2016-2017 Issue 1

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The Eagle George Washington High School 600 32nd Ave, San Francisco, CA 94121 Issue i. October 14, 2016 Website: gwhs.co Instagram: gwhsofficial Twitter: gwhs_official


eorge Washington: the first president of the United States, whose head is engraved on Mount Rushmore, whose name is the country of a state, whose name is that of the capital, and whose name is of our very own high school. It’s hard to deny the fact that George Washington has been a leading icon in America’s history and a strong patriotic representation. So when President of the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education, Matt Haney, made the suggestion to remove George Washington as a high school name, controversy ensued. In early September, Haney wrote a tweet saying, “We should rename Washington High School after San Francisco native, poet and author Maya Angelou. Maya Angelou High School. No schools named after slave

“I think you ought to What’s Inside correct the wrongs that Now High you can correct.” School, Soon the -Ms. Camajani Air Force

Not many Washington students decide to join the armed forces, nor do they graduate high school early. However, senior Jackson Harrington plans to graduate from Washington this October, and will join the Air Force shortly after. for more, see page 7

Washington suffers Identity Crisis

What Would You Change About Wash?


owners.” Since that statement--which he claims was meant to “spark a debate”--many big time newspapers, including the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Los Angeles Times, picked up on the story. “We don’t talk about slavery much in this country. We don’t think much about what it meant. We never talk about it, which is kind of weird,” Haney says. Though some people have responded kindly to this new idea, many disagree and are put off by Haney’s suggestion. Some have tweeted back saying, “Do your research, Jefferson was opposed to the slavery concept and so was was Washington. You’re a slave to political correctness.” Another tweet states, “You, sir, are an idiot. Would you also advocate shaving his image off Mount Rushmore? Or changing the name of the City / State?” So on, and so forth. Yet, Haney doesn’t regret what he said. “I think a lot of people have misinterpreted what I was trying to do by putting it out there, which is suggest an idea, start a conversation and let the community take it from it there. I maybe wish I had been clearer that I’m not intending to change the school names without the support of the community,” he said. “We need to be able to have an adult conversation. I would not want to speak for the school community. It’s a very tricky issue. I’m trying to stay away from condemning anyone. It was a very different time back then. But slavery was America’s original sin.” Despite Haney’s position on changing the school name, a whopping 235 out of 269 (about 87 percent) of Washington students were not in favor of the change. Principal Susan Saunders agrees with the majority, and says, “I think that any country’s history has a lot of things that they wish they hadn’t done. And obviously slavery is one of the U.S.’s mistakes. But going to try and change the name of every single thing in our country that has something bad attached to it, we’d have to change a lot of names.” Junior Michelle Pham agrees with Saunders, adding, “George Washington high school is what we are known for being and will always be. George Washington will always be the first POTUS and even if he was a slave owner, so were Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Renaming the school because he was a slave owner is kind of stupid in my opinion.” Social studies teacher Teresa Camajani believes the school should

change its name. “I graduated from Washington in 1965 and I wasn’t thinking about the name. I was 17 and I wasn’t thinking about it. And since then I think about it in the years since then. I’ve thought about what it means to be in a school that is named after someone who owned slaves and what it’s like to teach history, including the history of slavery, in a school that is named after a slave owner,” Camajani recollects. “As much as I love the idea of tradition, if the tradition that we are upholding is the tradition that we are honoring slaveholders, it’s not okay. It’s just not.” When asked how changing the school name will make a difference when so many other monuments, schools, and even states are named after Washington, Camajani reasons, “I think you ought to correct the wrongs that you can correct.” This is not the first time the community has dealt with controversy over the school’s cultural sensitivity. In 1968, students at Washington expressed concern over the murals in the main hallway and how African Americans and Native Americans were depicted. “There were a lot of conversations and meetings about them and it was even was addressed at a school board meeting,” says Principal Saunders. The meetings resulted in the decision that students could pick an artist of their choice to create the Response Murals that are painted on the first floor near the elevator. Saunders adds, “The other thing that the social studies department is doing is that the U.S history teachers developed a curriculum about both sets of murals, so that students can get an indepth history of both of the murals and how they both came to be.” As of now, there are no plans to change the school name. “The school district has a procedure in place for whenever a school name change is going to happen and it has to come from the school community itself,” says Saunders. Saunders and Haney have spoken and he has apologized to her about what happened. She says, “The school community is not asking for a name change; it was a Board of Education member that did a tweet and got out of control.”

for more, see page 8

Dragonboat: A Way of Life

“Who are those kids with paddles?” I wondered as a freshman. I didn’t really know what dragon boat was until I got into high school and felt compelled to try it out for myself. I also never realized the impact it would have on me until I became a part of the team. Becoming a member of the team has not only made me stronger physically, but has allowed me to understand what it means to want something and to fight for it. for more, see page 15


2 News

October 14th, 2016

The History Behind The Art



eorge Washington High School is old, like really old. The school was designed by Timothy Pflueger, a prominent architect who also worked on the Bay Bridge. Washington finally opened its doors in 1936, and now people are even pushing to make it into a historical landmark. Not only are our school buildings ancient, but they are filled with sculptures and artworks dating back to when it was established. During a normal day as a Washington high schooler, you enter through the main entrance and head to your classes, but have you ever stopped to look around you? The artist behind many of our school’s art pieces was Victor Aranutoff, who was a Russian-American painter, sculptor, and professor of art. He was known for working in the Bay Area from the 1920’s-1950’s, and he donated many of his pieces to our school. Upon first entrance, you will see unmistakable murals that stretch across the lobby walls that depict the battles fought in the Civil War. There is also a certain mural in the lobby that is particularly interesting, as it is based on the President that our school is named after. It is a fresco--which is a mural that is painted while the plaster is still wet--called Life of Washington that was painted by Aranutoff in 1935. Another one of Aranutoff ’s notable works are the bas-relief sculptures that are placed above the doors at the front entrance of the school. They show the heads of three figures recognized in history. Beginning from left to right, the first person is Thomas Edison. Under his portrait is the word “Invention” since he had invented the light bulb. In the

middle is George Washington himself, with “Statesmanship” imprinted below him because of his firm leadership. Lastly, Shakespeare is shown on the right, with “Literature” since he is known for his famous written works. In addition to those, our school has even more sculptures on the outside of the shop building, called Power & Industry, which are also by Arnautoff. When you go up to the second floor and enter the library, you pass under a fresco painted above the entrance called Modern and Ancient Science, created by Gordon Langdon in 1936. It portrays physicist Robert A. Milliken, who is credited with being the first person to be able to measure the charge on an electron. Inside the library, there is a mural by Lucien Labaudt called Advancement of Learning Through the Printing Press that depicts how books created a revolution. Another mural is Contemporary Learning by Ralph Stackpole, which displays people working and learning. Additionally, there are more bas-relief sculptures on the wall of the football stadium, which were sculpted by Sargent Johnson in 1942. It depicts athletes of various different sports, such as track and field, swimming, diving, gymnastics, golf, and rowing. There are also Reponse Murals that were made by Washington students themselves (see front page story for details) to help diversify the school’s artwork. These murals were finished in 1974.

1-6. Life of Washington by Victor Arnautoff 7. Ancient Science by Gordon Langdon 8-11. Life of Washington by Victor Arnautoff

2. 3.



6. 7.






October 14th, 2016


Overall, Students Are Happy With Their Class Schedule BY HENRY CHAN

We conducted a survey asking students to rate their level of happiness with their current class schedule on a scale from 1 being not happy at all to 5 being extremely happy. The most common level of satisfaction was a 4, with 108 of the 247 students (44 percent) choosing that response. The following graph shows the percent of people, in each grade, who have received all the classes that they have signed up for.


% Satisfied

80 60 40

43/52= 82.6%

57/69= 82.6%

45/64= 70.3%

42/62= 64.6%

20 0

9th 10th 11th 12th

New Principal: Ms. Saunders


Q: Ms. Saunders, why did you decide to take the position of becoming the principal? A: I think the first thing was not just accepting the position, but just going for it. It took me a while to make the decision to just apply for the job. I always said, “I don’t want to be a principal.” But then Ms. Lovrin shocked us and retired, so it took me awhile to get over that. As soon as she announced that [she was retiring], a lot of people came to me and said, “You gotta apply!” I was flattered by that but I also felt a lot of pressure, so I had to tell a lot of people to back off for a little bit. I did some thinking, talked to my family, went to an informational meeting to learn more, and after that meeting [I] decided to submit an application. To answer the question “Why?”, I didn’t want to leave the profession thinking “what if?”, so let’s give it a shot and see how it goes! Q: Was there a specific reason why you didn’t want to become the principal? A: That’s a good question. It wasn’t necessarily me being nervous or scared, it was more [of] me watching all the principals I’ve worked with and what they’ve had to go through. Did I really want to go through that? Because it is a really hard job, so that was more of a reason why I was so ambivalent about going for the position. Q: How are you adjusting to this position? A: Well that depends on the day. I think it’s okay. It is different, people ask me that all the time. I’m trying to take the viewpoint of, “hey, everything is new so I have no expectations”- which is good. I also have to be okay with leaving things undone at the end of the day to finish tomorrow; that’s a challenge for me, that’s a big adjustment. Also, [I have to deal] with a lot of outside things and groups and people. If someone has a good idea and wants to email somebody, who do they go for? The principal obviously. It is a bigger community other than what’s in the building, so that’s an adjustment. Q: What is your vision for the school? A: Oh, that’s big, I think about it a lot. If I had to sum it up, it would be to have a greater sense of community; I think we’re a little fragmented. I want people to be proud to be a student, alumni, teacher, and parent of Washington High School. So how do I create those threads to bring those people together that’s my vision? I want to create a culture of lifelong learners and that’s for everybody. I like the WECARE thing. Students coming in and belonging, that’s a biggie for me. They all belong here and they should be able to get and ask for help, so just a big community. That’s my vision.


