Learners handbook 2015/16

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r y w g s y D y Llawlyfr k o o b d n a H ’ s r Learne 2015/ 16

Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre School of Welsh Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg Ysgol y Gymraeg


Cyflwyniad / Introduction


Pwy yw Pwy / Who’s Who


Dyddiadau Tymhorau / Term Dates 2015-16


Cymorth Ariannol / Financial Assistance


Sicrhau Mynediad / Accessibility


Polisïau a Gwybodaeth Bwysig Berthnasol / Important and Relevant Policies and Information


Iechyd, Diogelwch a’r Amgylchedd/Health, Safety and the Environment


Llais y Dysgwr: Mae eich Barn yn Cyfrif / Learner Voice: Your Opinion Counts



Pa Lefel? / Which Level?


Cyrsiau Paratoi am lefelau eraill / Preparation Courses for other levels


Ymarfer eich Cymraeg / Practice your Welsh


Sgiliau Sylfaenol / Basic Skills


Gwaith Cartref ac Asesu / Homework and Assessment


Cynllunio’ch Dysgu / Planning your Learning


Ymwelwyr i’r Dosbarth / Classroom Visitors


Deunyddiau Dysgu / Teaching Materials


Ymarfer y Gymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth! / Practising Welsh outside class!


Recordio Darlithoedd a Chopïo Deunyddiau Dysgu / Recording of Lectures and Copying Teaching Materials


Defnydd o’r Llyfrgelloedd a Chyfrifiaduron y Brifysgol (yn cynnwys Polisi TG y Ganolfan) / Use of the Libraries and University Computers (including the Centre’s IT Policy)


Gwybodaeth Gyffredinol Bwysig / Important General Information


Côd Ymddwyn Dysgwyr / Learners Disciplinary Code


Deunyddiau electronig i’ch helpu chi. Gwefannau, Dolenni a Chysylltiadau Defnyddiol Eraill /Electronic resources available to help you. Other useful Websites, Links and Other Useful Contacts


Cysylltiadau Eraill / Other Contacts

Lle bo angen, gellir darparu’r llawlyfr hwn mewn ffurfiau gwahanol (e.e. print bras, tâp sain, Braille) trwy gysylltu â Derbynfa’r Ganolfan ar (029) 2087 4710. For those with need for the facility, this handbook can be provided in alternative formats (e.g. large print, on disk, audio tape, Braille) upon request by contacting the Centre’s reception on (029) 2087 4710. 1

1. Cyflwyniad / Introduction Croeso i Ganolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg! Croeso i’r cwrs Cymraeg.Gobeithio cewch chi hwyl a mwynhad wrth ddysgu Cymraeg eleni. Mae’r Ganolfan wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg dros 35 o flynyddoedd ac yn edrych ymlaen at eich dysgu chi.

Cyflwyniad i’r Ganolfan Mae'r Ganolfan yn rhan o Ysgol y Gymraeg, Prifysgol Caerdydd ac yn un o chwech o ganolfannau arweiniol ar draws Cymru. Mae’n gyfrifol am gyrsiau Cymraeg i Oedolion ym mhob cwr o Gaerdydd a Bro Morgannwg ac mae tua 3,000 o ymrestriadau yn flynyddol. Mae gan y Ganolfan, Prifysgol Caerdydd, bartneriaid sy’n darparu cyrsiau ar ein rhan, sef Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, a Choleg Caerdydd a’r Fro. Dysgwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd ydych chi.

Cenhadaeth y Ganolfan yw: Creu siaradwyr Cymraeg drwy anelu at ddysgu ac addysgu ymchwil-ganolog mewn Cymraeg i Oedolion sydd yn gwneud cyfraniad i economi a lles y gymuned leol ac yn bodloni anghenion ein dysgwyr.

Prif nodau strategol ein Cynllun Strategol yw:  

   

Darparu cwricwlwm cytbwys sy’n cynnwys pawb ac yn diwallu anghenion dysgwyr, ar yr un pryd â bodloni’r fethodoleg Rhaglenni Meysydd Dysgu newydd Datblygu’r ystod o ddarpariaeth yn barhaus ac ymdrechu i gynyddu’r niferoedd (gan gynnwys dilyniant) e.e. annog darpariaeth ddwys, sicrhau cynnydd pellach o ran Cymraeg i’r Teulu a Chymraeg yn y Gweithle/ DPP, a chynyddu niferoedd ar y lefelau Uwch – Cwrs Pontio Uwch, Hyfedredd, cyrsiau Gloywi Cymraeg. Gwella ansawdd y dysgu a’r addysgu, gan ymdrin yn benodol ag argymhellion Estyn a sicrhau ein bod yn darparu datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus ar gyfer ein staff ac yn arwain ar y cymhwyster cenedlaethol i Gymru. Sicrhau bod tiwtoriaid a dysgwyr yn gwneud gwell defnydd o amrywiaeth o adnoddau, gan gynnwys TGCh. Annog mwy o ddefnydd o Gymraeg ‘achlysurol’ yn y dosbarth yn ogystal a’r tu allan i’r dosbarth, er mwyn cyfrannu at y flaenoriaeth genedlaethol gyffredinol, sef cynyddu defnydd o’r Gymraeg mewn sefyllfaoedd pob dydd. Gweithio mewn partneriaeth i sicrhau pontio llwyddiannus i’r strwythur cenedlaethol newydd.

Cyflwyniad i’r Llawlyfr Pwrpas y Llawlyfr hwn yw amlinellu’r prif bethau gweinyddol ac addysgol sy angen i chi wybod amdanynt. Mae’r llyfryn hefyd yn cynnwys y rheoliadau a chod ymddwyn mae disgwyl i ddysgwyr eu dilyn er mwyn sicrhau fod pawb yn cael y gorau allan o’r profiad o ddysgu Cymraeg. Bydd y tiwtor yn mynd dros y llawlyfr yn y sesiwn gynefino gyntaf ac mae croeso i chi ofyn cwestiynau yn y sesiwn honno neu unrhyw bryd yn ystod y flwyddyn. 2

Mawr obeithiwn y byddwch chi'n mwynhau eich profiad yn astudio gyda ni a phob hwyl gyda'r dysgu!

Cyflwyniad i’r Cyrsiau Mae dewis helaeth o gyrsiau ar eich cyfer ar draws y rhanbarth ac mae esboniad o’n cyrsiau ni i gyd ar gael yn y prosbectws ac ar ein gwefan. Gallwch ddewis cyrsiau unwaith yr wythnos (hamddenol) neu gyrsiau mwy nag unwaith yr wythnos (cyflym a charlam) ac ar bob un o’r lefelau, gan gynnwys gloywi. Cofiwch ofyn am gyngor os ydych angen help i ddewis y cwrs mwyaf addas i chi. Mae ein tîm o diwtoriaid yn brofiadol a phroffesiynol iawn ac yn barod iawn i’ch helpu. Cynigir cymorth ychwanegol yn ystod y cwrs os oes ei angen arnoch chi. Mae Cyrsiau Sadwrn a’r Clinig Iaith ar gael i’ch cynorthwyo chi. Ymunwch hefyd gyda’r dewis o weithgareddau allgyrsiol (dysgu lled-ffurfiol) er mwyn ymarfer eich Cymraeg a chael hwyl! Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am yr hyn sydd ar gael er mwyn ymarfer y tu allan i’r dosbarth yn yr adran ‘Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol’ yn y llawlyfr hwn.

Ydych chi’n teimlo fel eich bod chi’n aros yn eich unfan weithiau pan dych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Mae’r teimlad hwn yn dueddol o fod yn beth cyffredin iawn yn enwedig yn y lefelau mwy profiadol, hynny yw, Canolradd, Uwch a Hyfedredd. Y rheswm am hyn yw eich bod, fel arfer, yn cychwyn fel dechreuwr pur ac ar y dechrau, mae’r cynnydd i’w weld yn amlwg ac yn gyflym iawn. Mae’r cynnydd cyflym hwn yn parhau drwy gydol lefelau Mynediad a Sylfaen, pan dych chi’n dysgu holl brif batrymau iaith. O Ganolradd ymlaen, mae’r teimlad o gynnydd yn llai amlwg, gan fod y pwyslais yn symud i adolygu patrymau, ehangu geirfa ac ymarfer sgiliau. Er eich bod yn dal i gynyddu a meithrin rhugledd, mae hyn yn digwydd ar lefel fwy cynnil ac mae hyn yn gallu arwain at deimlad eich bod yn aros yn eich unfan neu’n troedio dŵr o bryd i’w gilydd a hynny’n arwain at rwystredigaeth a digalondid. Fodd bynnag, os dych chi’n cael y teimlad hwn, hoffen ni ofyn i chi gadw mewn cof eich bod yn dal i ddatblygu mewn gwirionedd ac i fod yn amyneddgar ac i ddal ati. Mae hefyd yn werth cael cymaint o gyswllt â phosib gyda’r Gymraeg. Dyma bethau y gallech chi wneud i gael gwared ar y teimlad hwn:       

Siarad â’ch tiwtor Cysylltwch â’r Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol am gyngor (wiseg3@cf.ac.uk/ 029 2087 9226) Mynychu’r Cyrsiau Sadwrn sydd ar gael yn fisol Mynychu’r Cyrsiau Darllen a darllen yn eich amser sbâr Defnyddio adnoddau ychwanegol e.e. apiau, Y Bont, ar-lein (www.learnwelsh.co.uk) Gwylio S4C a Radio Cymru Siarad â ffrindiau a/neu deulu sy’n siarad Cymraeg

Gofyn am gymorth Gobeithio y byddwch yn gweld y Llawlyfr hwn yn ddefnyddiol iawn ond cofiwch ofyn am help unrhyw bryd yn ystod y cwrs, naill ai gan eich tiwtor neu gan staff y swyddfa. Rydym yma i’ch helpu. 3

Welcome to the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre! It is with great pleasure that we welcome you. We hope you have fun and enjoy whilst learning Welsh this year. The Centre has been teaching Welsh for nearly 35 years and is looking forward to teaching you.

Introduction to the Centre The Centre is part of the School of Welsh, Cardiff University and one of six lead Centres across Wales. It is responsible for Welsh for Adults courses throughout Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan and has approximately 3,000 enrolments annually. The Centre at Cardiff University has franchise partners to provide you with Welsh courses, namely, the Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff and Vale College. You are Cardiff University learners.

The Centre’s mission is: Create Welsh speakers by pursuing research-led teaching and learning in Welsh for Adults which contributes towards the wellbeing and economy of the local community and meets the needs of our learners.

The main aims of our Strategic Plan are:  

   

Deliver a well-balanced curriculum offer which is inclusive to all and meets the needs of learners and at the same time meets the new LAP methodology Continuously develop the range of provision and strive to increase numbers (including progression) e.g. encouraging intensive provision, further increasing Welsh for the family and Welsh in the workplace/ CPD, and increasing numbers at the higher levels - Uwch Bridging Course, Proficiency, improve your Welsh courses. Improve the quality of teaching and learning especially addressing Estyn’s recommendations and ensuring that we provide continuous professional development for our staff and lead on the national qualification for Wales Make better use of a range of resources including ICT by tutors and learners Encourage more use of ‘incidental’ Welsh in the class as well as outside the classroom in order to contribute to the overall national priority of increasing the use of Welsh in everyday life Work in partnership to ensure a successful transition to the new national structure

Introduction to the Handbook The purpose of this Handbook is to outline the main administrative and educational things that you need to know. The Handbook also includes regulations and the code of practice to which you are expected to adhere to in order to ensure that everyone gets the best experience out of learning Welsh. The tutor will discuss the content of the handbook with you during the first session and you are welcome to ask questions during that session or at any other time during the year. Please don’t forget to ask.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy your experience of learning Welsh with us. Good luck!


Introduction to the Courses There is a wide choice of courses for you across the region and there is an explanation of all our courses available in the Prospectus and on our website. You can choose a course which runs once a week (leisurely) or courses which run more than once a week (accelerated) on all levels, including fine-tuning courses. Remember to ask for advice if you need help to choose the right course for you. Our team of tutors are both experienced and professional and are very willing to help you. Additional help is also available during the course if it is required and there are also Saturday Schools and the Language Clinic available. Please also join in with the variety of non-formal learning activities to practise your Welsh and have fun. Further information on what is on offer outside clas to pratice Welsh can be found in this Handbook under the ‘Non-formal Learning’ section.

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve reached a plateau when you’re learning Welsh? This feeling is very common especially in the higher levels, i.e., Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency. The reason for this is that usually you start off as a complete beginner and in the beginning, the progress seems obvious and very rapid. This very rapid progress proceeds throughout the Entry and Foundation Levels, when you learn all the major language patterns. From Intermediate onwards, the feeling of progress is less obvious, because the emphasis moves to revising patterns, expanding vocabulary and practising skills. Though you are still progressing and developing fluency, this happens at a more subtle level and this can lead to feeling that you have reached a plateau from time to time and that can lead to frustration and discouragement. However, if you do get this feeling, we would like to ask you to bear in mind that you are still in fact developing your language skills and consequently, to be patient and keep going. It’s also worth trying to have as much of a connection with the Welsh language as possible. Here are a few tips on what you could do:       

Talk to your tutor Contact the Non-formal Learning Officer for some advice (wiseg3@cf.ac.uk/ 029 2087 9226). Go to the monthly Saturday Courses Go to the Reading Courses and read books in your spare time Use additional resources e.g. aps, Y Bont, online (www.learnwelsh.co.uk) Watch S4C and listen to Radio Cymru Talk to your Welsh speaking friends and/or family

Asking for help We hope that you find this Handbook is very helpful but remember to ask for help at any time during the course, either by your tutor or by the office staff. We are very happy to help.


