Vol. XII No. 2
George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board
March April, 2011
2011: NEW OFFICERS, NEW ACTIVITIES WHITEFISH BAY, WI The new year brought changes in officers and ideas at George Washington 1776 Lodge. Besides the usual moving up by line officers, a new Counselor and Junior Steward were installed as well as new Trustees. Worshipful Master, Otto Tesch has appointed two new committees, the Publicity Committee and the Search Committee. The Publicity Committee, headed by Junior Deacon Tyler Kristopeit will be concentrating on defining a Masonic presence in our community as well as developing ideas for increasing membership at the lodge. Senior Deacon Keith Sargeant will head up the Search Committee which will work on ideas for bringing back members who have drifted away from lodge meetings and other events.
Brother Bill Huegel Passes On
Br. Tyler Kristopeit addresses the audience at the 2011 Installation .
William Mortimer Huegel joined his Lord Sunday, January 16, 2011, age 82. His obituary said he was a beloved husband and best friend of Janet,, a loving father, a loving grandfather and brother. It said he attended Atwater and Green Tree Schools, Shorewood High School, the U.S. Naval Academy, and University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he graduated in 1956 with a BS (Civil Engineering) Degree. (Cont. Page 7)
Inside the Surveyor... Message from the East. . . . . 2 Secretary’s Desk. . . . . . . . . 2 Council & Chapter.. . . . . 2-3 Trustee Corner. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lost Temples. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 At & About the Lodge.. . . . . 5 Master’s Calendar. . . . . . . 10 Business Directory. . . . . . . 11 Lodge Officers. . . . . . . . . . 11 The Straight Line. . . . . . . . 12 2011 Officers installed on January 8, 2011 at GW1776 Lodge.
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
Message from the East
Otto Tesch, Worshipful Master Looks like we'll be busy at this lodge in the first half of the year. If we are going to field a team for the degree competition, we'll need to get personnel, and practice. There are still some spots open for the team itself. I would like to have a few extra people to evaluate what the team is doing and possibly suggest improvements. (essentially looking at the team as the Judges will do in the competition.) the actual competition date is April 30 in Madison. There will be special practices on most W ednesdays as well as the regular degree practices on Mondays. There will be Masonic Cinema nights the 5th Tuesdays of March and May. Easter is coming April 24th and that means the Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be April 23rd, with perhaps a pancake breakfast for the early workers. W e will be filling Easter Eggs on April 19tghbefore and after the stated meeting. Bring your wives and significant others for dinner before the meeting and the stuffing will begin. There will be a School of Instruction on March 15th.(closing MM) On May 17th there will be the Ladies at the Table dinner to honor a Woman of the Year. I am still looking for candidates for the award. If you know of someone appropriate let me know. In June the Grand Lodge meets in M adison on June 10 and 11 and all officers and members are encouraged to attend.