News 3

Money At Wash: How is it handled? BY SIMONE HERRERA

chool is meant to help us gain knowledge and necessary skills such as discipline, time management, teamwork, and perseverance. These skills are not only gained in the classroom, but also in sports and visual & performing arts (VAPA). Not only are you learning academic skills, but you are also developing social and life skills while studying in the classroom, practicing drills on a sports team, or rehearsing a strenuous dance routine. However, just like other important aspects of life, school requires money. In a public school like Washington, funding in each academic department as well as each VAPA department is taken seriously and handled carefully. During a School Site Council (SSC) meeting on Tuesday, September 20th, students, faculty, and parents gathered to discuss the division of the budget Washington received from the district, which is $10,500,289 for the 2016-2017 school year. Most of the budget is used for the faculty salary, and what is leftover is a total of $481,205. This money is distributed into academic departments as well as items one wouldn’t think about, such as the telephone in the wellness center, copiers, extended hours for Advanced Placement teachers, and student transportation. Suggestions are made by the SSC but only can be approved if the principal, Susan Saunders, agrees. For example, on the SSC’s “wishlist” for use of the remaining budget included journalism, graduation, ELL paraprofessional, counselor, and tech support, all listed with a set amount of money next to them. The wishlist had been created during the previous meeting, on September 14, by the students, teachers and faculty that comprise the SSC. During the September 20th meeting, the council voted on which should be approved, and both the SSC and Saunders agreed to use the remaining funds on everything listed on the wishlist, except the tech support person. This year, the money distributed directly to the departments was initially $25,000 dollars, which is $5,000 for each department(science, world language, math, history, English). However, that amount was raised to $36,000, which allowed for $6,000 for each of the five departments previously listed, as well as $3,000 for VAPA and PE, who asked for additional money this year. Later in the year, the departments will likely get more money. Often, academic departments such as science get more money distributed to them than others. Rachael Spillard, head of the science department, said often items used in the science department are consumable, including different solutions and organisms used for dissection.“It’s hard because I want to be able to give my students a rich and educational year in science yet the materials I need run out quickly,” she explained. “This happens especially with dissections in the lab; the materials are too expensive to replace every year and that is why only physiology classes conduct dissections now.” Tracy Thompson, head of the math department, expressed that she feels her department gets funded more fairly now. “For many years we hardly got any money...we had to buy our own supplies. Five to ten years ago, we received only $2,000 for an entire school year. Now, we receive $5,000-6,000.” Thompson feels that the math department could always use more, but there is enough money to provide materials in order to teach students thoroughly and well. The departments that receive the most money are VAPA and PE, but as mentioned earlier, both departments still needed additional finances this year to pay off expenses such as stage repairs and P.E. uniform costs. There is a separate fund that doesn’t come from the district, called PEEF, or Public Education Enrichment Fund. PEEF gives money to the VAPA and PE departments. This year, VAPA received $40,180, and PE $24,108. VAPA requires a large amount of money for festivals, buses and supplies for the VAPA classes, and PEEF provides for those activities. “We need more money,” Nina Mayer, the VAPA Department Head, stressed. “PEEF does help a lot, but in the orchestra and band department. Ms. Hendricks, the head, never has enough money for instruments and repairs, and a great deal of money has to be put aside for that every year.” “I needed four cellos this year,” added Jill Hendricks. “That was already $6,000 out of the $30,000 I get for purchases and repairs from fundraising and the PTA. The money I receive before the school year is spent even before it starts.” Carrie Wert, the head of the PE department, expressed she feels OK about PE funding: “For as long as I’ve been here I feel we’ve been funded generously. We used to have to raise our own money but now PEEF helps.” Saunders praised the faculty for being able to do a lot with the little money received. “We’re really good at doing a lot with a little,” Saunders remarked.

4 Features


October 14th, 2016

Summer Adventures BY TIFFANY LAU

m a T e n n e y e Ch

agua r a c i N , n : Leo Location

Travelling halfway across the world would seem like a rather large deal to many, especially for those who have never even traveled outside the United States. This however, is no problem for Spanish teacher Erin Gilbert, who travelled to Spain for seven weeks on her own this su mmer. “I haven’t been back in four years,” Gilbert revealed. Back in Spain, Gilbert was able to reconnect with colleagues and friends that she met previously. “You go through life, and it passes so quickly. At the end of the day, what matters most are the connections and relationships you make with people,” said Gilbert. She decided to go back to Soria, the town where she used to live. From there, Gilbert travelled to Menorca, an island in the Mediterranean Sea. “Menorca is fa mous for its calas that are like tiny little coves. The warm water was crystal clear, aqua blue. It was truly a paradise,” Gilbert stated. She also traveled to Avila, a small romanesque town completely different from Menorca. Avila is most fa mous for its medieval city walls. “It felt as if I was in the Ga me of Thrones,” said Gilbert. Other cities that Gilbert visited included Madrid, Barcelona, and San Juan. As a Spanish teacher, Gilbert’s dilemma is that there are many Spanish speaking countries to choose from. Travelling to those countries provides an opportunity for her to work on her profession, practice her Spanish and to learn more about what she teaches. Gilbert’s favorite quote is “Vive bien el presente para que en el futuro tengas un buen pasado,” which means “Live life to the fullest in the present, so that in the future you have a good past.” For Gilbert’s next trip, she plans to travel to Asia. “I’ve heard lots of great things about Thailand.”

n e g a H a i Soph ma Sparks & ELm ala ocation: Guatem

Senior Cheyenne Ta m had been wanting to go to a foreign country for quite some time, and finally went this su mmer to Leon, Nicaragua. Ta m’s friend introduced her to a progra m called Global Glimpse, and she was able to travel with a group of students to Nicaragua for two and a half weeks. During her time in Nicaragua, she was able to interact and teach English to Spanish speaking high school students. “For the time I was there, I was able to get really close with them,” said Ta m. She was able to visit public and private schools, day cares, orphanages and schools for children with special needs. Other memorable events included going volcano boarding, which is a sport available only on the mountain of Cerro Negro. Ta m took a two hour hike up a dormant volcano in the hot, hu mid weather. Her hard work paid off when she was geared up in an orange ju mpsuit, and was able to slide down from the top of the volcano slopes. She also had days where she lived like a local, participating in their daily life routines. She took showers with buckets of water instead of letting the water run from the faucet, and also helped sell clothing at the local farmers market. Ta m also had the chance to try dishes that were considered national symbols of Nicaragua, such as Gallo Pinto, a traditional dish of rice and beans, and Y uca, an edible starchy root.

Ms. LoGi lb er t cation: Sp ain

Best friends always drea m about travelling together. This su mmer, Sophia Hagen and Emma Sparks made that drea m a reality when they went on a mission trip to Guatemala and visited six different cities there. In Guatemala, Emma and Sophia had the opportunity to spend a lot of time working with students at a school. “I really enjoy volunteer work, and being able to do that in another country was a mazing,” said Emma. Since the kids couldn’t afford to go to a regular school, they attended a one room school that was right above a church. Emma’s church was able to provide basic necessities such as school supplies and chairs for the kids to sit on. They had also helped build the church a new roof. “We take education for granted. The children here would love to go to school everyday,” Emma said. “One day, a little girl brought Emma and I a piece of jewelry. The kids at this school had basically nothing, but they were giving us little things to thank us for coming and visiting,” said Sophia. In addition, they travelled to Antigua, the most cultured and touristy city in Guatemala. Antigua is filled with vibrant colors, people balancing baskets atop their heads, and jewlery and fabrics being sold on the streets. It was a truly fascinating sight for Emma and Sophia to see. “The people there are so much happier, even if they don’t know where their next meal is coming from. They are just so happy all the time,” said Sophia.

