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Everyday Korean
Episode 34 직업 (Occupations)
By Harsh Kumar Mishra
~ 에 다니다: This grammatical phrase is used to express the place one attends (or is affiliated with), whether for work or study. Ex: 전남대학교에 다녀요. I’m a Chonnam National University student. (I attend CNU).
~ 네요: This grammar point is used with verbs and adjectives to express surprise or wonder upon learning something. Ex: 한국어를 잘하네요. Wow! Your Korean is good. (Said after hearing that person speak).
직업 회사원 교사 화장품 일하다 고등학교 국어 가르치다 occupation office worker teacher (of primary, secondary school) cosmetics to work high school Korean (language) to teach
Additional Occupations
의사 간호사 변호사 운전기사 주부 사업가 요리사 아나운서 작가 통역사 doctor nurse lawyer driver housewife businessman chef news anchor writer interpreter 정민: 미라 씨는 직업이 뭐예요? [Mira sshi-neun ji-geo-bi mwo-yeyo?] Jeongmin: What is your occupation, Mira?
미라: 저는 회사원이에요. 정민 씨는요? ? [Jeo-neun hwe-sa-woni-eyo. Jeong-min sshi-neun-yo?] Mira: I’m an office worker. How about you, Jeongmin?
정민: 저는 교사예요. 미라 씨는 어디 회사에 다니세요? [Jeo-neun gyo-sa-yeyo. Mira sshi-neun eo-di hwe-sa-e da-ni-seyo?] Jeongmin: I’m a teacher. What company do you work for, Mira?
미라: 화장품 회사 이니스프리에서 일해요. [Hwa-jang-pum hwe-sa i-niseu-peuri-eseo ir-haeyo.] Mira: I work at a cosmetics company called Innisfree.
정민: 좋은 데에서 일하시네요. [Joe-un de-eseo ir-hashi-neyo.] Jeongmin: Wow! You work at a good place.
미라: 아니에요. 정민 씨는 어디 학교 교사세요? [Ani-eyo. Jeong-min sshi-neun eo-di hak-kyo gyo-sa-seyo? Mira: It’s nothing. What school do you teach at, Jeongmin?
정민: 광주 고등학교에서 국어를 가르쳐요. [Gwangju go-deung-hak-kyo-eseo gu-geo-reul ga-reu-chyeo-yo.] Jeongmin: I teach Korean at the Gwangju High School.
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