GRANT PROPOSAL: YOUTH SPORTS & REC Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Trust Committee All Band Meeting on May 31, 2012
1. GENERAL INFORMATION Proposal Name: Gwa’sala-‘Nakwaxda’xw Youth Sports & Recreation Name of Trustee Applicant : David Charlie Associated Band Department Health & Family Services Associated Band Department Contact Sandra Charlie (250) 949-8131 Amount requested for 2012: $34,600 Estimated number of Band members to benefit: 418 youth (on and off-reserve) and their families
2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Summary: Briefly describe the project (3 or 4 sentences), including a high-level description of what will be done. Purpose: Fund youth sports and recreation activities. Coordinate funding for registration fees for youth (up to 18 yrs of age) sports activities (soccer, ice hockey, floor hockey, softball, swimming, gymnastics, dance, karate, fitness programs). Fund G&N sports day Project Background: Outline the context for the project. Provide necessary background to understand why the project is being undertaken. Looking at last years registrations and gathering positive feed back from parents and youth, we feel that having our youth registered in organized sports leads to a healthy life style and is a positive component in their lives. Many families simply cannot afford the high registration costs of various sports and activities for their children. Our committee recognizes the needs of our youth and sports is certainly a way to a more positive life style Number of youth as of December, 2010: 418 Youth that are on the band list, that live both on and off reserve with families or with foster parents in care. Youth Numbers (on & off reserve): 418 18 yrs – 15 / 17 yrs – 17 / 16 yrs – 18 / 15 yrs – 14 / 14 yrs – 21 / 13 yrs – 19 / 12 yrs – 17 / 11 yrs – 21 10 yrs – 16 / 9 yrs – 22 / 8 yrs – 25 / 7 yrs – 21 / 6 yrs – 32 / 5 yrs – 23 / 4 yrs – 28 / 3 yrs – 26 / 2 yrs – 32 / 1 yrs – 31 / babies - 20 Project Purpose: Explain the purpose of the project by describing what this project is aiming to achieve. What is its vision? What need or opportunity will it address? Create and promote positive, healthy activities & lifestyles for the youth in our community. In conjunction with supporting youth activities, we will continue to support & promote parents to volunteer and be part of the activities.
2012 Youth Sports & Recreation Grant Proposal
Our guiding philosophies are: - to supplement Trust Committee grant monies with fundraising throughout the year to support ongoing sports activities - build capacity and skills within our community - foster community involvement and ownership - provide incentives to youth to attend school Our youth sports & rec coordinator will ensure that students who are being funded in any way are in fact attending school on a regular basis.
3. BUDGET Project Costs Chart Proposal cost category
Registration costs for hockey
Total Cost
Karate, dance, swimming lessons
Community swimming & skating
Youth activities and conferences
G&N sports day TOTAL
$10,000 $34,600.00
Project Funding Χ New Funding: No other funding source exists
4. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management Team: Identify the individuals who will be responsible for managing the project and provide their contact information. A sub-committee will be created that is made up of Trust Committee members and additional community members to manage the youth sports & recreation projects. The sub-committee will have a maximum of 6 members – a member from the Trust Committee who will chair the sub-committee and report back to the Trust committee on activities and dollars spent and community members to build ownership of the activities within the community. The youth sports & recreation coordinator and sub-committee will gather community input into all projects and factor them into the decision making process. The youth sports & recreation coordinator will develop a quarterly plan of youth activities for sub-committee review and approval. The sub-committee is responsible to gather research to see if other funding exists from other sources. If other funding exists, the sub-committee will work with the Band Administration to apply for the project funding and the Trust Committee dollars will “top up” the other funding. If in future a sub-committee member leaves the committee, the names of interested community members will be kept on file in the Trust office and a draw will occur from the remaining names to see if the community member is interested in replacing the departing sub-committee member. If there are not enough remaining names, the subcommittee will operate with a smaller number (no more than 3 members – 1 Trust Chair and 2 Community members) until the next All Band meeting where further volunteers can be gathered. Reporting Structure: Identify the reporting structure for the proposal. A “terms of reference” document or “contract” outlining the terms for the funding will be developed and signed by
2012 Youth Sports & Recreation Grant Proposal
both the Trust Committee and sub-committee members. This guiding document will provide overall direction for expenditure of the set amount of funds being granted and the reporting requirements. A detailed plan and budget for each youth sports & recreation activity identified above will be created by the subcommittee with community input. All expenditures will be tracked according to the approved, detailed plan and budget with 3 signatures on all cheques. A monthly report on all account activities will be provided by the bookkeeper to the sub-committee for their review to ensure all payments are within the budget. The sub-committee will have duly constituted meetings and a record of meetings will be developed and stored in the Trust office. Quorum is required at meetings – 50% of sub-committee members + 2 (e.g. if there are 6 subcommittee members 5 subcommittee members is quorum). The sub-committee will provide a quarterly report to the Trust Committee on activities complete and budget spent.
5. OTHER Are there any potential risks that might threaten the successful completion of the project? Indicate how these risks will be mitigated. We don’t foresee any risks associated with these projects – only positive, strong, community results. Is there any other information relating to the proposal that the Trust Committee should be aware of. No additional information Where the proposal requires the purchase of supplies, equipment or services, indicate how best value for money will be ensured. Indicate where the Applicant has a procurement policy in place. The Sub-committee will seek quotations from a minimum of 3 suppliers whenever possible for various purchases. The sub-committee will review all quotations pertaining the detail youth sports & recreation activity and plan and the sub-committee will make their purchase decision based on “best value” to the community. Trustee Applicant How have project costs been reviewed/verified for accuracy, completeness and reasonableness? Explain. The project costs have been created by Band Councillors with a second review by all of the Trust Committee. In addition to the funding sources identified above, has the Applicant approached/applied to any other funding programs? If yes, indicate organization and the status of those applications. If no, please explain. The sub-committee will seek other funding for youth sports & recreation activities and work with Band Administration for these funding requests once the sub-committee is established. Submitted by: Trustee Applicant
Associated Band Department Representative
David Charlie Trust Committee
Sandra Charlie & Ravena Coon Health & Education
2012 Youth Sports & Recreation Grant Proposal