October 14th, 2016

Features 5


Teacher of the Issue:

Psychology: A Lifelong Passion of Michelle Kyung BY MELODY YAN


ichelle Kyung’s interest in psychology started in the eighth grade. She read I Never Promised You A Rose Garden, a book about schizophrenia, and from then on she was hooked. Schizophrenia was something that she had never heard of before, and she knew she had to learn and study more about it. “I’m a people watcher, I like to analyze things,” Kyung says. “Once I read that, I was fascinated with schizophrenia.” Even more so, Kyung has always been hypersensitive of her own feelings. “When I do certain things, I think ‘okay, why am I doing this?’ and I sort of analyze it and reflect on my feelings and actions. There’s a particular perspective called humanistic psychology that I adhere to. It’s this idea of trying to constantly evolve as a human being, constantly being the best person you can be and the best potential self,” Kyung explains. To some, constantly analyzing and reflecting on oneself might be daunting and even something to avoid. But to Kyung, it’s just second nature. After realizing that she wanted to study psychology, Kyung decided to become a therapist. She studied in college for seven years, where she enjoyed learning and listening to the lectures. Kyung also had her fair share of struggles. She hadn’t done particularly well in high school, and when she entered college she felt behind and didn’t have much of a level playing field. In order to overcome this, she studied harder and even did unconventional things to contribute to her learning. If she heard students say words that she didn’t know, she would write it in a notebook and look it up later. “I just felt like everybody was already smarter than me. I studied more than the average person. For you guys in AP [classes], you already have the skills so you’re fine, even though some kids definitely struggle. I almost feel like I know what it’s like to be them. I have a lot of sympathy for kids who struggle in classes,” Kyung says. After graduating, Kyung eventually worked at a group home for two years. It was a facility for SED (Severely Emotionally Disturbed) kids, ranging in ages from 12 to 18. “Most of these kids had been either physically or sexually abused by their parents, and so they were taken away. This was level 14, which is right before lockup. [There were] very violent kids [who] lived in the home, but they also went to an adjoining school so they weren’t allowed to leave that particular campus or home,” Kyung explains. “They had certain things they were allowed to do and not do. And so whenever they did what was expected or

good behavior, we would give them points. If they had accumulated a certain amount [of points in the week], we would take them on field trips [to] movies, bowling, [and] things like that. And the kids who didn’t get those points would have to stay in the group home. It’s like behavior modification. You want to reinforce them, give them some kind of reward for everything that they do that’s good behavior,” Kyung elaborates. It wasn’t the easiest environment to be in, and when Kyung saw a teacher inspire the kids at the group home, she decided that it wasn’t therapy, but teaching, that she wanted to do. From there, she went back to school to get a teaching credential, and the rest was history. Kyung has now been working at Washington for 17 years. Not many have the courage to switch their career path, especially when the profession involves teenagers. We’re like enigmas that parents are always trying to crack the code to. “You know what’s the most surprising thing [about teens]? It’s that I like them,” Kyung admits. It’s not the most popular thing to say, apparently. When Kyung tells people that she teaches high school, “They go, ‘oh my god, how horrible. That’s the worst grade level.’” But Kyung feels as though teenagers are often misjudged. “You’re able to have deep, meaningful conversations with high school students,” she explains. They’re “willing to share more than I think people give [them] credit for. I don’t know if it’s the right environment that

makes teenagers open up, but there’s a softness. Teenagers are always seen on the outside as being spoiled and doing what they want. [And they’re seen as] narcissistic, like it’s all about their egos. But what I’ve seen from my interactions with teenagers are there’s a real softness that they have. It’s sort of not seen by most people.” When students first meet Kyung, she says that their first impression is that she’s not particularly friendly. “I do scare some students because they’ve told me in the past that they’re intimidated by my face,” Kyung says. However, that initial impression doesn’t last long. Throughout the year, many students seek Kyung to talk about certain things in their lives that are difficult. “Because I’m a psychology teacher, students think I’m a therapist.” If there’s one thing Kyung hopes to have an influence over, it’s her students’ love of psychology. Many of her former students have even decided to study psychology after taking her class. As for those who want to study it in college, Kyung says, “You have to be self aware. Meaning, you have to know who you are. Two, you have to have empathy. You have to be sympathetic or empathetic to what a person is going through. When I say empathy, [I mean] being able to feel what they feel. And really wanting to put yourself in their shoes, and I think that’s the only way you can actually help. But I also think you have to have a natural curiosity about people and why they behave a certain way.”

For Judy Choi, Being Vegan Isn’t Just Eating Kale BY WINNIE ZHANG


eing vegan is not just cutting out meat and dairy from your diet; it is being, “Animal loving, environment loving, [and] self loving,” says senior Judy Choi. Living a healthy lifestyle is what many people want, and Choi is one of them. While everything is still new to her, Choi took action and has gone vegan for about six months now. She started off by cutting out meat - which is often the most difficult part of becoming vegan, but easy for her because she was already really picky about her meat. Then one-by-one, she proceeded to take dairy products out of her diet. “Weight is something that I have struggled with my whole life,” said Choi, which is the main reason why she became vegan. Throughout her journey to becoming vegan, Choi said that she watched many videos on ani-

mal cruelty, which encouraged her to want to become vegan even more. “I just find the dairy and meat industry disgusting,” she explained. “When you actually watch those videos you are kind of like, ‘that is not okay’.” Some documentaries that she has watched are Food Inc., Earthlings, and Blackfish. Becoming a high carb but low-fat vegan has helped Choi with her journey to losing weight and becoming more healthy. She also stated that her skin has been much more clear and her body just feels better knowing that she is not eating animal products. “Coming from a Korean family is one of the hardest parts of being vegan,” said Choi, because meat is always involved. In the beginning, Choi’s parents did not know what veganism even meant and always tried to feed her meat. Taking authority, Choi edu-

cated her family about veganism and encouraged them to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into their diets. Although they decided not to join Choi on her journey, she added, “they do eat some of the things I make and they surprisingly like it!” While Choi is still the same person, she now feels much healthier and happier. From time to time, Choi still craves meat but with imitation meat as an alternative, she is able to stick with her diet. On a daily basis, Choi still has meals that non-vegan people have, from pasta to spring rolls to curry. One of Choi’s tips on making becoming a vegan easier is to follow her footsteps by eliminating meat and dairy products one at a time, and to watch movies or documentaries on animal cruelty. Choi is planning to continue her journey of being vegan, and she recommends everybody to try it too.

October 14th, 2016

Student of the Issue:


Features 7

Now High School, Soon the Air Force



ot many Washington students decide to join the armed forces, nor do they graduate high school early. However, senior Jackson Harrington plans to graduate from Washington this October, and will join the Air Force shortly after. Others may see his decision as a risky and unusual path to take, but for Harrington, it all makes perfect sense. Harrington will be able to graduate early once he passes the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) on October 15th. He will then begin his four year service in the Air Force, which was not his original plan after high school. Since he was a freshman, Harrington

planned on taking a gap year after high school so that he could leave the Bay Area to do something he was passionate about, and to possibly include his experiences in a personal statement when applying to colleges. Once he seriously started to plan out his gap year, he was uneasy about his options and whether they would ensure a worthwhile year. He pondered doing world travel, working as a fire rescue man in Montana, and even becoming a white water rafting guide in New Zealand. “I might’ve gotten paid, but it wasn’t anything steady,” Harrington explains. Just two weeks before beginning his senior year, Harrington was recommended by his mom’s coworker’s husband, who was a veteran of the Air Force, to consider it as an option instead of a gap year. Soon

after, Harrington set up an appointment to meet at an Air Force recruitment center in Daly City, and it was the light at the end of his tunnel. “The guy there, Sergeant Meyers, [is] a very nice man; he recruited me,” Harrington reveals. After being recruited, Harrington examined the benefits that the Air Force provides, and liked what he saw. Harrington explains, “To me, the Air Force seemed like the best idea because they have a built-in college system, you get paid for whatever you do, and you can come out with applicable knowledge in the real world.” Depending on the job Harrington receives, he can obtain the essential knowledge for a job later in life. For example, if he took on a more technical job while in the Air Force, he could use that experience to possibly become an engineer in the future. Harrington can also benefit from the college system, which allows him to earn either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, paid for by the Air Force, while on base. Harrington plans to serve in the Air Force for four years, so if he is able to obtain a bachelor’s degree in that time, he can leave the military in pursuit of a higher degree. Since he would be considered a veteran while pursuing a higher degree, he would be financially supported by the military, and may be preferred by certain institutions due to his previous service. “I’ve had ideas of where I’d want to go to college, but now I would have all these new options opening up to me because I would be in the Air Force,” Harrington explains. Before his encounter at the recruitment center, he was influenced by his dad. His father was a member of Greenpeace, an independent organization that promotes the peaceful protests to solve global environmental problems. “He kind of turned me off to anything concerning the military,” Harrington recalls. When Harrington first told his dad that he was joining the Air Force, his dad was extremely opposed to it. Despite his dad’s disagreement, Jackson told him, “You’re going to have to sign this paperwork regardless of what you think, because I’m going to do something with my life. I’m moving on to a future and you’re just going to have to accept this.” Once Harrington confronted his dad, he researched more about the occupational side of the Air Force. Harrington’s first inclination after deciding to enlist in the Air Force was to become a loadmaster, someone who manages the loading, transport, and unloading of aerial cargo of aircrafts. But before he could join the

military, Harrington was required to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), which involves a 200 multiple choice test and physical. The multiple choice is split up into eight sections that cover topics such as general science, arithmetic reasoning, auto shop, and word knowledge. Harrington ended up scoring nearly perfect on the test, and he was told that he would be able to obtain almost any job available in the Air Force due to his good fitness and high test score. “It was kind of awesome,” Harrington admits. Next, Harrington filled out a paper where he ranked the top eight jobs he would prefer while serving in the Air Force. His top three choices are combat controlman; pararescueman; and survival, evasion, resistance, and escape specialist. Currently, Harrington is told that he will become either a pararescueman or combat control man. He went on to elaborate that a pararescueman is someone who helps with the recovery and medical treatment of personnel in combat. Harrington then explained that a combat control man’s job involves air traffic control as well as serving in occasional combat. “I’d prefer not to go into active combat, unless completely necessary,” Harrington says. If he were to be deployed by the Air Force to serve as a pararescueman or combat controlman, it would most likely be in Spain or Okinawa, Japan. Moving to a place halfway across the world while serving in the military may seem daunting for most Washington students, but not for Harrington. He is not very sentimental when it comes to leaving the public school system. “I’m not gonna miss this school, I’m gonna be honest. I’ve never really felt engaged, particularly in high school,” Harrington shares. “The people are nice and stuff, but it’s not for me, that’s all I can say.” Harrington feels the same when it comes to leaving San Francisco. “I’m not really gonna miss San Francisco because I’ve been stuck here my whole life. I want to travel more than anything,” Harrington explains. However, Harrington will miss his friends and especially his little brother who is just two years old. “I’m going to miss quite a bit of his life. When I come back he’ll probably be around six, which is significant,” Harrington says. Despite the hardships of saying goodbye to his family and close friends, he hopes that serving in the Air Force and leaving the city can be life changing. “I just hope to come out different, more well rounded, like a completely different