2. Pwy yw Pwy? / Who’s Who? Pennaeth Ysgol y Gymraeg / Head of the School of Welsh Yr Athro Sioned Davies

Rheolwr yr Ysgol / School Manager Eirwen Williams

Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan / The Centre’s Director Dr Rachel Heath-Davies

Heath-DaviesR@cf.ac.uk (029) 2087 4710

Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu ac Addysgu y Ganolfan / The Centre’s Director of Teaching and Learning Dr Adrian Price


(029) 2087 6590

STAFF DYSGU'R GANOLFAN/THE CENTRE’S TEACHING STAFF Tiwtoriaid Hŷn/Senior Tutors Swyddog Hyfforddiant / Training Officer Elizabeth Mair Evans EvansEM6@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 0484 (Hyfforddiant, Cymhwyster Cenedlaethol i Diwtoriaid, Arsylwi Tiwtoriaid Partneriaid/Training, the National Qualification for Tutors, Partners Tutors Observations) Swyddog Hyfforddiant Cynorthwyol / Assisting Training Officer Janet Wilde WildeJ@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 0484 Swyddog Gweithle Ac Adnoddau / Workplace and Resources Officer Rhisiart Arwel arwelr@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 0484 Arholiadau, Cwrs yr Haf/Examinations, Summer Course Suzanne Condon CondonS@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 6452 Tiwtoriaid (llawn amser / rhan-amser)/Tutors (full time / part time) (029) 2087 6451 Sandra de Pol Yvonne Evans Tiwtoriaid Cysylltiol/Associate Tutors Mae nifer fawr o diwtoriaid cysylltiol yn gweithio o gartref. Os bydd angen i chi gysylltu â nhw, cysylltwch â’r dderbynfa yn y lle cyntaf os gwelwch yn dda. / Many of our associate tutors work from home. If you need to contact them, please contact the Centre’s reception in the first instance. Swyddogion Datblygu ac Ysgoloriaethau/ Development Officers and Scholarships 6

Jo Full FullJ@cf.ac.uk (Ehangu Cyfranogiad / Widening Participation)

029 2087 6451

Angharad Devonald DevonaldA@cf.ac.uk (Cymraeg i’r Teulu / Welsh for the Family)

029 2087 6451

Swyddog Anghenion Ychwanegol/Additional Needs Officer Suzanne Condon CondonS@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 6452

SWYDDOGION ARBENIGOL Y GANOLFAN / THE CENTRE’S SPECIALIST STAFF Swyddog E-ddysgu / E-learning Officer Elis Davies DaviesE62@cf.ac.uk Angharad Davies DaviesAR10@cf.ac.uk

(029) 2087 0413

Technegydd TG / IT Technician John Parry Cymraeg-IT@cf.ac.uk

(029) 20877157

Swyddog Marchnata / Marketing Officer Gwenllian Willis WillisG1@cf.ac.uk

029 2087 0645

Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol / Non-formal Learning Officer Glyn Wise WiseG3@cf.ac.uk 029 2087 9226

STAFF GWASANAETHAU PROFFESIYNOL / PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STAFF Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg Adeilad John Percival Ysgol y Gymraeg Prifysgol Caerdydd CF10 3EU 029 20 874710 www.learnwelsh.co.uk

MANYLION CYSYLLTU’N PARTNERIAID/ CONTACT DETAILS FOR OUR PARTNERS Cyngor Sir Bro Morgannwg/ Vale of Glamorgan County Council Cyswllt : Mared Furnham Tel : (01446) 733762 E-bost : mnfurnham@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro/Cardiff and Vale College Cyswllt: Susan Miles E-bost : smiles@cavc.ac.uk 7

3. Dyddiadau Tymhorau - 2015-16 Term Dates Term/ Tymor

Begin / Dechrau

Autumn / Hydref 14/09/15 2015

Spring / Gwanwyn 2016

Summer / Haf 2016



Half term / End / Diwedd Hanner Tymor Begin / End / Dechrau Diwedd


30/10/1 18/12/15 5


19/02/1 24/03/16 6


30 week courses end in week 03/06/1 commencing 16.5.16 or 6 23.5.16 (if Mon or Fri courses due to bank holidays). Cyrsiau 30 awr yn gorffen yn yr wythnos sy’n dechrau 16/5/16 neu 23/5/16 (os ar ddydd Llun neu Gwener)

Cwrs yr Haf / Summer Course – 27.6.16 – 19.08.16

4. Cymorth Ariannol / Financial Assistance Os oes unrhyw anhawster gyda chi wrth dalu am eich cwrs, dyn ni’n fwy na hapus i’ch helpu os oes modd. Cysylltwch â Derbynfa’r Ganolfan am fwy o wybodaeth ar daliadau hyblyg. Rhestrir isod rai o’r cymhorthion ariannol allai fod ar gael i chi fel dysgwr:

CYNIGION ARBENNIG Trwy gydol y flwyddyn mae’r Ganolfan yn cynnig cynigion arbennig e.e. 10% i ffwrdd wrth ymrestru’n gynnar am gwrs, gwobrau wrth fynychu digwyddiadau dysgu lled-ffurfiol, gwobrau i enillwyr Dysgwr y Flwyddyn ayyb. Cadwch olwg ar y wefan, ein e-byst marchnata, a hefyd Rhaglen y Dysgwyr am y cynigion sydd ar gael. 8

GOSTYNGIADAU Mae gostyngiadau ar gyfer ffi cyrsiau. Am ragor o wybodaeth am hyn, mae manylion ar gael ar y ffurflen ymrestru, yn y Prosbectws ac ar ein gwefan. Hefyd, gallwch gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â darparwr y cwrs. Cysylltwch yn uniongyrchol â’r darparwr os oes anawsterau talu am gyrsiau.

Y GRONFA WRTH GEFN Beth yw’r Gronfa? - Grant gan Lywodraeth Cymru yw’r Gronfa Ariannol wrth Gefn Addysg Bellach sydd ar gael i’ch cefnogi gydag amrywiaeth o gostau (ar wahân i ffi dysgu) sy’n ymwneud â’ch astudiaeth ar gwrs Cymraeg i Oedolion. Gallwch dderbyn arian ar gyfer costau llyfrau, costau teithio, gofal plant, ffioedd arholiadau, offer ar gyfer anghenion ychwanegol, a mwy. Cynhelir panel fesul Tymor drwy gydol y flwyddyn i asesu’r ceisiadau. Cysylltwch â Jo Full am fwy o wybodaeth a chyngor.

GRANT ‘REACT’ Os ydych yn ddi-waith ar hyn o bryd, mae’r Llywodraeth yn cynnig grantiau i dalu am hyfforddiant sydd yn eich cynorthwyo i gael swydd. Os ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg i wella eich cyfleoedd cyflogi, gallwch geisio am grant REACT. Cysylltwch â’r Ganolfan am ragor o wybodaeth.

YSGOLORIAETH Mae Ysgoloriaeth y Ganolfan yn cefnogi achosion arbennig. Edrychwch allan am fwy o wybodaeth gan y Swyddogion Datblygu, Jo Full ac Angharad Devonald os gwelwch yn dda.

CERDYN TEYRNGARWCH Rydym yn gwobrwyo dysgwyr sy’n mynychu sawl Cwrs Sadwrn. Cewch gerdyn teyrngarwch i gasglu credydau yn ystod y flwyddyn a derbyn sesiwn am ddim. Holwch Glyn Wise am eich cerdyn. _______________________________________________________________________

Please find below, and on the next few pages, some financial assistance, for which you, as a learner, may be eligible:

SPECIAL OFFERS Throughout the year, the Centre will have numerous special offers e.g. 10% off the cost of the full course fee by enrolling early, prizes for attending some non-formal learning events, prizes for Learner of the Year winners etc. Please keep an eye on our website, our marketing emails and our Learners Programme for the offers available.

REDUCTIONS There are reductions on course fees. For further information on this, please contact the provider direct. Please ask for the reductions leaflet, further information can be found on the enrolment for, in the prospectus and on our website. Please contact your provider direct if you have difficulty paying for your course.


What is the FCF? The Further Education Financial Contingency Fund is a grant supplied by Welsh Government to support you with the a variety of costs (not including course fees) related with studying your Welsh for Adults course. You can receive money for course books, travel costs, child care, examination fees, equipment to support additional needs, and more. A panel is held each Term throughout the year to assess applications. Please contact Jo Full for more information and advice.

‘REACT’ GRANT If you are currently unemployed, the Government offers grants to pay for any training which may assist you in finding a job. If you are learning Welsh to improve your employment opportunities, you may apply for a REACT grant. Please contact the Centre for further details.

SCHOLORSHIP The Centre’s Scholorship supports special cases. Please look out for further information from the Centre’s Development Officers, Jo Full and Angharad Devonald.

LOYALTY CARD We reward learners who attend several Satuday Schools. You will receive a Loyalty Card during the year to collect credits and receive a free session. Ask Glyn Wise for your loyalty card.


5. Sicrhau Mynediad / Accessibility Mae’r iaith Gymraeg i bawb – croeso cynnes i bawb sydd eisiau dysgu Cymraeg! Mae’r Ganolfan yn anelu at gynnig gwasanaeth teg a chyfartal i’w holl ddysgwyr, beth bynnag fo’u rhyw, tarddiad ethnig, oed, rhywioldeb, crefydd neu anabledd. Gallwn gynnig cymorth ychwanegol i ddysgwyr all elwa o hynny. Mae’r Ganolfan wedi ymrwymo i greu diwylliant cynhwysol sydd wedi ei seilio ar gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth ac rydym yn anelu at sicrhau mynediad i’n holl gyrsiau i bob dysgwr; boed yn y Ganolfan neu mewn lleoliadau eraill yng Nghaerdydd a’r Fro. Mae hyn yn cwmpasu mynediad i adeiladau, cymorth dysgu fel Braille, print bras, gwaith dosbarth ar bapur lliw ac yn y blaen. Rydyn ni hefyd yn cefnogi’n tiwtoriaid i ddatblygu strategaethau dysgu sy’n cynnwys y rhain. Os oes gyda chi anghenion ychwanegol a’ch bod yn dymuno trafod cymorth ychwanegol posibl, cysylltwch â Suzanne Condon Swyddog Anghenion Ychwanegol y Ganolfan. Yn ystod y flwyddyn, cofiwch fod croeso i chi godi unrhyw beth gyda’ch tiwtor neu Suzanne. Mae ffurflen anghenion dysgu ychwanegol gan bob tiwtor yn eu pecynnau cwrs. Os bydd angen, gallwn gwblhau Cynllun Anghenion Unigol (PEEP) i chi. Os oes gyda chi unrhyw gwestiynau am ‘Sicrhau Mynediad’ i’n cyrsiau, neu os hoffech drafod cefnogaeth unigol neu addasiadau ar gyfer anghenion dysgu ychwanegol, cysylltwch â’r Ganolfan neu’ch darparwr lleol. Gallwch lawrlwytho copi dwyieithog llawn o’n dogfen ‘Sicrhau Mynediad’ oddi ar wefan y Ganolfan : Hafan>Amdanom ni>Polisi Sicrhau Mynediad neu trowch at wefan y Brifysgol : http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/accessibility/ The Welsh language is for everyone – a warm welcome to all who wish to learn Welsh! The Centre aims to offer a fair and equal service to all its learners, regardless of their sex, ethnic origin, age, sexuality, religion or disability. We are able to offer additional support to learners who may benefit from extra help. The Centre is committed to creating an inclusive culture based on equality and diversity, and we aim to make our courses as accessible as possible for all learners, both at the Centre and in other locations within Cardiff and the Vale, whether in terms of access to buildings or aids to learning such as Braille, large print, class work on coloured paper etc. We also support our tutors in developing inclusive teaching strategies. If you have any additional needs, please contact Suzanne Condon, the Centre’s Additional Needs Officer. During the year, remember that you are welcome to raise any matters you may wish to discuss with your tutor or Suzanne. All tutors have the additional needs form in their course packs and if necessary an Individual Additional Needs Plan (PEEP) can be completed. If you have any questions on ‘Accessibility’ for our courses, or if you wish to discuss individual support or adjustments for additional learning needs please coontact the Centre or your local provider. A full bilingual copy of the Centre’s Accessibility document is available to download from the Centre’s website : Centre Homes>About>Accessibility Policy or take a look at the University’s website : http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/accessibility/


6. Polisïau a Gwybodaeth Bwysig Berthnasol / Important Relevant Policies and Information Polisi Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth/ Equality and Diversity Policy http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/govrn/cocom/equalityanddiversity/index.html Polisi Diogelu Oedolion sy’n Agored i Niwed/ Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/govrn/cocom/equalityanddiversity/index.html Diogelwch Personol/Personal Safety http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/secty/resources/Personal%20Safety%20Guide.pdf Gofynion a Disgwyliadau’r Brifysgol/ University Requirements and Expectations http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/for/current/requirements/index.html

Gwasanaethau Arbenigol ar gyfer Dysgwyr/Learner Support Services Gwasanaethau Cwnsela/Counselling Services http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/counselling/index.html Gyrfaoedd/Careers http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/carsv/


7. Iechyd, Diogelwch a’r Amgylchedd / Health, Safety and the Environment Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi ymrwymo i gynnal amodau diogel ac iach i’w holl staff, dysgwyr ac ymwelwyr.

Cymorth i Chi: Iechyd a Lles Dysgwyr Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cynnig nifer fawr o wasanaethau i gefnogi iechyd a lles a chyfleoedd gyrfa dysgwyr. Mae gwasanaeth gyrfaoedd, canolfan iechyd, gwasanaeth cwnsela, canolfan hamdden, a llawer mwy ar gael. Mae hefyd Gaplaniaeth, ystafell wely, llyfrgell, gwasanaethau TG a meithrinfa (Canolfan Dydd) ar gael.

Iechyd a Diogelwch Bydd y Ganolfan yn cymryd pob cam rhesymol yn unol â gofynion iechyd a diogelwch y Brifysgol, i sicrhau amgylchedd dysgu diogel a chyfforddus, a bydd y Ganolfan yn adolygu’r amgylchedd hon yn barhaus mewn lleoliadau dysgu a redir gan y Brifysgol er lles y defnyddwyr. Mae ein partneriaid yn gyfrifol am iechyd a diogelwch yn eu lleoliadau dysgu hwy. Yn achos y Ganolfan, Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan sy’n gyfrifol. Ar gyfer cyrsiau yn y gweithle, y Cyflogwr sy’n gyfrifol. Mae cyfrifoldeb ar ddysgwyr hefyd i ymddwyn yn briodol bob amser rhag peryglu iechyd neu ddiogelwch unrhyw un, ac i ddilyn arweiniad neu gyfarwyddyd y Tiwtor bob amser. Dylai'ch tiwtor roi gwybodaeth i chi am allanfeydd tân a chymorth cyntaf yn eich man dysgu yn ystod eich gwers gyntaf. Cynhelir awdit iechyd a diogelwch blynyddol i leoliadau dysgu y tu allan i’r Ganolfan ar gyfer lleoliadau a ddefnyddir gan y Ganolfan, Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae’r tiwtor yn adrodd yn ôl ar unrhyw faterion sy’n codi o’r awdit. Fodd bynnag, os byddwch, yn ystod y flwyddyn, yn pryderu am unrhyw fater iechyd a diogelwch yn y lleoliad dysgu, rhowch wybod i’ch tiwtor ar unwaith a bydd y tiwtor yn rhaeadru hyn yn ôl i’r Ganolfan.

Damweiniau a Digwyddiadau Os digwydd damwain / digwyddiad, dylech gwblhau ffurflen damweiniau / digwyddiad gyda’ch tiwtor os gwelwch yn dda.

Gwibdeithiau a Chyrsiau Preswyl Bydd siŵr o fod angen cwblhau holiadur iechyd cyn mynd ar wibdaith er mwyn i ni drefnu darpariaeth berthnasol a pharatoi o flaen llaw. Ar gyfer cyrsiau preswyl yr haf bydd angen ymrestru gyda meddyg lleol.

