1 minute read
by Story Road
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU FELT JOY AT WORK? Sure, you’ve probably had times of feeling happy and satisfied—especially if you’re involved in work that you find meaningful. But pump-your-fist, give-a-high-five, click-your-heels joy? Maybe not so much. And if you don’t feel it as a leader, your employees probably don’t feel it either. Instead, they may view the culture at work through more of a going-through-the-motions lens that stifles the potential within. But leaders who are the best know how to transform a ho-hum business culture into one that’s joyful and makes everyone excited to start the day.
Here are a few best-in-business tips to infuse your culture with more joy:
• BE QUICK TO PRAISE—AND DO IT PUBLICLY Sure, you may give your team members a pat on the back when you’re happy with their work. But when was the last time you let everyone else know what a great job they did? And remember to be timely, too. You may not think it matters how long it takes for someone to be recognized, but that someone may not feel the same.
• BE QUICK TO FORGIVE—AND CONSIDER IF YOU NEED TO ASK FOR THAT, TOO. Everyone makes mistakes, including you. When leaders fess up to their own faults and make it safe for employees to admit they’ve done something wrong, that culture of trust overflows to one of joy.
• BE QUICK TO CELEBRATE—BOTH “BIG” AND “LITTLE” WINS. Remember, your team is watching your example in all kinds of ways— including whether you’re willing to drop that stiff upper lip and celebrate your accomplishments together. One of the best ways you can create a joy-filled culture in your business is by being joyful yourself.