BROCKPORT:GARAGE HOUSEHOLD SALE. 407Burch FarmDr.9/15&9/16(9-4pm)ShirleyTemplePorcelainDolls,71piece RoyalDoultondinnerservice(Tiara pattern),Hummelcollectibleplates, linens,collectionofnewandvintage costumejewelry,Vintagewrist watches,men’s&ladiesjackets kitchenware,misc.smallwickertables,collectiblefigurines,southern ladyfigurines,LP&78records,holidaydecor,2vintageflattoptrunks, artwork/paintings,framedand unframed,Asiancollectibles,pottery, andglassware,men’sL&XLclothing, 5leatherjacketssizeL.Miscellaneous household.MUCHMORE!
All real estate advertised in the Genesee Valley Penny Saver is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Fair Housing Enforcement Project Monroe County Legal Assistance Center
1 W. Main Street Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-2500 • www.lawny.org
DEAR PAW’S CORNER: Can we talk about people on hiking paths who let their dogs run off-leash? I’m getting increasingly frustrated at the number of loose dogs that run up to my dog, Chester, when we’re out for a day hike. Since the pandemic, it seems to happen much more o en. I keep my dog on a leash because he’s big, boisterous and could knock an adult down if he took off running. Why can’t other people do the same? -- Bev in Stoneham, Massachusetts
DEAR BEV: I hear you! As a hiker myself, I get the appeal of going out to wild spaces. And I love bringing my dog along. But she stays on her leash. It’s not just the right thing for dog owners to do, it’s the law in most state parks. Some federal parks don’t even allow dogs or other pets, o en because of fragile ecology.
Hikers, check the rules of the park or wildlife area you’re planning to walk through before leaving home. Even if there are no rules about dogs, keep your dog on a leash. Not only will it protect your dog from encounters with unappreciative wildlife (like skunks, rattlesnakes and porcupines), it will also protect other hikers and their dogs from injury and undue stress. Not all dogs on the trail are friendly or well-socialized.
And finally, pick up your dog’s poop and carry it out with you. Yes, it’s gross. But it preserves the beauty and ecology of the park. And it’s the right thing to do.
It can take a matter of days for a hurricane to form if the temperature is warm and there is a lot of water vapor rising from the ocean. The organization American Oceans says hurricanes have formed in one to two days in a small number of cases.
We would love to help you reconnect with your loved ones.
“Wearing hearing aids has given me confidence, has put me back into the world, and has given me a sense of being part of my family and friends.”
•Insurance Claims
•Storm Damage
Though we are wild rabbits we have made a home here at what we call the Carrot Man’s home. We get fed lettuce/ carrots bowls as an extra special treat. And then shredded carrots at least 3 times a day!
and brief write-up of your pet and we’ll feature it. Submit online at gvpennysaver.com • Share With Us or mail to: P.O. Box 340, Avon, NY 14414. Pets will be published at discretion of GVPS.
school picture going to look like in the yearbook?
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Quebec City. Quebec City’s rich history makes it a must-see Canadian destination. It is particularly vibrant in winter, when the snowy landscape creates picture-perfect memories. Accommodations also are very affordable.
Wed., Sept. 13, 2023 • 4-6:30pm
$12/person • Veterans $6/person Brockport Area Veterans Club, 222 West Ave., Brockport
Hosted by American Legion Auxiliary #379 & Legion Post #379 (Proceeds to benefit the support of the Brockport Area Veterans Club)
We just had a large bank of solar panels installed. I would like to plant bee and butterfly friendly flowers under and behind the panels. I would prefer perennials and an assortment that would grow through the entire season. What would you recommend as this will be partially shaded most of the time?
I don’t know how large your solar panel area is, but I would start with a part of it so you don’t get overwhelmed. You will probably prefer planting self-seeding annuals because perennials are often more
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difficult to start from seeds. If you take the time in fall to spread the dried seed heads every year, you might not need to replant.You could decide to add additional varieties. You can begin now by killing all existinggrowthbysmotheringitwith sheets of cardboard. Put this down soon while plants are still growing. I would wait until March to remove it. Sprinkle the seeds and go over them with a leaf rake to get better soil contact. Your first year you will plant the fewest seeds; subsequent years seeds from plants you have grown
will be plentiful.Some seeds will be eaten by critters over the winter,so I prefer early-spring planting the first year.
American Meadows offers a seed mix selected for part shade and instructions for creating this type of garden. More details are offered on YouTube, so you can get a better
feel for this project. You will need to periodicallyremoveinvadingweeds; a couple of times per year might be sufficient. These seed mixes are offered in a selection of sizes for smaller or larger areas.
“Red Shed” Gift Shop including fresh produce, jams, jellies, glazes, spreads, fresh honey, homemade soaps, candles & more Annuals
3272 Eagle Harbor -Waterport Rd., Albion “Celebrating 35 years of growing strong!”
* On Sept. 14, 1814, Francis Scott Key pens a poem that is later set to music and in 1931 becomes America’s national anthem, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” The poem was written after Key witnessed Fort McHenry being bombarded by the British during the War of 1812. (The History Channel)
Makes about 45
50 thin square eggless wonton wrappers (around 4 inches in size)
Vegetable oil, for frying
5 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and finely chopped
1 tablespoon roasted sesame oil
1 pound, 2 ounces cooked, shredded beef short ribs
11 ounces cabbage kimchi, drained and finely chopped
3 1/2 ounces spring onions, finely chopped
3 ounces pickled jalapeños, finely chopped
1 pound, 2 ounces mature cheddar cheese, grated
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
To serve:
Silgochu (dried chilli threads)
1 spring onion, julienned and soaked in ice water until curled, then drained
For the filling, first sauté the mushrooms in the sesame oil in a large nonstick frying pan over medium-low heat until just softened. Remove from the heat and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the rest of the filling ingredients with the mushrooms. Mix together using your hands, really breaking up the short rib meat to make a uniform texture.
For the dumplings, line a couple of baking sheets with parchment and set aside. Fill a small bowl with water. Unwrap the wonton wrappers and cover lightly with a piece of clingfilm to keep them moist. Lay a wrapper on a clean work surface and put 1 ounce of the meat filling in the center. Dip a forefinger into the water and run it along the edges of the wrapper to moisten the surface. Now bring the open edges to the center, and pinch where the edges meet each other, creating four seams in a cross shape. Set aside and cover with clingfilm or a damp tea towel while you shape the rest. Repeat with the remaining wrappers and filling, making sure the dumplings are not touching on the baking sheets.
To a medium saucepan, add the vegetable oil and heat to 340 F (170 C). Working in batches, place the dumplings on their sides in the pan in a single layer without crowding. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the fried dumplings to a wire rack or kitchen paper-lined plate to drain. Repeat with the remaining dumplings. If you don’t plan on cooking them straight away, you can freeze them on the baking sheets, then bag them up and store in the freezer.
Top with some of the silgochu and curly spring onion and serve immediately with the sriracha.
Karam Director
Mann Distribution
Gutters and downspouts are designed to move rainwater away from the home. Too often, however, gutters and downspouts become clogged or do not work effectively. Overflowing gutters will transfer rainwater down the side of a home, where it can puddle at the foundation. This water can ultimately suffocate a lawn, and it may cause interior damage to the home as well.
First, inspect and clean all gutters. Leaves, nests, sticks, and even dead animals can block the flow of water in a gutter. Test downspouts by running hose water from the top of the gutter.
