11 minute read
Applications being accepted for
All Units
• Age 62 and older or disabled regardless of age
• Subsidized Housing
• Kitchen with appliances and dining room
• Laundry facilities
• Smoke-free community
For an application or more information please contact:
LeRoy Meadows
Kendall United Methodist Church
1814 Kendall Road
DRIVE THRU Take Out Only 4-6pm By Reservation: 585-281-1514
For an application or information please write:
For an application or information please write:
Office Bldg. 4
585-768-2169 TDD#711 leroy1@tmamgroup.com
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Oct. 9-11: ADK Wild Walk. $599 PP Double.The Wild Center,Tupper Lake, Lake Placid Boat Ride,Whiteface Memorial Highway & ADK Fall Foliage.
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Holy Saturday marks the final day of the Triduum, or the three days preceding Easter Sunday. Scripture states that Holy Saturday was when Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb.
Magic Maze
Things That Wear Out
Hamlin Public Library
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org
Mondays/Wednesdays 10am6pm; Tuesdays/Thursdays 10am-8pm; Fridays 10am-4pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm
Hoag Library
134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
Holley Community Free Library
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer)
Seymour Library
161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050 www.seymourlibraryweb.org
Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm, F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm
Here’s what’s happening at your local library…
HamlinPublicLibrary: TheHamlinPublicLibraryisopen
Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am-4pm; Saturdaysfrom10am-2pm.ABCStorytimeiseveryMondayat10:30am. OnWednesday,April12at1p.m., PerryGroundwillpresent“Lifeina LonghouseVillage.”PerryisaTurtle ClanmemberoftheOnondagaNation oftheHaudenosaunee(Iroquois) Confederacyandhasbeenastoryteller andeducatorforover25years.CookbookClubisApril13at6:30pm. BeginningApril17,DigitalLiteracyof Rochesterwillbeatthelibraryevery Mondayfromnoon-3pmproviding freecomputerhelp.Meetwitha representativefromAssemblyman Hawley’sofficeonApril19from noon-2pm.CoronationCelebration programisApril22at11am.Joinus forafascinatorhatcraftandenjoytea andscones.Registrationisrequiredfor mostprograms.Formoreinformation, call964-2320,visitwww. hamlinlibraryny.orgorfinduson Facebook.
Every April, God rewrites the Book of Genesis. ~ Author Unknown
AllAgesStoryTimes:Tuesdaysand Thursdays,11:00amto11:30am
Bothsessionswillbeforallagesand willfeaturestories,songs,movement, andrhymethatallthechildrencan enjoy.
SensoryPlayTime:Tuesdaysand Thursdays,11:30amto12:00pm
Variousmanipulativesandactivities willbemadeavailableforchildrento honetheirfinemotorskillsandexploretheirowncuriosityandcreativity.
Lyre,LyreGoestotheMovies: ThursdayApril13,6:30pmto8:00pm
AdelightfulpresentationofAcademy Awardwinningmoviethemes.Includedaretimelessfavoritessuchas “MoonRiver”,“Tammy”,“Star Wars”,“MyHeartWillGoOn”(Titanic),“SomewhereOvertheRainbow”,andmore.
FunwithPaper*:Friday,April14, 12:00pmto2:00pm.
LauraJacketwillbeteachingushow tomakeboxes.*Registrationrequired. SpringBookSale:4/19:6pm-8pm, 4/20:10am-8pm,4/21:10am-6pm, and4/22:10am-3pm.SaturdaySpecial$5bagsale.(Bringyourown reusablebag)
VFWPost1602Chicken&Biscuit Dinner- VFWPost1602,25EdwardsSt,Bataviaishostinga Chicken&BiscuitDinneronSaturday,April8,2023from4PMtill Soldout.$14donation/dinner. PresaleTicketsrecommended.TicketsavailableatthePostorby calling585-344-3249after4:30 PMonWednesday,Friday,SaturdayandSunday.MusicbytheFront PorchPickersfrom6PMto9PM.A BasketRaffleisalsobeingheldthat night.OpentothePublic.
