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Community Board

Have something you want to share with the community? The Community Board provides a space for the community to announce activities and special events. Please contact gwangjunews@gic.or.kr for more information.

Gwangju Art Class


Hello, Gwangju Art Lovers! Do you have experience with arts and crafts and, are you itching to get involved in the community? We are looking for volunteer instructors who are interested in inspiring creativity around them. Visit www.facebook.com/groups/GwangjuArtClass/ for more info!

Pen in Ten The Gwangju Performance Project will produce a 10 minute play festival to celebrate 11 years serving the Gwangju community through the medium of Theatre and Performance Art. The Festival will be held on June 20, 2020. We are looking for directors, actors and stagehands. If you are interested in getting involved send us an email at gpp.plays@gmail.com or visit www.gwangjutheatre.com for more information.

Talking Helps One-to-one counseling services hosted by GIC for international residents in Gwangju. Due to the COVID-19 situation the counseling sessions are currently available online. For more information and application registration visit www.facebook.com/gwangjuic/ or http://eng.gic.or.kr.

The KONA English Center (KEC) is an educational center for English reading and culture exchanges. The KEC will guide any family and their children to develop a love for reading and to explore foreign cultures.

KONA English Center 코나영어센터 KONA Storybook Center 영어독서교육연구소 UNESCO KONA Volunteers 유네스코 코나 자원봉사단 The KONA Storybook Center (KSC) is a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged children to learn English independently through storybooks and storymaps with UNESCO KONA Volunteers (UKV).

Programs: 1. 영어독서멘토링 (Mentoring in English Reading) 2. 영어로 배우는 과학 (Science in English) 3. 영어로 배우는 위인전 (Biography in English) 4. 코나비전특강 (KONA Vision Talk) 5. 외국인과 함께하는 문화교실 (UNESCO CCAP)

Tel: 062-434-9887 광주광역시 서구 상일로 37 37 Sangil-ro, Seo-gu, Gwangju

May 18 May 18 Movement

The 40th Anniversary

ⓒ 5·18 기념재단 The May18 Memorial Foundation

Dear comrades have gone; our flag still waves. While working for days to come we will not be swayed Streams and mountains remember though the years pass by Waken’d spirits are calling us as they shout this cry: “We are marching on; keep faith n follow us.” “We are marching on; keep faith n follow us.”

From “March for Our Beloved” Lyrics by Baek Gi-wan / Translation by Dr. Robert David Grotjohn

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