Downspouts should be pointed away from the home and may need to be extended so they direct water away from the dwelling.
But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. ~Vincent van Gogh, Dear Theo: An Autobiography of Vincent van Gogh, 1937
2583 Main Rd., P.O. Box 189, East Pembroke, NY 14056
Phone 585-762-8721 • Email: cornerstonechurchep@yahoo.com
Church Facebook: Cornerstone Church of East Pembroke
Bible Study every Wednesday at 10am • All are welcome!
Cornerstone Cookout indoor/outdoor picnic. Sept. 21, 4pm • All are welcome
Secretary’s hours: Tues, Weds, urs. 9am-1pm
PASTOR: Rev. Glenn Bloom, Jr 585-356-4657 • Pastor’s wife Joyce 585-356-8253
Our Lady of Mercy & St. Brigid Catholic Parishes
44 Lake St., LeRoy, NY 14482 • 585-768-6543 • www.ourladyofmercyleroy.org
Our Lady of Mercy Masses: Sat. 4:30pm; Sun. 7:15am, 10:45am, 5:30pm
Weekday Masses: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am; Sat. 9am
Confessions: Sat. 3-4pm; Tues. 7-7:30pm; urs. 6-6:30pm
St. Brigid’s, 18 Gibson St., Bergen, NY 14416, Sunday Mass: 9am
Weekday Masses: Tues. & urs. 8:30am; Confessions: Sat. 2-2:30pm
St. James Episcopal Church
405 East Main St., Batavia, NY • sjecbataviany.org
Sundays: 9am Service of God’s Word and Spiritual Communion -- via Zoom
10am Service of the Holy Eucharist -- In Person, Children Welcome
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8085432266
Meeting ID: 808 543 2266 • Password: zrXG3y
Lutheran Church of Our Saviour (ELCA)
2415 Chili Ave., 585-247-7824 • e Reverend Joachim K. Wilck, Pastor
Recorded services on www.oursaviourrochester.org
Email: office@oursaviourrochester.org
Service Times: Sunday 10am • ursday 7pm • Sunday School 9am
Audio Loop for the Hearing Impaired.
Pavilion United Methodist Church
Come worship with us!
11115 East Park St., Pavilion • 585-584-3808
Worship Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Karen Woodworth
All are welcome!
Batavia First United Methodist Church
To Make Disciples We Must Listen, Learn, Lead, and Love Our Way to God!
8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, NY • 343-4708 • Rev. Wayne Mort
Worship & Sunday School, 10am • Child care provided Sun. at 10am. https://www.facebook.com/BataviaFirstUnitedMethodist
Indian Falls United Methodist Church
7908 Alleghany Rd, Corfu, NY 14036 • (585) 762-9105
https://indianfallsumc.com • indianfallsumc@gmail.com
Sunday Morning Worship 10:00am
Sunday School (all ages) 11:30am
All Are Welcome!
Cornerstone Church
8020 Bank Street Road, Batavia 343-8020 www.cornerstonebatavia.org
Sunday Coffee & Fellowship 9:30am • Sunday Worship Service 10am
Wednesday Prayer & Worship 5:30pm
Wednesday Men’s & Women’s Bible Study at 6:30pm
Church of Christ
PO Box 230, 60 Spring St., Brockport, NY 14420 • Minister: Scott Kelley 585-637-2650 • brockportchurchofchrist.org
10:00am Bible Study, 11:00am Worship Service; Wed. 7:00pm Mid-week Bible Study - email us for Zoom link
Additional parking at 69 High Street.
Protection of the Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church
100 Stanford Dr., Rochester, NY 14610 • 585-224-0554
Archpriest Gregory Naumenko, Rector • A ROCOR Parish
Serving all English and Russian Speaking Orthodox Christians
Full schedule of services and live service streaming at www.pomog.org
Batavia Seventh-Day Adventist Church
101 Richmond Ave, Batavia, NY 14020 • (585) 563-5331
Pastor, Edgar De León
Saturday Worship Service: 9:30am
Bible Study: 11am-12pm
List your place of Worship on our monthly Worship Pages. Call 226-8111 today.
HP 67 INKJET CARTRIDGES for HP Envy 6055e printer: 1 XL black, opened, 1 black and 1 tricolor unopened. 585-475-1637
4 Harbor Freight folding wood/steel SAWHORSES. Only used twice. Some shallow cuts on wood surface. cochise@post.com
RADIAL ARM SAW KIT for circular saw. New in box. cochise@post.com
MEDICAL FURNITURE includes bed frame with side bars, wheelchair, bathroom chair, bed tray, recliner on wheels. HEAVY, you haul away. jnzholmes@gmail.com
TWO HEATED SLEEPING MATS FOR PETS. I used them for cats, they loved them. Removable and washable covers. 585-394-8917
Full set of ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. Pick up Penfield. 585-381-8875
VINTAGE 1960s SEWING MACHINE in cabinet with zigzag accessory. You pick up. 585 313-5940
SPEED QUEEN WASHER. Needs pump. Two years old. Pick up, Cohocton. 585-519-1694
PORTABLE BASKETBALL HOOP. Height adjustable to ten feet. Good condition. You pick up, Bloomfield. 585-203-7013
8x10 METAL SHED. Bought new but never assembled, due to change of mind. Text or call. 585-697-4671
AIR COMPRESSOR 3HP 20 Gallon tank. Compressor motor works. Tank has rust hole leaks. Honeoye Falls. Text 585-260-8951
FULL SIZE BED FRAME with headboard and footboard. Light color wood. In Scottsville. schatziny@gmail.com
Green leather ROUND TOP FOR A CARD TABLE. Seats 6-8 people comfortably. daldrich51@gmail.com
24’ ABOVE GROUND ROUND POOL, aluminum. Includes solar and winter covers and filter. In good shape. You remove. 585-749-4705
QUEEN BED FRAME with headboard & footboard. Light wood color. In Scottsville. Email schatziny@gmail.com
SCRAP METAL. 585-705-9103
UPRIGHT BALDWIN PIANO. You remove. Regulation sized POOL TABLE with cue balls. You remove from basement. 585-733-3593
6-person INTEX INFLATABLE HOT TUB. Used 1 year. Cover and all accessories included. Motor may need repair. Call for details. 585- 820-1365
Box of MAGAZINES (men’s, women’s, religious, cultural, wine). Lakeville. Call or text 585-649-8706
Two BOWLING BALLS w/bags, five TENNIS RACKETS. Webster. tegouse@aol.com
Genuine SWEDISH BLUE EGG CHAIR. Purchased in Sweden. (Grandkids are gone.) bkgranny@rochester.rr.com
A lot of PAPER TOWEL TUBES (the brown paper inner tube) needed for kids’ crafts. Webster/Penfield area. 585-217-3397
Elderly man looking for a RECLINER, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER and a workable WHEELBARROW. 585-883-7387
SMALL UPRIGHT FREEZER. mfarru1.mf@gmail.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DISPLAY CONSOLE model 6312 or 6351. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
DAVIS WEATHER STATION DATA-LOGGER model 6510USB or 6555IP. junkmail1360@yahoo.com
Need ACCESSORIES FOR KIRBY G5, attachments like wand and hand-held nozzles, etc. Terry, 336-247-3245 Geneva, NY.
