"The Surveyor": January/February 2007

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THE SURVEYOR George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007

Christmas Party 2006

Terry Johanes slices ham for the annual Christmas dinner at George Washington Lodge Whitefish Bay – The year was ushered out with laughter and singing as the lodge hosted the 2006 Christmas Party. The event was coordinated by Br Frank Nuernberger with Brs Andy Paradowski and Terry Johannes as the willing hands behind the party and dinner preparation and clean up. Members and their spouses and guests enjoyed a delicious ham dinner followed by delectable desserts. Before the dinner started, Pat Busalacchi set the tone with Holiday music played on the electric piano. (Continued on page 6)


George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007

MESSAGE FROM THE EAST A New Year Begins... Worshipful Master Richard Marcus, PM

Happy New Year and welcome to this new Masonic year. Welcome comes from an Old English word wilcuma ( wil- which means pleasure + cuma which means guest). We hope that all will find pleasure and fellowship in our lodge, whether they are guests, families, or our brothers. To that end, we have an extensive calendar of public events elsewhere in this trestleboard to welcome all who come to George Washington 1776 Lodge. A Google search of the word "welcome" gave dozens of responses, but five of them were: MapQuest, The White House, Intel Corporation, WebCrawler, and Ask.com As your new Worshipful Master for the ensuing Masonic year, I, like you, find things both familiar and different as we begin anew, with new officers, renewed vigor, new events on our calendar, and new

objectives. All of the officers want to help make this year great. Like MapQuest, we want to help you find your way to become better men in Masonry. Like The White House, we want to provide administrative leadership and sound Masonic education. Like Intel, we want to help upgrade those processors in all of our heads. Like WebCrawler, we want to help you find the information you need for your Masonic journey. And like Ask.com we encourage you to ask people who you believe would make a good Freemason to come to one of our planned friends' nights. We want to spoil you like a guest but make you feel like family. We hope that it's your pleasure and ours that you are part of George Washington 1776 Lodge. Welcome!

Lodge Phone: 414-332-8460 Visit our Web Site: WWW.GW1776.ORG

George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007


From the Secretary’s Desk Brethren, Thank you for your prompt return of your dues. If you have not sent them in, please help me do my job and return them to me. Have a happy and blessed holiday season. Hope to see you next year. Fraternally, David Haase, PM

George Washington 1776 Masonic Fund Greetings to all my Brethren! Thank you for your recommendations for our gift giving! Our lodge voted to donate $3,800.00 to various charities which are listed below. Thank you for your donations; I think you’ll all agree that they went to very good causes. We also elected three new directors to the Fund’s Board for three year terms: Br Andy Paradowski, PM, Br J. G. Rosenow, III, Br Horace Palmer, PM. If you have any questions or concerns Please call. Fraternally, David Haase, PM

President, George Washington 1776 Masonic Fund

Breakdown of Donations from the Masonic Fund Edvest for Raymond Brown, son of past member Steve Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600 Havenwood Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 Family House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500 United Methodist Children’s Service and Transitional Living Center . . . . . . . . . $350 St. Josephat’s Food Pantry . . . . . . . . . $250 Blessed Trinity Food Pantry . . . . . . . . $250 North Shore Young Life Program . . . $250

Salvation Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200 Friends of North Shore Library . . . . . $150 Whitefish Bay Library . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 Shorewood Library Senior Resource Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 32E Learning Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 Boy Scouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Girl Scouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 Veterans Service Organizations . . . . . $100


George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007

Noteworthy News L On Tuesday, November 21, Will Cekosh was initiated as an Entered Apprentice at GW 1776 Lodge. L Br James Robert, PM celebrated his 30th year in Masonry and transferred to our lodge from James Hayes Lodge in December. L Br James Weber, a Mason for 48 years transferred to GW 1776 from South Shore in December. L Br Kurt Klaus Celebrated his 50th year as a Master Mason! L Br. Ed Rudolph, PM has been elected Potentate of the Milwaukee Tripoli Shrine, 2007!

