"The Surveyor": March/April 2006

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George Washington 1776 Lodge No. 337 F&AM Silver Spring Masonic Center 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Calendar of Events Tuesday 03/07/06

6:00pm 7:30pm

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Stated Meeting

Wed 03/08/06 Wed 03/15/06 Monday 03/20/06 Tuesday 03/21/06

7:00pm 7:00pm 9:00am 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm

MM° Practice – section 1 MM° Practice – section 2 & 3 Board of Trustees Meeting Light Supper Stated Meeting - MM°° Square Dealers Light Supper Stated Meeting Fill Easter Eggs Board of Trustees Meeting Annual Easter Egg Hunt Light Supper Stated Meeting

School of Instruction

Friday 03/24/06 Tuesday 04/04/06

Monday 04/10/06 Saturday 04/15/06 Tuesday 04/18/06 Friday 04/21/06 Saturday 04/29/06 Monday 05/01/06 Tuesday 05/02/06

9:00am 10:30am 6:30pm 7:30pm Dinner Club – Briscoe County 6:00pm Man to Mason to Shrine 2006 9:00am Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00pm Ladies of the Table Dinner Woman of the Year Award

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2006 Lodge Officers Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Steward Junior Steward Chaplain Tiler Counselor Trustee ’06 Trustee ’06 Trustee ’06 Trustee ’07 Trustee ’07 Trustee ’08 Trustee ‘08 Organist

Andy Paradowski J.G. Rosenow, III Frank Nuernberger Charles Roeder, PM David Haase, PM John Clark Otto Tesch, III, PM Terry Johannes Walt Smith Tony Busalacchi, PM Bob Smith, PM Richard Marcus David Haase, PM Charles Roeder, PM Matthew Fredrich, PM William Huegel, PM Hank Hofmann, PM Horace Palmer, PM Tony Busalacchi, PM Larry Roou

414-372-3086 262-567-3848 414-357-8141 262-238-0163 414-964-4080 414-358-0473 414-445-3537 414-963-4493 414-906-1695 414-963-9162 414-906-1167 414-228-7731 414-964-4080 262-238-0163 262-782-3965 414-352-8020 414-453-0447 414-332-3515 414-963-9162 414-371-1121

Lodge Phone: 414-332-8460 http://georgewashington1776.tripod.com

The Surveyor George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April 2006 Message from the East The contributions of every Brother in our Lodge are important. Some brothers are limited by geographical location, physical condition, or time constraints, yet we are all able to make meaningful contributions to the Craft. It all starts with you. The following are some easy ways to be involved: • Help fill the sidelines for a degree. • Come to a meeting • Attend a dinner or social event • Volunteer for a committee • Give another brother a ride to Lodge Even if you are constrained by time, physical condition, or geography, you can do the following: • Talk to a friend or Colleague about the Craft • Visit a Brother or Widow • Call or write a brother you have not seen for a while • Send a note and let us know how you are doing. If not you, then who? Without you, the Brethren, this Lodge cannot function. Your input is valuable and desired. We have countless years of Masonic experience in our membership, and it would be a shame not to be able to call on that experience and expertise for the benefit of the Craft. Fraternally, Andy Paradowski, Worshipful Master

Dinner Club The Dinner Club has a new Chairman. Please Welcome John Clark as he takes the helm of this distinguished group. Please communicate any dinner club requests to brother John. The next meeting of the Dinner Club will convene Friday April 21, 2006at Briscoe County in Menomonee Falls. We will meet for cocktails at 6:00pm and be seated around 6:30. All are welcome at Dinner Club including ladies, friends and family. Please RSVP by the Thursday before each Dinner Club meeting to John Clarke at 414-358-0473 or john.e.clark@sbcglobal.net.