STAINED GLASS sheets/pieces, any colors/textures/sizes. For retiree starting a new hobby. penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
Old COMPUTERS, PRINTERS, ELECTRONICS, CELL PHONES for recycling (no tube heavy TVs or computer monitors). Terry 336-247-3245
STATIONARY BIKE in good condition for physical therapy. barbaragreen0806@yahoo.com
Lots of STYROFOAM EGG CARTONS needed for kids’ art club/camp. Webster/ Penfield area. cmstudio@rochester.rr.com
ADULT DIAPERS/GUARDS - Male, large/extra-large. Other sizes welcome as they may vary. For elderly parent in nursing home. cpalone@yahoo.com
PLASTIC PET CARRIER for a dog that is 35lbs/medium sized. Please Text Wendy 585-520-7823
Metal or plastic SHELVING and a two-to-four-drawer FILE CABINET. 585-424-0732
Too many ZUCCHINIS? I would like to take some off your hands. 585-698-5937
POKER TABLE that will seat eight people. 585-347-4283
MOVING BOXES, all sizes, in structurally good shape. Much appreciated! penfieldmurphys@yahoo.com
PROPANE CAMPING STOVE and SCREEN HOUSE for some kids on their first camp out. Thank you. jenabrado@gmail.com
CANNING JARS, any size. Mzsodus50@gmail.com
HOSPITAL BED, extra wide 42” to 48”: 585-300-9257
Looking for a BOX TRAILER. 585-789-7663 (text only) or 585-323-1762 (leave message)
Seeking a WEBER GRILL you are no longer using. Call or text Matt 315-576-1278
Seeking an ATV or DIRT BIKE for father son project. Call or text 315-576-1278 ask for Matt
Clean, medium to large BOXES. East Rochester area. 585-698-5937
Submissions published as space allows. We reserve the right to decline/edit/omit info. We assume no responsibility for submissions. Submissions must include phone # or email. Noncommercial use only. 20 word limit. Please call to remove listing once item is taken/received.
Submit at www.gvpennysaver.com
under Share With Us - Give & Take or call 226-8111 x 111
DEAR DR. ROACH: Have you ever heard of a “low blood pressure stroke”? That was my husband’s (incorrect) diagnosis several years back when he suddenly could not move his arms and legs. He was told that not enough oxygen was getting to his spine. (His blood pressure is historically low, usually around 90/60.) That lasted about seven months, and he was bedridden the entire time. He then went to a neurosurgeon and was (correctly) diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. He had C1-C2 surgery and had use of his limbs the next day. After months of physical therapy, he regained a lot of function. We’ve never heard of that diagnosis before or after his experience. Does it really exist? -- E.S.K.
ANSWER: The brain has tremendous ability to regulate its own blood flow under a very wide range of blood pressures, but there are some limits. When a person is used to very high blood pressure levels, such as 200/110 for months or years, a sudden drop to 90/60 (or even 120/80 sometimes) can cause a stroke. That’s the main reason we don’t lower blood pressure too quickly in people who have had very high blood pressure levels for a long time. It takes weeks or months for the brain to recover its ability to regulate blood flow.
In a person who has a heart attack, prolonged low blood pressure (or no blood pressure) will also cause brain damage. That’s why starting CPR as quickly as possible is so critical in order to preserve brain function.
In both of these cases, not enough blood is getting to the central nervous system (the brain, the spinal cord and the retinas), which can lead to cell death -- the hallmark of a stroke. But these are extreme cases.
A healthy person whose normal blood pressure is around 90/60 is at risk for fainting when suddenly standing; however, they are at a lower-than-average risk for heart disease and stroke. The diagnosis of “a low blood pressure stroke” for your husband doesn’t make any sense at all to me, and advanced imaging of the brain should have made it abundantly clear that it was not the right diagnosis. I’m shocked that he wasn’t treated correctly for that long. But I’m very happy to hear that his neurosurgeon did not assume the diagnosis of a stroke, instead making the correct diagnosis and performing the procedure to help him recover. Your husband is fortunate that he still had neurological function to recover after such a long time, since spinal cord injuries generally heal better when treated promptly.
Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual questions, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu.
© 2023 North America Synd., Inc. All Rights Reserved
information quickly. But people who look to the Internet for answerstotheirmedicalquestions may be doing themselves more harmthangood.A2013studyfrom the Pew Research Center found thatone-thirdofstudyparticipants had gone online to diagnose a medical condition. While the Internet can be a valuable resource, self-diagnosing medical conditions can be dangerous, as the risk of misdiagnosing signs or symptoms is considerable. But misdiagnosis is not the only potential problem of relying on the Internet instead of certified physicians for medical advice.
“Cyberchondria” is a term used to described the unfounded escalation of concerns about certain symptoms a person might beexperiencing.Theseunfounded concerns escalate as individuals search for and read information about their symptoms online. In fact, a 2008 Microsoft analysis of online search patterns found that one-third of the hundreds of thousands of people examined in the analysis tended to escalate their medical-related searches, potentially turning relatively minor medical conditions into something far worse, all without consulting a doctor. Men and women concerned about symptoms or medicalproblemsshouldresistthe temptation to self-diagnose online and should book an appointment withtheirphysiciansinstead.
Join a marathon. The statistics reporting site StatisticsBrain.com states that only 0.5 percent of the U.S. and Canadian populations have ever run a marathon. Running on the treadmill at the gym or a couple of miles around the track is excellent exercise. Runners can take their passion a bit further by enrolling in any of the hundreds of marathons and half-marathons held annually. Crossing the finish line after running 26.2 miles is a rewarding feeling, and few activities do more to improve endurance than runningamarathon.
Adesiretoliveahealthy,activelife compels many people to include exercise in their daily routines. Numerous studies have shown thatregularworkoutsthatinclude a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercise can make bodies less susceptible to injury while reducing a person’s risk for conditions such as heart disease,strokeanddiabetes.
Exercising is most effective when it’s part of a daily routine, but that routine can be derailed if men and women are not taking the appropriate measures to avoid injury while working out. While even professional athletes succumb to injury from time to time, there are steps everyone can take to avoid injury when workingout.
* When I need to dust the ceiling, I don’t have a fancy contraption; I just use my broom. If you have popcorn ceilings, you can rubber band a feather duster to the end of your broom. Look around your house, and maybe you’ll find a sneaky cleaning purpose for everyday items.
* Dirty candles can be cleaned up quickly with a leg of panty hose. Slip the candle in the hose, rub the outside of the candle and release.
* You can use a coffee filter to clean the screen of your television. It’s not scratchy and non-static. Be sure not to press down hard into today’s screens. And use only approved cleaners for your flatscreen and plasma television sets.
* Need to clean your iron? Scrub the face with salt. en heat it and run the iron over the salt. I pour the salt on foil for even more heat effect.
Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Standard wheelchairs must be powered by the person in the chair or by someone pushing it from behind. This can be difficult for people with minimal upper body strength. Mechanical wheelchairs are powered with a lever or button. Some people may opt for motorized scooters over bulkier wheelchairs when possible.
80–One Bedroom Subsidized Units
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Ten participants from the third annual Genesee Valley PreApprenticeship Program graduated from this year’s six-week paid training program. e “boot camp” style program is an earn while you learn model which pairs in-class instruction at the GeneseeValleyBOCESinBataviaandon-the-jobtrainingatseveral local advanced manufacturing companies.
e Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program was created in 2021 to assist companies in the greater Rochester and GLOW Region(Genesee,Livingston,Orleans,andWyomingcounties)with recruitment and training for one of the region’s largest industries. Participants graduated from the program with 96 hours of state-ofthe-art mechatronics training and more than 100 hours of on-thejobexperienceatadvancedmanufacturingatcompaniesinGenesee, Livingston, and Monroe counties.