Eiddo Coll 13

Mae gan y Ganolfan bolisi ar ‘Eiddo Coll’ ac mae ffurflenni pwrpasol ar gyfer ‘Eiddo a Gollwyd’ ac ‘Eiddo a Ddarganfuwyd’. Gofynnwch i’ch tiwtor am ragor o fanylion am hyn pe bai angen. Ar gyfer darpariaeth gan un o’n partneriaid (Coleg Caerdydd a’r Fro, Cyngor Bro Morgannwg) bydd angen i chi holi’ch tiwtor lleol am eu gweithdrefnau hwy.

Rhif Ffôn Argyfwng! Mae’r ffurflen ymrestru yn cynnwys lle i nodi enw a rhif i ni gysylltu ag ef os oes argyfwng yn codi gyda chi. Cofiwch adael gwybod i ni os oes newid o gwbl yn eich manylion cyswllt chi neu’r sawl a ddynodwyd ar eich ffurflen ymrestru fel cyswllt mewn argyfwng yn ystod eich amser ar y cwrs. Os byddwch yn mynychu gwers ar gampws y Brifysgol, wedi oriau swyddfa arferol (5pm), a bod angen i rywun gysylltu â chi yn allanol mewn argyfwng, dylech roi rhif yr Adran Ddiogelwch iddynt (029) 2087 4444. Byddan nhw’n trosglwyddo’r neges i’r porthor yn Adeilad John Percival a fydd yn dod â neges i chi yn y dosbarth. Os ydych yn mynychu gwers mewn lleoliad y tu allan i gampws y Brifysgol, gofynnwch i’ch tiwtor am fanylion mewn argyfwng. Ceir gwybodaeth am ddiogelwch personol ar wefan Prifysgol Caerdydd :

http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/secty/resources/Personal%20Safety%20Guide.pdf Yr Amgylchedd Mae gan y Brifysgol bolisi ar iechyd a diogelwch a’r amgylchedd: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/osheu/safety/generalsafety/index.html ac mae gan y Ganolfan Bencampwr gwyrddio. Os oes diddordeb a syniadau gyda chi mewn cymryd rhan mewn gweithgaredd Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol sy’n codi arian at elusennau neu’n gwirfoddoli ar gyfer gwella’r amgylchedd, yna cysylltwch â’r Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol gyda’ch syniadau. Am fanylion am wneud Gwaith Gwirfoddol drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg, cysylltwch â Glyn Wise, ein Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol. Mae cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli amrywiol gyda ni fydd nid yn unig yn eich helpu i ymarfer eich Cymraeg ond fydd hefyd yn gwneud cyfraniad da a gwerthfawr yn y gymuned. _____________________________________________________________________ Cardiff University is committed to the maintenance of safe and healthy conditions for all staff, learners and visitors.

Support for you: Learners’ Health and Well-being Cardiff University offers many services to support the health and well-being and career opportunities of Learners. The careers service, health centre, counselling service, sport and recreational centre and much more is available. There is also a Chaplaincy, bedrooms, library, IT services and creche (Day Care Centre) available.


Health and Safety The Centre will take every reasonable steps possible, in accordance with the University’s health and safety regulations, to ensure a safe and comfortable learning environment, and the Centre will review this environment for Cardiff University run courses on a regular basis for the benefit of its users. The Centre’s partners are responsible for health and safety matters in their teaching locations. In the case of the Centre, the Director is responsible for health and safety matters. For any workplace based courses, the employer is responsible. There is also a responsibility on the learner to behave in an appropriate manner at all times to avoid endangering the health and safety of any one else, and to follow the guidance and instructions given to them by the Tutor. The tutor should inform you of the fire exits and first aid arrangements at your teaching location during your first lesson. An annual health and safety audit is carried out for each of the external teaching locations used by the Centre, Cardiff University on an annual basis. The tutor reports back any matters that arise from the audit. However, if you are concerned about any health and safety matters in your teaching location during the year please let your tutor know immediately. The tutor will then inform the Centre.

Accidents and Incidents If there is an accident or an incident, you should complete the accident/incident form with your tutor.

Excursions and Residentials A health questionnaire will probably have to be completed before going on an excursion in order for us to arrange relevant provision and prepare in advance. Learners should register with a GP/doctor on all Summer residential courses.

Lost Property The Centre has a Lost Property Policy which includes Lost and Found Property Forms. Contact your tutor if needs be for further information about this. If your provision is with Cardiff and the Vale College or the Vale of Glamorgan Council please contact your tutor or the teaching location for further information on their procedures.

Emergency Telephone Number! On the enrolment form there is a section for you to include contact details in the event of an emergency. Please let us know if your contact details change or the contact details of the person named on your enrolment form as the contact in the event of an emergency. If you attend a lesson at the University campus after normal working hours (5pm) and you need to be contacted externally in an emergency, please quote the telephone number for the Security Department (029) 2087 4444. They will inform the porter at the Julian Hodge Building Lodge who will, in turn, bring the message to you in the class which you are attending. 15

If you are attending a lesson in locations outside of the University campus, please ask your tutor for details in the event of an emergency.

The Environment The University has a health, safety and environment policy: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/osheu/safety/generalsafety/index.html and the Centre has a ‘green matters’ Champion. If you have an interest or any ideas for a Non-formal Learning activity to raise money for a good cause or if you are interested in volunteering to improve the environment, please contact the Non-formal Learning Officer with those ideas. For details on Voluntary Work through the medium of Welsh, please contact Glyn Wise, our Non-formal Learning Officer. There are various volunteer opportunities with us that helps you to practice your Welsh whilst also making a valuable and good contribution in the community.

Cymorth Cyntaf / First Aid: Swyddogion Cymorth Cyntaf yr Ysgol yw : Ceren Roberts, Suzanne Condon, Lois Williams Mae holl diwtoriaid y Ganolfan yn cael hyfforddi i ddarparu cymorth cyntaf sylfaenol felly mewn argyfwng dylech roi gwybod i’ch tiwtor ar unwaith. Os byddwch mewn ystafelloedd dysgu yn Adeilad John Percival neu yn ein ystafell ddysgu P25 bydd gwybodaeth ar boster ar wal y dosbarth neu’r tu allan a fydd yn rhestru pwy yw’r swyddogion cymorth cyntaf cyfagos. The School’s First Aid Officers are: Ceren Roberts, Suzanne Condon, Lois Williams The tutors receive training on Basic First Aid and therefore in the event of an emergency you should contact your tutor immediately. If you are being taught in one of the rooms in the John Percival Building or in our teaching room, P25, first aid posters will be displayed either in the teaching room or outside the room listing the nearest first aid officers.

Swyddog Tân / Fire Officer Swyddog Tân y Ganolfan yw / The Centre’s Fire Officer is: Lois Williams Mewn lleoliadau dysgu allanol, cyfrifoldeb y tiwtor yw rhoi gwybodaeth i fyfyrwyr am faterion ymadael â’r adeilad a materion iechyd a diogelwch cyffredinol. Dylech gael gwybodaeth am hyn yn ystod eich gwers gyntaf.


In external teaching locations, the responsibility with regards to cascading information to students on the fire evacuation procedures lies with the tutor. You should be given information on this and other health and safety issues during your first lesson.

Swyddog Diogelwch y Ganolfan yw / The Centre’s Safety Officer is: Catrin Stephens


029 2087 9616

Ar gyfer darpariaeth o dan gytundeb gyda’n partneriaid neu yn gweithle, holwch am fanylion ac enwau cyswllt priodol os gwelwch yn dda For courses delivered by partner organisations or in the workplace, please ask for details of appropriate contact names.


8. Llais y Dysgwr/Learner Voice Mae eich barn yn cyfrif Mae eich barn a’ch adborth yn hollbwysig i ni. Rydym yn Ganolfan sy’n gwella’n hansawdd yn barhaus ac yn cymryd sylwadau dysgwyr o ddifrif.

Swyddogion Llais y Dysgwr yw : Adrian Price a Suzanne Condon (029 2087 4710). Mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Suzanne ac Adrian os oes unrhyw beth addysgol yn codi o’ch profiad dysgu ar y cwrs. Gallwch hefyd wrth gwrs adael sylwadau ar Flog y Ganolfan.

 phwy dwi’n cysylltu? Cynrychiolwyr y Dysgwyr : bob blwyddyn enwebir dysgwyr i fod yn gynrychiolwyr ar gyfer yr holl ddysgwyr. Bydd Swyddog Llais y Dysgwr yn cysylltu â chi o dro i dro am farn ar ddatblygiadau amrywiol ac mae croeso i chi gysylltu unrhyw bryd ar ran y dosbarth i drafod gyda’r swyddogion.

Panel Llais y Dysgwr Mae 2 banel yn cwrdd yn ystod y flwyddyn; un ym mis Chwefror ac un ym mis Mehefin. Nod y Panelau hyn yw canfod unrhyw broblemau, os oes rhai, a’u datrys. Bydd dysgwyr o bob lefel yn ethol cynrychiolydd o’u dosbarth, i’r Panel, i fynegi unrhyw sylwadau ar ran y dosbarth cyfan. Bydd y sylwadau’n cael eu trafod yn y Bwrdd Astudiaethau. Bydd yr ymatebion yn cael eu hanfon at gynrychiolydd y dosbarth a’u rhoi ar wefan y Ganolfan.

Holiaduron Adborth Gofynnwn i chi lenwi holiaduron adborth yn ystod ac ar ddiwedd y cwrs. Yn yr holiadur gwerthuso, byddwn yn gofyn am eich argraffiadau cyffredinol. Mae’r holl farn a gasglwn yn bwydo i mewn i’n prosesau hunanasesu ansawdd ac yn gwella’r profiad dysgu i’r dysgwyr ar y cwrs y tro nesaf. Os byddwch yn gadael cyn diwedd cwrs, byddwn yn cysylltu â chi am adborth. Mae’n bwysig iawn i ni wybod y rhesymau pam dych chi wedi gadael y cwrs, yn enwedig os oes mannau gyda ni i wella a gweithredu arnynt.

Ymgynghoriadau, Grwpiau Ffocws ac yn y blaen Trefnir grwpiau ffocws o dro i dro er mwyn casglu adborth oddi wrthoch chi ar themâu a phrosiectau penodol. Mae hefyd gyfnodau ymgynghori ar bolisïau a’r prosbectws – ac eto mae eich adborth yn ystod y drafftiau hyn yn ddefnyddiol iawn. Byddwn yn trefnu sesiwn holi ac ateb gydag Uwch Reolwyr yn ystod y cwrs penwythnos. Mae copi dwyieithog o Strategaeth Llais y Dysgwr ar gael ar wefan y Ganolfan: Hafan>Cymuned>Llais y Dysgwr. Ar y wefan hefyd fe welwch gopi o’n Polisi Ansawdd.


Dwedoch Chi, Gwnaethon ni Rydym yn cyhoeddi ein hymateb ar y wefan ac mewn ymgyrch Dwedoch Chi, Gwnaethon ni yn rheolaidd. Trefn Gwyno a Chanmol i Ddysgwyr

Canmol a Chwyno Rydym yn croesawu a gwerthfawrogi eich adborth yn barhaus. Os oes cwyn neu ganmoliaeth, yna ysgrifennwch at y Cyfarwyddwr Rheoli neu’r Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu os gwelwch yn dda.

Polisi Mae’r Ganolfan wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu addysg ieithyddol o safon uchel i ddysgwyr a hynny mewn amgylchedd dysgu o safon uchel. Anogir dysgwyr i gymryd cyfrifoldeb am gyfleu eu hanghenion ac am geisio cymorth o fewn y Ganolfan. Os teimlwch chi fod agwedd o’ch profiad yn y Ganolfan yn cynnig sail dros gwyno, mynnwch air â’ch tiwtor yn y lle cyntaf. Os na theimlwch chi fod eich tiwtor wedi ateb eich gofynion yn llawn neu os taw cwyn am eich tiwtor sydd gyda chi gallwch gysylltu, yn y lle cyntaf, â Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan (sy’n gyfrifol am y dysgu a’r addysgu) neu wedi hynny, Gyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan. Mae copi o Gweithdrefnau ar gyfer Datrys Materion / Pryderon Dysgwyr y Brifysgol ar wefan y Brifysgol yn : http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/govrn/cocom/student/ Mae croeso i chi hefyd gysylltu os oes canmoliaeth a chlod yr hoffech ei nodi fel arfer da! _____________________________________________________________________

Your opinion and feedback is extremely important to us. We are a Centre which strives to continually improve the quality of our provision and we consider learners comments very seriously.

The Learner Voice Officers is : Adrian Price and Suzanne Condon (029 2087 4710). Please feel free to contact Adrian and Suzanne at any time if you have any educational matters which arise from your learning experience on the course.

Whom do I contact? The Learners Representatives – every year, learners are nominated to represent all their fellow learners. The Learner Voice officer will contact you from time to time for your opinion on various developments and you are more than welcome to contact them at any time to discuss a matter raised by the class.

Learner Voice Panel Two Panels are held each year, usually in February and June. The aim of these Panels is to address any potential problems which may exist. Learners from all levels will elect a representative from their class to sit on the Panel and to submit any comments on behalf of the whole class. These comments will be discussed in the Board of Studies. The response will be sent to the Learner Representatives and placed on the Centre’s website. 19

Evaluation Questionnaires During and at the end of your course, we will ask you to please complete an evaluation questionnaire. In the end of year evaluation questionnaire, we will be asking for your general views. The views we collate will feed into the quality self-assessment process and will improve the learning experience for learners on the next course. If you leave before the end of a course, we will contact you for some feedback. It is very important for us to determine the reasons why you have left the course, especially if there are areas in which we may need to improve or act upon.

Consultations, Focus Groups etc. Focus groups will be arranged from time to time to enable the Centre to collate feedback from its learners on certain themes and projects. There are also consultation periods on policies and the prospectus – and again your feedback during the drafting period is extremely helpful. We will be arranging a question and answer session with Senior Managers during a weekend course. You can find a bilingual copy of the Learner Voice Strategy on the Centre’s website: Centre home>Community>Learner Voice. On the website also you can find a copy of our Quality Policy.

You Said, We Did We publish our response to all your feedback on our website and also in regular You Said, We Did campaigns.

Learners’ Complaints and Compliments Procedure Complements and Complaints We very much welcome and appreciate your continuous feedback. If you have any complement or complaint, then please write to the Managing Director or Director of Teaching.

