George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
οοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο Milwaukee, WI October 14, 2008 On the second Tuesday of October eight members of the George Washington Lodge gathered in Whitefish Bay and descended on the Damascus Lodge in a two car pincer movement that culminated in a strategic invasion for the purpose of capturing the revered District 12 Traveling Gavel! The Traveling Gavel began its tour October, 2005 at the Excelsior Lodge and the first to take it from them was GW1776! The invaders were warmly greeted by the officers and members of Damascus #290 and invited to a sumptuous feast of huge pork chops, potatoes au gratin, and corn. As the GW1776 brethren lined up with the hefty Damascus brethren for the mountainous meal, Damascus Worshipful Master Mick Olsen shouted, β290 isnβt just our lodge number; itβs a goal!β The purpose of the Traveling Gavel is to encourage visits to other Lodges. By rule, the Gavel should not stay in a Lodge for more than one stated communication after it is received. Points are awarded according to set rules. The invasion to retrieve the lost treasure was planned and coordinated by our Jr. Warden Walt Smith who was accompanied by Horace Palmer, PM/Chaplain, George Burgess, PM, Dave Haase, PM/Secretary, Otto Tesch, PM/Tiler, James Roberts, PM/Sr. Deacon, Will Cecosh, Jr. Steward, and Chuck Carroll, Sr. Steward/Surveyor E. I. C. While only four members are required to take the traveling gavel, if only two more officers joined
the expedition we might have had the Damascus brethren outnumbered! All in all the Damascus brethren were wonderful hosts. Due to the true friendship shown by them, the GW1776 brethren walked away with more than just a gavel, the basic tool of Masonry with which the rough ashlar is hewn into the perfect ashlar. More than this, the GW1776 brethren returned to their lodge the product themselves of the symbolic gavel, hewn closer to perfection by brotherly love.
Brother JW Walt Smith receives the Traveling Gavel from WM Mick Olsen.
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
MESSAGE FROM THE EAST Thanksgiving Andy Paradowski, Worshipful Master
It seems hard to believe that it is already November and another Masonic Year is drawing to a close. As we approach the holidays, we are reminded of the many blessings, which are bestowed upon us by the Supreme Architect of the Universe - gifts for which we should be truly thankful. I am thankful for my friends and family - for their love and friendship, their support and camaraderie. I am thankful for the Masonic Fraternity and the values it represents.
οοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο οοοο Date: Saturday November 1, 2008 Time: 8:30am Registration and Coffee 9-noon Meeting Place: Silver Spring Masonic Center All brothers are encouraged to attend. Officers and future officers are strongly encouraged to attend. This is a great way to meet other Brothers in the area. Since we are the host Lodge, it is important to have a good showing.
I am thankful for my Masonic Brethren especially for my team of officers, members and Past Masters that have provided their support to make this year a success. I am thankful for the United States of America. I am proud to live in a nation where we can practice democracy and choose our elected leaders. For this, and much more, I am truly thankful. Remember to take the opportunity this holiday season to reflect on the many blessings in your life and give thanks for what you have been given.
Past Masters Past Master meeting on October 2, 2008 turned out to be a huge success. Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to Tony and Pat Bussalacchi who hosted for us this year with a superb performance! We accomplished a lot and are looking forward to a new Past Master coming up the line. Our next meeting will be in 2009. We are looking into some kind of fund raising for upgrading the lodge. If you have some ideas for a fund raiser please call. We are also looking into purchasing a projector that can attach to a laptop.
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
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My Fellow Brothers,
Delbert W. Bonville of Dousman raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, April 23, 1963, died January 21, 2008 at age 91
Preparation for our 2009 dues are in progress from the Grand Lodge. You will receive your notice in the next few weeks; please do not put it down. Write a check and send in it. That will help our lodge do business better. If you have a concern, please call. Communication is a two-way street and your input is essential for our future. Lodge is a great opportunity to share information, concerns, successes and for us to know each other on the level. I would like to thank the 2008 Officers and Brethren of the Lodge for the vote of confidence in me as secretary this past year. With elections at our next meeting I hope to see more of you to share in our long tradition of voting and red shiny apples. Fraternally, David Haase, PM Secretary
John T. Hayes Jr of Milwaukee raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, June 29, 1956, died March 18, 2008 at age 82. Matt A. Fredrich of New Berlin raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, December 21, 1991, died March 21, 2008 at age 83. James Louis Faytis of Ft Myers, FL raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, October 18, 1949, died June 6, 2008 at age 90. William W. Kersey of Brown Deer raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, September 26, 1955, died August 18, 2008 at age 90. Norman Dukes of South Milwaukee raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, October 13, 1987, died August 26, 2008 at age 85.