“ is program continues to train workers of all ages, skill levels, and abilities for a wide array of high-demand careers in advanced manufacturing,”saidBobCoyne,ExecutiveDirectoroftheRochester TechnologyandManufacturingAssociation(RTMA).“ e‘Genesee Valley Boot Camp’ is an incredible partnership between industry, academia, and workforce development partners in our community.”
eGeneseeValleyPre-ApprenticeshipProgramincludeshandson simulation training for a variety of available careers including electromechanical trades, construction materials manufacturing, agricultural manufacturing, and more. In addition to the classroom time, participants received paid, on-the-job training and a fast-track opportunity for a full-time career with local manufacturing companies.
“ e BEST Center at Genesee Community College remains grateful for the funding provided by SUNY DOL and its Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program that provides resources for high demand training for industry-recognized credentials like the Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program,” said Jennifer Wakefield, Executive Director of Workforce Development. “We look forward to continued collaboration in this program to expand opportunities for increased pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship training.”
Training was provided at no cost to the students and companies due to grants secured by Genesee Community College’s BEST Center, Genesee Economic Development Center and the Workforce Development Institute.
Participating employers for the 2023 program include Oxbo,UnitedStatesGypsum, Triton Mechanical, Goforth Electric,DiamondPackaging, Arctic Refrigeration, Maris Systems Design, and more.
“ is year’s Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program offered students a unique opportunity to discover their career path and their future without the burden of college debt. anks to our participating employers, students have been introduced and empowered to succeed in these in-demand careers through instruction and on-the-job training,” said Chris Suozzi, Vice President of Business and Workforce Development, Genesee County Economic Development Center.
e Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program is primarily funded through the SUNY Reimagine Workforce Preparation Training Program and is supported by the Genesee Valley BOCES, RochesterTechnologyandManufacturingAssociation,FingerLakes Youth Apprenticeship Program, GCC, Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC), GLOW Workforce Development Board and Workforce Development Institute.
incurring any costs, the Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Program stands as a pivotal workforce enhancement,” remarked Jon Sanfratello, Director of Instructional Program at Genesee Valley BOCES. “ is remarkable training initiative forges a career pathway that effectively addresses workforce employment demands. Such practical skills development serves as a shining illustration of our dedication to aiding GLOW regional students and current employees, while also meeting the precise needs of our local business community.”
With Much Gratitude
A huge thank you to the woman in line behind me at the Geneseo Wegmans last Wednesday. I inadvertently left my credit card in another wallet, and even though the cashier said they would put my order aside while I went home to get my card, you insisted on paying for my groceries. At 94 I am grateful for each day, and for people like you.
Angels DO exist among us
While shopping on August 26, I took a nasty spill outside of Target in Webster. It resulted in some cuts and abrasions and was witnessed by a woman and her son whom I consider to be true angels. They helped me to a bench in the store and got some wet paper towels for the bleeding and stayed as the store manager and security talked with me, patched my wounds, and filled out an accident report. She filled out a witness report. I thanked her over and over for all they did. I continued with some shopping and as I was checking out, she approached me with a bag with home medical supplies and a get well card and gift card to help me feel better. Her kindness and support blew me away and I forgot to get her first name. So, this is a huge thank you shout out to her and her son for being angels beyond what anyone would normally do. I intend to pay your kindness forward and it is encouraging to know you and others like you care in an ever-increasingly greedy world. Thank you again and always.
Excuse me! Genesee Valley Penny Saver!
Seniors are not the only ones who need to watch for school buses, their lights, children, etc.! I resent being selected as one who does not drive safely. If you drive at all, you will have seen drivers running red lights, tailgating, passing illegally and speeding. Roads are a very dangerous place to be these days. I wish there were more traffic cops to deal with these reckless drivers. Driving a car is a privilege, not a right owed to anyone. So please, GVPS, how about tending the cautionary note to all drivers and not just seniors?
(A note from GVPS: Sorry if it looked like we were addressing this message only to seniors. We had a note for everyone on the front cover about watching out for buses with the start of school, but this particular piece ran in the Active Living 50+ page and that’s why it was addressed to seniors. We’ll do our best to catch this kind of thing in the future as the message is important for all. Thanks for pointing it out!)
At a local Labor Day Festival, I had a scuffle with some people over handicap parking. My wife is recovering from a stroke, but the handicap parking lot at this festival was completely full, with several cars lacking handicap plates or hangers. I confronted some people at one of these cars about parking for my wife, and received a rage-filled obscenity-laced refusal to move. Fortunately a police officer came over to de-escalate the situation. But it turned out that one of these people really was handicapped, and he said he couldn’t find his hanger. Yet he “found” it very quickly when the police officer spoke to him. Then I tried to apologize to the man and received more of the same anger and rage.
People, if you have a handicap hanger, use it, and please don’t argue with someone who stands up for handicap rights. If you aren’t handicapped, please don’t take parking spaces from the people who really need them.
Hamlin Public Library
1680 Lake Road, Hamlin 585.964.2320 hamlinlibraryny.org
Mondays/Wednesdays 10am6pm; Tuesdays/Thursdays 10am-8pm; Fridays 10am-4pm; Saturdays 10am-2pm
Hoag Library
134 S. Main St., Albion 585.589.4246
Visit our website for hours. www.hoaglibrary.org
Holley Community Free Library
86 Public Square, Holley 585.638.6987 • holleylibrary.org
Hrs.: M & W: 10am-1pm & 4-8pm Tu, Th, & F: 10am-5pm Sat: 10am-2pm until June 22nd (Closed Sat for the Summer)
Seymour Library
161 East Ave., Brockport 585.637.1050 www.seymourlibraryweb.org
Hrs.: M-Th: 10am-8pm, F: 10am-6pm Sat: 10am-3pm
Mondays/Wednesdaysfrom10am6pm;Tuesdays/Thursdaysfrom 10am-8pm;Fridaysfrom10am4pm;DigitalLiteracyofRochesteris atthelibraryMondaysfromnoon3pmprovidingtechhelp.September’sCookbookClubbookis available.Checkoutacopyof RachaelRay’sLook+Cook.Try somerecipesathomethenchoose onetobringonThursday,September14at6:30pmandenjoya potluckwithfriends.Preschool storytimewithMrs.Carlsonkicks offMonday,September18at 10:30am.Joinusforfunbooks, activesongs,earlyliteracyactivities andplaytimewithfriends!GenealogyWorkshopisTuesday,September26at6pm.Call964-2320to registerforprograms.Visitour Facebookpageorwww. hamlinlibraryny.orgformoreinformation.
It’sacruelseasonthatmakesyou get ready for bed while it’s light out.
~Bill WattersonSeymourLibrary:
AllAgesStoryTimes:Tuesdaysand Thursdays,11:00amto11:30am
JoinMissLaurenandMissAnnafor ourstorytimesonTuesdaysand Thursdays!Bothsessionswillbeforall agesandwillfeaturestories,songs, movement,andrhymethatallthe childrencanenjoy.
NintendoSwitchNight:Wednesday, September13,4:30pmto5:30pm
BringyourownSwitchoruseoursto play!We’llhaveafewpopulargames onhandtotestoutorgohead-tohead.Sharetipsandtricksaboutyour favoritegames,andyes,therewillbe snacks.
