"The Surveyor": November/December 2010

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Vol. XI No. 4

George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board

November/December, 2010

A Workman Called from Labor ... Andy Paradowski, a Legacy of Service By Chuck Carroll MILWAUKEE, WI At two-thirty in the afternoon on Friday, October 8, 2010, while getting ready to drive Barb to work, I got a call from brother Joe Fahrenkopf, telling me that Andy Paradowski had passed away. I will never forget the way I felt at that moment. The following days leading up to Andy’s Memorial Service, were filled with sadness and confusion. Brothers and friends gathered in homes and bars to share their feelings of incredible disbelief and anguish. Masons, former Boy Scouts, and Triangle Fraternity members met and mingled in desperation to try and comprehend the terrible loss we were all experiencing as the news continued to travel by phone and over the internet. When the time came to say farewell, the small ante-chamber at McKinley Lodge filled to over-flowing with men in white aprons. Brother Brad Behlke, long-time friend of Andy, showed composure for the first time in weeks, having lost his grandfather, Norman Behlke just a week before. The last time I saw Andy was at Norman’s memorial service. I had come in a little late, and Andy met me and led me into a small room to see that I had an apron, gloves, and a sprig of

evergreen. He then did the same for the Most Worshipful Grand Master Joe Harker who walked in behind me. Leading the Memorial Service was Past Grand Master Craig Campbell, and after the service Andy said to me, “When I die, I hope I rate two Grand Masters.” To me, Andy was always ready to find good, despite the worst situation. He always had a joke or a witty quote to make others smile or laugh out loud. I was amazed, but not surprised to learn that Andy worked with so many various service organizations. I was not surprised, because over the years I watched how he worked with lodge officers and new Masons. He gave guidance, good advice, comfort, and joy as though he

Join Terry Johannes as he explores the long lost Lincoln Lodge in this issue of The Surveyor. Page 4

had an endless supply. If anyone in the lodge had a question about protocol, or ritual, or even how an event should be planned, it was always the same: “Run it by Andy.” Worshipful Masters Elect met with Andy to plan their upcoming year. Past Masters consulted Andy about any and all issues they might encounter. Appointed officers looked to Andy for instruction on how to properly comport themselves as lodge officers. Andy’s life was service to others. Whether in conjunction with a larger organization, or just one-on-one with someone who needed help and guidance, Andy showed us all what it takes to be a brother to our fellow man. In the days ahead, I will look for Andy in those who, like me, have been inspired to live their lives in service to others.

Inside the Surveyor... Message from the East.. . . . . . . . 2 Secretary’s Desk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Council & Chapter.. . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Trustee Corner.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Menus for Nov/Dec. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lost Temples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 At & About the Lodge. . . . . . 5 & 8 Masonic Memories.. . . . . . . . . . 6-7 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Master’s Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Business Directory.. . . . . . . . . . 10 Lodge Officers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Upcoming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The Straight Line. . . . . . . . . . . . 12


Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010



Walt Smith, Worshipful Master My Term for Worshipful Master will be coming to an end in just a couple of months. As I look back on the past year, it has been challenging, but also rewarding that those challenges were turned into accomplishments. Sitting in the East is a very special time, one I will long remember. I have been very fortunate to have been in the company of so many talented brothers. All your help has been much appreciated. As a lodge we all bring different talents to the table. This helps to create a lodge that can move forward with our changing times. Let’s give the support to our new Worshipful Master so that he too can have a very good year in 2011. Once again I want to thank all the officers and brethren of the lodge for all your help this past year. I feel very fortunate to have served as your Worshipful Master.