From the Secretary’s Desk I would like to thank all of the Brethren for the dues sent in so far. We are close to having 100% membership dues paid. If you don’t have your green 2011 dues card, please call the Worshipful Master or Secretary. Congratulations to B r. William Hutchins; raised to Master Mason on the first Tuesday of January and appointed to Junior Steward the following Saturday! Dave Haase, PM Secretary
T HE S URVEYOR Vol. XII No.2 ©2011 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board A Bi-Monthly Periodical Established July, 2000 Chuck Carroll, Editor in Chief Barb Carroll, Proof Reader Contributors: David Haase, PM; Otto Tesch; Terry Johannes Photographers: Chuck Carroll; Terry Johannes; Kristin Anthony The Surveyor is printed & mailed by Central File Inc., Br. Dan Chaudoir, President. Payment for printing is donated directly to the George Washington Masonic Fund. Silver Spring Masonic Center 517 E. Beaumont Avenue Whitefish Bay, WI 53217 Deadline for submissions for the next issue of The Surveyor: Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Kenwood Council #34 Royal & Select Masons Questions or concerns? Call James Burton at 414-852-7411
Upcoming Scottish Rite Events All events listed for the Scottish Rite are open to all Masons, non Masons and their ladies. Scottish Rite April 9th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bunny Brunch April 17th . . . . . . . . . . . Feast of the Paschal Lamb May 5th . . . . . . . . . . . Children’s Learning Center Graduation Ceremony May 19, 20, 21 . . . . Scottish Rite Spring Reunion
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
Kenwood North Shore Chapter #90 Royal
Arch Masons Per last communication via The Surveyor, the vote on the stated by-law change will occur on March 10, 2011. I encourage all companions to be in attendance for this important vote. Balloting for new 2011-2012 Officers will be in March with installation at th May 12, 2011meeting. Hope to see you soon. Fraternally, David Haase, Excellent High Priest
Trustee '11 David Haase, PM Walt Smith, PM Trustee '12 Chuck Roeder George Burgess, PM Jim Roberts, PM Trustee '13 Bob Batchelder Mark Truesdell, PM
Trustees A sad note, our beloved Brother William Huegel, PM passed on to the Great Architect of the Universe this past January. We will miss Bill. We will have a meeting March 15 at 6:30pm to discuss the topic of the month. An additional meeting will be April 19th. If you have concerns, please contact one of our Trustees.
Mandatory Trustee Meetings Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 PM Open to All Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30 PM
Reservations Required All Stated M eeting Dinners require reservations.* Drinks for all m eals include choice of : coffee, soda, tea, m ilk, water. *To place your light dinner reservation, sim ply call Will Cekosh at 414-704-2810 or em ail: william , no later than the weekend prior to each stated m eeting date. Feel free to invite fam ily and friends.
Dinner Club The next Dinner Clubs will be Friday, April 18th at McKinley Lodge in Brookfield. This is an All-You-Can-Eat Fish Fry All are welcome at Dinner Club including ladies, friends and family. Please RSVP by the Thursday before each Dinner Club meeting. Dick Paradowski at 262-782-8835.
Upcoming Tripoli Temple Events All events listed for the Tripoli Shrine are open to all Masons, non Masons and their ladies. March 25th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sportsman's Night May 7th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Potentates Ball See Tripoli Tattler for details Tripoli Tattler link:
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
by Terry Johannes
This is the ninth in a series about Masonic Tem ples no longer being used for their original purpose. These abandoned and reclaim ed structures rem ain m em orials to our glorious past. Dedicated to this quest, the author investigates the Lost Tem ples of Wisconsin. -ed.
Excelsior lodge #175
Excelsior Lodge No. 175 In December 1868 Thirty six Master Masons organized the first lodge outside downtown Milwaukee. At that time it was proposed to name the new Lodge after A.V.H. Carpenter who was president of Milwaukee relief Lodge #1. Carpenter suggested Excelsior and the name was adopted. Excelsior first met at Southside Hall and other meeting places including the Odd Fellows Hall, Druid Hall, and the National Building among them. In December 1917 the Excelsior Masonic Temple association was formed for the purpose of finding a site and building a new Masonic Temple. A site was found at 2422 W. National Ave. and the corner stone was laid on May 20th, 1923. At the Temple dedication, Over 2000 Masons marched from the old Meeting site on 5th & National to the new one. Besides Excelsior #175, Excelsior #40 Royal Arch Masons and Galilee Co mma nd er y # 3 8 Knights Templar occupied the building until it was sold in 1996. At that time Excelsior Lodge moved into the Lake Masonic Center and merged with Lake Lodge in May 2009. Today the old Temple is occupied by the Life Restoration Church. Though they have been removed you can still see the outlines of the Square
and Compasses above the front doors and roofline. The window sash and front doors on National Avenue form geometric patterns. If you look closely you can see that these patterns form a series of Square and Compasses. Excelsior Lodge was known as a significant contributor of funds to local charities and in 1999 they started the excelsior Tool Grant Program. Apprentices in the building trades can apply the program and grants are given out in December. Lake Lodge continues this program today.