ToKnitortoCrochet?Thatisthe question:Thursday,September14, 12:00pmto2:00pm EverysecondThursday,bringyour knittingorcrochetingprojectsfora relaxingtimewithothersofthesame interests.LeslieBoedickerwillbeon handtohelpwithpatternreadingand techniquehelp.
ParmaPublicLibrary AppleParty!:Saturday,September 9th,10:30am-1:30pm
Dropinandcelebratethestartof appleseasonwithapplecrafts, games,andappletaste-testing.All ages.Noregistration.
Explorepaintingwithdifferentnatureelementsasabrush.Leaves, pinecones,etc.willbeprovidedby thelibrary-butfeelfreetobringa differentitemfromnatureaswell! Ages8-12.
HomeschoolHour:Rocks:Monday, September11th,11am-12pm
Thismonth’shomeschoolhourwill explorerocks!Forhomeschool familieswithchildrenages5-12. Registrationrequired.
Teen/TweenCraftClub:Galaxy Coasters:Thursday,September 14th,6-7pm
Makeadrinkcoasterthatistruly outofthisworld!Grades6&up. Registrationrequired. BookChat:Thursday,September 14th,6:30-7:30pm
JoinParmaStaffinourReading Loungetodiscussyourfavorite booksorwhatyou’recurrently reading.Comeandtalkallthings books! Noregistration.
“We’veOnlyJustBegun”Sr. Luncheon (OpentothePublic)September19,SouthAlabama Firehall11:30-1:30pm.Program: “QuiltsofValor”.Wehave10of ourlocalVeteransthatwillbe receivinga“QuiltofValor”inrecognitionofhis/herservicetoour Country.Thisisanemotional,individualpresentationtoeachofour VeteransbyourlocalGenesee CountyQuiltingGuild!Youwon’t wanttomissit.Comeandbring yourfavoritedish-to-passoryou canmakeadonationatthedoor. Enjoylunchandanafternoonof funwithOldandNewFriends. Co-Chairpersons:MichaelHamm andLaNoraThompson.Information:LaNoraThompson(630) 888-8966.
CobblestoneMuseumOpen House- CobblestoneMuseum (14389RidgeRdW,Albion)Open House,Saturday,September9,10 am-3pm.Nocosttoviewcampus buildings&exhibitroomswith complimentarywristband.Live demonstrations:blacksmithing, printing,chaircaning,basketweaving,andMORE!ChickenBBQ mealsavailablefordine-inortakeout11am-2pmuntilSOLD.Discountedpre-saletickets.Fiddlers Concertat3pm.Visitwww. cobblestonemuseum.org/specialeventsorcall585-589-9013for informationorBBQreservations.
FridayNightFoodTruckRodeo Batavia!September15th! The lastofsixFridayNightFoodTruck RodeoisscheduledforFriday, September15thattheGenesee CountyFairgroundsinBatavia. FoodTrucksfromalloverWestern NewYorkwillbereadytoserveyou from4PMuntil8PMorsoldout. Thisisafreeadmission,freeparking,cashonlyevent.StopinsayHi andgrababitetoeat.FridayNight FoodTruckRodeoissponsoredby GeneseeCountyAgriculturalSociety,Inc.
LocalAuthorBookSigningCometotheHollandLandOffice Museumlocatedat131W.Main Street,BataviaonSaturday, September23from1-4aslocal authorRobThompsonwillbesigningcopiesofallofhisworks.Rob livesinAtticaandismostknown forhisbooksontheLindenMurders,buthehasalsojustwrittena newbookontheSullivanCampaignoftheRevolutionaryWar, “Behold&Blush:TheSullivanExpedition”,whichwaswaged againsttheSenecaintheGenesee Valley.Hewillalsohavecopiesof otherworksincluding:Candlesin theRain,andSwingingintheRain. Copiesofeachofhisbookswillbe available.Pricesrangefrom $10-$15.
Events should occur on a specific date at a specific time. Due to the increasing number of submissions, we will no longer be able to publish the following items:
• Businesses/schools seeking registration for classes or program
Introduction to Square Dancing. No experience necessary.
Sunday, Sept. 17th • 5-7pm
Held at First Baptist Church 3182 Chili Ave, Rochester, NY Singles, Couples, Families all are welcome. Refreshments provided. For more info visit www.cloverleafsquares.org or call our info line at 987-5972.
• Organizations seeking crafters or vendor
• Organizations seeking donations of items
Genesee Valley Penny Saver reserves the right to approve/reject events for publication. Events are published as space allows. Event deadline is Monday, 2 weeks prior to publication date
REGISTER AND SUBMIT YOUR EVENT ONLINE AT Log in to your account or register on our website to start submitting your events today!
www.gvpennysaver.com under ‘Share With Us’ Events may also be submitted at: 1471 Route 15, Avon, NY 14414
SummerSerenade: Saturday, September 9,5pm,TerryHillsGolf CourseandBanquetFacility,5122 ClintonStreetRoad,Batavia.Join usfortheGeneseeSymphonyOrchestraandTheUnitedWaypresentSummerSerenadeatTerryHills, Batavia,Saturday,September9at 5pm,$50pp.HeavyHorsD’oeuvres,dessert,cashbar.ProceedstobenefitUnitedWay’s BackpackProgram
TicketsavailableatLawleyInsurance,onlineatunitedwayrocflx. org/summerserenadeorfromany GeneseeSymphonyOrchestra BoardMember.Anot-to-miss enjoyableevent!Http://www. geneseesymphony.com
CrossroadsHouseDine-ToDonate Night atTown&Country RestauranttobenefitCrossroads HouseWednesday,September27, 2023from4pmto8pm.Town& CountryRestaurantwilldonate 20%oftheeveningspre-taxreceiptstoCrossroadsHouse!Town &CountryRestaurant,5025East MainStreet,Batavia, 585-343-3304.
DineInForACause: Wednesday, September 20,4pm-9pmatthe MissBataviaDiner,566EastMain St.,Batavia.InsideorOutsideSeating.Takeoutsincluded.MissBataviawilldonate30%ofthe Evening’spre-taxreceipttoAlzheimer’sofWesternNY.NOCouponNecessary!
CommunityScrapMetalDrive Fundraiser - TheFriendsofthe RinkorganizationwillbesponsoringaCommunityScrapMetalDrive FundraiseronSaturday,September 30,2023,from10AMto3PMat theDavidM.McCarthyMemorial IceArena(rearparkinglot),22 EvansStreet,Batavia.Allproceeds willbeusedtofundneededicerink improvementprojects.Unacceptableitemsinclude-refrigerators,vehiclewheelrimswithtires attached,itemscontainingmercury,itemswithfluidsinsideorout -gas,oil,hydraulicfluids,tar,etc. Thiseventisheldincooperation withEdArnoldScrapProcessors, Corfu,NewYork.Formoreinformation:sqftbob1@rochester.rr. com.
WalktoEndAlzheimer’s- Join the Alzheimer’sAssociationandthe residentsofGeneseeandWyoming CountiesastheyWalktoEndAlzheimer’sonSept16.Visitourwebsiteatwww.alz.org/walk.Register asanIndividualorcaptainofa team,theninvitefamilyandfriends tojoinyourteamatthesame website.Fundscanberaisedon Facebookorbyaskingthoseyou knowtosupportyou.Walkday includesbasketstobewon,vendor tablestovisit,afunwalkaround Batavia,andendswithfreepizza!! CentennialParkintheheartof Batavianeverlookedsogoodwith thePromiseGardenfullofflowers andpurplecolorgalore!