Policy The Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre is committed to providing learners with high quality language teaching in a high quality learning environment. Learners are encouraged to take responsibility for communicating their needs and seeking support within the centre. If you feel that an aspect of your experience at the Centre gives grounds for complaint, please contact your tutor in the first instance. If you are not happy that the complaint has been resolved by contacting your tutor or if your complaint is about your tutor please contact the Centre's Deputy Director (who is responsible for teaching and learning) in the first instance, then the Centre’s Director. General information about the University's Procedures for the Resolution of Learners' Concerns / Issues can be seen on the University's website at : http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/govrn/cocom/student/ You are also welcome to contact us with any praise or compliments which you would like to be noted as good practice. 20

9. Pa Lefel? / Which Level? Mae’r Ganolfan yn cynnig cyrsiau ar bob un o’r lefelau cenedlaethol gwahanol: i.

Cyn Fynediad (cyrsiau Blasu, Cyfarch, Cymraeg o’r Crud, Cwrs Cymru) - mae’r cyrsiau hyn ar gyfer dechreuwyr pur i gael blas ar y Gymraeg


Mynediad – ar gyfer dechreuwyr sy eisiau dysgu’n gyflym neu’n hamddenol (120 awr)


Magu Hyder yn y Gymraeg – cwrs cyflym ar gyfer y rheiny sy â rhywfaint o Gymraeg ond yn teimlo fel dechreuwyr. Bydd y cwrs yn mynd yn gyflym dros ddarnau cyntaf y lefel Mynediad (Mynediad a Sylfaen mewn 120 awr)


Sylfaen – ar gyfer dysgwyr sy wedi cwblhau’r Cwrs Mynediad (120 awr)


Canolradd -– ar gyfer dysgwyr sy wedi cwblhau’r Cwrs Sylfaen (120 awr) (lefel TGAU)


Cwrs Uwch 1 (120 awr) (Safon ‘AS’)


Cwrs Uwch 2 (120 awr) (Lefel ‘A’)


Ymarfer siarad ar y lefel Uwch – Cwrs Siawns am Sgwrs 3


Lefel Hyfedredd – mae dewis o 5 cwrs ar gael: Cefndir, Gloywi, Siawns am Sgwrs 4, Gwella’ch Cymraeg a Chau Pen y Mwdl

Dych chi ar y lefel gywir? Mae’n bosibl weithiau y bydd dysgwyr mewn dosbarth sydd ar y lefel anghywir. Efallai y byddwch chi, yn teimlo fel hyn neu efallai y bydd y tiwtor o’r farn eich bod ar y lefel anghywir. Os felly, trafodwch â’r tiwtor a chytuno ynglŷn â pha lefel sydd orau. Os teimlir bod angen, gallwch fynd at y Cyfarwyddwr Dysgu i gael eich asesu ac mae asesiad ar-lein ar ein gwefan hefyd i’ch helpu chi.

Cyrsiau Eraill    


Cyrsiau Sadwrn – ymarfer ac adolygu Cymraeg – mewn lleoliadau amrywiol ac yn llawer o hwyl Cyrsiau Preswyl – penwythnos o Gymraeg mewn lleoliadau diddorol ble mae cyfle i aros dros nos a siarad Cymraeg yn ddi-stop! Cyrsiau darllen – mae’r cyrsiau hyn yn ymarfer sgiliau darllen ac yn atgyfnerthu a datblygu’r sgiliau iaith i gyd. Cyrsiau paratoi ar gyfer yr arholiadau – ar gael ym mis Ionawr a Mai – Mehefin ac yn mynd dros gyn-bapurau arholiad. Maent yn cynnwys popeth sydd angen i chi ei wybod cyn sefyll arholiad CBAC!

  

Clinig iaith – mae’r Swyddog Dysgu Lled-Ffurfiol ar gael ddwywaith yr wythnos – Caerdydd a’r Barri – i roi sesiynau help llaw un-i-un i ddysgwyr sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol ar gwestiwn ieithyddol Cyrsiau pontio i’r lefel nesaf - mae cyrsiau adolygu sydd yn eich helpu i baratoi ar gyfer y lefel nesaf. Cwrs Pontio Uwch – mae hwn yn gwrs arbennig i bobl sydd eisiau adolygu cyn symud ymlaen i’r lefel Uwch.

Gradd yn y Gymraeg Fel rhan o Ysgol y Gymraeg, mae modd ystyried gwneud cais i wneud gradd yn y Gymraeg gyda’r Brifysgol. I ddysgwyr rhugl y Ganolfan, sydd â diddordeb yn y Gymraeg fel pwnc academaidd, mae cyfle i ystyried symud ymlaen i astudio cwrs Gradd BA yn y Gymraeg yn yr Ysgol.

Dod yn Diwtor Mae nifer o ddysgwyr llwyddiannus wedi croesi’r bont a dod yn diwtoriaid. Mae’r Ganolfan yn edrych am diwtoriaid newydd ac yn darparu cwrs TAR i gymhwyso tiwtoriaid i ddysgu Cymraeg i Oedolion. Am fwy o fanylion, cysylltwch â Mair Evans.

Cyrsiau / Cyfleoedd Ychwanegol Ar ôl cwblhau’r cyrsiau ar y lefel Hyfedredd, mae modd i ni drefnu dilyniant i gyrsiau cyfrwng Cymraeg i grwpiau o ddysgwyr, mewn cydweithrediad â phartneriaid yn y rhanbarth. _____________________________________________________________________

The Centre offers courses at all the different national levels: i.

Pre-entry (Taster, Meeters & Greeters, Welsh from the Cradle and Wales course) – these courses are for complete beginners to have a taste of Welsh


Entry – for learners who want to learn at an accelerated or leisurely pace (120 hours)


Develop Confidence in Welsh – an intensive course for those who have some Welsh but feel like beginners. The first parts of the Entry level will be at a fast pace (Entry and Foundation in 120 hours)


Foundation – for learners who have completed the Entry Course (120 hours)


Intermediate – for learners who have completed the Foundation Course (120 hours) (GCSE)


Advanced 1 Course (120 hours) (AS Level)


Advanced 2 Course (120 hours) (‘A’ Level)



Practising your Welsh on the Advanced level – Chance for a Chat 3


Proficiency level – there are 5 courses to chose from: Background to Wales, Expert, Chance for a Chat 4, Improving your Welsh and ‘Cau Pen y Mwdl’ (The end of the journey!)

Are you on the correct level? It is possible that sometimes learners may be in a class which is at the wrong level. Perhaps you will feel that this is true or perhaps the tutor will be of the opinion that you are in the wrong class. If that is the case, discuss the matter with your tutor and agree about which level is the best. If needed, the learner can also arrange to see the Director of Teaching to be assessed and an online assessment is also available on our website.

Other Courses       

Saturday Courses – practise and revise your Welsh – in a variety of locations and great fun Residential Courses – a weekend of Welsh in interesting locations where there is an opportunity to stay overnight and speak Welsh non-stop! Reading courses – these courses improve your reading skills and also consolidate and develop all the language skills. Examination preparation courses – available in January and May-June. These courses look at previous examination papers and they include everything you need to know before taking the WJEC examination! Language Clinic – The Non-formal Learning Officer is available twice a week – Cardiff and Barry – to provide one-to-one sessions for learners who need additional support with a language question Bridging courses to the next level – There are revision courses which help you prepare for the next level An Advanced Bridging Course – this is a special course for people who want to revise before moving on to the Advanced level.

A Degree in Welsh As part of the School of Welsh, it is possible to consider applying to undertake a degree in Welsh with the University. For the Centre’s fluent learners, who are interested in Welsh as an academic subject, there is an opportunity to consider moving on to study a BA in Welsh in the School.

Becoming a Tutor A number of successful learners have crossed over the bridge and become tutors. The Centre is also looking for new tutors and delivers a PGCE course to qualify tutotrs to teach Welsh to Adults. For more details, contact Mair Evans.

Additional Courses / Opportunities Once you have completed the courses on the ‘Hyfedredd’ level, it is possible for us to arrange a follow on to Welsh medium courses for groups of learners, in co-operation with our regional partners. 23

10. Ymarfer eich Cymraeg / Practice your Welsh Dych chi eisiau dod yn rhugl? Er mwyn llwyddo i ddysgu’r iaith, mae angen i chi ymarfer eich Cymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth. Byddwch yn derbyn Cynllun Dysgu Unigol er mwyn i chi nodi eich amcanion dysgu personol a hefyd i gynllunio sut dych chi’n mynd i ymarfer y tu allan i’r dosbarth. Ar gwrs 60 awr a 120 awr, mae disgwyl i chi wneud 18 awr ymarfer y tu allan i’r dosbarth. Ar gyfer cyrsiau mwy dwys, fel cyrsiau bloc a’r cwrs haf, mae angen gwneud 36 awr y tu allan i’r dosbarth. _____________________________________________________________________

Do you want to become fluent? In order to succeed in learning Welsh, there is a need to practice your Welsh outside class. You will receive an Individual Learning Plan in order to set your own personal learning objectives and to plan how you are going to practice Welsh outside class. On courses totalling 60 and 120 hours, there is an expectation that you complete 18 hours of pratice outside class. For more intestive courses, such as block courses and the summer course, there is a need to complete 36 hours of practice outside class.


11. Sgiliau Sylfaenol / Basic Skills Bydd angen i bob dysgwr Cymraeg i Oedolion ar Gwrs Mynediad, sy’n para am 5 awr neu fwy yr wythnos ac sy’n para mwy nag un wythnos wneud Asesiad Sgiliau Sylfaenol. Yr unig Sgiliau Sylfaenol a asesir yw Llythrennedd yn yr iaith Saesneg. O safbwynt y Ganolfan, effeithir ar y Cwrs Mynediad - 1 dydd bob mis, y Cwrs Mynediad – 2 wythnos, a Chwrs yr Haf: Lefel Mynediad 1 (dinasyddion Prydeinig yn unig). Gweinyddir yr Asesiad gan diwtor, a fydd wedi derbyn hyfforddiant, yn y Sesiwn Anwytho ar ddechrau’r Cwrs. Hyd yr Asesiad fydd 20 munud a bydd y tiwtor yn esbonio i chi bwrpas yr Asesiad cyn ei wneud. Disgwylir i bawb wneud yr Asesiad ond ni ellir eich gorfodi chi i’w wneud. Pwrpas hyn yw helpu’r dysgwr mewn sefyllfaoedd ble y gallai problemau fod o ran llythrennedd a gellir eich cyfeirio at gymorth defnyddiol. Bydd yr Asesiadau’n cael eu marcio gan y tiwtor ac os bydd unrhyw ddysgwr yn is na’r trothwy, byddwn yn rhoi gwybodaeth i chi am wasanaethau sy ar gael yng Nghaerdydd a Bro Morgannwg ar gyfer cefnogaeth arbenigol pe hoffech chi wella’ch sgiliau. Fydd hyn ddim yn effeithio ar eich gallu i wneud y cwrs. Wele’r cysylltiadau isod ar gyfer gwella Sgiliau Sylfaenol: _____________________________________________________________________ All Welsh for Adults learners on Entry courses of 5 hours or more per week and lasting more than 1 week in length, will need to complete a Basic Skills Assessment. Literacy Skills in English are the only skills that are assessed. This affects the Entry course – 1 day every month course, the Entry – 2 week course, and the Summer course: Entry 1 Level (British citizens only). The assessment will be arranged by a tutor, who will have been trained and will arrange this to take place during the induction session in the first lesson. The assessment will last 20 minutes and the tutor will explain to you the purpose of the assessment before commencing. Everybody is expected to undertake the assessment but there is no obligation to do so. The purpose of this is to help the learner in situations where there may be a literacy problem and it is possible to refer you to some useful assistance. The tutor will mark the test and if any learner is below the threshold the tutor will provide information on the services available in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan if you wish to improve your literacy skills. This will not affect your ability to stay on the course. Please find the contact details below in order to improve your Basik Skills:

CAERDYDD / CARDIFF Cardiff Basic Skills Service, The Friary Community Education Centre, The Friary Caerdydd CF10 3FA Cyswllt / Contact: Catherine Walsh Tel: (029) 2022 7472 E-bost / E-mail: cwalsh@cavc.ac.uk

BRO MORGANNWG / VALE OF GLAMORGAN Open Learning Centre, Provincial House, Kendrick Road, Barry Cyswllt / Contact: Coralie Morgan Tel: (01446) 736466 E-bost / E-mail: cmorgan@valeofglamorgan.gov.uk 25

12 . Gwaith Cartref ac Asesu / Homework and Assessment Mae pwyslais ein cyrsiau ar ansawdd y dysgu, siarad Cymraeg a mwynhau.

Dathlu a Gwobrwyo Mae seremoni wobrwyo bob blwyddyn er mwyn gwobrwyo dysgwyr am gwblhau cwrs – felly fe gewch dystysgrif Prifysgol Caerdydd am gwblhau cwrs os ydych chi wedi mynychu 80% neu fwy o’r oriau cyswllt.

Gwaith Cartref Wrth i chi weithio trwy’r cyrsiau Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd, Uwch 1 ac Uwch 2, byddwch chi’n cael cyfle i wneud Gwaith Cartref. Maen nhw’n dasgau hwylus sydd yn adolygu gwaith y dosbarth. Mae’n gyfle i chi ymarfer y tu allan i’r dosbarth a phrofi faint dych chi wedi deall wrth weithio ar eich pen eich hun. Rhowch eich gwaith cartref i’ch tiwtor iddynt farcio ac fe gewch adborth ar eich cynnydd. Anogir chi i gwblhau’r gwaith cartref fel rhan o broses ddysgu effeithiol.

Tystysgrifau Byddwch yn derbyn tystysgrif Prifysgol Caerdydd am gwblhau’r cwrs os ydych yn:  Mynychu o leiaf 80% o’r dosbarthiadau  Yn cwblhau eich gwaith cartref  A bod y tiwtor wedi tystio eich bod wedi cwblhau’n llwyddiannus.

Asesu ar Gyfer Dysgu Byddwch yn derbyn adborth cyson gan eich tiwtor ar eich perfformiad a beth sydd angen i chi ei wneud i wella. Ar gyfer gwaith ysgrifenedig, byddwch yn derbyn templed asesu ar gyfer dysgu sy’n gosod tasg(au) i chi er mwyn i chi ffocysu ar bethau i’w gwella.

