inclusion of women on water management committees . . . and that building capacity of women’s groups is key for economic empowerment.” In addition, GWP and partners organised a workshop for 80 young female water leaders in Cameroon, with activities designed to boost confidence and empowerment in advocacy for water and climate issues. In India, GWP supported a study that provided evidence to enhance women’s access to finance
in support of entrepreneurship in the provision of safe drinking water. Recognising gender equality is not simply a social issue but has strong positive impacts on economic development and employment was among the conclusions of the gender-focused session, the first of its kind in this context, held during the Third Regional Nexus Roundtable in South East Europe organised by GWP Mediterranean.
Highlighting youth voices GWP continues to ensure the voices of young water leaders are aired through global platforms. In 2019, this included facilitating youth participation in the United Nations climate change meeting (COP25), World Water Week, and the Budapest Water Summit. GWP also supported youth input to the next World Water Forum, to be held in 2021 (see page 10). Networking opportunities in Southern Africa were also enhanced through establishment of the SADC Youth Water–Energy–Food Nexus Innovation Network (see page 11).
Youth Voices Policy Choices The Youth Voices Policy Choices initiative aims to empower a new generation of leaders, motivating them to become agents of change in the water sector and laying the foundations for better communication with decision-makers. Following the successful regional dialogues hosted by GWP Central and Eastern Europe and partners in 2018, the programme organised national events in Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine. These brought a total of 159 young water professionals together with 187 policy-makers and actors from academia and local authorities. Participants agreed there is a need for better intergenerational communication and mentoring, and they identified some key ways forward. Youth representatives presented the outcomes of the dialogues at the Budapest Water Summit and COP25 held in Madrid in December 2019. Looking ahead, national dialogues are planned on an annual basis in four of the participating countries.
Linking youth initiatives with financing opportunities GWP launched a novel idea to build youth engagement in the Caribbean through the ‘Shark Tank’ competition for young water entrepreneurs. This is a platform where young professionals can pitch their ideas for water projects directly to potential investors. It will be an annual initiative, providing business opportunities that contribute to boosting water security and creating job opportunities in the region. GWP also organised a series of webinars in Central America. These were designed to build capacity among young water professionals for writing project proposals and showcased examples of success. In Ghar El Melh, an important wetland habitat area in Tunisia, GWP worked with local youth and other stakeholders to promote climate- and environment-friendly opportunities for employment.
Presenters at the launch of the SADC Youth Water–Energy–Food Nexus Innovation Network
GWP in Action 2019 Annual Report