From the Secretary’s Desk Hope all are doing good. Most of you, my brothers, have received your dues statements. There has been a seven dollar ($7.00) increase for per capita tax which brings the total dues to $71.00. The deadline for paying your dues is December 31, 2010; W HY W AIT–PAY NOW . Also, now is a good time to add to the dues, a tax deductible contribution to the GW 1776 Masonic Fund, through which we help so many worthy charities. Please consider our Masonic Appeal. I would like to thank the many of you for your help with our flood disaster. W e have a ways to go, but with your help we’ll get the building in good order. Thank you again. Brethren, what do you think of our Surveyor? A special thank you to our Junior W arden, Chuck Carroll, editor of this newsletter for his laborious job of putting this together; plus the others who make it happen, especially Brother Past Master Dan Chaudoir and his son Butch, for the printing and mailing. Thank you. Dave Haase, PM Secretary

T HE S URVEYOR Vol. XI No. 4 ©2010 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board A Bi-Monthly Periodical Established July, 2000 Chuck Carroll, Editor in Chief Barb Carroll, Proof Reader Contributors: David Haase, PM; Walt Smith; Terry Johannes; Chuck Carroll Photographers: Chuck Carroll; Terry Johannes; Barb Carroll; Mark Trusdell The Surveyor is printed & mailed by Central File Inc., Br. Dan Chaudoir, President. Payment for printing is donated directly to the George Washington Masonic Fund. Silver Spring Masonic Center 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Deadline for submissions for the next issue of The Surveyor: Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kenwood Council #34 Royal & Select Masons Companions, Meeting dates: Thursdays, December 9, 2010 & February 10, 2011 Questions or concerns? Call James Burton, Thrice Illustrious Master at 414-852-7411

Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90


Royal Arch Masons Companions, Thank you for the great turn out in September. If we continue we will be growing the excitement of York Rite and gain new members. Our next meetings will be Thursdays, November 11, 2010 and January 13, 2011. M ARK YOUR CALENDARS! Zealously yours, David Haase Excellent High Priest

Trustee '10 Charles Roeder, PM Mark Truesdell, PM Trustee '11 David Haase, PM William Huegel, PM Trustee '12 George Burgess, PM Jim Roberts, PM Andy Paradowski, PM

GW1776 Masonic Fund Director’s Meeting Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at 6:30pm We will discuss worthy recipients of our Annual Gifts. All recommendations must be received by Fund Chairman, Dave Haase no later than Wednesday, December 1, 2010.

Mandatory* Trustee Meeting Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Immediately After Stated Meeting We will elect officers. *By-Laws of GW1776, Article II, Section 5

Upcoming Menus All Stated Meeting Dinners require reservations.*

November 2, 2010 Baked Tilapia Parsley Buttered Potatoes Green Salad Apple Sauce Rolls Dessert: Brownies

November 16, 2010 Swedish Meatballs Egg Noodles Carrots Green Salad Dessert: Pumpkin Pie

December 7, 2010 Hawaiian Chicken White Rice Green Salad Rolls Dessert: PiĂąa Colada Cake

December 21, 2010 Annual Christmas Party and Pot-luck Dinner. See page 11 for information and Reservation Form.

Drinks for all meals include choice of : coffee, soda, tea, milk, water. *To place your light dinner reservation, simply call Chuck Carroll at 414-336-4252 or email: sifuchuck@aol.com, no later than the weekend prior to each stated meeting date. Feel free to invite family and friends.



Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

by Terry Johannes This is the seventh in a series about Masonic Tem ples no longer being used for their original purpose. These abandoned and reclaim ed structures rem ain m em orials to our glorious past. Dedicated to this quest, the author investigates the Lost Tem ples of Wisconsin. -ed. Lincoln Lodge #183, N88W151 Main St., Menom onee Falls, WI

The first European settlers came to the Menomonee Falls area in 1842 and the first physician, Dr Samuel Clark, a Mason from New York arrived in 1848. In 1871 Dr Clark and other Masons met to petition the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin to form a Lodge in the Menomonee Falls area. Lincoln Lodge#183 was chartered in June 1872 and Dr. Clark was the first Master.

The sides of the building now have windows and balconies and garages have replaced the parking lot. This is the first Temple I have found that was turned into apartments and the developers have done a terrific job of retaining the look of the original building. Next time your significant other accuses you of spending too Lincoln Lodge met in a couple of rented halls until it purchased the Emanuel Ladies Hall in1913. In 1950 Lincoln Lodge built the Temple on Main Street. By 2005 the old Lodge building was sold and Lincoln Lodge now meets in Sussex. In 2005 the old Temple was completely gutted and converted into the Lincoln Lodge Apartments. The street facade has not changed at all and still retains the Square & Compasses over the front door. "Masonic Temple" can be found along the roofline carved in stone.