8 Education

A Change Needed in The SFUSD BY ROBIN FONG


ur school district should want its students to excel and be motivated to succeed, but so far my high school experience has revealed that the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) believes in quite the opposite. Being a motivated student, I wanted to go the extra mile, so over this past summer I attended a supplementary, rigorous Algebra 1 math course, in hopes that I would be able to bypass the Algebra 1 class my freshmen year and only take Geometry. My summer class covered everything that a year-long course would. So, imagine my disappointment when I was made aware that the course that I attended was not recognized by the SFUSD as an accredited course, thus making me ineligible to take the validation exam that you need to pass in order to skip Algebra. What is the significance of attending a recognized course, or any course for that matter? All that should be of importance is if the student can prove their proficiency through the given assessment. So, why have requirements that must be met to merely take the test? For the SFUSD to deny students a chance to just prove themselves worthy of excelling, they are sending a clear message to the families of such students: We no longer want your child to exceed in the classroom. Instead of being allowed to skip the Algebra 1 class this year, our school seemingly offered any student who showed interest an opportunity to double up on their math classes and take both Algebra 1 and Geometry in their freshmen year. Even though I am grateful to be enrolled in the Geometry course, I still have feelings of frustration and sometimes anger towards the district. Taking Algebra 1 is a huge liability, having already learned the material being taught, and now having an increased amount of stress and homework with even less time to complete such tasks or participate in my extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, etc). The SFUSD should aspire to improve their student’s education, not limit their potential to exceed. All students should be encouraged to thrive and go above and beyond what’s expected in the classroom, not be given obstacles and hoops to jump through in order to prove themselves worthy to excel. Entering high school, I had thought it would be a place of higher education, but from my experience so far, because of the SFUSD, high school has not lived up to it’s name.

What would you change about the school?

Honors Classes for All!



s great of a school as Washington is, there are few issues more glaring than the broken class system. Students are no longer able to take honors math during the 9th and 10th grades and honors English, Science, and Social Studies during the 9th grade; this is due to the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) adopting Common Core Standards, and forcing students into classes that may not best suit their abilities. This problem has been constantly swept under the rug even though it is a source of frustration for many students and parents, and until Washington can find a solution or viable alternative, students will continue to be limited academically. To solve this problem, Washington should make honors classes available to all students in key subjects such as Math, Science, and English because it would allow students to put themselves in the best position for success. Honors classes usually offer more difficult coursework and students are taught at a faster pace compared to non-honors classes. Some of the biggest benefits that come with honors classes is that they help students challenge themselves academically and help prepare them to take Advanced Placement (AP) classes. During the 2014-15 school year, the SFUSD officially adopted Common Core Standards and Washington overhauled its class system. Even though every student has their natural strengths and weaknesses in different subjects, they had no choice in their classes because SFUSD naively assumed that all students are at the same level academically. For instance, instead of taking Geometry, incoming freshmen were required to take CCSS Algebra I, a class many are familiar with or took in 8th grade. This effectively puts them a year behind academically, and as a result, students may not have the skills

or prerequisites necessary to take higher level co the future. As high schoolers we are often encouraged to to find our interests, but due to how classes are isn’t possible for many. However, by establishing honors classes for a derclassmen, students would not only be situate ronments, but also would be able to get more ou classes would better resemble a college classroo skills such as independent learning, time manag Students would feel encouraged to enroll in clas about and be surrounded by other students who result, students would be more inclined to parti discussions with their classmates, which are imp learning environment. There is also no denying looks much more impressive with honors classe when applying to jobs, colleges, and scholarship Even though I have been presenting the bene honors classes still have a lot to offer. Students w be challenged at levels they are comfortable wit more difficult classes in the future. Secondly, th tions for students with other commitments, suc lighter workloads. But even though non-honors classes are usef all grade levels, many will feel held back by their ington establishes honors courses for all gradesstudents will not be able put themselves in the b


o put ourselves out there and organized at Washington, this

all grades, especially uned in better learning enviut of their classes. Honors om and reinforce important gement, and critical thinking. sses that they are passionate o share similar interests. As a icipate in class and engage in portant components of any that a student’s transcript es and this can be beneficial ps. efits of honors classes, nonwill still be able to learn and th, with opportunities to take hey can also serve as great opch as jobs or sports, and offer

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Dear teachers, Contrary to your popular belief, a student’s grades does not reflect their intelligence. We are not perfect, we are not lazy, and we are not just complaining. We are teenagers who are weighed down by the standards of our parents, colleges, and ourselves, who can be self-deprecating. We are students who are hard working and go to sleep at horrible hours only to wake up exhausted. We try hard, I promise. We work ourselves to the bone and despite that, we receive a big fat D on our report cards. Though this is definitely not the case for everybody, some students who work incredibly hard in school still receive bad grades. That is why I believe that a student who puts in effort in their class should receive at least a C in the class. Nothing says it better than Mr. Marquez’s neon navy blue poster hanging in his room saying in large text, “Math is about our class learning, not performing.” Mr. Marquez is one of the few teachers at Washington who I feel cares more about a student’s learning than their performance on assignments and tests. Students have to be perfectionists. I say from experience and observation that it is shocking to miss two assignments and have your whole grade drop a letter as a result. We are punished for not doing everything correctly, instead of how much progress we have made, or if we have truly learned anything. Being graded on how many points we get right is not an adequate or accurate way of assessing a student’s ability and intelligence. This doesn’t go to say that tests and homework should be outright abolished. A teacher should grade depending on growth on one’s tests, not just on absolute percentages. Homework can be a good way to check for understanding. Class discussions and in class assignments are other alternatives to evaluate student knowledge. As a student who strives for near perfection, mistakes are not accepted by school standards. We’ve been taught that mistakes are wrong, and we have been conditioned to think that the more mistakes we make, the less intelligent we are--which is completely untrue! By assessing a student based on their test scores, students who try exceptionally hard in class are unable to get the grade they work for. A grade also assesses a student on how quick a student can understand material. Students work at different paces and when test day comes, some of us aren’t prepared. This takes a domino effect because if a student doesn’t know the material on the test, they fail the test. If a student fails a test, their grade falters, proving that grades don’t reflect effort. It is inherent that some people are naturally talented or better at a certain subject than others. One student can study for three hours and get a D on their test, while another student can study for 30 minutes and receive a B. Hard work doesn’t always equal good grades. Students who are notably working hard should be bumped up to at least a C so they can pass the class. Giving a C as a passing grade is very reasonable. As a student myself, I am partial to this idea because I am a student who works hard, but I’m not intelligent to say the least. Tests make up the majority of most grades, and in a lot of cases, students are hard workers, but bad test takers. I think it would be reasonable if a C as a letter grade meant that a student put in the maximum amount of effort in the class despite having bad test scores. If a teacher can visually see a student working diligently in class, asking questions, and coming in after school, they should at least be given a passing grade. Because in the end, isn’t that what school is about? Learning. I come to school dreading everything--the tests, the classes, the grades, the homework. I want to come to school excited to learn and indulge in material that I find interesting. I do not want to go to school knowing that I am graded on my performance on tests and assignments, instead of just learning. Dear teachers, please understand that we are working hard and doing our best in class. Some of us are not the quickest learners, the best test takers, or the most talented people. Our grades do not reflect the hard work we put in, and I believe that granting students a C is justified and fair. We should not be defined by the letter grades we receive, but rather by the efforts that we put into our grades.

We surveyed 190 students from different grade levels to find out what they thought about their teachers. Out of all the departments, students said that history had the most likeable teachers.


Number of students

ourses such as AP Calculus in

Education 9

86% 84%

Which department has the most likeable teachers?

of students said their teachers are generally nice of students consider their teachers helpful gym














10 Opinion


October 14th, 2016

Hollywood’s “White is Right Philosophy” is Wrong



eople around you constantly judge you for how you act, appear, and speak. They give you two options: you either act like the stereotypes of your race or, if not, you are acting “white”. Stereotyping and prejudice are not recent creations that kids today have come up with. In fact, I am not surprised that youth today have these set ideas of what a certain race should be, considering how prevalent “whitewashing” is in Hollywood and the media. The term “whitewashing” was originally used to refer to a racist practice of erasing visible minorities in film and advertising by making them appear more white or even replacing them with white actors. One might even say Hollywood invented whitewashing. The effects of this are still seen today in Hollywood. Often times there is a role that is originally portrayed by a minority and it will be cast as a Caucasian person. For instance, in the movie “Aloha”, Emma Stone, who is white, was cast in a lead role of a character that was of Asian and Hawaiian descent. Leading characters who are whitewashed are therefore literally acting like a certain minority group, essentially creating caricatures. In addition, supporting characters who are minorities are often portrayed in very stereotypical ways. For instance in “Clueless”, one of the supporting characters, Dionne, was played by a Black woman. Her character encompassed all of the traits of a stereotypical Black woman, loud, sassy, angry, hair extensions and all. As a result of Hollywood’s casting, people continue to believe that all

minorities fit the stereotypes portrayed in the media. This causes people to develop an unconscious prejudice towards certain groups of people that they inevitably act on. Constantly seeing images in the media, your mind begins to accept it as normal. The media plays a huge role in shaping people’s viewpoints, and whether people are aware or not, they are being influenced by everything they see. People often tell me that I am “whitewashed”. The first time I was told this was in the the 4th grade when I first moved to San Francisco from Fresno, California. I did not understand what being “white-washed” meant because in Fresno I never really acknowledged all the different skin tones and cultures because everyone acted the same way in my eyes. I was raised by my mother and father, who were both born in Africa, so as a first generation American I didn’t understand how I could possibly “act White”. After about a year or so of living in San Francisco, I came to the conclusion that people said I act “White” because I speak with “proper” English with little to no accent. I noticed that many of the African-American people in San Francisco had a certain vernacular using different slang words as they speak. It is not a bad thing that they speak this way, that was just the community they were raised in and how they were brought up. People called me “whitewashed” because I didn’t represent what their idea of the color of my skin meant, so the only thing their mind could comprehend was that I acted “White”. The same goes for some Asian communities: many Chinese people get labeled as “whitewashed” because they don’t have a