W.M. Andy Paradowski and newly initiated Will Cekosh

Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90 RAM We held elections on November 9, 206 and with everybody enjoying this past year, we elected the same officers for the ensuing year. Thank you for your support! We will have a Joint Installation of Officers with Kenwood Council #34 which will be held on January 11, 2007 at Milwaukee Elk’s Lodge, 5555 West Good Hope Road. Please join us at the Elk Club. Reception is from 5:30 to 6:30 PM with Dinner at 6:30 and Installation to follow. The cost is $20.00 per person. This is a great event to bring friends or brothers to introduce them to York Rite Masonry. Please send in your reservation early to ensure your spot. I’m sure it will fill up fast. Our Chapter will

help with the cost. If you would send $9.00 along with your reservation by Jan 1st. Have a Happy New Year!

E Joint Installation of Officers Kenwood Chapter #90 RAM & Kenwood Council #34 R&SM Dinner Reservation Form Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________City/State/Zip________________________ Phone Number___________________________________email____________________________ Number attending

@ $20.00 = Total Amount Enclosed $

Please return reservation by January 1, 2007 to: David Haase, PM · 5168 N. Hollywood · Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Or Call Dave at 414-964-4080.

George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

Kenwood Council #34 R.& S.M Companions: Another Cryptic year is about to begin. Last year we greeted some new members, although their presence has been limited at our functions. All Companions are encouraged to participate in the activities of not only the Council, but of the entire York Rite of Freemasonry. Many opportunities make themselves available to those who take action.

January/February 2007


If you have not made plans to attend our Joint Dinner and Installation with Kenwood/North Shore Chapter #90, RAM on January 11, 2007, please do so. This has all of the makings of a wonderful York Rite event. Contact the Ill. Deputy Master, Comp. David Haase at 414-964-4080 to reserve your place in the fun. Our Stated Assembly in February will

Dinner Club in January On January 26th, we will meet at Pano's Restaurant located at 20290 W. Bluemound Road, Brookfield, Wisconsin. Social hour begins at 6pm and we sit down for dinner at 7pm. The next Dinner Club will be February 23rd, Boulder Junction , 12550 W. Burleigh Road, Brookfield, Wisconsin where their motto is: “Where you pay for the steak, not the whole cow!� As usual, social hour begins at 6pm and we sit down for dinner at 7pm. All are welcome at Dinner Club including ladies, friends and family. Please RSVP by the Thursday before each Dinner Club meeting to Dick Paradowski at 262-782-8835.

take place on Thursday the 8th at 7:30 p.m. Discussion will be held on how to increase our membership and what is necessary to increase the participation of the existing membership. Your input is so important. Please mark your calendars and participate in the decisions that will affect the future of your Council. Zealously yours, Brian J. Hudy, PMIGM Thrice Illustrious Master



George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007

The Marthas How much fun is too much fun? Just ask these ladies! For more information on how you or the ladies in your life can get involved, Contact Dee Fredrich at 262-782-3965 or Pat Busalacchi at 414-963-9162. The “Merry” Marthas having way too much fun!

Christmas Party 2006 (continued from Page 1)

After dinner, dessert and a little wine, Br. Tony Busalacci entertained all, wearing his reindeer antlers and shiny red nose (the plastic one)! He led everyone in a number of favorite Christmas Carols, accompanied on the piano by his wife, Pat. The highlight of the evening was the white elephant auction, led by our own Br. Dave Haase. Amid the hoots and hollers and riotous laughter, the lodge managed to collect $200.00 to benefit the 32° Learning Center. As the revelers filed out, many were heard to comment about how much fun they had and how they looked forward to the next lodge event. If you want to be part of the fun just check the calendar. We have many more exciting times scheduled this year!