Temple photos by Terry Johannes Source for Lost Temples: Forward Freemasonry Vol.1&2, Allan E. Iding, editor, Grand Lodge F&AM of WI, 1996
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
At and About the Lodge MM Degree at GW1776 On January 4, 2011, the first Tuesday of the new year, Br. William Hutchins was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. His commitment and dedication has been obvious from his first posting as an Entered Apprentice. Regularly attending stated meeting dinners, Br. William launched himself into the role of steward, assisting the actual Stewards in setting up and cleaning up after. As a reward for his faithful service, William was appointed to the position of Junior Steward among 2011 officers and was installed in that position a mere 4 days after being raised! Congratulations to our newly raised brother!
George Washington 1776 Masonic Fund donates over $5000 in 2010
American Second Harvest- South East Wisconsin United Methodist Children's Service- Milwaukee
by Chuck Roeder - PM/ Treasurer- Lodge/Fund y Donations given in Br. Andy Paradowski's name. This year, your George Washington 1776 Masonic Fund, voted to donate over $5000 to local and national charities based on the memberships recommendations. In years past we have had only had the earnings from our investments to dispense each year and with the economy, the earnings have been limited to $2000 to $3000 dollars each year. This year, at the direction of the Treasurer Chuck Roeder, we agreed to use a straight 5% of the market value of all our assets. With continued support from The GW Stein Club and personal gifts we have accumulated a total value over $104,000. Donation Recipients in 2010: 32nd Degree Learning Center - Milwaukee Boy Scouts of America y American Red Cross y St. Josaphat Food Pantry -Milwaukee Blessed Trinity Food Pantry- Milwaukee "Caring to Grow" Campaign for Three Pillars Rehab Center- Dousman Kathy's House- Milwaukee Masonic Angles Fund - Palmer Lodge American Cancer Society Havenwoods State Forest - Milwaukee
Of all of the responsibilities of your Treasurer, distribution of these gifts at the end of each year is most enjoyable. We get wonderful "thank you " letters from these people, many describing how our donation has helped their programs. The George Washington 1776 Masonic Fund meets all of the IRS Section 501(c) (3) requirements as a tax deductible charity. Anytime during the year we will be happy to receive your tax-deductible contribution to your Masonic fund.
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
A visit to Wilmot Lodge by Chuck Carroll
While waiting for the Installation of Officers ceremony to begin, I was approached by big Bill Shelly, a brother I had met at the Joint Table Lodge in September, 2010. He told me about a brother at Wilmot Lodge who was unable to work because of an accident and that the lodge was hosting a spaghetti dinner fundraiser to help the brother out. Big Bill handed me a card with the information on it and strongly urged me to attend. You should know, when Big Bill strongly urges you, then you comply. Besides, my wife, Barb, and I had wanted to make the trip eventually because her great-grandfather, Alfred Grendon Pacey, was the first EA in the Wilmot Lodge and had been Master there five times. We had met a brother from Wilmot Lodge in the Fall when we were at the Burlington Lodge attending CAV (Certified Adult Volunteer) training for Job’s Daughters. That brother told us that the lodge didn’t have a picture of Alfred Pacey and we promised to get one to him. I mentioned the spaghetti dinner in lodge and our venerable Tiler, Brother Jim, gave me a large sum of money to take down there. The card said that the event was on Sunday, January 30, 2010 from 4pm-8pm. On the night of the event, Barb had to work, but she got off at 6pm which made us believe we could still make it. It was a long drive. It was dark and not the best weather. When we finally arrived at 7:40, thinking we still had enough time, we were met inside the dining room by brothers and some wives who told us that we were too late. Barb and I stood in the doorway and a brother stood between me and the stairway on my right. The tables in the dining room were empty and chairs were stacked on some and a couple of wives stood on our left with their coats on like they were getting ready to leave. Directly in front of us was the kitchen. It was opened up with counters surrounding it, sort of like a peninsula. A couple of brothers were in the kitchen cleaning up and a couple more stood between us and the kitchen counter. “It was over at seven o’clock,” one brother said. “But the card said eight.” I told him. “Let me see it.” “I didn’t bring it.” “It was over at seven o’clock,” “Who’s supposed to take the money?” I asked. I still thought I should give them the donation that Jim had given me. “That would be me.” The bother on my right said. I counted out Jim’s money and then matched it with my own. I told them who I was and that we had come from Milwaukee. One of the brothers said, “Well, we can give you a piece of cake you can take home with you.”