GeneseeAreaGenealogists will be havingtheirnextmeetingatthe HollandLandOfficeMuseumin BataviaonSeptember19that7 pm.Theywillbehostingaspecial presenter,PamelaVittorio,aprofessionalgenealogistandhistorian. Pamela’spresentationis“How GreenWasOurValley?Businessmen,Farmers,andBoatmenon andalongtheErieandGenesee ValleyCanals”.Besuretojoinus.
HLOMTriviaNight@theMuseum: TheMayflower- Joinusat theHollandLandOfficeMuseumat 131W.MainStreetBataviaforthe nexteditionofourTriviaNight@ theMuseumonThursday,September14at7pm.Thismonth’stopic istheshipofthepilgrims,The Mayflower.Admissionis$5or$3 formuseummembers.Pleasecontactthemuseumat585-343-4727 orhollandlandoffice@gmail.comif youwouldliketoattend.
HLOMGuestSpeakerSeries:Joseph VanRemmen, “HowBuffalo GotItsName” - Joinusatthe HollandLandOfficeMuseum,131 W.MainStreet,Bataviaforour GuestSpeakerSeriesonThursday, September21stat7pm.WewelcomelocalpresenterandresearcherJosephVanRemmen,as heshareshiswellresearchedtheoryofhowthecityofBuffalogot itsname.Thereareanumberof theoriesthrownaround,butMr. VanRemmen’sisoneyoumight nothaveheardofuntilnow. Admissionis$5/$3formuseum members.Ifyouplantoattend pleasecontactthemuseumat 585-343-4727or hollandlandoffice@gmail.com.
Pillowmaking(sewingclass)at GO ART! Haveyoualwayswanted tolearntoseworhoneyoursewingskills?Nowisthetime.On FridaySeptember15thfrom67:30pmGOART!willberunninga sewingclasswhereyouwilllearn howtomakeacouchpillow.Inthis handsonlearningexperienceyou willhaveaccesstoalocalsewing expert,yourownsewingmachine, yourchoiceoffabricforyourpillow andthebattingneededtofillit. Notonlywillyoubeabletotake homethesewingknowledgeyou acquirebutyourpillowaswell!
TheGreatBataviaTrainSale has been oneofthepremierhobby eventsinWesternNewYork.Our movetotheRichardC.Callarena hasallowedustogrowtheeventin astate-of-the-artfacility.Allforms ofmodelrailroadandtrain-related merchandisewillbeavailable.Items offeredincludeallscalesofmodel trains,historicrailroaditems, books,DVD’sandtoys.Held OCTOBER15,9:30AM-3:30PM, GeneseeCommunityCollegeRichardCCallArena,OneCollegeRd., Batavia.Freeparking.$6adults,$3 under18,freeforchildrenunder 13.http://gsme.org
VFWPost1602SpaghettiDinner - VFW Post1602,25Edwards Street,BataviaishostingaSpaghettiDinneronSaturday,September16,2023from4:00PMuntil soldout.$14Donation/Dinner. Presaleticketsrecommended.TicketsavailableatthePostorby calling585-344-3249after4:30 PMonWednesday,Friday,SaturdayandSunday.MusicbyBill PitcherandFriendsfrom6PM-9 PM.OpentothePublic.
LearnToSquareDance- Free 1st LessononMondaySeptember18th at7PMattheVeteransHospital, 222RichmondAvenue,Batavia, Building4PatioEntrance.AllWelcome!Singles,Partners,Families.
N.BergenPres.ChurchCraft/ Vendor Showand200th Celebration -Craft/VendorShow and200thCelebrationoftheN. BergenPres.ChurchonSaturday, September16,2023,from10AM to3PM.Manygreatcraftersand vendors!Enjoydeliciousfoodby IslandsHawaiianBBQandMountainTopConcessions.Celebrate our200thyearwithsomespecial sweettreatsforFREE!AnOpen Housewillalsobeheldatthe churchbuildingtolookatmemorabilia.
ALasagnaDinner will beheldon Wednesday,September13,from4 PM-6:30PMattheBrockport AreaVeteransClub.Cost$12/ person;$6forVeterans.Proceeds tobenefitthesupportoftheBrockportAreaVeteransClub.Tickets availableattheBrockportAreaVeteransClub,222WestAvenue, Brockport,oryoumayreserveyour ticket(s)bycalling(585)629-1953.
CaledoniaLibraryFallFestivalSaturday, September16,9am3pm,HamiltonPark.Vendors,Ice Cream,HotDogs,BasketRaffle, 50/50,BookSale,Mums!Information:CallGail313-7975.
PetBlessingatUnionCongregational Church- September17that 10AM,14NorthMainSt.Village ofChurchville.585-293-1665.This isourlastoutdoorworshipservice oftheseason.Ifyouhaveapet, bringitalongtoreceiveaspecial blessingfromPastorBradley.Everyoneiswelcome!
If you come across a hive, leave it alone. It’s best not to disturb a hive and honeybee colony. If bees are located where they can become a nuisance, contact a local bee expert to see if the hive can be moved.
CorfuFarmersMarket|Community Night- Joinusweeklyforour VillageofCorfuFarmersMarket! Mondays,July24th-September 25thfrom4-7pmattheCorfu UnitedPresbyterianChurch,63 AlleghanyRd.,Corfu.Weoffer over10+localvendors,food trucks,livemusic,localtriviaand more!Checkoutourpageforyour weeklyspecialevents.August7th wehaveourNationalNightOut andSeptember11thwehavea BuffaloBillsTailgate.
TownofDarienHistorybylocal residents - Presentationsbylocal residentssharingthelocalhistory ofthetownofDarien.Joinusthe 3rdThursdayfrom6:30-7:30pmat theDarienDisciplesChurch,1951 BroadwayRd.,DarienCenter.
WelcomingNewMembers: Congregation EtzChaimisaReform JewishsynagogueintheTownof Perinton.Ourmissionistoprovide well-roundedanddiverseprograms,services,andactivitiesthat touchoneveryaspectofJewishlife andaremeaningfulandaccessible toall.Wehaveadiversemembershipwhichincludesthosewho havegrownuppracticing Orthodox,Conservative,orReform, culturalJewsandinterfaithfamilies choosingtoraisetheirchildrenin Judaism.Wearecurrentlywelcomingmembersfromthroughoutthe GreaterRochesterarea.PleaseinquireaboutattendingaShabbat serviceorholidayeventbyemailingourAdministratorat benetzchaim@gmail.comorvisit ourwebsiteatwww. congregationetzchaim.org
OktoberfestattheHamlinVFW - OktoberfestattheHamlinVFW onSaturday,October7from5pm till11pmat1739LakeRoad,Hamlin.KrazyFiremenbandplaysfrom 6till11.Buyadvanceticketsfor$7 @thePostbeforethe7thofOctober.Ticketsatthedoor$10.Food, Music&Drinksforsale.