“Rudolph” Busalacchi greets Barb Carroll

George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

January/February 2007


GEORGE WASHINGTON 1776 CALENDAR This year, we will have added public events, several Friends Nights to invite perspective candidates, an outing to Broadway Baby Dinner Theater in September, and Jazz Night for the whole family in October. All of the public events below appear in Bold Letters. Please mark your calendars! JANUARY 2007 2 6:30 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 6 Saturday at 11:00AM INSTALLATION OF OFFICIERS, barbershop quartet TETRA sings, lunch follows 16 6:30 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 EA Degree 26 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB FEBRUARY 2007 6 6:30 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting and GW Foundation Meeting 20 6:00 p.m. GEORGE WASHINGTON DINNER & Man of the Year Award 22 Thursday at 7:00PM FRIENDS NIGHT 23 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB MARCH 2007 6 6:00 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 FC Degree 20 6:30 p.m. St. Patrick's Dinner and 7:30 SCHOOL OF INSTRUCTION 23 Friday at 7:00 p.m. Square Dealers APRIL 2007 3 6:30 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting and Fill Easter Eggs 7 Saturday morning EASTER EGG HUNT 17 6:30 p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 27 Friday at 6:00 p.m. DINNER CLUB MAY 2007 1 6:00p.m. LADIES OF THE TABLE & Woman of the Year Award 15 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 25 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB

JUNE 2007 5 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 FC or MM Degree 19 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 22 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB JULY and AUGUST (Dark) 2007 July 4 Independence Day Parade in Whitefish Bay and elsewhere July 15 Sunday LODGE PICNIC from noon to 4PM SEPTEMBER 2007 4 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 13 Thursday at 7:00PM FRIENDS NIGHT 18 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting or degree 21 Friday at 6:00PM Broadway Baby Dinner Theater Outing (20 or more group rate at 5132 W Mill Rd, Milwaukee Wisconsin 28 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB OCTOBER 2007 2 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 16 7:00p.m. JAZZ night for the whole family 19 Friday at 7:00p.m. Square Dealers 28 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB NOVEMBER 2007 6 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 16 Friday at 6:00PM DINNER CLUB 20 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting DECEMBER 2007 4 6:30p.m. Light Supper and 7:30 Stated Meeting 18 6:00p.m. CHRISTMAS PARTY


George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

2007 Lodge Officers

Calendar of Events January/February Light Supper Stated Meeting

Saturday, January 6

11:00 am

Installation of Officers Lunch Follows

Tuesday, January 16

6:30pm 7:30pm

Light Supper Stated Meeting

Friday, January 26


Dinner Club Pano’s Brookfield

Tuesday, February 6

6:30pm 7:30pm

Light Supper Stated Meeting GW Foundation

Tuesday, February 20


GW Dinner Man of the Year

Thursday, February 22 7:00pm

Friends Night

Friday, February 23

Dinner Club Boulder Junction Brookfield


From the Editor... If you find mistakes in this issue of the Surveyor, please keep in mind that they are there for a purpose. We try to publish something for everyone, and some people are always looking for mistakes. Please send any suggestions, or criticisms to the editor, at the address below. Also feel free to submit articles or notices. You may send your submissions in any form you like. The deadline for the next issue is Tuesday, February 20, 2007. Charles Carroll 2170 W. Marne Ave. Glendale, WI 53209 414-352-8333 sifuchuck@aol.com

Non-Profit US Postage Paid Permit No. 317 Milwaukee, WI

6:30pm 7:30pm

’Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Steward Junior Steward Chaplain Tiler Counselor Trustee '07 Trustee '07 Trustee '08 Trustee '08 Trustee '09 Trustee '09 Trustee '09 Organist

George Washington 1776 Lodge No. 337 F&AM Silver Spring Masonic Center 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217

Tuesday, January 2

January/February 2007 Richard Marcus, PM Andy Paradowski Frank Nuernberger Charles Roeder, PM David Haase, PM James Roberts Walt Smith

414-228-7731 414-962-0236 414-357-8141 262-238-0163 414-964-4080 414-332-8247 414-906-1695

Charles Carroll Tony Busalacchi, PM

414-352-8333 414-963-9162

Richard Marcus, PM William Huegel, PM Hank Hofmann, PM Horace Palmer, PM Tony Busalacchi, PM George Burgess Otto Tesch Andy Paradowski Larry Roou

414-228-7731 414-352-8020 414-453-0447 414-332-3515 414-963-9162 414-332-5723 414-445-3537 414-962-0236 414-371-1121

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