Chinese accent or don’t act like a stereotypical Chinese person. Just because a person does not act how your perception of their race is, does not mean they act White. When you accuse a person of not acting like their race, you are insinuating that there are certain guidelines by which different races are supposed to abide by. In reality, there is no rubric you can look at to tell how Black or how Chinese a person is acting. In fact, race is defined as a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. There is no definition that states, “to be included in a racial group you need to act like x, y, z.” If you stereotype someone because of their race, it does not mean they should change; it means that you should change your own outlook on how people “should be”. Hollywood has this same outlook of a stereotypical person. Hollywood constantly justifies their not casting Black actors saying, “Black doesn’t travel”, which essential-

ly is implying that a Black character does not sell well in entertainment around the world. In reality, these entertainment companies in Hollywood can control what does well in the box office with the way they advertise the actors in a movie or show. Will Smith, Denzel Washington, and Morgan Freeman are just a few successful Black actors that Hollywood fails to acknowledge when they say, “Black doesn’t travel”. They have this constant notion that “White is right” with their casting of predominately White people in lead roles. Although Hollywood is getting better with casting minorities, they still have a long way to go.

Don’t Always Walk Away- Face Your Conflicts



he office room is filled with chatter. As a recent college graduate and enthusiastic employee, you are excited to share your ideas and give feedback on the recent improvements being made to the company after three months of service. But another co-worker speaks first, and you see the many flaws in their plan that no one else seems to notice. You want to point them out, but you know what will happen if you do. Ignore it, you think. There’s no point in picking a fight. Avoid the problem. Not everyone thinks the same way, but most do, because that is how we’re taught to conquer opposition, problems, and conflict from a young age. Ignore the negatives, and they will go away, or so we are told. Think about what happened when you ignored the elementary school bullies we encountered as children. Bullies may grow tired of getting no response or reaction, but they will wander off to get a different reaction and potentially harm someone else, if they bother to go away at all. Is this concept really what we should be teaching our children? It may not seem like an issue for high school students, but this mindset can have a large impact on the rest of our lives. Bullying is one of the biggest issues school strives to conquer. From the moment we stepped into elementary school, we were constantly warned about the bullying and mistreatment we would face, taught to ignore the negativity that comes our way. Those who took it upon themselves to warn and educate us on these topics put their best effort into preparing us for facing conflict. I find it strange, however, that the suggested method is ignoring said conflict--pretending it doesn’t exist will only make it worse, and it definitely

won’t disappear if you choose to turn a blind eye to it. While this method may occasionally be effective when a fifth grader is teasing you from ten feet away, this isn’t very effective in real-life crisis 20 years later. In fact, many dedicated students find it harder and harder to deal with their issues and are often overcome by stress and panic, putting off that difficult (or tedious) project until the last second or hoping the missing credits will magically appear as graduation grows ever closer. Some people are motivated by challenge, but others can’t handle it, because they’re taught to turn away. By avoiding opposing viewpoints or resistance, we’re becoming more vulnerable to them rather than better at managing them. It’s like germs--while it is good to keep your hands clean, if you’re never exposed to infections, when you do get sick, you’ll have a much harder time coping with them. That’s why we have shots to help our immune system recognize the diseases so it can properly destroy them when they enter the body once again. But that’s not the case for conflicts in our lives; there is no shot to expose us to them. When conflict does get past our defenses and comes to bite us because we put it off for so long, it hurts much more. In fact, it’s almost as if we’re taught to procrastinate solving our problems. But the idea of ignoring conflict because it could harm you is only one small reason in a sea of excuses as to why we avoid it. Some

people choose not to create what could become conflict because it could hurt others; it could damage feelings or create drama that is definitely not desirable. They refrain from sharing their thoughts or opinions, from standing up for themselves or others, and guess why? Because other people--the people who procrastinate facing these issues and hope they’ll disappear--take it badly almost every single time. Both sides are effectively avoiding each other. One is trying to run away from those who start conflict, and the other is trying to run away from those who are so shielded from opposing viewpoints that they can’t handle a structured argument.

In an extreme scenario, innovation and production are slowed and eventually halted, as there is never a person to say the other half is wrong, and in the end, everyone is led to think the same because there’s never an opposite. What are you going to do when you procrastinate job assignments, bills, or taxes? What are you going to do when you can’t speak up for what is right because you know someone else will yell at you for it? What will you do when you ignore the bully, and they go pick on some other poor kid? I hate how no one ever seems to care about the other people that will inevitably get picked on. It’s like saying it’s better to be a bystander than to be the victim. Why not resolve the issue or conflict altogether, rather than letting it get bigger and bigger until it crushes you or someone else? Confront the bully and conquer the issue, and if you cannot without physical, emotional, or mental damage, find someone who can help you, like a teacher. If we all can learn how to handle conflict respectfully and thoughtfully, we can avoid arguments and fights altogether. If we can learn how to speak up, if we can learn how to accept our faults and mistakes, and if we can learn how to take responsibility, we can resolve conflict in our lives rather than avoiding them. Because avoiding conflicts never destroys the issues--but dealing with them can.

October 14th, 2016

Opinion 11


Skinny Shaming Doesn’t Exist

All Bodies Are Beautiful



You’re so skinny! You need to eat a burger!” These are phrases many thin people have heard at least once in their lifetime. Although this is certainly hurtful to hear, it doesn’t begin to compare to the suffering of people whom society has deemed “too big” face everyday. Whether it’s through the media or in their day-to-day life, “fat” or overweight people are still treated significantly worse than skinny people, even though overweight people make up more than half of the country’s population. The idea that “fat” people are less attractive and generally less desirable than skinny people is embedded into society from the day that we were born until the day we die. This leads to a life of selfhatred and lack of confidence for many “fat” people. Whether it’s through the influence of the fashion industry or the fact that “skinny shaming” stems mostly from ableism, we as a community should focus on taking apart the fat-shaming ideals ingrained within us and acknowledge the fact that skinny people are undoubtedly more privileged than “fat” people in today’s society. The fashion industry has historically catered to only a certain body type, glamorizing extremely skinny bodies while ignoring anyone who isn’t a size two. With the “heroin chic” trend of the 90’s and the new skinny-people-in-huge-clothes trend hailed by high fashion brands like Vetements, Givenchy, and even Kanye’s fashion venture, Yeezy, being skinny is a trend that shows no signs of going out style. On the other side of the spectrum, department stores consider any size above 10 as “plus size”, while the average American woman wears a size 12-14, according to a study from the University of Texas. A skinny person will never have to experience going into a mall and finding that every single store just simply doesn’t carry their size, a problem overweight citizens encounter on a daily basis. Meanwhile, if a skinny person can’t find their size, they can just buy a size up, instantly making their outfit a trendy “oversized” look. So, while the “plus-size” community is fighting to simply be recognized enough to have clothes easily available to them, the skinny population has designers modelling entire brands exclusively for them. This shows the injustice two-thirds of the population, the proportion of overweight citizens according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, have to face when all they’re asking for is for clothes that fit their body. Skinny-shaming as a concept delves into another topic entirely, which is ableism. Ableism applies to the discrimination against people with a disability, whether physical or mental, so when a person with a disorder such as anorexia or bulimia is “shamed” because of what their body looks like, they are essentially being shamed for their disorder. Disorders like this largely stem from fat-shaming, not skinny-shaming. These disorders are often developed when people are told they are too fat or believe that their body doesn’t fit the mold of what society deems beautiful. They look at magazines or social media and see that they do not look like the people society deems the most beautiful, so they try to make themselves fit that mold by any means possible, often developing eating disorders like anorexia or extreme cases of bulimia. The sad reality is that whether or not these victims of fat-shaming who develop these disorders begin looking like the people they idolize, it is too late and their entire lives are consumed by their disorder. This could unfortunately lead to deadly results, as according to statistics from the 2012 Current Psychiatric Report by Doctor Daphne van Hoeken, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate out of any mental illness. With at least 30 million people suffering from eating disorders just in the United States alone, shouldn’t we be more focused on combatting the heart of the problem, fat-shaming, and not skinny-shaming? Personally I believe that the “skinny shaming needs to stop” rhetoric is similar to the “All Lives Matter” (ALM) movement in many ways. The ALM “movement” essentially began as a way for irrational angry white people to oppose the Black Lives Matter movement, which started as a result of innocent lives of black men and women being taken away due to police brutality. The Black Lives Matter movement focuses on a real issue that deals with a genuine problem affecting America today. The ALM “movement” does not. The people rooting for this “movement” hear the words “Black Lives Matter” but see “ONLY Black Lives Matter”, when in fact that isn’t the case. Yes, sure, all lives do matter, but it’s the black lives that are being unfairly taken away, which is why the BLM movement is named what it is. So while people are screaming “skinny people are shamed too!” they are inadvertently taking attention away from the real problem, which is the fat-shaming epidemic that still rules over nearly every society in the world we live in today.