Then Barb announced that we had come with a picture of their past master who was her great-grandfather and the brother said, “In that case, you can have cake and a hug!” The two ladies took off their coats and the brothers gathered around to see the 8x10 photo we brought of Alfred Pacey and his wife. They went to the wall of past masters’ pictures and there was a picture of Alfred Pacey we had never seen before. “I thought you didn’t have a picture of him,” I said. “We found one.” While we looked at the pictures, Mike Wood, the Master of the lodge, asked me if I’d like a tour to which I said I would. “Eat first,” he said. I looked over at one of the tables and there was a big steaming plate of spaghetti. Someone brought another plate over and told us to sit down and eat. “I thought it was over.” I said wryly. “We had some left over.” Barb and I stuffed ourselves while Mike’s son and Lodge Chaplain, Brian, told us that their lodge raised 12 brothers last year and already initiated eight EAs in the month of January. After we ate, we toured the old building which was once an Opera House. We climbed the stairs to the lodge room which still showed the age of the structure in decorative sconces thrusting from the wall. When we were ready to go they loaded us up with cake and donuts to take with us. Their warmth and love for us was palpable. And as we drove away in the cold night, Barb and I felt like we had just been visiting family, like cousins we had heard about, but had never taken the time to visit until then. Have you taken the time to visit your Masonic Family lately?
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
Br. Bill Huegel (Continued from page 1) He worked for the Milwaukee Gas Light Co. (now We Energies), and retired in April, 1994 as Design Engineer. Bill was Secretary and Past President of the GASCO Quarter Century Club. Served his country in the U.S. Navy, from 1946-1950. He served the community on the Glendale-River Hills School Board (3 years), Nicolet High School Board (8 1/2 years), Glendale Common Council (16 years), and the Glendale Architectural Review Board (30 years). He served on the North Shore Fire Department Study Committee, the Glendale-River Hills School Foundation and the Nicolet High School Facilities Committee. Acting Mayor, City of Glendale, Oct.'05 to Apr. '06. Bill was a member of Fox Point Lutheran Church, Past Master of the former Kenwood Masonic Lodge No. 303, F&AM, now George Washington 1776 Lodge No. 337, Wisconsin Scottish Rite Bodies, Tripoli Temple, and Secretary of the Kenwood Masonic Lodge Foundation. Dual member of Aurora Lodge, #30. Member of the Board of Directors of The Gathering, an interfaith feeding program and the Saint
Brs. Bill Huegel and Andy Paradowski chat over wine at the Ladies at the Table Dinner in May, 2007.
the smallest details in Masonic ritual work.
On February 20, 2007, Bill Huegel was named “Man of the Year,” at GW1776. I remember how disappointed I was that I could not get out of the kitchen the entire evening to get pictures or even a few words to put in the Surveyor. I had only been a Mason for a little over a year at that time, but I had already developed a fondness for Brother Bill. His signature bow-tie and suspenders showed his down to earth personality. While I didn’t know him long, or even well, I know that as long as I am involved with Freemasonry, I will continue to pass on his lessons to those who follow after me.
Br. Bill as Installing Master, 2009.