Arholiadau (Opsiynol) Bydd cyfle hefyd, os dymunwch chi, i chi sefyll arholiadau CBAC ‘Defnyddio’r Gymraeg’ – Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd (TGAU), ac Uwch (Lefel ‘A’). Mae dysgwyr sy’n sefyll arholiadau yn teimlo eu bod yn rhoi ffocws iddynt i weithio’n galed ac mae’r boddhad o basio, neu hyd yn oed cael rhagoriaeth, yn deimlad braf iawn! Mae llyfrynnau arholiadau ar gael yn y Ganolfan os hoffech chi ymrestru. Yn ogystal, mae penwythnosau paratoi ar gyfer arholiadau wedi’u trefnu. Mae’r cyrsiau hyn yn mynd dros gyn-bapurau arholiad ac yn eich paratoi, yn arbennig, ar gyfer yr arholiad! Os hoffech fwy o fanylion am yr arholiadau, yna cysylltwch â Suzanne Condon. Mae ei manylion cyswllt ar ddechrau’r llawlyfr hwn yn yr adran ‘Pwy di Pwy’. 26

Wele isod ddyddiadau’r arholiadau ar gyfer 2015/16: Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Mynediad - £19 29 Ionawr 2016 (dydd Gwener) 9 Mehefin 2016 (nos Iau) 10 Mehefin 2016 (dydd Gwener) Addas i’r rhai sydd ar ddiwedd cwrs Mynediad CBAC, neu Mynediad dwys y Ganolfan neu hanner ffordd trwy’r cwrs Sylfaen 1, neu draean o’r ffordd trwy’r cwrs Magu Hyder. Dyddiad cau ar gyfer cofrestru: 4 Rhagfyr 2015 ar gyfer arholiad 29 Ionawr 2016 a 26 Chwefror 2016 ar gyfer arholiadau 9 a 10 Mehefin 2016 Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Sylfaen - £21 17 Mehefin 2016 (dydd Gwener) Addas ar gyfer y rhai sydd ar ddiwedd cwrs Sylfaen CBAC, neu ddiwedd cwrs Sylfaen y Ganolfan neu wedi dechrau Canolradd 1 Dyddiad cau ar gyfer cofrestru: 26 Chwefror 2016 Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Canolradd - £23 8 Mehefin 2016 (dydd Mercher) Addas ar gyfer y rhai sydd ar ddiwedd cwrs Canolradd CBAC, neu gwrs Canolradd y Ganolfan, neu wedi dechrau Uwch 1. Dyddiad cau ar gyfer cofrestru: 26 Chwefror 2016 Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Uwch - £37 15-16 Mehefin 2015 (dydd Mercher a bore Iau) Addas ar gyfer diwedd cwrs Uwch 2 Dyddiad cau ar gyfer cofrestru: 26 Chwefror 2015 Nid yw’r arholiadau’n hanfodol, ond mae’n bwysig i’r tiwtoriaid annog dysgwyr i’w sefyll achos mae’n rhoi nod arbennig i’r dysgwyr anelu ato.

Nodwch os gwelwch yn dda, os ydych yn ymrestru i sefyll arholiad, ei bod yn ofynnol i chi dalu ffi llawn yr arholiad, hyd yn oed os byddwch yn penderfynu peidio sefyll yr arholiad wedi hynny. _____________________________________________________________________ The emphasis in our courses is on the quality of the teaching, speaking Welsh and enjoyment.

Celebrating and Awarding An award ceremony is held every year to award our learners for completing a course – therefore, if you have completed 80% or more contact hours, you will have a Cardiff University certificate for completing the course.


Homework As you work through the Entry, Foundation, Intermediate, Uwch 1 and Uwch 2 courses, you have the opportunity to complete some homework. These are simple tasks which revise the work undertaken in class. It gives you the opportunity to practise outside of the class your level of understanding of the work by working by yourself. Please give your homework to your tutor to mark and you will receive feedback on your development. You will be encouraged to complete the homework as part of the effective teaching process.

Certificates You will receive a Cardiff University certificate for completing the course if you have:  Attended at least 80% of the classes  Have completed homework.  And your tutor has testified that you have successfully completed the course.

Assessment for Learning During the course your tutor will give you feedback on your performane and what you need to do to continuously improve. For written work, you will receive an assessment for learning template which sets personal target(s) in order for you to focus on things to improve.

Examinations (Optional) You will also have the opportunity, should you so wish, to sit WJEC examinations – ‘Defnyddio’r Gymraeg’ - Entry, Foundation, Intermediate (GCSE), and Advanced (‘A’ Level). Learners who sit examinations feel that they give them a focus to work hard and they also give them a sense of satisfaction when passing, or indeed excellence. This is a very good feeling! If you wish to enrol for any examination, the Centre has copies of the examination information booklets. Also examination preparation courses have been arranged. These courses look back at past examination papers and they prepare you especially for the examination which you will be taking! For more information on examinations, please contact Suzanne Condon who’s contact details can be found at the beginning of this handbook in the section ‘Who’s Who’. Please note below the examination dates for 2015/16: Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Mynediad - £19 29 January 2016 (Friday) 9 June 2016 (Thursday night) 10 June 2016 (Friday) The exam is appropriate for those at the end of the WJEC Entry course or the Centre’s intensive Entry course or those half way through the Sylfaen 1 or those who have completed a third of the Develop Confidence Course. Closing date for registration: 4 December 2015 for the January 2015 examination and 26 February 2016 for the June 2016 examinations 28

Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Sylfaen - £21 17 Mehefin 2016 (Friday) This exam is appropriate for learners at the end of the WJEC or Centre’s Foundation course or started Canolradd 1. Closing date for registration: 26 February 2015 Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Intermediate - £23 8 Mehefin 2016 (Wednesday) This exam is appropriate for learners at the end of the WJEC or Centre’s Intermediate course and thoes started Uwch 1. Closing date for registration: 26 February 2015 Defnyddio’r Gymraeg: Uwch - £37 15-16 Mehefin 2015 (Wednesday and Thursday morning) This exam is appropriate for learners at the end of the Advanced 2 course. Closing date for registration: 26 February 2015

These examinations are not mandatory but it is important for the tutor to encourage learners to sit the examinations as it gives the learner a special aim to work towards.

Please note, if you complete an enrolment form to sit an examination, the full fee for that examination is payable, even if you decide, at a later date, not to sit the examination.


13. Cynllunio’ch Dysgu / Planning your Learning Yn ystod y wers gyntaf, byddwch chi’n derbyn dau gynllun pwysig: 1. Cynllun Gwaith 2. Cynllun Dysgu Unigol

Cynllun Gwaith Bydd y cynllun gwaith yn dangos i chi beth fyddwch chi’n ei wneud o awr i awr drwy’r flwyddyn. Bydd y cynllun gwaith yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol i chi os bydd rhaid i chi golli gwersi, fel y byddwch chi’n gallu gweld pa waith a pha asesiadau Agored Cymru / CBAC dych chi wedi’u colli.

Cynllun Dysgu Unigol (CDU) Ar ddechrau’r cwrs byddwch chi’n cwblhau CDU a fydd yn nodi eich nodau personol chi, beth fyddwch chi’n ei ddysgu yn ystod y cwrs, pa asesiadau y byddwch chi’n eu gwneud a pha bethau eraill ychwanegol y byddwch chi’n eu gwneud y tu allan i’r cwrs. Byddwch chi a’ch tiwtor yn adolygu’ch cynllun ddwywaith y flwyddyn i weld sut dych chi’n dod ymlaen.

Sut dych chi’n dysgu iaith orau? Ydych chi’n gwybod beth yw’r ffordd orau o ddysgu’r Gymraeg? Sut dych chi’n dysgu orau? Bydd y tiwtor yn esbonio yn y wers gyntaf beth i’w ddisgwyl o safbwynt y ffyrdd dyn ni’n dysgu a sut mae’r cwrs yn gweithio. Er hyn, cofiwch esbonio i’ch tiwtor sut dych chi’n dysgu orau – bydd hwn yn werthfawr i’r tiwtor wybod. _____________________________________________________________________

During the first lesson, you will receive 2 plans or schemes: 1. A Scheme of Work 2. An Individual Learning Plan

Scheme of Work The scheme of work will show you what you will be doing from hour to hour throughout the year. The scheme of work will be especially useful to you if you have to miss lessons, so that you will be able to see which work and Agored Cymru / WJEC assessments you have missed.

Individual Learning Plan (ILP) At the start of the course you will complete an ILP which will note your personal aims, what you will be learning during the course, which assessments you will be doing and which other additional things you will be doing outside the course. You and your tutor will revise your plan twice a year to see how you are progressing. 30

How do you learn a language best? Do you know which is the best way to learn Welsh? How do you learn best? During the first lesson, the tutor will explain to you what you should expect from how we teach and how the course works. However, remember to explain to the tutor how you learn best – this will be valuable information to the tutor.


14. Ymwelwyr i’r Dosbarth / Classroom Visitors Arsylwi Gwersi Mae’n bosibl bydd rhywun yn dod i mewn i’r dosbarth o dro i dro i arsylwi’r tiwtoriaid yn dysgu. Bydd y Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr, rheolwyr llinell, cyd-diwtoriaid, disgyblion ysgol ar brofiad gwaith, Dilyswyr Mewnol ac Allanol Agored Cymru / CBAC, neu Arolygwyr Estyn, efallai, yn dod i’r dosbarth. Mae’r Ganolfan hefyd yn gyfrifol am gynnal cwrs hyfforddi tiwtoriaid a adnabyddir fel Cymhwyster Cenedlaethol a dysgu modiwl BA o’r enw, Cymraeg i Oedolion a modiwl MA o’r enw, Caffael Iaith. Fel rhan o’r cwrs, rhaid i’r dysgwyr arsylwi dosbarthiadau er mwyn gweld sut mae’r gwersi’n cael eu dysgu, sut mae’r defnyddiau’n cael eu defnyddio, pa ddulliau mae’r tiwtoriaid yn eu defnyddio, ayyb. Nid arsylwi’r dysgwyr yw pwynt yr ymweliadau gan gyd-diwtoriaid, dysgwyr a disgyblion ysgol ond arsylwi’r tiwtoriaid a’r defnyddiau ac ni fyddan nhw’n torri ar draws y gwersi mewn unrhyw ffordd. Fodd bynnag, bydd rheolwyr, dilyswyr ac arolygwyr yn edrych ar ba mor dda dych chi’n dod ymlaen a hoffai’r rheolwyr a’r arolygwyr siarad â chi fel dosbarth am 10 munud ola’r wers. Hoffen ni ofyn i chi ymlaen llaw am eich cydweithrediad yn hyn o beth. Mae’r broses yn sicrhau ansawdd a gwellhad parhaus. Yn ogystal, mae’n rhaid i ddysgwyr y Cymhwyster wneud ymarfer dysgu, felly, byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn o’ch cydweithrediad o flaen llaw os ydych chi’n cael tiwtor dan hyfforddiant yn eich dysgu chi. Yn achlysurol, gallai criwiau radio / teledu wneud cais am ffilmio dosbarth ac felly, dyn ni’n gofyn i chi am eich cydweithrediad ymlaen llaw yn hyn o beth yn ogystal. _____________________________________________________________________

Lesson Observation It is possible that someone will come into the class from time to time to observe the tutor teaching. The Director of Teaching, line managers, peers, school pupils on work experience, the Agored Cymru / WJEC Internal and External Verifiers, or Estyn Inspectors may come to a class from time to time. The Centre is also responsible for holding a tutor-training course which is known as the National Qualification and teaching an undergraduate module called, ‘Welsh for Adults’ and a postgraduate module called ‘Language Acquisition’. As part of the course, the learners must observe classes in order to see how the lessons are taught, how the materials are used, which methods the tutors use, etc. The visits by peers, learners and school pupils are not to observe the learners but to observe the tutors and materials, and they will not interrupt the lessons in any way. However, managers, verifiers and inspectors will look at how well you are progressing and the managers and inspectors would like to speak to you as a class for the last 10 minutes of the lesson. We would like to ask you in advance for your co-operation with regards to this. The process guarantees quality assurance and continuing improvement. 32

In addition, learners on the qualification have to complete a teaching practice, therefore, we would appreciate your co-operation in advance if a trainee-tutor teaches you. In addition, occasionally, radio and television crews will ask permission to film in some classes and we would also like to ask for your co-operation in advance for this.


15. Deunyddiau Dysgu / Teaching Materials Mae cwrslyfrau Mynediad, Sylfaen, Canolradd, Uwch a Hyfedredd y Brifysgol yn gynwysedig yn ffi'r cwrs. Yn ogystal, gallwch lawrlwytho ffeiliau sain o’r wefan, am ddim, neu ofyn i diwtor am gryno ddisgiau. Ar gyfer cyrsiau Cymraeg i’r Teulu a Chyngor Bro Morgannwg, bydd angen prynu llyfr cwrs a llyfr gwaith cartref CBAC. _____________________________________________________________________ The Centre’s Entry, Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced and Proficiency course books are inclusive in the course fees. Also, you can download sound files from the website, for free, or ask a tutor for some CDs. For Welsh for the family coursebooks and courses with the Vale of Glamorgan, you will need to buy the course books and homework book.

Y Bont - Safle Moodle Y Bont yw platfform e-ddysgu ar gyfer dysgwyr http://caerdydd.ybont.org Mae’r safle yn cynnwys cyrsiau cyfunol, adnoddau a gweithgareddau ychwanegol. Mae llwyth o adnoddau atodol ar gael i chi am ddim! Mae cwisiau, ymarferion hwyl, a thasgau di-ri. Mae cyfleoedd arbennig i chi ymarfer y Gymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth ac yn enwedig yn ystod y gwyliau! Ewch i weld! Ewch i’r wefan uchod i weld beth sydd ar gael.

Y Bont - Moodle Site ‘Y Bont’ is the e-learning platform for learners http://caerdydd.ybont.org The site includes blended learning courses, resources and additional activities. On our website, there are numerous additional resources for you free of charge! There are quizes, fun excercises, and tasks. There are opportunities for you to practise your Welsh outside of the classroom, especially during the holidays! Please have a look at the website above to see what is on offer.

Deunyddiau’r Cwrs – Cymraeg i’r Teulu Nodwch nad yw pris cyrsiau Cymraeg i’r Teulu yn cynnwys deunyddiau’r cwrs. Gellir prynu’r deunyddiau yn y dosbarth neu gan CBAC: https://www.wjec.co.uk/index.php?nav=shop&langID=2&bask=Xq3NCPaISZBg4BWMM MBUnMDM2 neu www.gwales.com

Gweler prisiau deunyddiau isod: Cwrs Lyfr Cymraeg i’r Teulu 1 (Fersiwn y De) - £10.95 Cwrs Lyfr Cymraeg i’r Teulu 2 (Fersiwn y De) - £10.95 34

CD Cymraeg i’r Teulu 1 (Fersiwn y De) - £8.95 CD Cymraeg i’r Teulu 2 (Fersiwn y De) - £8.95 Llyfr Gweithgareddau Cymraeg i’r Teulu 1 (Fersiwn y De) - £5.00 Pecyn Gemau Bwrdd Cwrs Cymraeg i’r Teulu - £18.00 Yn ogystal, mae deunyddiau electronig ychwanegol i’w cael am ddim ar ‘Y Bont’ (Caerdydd a’r Fro ac yn genedlaethol) Mae’n bosib y gallwch wneud cais am grant o dan y Gronfa wrth Gefn ar gyfer costau fel costau deunyddiau a chostau teithio er enghraifft. Bydd ffurflen gais a gwybodaeth bellach yn eich pecyn croeso.

Course Resources – Welsh for the Family Please note that Welsh for the Family 1 and 2 course prices do not include course materials. These can be purchased in class, or from WJEC: https://www.wjec.co.uk/index.php?nav=shop&langID=2&bask=Xq3NCPaISZBg4BWMM MBUnMDM2 or www.gwales.com

Resource Prices are as follows: Welsh for the Family 1 course book (South Wales Version) - £10.95 Welsh for the Family 2 course book (South Wales Version) - £10.95 Welsh for the Family 1 CD (South Wales Version) - £8.95 Welsh for the Family 2 CD (South Wales Version) - £8.95 Welsh for the Family Activity Book (South Wales Version) - £5.00 Welsh for the Family Board Games pack - £18.00 Also, additional electronic materials are available for free on ‘Y Bont’ (Cardiff and the Vale and nationally). You may be eligible for a grant under the Contingency Fund to cover such things as resource expenses and travelling expenses. An application form and further information can be found in your welcome pack.


16. Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol: Cael Hwyl wrth Ymarfer y Gymraeg! / Nonformal Learning: Having Fun whilst Practicing your Welsh! Mae’n bwysig eich bod chi’n ymarfer eich Cymraeg y tu allan i’r dosbarth mewn cyddestunau mwy lled-ffurfiol. Po fwyaf dych chi’n siarad Cymraeg, mwyaf llwyddiannus dych chi’n mynd i ddysgu Cymraeg! Mae’n bwysig eich bod chi’n manteisio ar bob cyfle sy gyda chi i siarad Cymraeg ac oherwydd hyn dyn ni wedi trefnu amserlen lawn o weithgareddau i chi bob tymor. Dewch i gael hwyl drwy siarad Cymraeg a gwneud ffrindiau gyda dysgwyr eraill o bob safon.

Digwyddiadau Bydd y Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol yn trefnu amrywiaeth eang o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau i gyd-fynd â diddordebau gwahanol pawb. Dyma enghreifftiau o ddigwyddiadau lled-ffurfiol sydd ar gael fel arfer i chi fanteisio arnyn nhw: -

cwisiau, sesiynau coffi, nosweithiau yn y dafarn, teithiau cerdded neu seiclo, clybiau darllen, darlithoedd, tripiau, dramâu, sgwrsio ar-lein.

Cyrsiau Darllen Dewch yn llu i’r Clybiau Darllen. Mae’r rhain ar gael ar bob lefel ac fel arfer wedi’u trefnu am awr cyn y dosbarth prif ffrwd. Maen nhw’n boblogaidd iawn ac yn effeithiol iawn i wella’ch Cymraeg.

Cyrsiau penwythnos a phreswyl Mae cyrsiau preswyl neu gyrsiau Sadwrn bron bob mis felly cofiwch ddod i fwynhau’r rhain hefyd, mae’n gyfle gwych i chi adolygu ac ymarfer eich Cymraeg. Rydym yn ymweld â lleoliadau o ddiddordeb yn ystod y cyrsiau hyn.

Rhaglen y Dysgwyr a dod i wybod beth sydd ar gael i chi Dyma’r Rhaglen Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol fesul tymor sy’n rhestru’r holl weithgareddau sydd ar gael. Bydd y cylchgrawn cyntaf yn eich pecyn croeso felly gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod yn bwrw golwg drosto fe. Os hoffech chi ragor o wybodaeth am y gweithgareddau mae croeso i chi gysylltu â Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol y Ganolfan. Edrychwch hefyd ar hysbysfyrddau yn y Brifysgol a Chanolfan Palmerston yn Y Barri a lleoliadau dysgu mawr, lle bydd manylion cyson am beth sy’n mynd ymlaen. 36

Cofiwch hefyd gadw golwg allan am negeseuon y Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol ar Facebook a Trydar gyda’r newyddion diweddaraf. _____________________________________________________________________ It’s important that you practise your Welsh outside of the classroom in a more informal context. The more your speak Welsh, the more successful you will be in learning Welsh! It is important that you use every opportunity you may have to speak Welsh and this is why we have arranged a full programme of activities for you each term. Come and have fun by speaking Welsh and make new friends with other learners from all levels.

Activities The Non-formal Learning Officer arranges a variety of activities and events to suit everyone’s taste. Below is an example of some very informal activities which we normally arrange, please take advantage of them: -

quizes, coffee mornings or evenings, evenings in the pub, walks, cycling, reading clubs, lectures, trips, dramas

Reading Courses Join the Reading Clubs. There are Clubs available on all levels and normally arranged an hour before the mainstream course. They are extremely popular and a very effective way in which to improve your Welsh.

Weekend and Residential Courses There will also be residential courses or Saturday courses nearly every month therefore please come along and enjoy these, it is an excellent opportunity to further revise and practise your Welsh. We visit interesting locations at these times.

The Learners Programme and getting to know what is available to you Every term you will receive a Learners Programme which will be full of these activities. The first magazine will be in your welcome pack so make sure you take time to have a good read through it. If you would like more information about these activities you’re very welcome to contact the Centre’s Non-formal Learning Officer. Please also look at the noticeboards in the University, Palmerston Centre, Barry and other large teaching locations, where regular information can be found regarding what’s on. Keep an eye out for the Non-formal Learning Officer’s messages on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest news.


17. Recordio Darlithoedd a Chopïo Deunyddiau Dysgu / Recording of Lectures and Copying Teaching Materials Yn ystod eich amser yn astudio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, bydd gyda chi fynediad at amrywiol ddigwyddiadau a deunyddiau dysgu. Gall rhai o’r rhain fod wedi eu hamddiffyn gan hawlfraint y Deyrnas Gyfunol a chyfreithiau Diogelu Data. Mae’n hollbwysig felly eich bod yn deall yr angen i gydymffurfio â’r gyfraith wrth ddefnyddio’r deunyddiau hyn.


Dylid hysbysu’r tiwtor o unrhyw ddigwyddiad recordio neu ddeunydd dysgu cyn i hynny ddigwydd. Ni ellir cyhoeddi neu ddefnyddio unrhyw recordiad mewn unrhyw ffordd heblaw at ddibenion astudio preifat heb ganiatâd ysgrifenedig y Ganolfan. Dylid trafod unrhyw ofynion addasu rhesymol gyda Gwasanaeth Dyslecsia ac Anableddau’r Brifysgol ymlaen llaw. Rhaid cydymffurfio â’r gyfraith, gan gynnwys y Ddeddf Hawlfraint Cynllunio a Phatentau 1988 a’r Ddeddf Diogelu Data 1998 wrth gopïo unrhyw ddeunyddiau dysgu a recordio digwyddiadau dysgu.

http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/copyright/ _____________________________________________________________________

During your time studying at Cardiff University, you will have access to various learning and teaching events and materials which may, in some way, be protected by UK copyright and Data Protection laws. It is essential that you understand that you will need to observe the law when using these materials.


Any recording made of any teaching event must be notified to the tutor concerned in advance. No recording may be published or used in any way other than for private study purposes without the lecturer’s written permission. Any reasonable adjustment requirements should be discussed with the University’s Dyslexia and Disability Service in advance. All copying of teaching materials and recording of teaching events must comply with the law, including the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 and Data Protection Act 1998.

http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/copyright/ 38

18. Defnydd o Lyfrgell y Ganolfan a’r Brifysgol a Chyfrifiaduron y Brifysgol / Use of the University Library and Computers Llyfrgell y Ganolfan Mae gan y Ganolfan 2 lyfrgell i ddysgwyr ac anogir chi i wneud defnydd ohonynt. Mae’r llyfrau i gyd wedi’u labelu fesul lefel, felly mae modd i chi ddechrau darllen o’r cychwyn, ar lefel Mynediad hyd yn oed. Lleolir y llyfrgelloedd yn: 1. Y Ganolfan, Prifysgol Caerdydd - Ystafell y Tyllgoed: mae ynddi lawer o lyfrau ar gyfer pob lefel. Yn ystod oriau swyddfa arferol (9.00am-5.00pm), y derbynnydd sy’n cadw’r allwedd ar gyfer y llyfrgell; y tu allan i oriau swyddfa arferol, bydd modd i’r tiwtor gael mynediad i’r llyfrgell os bydd dysgwr angen benthyg llyfr(au); 2. Canolfan Palmerston, Y Barri - Ystafell Cymraeg i Oedolion: mae modd benthyg llyfrau drwy’r Swyddog Datblygu neu’r Swyddog Dysgu Lled-ffurfiol. Mae croeso i unrhyw ddysgwr fenthyg llyfr(au) o’r llyfrgell. Gallwch fenthyg hyd at 3 llyfr ar y tro. Wedi dewis llyfr o’r llyfrgell, dilynwch y drefn ganlynol os gwelwch yn dda: 

 

ewch â’r llyfr(au) at Dderbynnydd y Ganolfan / Tiwtor er mwyn iddynt gofnodi manylion y llyfr a manylion y benthyciwr (e.e. enw’r benthyciwr, manylion cyswllt, cod y cwrs rydych chi’n astudio arno a dyddiad benthyg); os byddwch yn cael llyfr y tu allan i oriau swyddfa arferol bydd eich tiwtor yn cofnodi’r wybodaeth berthnasol; gellir benthyg llyfr(au) am hyd at uchafswm o 3 wythnos; wedi i chi orffen gyda’ch llyfr(au) dychwelwch ef / nhw i dderbynfa’r Ganolfan os gwelwch yn dda a bydd y derbynnydd yn cofnodi fod y llyfr(au) wedi ei ddychwelyd; os byddwch yn dychwelyd y llyfr(au) i’r tiwtor bydd ef/hi yn cofnodi’r wybodaeth berthnasol.

Ni ddylid mynd â llyfr(au) heb ganiatâd y derbynnydd/tiwtor a heb gwblhau’r ffurflen benthyg llyfr(au). Mae’n hollbwysig dychwelyd unrhyw lyfr(au) a fenthyciwyd o fewn y cyfnod benthyg sef 3 wythnos. Bydd y Ganolfan yn codi tâl arnoch am lyfrau nad ydych yn eu dychwelyd ar amser a bydd hefyd yn codi tâl arnoch am unrhyw lyfr(au) nas dychwelir.

Llyfrgell y Brifysgol Mae modd i chi gael mynediad i brif lyfrgelloedd y Brifysgol. Bydd angen cerdyn adnabod dysgwr arnoch chi er mwyn cael mynediad a bydd angen rhif dysgwr a llun 39

pasbort er mwyn cael cerdyn adnabod. Cysylltwch â’r Dderbynfa yn y Ganolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion am ragor o wybodaeth am hyn. Diolch am eich cydweithrediad a mwynhewch y darllen! _____________________________________________________________________

The Centre’s Library The Centre has 2 libraries and learners are encouraged to make use of them. All the books have been labelled by level therefore it is possible for you to start reading immediately, on the Entry level even. The libraries are based at: 1. The Centre, Cardiff University - Ystafell y Tyllgoed: you will find here many books for each level. During normal office hours, (9.00am-5.00pm), the receptionist keeps the key to the library; outside of normal office hours, the tutor has Access to the library if a learner wishes to borrow a book/books. 2. Palmerston Centre, Barry – Ystafell Cymraeg i Oedolion (Welsh for Adults Room: and you can borrow books from Palmerston through either the Development Officer or the Non-formal Learning Officer. Any learner can borrow a book / books from the library and 3 books can be borrowed at one time. Please follow the following guidelines if you wish to borrow any book / books from the library: 

 

take the book(s) to the Centre’s receptionist / tutor to record the details of the book(s) and the borrowers details (e.g. name, contact details, course code, date of loan); if you are borrowing a book(s) outside office hours your tutor will record the relevant information; books can be taken out for a period of up to 3 weeks; once you have finished with your book(s), please return them either to the receptionist (within normal office hours) or to the tutor (outside office hours) who will record the relevant information.

No books should be taken without the consent of the receptionist / tutor and the completion of a book(s) loan form. Books can be borrowed for up to 3 weeks. It is very important that you return any book(s) within this timescale. The Centre will charge you for a book(s) which hasn’t / haven’t been returned in time. If you do not return the book, you will have to pay a fee. University Library Access to the University’s main library is possible. For this purpose, you will need an identification card and a learner number as well as a passport photo in order to obtain the id card. Please contact the Receptionist at the Welsh for Adults Centre for further information. Thank you for your co-operation and enjoy the reading! 40

Defnydd o Gyfrifiaduron y Brifysgol Bydd y Brifysgol hefyd yn trefnu proffil cyfrifiadurol i chi. Mae labordai cyfrifiadurol o gwmpas campws y Brifysgol. Caiff pob un o ddysgwyr y Ganolfan, Prifysgol Caerdydd, sydd yn dysgu ar gampws y Brifysgol gyfrif cyfrifiadurol. Os ydych yn ddysgwr mewn lleoliad dysgu allanol / yn y gymuned, a’ch bod yn dymuno cael cyfrif cyfrifiadurol tra rydych yn astudio gyda’r Ganolfan, dylech gysylltu â swyddog TG y Ganolfan, Elis Davies/ Angharad Davies, i drefnu cyfrif. Mae manylion cyswllt Angharad ar y dudalen ‘Pwy di Pwy’ ar ddechrau’r llawlyfr hwn. Os byddwch yn ddysgwr ar un o gyrsiau cyfunol y Ganolfan, cewch eich manylion cyfrifiadurol (cyfrinair ac yn y blaen) gan eich tiwtor yn ystod y wers gyntaf fel arfer. Os oes unrhyw broblemau gyda’ch cyfrif (e.e. cyfrineiriau ac yn y blaen), cysylltwch â Desg Gymorth TG y Brifysgol sef INSRV ar: E-bost: insrvConnect@caerdydd.ac.uk

Ffôn : +44 (029) 2087 4487

Polisi TG Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg Defnydd cyfrifol o gyfleusterau TG y Brifysgol Gan fod cynifer o ffyrdd o fynd ar-lein a chynifer o gyfleoedd i wneud hynny, mae’n bwysig canolbwyntio ar sicrhau fod pawb yn ymddwyn yn gyfrifol, yn deall y peryglon, ac yn deall y polisi. Mae’n bwysig meddwl am ymddygiad o fewn muriau’r Coleg a’r defnydd a wneir o dechnoleg o fewn y sefydliad a’r dosbarth ond hefyd rhaid meddwl y tu hwnt i hynny. Mae e-bost, cyfnewid negeseuon a gwybodaeth drwy ffonau symudol, rhaglenni negeseuon a gwefannau rhwydweithio cymdeithasol, blogio a defnydd cyffredinol o’r rhyngrwyd oll yn bethau i’w hystyried. Wrth ddefnyddio unrhyw adnodd neu gyfleusterau TG mae angen sicrhau eich bod yn cydymffurfio â rheolau TG a pholisi defnydd derbyniol y Brifysgol. Mae’r Rheoliadau hyn yn ymwneud â defnydd yr holl gyfleusterau TG a gaiff eu gweinyddu gan Brifysgol Caerdydd a hefyd unrhyw ddefnydd o safleoedd trydydd parti fel dysgwr. Os byddwch yn torri’r rheolau hyn, byddwch yn atebol i god disgyblu’r Brifysgol. Ceir copi yn : http://www.cf.ac.uk/cocom/uni-it-regs/university-it-regulations.html

Safleoedd cyfryngau cymdeithasol - Arweiniad defnydd diogel Mae safleoedd cyfryngau cymdeithasol megis Facebook, Twitter, a hefyd gemau cymdeithasol megis Second life yn eich galluogi chi i rannu gwybodaeth am eich hunan ac am bobl eraill yn hawdd ac yn gyflym. Mae’r rhain yn safleoedd cyhoeddus lle mae potensial i gynulleidfa eang ar draws y byd weld y cynnwys. Cofiwch fod rheolau TG a pholisi defnydd derbyniol y Brifysgol yn dal i fod yn berthnasol wrth ddefnyddio’r rhain.