οοο Brethren, Where are you? οοοοο οοο οοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοο οοοοοο οοο οοοοοοοοοοοοο οοο οοοοοοο ο οοοοο‘οο οοοοο οοοο οο’ο οοοο οοο ο£οοοοο’ο οοο ο€οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο ο€οο οο₯οο
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George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90 Royal
Arch Masons
November/December 2008
Kenwood Council #34 Royal &
Select Masons
Companions, As Fall leaves are falling, our Chapter is coming to election. We have elections on Thursday, November 13, 2008. I would like to thank the Companions for their vote of confidence this past year and am looking forward to a great year. Following the November election we will have a joint installation with Kenwood Council #34 RSM on Thursday, December 11th at the Elks Club, 5555 West Good Hope Road. Reception is from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. with dinner served at 7:00. All are invited. If you have an interest in York Rite Masonry, please come. Just fill out the form and send it in early before it is sold out! The next meeting will be January 8, 2009. Letβs be active! Zealously yours, David Haase Excellent High Priest
I would like to thank my officers and companions for a great year this past year and am looking forward to a growing and successful coming year. Our annual Joint Installation with Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90 RAM will be on December 11, 2008 at the Elks Club, 5555 West Good Hope Road. Reception is from 6:00 to 6:45 p.m. with dinner served promptly at 7:00 followed by the installation. All of our friends and relatives as well as anyone interested are invited. A special thanks to Companion Robert Horton for setting up this installation. Please send in your reservation. Since December 4th is our Stated Assembly, our next stated meeting will be February 12, 2009. We will see you then. A special congratulations to Companion Kenneth Savaoi on his 5oth year with Scottish Rite. Great job Ken! Zealously yours, David Haase Thrice Illustrious Master
ο Joint Installation of Officers, December 11, 2008 Kenwood Chapter #90 RAM & Kenwood Council #34 R&SM Dinner Reservation Form Name_________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________City/State/Zip________________________ Phone Number___________________________________email____________________________ Number attending
@ $20.00 = Total Amount Enclosed $
Please return reservation by December 9, 2008 to: David Haase, PM Β· 5168 N. Hollywood Β· Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Or Call Dave at 414-964-4080.
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
Come to the Christmas Party, Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 6:30PM. Bring your family and friends along with a side dish and/or dessert to share and a White Elephant Gift to auction for charity! After a delicious dinner we will sing carols and toast the new year!
November/December 2008
by WM Andy Paradowski The Annual George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 Christmas Party will be held Tuesday, 6:30pm, December 16, 2008. We will gather at 6:30 to sing carols, spread good cheer and share a delicious ham dinner! Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to pass. The Lodge will provide ham and rolls. There will also be a White Elephant Auction conducted by our honorable secretary, David Haase, PM - the proceeds of which will benefit a charity of the Masterβs choosing. Brother Walt Smith will be coordinating the event; please contact Br. Walt if you would like to help in any way that you can. Other than the auction gift and dish to pass, there is no charge for this dinner & party. RSVP to David Haase, PM by December 12th or use the form provided below:
ο Christmas Party Dinner Reservation Form Name Address
Phone Number attending
email_______________________ Dish to Pass
Please return reservation by December 12, 2006 to: David Haase, PM Β· 5168 N. Hollywood Β· Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Or Call Dave at 414-964-4080.
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
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Brother James Larsen (1st row 3rd from left) with the degree team and officers.
οοοοο οοοο οοοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοο Havenwoods Environmental Awareness Center got help this year as Brethren from our lodge have been lending a hand, pulling noxious weeds like garlic mustard and wild parsnip to help eradicate these invasive plant species from the state park. Volunteers include Andy Paradowski, Frank Nuernberger, George Burgess, Otto Tesch and Horace Palmer. Hats off to these green guerillas!
Comedy Cabaret Smash Hit! October 7th was a night of fun and merriment as the George Washington Lodge sponsored a Comedy Cabaret featuring a visit from Mark Twain, aka Tom Gilding, and the musical comedy of Nightwatch. Refreshments followed in Stegnar Hall downstairs. οοοοο οοοοοο οοοοο οοοοο οοοοοοοο οοοοοοο οοοο οοο οοοοοοο
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
οοοοο οοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοο Glendale, WI, Saturday, October 11, 2008 Beer, Music, Food and Dancing was on the agenda for the Scottish Rite Masonic Friends Night hosted by Sprecher Brewery. Brethren from GW1776 attended with family and friends and had a wonderful evening of fun and socializing. The music was great, the company even better, and the highlight of the evening, aside from the beer, was the fun and informative brewery tour conducted by GW1776 Brother Dave Bowen who also happens to be the Events Coordinator for Sprecher Brewing Company.