HLOMTriviaNight@theMuseum:ThomasJefferson- Joinus attheHollandLandOfficeMuseum forthenexteditionofourTrivia Night@theMuseumonThursday, April13that7pm.Thismonth’s topicisourThirdPresidentofthe UnitedStatesThomasJefferson. Admissionis$5or$3formuseum members.Pleasecontactthemuseumat585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youplantoattend.
HLOMGuestSpeakerSeries: RickFalkowski,“Historic& InfluentialPeopleofBuffalo&WNY Early1800s”-JoinusattheHollandLandOfficeMuseumon Wednesday,April19that7pm.We welcomelocalauthorandpresenterRickFalkowskiasheshares thehistoriesofthosewhomade ourareawhatitisfromitsbeginningsintheearly1800s.Thesubjectsincludesuchsignificantpersonsandeventsas:RedJacket, JosephEllicott,theWarof1812, ErieCanal,amongmanymore. CopiesofFalkowski’sbookswillbe available.Admission$5or$3for museummembers.Contact: 585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youplantoattend.
GeneseeCounty4-HYouthRabbit&CavyShow: Joinusforthe GeneseeCounty4-HFur&Feather ClubYouthRabbitandCavyShow onSaturday,April29thatthe GeneseeCountyFairgrounds(5056 EastMainStreetRoad,Batavia) from8am-2pm.Opentoyouthage 18andunder.Formoreinfo,call the4-HOfficeat585-343-3040. https://genesee.cce.cornell.edu/ events/2021/05/15/4-h-doublerabbit-cavy-youth-show
TheGatheringTable/Teen Closet -TheGatheringTable,free communitydinner,willbeheldat BrockportFirstBaptistChurch,124 MainSt.,onSunday,April16, 12:00-1:00pm.Menu:baked ham,creamedpotatoes,glazed carrots,greenbeans,anddessert. TheTeenClosetwillbeopen11:00 amto1:00pm.
HiltonCommunityIndoorFlea Market -TheHiltonCommunity IndoorFleaMarketiscelebratingits 15thyearandwillbeheldinthe HiltonCommunityCenter,59 HenryStreet,Hilton.Tobeavendor,callPatat585-752-0515for anapplication.TheFleaMarketwill beheldonSaturday,April22nd from9amto3pm.Setupwillbeon Friday,April21stfrom6pmto 9pm.
“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”
-- Harley Davidson
AnnualBuffaloRoastDinnerKendallUnitedMethodistChurch, 1814KendallRoadonSaturday, April22ndfrom4pm-6pm.$18. DriveThru/Takeout.ByReservation: 585-281-1514.
LeRoyHistoricalSociety presents “ILoveYouToDeath”amystery dinnertheateronSaturday,April 29atOurLadyofMercyparish communitycenter,LakeSt.from 5:30-6:30pm.Cashbarandbasket rafflesfollowedbydinner.$50per person.Reservations,call 768-7433.
OakfieldUnitedMethodist ChurchPulledPorkDinnerDrive-throughPulledPorkDinner heldSaturday,April15.Enjoya deliciousPulledPorkSandwich, Coleslaw,BakedBeans,Potato Chips,DrinkandDessert.Cost$15, drive-thruonlyfrom4to6pm.For ticketscall585-948-5550andleave amessage,oremail OakfieldUMC@gmail.com
Yoga: ComejoinusonWednesday eveningsat6:00pmforYoga. Theseclasseswillhelpincreaseyour balanceandstrengthandareFREE thankstoanawardfromUnivera. HeldatTheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
OpenStamping: Thiseventis openfrom1:00pm-8:00pmon thesecondTuesdayofevery month.Stopinanytimebetween thosehours,costis$10.00andyou don’tneedtobringanything.Held atTheGOOSECommunityCenter, 33SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.