Wrth ddefnyddio’r technolegau hyn dylid bod yn ymwybodol o’r risgiau a chymryd camau i ddiogelu eich hunan a’ch gwybodaeth bersonol. Gall postio gwybodaeth bersonol arwain at sylw amhriodol; gan gynnwys twyll hunaniaeth. Dylid bod yn ofalus beth fyddwch yn ei ddweud ac yn ei ddangos amdanoch eich hun ac eraill. Peidiwch postio unrhyw beth a all brofi embaras nawr neu yn y dyfodol neu ddwyn gwarth ar enw’r sefydliad neu unigolion. e.e. rhywbeth na fyddwch yn dymuno i’ch teulu, cyflogwr neu gyflogwyr y dyfodol ei weld. Ar bob safle dylid gwirio’r polisi preifatrwydd er mwyn gweld a deall yn union beth yw’r ymrwymiad wrth logio i mewn. Dylid hefyd gwirio’r gosodiadau preifatrwydd i weld pwy sydd yn gallu gweld manylion eich proffil a manylion cyswllt. Cofiwch ddewis y lefel preifatrwydd yn ofalus hy mewn rhai achosion, rhoi mynediad i’r dosbarth yn unig, neu staff neu ffrindiau agos.

Materion Disgyblu Fel dysgwr a / neu staff mae angen sicrhau eich bod yn dilyn y rheolau ymddygiad yn unol â Chod Disgyblu Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae ymddygiad annerbyniol yn cynnwys unrhyw ffurf o fwlio neu aflonyddwch tuag at unrhyw ddysgwr arall neu aelod o staff. Mae hyn yn cynnwys nifer o ffurfiau o gamdrin gan gynnwys cam-drin corfforol, ysgrifenedig, neu ar lafar a hefyd y defnydd o luniau a gyhoeddwyd dros nifer o gyfryngau gan gynnwys safleoedd cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar-lein. Dylid ystyried yr effaith a chanlyniadau cynnwys unrhyw sylwadau neu luniau dych chi’n dewis i’w gosod yn gyhoeddus. Os oes unrhyw honiad bod dysgwr wedi torri rheolau ymddygiad yna fe fydda nhw’n atebol i weithdrefn y polisi disgyblu dysgwyr, a gall hyn olygu achos disgyblu.

Arfer annheg Lle bod unrhyw honiad o annhegwch, gan gynnwys cydgynllwynio, pe byddai ar safle cyfryngau cymdeithasol neu trwy gyfrwng arall - yna ystyrir hynny o dan delerau’r weithdrefn arfer annheg: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/regis/ifs/plag/index.html a Gweithdrefn Disgyblu Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol: http://learning.cf.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/3.01-Gweithdrefn-DisgybluMyfyrwyr-Student-Discipline.pdf

Tipiau a chyngor ymarferol: 1. Mae’n bwysig defnyddio doethineb personol i benderfynu pa wybodaeth sy’n cael ei hychwanegu at unrhyw safle cyhoeddus. Peidiwch ychwanegu unrhyw fanylion os nad ydych chi’n hapus i unrhyw un ei weld. Cofiwch hefyd fod y sylwadau yn adlewyrchiad proffesiynol o’r Ganolfan. 2. Ni ddylai staff neu ddysgwr ychwanegu unrhyw sylwadau personol am staff y Ganolfan neu unrhyw ddysgwr arall. 3. Eich proffil ar-lein : os oes gyda chi broffil yn barod ar gyfer safle megis Facebook yna mae’n werth ystyried creu proffil gwahanol at ddibenion dysgu ac 42

addysgu er mwyn sicrhau bod gwahaniaeth rhwng yr agwedd bersonol a’r proffesiynol. 4. Manylion logio i mewn : peidiwch gadael i neb arall wybod eich enw defnyddiwr na’ch cyfrinair. 5. Os dych chi’n defnyddio cyfrifiadur cyhoeddus neu un sydd wedi’i rannu yna mae'n bwysig sicrhau eich bod yn logio allan ar ddiwedd eich sesiwn. 6. Peidiwch gadael eich cyfrifiadur yn agored tra bod gwybodaeth sensitif ar y sgrin. 7. Defnyddio grwpiau : mae nifer o safleoedd yn cynnig y gallu i gyd-weithio o fewn grŵp. Os dych chi’n bwriadu defnyddio grŵp yna beth am ddefnyddio grŵp caeedig o fewn Mwdl fel bod neb tu fas i'r grŵp yn gweld yr wybodaeth? 8. Ar unrhyw fater yn ymwneud â dysgu / addysgu dylai staff anfon at a defnyddio cyfeiriad e-bost y Brifysgol yn unig ac NID cyfeiriad e-bost personol. 9. Byddwch yn wyliadwrus am ddatgelu manylion personol neu fanylion tiwtoriaid a ffrindiau. Mae angen cymryd gofal hefyd i beidio ymddiried yn yr hyn y mae pobl yn ei ddweud amdanynt eu hunain ar-lein a mynd ar eich pen eich hun i gwrdd â rhywun rydych chi wedi dod i’w hadnabod ar-lein yn unig am y tro cyntaf. 10. NID yw’n dderbyniol i ddysgwr wneud sylwadau negyddol ac amhriodol am y sefydliad, y staff neu gyd-ddysgwyr ar unrhyw gyfrwng. Nodwch hefyd reoliadau’r Brifysgol o ran y defnydd o TG: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/aboutus/regulations/ Am ragor o wybodaeth ar faterion TG, gweler hefyd yr adran ar ‘Y Bont’ o dan ‘Deunyddiau Dysgu’. Cysylltwch ag Elis Davies/ Angharad Davies am arweiniad neu gymorth pellach. ________________________________________________________________

The Use of University Computers The University will arrange a computer profile for you. There are computer laboratories around the University campus. As a learner on one of the Centre’s courses, you are eligible for a computer account. If you are learning in an external teaching location/in the community and would like a computer account whilst you are studying with the Centre, please contact our IT Officer, Elis Davies/ Angharad Davies. Angharad’s contact details can be found at the beginning of the handbook in the Who’s Who section. If you are a blended learning learner, you will be given your computer details (e.g. password) normally during your first lesson. For any computer account issues (password issues etc) please call INSRV, the University IT Service Desk on: Email: insrvConnect@cardiff.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)29 2087 4487 43

Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre- IT Policy Responsible use of University IT facilities With so many ways to go online and so many opportunities to do so, it is important to focus on making sure that everyone behaves responsibly, understand the risks and understand the policy. It is important to think about behaviour within college walls and the use of technology within the organisation and class but also to think beyond that. Emails, exchanging messages and information through mobile phones, instant messaging programs and social networking sites, blogging and general use of the website should all be considered. When using University IT Facilities you will need to comply with the University IT Regulations and Acceptable Use Policy. These regulations include the use of IT facilities that are administered by Cardiff University and also the use of 3 rd Party sites in a learner capacity. Anyone found in breach of the regulations will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary code. Regulations are available at: http://www.cf.ac.uk/cocom/uni-it-regs/university-itregulations.html

Online Social Networking – Safe Use Guidance Social Networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and also social games, such as Second Life, give the ability to share information about yourself and others quickly and easily. Please be aware that by using these sites there is a potential for a larger global audience to view this information. When using such technology it is important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect yourself and your personal information. Be careful about how much information you divulge about yourself - posting personal information could lead to unwanted attention including identity fraud. Be careful what you say or show about yourself and others – do not post details which could have a negative impact on individuals or the institution or something you might find embarrassing now or later, e.g. something you would not want family members / your employer / a future employer to see. Check the privacy statement of the site you are using to see what you are signing up and agreeing to. Also use the sites privacy settings to determine who can view your profile and contact information. It is advisable to choose the privacy level according to the situation, e.g. possibly only provide access to class members to certain content.

Disciplinary Matters As a learner and / or staff member you are required to observe the rules of behaviour as detailed in the Cardiff University Disciplinary Code Unacceptable behaviour includes, inter alia, any form of harassment or bullying towards other learners or members of University staff. This may take the form of physical, 44

verbal or written abuse and the use of images-which may be made public in a variety of media including online social networking sites. You should always consider the impact and potential consequences of comments or images you choose to make public through any media. Any allegation that a learner has breached the rules of behaviour will be dealt with under the terms of the Learner Discipline Procedure1 and could result in disciplinary action.

Unfair Practice Any allegation of unfair practice including plagiarism and collusion - whether on a social networking site or through other media - will be considered under the terms of the Unfair Practice Procedure http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/regis/ifs/plag/index.html and the University’s Student Disciplinary Code: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/regis/sfs/regs/1213acadregs/3.01%20%20Student%20Discipline%20Procedure.doc%202.pdf

Practical guidance and tips: 1. It is important to use common sense and personal wisdom to decide what information is added to each public site. Do not add any information that you are not happy to be in the public domain. It is also important to remember that any opinions and posts can reflect professionally on the Centre. 2. Staff and learners should not add any personal comments on other staff / other learners. 3. Your online profile: If you already have an online profile on sites such as Facebook then in some cases it may be worth creating a separate profile for use Within the learning and teaching environment. This can ensure that there is a clear divide between the use of the sites for personal and professional use. 4. Login information - Do not allow anyone else to know your usernames and passwords. 5. If you are using a publicly shared computer / device then please ensure that you logout at the end of each session to avoid any misuse of your account by other users. 6. Don't leave the computer unattended with sensitive information on the screen. 7. Using groups – Many sites offer the ability to setup groups and collaborative working. If you are considering this kind of use then a closed group, for example within Moodle will exclude any non members from viewing the content. 8. On any mater relating to teaching and learning, staff should always use their University email address for correspondence and not their personal email accounts. 9. Be cautious about revealing personal details or tutors and friends details. You need to be cautious not to trust what people say about themselves online and go alone to meet someone you have met online for the first time. 45

10. It is not acceptable for students to make inappropriate and negative comments about the organisation, the staff or co-learners on any sites. Please also note the University’s regulations with regards to the use of IT: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/insrv/aboutus/regulations/ For further IT information please also refer to the information on ‘Y Bont’ under the ‘Teaching Materials’ section.

For any advice and guidance please contact Elis Davies/ Angharad Davies.


19. Gwybodaeth gyffredinol bwysig / Important general information 1.

Colli gwers(i) Disgwylir i ddysgwyr roi gwybod i ddarparwr eu cyrsiau, naill ai drwy law'r tiwtor neu drwy ffonio’r darparwr os na fydd modd iddyn nhw fynychu gwers(i). Mae hyn yn hollbwysig hefyd o ran dosbarthu tystysgrifau mynychder ar gyrsiau dwys gan na roddir tystysgrif i ddysgwr sy heb fod yn bresennol ar gwrs 80% o’r amser. Bydd methu â bod yn bresennol oherwydd salwch, gwyliau ac yn y blaen yn cael ei gymryd i ystyriaeth, felly, cofiwch roi gwybod i’ch tiwtor i nodi hynny ar gofrestr y dosbarth.

Unable to attend a lesson / lessons Learners are expected to let the course provider know, either through their tutor or by contacting the provider if they are unable to attend a lesson / lessons. This is also important with regards to distributing certificates to learners at the end of their course. To obtain an attendance certificate on an intensive course, a learner must have been present on the course 80% of the time. However, sickness, holiday etc. will be taken into consideration if the learner has informed the tutor in advance of these incidents. These will be recorded by the tutor on the class register. 2.

Beth sy’n digwydd pan fydd eich tiwtor yn absennol Ar gyfer cyrsiau wedi eu darparu gan Brifysgol Caerdydd, mewn achosion prin lle bo’ch tiwtor yn absennol oherwydd salwch, neu os bydd e / hi’n mynd ar gwrs hyfforddiant, fel arfer dyn ni’n trefnu bod tiwtor cyflenwi’n dod i mewn i’ch dysgu chi. Fodd bynnag, dydy hyn ddim yn bosibl bob tro ac felly, dan yr amgylchiadau hynny, dyma beth ddylech chi wneud: 1. Trafod eich newyddion personol mewn parau (yn Gymraeg!) ac os oes digon o eirfa gyda chi, newyddion y byd. Gwnewch hyn am hyd at ryw 20 munud mae’n bosibl bod eich tiwtor yn hwyr am ba reswm bynnag ond o leiaf, byddwch chi wedi defnyddio’r amser yn fuddiol. 2. Os na fydd eich tiwtor arferol wedi cyrraedd ar ôl rhyw 20 munud, mae’n amlwg felly, ei fod ef/hi’n absennol ac na fydd tiwtor cyflenwi’n dod chwaith. Felly, dylai’r dysgwr / dysgwyr droi at y gweithgareddau atodol sydd ar gael ar-lein. 3. Mae croeso i chi ffonio Derbynfa’r Ganolfan i adrodd am absenoldeb tiwtor os nad oes neges o’r Ganolfan wedi’ch cyrraedd chi. Gellir cysylltu â’r dderbynfa trwy ffonio’r swyddfa ar (029) 2087 4710. Am gyrsiau a ddarperir gan un o’n partneriaid, dylech holi’ch tiwtor am yr hyn sy’n digwydd pan fydd eich tiwtor yn absennol.

What to do when your tutor is absent For courses run by Cardiff University, if your tutor is ill or if he or she goes on a training course, we usually arrange for a supply tutor to come in to teach you. 47

However, this is not always possible and therefore, under these circumstances, this is what you should do: 1. Discuss your personal news in pairs (in Welsh!) and if you have enough vocabulary, world news. Do this for up to approximately 20 minutes – it is possible that your tutor is late for whatever reason but at least, you will have used the time profitably. 2. If your tutor does not arrive after some 20 minutes, it’s obvious, therefore, that he or she is absent and that a supply tutor will not be coming either. In such cases learners should make use of the activities available on-line. 3. Please feel free to contact the Centre’s reception to report a tutors absence if you have not received such notification from the Centre. You can contact the reception by dialling the office number (029) 2087 4710. For courses run by our partners, please ask your tutor about what to do when your tutor is absent.


Parcio Mae parcio ar gael mewn canolfannau dysgu amrywiol, cysylltwch â’r Canolfannau hynny am ragor o wybodaeth neu gofynnwch i’ch tiwtor. Yn anffodus, nid oes gan y Brifysgol le parcio ar safle Rhodfa Colum ar gyfer dosbarthiadau yn y Ganolfan yn ystod y dydd.

Parking Parking is available in many of our external teaching locations, please contact the locations direct for further information or ask your tutor. Unfortunately, the University does not have parking spaces on the Colum Drive site for courses running at the Centre during the day.