hen you look at yourself in the mirror, you may feel like there are only imperfections. These thoughts often occur because many people feel pressured to have a body that society considers beautiful. This pressure is applied when people around you constantly judge you for your appearance. Putting a person down because they weigh “too much” or because their body does not match up to society’s unrealistic standards is called body shaming. People are constantly being shamed because they have a different body type. All body types should be embraced and people should not be judged for the shape and size of their body. Whether someone’s body is curvy, skinny, or round, each person is individually unique and beautiful in their own way. For those who shame others, let me explain to you why your actions have real--and often dangerous--consequences. Imagine being surrounded with people who are constantly calling you “too big” or “too fat.” A close friend of mine, let’s call her Cathy, has been shamed for her looks ever since she was a little kid. Even her family members made comments about her weight, such as telling her that she needed to eat less or she wouldn’t be able to walk in the future. That is an obvious and unfair overstatement. In sixth grade, Cathy decided to eat less since she didn’t know any other ways to lose weight. As she began to eat less, she felt full easily, but she also felt like she was going to throw up during every meal she ate. The less she ate, the more unhealthy she became. As summer came around, Cathy still hadn’t reached her ideal weight. When she began the seventh grade, she joined track and field as well as softball. Tracking every calorie that she consumed eventually helped her lose weight, but at the same time, she feared that she was actually gaining weight, and that made her afraid of eating. Cathy would look at her body and hate the size of it. Cathy was always conscious about how she looked when she was changing in the locker room. Soon, Cathy’s friends and teachers found out that Cathy was refusing to eat lunch. One day, her friend talked to her about what she was doing, and Cathy realized she needed help. During her six month recovery, therapy was her solution. She had to stop counting calories, and started allowing herself to eat after her self-imposed restricted hours. She often had to go in and out of the hospital and rehab center, but in the end it was all worth it. Cathy has learned to love herself for the body that she owned, which has made her happier than ever. She also learned to disregard what society expects her body to look like. Cathy was one of the people who was lucky enough to recover from her eating disorder. Many others, unlike Cathy, are stuck in a deep hole that they can seemingly never get out of. At least 30 million people in the United States suffer from an eating disorder, according to anad.org. What Cathy went through is an example of fat shaming. There’s also skinny shaming. Some examples include, “You’re so skinny!”, “ You have no muscles!”, “You’re so weak!” Just because someone appears to have less muscles than what is shown compared to muscular people doesn’t mean they are weak. I know people who were called “too skinny” who are actually pretty strong. Another example is “You’re so skinny, are you anorexic?” or “You look anorexic.” Not everyone who is skinny is anorexic, bulimic, or has a purging-disorder. The last example would be, “Eat more! You’re literally a skeleton!” Again, not all skinny eat really little food or starve themselves. Putting the label “anorexic” or “bulimic” on someone when they don’t actually have an eating disorder is an ignorant move. Every 62 minutes, one person dies as a direct result from an eating disorder, according to anad.org. This is the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. So if someone does actually have an eating disorder, get them the help they need instead of judging them for how they look. We live in a society full of differences and flaws. No one is perfect and people shouldn’t be criticized for their different body shapes whether they are skinny, fat or anywhere in between. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.



12 Lifestyle

October 14th, 2016

Older Trends Making a Comeback BY ANNA VOLOSHKO


Karina Saekow


he last thing any teen wants is to look and act like their relatives. High school is when most @karenception of us go through a rebellious phase and want to be seen as unique. This is the time when we start gaining independence and making our own decisions. However, in the past couple of years, people have begun to wear certain clothes that were considered “cool” several years ago, ranging from chokers, to “mom” jeans, to Doc Martens. Certain styles from the ‘70s include bohemian fashion, bell bottom jeans, jean skirts, and t-shirts with logos on them. The ‘80s come into play with crop tops, mom jeans, sneakers, high waisted jeans, and just everything with jean material. Styles from the ‘90s include overalls, plaid, baggy clothing, more jean material items and crop tops! A couple years ago these were considered old and outdated, yet now they are considered trendy and hip. So why are these making a comeback? There are several different theories. Bethany Mayfield, the author of Karen Chen Why Do Fashion Trends Always Return?, which was published on styleflair.com, believes, “The real reason these fashion trends always return is that designers look to the past and see what worked, and what didn’t.” After a period of time, famous designers try to reinvent past popular trends and remind people that at one point, this actually looked good.” Mayfield states the reason people wear these items are because, “they work - they’re universally flattering.” On the other hand, makeup enthusiast Kanika Kothary has a different point of view. “People want freshness, people want change”, Kothary states in her article, 2016 Makeup Trends: Expert Opinion, which was featured on www.fashionlady.in, an Indian fashion blog. People get tired of having the same trend for a long time, so we constantly need to change it up. Even if that means coming back to popular styles from years ago. Another possible reason that so many people are

starting to wear old-fashioned things is that recent Hollywood shows and movies are being made based on the ‘70s and ‘80s. Fuller House and The Goldbergs are popular examples of this. Hollywood directors see what teenagers and the younger viewers are wearing and who they idolize, so they try to make their movies and shows more relatable to them. Many reasons why shows and movies become popular is because there is a certain character or two that everyone adores. Maybe it’s even their favorite celebrity. Whether it is a Youtuber, a pop-star, an actor/actress, a comedian, or even just a role model, everyone has someone they look up to. Once one famous person starts wearing a new trend, they influence others, and it spreads. Some fashion magazines such as Seventeen and Teen Vogue focus on inspiring teenagers, using popular celebrities. Teenagers tend to wear and buy what is advertised to them, and currently the oldies are the main focus. Yes, maybe people are returning to the older styles because we are tired of having the same skin-tight, provocative outfits, or maybe it’s because of how celebrities are dressing, or it could possibly be because we have simply run out of new ideas for trends. If you think about it, how much more could be invented? Some say there are infinite ideas that are just waiting to be discovered, while others believe this is it. There is nothing else to be found. If that were to be accurate, we will keep going in circles forever, maybe every now and then going farther and farther back in time. Now, more than ever, it is acceptable to take risks and have unique fashion, so this can very well happen! Whatever the cause is, fashion choices from many years ago are making a comeback, especially with the younger generation. For better or for worse, this is happening and it is showing individuality and freedom of expression. So put on your mom jeans, throw on a bomber jacket, and go live your life, because the ‘90s are back!

5 Interesting Places in SF

The Yoda Fountain


The first thing that comes to mind when you think about music making is instruments. They are the main source of music besides our voices, but did you know that the water in the bay can make music too? The Wave Organs are located near the Golden Gate Bridge. The structure is formed in such a way that when the waves wash in, tunes are played. They make an accordian-like sound when waves wash into them. There are many pipes facing different directions and they each play at different times. Along with hearing the sound waves, there is a nice view of the ocean.

Camera Obscura

Seward Slides

Imagine a 360 view of Ocean Beach and the places around it. The Camera Obscura near the Cliff House can give you that. It is almost like using a pair of binoculars, except with a much wider and clearer view. There is a large crater-like screen in the middle of the room. You are able to move it in the direction that you want to look at. This is definitely something different that not many can say they have seen before.

Rekindle the feeling of going to the park as a child. The slides on Seward Street are a blast to slide down. They are not the normal slides at your average playground. They are longer, which means more fun. There is no age limit to slide down so it is something for people of all ages to try. It is not just a straight slide down. There are waves within the slide that almost act as speed bumps. Slides are a key part of a childhood. It is also something adults can enjoy too.

The Wave Organ

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about music making is instruments. They are the main source of music besides our voices, but did you know that the water in the bay can make music too? The Wave Organs are located near the Golden Gate Bridge. The structure is formed in such a way that when the waves wash in, tunes are played. They make an accordian-like sound when waves wash into them. There are many pipes facing different directions and they each play at different times. Along with hearing the sound waves, there is a nice view of the ocean.

Princess Diaries School

“Shut Up!” The high school from the movie Princess Diaries is located right here in San Francisco? It stands on the hill of Lyon and Green Street. The school is actually a house that was decorated to look like a school. It is in a beautiful residential area right next to the Presidio. If you are interested in more of the movie’s locations, the firehouse that Mia and her mom lived in is located at 724 Brazil Avenue. There are many other movie locations around San Francisco and this house that doubled as a school is definitely a beautiful sight to see.

