1 minute read
Our BIG Why
from The Building Blocks of Early Learning in Gwinnett - Building Babies' Brains Inaugural Impact Report
Our children are our future. This oft repeated, but somewhat hollow sentiment, is likely the most true statement anyone has ever made. Think about it, in someone’s home or preschool classroom, somewhere playing on a playground, or walking to the store with family members, exists Gwinnett County’s future mayors, business people, educators, and great thinkers. Now is the time to prepare them and to prepare our county for a great future.
We know from well documented research that once behind, Kindergartners fall further and further behind their peers making it nearly impossible to catch up by third grade without costly interventions. Research also shows that children who are unable to read proficiently by the end of third grade are four to six times more likely to leave high school without a diploma. It’s important to know that guiding a student from dropout to graduate yields a better quality of life as well as higher tax revenues and lower government expenditures over their lifetime.