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Photo of the Month
Photo of the Month By Yunkyoung (Hillel) Kim
“Too much fake news, but it is not too much to be careful.” Taken on Chungjang-ro.
The Photographer Yunkyoung (Hillel) Kim is a priest in the Anglican Church and also a portrait photographer. More of his pictures can be found at www.instagram.com/hillelkim.
CONTENTS March 2020 Issue # 217
MONTHLY NEWS 04. Gwangju City News 54. March 2020 Happenings 56. Community Board
FEATURES 06. Saram: A Berlin-Based NGO dedicated to Human Rights in North Korea 10. Malaysian Borneo: Cultural Heritage of Indigenous Tribes 14. Korean Ghost Movies
BLAST FROM THE PAST 17. Burying the Dead in Korea
TRAVEL 20. Lost in Gwangju: Evicting God – The Exodus of Hak- dong’s Condemned Churches 24. From Abroad: Liberating the Dharma for Women – Visiting a Revolutionary Buddhist Monastery in Thailand 28. Around Korea: Gyeongju’s Temples Experiences
FOOD & DRINKS 30. Mokpo’s Fantasy Coffee 32.Eomuk Bokkeum: Stir-Fried Fish Cake
SPORTS AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES 34. Taekwondo Classes in English
COMMUNITY 36. Married in Saipan 38. Attaining Nirvana: A Jigsaw Puzzle and a Treasure Hunt 40. Gwangju International Internship Program (GIIP) 2020: Centre des arts d’Enghien-les-Bains
EDUCATION 41. Everyday Korean: Episode 27 – 취업 (Employment) 42. Language Teaching: Team-Teaching with Native Speakers
OPINION 45. A Tale of Two Systems
ARTS & CULTURE 02. Photo of the Month 47. Gwangju News CrosswordPuzzle 48 Photo Essay: March 1st Movement 50. Book Review: Little Women by LouisaMay Alcott 51. Gwangju Writes: Poetry