October 14th, 2016


Current Hypes of 2016

Arts & Entertainment 13



The Chainsmokers-All we know ft. phoebe ryan the weeknd-starboy


chokers boyfriend jeans baseball & dad hats Patagonia sweaters denim & leather jackets

t.v shows stranger things (season 1) the flash (season 3) once upon a time (season 6)

food pumpkin spice everything poke bowls

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child



ineteen years ago, J.K. Rowling released the first book in a series that would soon take over a generation. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone hit shelves June 26, 1997, and from there the series took off like a storm. There have been nearly 500 million copies sold, making the Harry Potter books the best selling fantasy series of all time. Now, another Harry Potter book has been released, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and THESIS! Let’s clear some things up about this book. For starters, the book isn’t actually written by J.K Rowling. It’s co-written by John Tiffany and Jack Thorne. On the cover it states that is only based on her novels, and while it uses all the same characters with the addition of some new ones, it isn’t technically her story anymore. Another thing you should know about this book is that it’s not technically a book - it’s a play. So when you’re reading you’re not reading a book, but a screenplay. For those of you who don’t know what a screenplay is it’s basically all the dialogue and motions that the actors would make, or in short, a script. To me, having the story written, wasn’t the right choice. When reading, I found that this made the story very flat. The dialogue wasn’t anything special, and while it may work better when actually acted out, reading it wasn’t anything special. On to the actual book. The book itself starts almost exactly where the last book ended - at King's Cross Station as Harry’s sending off Albus to his first year of Hogwarts. They have the same conversation they did in the book (or the movie, although the book’s better) and Albus leaves to go to Hogwarts and to his Sorting. There, at his Sorting, he get’s sorted into Slytherin, and thus the main conflict of the story starts. Now I’m not going to go to much into detail about the story, as I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but I will say this - I didn’t like the book all that much. I found it flat. I found it slightly boring. I found it not nearly as good as the original series. Maybe I set my standards too high, but for some reason this book fell short for me. I didn’t find the relationship between Harry and Albus realistic. For whatever reason, Tiffany and Thorne wrote their relationship as strained and broken and barely there. To me, it isn’t believable. I cannot see, in a million years, Harry Potter ever making one of

his children feel like they are unwanted. Harry grew up in a place where he was unwanted, where he didn’t belong, and I cannot imagine him ever making his children feel the same way. I picture him going overboard to make sure that they do feel wanted, almost to the point where they are suffocating. But Albus feeling like he’s a disappointment? I don’t believe it, not for a moment. When Albus was sorted into Slytherin, everyone started bullying him. I have many, many qualms with this, for many different reasons. For starters, Albus not only had two siblings, but also a hoard of cousins. Now this may just be me, but I’d think that they’d stick together, especially considering that they would probably have grown up together. I mean come on: Harry, Hermione, and Ron are best friends, so it would add up that their children would be close. So, Albus getting bullied? I can’t imagine it. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, for me at least, wasn’t very good. The relationships weren’t realistic, the book seemed flat, and overall, it just didn’t meet my expectations for what a Harry Potter book should be.

14 Sports


Kaepernick’s Protest Was An Honorable One BY CHIDINMA ONYEONWU


merica, the home of the brave, and the place of liberty where all dreams have a chance to come true, or at least that is the way things are supposed to work. For as long as history dates, racial injustice has existed, and still proves itself to be evident in our world today, displayed too often through things such as police brutality. Recently, African Americans have experienced an increase in discrimination, resulting in people like the 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick protesting. On August 16, 2016, at one of the teams preseason games, Kaepernick, a star quarterback, protested against racism by not standing during the National Anthem. Afterwards, Kaepernick explained his actions by saying, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” Kaepernick’s actions are not ones that should be shamed because there is honor in what he did, and what he is continuing to do. Many people, however, consider Kaepernick’s actions a major offense and disrespectful to our military. NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal said, “My father was a military man, and he protected this country… there are other ways to get your point across”. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump added, “maybe he should find a country that works better for him.” Even some of his fans, now former fans, have gone to the extent of burning his jersey. Despite all the criticism Kaepernick has been receiving from many people, he does not stand alone. President Obama, in support said, “that’s the way democracy works.” Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry said, “I love that there’s freedom of speech and he can stand for what he believes in.” Even women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe, a white female, supported Kaepernick, also taking a knee during the National Anthem. Since Kaepernick’s

original protest, numerous players across the NFL, and in the sports world, have staged protests of their own. As we are all aware, it has always been an American tradition to stand up during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, since they both symbolize larger pictures such as our country’s patriotism and unity. Therefore, many claim Kaepernick went against our country’s honor and “disrespected our veterans.” But in actuality he peacefully fought for a cause and promoted awareness of what is truly going on in our country today. Kaepernick is not doing his protests because he has an issue with the military, nor is he trying to disrespect our veterans; his real issue is with what is going on in our country. From my experiences, I know that racism does truly exist. Each and every day racism occurs where someone is told, “you are not good enough for this” or “you will not succeed,” or simply when people consider their own race superior to

October 14th, 2016

someone else’s. Kaepernick is not a traitor to our country because he’s doing what is right and something that should have occurred long ago. From a young age I was taught to stand for the flag and the anthem, but I never knew or seemed to care as to why I did. For the past years, I have been standing up to pledge to the flag, but now I am trying to figure out why I do it. Honestly, when the national anthem comes on, I don’t really have many thoughts, because all I have ever done was hum along with it. Although I may still stand in the future, Kaepernick’s protest has opened a new light for me, teaching me that I can take a stand on issues that need to be addressed, and through this I can make a change. I support Kaepernick, because there are many issues, like inequality and social/racial biases, that need to be brought to attention. I commend him for taking a stand and showing his support for these issues. Everyone is only looking at what he did, but no one seems to care about why he did it. In the past, many notable people such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks fought for equal rights. They did not do it for attention, but only to make a difference in the world. Just like them, Kaepernick is not taking a stance for people to only see his actions, but he is doing it for people to look at the issues at hand. As students, we should be aware of the different things impacting people in our society, and make our voices heard to help better our school, further our country, and make this world a better place for us and future generations. As for Kaepernick, he has been continuing his protest. More and more people continue to join him in his protest, and it seems to be working because as proven in history, one person’s action can spark a whole movement of change. Rather than wondering why Kaepernick doesn’t stand, we should think about what we stand for.

12 tips to stay on task BY ROBIN FONG

1. Have a study buddy: Have you ever heard the expression two heads are better than one? Study sessions with a friend aren’t only more fun, but can also be more productive. Often times you’ll be taking the same quizzes and doing the same assignments, so combining your knowledge and resources with a partner can only increase your chances of success. 2. Study with a plan: We’ve all been there, that moment at midnight when you suddenly remember that important test tomorrow, which you’ve done zero work to prepare for. Well, by creating a study plan you can devise a schedule to help you prepare for your test in advance, hopefully preventing procrastination. 3. Use new resources: We live in day and age where the world revolves around technology. Studying is no longer limited to just books, pens, and scraps of papers. Now we have plenty of online tools including mobile apps, videos, blogs and many more. Some sites that have helped me in my studies include: Quizlet, Noodle Tools, and online thesauruses. So explore the web and find what ingenious program awaits you. 4. Be the teacher: If you can teach it, you know it. Another studying method is to find a friend or family member and teach them the material that will be covered on your upcoming test . If you can explain a subject clearly enough for someone to understand and learn from your tutoring session, then I think it’s safe to say you’re prepared for your test. 5. Understand vs. Memorize: Focus on understanding the material rather than memorizing it. If you put in the time to clearly and thoroughly understand a subject, memorization will follow naturally. 6. Don’t multitask: We all like to jam out, listening to music or watch the latest episode of our favorite TV series while simultaneously doing our homework, but all these distractions can take away from the quality of your work and prolong the amount of time you spend on your task. Instead you should give your undivided attention to your assignment, hopefully leaving you enough time to catch up on Netflix afterwards. 7. Study in a peaceful environment: It’s never easy to study, but being in a loud congested area can make it even more challenging. Instead you should find a location that’s quiet, peaceful and has a limited amount of distractions. 8. Take a break: Let’s be honest, hitting the books can be a brutal task. Getting your work done is important, but so is resting your mind. So have some downtime, stretch, go out for a walk, anything to ease your brain, and I guarantee that you’ll come back with clearer thoughts and even more motivation. 9. Reward yourself: I’ll be the first to say that spending my weekends knee deep in homework doesn’t sound in the least bit appealing, but having extra incentives such as getting a bite at your favorite restaurant or buying that new pair of sneakers you’ve had your eye on, only after you complete your work, can really motivate you to persevere. 10. Stay positive: Studying is never anyone’s ideal way to spend their time, but if you always have a negative attitude towards the idea of learning, it’ll only make completing your task more difficult. Instead I suggest focusing on the fact that you’re bettering yourself and gaining knowledge from this significant study session. 11. Test yourself: A good technique for studying is to create a pretest. To make your pretest, make sure you include questions that address the main topics of your quiz. By testing yourself it can reveal the cracks in one’s own knowledge, and areas where you are in need of improvement. 12. Ask for help: No one wants to see you succeed more than your teacher. So why not go go to them for assistance on your studies. I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to help and inform you on what you specifically need to study.

