animal Farm”?

4. ART: Which European city houses the Reina Sofia museum?

5. TELEVISION: What is the product that Don Draper makes an ad for in the final episode of “Mad Men”?

6. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of unicorns called?

7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which presidential retreat is officially named the “Naval Support Facility Thurmont”?

8. MUSIC: Which composer is featured in the film “Immortal Beloved”?

9. HISTORY: The Great Wall of China was mostly built by which dynasty?

10. FOOD & DRINK: What kind of fruit is also known as the Chinese gooseberry?

The Triwizard Tournament.
The Orient Express.
The ruling class.
Madrid, Spain.
A blessing. 7. Camp David, Maryland. 8. Ludwig van Beethoven.
9. Ming Dynasty. 10. Kiwi.

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Work-related stress is an all too common problem in workplaces across the globe. According to the American Institute of Stress, 80 percent of workers report feeling stress on the job. Perhaps most troubling, nearly half of those people admit they need help in learning how to manage their stress.

The American Psychological Association notes that stressful work environments can contribute to a host of physical problems, including headache, sleep disturbances and short temper. Chronic stress can produce more serious consequences such as high blood pressure while also weakening sufferers’ immune systems. Stress at the workplace also can make it difficult to concentrate, which in turn can compromise workers’ abilities to perform at the peak of their abilities. That supports thenotionthatstressisaproblemforbothemployeesandemployers.Asa result, finding ways to reduce that stress should be a team effort. Getting a handle on stress can be difficult. Since so many people trace their stress to the jobs they need to get by, they might think it’s impossible to address that stress without derailing their careers. But there ways for professionals to get a handle on their stress without negatively affecting their careers.


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