οοοοοο οοοοο An Important Work The Directors of the fund have had a busy year with the 2008 year-long Worshipful Masterβs Appeal for the North Shore Fire Department with a gift of $6,000 for the purchase of a defibrillator for the third paramedic unit. We are also donating $882.50 which is half the cost of a portable defibrillator to be made available for the Whitefish Bay High School Athletic Department for all sporting events. The other half of the money is coming from the Duke Pride Sports Association. All requests for this yearβs Annual Giving must be submitted no later than November 18, 2008. Donations have been coming in all year, keep in mind that your donation is tax deductible. Please continue to give to the GW1776 Fund.
Upcoming Meetings November 18, 2008, Fund Directors will meet at the Lodge at 6:30 p.m. to discuss available funds and requests for gifts. On December 2, 2008 at 6:30 the Fund Directors will meet to consider all requests. Afterward, during the stated meeting of lodge, there will be a final vote as to the distribution of funds and an election of 2009 Fund Directors. If you are interested, then please come and vote and be a part of our Annual Giving. Remember, Charity is one of our greatest virtues.
Br. Dave Bowen leads guests on a Brewery Tour during Masonic Friends Night at Sprecher.
οοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοο οοοοο οοοοο οοοοοο οοο οοοοοοοο The George Washington Stein Club met Saturday evening on October 11th at Sprecher Brewery just prior to the Scottish Rite Friends Night event. As is the custom of the club, many beers were sampled and lively discussions ensued in the Sprecher Beer Garden. The main item on the agenda was to choose a Stein design for the membership. The chosen stein will be made in Germany and members should have them in hand, ready for toasts and droughts by sometime early next year. Next meetings will be Thursday, November 13th at 7 p.m. and Thursday, December 4th, at 7 p.m. New members are welcome.
οοοοο οοοο οοοοοοοοοοο Election of Officers will be held on November 4, 2008, which is, coincidentally, Election Day. If you are interested in holding one of the Lodge Officer or Trustee positions, please inform WM Andy Paradowski. Our maintenance committee is continuing to do a great job at the Lodge. Some of the upcoming projects include: cleaning gutters, trimming trees, winterizing building, waxing floors. A special thanks to all the Trustees for their time and good work!
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
βJoe Pronnet is a special person!β βChief Robert Whitaker
Josh Armstrong & Dan Chaudoir enjoy a drink before the ceremony.
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Whitefish Bay, WI The evening of October 21, 2008 marked the culmination of the year-long efforts of many Masons to raise funds for defibrillators for the North Shore Fire Dept and Whitefish Bay High School Athletic Dept. A check for $6,525 represented by a $6,000 oversized check was given to the NSFD toward a difibrillator to be used by a new paramedic unit that would be active in Glendale. Tom Talajkowski of the Duke Pride Sports Association received a check for a portable difibrillator, the total cost of which was split between DPSA and the Grand Lodge. The genesis of this event was the brainstorm of Aurora Lodge Brother Joe Pronnet, who has been instrumental in the involvement of Wisconsin Masons with providing life-saving defibrillators to schools and public sports arenas. According to Joe, after learning from GW1776's Man of the Year, NSFD Chief Dave Berousek, that they were in need of a difibrillator, he met with GW1776 #337 Lodge Brother Dan Chaudoir for lunch and the two discussed a strategy. Brother Dan offered to match up to $1,000 of any funds that Joe and the two lodges came up with. It wasnβt long before Joe, who Chief Robert Whitaker called, βa special person,β convinced Dan to match a second $1,000. Brothers Joe and Dan have the heartfelt appreciation, not only of those who will benefit from this gift, but also from those masonic brothers who
Joe Pronnet assists in the presentation of the βbig checkβ for $6,000 to Chief Whitaker. were given a chance to share in their dream. βAnd now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.β β1st Cor. 13:13
L-R Donation award recipients Tom Talajkowski, Chief Whitaker with WM Andy Paradowski
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
οοοοοοοοο οοοοο οοοοοοοοο Hours: 8 AM to 6 PM Saturdays Until 4 PM Closed Mondays
Appointments 964-4080
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Call Chuck Carroll 414-336-4252 DAVE HAASE Master Barber/Stylist Proprietor
5168 N. Hollywood Ave. Whitefish Bay, WI 53217
Specializing in Life, Major Medical & Medicare Supplement Insurance
οοοοοοοοο οο οοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοο οοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο
Daniel R. Chaudoir President
414-357-8141 414-581-2019 Cell
9133 North 70th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223
Magic Entertainment for any occasion
Walt Smith Stage οCloseup Strolling
For booking call Tel: (414)906-1695
Consumer First Insurance Switch for the Savings & Stay for the SERVICE Agent: William Cekosh P.O. box 535, Grafton, WI 53024 SUPER PREFERRED TO HIGH RISK AUTO/HOME/UMBRELLA/AND THE TOYS! Office: 262-377-9897 Customer Service: 414-546-6920 Email:
414-365-9000 5277 W. Beaver Creek Parkway (800) 749-6245 Toll Free
Got a Business to Advertise? We are offering free space to members of the GW1776 Lodge. Send your business card to:
The Surveyor c/o Chuck Carroll, EIC 2170 West Marne Ave.