FallFestivalandCashRaffle: Our Lady ofMercyParishishostinga FallFestivalwithVendors,Entertainment,Food,BasketRaffle, Gamesandmuchmore.September 16,10-5pm,OurLadyofMercy Parish,44LakeSt.,LeRoy.http:// www.ourladyofmercyleroy.org
FallFestival: Our LadyofMercy ParishishostingaFallFestivalwith Vendors,Entertainment,Food,BasketRaffle,Gamesandmuchmore. September17,11-4pm,OurLady ofMercyParish,44LakeSt.,LeRoy. http://www.ourladyofmercyleroy. org
CashRaffle: Our LadyofMercy ParishisconductingaCashRaffle. Prizes$5,000,$2,500,$1,000, $750,$500,$250.Donation$20. PrizestobedrawnonSeptember 17that2:30pmatParishFallFestival,44LakeSt.,LeRoy.Tickets maybepurchasedatParishCenter, 44LakeSt.,LeRoy.http://www. ourladyofmercyleroy.org
OperaintheOatka: Join mezzosopranoandLeRoyresident HeatherDavisandcollaborative pianistPriscillaYuenforanevening ofoperaariasandartsongselectionsinspiredbythethemesofthe fourseasonsandwater.Heather willsharecontextaboutcomposers,songtext,andoperastorylines inawaythat’sfun,engaging,and approachable!September23, 6:30-7:30pm,St.Mark’sEpiscopal Church,1E.MainSt.,LeRoy.This projectismadepossiblewithfunds fromtheStatewideCommunity RegrantProgram,aregrantprogramoftheNYSCouncilonthe Artswiththesupportoftheoffice oftheGovernorandtheNYSLegislatureandadministeredbyGO ART!
Yoga: Come joinusonWednesday eveningsat6:00pmforYoga. Theseclasseswillhelpincreaseyour balanceandstrengthandareFREE thankstoanawardfromUnivera. HeldatTheGOOSECommunity Center,33SouthMainSt.,Oakfield.http://www. warriorhouseofwny.com
EmbraceYourSistersPositively Pink inPittsfordWalk -Sunday, September24th.Thewalkstartsat PittsfordSutherlandHighSchool; registrationbegins9amandthe walkbegins10am.Wearedog friendlytoo!Nofeetoparticipate; however,donationsareappreciatedandifyouraise$30,youwill receiveaneventt-shirt.Thesewill beavailableforpick-upattheregistrationtableonthedayofthe walk.TheEmbraceYourSisters
PositivelyPinkinPittsfordWalkis alongtheErieCanal,covering1.8 miles.Ifyouhavebreastcancerand areinneedofemergencyfinancial support,visit:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/financialassistance.Toregisterforourwalk, todonate,orforsponsorshipopportunities:https://www. embraceyoursisters.org/2023-ppip.
2023StandDown&JobFairVeterans StandDown2023isa community-wideeventtoprovide assistancetoALLveteransinneed. Comeandmeetwithservice providersandemployerslookingto hireveterans.Enjoyameal,the camaraderieofyourbrothersand sisters,andmeetwithlocalservice providersandemployers.Services offered:veteransbenefits,housing, socialsecurity,employment,health care,publicassistance,seniorservices,peermentoring,education counseling,legalassistance,veteranorganizations,andmore.Held September15,11-2pmatthePublicMarket,280UnionStNin Rochester.http://www.vocroc.org
Godfrey’sPondHuntingand Fishing FallFestival -Godfrey’s PondBestKeepSecretinGenesee County.Tours,BurgersandHot Dogs,Demonstrations,Crafts,ChineseAuctionandmuchmore.Saturday&Sunday,September16& 17atGeneseeCountyFish&Game ProtectiveAssoc.Inc.,7925 Godfrey’sPondRoad,Bergen.
September 21Meeting- The Women’sClubofWebster’s September21,meetingfeaturing MissyRosenberry,aregular contributortotheWebsterHerald, willbeheldatthePenfieldCountry Club,1784JacksonRd.,Penfield. Social:11:15am;Meeting:12:00 noon;Lunch:12:30pm;Cost:$22. Entréechoices:ThaiShrimpWrap orCornedBeefReubenonrye,or GrilledChickenCaesarSalad.All lunchesincludefreshfruit,coffee andtea.Sendcheckmadeoutto WCWbySept.14,listingmeal choicetoCarolynRittenhouse405 CountyLineRoad-Ontario,NY 14519Questions?phone 585-265-1303.NEWMEMBERS WELCOME!
Farmers’ markets may sell organic produce at a cost comparable or even lower than other retailers. That’s because local farmers don’t have to transport their items as far as retailers whose foods were shipped from far away places.
Experience: Many people have embraced gifting an experience instead of an item to their loved ones. Some companies even facilitate such gifts to newlyweds. Websites like Traveler’s Joy allow couples to establish honeymoon registries, building them with activities and experiences they hope to enjoy on their trips. Loved ones can then gift money toward those activities, providing a win-win situation for people who would prefer to gift an experience and ensuring couples’ honeymoons will be that much more memorable.
* English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) is believed to have eaten a paste of ground pearls and lemon juice to cure illness.
* Speaking of pearls, the ancient Greeks believed they were the hardened tears of joy from Aphrodite, goddess of love.
* Fear of young people is known as “ephebiphobia.”
* The astronomer William Henry Pickering thought that black spots on the Moon were migrating insects.
• Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma OR
• Two years of full-time, paid experience in a clerical position involving Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable or bookkeeping, which shall include typing or word processing
Job Duties:
• Managing various databases
• Processing admissions for the LPN program
• Collecting required follow-up and employment/placement information
• Assisting with payroll & attendance reporting
Location: Batavia Campus
Salary: $34,000-$38,000
Starting date: September 2023 Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by September 14, 2023 with reference to Vacancy 24-15, letter of interest, and resume to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources
Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street LeRoy, NY 14482
A new year often sparks change. Many people aspire to change jobs at the dawn of a new year, and such changes are more frequent than one might think.
Full-Time Monday-Friday
$18.27-$25.00/hour with excellent benefit package
e Lead Case Manager will manage the Case Manager Team under the direction of the Community Services Director and will coordinate the Human Services needs of the Agency’s customers by building supportive relationships with families to identify and resolve barriers to self-sufficiency.
• Serves as a Lead Case Manager to work with customers to identify needs, set goals, implement solutions, and monitor and report outcomes. Refers to appropriate services to achieve whole person care.
• Responsible for the day to day operation of the IMPOWR system to include training, job aid development, staff support, system enhancements/upgrades, testing, monitoring and report generation.
• Manage the day to day activities and needs of the Case Managers.
• Act as main point of contact and communication source for the Case Managers.
• Coach, develop and maintain staff development plans to enhance and strengthen skills of the Case Managers.
• Schedule and conduct regular Case Manager team meetings (to include such topics as data calibration, employee engagement, best practices, etc).
• Actively participate in Agency Resource Development, creating brochures that highlight program services, public education and promotion of the Agency.
• Maintain confidentiality regarding Agency customers, employees and all Agency business information.
• Must be able/flexible to work outside normal hours of the position (ex. nights and/or weekends) in order to meet the needs of our customers, case managers and the Agency.
• Actively participate (along with Case Manager Team when applicable) in all Agency events (Food Pop Up Distributions, public education events, etc.)
• Ability to work professionally/cooperatively and communicate effectively with Case Manager Team, Directors, CEO, and all organization staff. Ability to effectively coach, mentor and develop Case Managers.
• Other demands will be telephone use, reading, preparing reports, oversight and upkeep of food pantry and use of computer as well as regular office equipment.
• Associates Degree or higher from an accredited two-year college with a major in Human Services or related field and at least one year of experience.
is position requires a valid driver’s license , an acceptable driving record, and accepable insurance coverage limits per agency policies.
Submit resume by September 22 to:
409 E State St, Albion
Don’t choose a career based on salary alone. Monster.com says that being financially strategic when choosing a new career is important, but shouldn’t be the only factor. Your personal values, experience and other factors such as family should weigh heavily into your decision as well.
