The Gwa’sala’Nakwaxda’xw First Nation Presents:
Our Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) Community Members
CCP Band Employees
Ways to Share Your Voice: Community Meetings Will happen between October & February to discuss specific topics, like ‘Governance’ or ‘Society as well as to create a Community Vi sion Statement. [Community Launch happening in September!] Advisory Committee Will meet often to offer advice to the CCP plan ning team & receive updates. OneOnOne Interviews You are encouraged to share your needs & ideas in an interview. Call 9022306 to set one up, in your home or our office.
Office of Comprehensive Community Planning
CCP Staff
Jessie Hemphill Comprehensive Community Planning Research Coordinator
Doug Johnny Community Planner
2509022300 CCP logo designed by Wayne Walkus (Printed September 2008)
“Working Together for a Better Community”
The Gwa’sala ’Nakwaxda’xw Nation has a great opportunity to unite the voices of all community members into a plan that will help us make a healthy happy community that we are all proud of. We have received funding to create a CCP, a kind of project that many other bands have done in the past with a lot of success. Below are the answers to some questions that you might have about the CCP.
What is a CCP? CCP means Comprehensive Commu nity Plan:
The more people from the community that help, the better the plan will be. The better the plan is, and the more it re flects what the community wants, the better Chief and Council will be able to use the plan to help the community.
Why are we doing a CCP? Many things have happened to the Gwa’sala and the ’Nakwaxda’xw people to bring us to where we are at now. Some of these things were good, like the culture that our ancestors have passed on to us and the beautiful terri tories that belong to our people. Some of these things were bad, like the relocation to Tsulquate and the abuses of residential school, which have helped cause many of the problems that our people are facing.
o Plan means that it will help us make good decisions as a commu nity that speaks with a united voice.
After hiring the CCP staff , the first part of the project is to get an idea of where the community is at al ready. For example, finding out what kind of support programs exist for community members. This informa tion will be shared with the commu nity after it is all put together, so that we all know what tools the community already has to work with in education, health, etc. The next part is getting out in the community and hearing what you have to say. There will be many meetings, activities, workshops. Here are some questions to keep in mind: o What are the problems you see? o What changes would you like to see? o What is your ‘wish list’ for the community?
o Comprehensive means that it covers everything, including health, education, our lands, etc. o Community means that it in volves everyone who is considered part of the Gwa’sala‘Nakwaxda’xw community. It also means we must work together to make it happen.
How does a CCP work?
Because of the good things that have happened, and because of our shared history, we are a strong people, and now we need to use that strength to work together and figure out how to create the kind of community we want.
After working together for many months, we will produce the final CCP, which will have plans for how to make the changes that will make our community a better place for all of us.