SPRECHER BREWING COMPANY, INC. βWorld Class Beers and Gourmet Sodasβ βRemarkably Good Tasteβ
DAVID A. BOWEN Inside Events and Corporate Gifts Manager 701 West Glendale Avenue Glendale, WI 53209 Phone: (414) 964-7837(SUDS) Cell: (414) 975-1154 FAX (414) 964-2462 Email:
10 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
οοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοο Worshipful Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Steward Junior Steward Chaplain Tiler Counselor Trustee '08 Trustee '08 Trustee '09 Trustee '09 Trustee '09 Trustee '10 Trustee '10 Organist
Andy Paradowski, PM Frank Nuernberger Walt Smith Charles Roeder, PM David Haase, PM James Roberts, PM Terry Johannes Chuck Carroll William Cekosh Horace Palmer, PM Otto Tesch, PM Mark Truesdell, PM Horace Palmer, PM David Haase, PM George Burgess, PM Otto Tesch, PM Andy Paradowski, PM Charles Roeder, PM Mark Truesdell, PM Larry Roou
414-449-7967 414-357-8141 414-906-1695 262-238-0163 414-964-4080 414-332-8247 414-963-4493 414-336-4252 262-305-4880 414-332-3515 414-445-3537 262-376-2173 414-332-3515 414-964-4080 414-332-5723 414-445-3537 414-962-0236 262-238-0163 262-376-2173 414-371-1121
THE SURVEYOR Vol. IX No. 5 Β©2008 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board A Bi-Monthly Periodical Since July, 2000 Chuck Carroll, Editor in Chief Barb Carroll, Proof Reader
Lodge Phone: 414-964-4080 Visit our Web Site: WWW.GW1776.ORG
Contributors: David Haase, PM; Andy Paradowski, PM; Otto Tesch, PM Photographers: Chuck Carroll: Otto Tesch, PM The Surveyor is printed & mailed by Central File Inc., Br. Dan Chaudoir, President. Payment for printing is donated directly to the George Washington Masonic Fund.
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
οο οο οοοοοοοοοοοοο οοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοοο ο NOVEMBER
November 1
3 4
7:00 6:30 7:30
1 2
2009 TUE
10 7:00 17 7:00 18 6:30 7:30 21 6:00 24 7:00
District 12 Meeting at George Washington Lodge Degree Practice Light Supper Stated Communication and Election of Officers Degree Practice Degree Practice Turkey Dinner Stated Communication -FC Degree Dinner Club -Bavarian Inn Degree Practice
December 1 2
7:00 6:30 7:30 8 7:00 15 7:00 16 6:30
Degree Practice Light Supper Stated Communication Degree Practice Degree Practice Lodge Christmas Party
January 5
6:30 Light Supper 7:30 Stated Communication 10 11:00 am Installation of Officers
12 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
November/December 2008
Photo by Otto Tesch th
July 28 members of George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 assisted Aurora Lodge in an MM degree in the Modified French Rite (in German) at the Wisconsin Grand Lodge in Madison. From Left to Right: WM Andy Paradowski, Aurora WM Adolf Meinhardt, David Haase, Wisconsin Grand Master John Wilke, Bill Heugel. Brother Otto Tesch also attended.
George Washington 1776 Lodge No. 337 F&AM Silver Spring Masonic Center 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217