Secretary’s Corner Update on Dues: Thank you to all who have sent them in. We still have a few members who are delinquent. If you have not paid, please send them in now! I am your secretary. If there is anything I can do for you, from reporting sickness and distress to providing information about the lodge, please call or write. David Haase,. P.M. Secretary

From the Past Masters Club As you may read on the enclosed insert, we are selling Suzy’s Cheesecakes at Easter to raise funds for the Lodge. Send your orders and your checks to George Burgess as per the attached and pick up your cheesecakes between noon and 2:00pm on Saturday April 15, 2006 at the Lodge. Please contact me at 414-332-5723 with any questions. Happy Easter! George Burgess, P.M. President, Past Masters Club The Surveyor will be published next in April 2006 for May/June 2006. Please make any submissions to Andy Paradowski by March 21, 2006. Electronic submissions are preferred. Articles may be submitted via email to aparadowski@sbcglobal.net in either plain text or as a Microsoft Word attachment.

Man of the Year, Mr. Rodd Hall, is presented with his certificate and check by WM Andy Paradowski and Tony Busalacchi, P.M. at the Annual George Washington Dinner on February 21, 2006. Mr. Hall, a local baker, was recognized for his generosity to the community. Mr. Hall donated his monetary reward of $150.00 to a local food pantry. Photo by Dick Paradowski. If you would like to receive the Surveyor via email (in PDF file format), please email Andy Paradowski at aparadowski@sbcglobal.net.

Address Change Name_______________________________________ New Address_________________________________ Effective________________Until_________________ Please return to: George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

St Patrick’s Day Dinner

Master Mason Degree

Tuesday March 7, 2006 – 6:00 PM

Tuesday March 21, 2006–7:30 pm

Corned Beef♣Cabbage♣Potatoes Dinner Donation - $10.00 Please RSVP to David Haase

Square Dealers Friday March 24, 2006 – 7:00pm Card Night at the Lodge featuring: • •

Come out and show your support for our degree team and our MM candidate.

Kenwood Council #34, R&SM Greetings Companions and Ladies, I have great news! Our Council is growing, with new and young companions. We will start by Exalting them at McKinley Lodge on Saturday, April 1, 2006, at 8:00 a.m. This will be an exciting Royal Arch Festival, please come out for the excellent degree work and companionship. On Saturday, May 6, 2006, Kenwood Council #34, will be conferring the Royal & Select Master degrees upon those new Royal Arch Masons. If within the length of your Cabletow, please come out and greet our new Companions. We will have coffee and donuts around 8:00 a.m. Our next stated meeting is April 13, 2006. We’ll see you soon! Zealously yours, Timothy G. Kloss, Thrice Illustrious Master

RSVP to Frank Nuernberger

Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90–R.A.M. Companions, Our next Stated meetings will be on Thursday March 9, 2006 and Thursday may 11, 2006 at 7:30pm. Come and Support your chapter. David Haase, H.P.

" Lets strive to live with Love and Care, upon the Level, and by the Square."

Annual Easter Egg Hunt Saturday March 15, 2006 8:30am – Set Up • 10:30am – Egg Hunt Begins

This is a great way to show off our Lodge to the community We will be filling eggs after the meeting on April 4 – All are welcome. Contact Bob Smith, P.M. to volunteer

Snacks Conversation Beer

Photos from 2005 Easter Egg Hunt Photos by John Clark

Annual Ladies of the Table Dinner Featuring the Woman of the Year Award Presented by George Washington 1776 Lodge #337, F.&.A.M.

Tuesday May 2, 2006 6:00pm - Reception in George Washington Lounge 6:30pm - Dinner and Woman of the Year Award Presentation

Cost: $15.00/person All Brothers that Register by April 18, 2006, Bring their Lady for Free!

Family and Friends Welcome!

Ladies of the Table Dinner Reservation Form Name___________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________________________________________ Phone Number___________________________________________________________ Number in Party_____@ $15.00 per person Number of Ladies_____@ N/C (if payment is received by 04/18/06 – No Exceptions!) Total Amount Enclosed___________ Limit 1 dinner at no charge per Brother with paid reservation. Please return reservation, with payment, by April 18, 2006 to: David Haase, PM 5168 N. Hollywood • Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

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