October 14th, 2016



Sports 15


ho are those kids with paddles?” I wondered as a freshman. I didn’t really know what dragon boat was until I got into high school and felt compelled to try it out for myself. I also never realized the impact it would have on me until I became a part of the team. Becoming a member of the team has not only made me stronger physically, but has allowed me to understand what it means to want something and to fight for it. Everyone assumes that dragon boat is a club that people join to get more exercise--but it’s more than that. To me, dragon boat is a family, as cheesy as that sounds. Anyone can join and will automatically feel welcomed to the community of smiling faces. There are practices two times a week, and paddlers bring their paddles and PFDs (personal flotation devices) so that after school they can utilize them at Lake Merced. Practice is two hours on Thursdays, and four hours on Sundays, where we do land exercises for half of the time, then paddle in the water for the other half. Land exercises are fairly rigorous depending on one’s capabilities. We train in cardio, arm strength, ab endurance, and many other exercises that go beyond those three categories. Land practice is a good way to strengthen the entire body, which benefits the way one paddles in the water. For water practices, we load up on a dock, and there are up to 20 paddlers in a boat. There is also a steers person who stands in the back of the boat to guide the boat’s direction. Dragon boat is very inclusive because a paddler doesn’t have to be particularly shaped in any way, meaning you can be tall, short, large, small, etc. Paddling is more about technique, and it takes awhile to truly get the form down. Improvement is very much based on the amount of time you practice. Water practice includes an array of drills/exercises to improve timing, endurance, aggression, and technique. After a day of practice, it’s typical to feel soreness since dragon boat uses different muscles than other sports, but the feeling of soreness brings much satisfaction to paddlers who know that they have greatly improved. Dragon boat isn’t just sitting on a boat; it’s a team where anyone can join and we paddle together. It is a water sport that requires monumental strength, but above that, a monumental amount of teamwork. The strongest people in the world can paddle together, but if they don’t have the same timing or paddle as one, they will do poorly. We encourage each other to improve one’s physical capabilities, but also to feel good about improving. Like many other sports, we compete. We go to races against many different schools across the city, and even across the state. Hundreds of teams come to race events, and the way the races are organized are by heats and divisions. Worked parliamentary style, if your team takes a high place in the race, you are able to move up in rank and be put in more races. A lot of the time, we spend all our energy on a single race, then have to wait an hour or two until the next one. The races require every bit of concencentration, effort, and power we have to get the best results possible. It goes to say that we really enjoy winning, but like many teams we don’t always win and at the end of the day, it’s a valuable opportunity to look for things to improve on and what we can do better. Come to think of it, when I was a freshman, Washington’s dragon boat team wasn’t really considered a good one. We would place in division C or D, opposed to now where we place in A or B. The amount of improvement is truly amazing considering the short amount of time, and we’ve changed the reputation of dragon boat for many years to come. The team has improved workouts, and an increased amount of active members. The change has come from

the work of the captains, and the work of students who have learned to prioritize dragon boat and who strive for improvement. It has been a collective effort to make dragon boat a more intense activity. “To me, dragon boat is a way of life. It has not only helped me improve physically, but mentally as well. I’ve gained a lot of self confidence throughout my years and during some of my years in this sport,” co-captain senior, Terrence Ng, shares. “I feel like my team and I have become a family.” There is still the ongoing issue about why dragon boat isn’t considered a sport at Washington, but rather a club. “In my book, a sport is simply any physically active activity that performs competitively. Even though dragon boat falls under that qualification, it’s yet to hold such a title. So why is that?” senior dragon boat veteran Derrick Huynh asks. Like Huynh, I too have this burning question. Everyone seems to know what golf, tennis, and football are, but for some, they have no idea what dragon boat paddlers do because it simply isn’t a universal sport that we learn to do as kids. Junior paddler Karina Leung states, “Other schools respect their DB (dragon boat) teams more so than ours, but the struggle to get dragon boat viewed as a sport is [also] an issue other schools are going through.” Leung points out that dragon boat practices don’t take place on school grounds, but rather an hour bus ride away from Washington to Lake Merced. Unlike other sports that have “home games” and “away games” fairly often, our competitions happen only once every few months at lakes outside of San Francisco. These differences may contribute to the reason why dragon boat isn’t a sport at Washington, and also why it is such an unknown sport. Alan Layug, who is a teacher at Washington, adult team paddler, and our high school’s dragon boat coach, gives the actual reason as to why dragon boat isn’t a sport yet. Layug explains, “To be considered a sport, the San Francisco Athletic Association has to approve [it]. Currently dragon boat is a whole year program and they like only one semester programs to become a sport. Currently, schools like Wash are working to make it a sport so [for] one semester we work by ourselves, and one semester we work with CDBA (California Dragon Boat Association).” While this sport means a lot to those on the team, it is also a huge part of Layug’s life. He recalls a conversation he once had in which a fellow teammate of his said that it was cute that his students on the team called him Dad. “I guess it’s just unusual for students to call their coach Dad. But that’s just normal for me since I see dragon boat as a family sport. I’m the Dad, and I see it that way. I like seeing my kids grow and progress through the sport as well. I just take it for granted,” Layug expresses. Though it may sound repetitive and maybe slightly annoying, it cannot be emphasized enough how this sport has created a family among the paddlers and coach. Each member views dragon boat as something different to them, which makes it irreplaceably unique in experience. In several ways, dragon boat is like any other sport. But it is also completely different. During races, you just tune out all the other voices outside of the boat and just focus on you and your team. It’s a way to bring out your inner fighter and to do the best you can. At the end, you just feel this relief that not only did you finish the race, but that you know you did your best. That is what dragon boat means to all of us.


16 Sports


October 14th, 2016

Athlete of the Issue: Jaclyn Guevarra BY CARMEN ZHEN


enior Jaclyn Guevarra spins, twirls, and skates on the slippery surface of cold ice for hours with a steadfast determination in her eyes. Guevarra skates around the rink with one leg extended at a ninety degree angle in the air with her chin held high. There’s always a place that people run to when life gets hard and for Guevarra, her special place is the ice rink. “When I’m skating, I feel free. I forget about all my problems and just live in the moment. Skating has always been my passion and it’s also my way to escape. Whenever I feel down or troubled, I go skate and it definitely helps,” Guevarra reveals. “Figure skating is also a way of being able to express myself–how I feel, through the power of music and movement.” Guevarra’s numerous awards from World/International Competitions come as no surprise when you learn that she’s been skating since the tender age of four. Since 2004, she’s accumulated a total of 40 gold medals, 6 gold trophies, 19 silver medals, 10 bronze medals, 5 fourth place medals, 2 fifth place medals, and 1 sixth place medal. “My father has always been my skating coach ever since I started skating. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for him,” she says proudly. “My parents have supported me throughout all my skating years.” Despite acquiring so many awards, she never let the medals and trophies get to her head. “I know that I’m still not the best even when I’ve won those competitions,” she says humbly. “I don’t skate for the trophies, medals, and awards; I skate because I love it. It is my passion.” On August 22, 2015 and again on August 20, 2016, Guevarra was won the Skate San Francisco Competition at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating Center. She competed with 8 to 10 professional skaters throughout the Bay Area and considers winning twice in a row as her biggest accomplishment so far. “Afterwards, I felt a ton of weight was lifted off my back because I didn’t feel any more pressure,” she says. “I’ve been so stressed weeks before the competition since I haven’t been doing so well at my practices.” Another accomplishment Guevarra is proud of was winning a national skating competition in Lake Tahoe in June, 2014. “I won first place overall in all 3 events,” she says. However, there was once a time when the ice rink no longer felt like home. “I remember when I was 12 years old, I actually stopped and quit skating because of frustration and stress,” she expresses. “I felt like I was never going to be good enough.” Figure skating is a strenuous sport that requires flexibility, strength, artistry, stamina, and most importantly, determination. Lack of motivation and encouragement caused doubts to creep in and for the first time, she was hesitant to continue pursuing her dream of competing in the Winter Olympics. Having practice at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating & Bowling Center for about 12 hours per week on Tuesdays-Fridays, coaching skaters of all ages from toddlers to adults on weekends, and having a lot of schoolwork, put a heavy weight on her shoulders. “It’s very difficult balancing it all because I always get home late from practice which results in sleeping late, trying to finish all [my] homework,” she explains. Another factor that contributed to her stress were comments from her peers. “Some people tell me I have ‘no life’ because all I do is skate,” she says. “But to me, skating is my life. You can’t succeed if you don’t persevere or sacrifice a little.” Before she allowed her dreams of becoming a Winter Olympian to slip away forever, she picked herself back up, refusing to let the discouragement bring her down. “I started to miss it more each day… I felt incomplete,” she reveals. “One day, I decided to give skating another try. This time, I did it for myself; I didn’t think about the work or the things I needed to do, I just skated for the love of it, like how it interested me in the first place.” Clearing her mind and reminiscing about how she fell in love with the ice rink resulted in a vast improvement in her skating and her confidence rebuilt itself. “I’ve had a lot more challenges I had to face later on [since then],” Guevarra says. “But I would look back at the time I once gave up and use it to motivate myself.” By finding the strength to glide back on the ice, she learned that hard work pays off. “If you’re not improving or making any progress, that’s maybe because you’re not working hard enough or making excuses such as, ‘I’ll work on it tomorrow’,” she recommends to anyone struggling at their craft. Through figure skating and rediscovering who she was and what she was meant to do, she realized that, “being an athlete isn’t all about the medals, trophies, and glamour. It’s about failing and what you do to overcome these challenges.” With a confident smile, she says, “I see [sports] more about competing against yourself, to become the best version of you, rather than competing against others.” Through her own experience, she believes that you need to have this mindset in order to succeed.


Editors-in-Chief: Bitota Mpolo, Melody Yan, Winnie Zhang Website Editors-in-Chief: Henry Chan, Anthony Chi, Jack Matull, Madison Ross, Tobias Sunshine Photographers: Christina La, Mandy Yu Graphic Designers: Robin Fong, Amy Hilomen, Casey Toy Staff Writers: Gabriel Cywinski, Malika Golshan, Jackson Harrington, Simone Herrera, Zoey Hou, Tiffany Lau, Christopher Lee, Corinne Leung, Belinda Li, Kevin Li, Chidinma Onyeonwu, Samantha Sacks, Jessica Thai, Kimberly Thai, Anna Voloshko, Erin Wong, May Yang, Mandy Yu, Carmen Zhen photos by Mandy Yu

Advisor: David Cary

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