Deddf Diogelu Data Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn ‘Reolydd Data’, sy’n golygu ei bod yn gofrestredig gyda’r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth i brosesu data personol at ddibenion penodol (Cofrestredig Z6549747). Data personol yw unrhyw ddata o’r hyn y gellir adnabod unigolyn byw. Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd wedi ymrwymo i ddilyn Deddf Diogelu Data 1998. Mae’r Ddeddf hon yn pennu pa ddata personol all y Brifysgol ei chasglu, sut y gall ddefnyddio’r data ac i bwy y gall ddatgelu’r data – yr 8 egwyddor diogelu data. Mae’r Ddeddf yn ogystal yn rhoi’r hawl i unigolion weld y data personol a ddelir amdanynt gan unrhyw Reolydd Data yn ogystal â hawliau eraill mewn perthynas â’r hyn a brosesir o’u data personol.

The Data Protection Act Cardiff University is a 'Data Controller', which means that it is registered with the Information Commissioner to process personal data for specific purposes 48

(Registration Z6549747). Personal data is any data from which a living individual can be identified. The processing of personal data is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This governs what personal data the University can collect, how it may use the data and to whom it can disclose the data - the 8 data protection principles. The Act also gives individuals the right to see their own personal data held by any Data Controller and other rights in respect of the processing of their personal data.


20. Cod Ymddwyn Dysgwyr / Learners Disciplinary Code Rheolir a dehonglir pob mater sy’n deillio o’ch ymrestriad fel dysgwr gyda’r Ganolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn unol â chyfraith Cymru a Lloegr a byddwch chi a’r Ganolfan yn derbyn awdurdod Ymwelydd y Brifysgol (neu, dim ond cyn belled ag y caniateir trwy gyfraith Cymru a Lloegr, Llysoedd Cymru a/neu Loegr) mewn perthynas ag unrhyw fater sy’n codi o’ch ymrestriad fel dysgwr.

Cod Ymddwyn i Ddysgwyr Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg, Prifysgol Caerdydd 1. Ni ddylai dysgwr ymddwyn mewn ffordd a allai gynnwys trosedd yn erbyn person; achosi niwsans; difrodi; anharddu; camddefnyddio eiddo’r Brifysgol; neu ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy’n debygol o ddwyn gwarth ar y Brifysgol neu bechu eraill. 2. Ni ddylai dysgwr ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy’n amharu neu sy’n debygol o amharu ar y dysgu, astudio, arholi, ymchwil, gweinyddiaeth neu ddigwyddiadau cymdeithasol yn y Brifysgol, neu sy’n rhwystro, neu’n debygol o rwystro, unrhyw fyfyriwr wrth iddo ef / hi astudio neu unrhyw weithiwr yn y Brifysgol rhag cyflawni ei (d)dyletswydd. 3. Dylai dysgwr adael unrhyw ran o’r Brifysgol, neu unrhyw eiddo arall a ddefnyddir gan y Brifysgol os gwneir cais rhesymol gan unrhyw un a gyflogir gan y Brifysgol i wneud hynny. 4. Ni ddylai dysgwr gyflawni, na bod yn gysylltiedig ag unrhyw weithred amhriodol neu anonest. 5. Dylai dysgwyr gydymffurfio â’r holl anghenion diogelwch. 6. Bydd y Brifysgol yn cynnal perthynas adeiladol gyda’r Heddlu, yn cydweithio’n llawn mewn unrhyw ymchwiliad gan yr Heddlu, ac yn cysylltu â’r Heddlu yn uniongyrchol yn achos unrhyw fater sy’n ymddangos yn drosedd ddifrifol, neu fel arall, lle fo’r Brifysgol o’r farn ei bod yn briodol i gysylltu â’r Heddlu. Lle bo’r Cod Ymddwyn uchod o bosibl wedi ei dorri, bydd y Drefn Ddisgyblu isod yn berthnasol.

Y Drefn Ddisgyblu Bydd y Drefn hon yn berthnasol i holl ddysgwyr y Ganolfan, hynny yw, unrhyw berson sy wedi ymrestru ar un o gyrsiau’r Ganolfan: 1. Mewn achos lle ceir ymddygiad yn groes i God Ymddwyn Canolfan Cymraeg i Oedolion Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg, bydd Cyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan (neu ei enwebai) yn cynnal asesiad rhagarweiniol i ganfod a oes modd datrys y mater heb weithredu’r drefn ddisgyblu ffurfiol.


2. Yn dilyn yr asesiad rhagarweiniol o’r digwyddiad honedig, bydd hawl gan y Cyfarwyddwr (neu ei enwebai):    

i wrthod y gŵyn i ymdrin â’r gŵyn o fewn y Ganolfan i gyfeirio’r gŵyn i sylw uwch swyddog perthnasol o fewn y Brifysgol i gyfeirio’r mater i sylw’r heddlu

3. Mewn achosion lle bydd y gŵyn yn cael sylw o fewn y Ganolfan, bydd y drefn ganlynol yn cael ei dilyn:    

Bydd y Cyfarwyddwr (neu ei enwebai) yn ymchwilio i’r gŵyn (a fydd yn cynnwys cysylltu â’r sawl sy’n destun y gŵyn); Fel arfer, bydd y Cyfarwyddwr yn cysylltu â’r sawl sy’n destun y gŵyn yn ysgrifenedig a bydd yn gofyn am ymateb ysgrifenedig oddi wrtho/i o fewn 10 diwrnod gwaith; Dan amgylchiadau penodol e.e. Cyrsiau Preswyl yr Haf, gall y Cyfarwyddwr ddelio â’r gŵyn yn bersonol, gyda golwg ar ddatrys y gŵyn ar unwaith; Yn dilyn derbyn ymateb gan y sawl sy’n destun y gŵyn, neu yn absenoldeb unrhyw ymateb ar ôl 10 diwrnod gwaith, bydd y Cyfarwyddwr yn ffurfio barn ar sylwedd yr honiadau ac yn cymryd un neu fwy o’r camau canlynol: -


peidio cymryd unrhyw gamau rhoi rhybudd na fydd yn cael ei gofnodi yn ffeil y dysgwr rhoi rhybudd a fydd yn cael ei gofnodi yn ffeil y dysgwr cyflwyno cerydd i’r dysgwr a fydd yn cael ei gofnodi yn erbyn y dysgwr yn y Ganolfan, a fydd yn cynnwys rhybudd ffurfiol y bydd ymdriniaeth ag unrhyw gamymddwyn yn y dyfodol yn ystyried y cerydd hwn cyhoeddi rhybudd terfynol gwahardd y dysgwr o’r cwrs ar unwaith gwahardd y dysgwr o’r cwrs ar unwaith a’i (g)wahardd o gyrsiau eraill y Ganolfan un ai am gyfnod penodol neu am byth cyfeirio’r mater i sylw uwch swyddog perthnasol yn y Brifysgol.

4. Mae hawl gan fyfyriwr yr ymdrinnir ag ef/hi dan (3) uchod i apelio yn erbyn penderfyniad o’r fath, i Bennaeth Ysgol y Gymraeg yn y lle cyntaf. Dylid gwneud hyn yn ysgrifenedig o fewn 10 diwrnod gwaith a chynnwys datganiad ysgrifenedig am sail yr apêl.

All matters arising out of your enrolment as a learner at the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan, Welsh for Adults Centre, Cardiff University will be governed and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and both you and the Centre will submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the University Visitor (or, but only so far as is permitted by the law of England and Wales, the English and/or Welsh Courts) in relation to any matters arising out of your enrolment as a learner.


Code of Behaviour for the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre Learners, Cardiff University 1. A learner must not engage in conduct which may involve an offence against a person; cause a nuisance; damage, deface, misappropriate or misuse any property of the University; or otherwise behave in a manner likely to bring the University into disrepute or likely to cause offence to others; 2. A learner must not engage in conduct which disrupts or is likely to disrupt teaching, study, examining, research, administration or social activities in the University or which obstructs or is likely to obstruct any learner in pursuit of his / her studies or person employed by the University in the performance of his / her duty; 3. A learner must leave any premises of the University, or any other premises officially used by the University, when reasonably requested to do so by any person employed by the University; 4. A learner must not engage in, or act as a party to, any academically improper or dishonest practice; 5. A learner must comply with all requirements as to safety; 6. The University shall maintain a constructive relationship with the Police, shall cooperate fully in any Police enquiry, and shall report any matter which appears to constitute a serious criminal offence, or where otherwise the University deems it appropriate to do so, directly to the Police. Where a possible breach of the above Code of Behaviour has taken place the Disciplinary Procedure set out below shall apply.

Disciplinary Procedure This procedure shall apply to all of the Centre's learners, that is, any person who is enrolled on one of the Centre's courses: 1.

In the case of an alleged breach of the Code of Behaviour of the Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh for Adults Centre, a preliminary assessment will be undertaken by the Director of the Centre (or his/her nominee) to determine whether the issue may be resolved without instigating formal disciplinary procedures.

2. Following the prelimiary assessment of the alledged incident, the Director (or his/her nominee) shall have the discretion to:    

Dismiss the complaint Deal with the complaint within the Centre Refer the complaint to a relevant senior officer within the University Refer the matter to the police

3. In cases where the complaint will be dealt with within the Centre, the following procedure will be followed:  The Director (or his/her nomineer) will investigate the complaint (which shall include contacting the subject of the complaint);  The Director shall normally contact the subject of the complaint in writing and will request a written response from him / her within 10 working days; 52

  

In specific circumstances e.g. Summer Residential Courses, the Director may deal with the complaint in person, with a view to resolving it immediately; The subject of the complaint will be invited to respond to these allegations within a further 10 working days; Following receipt of a response from the subject of the complaint, or in the absence of any response after 10 working days, the Director will form a view on the substance of the allegations and then take one or more of the following steps:        



take no action issue a warning which shall not be recorded on the learner’s record issue a warning which shall be recorded on the learner’s record issue a reprimand which shall be noted against the learner at the Centre and shall include a formal warning that treatment of any future misconduct will take such reprimand into account issue a final warning exclude the learner from the course immediately exclude the learner from the course immediately and exclude him / her from any of the Centre’s other courses either for a specific period or indefinitely refer the matter to a relevant senior officer of the University.

A learner dealt with under 3 above is entitled to appeal against such a decision to the Head of the School of Welsh, in the first instance. This must be done in writing within 10 working days and include a written statement for the grounds of the appeal.

21. Deunyddiau electronig i’ch helpu chi / Gwefannau, Dolenni a Chysylltiadau Defnyddiol Eraill / Electronic resources available to help you / Other useful Websites, Links and Contacts Mae cymaint o ddeunyddiau ar ein gwefan a’n platfform E-ddysgu nawr i’ch helpu chi. There is a wide variety of materials now available on our website and E-learning platform to help you. Bydd rhain yn adnoddau gwych i chi weithio ar-lein o adre, i ymarfer ac i adolygu. These will be valuable resources for you to work on-line at home to practise and revise. Gwefannau eraill defnyddiol yw / Other useful websites are: Mae nifer fawr o wefannau o ddiddordeb i ddysgwyr Cymraeg, o is-wefannau'r BBC ac S4C i Lywodraeth Cymru a gwefannau yn benodol ar gyfer rhieni. Gweler casgliad o'r prif rai yma. There are a large number of websites of interest to Welsh learners, from BBC and S4C subsites to the Welsh Government and sites aimed at parents. www.ybont.org/ www.caerdydd.ybont.org/ www.s4c.co.uk/dysgwyr/ www.memrise.com/home/ www.geiriadur.net/ http://techiaith.bangor.ac.uk/GeiriadurAcademi/?lang=en http://hwb.wales.gov.uk/Resources/browse?category=Literacy Mae'n bosib creu pethau eich hunan ar yr isod hefyd : http://quizlet.com/create-set Ar gyfer Lefel Mynediad yn benodol / Specifically for Entry Level : www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh www.bbc.co.uk/wales/colinandcumberland www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh/bigwelshchallenge www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase Ar gyfer lefel Sylfaen yn benodol / Specifically for Foundation level : www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase/ysbyty_brynaber/ www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase www.bbc.co.uk/wales/welshathome www.bbc.co.uk/wales/welshintheworkplace Ar gyfer lefel Canolradd yn benodol / Specifically for Intermediate level : www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase/ysbyty_brynaber/ www.bbc.co.uk/wales/catchphrase Ar gyfer level Hyfedredd / Specially for proficiency level: 54

www.bbc.co.uk/wales/learnwelsh http://llyfrgell.porth.ac.uk/media/banermedia Mae rhestr o apiau amrywiol a gwefannau difyr ar gael ar wefan y ganolfan; Dilynwch y dolen canlynol i’w gweld, neu sganiwch y sgwar gyda’ch ap darllenwr QR.


Dyma restr o apiau y gallwch ffindio’n ddefnyddiol fel rhan o’ch cwrs gyda’r Ganolfan: Ap Geiriaduron: iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/ap-geiriaduron/id570171569?mt=8 Anroid:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cysgliad.android.apGeiriaduron Welsh Books iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/welsh-books/id667955997?mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.yudu.ReaderAIR3797376 TILT Cymru iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/tiltcymru/id902375166?mt=8 Croeso i’r Gymraeg iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/croeso-ir-gymraeg/id725215073?mt=8 Say it Welsh iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/say-it-welsh-welsh-word-day/id985224829?mt=8 Enwau Cymru iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/enwau-cymru-welsh-place-names/id586630059?mt=8 Android:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cysgliad.android.enwaucymru Dal Ati: iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/s4c-dal-ati/id919549643?mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.moilin.adnodd.dalati Mae’r ganolfan hefyd gyda ap ei hyn, sydd llawn gwybodaeth am gyrsiau a digwyddiadau’ ganolfan. Mae modd i chi lawrlwytho’r fersiwn Android yma: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.cardiff.welshforadults


Cysylltiadau Eraill / Other Contacts CBAC / WJEC Adran Cymraeg i Oedolion/Welsh for Adults Department 245 Rhodfa’r Gorllewin, Llandaf, Caerdydd CF5 2YX Tel: (029) 2026 5007 AGORED CYMRU Swyddfa’r Gogledd: Agored Cymru, 3-4 Llys Onen, Parc Menai, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 4DF Tel: (01248) 670 011 Ffacs: (01248) 673 469 Swyddfa Caerdydd: 1-2 Purbeck House, Cardiff Business Park, Llanisien, Caerdydd, CF14 5GJ Tel: (029) 2074 7866 Ffacs: (029) 2074 1079 Swyddog y Dysgwyr, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Catrin Evans 40 Parc Tŷ Glas, Llanishen, Caerdydd | Cardiff CF14 5DU 029 2074 1700 / 0845 4090 300 Yr Endid Cenedlaethol/ The National Entity for Welsh for Adults Y Drindod Dewi Sant Caerfyrddin www.maescymraegioedolion.cymru

029 2087 4710 info@learnwelsh.co.uk www.learnwelsh.co.uk

fb.com/learnwelsh twitter.com/learningwelsh welshforadults.cardiff.ac.uk/apps

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