“... you can literally ‘live at the Lodge!’” much time at the lodge and tells you that you "live at the Lodge" take her on a trip to Main Street in Menomonee Falls where you can literally "live at the Lodge!"

Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010


Recent Events At and About the Lodge

Masonic Brotherhood Council Breakfast

Breakfast With Prince Hall WHITEFISH BAY, WI GW1776 Lodge has been meeting with Prince Hall brothers for Saturday morning breakfasts for some time now as the Masonic Brotherhood Council Breakfast. On October 16th, the brethren met at the Silver Spring Masonic Center instead of a restaurant. Brother Joe Pronnet, PM and Master of Aurora Lodge, cooked up a fabulous breakfast of eggs, bacon, hash browns, juice and coffee. Jim Roberts and Mark Truesdell helped in the kitchen and dining room. The breakfast was attended by brothers from many lodges including: GW1776 #337; Milwaukee Harmony #261; South 'Shore #3; West Allis #291; Laflin St. James #247; Lake Lodge #189; Blazing Star #4; Corinthian #5; True Square #11; Aurora #30. Over time, since the Grand Lodge of Wisconsin adopted a racial non-discrimination provision to the Masonic Code of Wisconsin in 1972, small steps were made which finally resulted in mutual recognition between Wisconsin Free and Accepted Masons and Wisconsin Prince Hall Masons in 1990. The regular breakfasts are an opportunity to share friendship and

brotherly love as a “brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God.”

Bethel 13 Update

Laurel Oaks Visit Holds “Jobie” Surprise

BURLINGTON, WI On October 13-14, the Supreme Council of Job’s Daughters International presented a Youth Protection Program (YPP) to train adults interested in working with Jobies as Certified Adult Volunteers (CAV). Four adults from the Bethel 13 Guardian Council attended the program, and after their background checks have been performed, the Executive Guardian Council will be complete and plans can move forward to recruit and teach girls. The Executive Guardian Council for Bethel 13 consists of: Bethel Guardian, Judy Paradowski; Associate Bethel Guardian, Chuck Carroll; Guardian Secretary, Barb Carroll; Guardian Treasurer, Kathy Cormany; and Guardian Director of Epochs, Dorothy Cigale.

GLENDALE, WI Brethren from GW1776 paid a visit to Masonic residents at Laurel Oaks on September 15, 2010. After a light supper, the brethren were treated to an informative talk by the facility’s manager, Sharon Scherr, who coincidentally is a Past Honored Queen of Bethel 5 of Job’s Daughters. Sharon talked about Medicaid and the rising cost of long-term care and assisted living costs. She pointed out that most people are ill-informed about longterm care and emphasized the importance of seeking information from qualified sources.

Laurel Oaks Masons (Seated L-R) Earnest Johannes, GW1776 #337; Erving Landon, Duluth, MN; Eli Hait, Joe Aaron, & William Stern all from Milwaukee Harm ony #261


Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

Masonic Memories of Andy Paradowski, PM

Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010



Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

Recent Events (continued) Joint Table Lodge Draws Many Lodges WHITEFISH BAY, WI Upon returning from going dark, Walt Smith and Joe Pronnet, GW1776 & Aurora Worshipful Masters, respectfully, planned a joint table lodge for the two lodges that share the Silver Spring Masonic Center. The evening festivities began in the Entered Apprentice Degree, with dinner and conversation. Br. Tony Busalacchi was invited to give a presentation regarding his service to our nation’s veterans at the VA Hospital. He then proceeded to tell every joke ever written about Masons! After dinner, the table lodge was conducted with seven toasts, made mostly by members of GW1776. The two lodges hosting the event were outnumbered by so many brothers from other lodges. Lodges represented at the event included: Aurora No. 30; George Washington 1776 No. 337; Waukesha No. 37; Freemasons No. 363; Milwaukee Harmony No. 261; Lake Lodge No. 189; Union Grove No. 288; Wilmot No. 241 and a brother with dual membership from Unity No. 362 in Kenosha and Fidelitas No. 830 in Karlsrue, Germany.