How far do you think the Bills will go this year?
- Superbowl
- Win the playoffs
- Make it to the playoffs
- Not make it to the playoffs
Poll ends 09-12-2023
Poll ended 09-05-2023
What’s your favorite way to procrastinate?
28.6% Browsing the internet
7.1% Cleaning the house
7.1% Eating snacks
57.1% Watching TV
We love hearing from you! Vote and make your voice heard when you visit www.gvpennysaver.com!
• Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma OR
• Two years of full-time, paid experience in a clerical position involving Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable or bookkeeping, which shall include typing or word processing
• LeRoy
• $34,000-$38,000
Start Date:
• September 2023
Visit our website at www.gvboces.org
Reply by September 14, 2023 with reference to 24-26, cover letter, resume, and proof of certification to hr@gvboces.org or mail to:
Human Resources, Genesee Valley BOCES
80 Munson Street, LeRoy, NY 14482
Providing energy saving improvements to lower energy bills & improve a home’s comfort in Monroe
Knowledge of the home performance industry or experience in home energy field preferred. Entry level opportunities also available. To apply go to: https://bit.ly/450Hq0B
Also accepting applications for: Crew Leader and/or Crew Positions
General labor skills with carpentry, insulation and minor home repair experience preferred.
Send Resume to: cbrandau@pathstone.org
No Phone Calls Please
All Applicants Must:
Have Valid Driver’s License
• Pass Background Check All tools, equipment and additional training will be provided.
Special Education Teachers K-6 and 7-12
Special Education Teacher K-6 (Long Term Substitute)
ELA Teacher 7-12
Earth Science Teacher 7-12
School Aides
Continual Recruitment - Substitutes: Teachers (Certified and Uncertified) Aides/TAs • RNs/LPNs
All interviews begin upon receipt of application. Additional information and application available: www.yorkcsd.org
Go easy on yourself. While many successful people strive for perfection, achieving perfection is unlikely, if not impossible. Successful people often admit to being their own worst critics, but don’t beat yourself up if you endure some trial and error. Mistakes can be a great teacher, so use any you make to your advantage.
Use your network. The notion that “it’s not what you know, but who you know” has some truth to it. Successful jobseekers continually expand their professional contacts. This is achieved by going to informational interviews, attending trade association meetings and reviewing trade publications. Target people who work at the companies where you see yourself, so you can get the inside track about job openings.
1. FOOD & DRINK: What does the acronym “IPA” stand for in a beer?
2. LITERATURE: Who is the author of “The Hunger Games” series?
3. U.S. STATES: Which state has the most lighthouses?
4. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of New Zealand?
5. GAMES: What is a perfect score in bowling?
6. SCIENCE: What does an auxanometer measure?
7. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a female donkey called?
8. MOVIES: Which holiday is celebrated at the end of “When Harry Met Sally”?
9. TELEVISION: Which entertainer has hosted “Saturday Night Live” the most?
10. ANATOMY: What is the anatomical name for the kneecap?
Managing one’s time can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. As a result, adults with hectic schedules and multiple responsibilities may pine for an extra hour or two in the day. While it’s impossible to extend a day from 24 to 26 hours, there are ways for busy men and women to createmoretimeintheirday.
1. Embrace organization tools. Whether it’s day planners, smartphoneremindersormore traditional print calendars with meetings and deadlines written on them, organization tools can greatly cut back on time spent trying to remember and/or confirm meeting times, project schedules, deadlines, and other obligations.
2. Assess your productivity. Some people are most productive in the mornings, while others do not hit their strides until after lunch.Identifythetimeortimes of day when you tend to be most productive, and make an effort to focus exclusively on work during these times. Resist any urge to schedule meetings or conference calls during those times of day when you are most productive, as it can be hard to multitask or focus when discussing projects with coworkersorclients.
3. Minimize distractions. Social media, the internet and texting can distract attention away from tasks that must be completed, ultimately affecting howquicklyandefficientlysuch projects are finished. Make a concerted effort to avoid social media and the internet while at work, and turn off smartphone alerts that entice you to go online. In addition, turn off text alerts if they are proving too greatadistraction.
4. Reconsider your commute. Professionals who drive to work but find themselves sitting in traffic on their way to and from work can investigate possible alternatives to driving themselves. Public transportation might not get you to work more quickly than driving yourself, but time spent onabusortraincanbeusedto workonprojectsandcheckand answer work-related emails, clearinguptimelaterintheday. Time spent behind the wheel of an automobile cannot be safely spentworking.
In summer, the song sings itself.
~William Carlos WilliamsTRAVELING?LaminatedLuggage Tags withhandlefastener.Just$1 eachforsomuchpeaceofmind! GeneseeValleyPennySaver,1471 Route15,Avon.OpenM-Th8:30am5pm&F8:30am-3pm.
DIDYOUKNOW... PlacinganObituaryinthe GeneseeValleyPennySaver PassagesSectionisfarlessexpensivethanothermedia?
Call: 585-226-8111 formoreinformation!
EMPLOYMENT: Lookingforcarefor 65yearoldmale.AllShifts$16.20 /hr.CallMaria585-752-1058.
ATTENTION: OxygenUsers!Gain freedomwithaPortableOxygenConcentrator!Nomoreheavytanksand refills!GuaranteedLowestPrices!Call theOxygenConcentratorStore: 855-839-1738.
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An eco-friendly lifestyle is anything but selfless, as such a way of life can pay both immediate and long-term dividends, helping men and women in the present day while also contributing to healthier futures for generations to come.
As environmentalists and eco-friendly ordinary Joes no doubt already know, there are myriad ways to go green. Even mealtime at home can be made considerably more eco-friendly with relatively little effort.
Stop handwashing dishes. Men and women who dread having to hand wash their dishes after a nice meal have an ally in science. A study from researchers in Europe found that people who handwashed place settings for 12 people used as much as 27 gallons of water, while washing the same amount of place settings in a dishwasher required just four gallons of water. So instead of standing over a sink and washing dishes by hand each night, men and women can simply load up the dishwasher, making sure only to run it when it’s full so even less water is wasted. Avoid the stove when possible. Empty nesters, couples without children or single men and women who want to save energy come mealtime can use toaster ovens in lieu of traditional stoves when preparing small meals. According to EnergyStar®, toaster ovens consume between onethird to one-half the amount of energy as conventional electric ovens when cooking small meals, making them a far more eco-friendly option for men and women accustomed who typically cook small meals for one or two people.
Shop with reusable shopping bags. Cooks know that great meals begin at the grocery store, so there’s no reason why eco-friendly cooking cannot begin there as well. Estimates suggest that as many as 100 billion plastic bags are used in the United States alone each year. EnvironmentMassachusetts reports that such bags are used for an average of 12 minutes, even though their life expectancy is as high as 1,000 years. By relying on reusable cloth shopping bags instead of single-use plastic bags, shoppers can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of cooking their own meals.
Recycle materials. Glass jars, plastic butter tubs, milk cartons, and other items necessary to prepare meals at home are all recyclable. Many local governments have weekly if not biweekly pickups of recyclable materials, making it easier than ever to ensure these items are given new life after beingused.Menandwomenwhoresideinareaswithoutsuchpickupscan go it alone, collecting recyclable materials and periodically transporting them to nearby recycling centers.
Mealtime provides a host of opportunities for eco-conscious men and women to embrace practices that protect the planet.