OakfieldHistoricalSocietyResearchCenterreopens -Seeour updateddisplaysincludingtheallnewHaxtonCanneryandDairy exhibit.PeruseeachroomdedicatedtoadifferentfacetofOakfieldhistory;theUSGypsumCompany,NativeInhabitants,andthe WarRoom.PleasejoinusSaturday, April15thfrom12PM-2PM.
Stamping&CardMaking: This eventisopenfrom1:00pm-8:00 pmonthesecondTuesdayofevery month.Stopinanytimebetween thosehours,costis$10.00andyou don’tneedtobringanything.Held atTheGOOSECommunityCenter, 33SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.
OakfieldHistoricalSocietyResearchCenterReopening- Do youhaveanyNativeAmericanartifactsthatyouarecuriousabout. Bringthemwithyoutoouropen house,wewillhavesomeexperts heretohelptellyouaboutthem. JoinusApril15,12-2pmatthe OakfieldHistoricalSocietyResearch Center,7MapleAve.,Oakfield.
37thAnnualGeneseeValley WoodcarversShowandCompetition- April8th.Events:10AM ShowOpens.10:30AMWorking DecoyJudging.3PMRafflesales close.3:30PMRaffledrawingneednotbepresenttowin.4PM Peoples’ChoiceAward.4:30PM ShowCloses.Comeandseea worldclassshowrightherein Rochester.Ourshowfeaturesbird, fish,caricatures,youthcarvingsas wellasdemonstrations,andmore. Ofspecialinterestisoursoapcarvingkitsforyouth(nocharge) availablewhilesupplieslast.Raffle forcarvingsandcarvingrelated items-neednotbepresenttowin. Moreinformation:http:// gvwoodcarvers.com
AuroraHouseCasinoNight: A funeveningofgaming,raffles, prizes,horsd’oeuvres!Friday,April 21st,2023attheItalianAmerican CommunityCenter,150Frank DiminoWay,Rochester.Doors openat6:30pm.Gamingbeginsat 7:30pm.https://aurorahousewmc. com/casino-night/
OgdenPresbyterianChurch RummageSale- 2400South UnionStreetSpencerport.Thursday April20th,5:00pmto8:00pm. FridayApril21st10:00amto4:00 pm.SaturdayApril22nd9:00am tonoon“BagSale”.Comeshopfor householdandkitchenitems, books,jewelry,toysandmuch more.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today! www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel
Women’sClubOfWebsterApril Meeting
LauraStradleyExecutiveDirectorof Rochester’sVeteransOutreach Centerwillbespeakingtothe Women’sClubofWebsteratthe club’sGeneralMeetingand LuncheononThursday,April20th atProietti’sRestaurant,980Ridge Rd.Webster,withasocialmix-andmingleat11:15a.m.,abriefmeetingat12:00noonandanItalian LuncheonBuffetat12:30followed byMs.Stradley’spresentation.The priceis$21.Sendyourcheckmade outtoWCWbyApril13toCarolyn Rittenhouse,405CountyLine Road,Ontario,NY14519.Questions?PhoneCarolynat 585-265-1303.
WebsterWomen’sClubFashion ShowCharityFundraiser- The Women’sClubofWebster’s2023 SpringLuncheonandFashionShow willbeheldonSunday,April30th, 11:30amatthePenfieldCountry Club,1784JacksonRd.,Penfield. FashionspresentedbyJ.Jill. Luncheonchoices:ChickenFrench, RoastedPorkLoinorGrilledSalmon GrapevineSalad.RSVPbyApril17. Donation:$35.00.Yourcheckwill beyourreservation.Mailcheck payabletotheWomen’sClubof WebsterwithChoiceofEntrée,to JeanLoughridgeat1225 StockbridgeRoad,Webster,14580. Questions?Jean,440-319-2761or Aimee,585-269-8855.Allproceedsdonatedtolocalcharities.