Tony Busalacchi bends the ear of the Grand Master as WM Walt Sm ith opens the Joint Table Lodge

Also in attendance, Grand Lodge Officers: District 12 Deputy Bob Strader; Grand Lecturer Kenneth Gorgon; and MWGM Joe Harker.

In Memoriam 2010 And when at last he shall have diligently executed in the rough quarries of earth the designs which Thou hast inscribed upon his trestle-board... may he be raised to the life eternal and in the Grand Lodge above be permitted to see Thee face to face, to worship Thee there in the beauty of holiness forever and ever.

Frank Weller Loeffler of Clovis, CA, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason May 31, 1960, died April 9, 2010 at age 84 Earl Paul Charlson of Wauwatosa, WI, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason May 8, 1961, died May 24, 2010 at age 84 Richard Russell Robinson of Milwaukee, WI, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason September 16, 1947, died July 22, 2010 at age 85 Paul Bishop Hammersmith of Milwaukee, WI, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason February 15, 1955, died August 20, 2010 at age 85 Norman F. Behlke of Jefferson, WI, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason June 19, 1952, died September 26, 2010 at age 82 Andrew Richard Paradowski of Milwaukee, WI, raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason October 6, 2001, died October 8, 2010 at age 41

Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010


The Master’s Calendar November


1 M onday 2 Tuesday

7:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm

8 M onday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday 11 Thursday 15 M onday 16 Tuesday

7:00pm 11:00am 5-8pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

18 22 29 30

Thursday M onday M onday Tuesday

Degree Team Light Supper Stated Communication Election of Officers/Trustee M eeting Degree Team Veterans’ Day Parade JW Chili Cook Off at Palmer North Shore Chapter Degree Team Light Supper Special FC Communication GW Stein Club at Sprecher Degree Team Degree Team M asonic Cinema Night

November Highlights Tuesday 2nd special ceremony for Horace Palmer to celebrate his 50th anniversary as a Mason and Officer/Trustee elections.

3 Friday 6 M onday 7 Tuesday 9 Thursday 13 M onday 16 Thursday

6:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm 7:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm

20 M onday 21 Tuesday 27 M onday

7:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Dinner Club-Family Table Degree Team Light Supper Stated Communication Kenw ood Council Degree Team GW Stein Club at Sprecher Degree Team GW 1776 Christmas Party Degree Team

Tuesday 30th Bring family and friends for a fun night of popcorn and film as Jim Roberts presents Masonic Cinema Night!

December Highlights

Saturday 6th Masons will meet at the corner of Mason and Prospect in downtown Milwaukee at 11am to show support to the Veterans during the annual Veteran’s Day Parade.

Friday 3rd Dinner Club at The Family Table, 6598 W. Brown Deer Road. Drinks at 6pm dinner at 6:30pm. You MUST call Dick Paradowski for reservations: 262782-8835

Sunday 7th Palmer Lodge will host it’s 2nd Annual Junior Warden Chili Cook off! Vote for your favorite chili prepared by JW Chuck Carroll. Tickets are $6 advanced, $7 at the door.

Tuesday 21st The Annual George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 Christmas Party. We will gather at 6:00 to sing carols, spread good cheer and share a delicious ham dinner! Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish to pass. The Lodge will provide ham and rolls. There will also be a White Elephant Auction conducted by our honorable secretary, David Haase PM, the proceeds of which will benefit a charity of the Master’s choosing. See Page 11 for Reservations.

Tuesday 16th Our regular stated meeting will be replaced by William Hutchin’s EA Posting and FC Degree. FCs & MMs from all lodges welcome.