Andrews Society of the City of Milwaukee. Bill was a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. I first met Bill when he was on the Glendale Architectural Review Board. I submitted plans to build a deck on my house in Glendale in order to secure a permit. Bill treated me fairly and made an impression on me. The next time I met him was when I came to petition the lodge to become a Mason. For all those things he was to others, to me he was a stickler for doing proper ritual. He taught me how to properly hold a rod, taught me how to stand in the West, and how important it is to pay attention to
Br. Bill at George Washington Dinner, 2009
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
$1909 Donated to Shrine Hospitals for Children at Chinese New Year Celebration at Tripoli
Seven Lions Dance for Luck, Health and Prosperity MILWAUKEE, WI February 19th , 2011 the Tripoli Shrine held a Celebration of the Chinese New Year with a 10 course Chinese Banquet hosted by the newly elected Potentate, Jeff Schwarz and his lady, Wendy. The night’s entertainment, a traditional Chinese Lion Dance and Kung Fu demonstration was furnished by the Whitefish Bay Kung Fu Club whose Sifu is Chuck Carroll, Junior Warden of George Washington 1776 Lodge No. 337.
Over 300 guests attended, making the event a huge success. The first lion dance consisted of a single gold lion played by John Slawinski and Giles Goetz. They performed several difficult tricks, eventually plucking the greens which they tossed into the crowd. After a brief but exciting kung fu demonstration, the Potentate was called up to assist in a Hoi Gong or Lion Awakening Ceremony, which is a sacred ritual to awaken the spirit of the celestial lion in a new lion costume that had never been danced. Inside the awakening lion were kung fu students, Henry Zhang and Sammy Mahnke, each seven years old. When the little lion awoke, it was joined by six other lions and together they swept through the audience, gathering lai see, red envelopes filled with cash donations from each of the tables. The Shrine prepared a $200 donation in the lai see that was picked up in the greens of the first lion dance which, added to the donations collected on the spot totaled $859. To this the Whitefish Bay Kung Fu Club added all the contributions they had collected since Chinese New Year began on February 4, 2011 to make a total of $1909 which they presented at the end of the program to be donated to the Shrine Hospitals for Children Charity.
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
Traditional Hoi Gong “Awakening Ceremony”
“Noble” Lion Teaser leads lions to collect lai see
Brothers from GW1776 pose with “Noble” Lion Teaser
Baby Lions begin their dance
Crossing Swords in mock battle
10 Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
The Master’s Calendar 2011 March
1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 7 Monday 9 Wednesday 12 Saturday
2 Saturday
7:30 p.m. Stated Mtg. - EA Degree 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice 7:00 p.m. Degree Practice 7:00 p.m. Comp Prac noon Silas Shepherd Lodge of Research 14 Monday 7:00 p.m. Deg. Prac. 15 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. School of Inst. -MM Closing At West Allis Lodge 16 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice 21 Monday 7:00 p.m. Degree Pratice 23 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Competition Prac. 28 Monday 7:00 p.m. Degree Pratice 29 Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Masonic Cinema Night
4 Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 11Monday 13Wednesday 18 Monday 19 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 23 Saturday 24 25 27 30
Sunday Monday Wednesday Saturday
2:00 p.m. Bethel 13 Mother & Daughter Spa Day 7:00 p.m. Degree Practice 7:30 p.m. Stated Meeting 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice 7:00 p.m. Degree Practice 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice 7:00 p.m. Degree Practice 7:30 p.m. Stated Meeting And fill Easter Eggs 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice 7:00 a..m. Pancake Breakfast 11:00 a.m. Easter Egg hunt EASTER 7:00 p.m. Degree Practice 7:00 p.m. Competition Practice Degree Competition At Madison
