Our Mission

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our mission we care about coffee


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Fair Trade Certified

Guatemala Luis Morales

Our Farmers

Indonesia Nirmala Delun

Our Farmers

Brazil The Change

Panama An Impact

Rwanda The Devotion

Our Source

Our Source

Our Source Our Mission

Our Source Our Mission

Our Source Our Mission


Haven Coffee Co. takes pride in how we get our coffee. We sell microroasted coffee (small batches) from a selection of single-source coffee plantations. We have had a long standing relationship with the farmers who provide us with the most organic

coffee beans. Our number one goal and mission is: to live in a better world. We offer mission trips to visit our coffee bean plantation to complete the whole experience and witness the full intent of our coffee and gratitude to our customers.

What is Fair Trade?



Fair Trade is a voluntary program utilized by coffee importers and food companies to create an alternative market for traditionally disadvantaged producers in developing countries, usually small scale farmers. The components include: ■■





Targeted purchasing of coffee through democratically organized farmer co-operatives. Agreed upon commodity floor prices that provide for a dignified livelihood. Direct exports by producers. A promise by importers to make affordable credit available to the farmer cooperatives. A world-wide network of non-profit certifying organization.



A fee paid by importers and wholesalers to cover the cost of certification. A seal that assures consumers that the product was fairly traded.

Your purchase of fairly traded coffee helps build pride, independence and community empowerment for small farmers and their families. A coffee processing plant in El Salvador, community stores in Colombia, the training of doctors in Mexico, new schools in Peru — these are examples of initiatives co-ops have taken in their own communities with the income from Fair Trade.


A land of so many and varied microclimates such as the ideal rainfall patterns, high mountain ranges and great diversity of rich soils all together make great combinations that produce genuine differences in each of our cups. Our farm in Guatemala has a reputation for high quality coffee. Antigua is the basis upon which the country has built its magnificent repute for coffee from Guatemala. It has been considered the best coffee in the country for over a hundred years and, most likely, is considered among the best in the world. Our friend, Luis Morales, has established a relationship with Haven that will last a lifetime.

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luis Morales

Luis is one of our longest comrade in coffee farming. He lives in Guatemala and knows so much about these little beans. He loves knowing about new ways to grow and we love his ingenuity.

Haven: So, Luis, how did you start in the coffee farming world? Luis Morales: Well it was originally my father who had the farm. Continuing the business is very important to me, you know. And I hope we will be able to have a happy family with Haven for many years. When I was a little boy, I would happily help out my father when harvesting the beans for the suppliers nearby. It was always such excitement. Haven: How do your beans grow so rapidly in your farm? Luis: I think we take it one step at a time. First, we sort out which seed will grow the biggest. That is how we started this whole thing. We pick the best of the best. Next we just plant them and then they grow everywhere here. Haven: Tell us a little bit more about your farm, Luis. Luis: The farm is operated with high production standards. We do not use herbicides or chemicals that degrade the land, but practice sustainable management starting from seedlings, utilizing quality agricultural practices,

good milling processing using 100% pure water and drying yards as a natural process. This has been rewarded in our achievements in the Cup of Excellence in Guatemala, receiving national awards. Haven: That is very exciting! Haven is very proud of your farm. How do you feel about the mission trips we provide our customer? Luis: The mission trips to my farm have been wonderful. It is a beautiful thing when I get to brag about my coffee beans to new and interested people. I love to make new friends and let them into my world. The mission trips have really helped open my eyes to new people. It is a great feeling to know my farm is appreciated all over the world. Haven: We thank you for providing us with the top quality coffee beans and service. We’re glad you are part of our team Luis: Me too! I love Haven!

ind one sia Indonesia is among the world’s top coffee producing and exporting countries. Most of the production makes up the lower quality robusta type. Indonesia is also famous for having a number of specialty coffees such as ‘kopi luwak’ (known as world’s the most expensive coffee) and ‘kopi mandailing.’ We receive one of our most well-known coffee most from Indonesia. There are plenty of coffee bean farms in Indonesia, but what makes Java Plantation the best is the owner, Nirmala Delun.


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Haven: Nirmala, always a wonderful occasion to see your beautiful face! Nirmala Delun: Thank you, same goes to you. Haven: Tell me about the history of your beautiful farm, Java Plantation. Nirmala: Going back to the start, this was an old abandoned farmland when I first relocated to this part of town. I had a passion for coffee beans as many coffee bean farmers do. I had many struggles to get to own the entire land to myself. Indonesia is a very big country for coffee farming, it was hard to find a way to stand out. Luckily, Haven has found a diamond in the rough—me! Haven: You are a diamond indeed, Nirmala! How did you become so passionate about coffee bean farming? Nirmala: I think maybe it is because of my parents. I grew up in a farmland. It was a different farm because it was a rice farm. But the same ideas still apply. I am very used to farming and it has become apart of me. I studied agriculture one time, but I dropped out because I wanted to be doing it physically and not just learning about it. In the end, I just started reading

nirmala Delun

the dummies book for farming one of your friends got me for Christmas as a joke. It was good enough. I just kidding. I already know most of what I needed through my family. I had the passion to do it and I thought to myself, “well, Nirmala, if you do not have that, you do not have anything.” So here I am talking to you about my beautiful farm. Haven: I don’t think there is an Agriculture for Dummies book! All of your passion really shows through the quality of products you and your farm produces. You know about our mission trips, how do you feel about them? Nirmala: What better way to boost my ego than to have more audience! The mission trip is a wonderful thing Haven does because it lets the actual consumers experience the process and journey of coffee bean farming. I am proud to be part of it because I can physically see the relationship Haven and Java has had throughout the years that we support each other no matter what. Haven: You have been one of our longest partner and we are also very proud of that. Nirmala: Thank you.