November S











































































10 Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

Business Directory Dave Haase Haase's Hair Emporium Master Barber/Stylist 5168 N. Hollywood Ave. Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Appointments: 964-4080 Franklin G Nuernberger Accountant/Tax Specialist 9133 North 70th Street Milwaukee, WI 53223 414-357-8141 414-581-2019 Cell

Daniel R. Chaudoir Central File Marketing President 5277 W. Beaver Creek Parkway Brown Deer, WI 53223 414-365-9000 (800) 749-6245 Toll Free Robert Batchelder Reilly & Friends CBW & Activity Planner 510 E Beaumont Ave Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 414-916-0054 skywtchr@wi.rr.com

Walt Smith A Touch of Magic Magic Entertainment for any occasion For booking call: 414-906-1695 Chuck Carroll American Republic Insurance Company Licensed Agent 2170 West Marne Ave. Glendale, WI 53209 414-336-4252 sifuchuck@aol.com

Got a Business to Advertise? W e are offering free space to members of the GW 1776 Lodge. Send your contact information to: The Surveyor, c/o Chuck Carroll, EIC, 2170 W est Marne Ave., Glendale, W I 53209 or email: sifuchuck@aol.com

2010 Lodge Officers Worshipful Master Walt Smith 414-906-1695

Senior Warden Otto Tesch, PM 414-445-3537 ottomilw@sbcglobal.net

Junior Warden Chuck Carroll 414-336-4252 sifuchuck@aol.com

Senior Deacon William Cekosh 414-704-2810 williamcekosh@yahoo.com

Junior Deacon Keith Sargeant 414-881-7060 wisarge@yahoo.com

Senior Steward Tyler Kristopeit 608-346-0066 tylerjk2@uwm.edu

Treasurer Charles Roeder, PM 262-238-0162 croeder2@wi.rr.com

Secretary David Haase, PM 414-964-4080

Junior Steward Joe Fahrenkopf 920-296-3171 fahrenkopf.joseph@gmail.com

Counselor Mark Truesdell, PM 262-376-2173

Tiler James Roberts, PM 414-332-8247 jamesruthann@yahoo.com

Chaplain Horace Palmer, PM 414-332-3515


Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010


GW1776 Christmas Party December 21 The Annual George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 Christmas Party will be held Tuesday, December 21, 2010. We will gather at 6:00 to sing carols, spread good cheer and share a delicious ham dinner! Everyone is encouraged to bring a side dish to pass. The Lodge will provide ham and rolls. There will also be a White Elephant Auction conducted by our honorable secretary, David Haase, PM - the proceeds of which will benefit a charity of the Master’s choosing.

Junior Warden Chuck Carroll will be coordinating the event; please contact Br. Chuck if you would like to help in any way that you can. Other than the auction gift and dish to pass, there is no charge for this dinner & party. RSVP to Chuck Carroll by Friday, December 17, at 414-336-4252 or sifuchuck@aol.com or use the form provided below:

E Christmas Party Dinner Reservation Form Name Phone


Number attending

Dish to Pass

Please return reservation by December 17, 2010 to: Chuck CarrollA 2170 W. Marne Ave.A Glendale, WI 53209 Or Call or Email Chuck at 414-336-4252; sifuchuck@aol.com

2011 Installation of Officers will be Saturday, January 8, 2011 at 11am. Light lunch to follow.

Bethel 13 of Whitefish Bay The International Order of Job’s Daughters Is Now Accepting Petitions for Membership The International Order of Job’s Daughters is one of today’s outstanding character-building organizations for young women, ages 10 to 20, who are related to a Master Mason.

Apples & Ballots Elections of 2011 Lodge Officers & Trustees will be Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Come cast your votes and have an apple with your brothers.


For more information, contact: Judy Paradowski 414-510-8835 Chuck Carroll 414-336-4252 Sifuchuck@aol.com

12 Vol. XI No. 4 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board November/December, 2010

The Straight Line Brother H. Albert Krueger PM, who now lives in Florida, celebrated a milestone of 50 years in Masonry with the Brethren of GW1776 on September 7, 2010. Presenting the 50 year pin and proclamation, was District 12 lecturer, and lifelong friend, Frank Mayer. Congratulations, Brother Krueger, from your brothers of GW1776!

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