March Highlights
April Highlights
Mar. 1st 7:30pm Tue. Stated Meeting EA Degree Mar 2nd , 9th , 16th , 23rd Weds. We will be practicing the FC Degree for Competition as well as for our Degree work. All MMs welcome. Mar. 7th 7pm Mon. Milwaukee Harmony EA Degrees at GW1776 Lodge Mar. 12th Noon Sat. Silas Shepherd Lodge of Research Lunch and Meeting Mar. 15th 7:00pm Tue. School of Inst. -MM Closing At West Allis Lodge Mar. 29th 7:00pm Tue. Masonic Cinema Night
Apr. 2nd 2-4pm Sat. Mother Daughter Spa Day. Bethel 13 is hosting this promotional free event. Invite wives & daughters, sisters & nieces, daughters and grand daughters, etc. Apr. 4th 7pm Mon. Practice FC Degree Apr. 5th 7:30pm Tue. Stated Meeting. There will probably be an FC Degree in April. Be prepared for either the 1st or 3rd Tuesday! Apr. 19th 7:30pm Tue. Stated Meeting Fill Easter Eggs Apr. 23rd 11am Sat. Easter Egg Hunt Apr. 24th Sun. Easter Apr. 30th 8:00am Tue. Masonic Cinema Night
March S
W 1
F 3
S 4
Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
2011 Lodge Officers Worshipful Master Otto Tesch, PM. . . . . . 414-445-3537.................ottomilw@ Senior Warden Charles Carroll. . . . . . . 414-336-4252......................sifuchuck@ Junior Warden William Cekosh. . . . . 414-704-2810..........williamcekosh@ Treasurer Charles Roeder, PM. . 262-238-0162.............chucklroeder@ Secretary David Haase, PM. . . . 414-964-4080.........................................No Email Senior Deacon Keith Sargeant. . . . . . 414-881-7060.....................wisarge@ Junior Deacon Tyler Kristopeit. . . . . 608-346-0066........................tylerjk2@ Chaplain Horace Palmer, PM. ....414-332-3515 ........................................No Email Senior Steward Joseph Fahrenkopf. . . 920-296-3171......fahrenkopf.joseph@ Junior Steward William Hutchins. . . . 262-309-3500.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............wch@ Counselor Walt Smith, PM. . . . . 414-906-1695 .........................................No Email Tiler James Roberts, PM. .
Business Directory Dave Haase Haase's Hair Emporium M aster Barber/Stylist 5168 N. Hollywood Ave. W hitefish Bay, W I 53217 Appointments: 964-4080 Franklin G Nuernberger Accountant/Tax Specialist 9133 North 70th Street M ilwaukee, W I 53223 414-357-8141 414-581-2019 Cell Daniel R. Chaudoir Central File M arketing President 5277 W . Beaver Creek Parkway Brown Deer, WI 53223 414-365-9000 (800) 749-6245 Toll Free Robert Batchelder Reilly & M e Dogwalker 510 E Beaumont Ave W hitefish Bay, W I 53217 414-916-0054 W alt Smith A Touch of M agic M agic Entertainment for any occasion For booking call: 414-906-1695
Bethel 13 of Whitefish Bay The International Order of Job’s Daughters Is Now Accepting Petitions for Membership The International Order of Job’s Daughters is one of today’s outstanding character-building organizations for young women, ages 10 to 20, who are related to a Master Mason. In Jobies, a young woman has the opportunity to: TB U ILD S ELF -C O NFID EN CE TD EVELO P L EAD ERSHIP A BILITIES TM AKE N EW AND L ASTIN G F RIEN DSH IPS TE N JO Y F UN A CTIV ITIES TB E OF S ERVIC E TO O TH ERS TQ U ALIFY FO R S CH OLARSH IPS For more information, contact: Judy Paradowski 414-510-8835 Chuck Carroll 414-336-4252
Chuck Carroll American Republic Health & Life Insurance Licensed Agent 2170 W est M arne Ave. Glendale, W I 53209 414-336-4252
Got a Business to Advertise? We are offering free space to members of the GW1776 Lodge. Send your contact information to: The Surveyor, c/o Chuck Carroll, EIC, 2170 West Marne Ave., Glendale, WI 53209 or email:
12 Vol. XII No. 2 George Washington 1776 Lodge #337 F&AM Trestle Board March/April, 2011
The Straight Line The Traveling Gavel has been a source of fun and friendly fellowship between District 12 lodges. Whether delivering it or capturing it, brothers get a chance to visit other lodges and make a connection that lasts. Where is the gavel now? Check the District 12 website: Dam ascus #290 Brothers Michael Fairbanks, Sean Schulte, and Tom “Stack� Stachowiak deliver the traveling gavel to WM Otto Tesch of GW1776