With her eccentric, yet traditional garment, Nirmala Delun stands. She speaks nothing but appreciation of our relationship and strives to provide her most well loved coffee beans.


br az il The Brazilian coffee is almost like the Brazilian culture: as diverse as the people who live there. Nearly as large as United States geographically, Brazil has a large range of plantations producing a variety of beans. Brazil, one of the biggest countries that Haven is affiliated with in coffee bean farming, is also the favorite amongst the local customers. When most American sources jumped to European countries for their beans, Haven remained with the best, Santo Plantation.

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M ission trip


Our latest mission trip was to Brazil. We talked to Ellie, one of the travelers about her experience.

Haven: You recently just came back from a mission trip to our farmer’s plantation in Brazil, how was the overall experience? Ellie Swanson: It was life-altering to say the least. Just experiencing a new culture was amazing enough, we get to experience the livelihood of the people as well! Haven: How did the mission trip start off? Ellie: One of the very first things we did there were introductions. We met the farm owner, Santos. He took us around his home and provided us with dinner. The hospitality in Brazil is amazing. The next day was a full day. We went to the farm to get a tour and at the end we got to harvest some coffee beans ourselves! The Brazilian people were so welcoming and patient with our group. We learned so much about the process of coffee.

Haven: That is great! What have you learned from the mission trip to Brazil? Ellie: It makes me realize that when a coffee shop such as Haven really care about coffee, they do anything to provide the best of the best. I also learned that I am not the quickest coffee bean picker. Haven: Would you ever recommend doing the mission trips to any of your friends? Ellie: Absolutely! As a matter of fact, I have signed up for the next one and I plan on taking one of my friends with me to experience the farming life! Haven: That’s wonderful! We can tell that you really care about Haven and the coffee process! Ellie: I really do!


Coffee Cabana carefully selects our beans from the Canazas region within the country of Panama. The Canaza region’s soil is uniform and the weather is consistently mild and dry during harvest season. Due to the consistency of the weather, the beans ripen all at once and are harvested on top of tarps, never touching the soil once ripened. This process produces a supreme quality drink due to the nature and sensitivity of coffee beans. This is ultimately the top secret recipe of our farmers in Panama.

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pa na ma

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Haven offers mission trips to the farming countries that supply their beans. Our owner, Joe Nickelson, sat down with fellow coffee lover, Kate Kassidy to reminisce their first trip.

Joe Nickelson: The Panama mission trip was one of our most memorable mission trips we had ever had. I am very glad that you got to be apart of that experience. Kate Kassidy: Me too! Panama was a terrific time for me and the other mission trip goers. We had so much fun with people and their culture was so amazing. Joe: I think that that mission trip made a tremendous impact on the community because of the outreach the group spontaneously did. Kate: I completely agree. Reaching out to the community and asking for their advice and help was a wonderful way to get to know the land. Coffee Cabana Plantation was so involved in the community that they were practically a hangout spot for all of the locals. No one would ever know that unless they went on the trip. That’s what I love about Haven’s mission trips, you come to see one thing, and then turns out you experience million other wonderful things.


Joe: Do you think the mission trip has changed the way you perceive a single cup of coffee? Kate: Absolutely. Knowing the process from beginning to the end is eye opening because right now as we sit here enjoying our cup, we don’t think about what goes into a single cup like this. From the planting, the harvesting, and all of that to this single cup of coffee feels like a whole new journey itself. It has made me more conscious of how important it that coffee shops like Haven outsource their coffee and support the other countries of the world. I mean, don’t you think so? Joe: Yes, I do. One of the reasons we offer mission trip is because of that story you told right there. We want our customers to feel like they know exactly what they are getting and where they are getting it. Kate: I definitely do now!


Rw an da Aptly named the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” Rwanda has endless rolling green hills dotted with banana trees, tin-roofed houses, and small farms. In Western Rwanda, where it is an ideal spot for growing coffee, the altitude is around 5,600 feet, and steep hills plunge into the crystal blue banks of Lake Kivu. Our farmer’s plantation in Rwanda is called Kalan Plantation after such rich family history that involves the magical coffee bean.

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Another owner of ours, Michael Hugh, visited our farmer in Rwanda alongside the mission trip goers of 2010. He interviews Jean Val about his experience on the trip.

Michael Hugh: Do you remember the mission trip to Rwanda in 2010? Jean Val: Of course I do. It was one of the most memorable abroad trips I’ve had in a while. It was during the summer that we went and it was unbelievably hot in Rwanda. Michael: Yeah, you’re right. It was also one of our first mission trips to Rwanda. They are our newest affiliation farm. Jean: I did not know that. That’s a good thing because they are fresh on the scene to Haven and they will contribute back to the community so much. Michael: Do you remember specific things that happened in the Rwanda mission trip? Jean: I remember the people most of all. The farm owner had the same name as


I did. And he spoke French, which was convenient because I spoke the language too. I have never met a person so passionate about coffee in my entire life. The mission trip was a wonderful experience. Michael: Would you ever do it again? Jean: Sure! I would do it in a heartbeat, but let’s not go during the summer. Michael: What have you learned from the trip? Jean: I learn how much patience it takes to grow coffee beans. And I know that Haven really takes pride in all of the farmers they source for their coffee. Michael: Thank you, Jean. I’m looking forward to our next trip together! Jean: I’ll mark my calendar!

Gwen Galeza Images Google Images Flickr Information coffeereview.com coffeecabanabrazil.com indonesia-investments.com crsfairtrade.org antiguacoffee.org

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