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Western New York Toy Show
Saturday, May 27, 2023 at e Iceplex
For ticket information see our website www.wnytoyshow.com
By Sam Mazzotta
Readers Sound O on Dogs’ Front Yard “Gi s”
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I have so many thoughts a er reading the letter from the woman with the shared driveway whose neighbor leaves her dog’s poop on her side.
I’m of the opinion that life would be more enjoyable if people learned to meet others where they are. e dog owner clearly doesn’t want to pick up her dog’s poop, and I don’t think checking with an HOA or municipal ordinance will change that. Maybe she has mobility issues. e writer says she and her neighbor “get along ne,” and there’s a LOT to be said for that. If I were her, I would simply buy poop bags and clean up a er the dog. If the neighbor sees her and says something, I would say: “I’ve asked that you pick up a er your dog, but I don’t want that to become a big issue between us because we get along so well. Your friendship means more to me than my taking a few minutes to clean up the driveway.” -- Susan W., via email another reader shares their advice:
I have had this issue several times in the past. I have successfully resolved this issue every time it has come up.
I used a new tool to solve it -- the power of social media. My solution was simple: When I observed an individual allowing their canine to defecate on my property, I announced loudly from my front door that if they did not clean it up, I would locate their property and defecate on theirs as well. I made the same announcement on the neighborhood’s Facebook page.
Aside from the occasional beer can thrown out of a vehicle full of teenagers, we have been at peace. -- Zack in Murieta North
Send your tips, comments or questions to ask@pawscorner.com.
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Community Spirit
Thank you to Mike and Luke and their employees and staff at Harding's Furniture Store in Mt. Morris for arranging to transport a donated and much needed lift chair to the Teresa House in Geneseo. Thank you for this generous and helpful action. Welcome to the Genesee Valley and for "jumping in" with your charitable community spirit.
Saved The Runaways!
A few days ago our 2 young dogs pushed their way out of the house and took off like a shot. Within seconds they were a few acres away and out of sight. The next thing we knew there were several vehicles stopped on the road including a contractor who was using their lights to alert other drivers. The dogs were with them and came when we called. I was so busy getting the dogs back to the house, I did not even acknowledge those who helped. So, whoever you are, thank you so much for your role in getting the "kids" back to us. That was a real kindness. Thank you, thank you, thank you and God Bless you!!
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