* On April 11, 1988, actress and singer Cher collects the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in “Moonstruck” (1988). Cherilyn Sarkasian first became famous as the taller, female half of the 1960s singing duo Sonny and Cher.
By JoAnn Derson
* I purchase rotisserie chickens and use the meat for different things -- soup, casseroles, etc. I have a trick to getting the skin off. My hand strength isn’t what it used to be, and those birds are slippery. I use a paper towel to grip the skin, and pull the meat and bone right out. It works well on a raw bird too.
-- L.A. in Florida
* To re-whiten socks or washcloths, try boiling a pot of water and adding a sliced, juiced lemon. Soak the items for at least an hour, and then pick out the lemon and add the pot -- water and all -- to a load of wash.
* If there are crushed cookies in a pack I purchase, I set them aside in a plastic baggie in the freezer to use on ice cream. Yummy!
-- R.L. in Alberta, Canada
* If you have been cooking in the oven and have a pan that’s got cooked-on food, you can get it clean without all the scrubbing. Immediately after cooking, while the oven is still hot, add enough water to cover the bottom of the pan and a little dishsoap. Put it in the oven until the oven is cool. The residual heat will work on the stuckon food while you are dining, and it’ll wipe right out.
-- W.O. in Minnesota
* When washing out stockings, add a tablespoon of vinegar to the rinse water, and they will retain their elasticity better.
* Wintergreen oil makes a lovely room freshener. Put two drops on a cotton ball and tuck it into the cushions of your couch, or hide it under a lamp pedestal ... anywhere out of the way. The scent drifts over a week or so. -- G.T. in Delaware
Legal Notice
Brockport Central School District Annual Budget Presentation And Budget Vote
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the annual budget presentation of the inhabitants of Brockport Central School District, Brockport, New York, quali ed to vote at school meetings in said district, will be held at the Fred W. Hill School cafetorium, Allen Street, Brockport, New York, on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., for the transaction of such business as is authorized by the Education Law.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that a copy of the statements of the amount of money which will be required for the ensuing year for the school purposes, specifying the several purposes and the amount for each, may be obtained by any taxpayer in the district during the fourteen (14) days immediately preceding the annual meeting except Saturday, Sunday or holidays at each of the following schools in which school is maintained during the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., viz: Brockport Central High School, A.D. Oliver Middle School, Elizabeth Barclay School, John J. Ginther School, and Fred W. Hill School.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that petitions nominating candidates for the o ce of member of the Board of Education must be led in the O ce of the Clerk of the District between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. not later than the thirtieth day preceding the school election on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, to wit: to be led not later than April 17, 2023.
e following vacancies to be lled on the Board of Education: Two (2), ve-year terms, 2023-2028. Petitions must be directed to the Clerk of the District, must be signed by at least twenty- ve (25) quali ed voters of the district, must state the residence of each signer, and shall state the name and residence of the candidate. Said petitions shall not describe any speci c vacancy upon the Board of Education for which the candidate is nominated. Petitions are available at the Clerk's O ce/Business O ce, District O ce Building, 40 Allen Street, Brockport, New York. Candidates for the Board of Education are required by law to le sworn statements of campaign expenses. An initial statement must be led at least 30 days before the election, a second statement must be led on or before the h day preceding the election and a nal statement must be led within 20 days a er the election. Information on this procedure may be obtained from the District Clerk.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, same being the Tuesday 14 days following the day on which the annual budget presentation of the district is held, voting will be held in the Technology and Training Center, 40 Allen Street, Building 800, Brockport, New York, in said District, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., to ll the above designated vacancies on the Board of Education.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that at the same time and place as said election, to wit: on May 16, 2023, at the Technology and Training Center, 40 Allen Street, Building 800, Brockport, New York, in said District, the annual budget and appropriation and expenditure of $609,000 from the 2021 Bus Purchase Capital Reserve Fund (established by the voters on May 18, 2021) will be voted upon, and that said budget approval and capital reserve fund expenditure shall be designated as Proposition No.1 on the voting machine.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN, that Proposition No. 1 will appear on the ballot labels of the voting machines used at said meeting in the following abbreviated form:
Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit: Resolved, that the Board of Education of the Brockport Central School District, Brockport, New York, be and hereby is authorized to expend necessary funds to meet expenditures for the scal year 2023-2024 and to levy the necessary tax therefore and to appropriate and expend $609,000 from the 2021 Bus Purchase Capital Reserve Fund, be approved?
AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that at the same time and place a vote, will be taken upon the following resolutions, which will be respectively designated as Proposition No. 2 and Proposition No. 3 on the voting machine:
Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit:
Resolved that the Board of Education of the Brockport Central School District is hereby authorized to establish a Capital Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law (to be known as the “2023 Bus Purchase Capital Reserve Fund”), with the purpose of such fund being to nance the purchase of school buses, vehicles and equipment that would be eligible for nancing under the Local Finance Law, and costs incidental thereto, the ultimate amount of such fund to be $7,300,000 plus earnings thereon, the probable term of such fund to be ten (10) years, but such fund shall continue in existence until liquidated in accordance with the Education Law or until the funds are exhausted, and the sources from which the funds shall be obtained for such Reserve are (i) amounts from budgetary appropriations from time to time, and (ii) unappropriated fund balance made available by the Board of Education from time to time, and (iii) New York State Aid received and made available by the Board of Education from time to time, all as permitted by law.
Shall the following resolution be adopted, to wit:
Resolved that the Board of Education of the Brockport Central School District is hereby authorized to establish a Capital Reserve Fund pursuant to Section 3651 of the Education Law (to be known as the “2023 Building Capital Reserve Fund”), with the purpose of such fund being to nance construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, improvement and equipping of school buildings and facilities and site improvements, and costs incidental thereto, the ultimate amount of such fund to be $14,700,000, plus earnings thereon, the probable term of such fund to be 10 years, but such fund shall continue in existence until liquidated in accordance with the Education Law or until the funds are exhausted, and the sources from which the funds shall be obtained for such Reserve are (i) amounts from budgetary appropriations from time to time, and (ii) unappropriated fund balance made available by the Board of Education from time to time, and (iii) New York State Aid received and made available by the Board of Education from time to time, all as permitted by law.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that absentee ballots may be obtained between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk, commencing April 18, 2023. Absentee ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. A list to whom absentee ballots are issued will be available for inspection by quali ed voters of the district in the o ce of the District Clerk on each of the ve days prior to the day of the election, except Saturdays and Sundays, and such list will also be posted at the polling place at the election.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that applications for military absentee ballots for quali ed Military voters may be obtained between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays, from the District Clerk. A military voter may designate a preference to receive a military ballot application/ballot by mail, facsimile transmission, or electronic mail in their request for such military ballot application. If a military voter does not designate a preference, the school district shall transmit the military ballot application and/or military ballot by mail. All military ballots must be received in the o ce of the District Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, that quali ed voters of the district, shall be entitled to vote at the annual vote and election. A quali ed voter is one who is (1) a citizen of the United States, (2) eighteen (18) years of age or older, and (3) a resident within the district for a period of thirty (30) days preceding the vote and election. e district requires all persons o ering to vote at the budget vote and election to provide one (1) form of proof of residency pursuant to Education Law §2018-c. Such forms may include a valid driver’s license, a non-driver identi cation card, or a voter registration card. Upon proof of residency, the school district requires all persons o ering to vote to provide their signature, printed name, and address. e School District Clerk is hereby authorized to amend the notice of the Annual District Meeting from time to time as, in his or her discretion, such amendment may be required.
By order of the Board of Education of the Brockport Central School District
Debra Moyer District Clerk Brockport Central School
Quality Furniture, Artwork and Home Décor, Vintage Christmas Collectibles and MCM Pieces
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200 Naramore Dr., Batavia, NY 14020
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Attic to Basement