GWP Annual Report 2019

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Mobilising for a water secure world: GWP Strategy 2020–2025 GWP will leverage global policy frameworks to build momentum and change complex systems. An ambitious strategy, driven by a sense of urgency, anchored in global policy frameworks The global water crisis demands greater attention and more coordinated action, with an integrated approach to water management needed now more than ever. The GWP Strategy 2020–2025 calls for urgent action on, and agile responses to, this crisis. “If we do not get on track to bring sustainable water and sanitation to all, the entire 2030 Agenda is at risk. If that sounds alarming, it is,” said GWP Executive Secretary Monika Weber-Fahr when the strategy was first introduced externally at the UN HighLevel Political Forum in July 2019. Quoting from the strategy, she added, “A massive systems change is needed to allow countries to respond to the current crises and to provide clean and sustainably managed water to all people.” The new strategy anchors our work in three key global or regional policy frameworks: Water solutions for the SDGs, building climate resilience through water, and advancing transboundary water cooperation. The strategy provides direction for regional, national, and local action, outlining thematic priorities while also allowing for autonomy and innovation. At the same time, it pulls the Network together in collective action and clarifies the roles of the GWP Organisation and its governance bodies.

Broad contributions to design a widely shared new strategy Launched through a series of events around the world during the second half of 2019, the strategy was shaped through a yearlong process of consultation. Building on the results of the 2018 Partner survey and an independent evaluation delivered in July 2018, the strategy was informed by input from 355 Partner organisations from nearly 50 countries that convened during the 2018 Network Meeting, as well as by guidance from the GWP Steering Committee, Financing Partners, and GWP Technical Committee. The Regional Chairs and Coordinators were also involved throughout the process, and representatives from principal stakeholder groups (including international organisations, research and academia, civil society, and the private sector) were invited to contribute through reviews and comments.


GWP in Action 2019 Annual Report

All stakeholders at the table: The role of women, youth, and the private sector

Young women engage in a GWP partnership project on rainwater harvesting in Bangladesh

Today’s water challenges need all stakeholders at the table to jointly diagnose, discuss, and develop shared solutions. This includes engaging the private sector, contributing to gender equality, and mobilising youth for water action. The GWP Strategy 2020–2025 sets the following indicators for success in these areas: More

than 20 initiatives with private sector actors to mobilise investment, reduce impacts on water by key industries, and promote innovation and entrepreneurship.


than 20 countries implement development plans, strategies, and formal commitments contributing to gender inclusion and/or equality through water secure development.


than 20 youth-centric initiatives that mobilise youth to engage with water management, and governance processes and systems, and to participate in decision-making.

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