Wire~News 2010 Spring

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The Journal of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America Spring 2010





©2010 GWPCA





©2010 GWPCA





©2010 GWPCA

From the Editor I live with a man who doesn’t like change – he inherited the trait from his mother. I embrace change! But I understand change can negatively impact some people. So, I apologize up front to any of you change-haters, as I’m still fooling around with the look of the Wire~News. At some point, I’ll achieve the vision I have for it. And I’ll keep it that way – at least until I get bored and want to change it again! I considered changing the Wire~News email address to make it easier to track information sent to me. But for now, I decided another email account might just send me over the edge, as I have so much email to review between my personal life, every-day job and this one. Sorry to whoever wrote to me and asked that I change their local club information. Even though I systematically save emails for Wire~News items, I could never find your email again, so please send it another time, and I will make the correction. I think there is one change we can all embrace at this time – the change in seasons! I love winter, but I’ve had enough this year. I really look forward to getting outside more and playing – in the dirt, with the dogs, in the woods and on the beach. As you get outside with your wirehairs at upcoming events – don’t forget your cameras and notepads and pencils, or however you might record them. We need more contributors to the Wire~News. If the same people who write time-after-time get tired of it (and I think some are), we aren’t going to have a publication! I included a list of topics for future issues, so please choose one and start writing now. The next issue is the Field Dog Issue, and there are a lot of events taking place this Spring – we’d love to hear about them and see pictures. Thanks to everyone who sent in material for this issue. It’s greatly appreciated by everyone. I published Kay Braddock’s article on Rally events again this Spring. It’s a great primer for those just starting their Rally training or planning to enter an event for the first time – thanks, Kay. Chico and I recently began obedience training this Winter and we’re really having fun. I sense his energy level pick up as soon as we enter the training facility. We start a Rally class next if we pass Novice, but I don’t think that’s a concern – you all know how smart these dogs are. Chico recognizes what to do as soon as I show him a time or two. And he loves his treats. Have a great and blessed Spring!

Ellen Herminghaus


Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Nice job on the Winter 2009 Wire~News! I do appreciate all your efforts and long hours in producing such a beautiful publication. This is indeed a publication for every GWPCA member to be proud of! I would like to offer a few suggestions for the Wire~News issue that follows the next National event. After each National, I would suggest listing all the “historical” NFC and NAFC winners and placements – maybe even include the Futurity, Derby, and Puppy. I have attached two spreadsheets that include the historical NFC and NAFC winners and placements (I received it second-hand – it was produced by Doug Ljungren. Perhaps he also has the Futurity, Derby, and Puppy placements?). I updated the list from 2006 (please check my information). I think this historical documentation is very important to provide to the GWPCA membership and for continued recognition to those dogs receiving such a high honor. I would think that newer members like me that were not around in the 1980s would find this extremely informative. I always felt that if historical information can be published more often, the less likely it will be lost over time. I am sure that I am not the only one that thumbs through the old Wire~News to learn and study the pedigrees of the great foundation dogs of the past. I was fortunate that someone passed on to me their old Wire~News dating back to 1982). For this year’s Nationals, I would have liked to have seen more photos of the field events but understand the weather was an issue. I would also suggest that all “National Awards” given out at the banquet should be listed in the Wire~News. Not only would this provide historical documentation but also provide information to those GWPCA members not able to attend. If one is unable to attend the Nationals, they never hear about the award recipients. I know New Titles are published in the Wire~News along with Top Field and Top Producers, but not the other National awards, including ROMS, Versatility, etc, that are presented at the GWPCA banquet. Maybe it would be good to produce a historical page on that as well (to bring everyone up to speed?). It would still be timely if posted in the next issue (provided there is space and time to do this). I have limited resources but will be glad to assist if needed. Thank you for your time,

Meg Eden

Note from editor: Your recommendations are good and will be passed on to the National Committee Chair, and to the historian, who I think is Pat Laurans (her email address is listed on the contributor’s page). If you would like to offer assistance to the historian in compiling the lists, I’m sure it would be appreciated. I will publish them in the Field Dog Issue this summer. Hopefully, someone on the Nationals committee will designate a person to make a list of all the awards given out at Nationals, so it can be passed on to the WireNews editor. I can’t attend all the events at this time because I’m limited on vacation from my job; otherwise, I would be the reporter. Hey! that’s what we need – a National Event Reporter. Any volunteers? Another member recommended the judge’s comments for the conformation events be provided in the WireNews as they had been in previous years. I did request this be set up prior to the event, but I think in the confusion of weather and other logistics, it just got overlooked. We’ll all strive to do a better job next year, and the more volunteers that step up to assist in such matters, the easier it will be for those who spend so much time in organizing the National event and reporting on it afterwards! Thanks, Editor ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



Wire News The Journal of the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America Performance Dog/Top Dog/Breeder Issue


Feature Articles AKC Delegates Report Pages 19-21 AKC Grand Championship Pages 22-23 AKC Meet the Breeds Pages 24-25 Mixed Breed Entries Accepted Pages 26-27 Understanding Major Structural Faults Pages 28-30 Practical GWPCA Emergency Care Pages 34-35 Has Your Dog Been Diagnosed With Cancer? Pages 36-37 Becky’s Letter Pages 38 AKC Rally Pages 39-43 National Obedience Invitational Page 45 Remembering Helen Shelley Pages 58-59 Remembering Fran Sakiey Page 60-61 Illinois Specialty Report Pages 64-65 Healing Power of Agility Pages 66-67

Club Business Local GWP Clubs Page 10 Code of Ethics/Board Members Page 11 AKC GWP Breed Standard Page 12 GWPCA Board Minutes Pages 13-15 Treasurer Report Page 16 New Members Page 62 Bulletin Board Page 63

WireNews editor Ellen Herminghaus Forward all ads, payment for ads, articles, inquiries and additional material to: 6313 Saintsbury Ct., Oklahoma City, OK 73132 405-722-0743 ellenandscott@sbcglobal.net

Regular Features

CHIC List Page 32 Obedience Feature Pages 48-49 In The Company Of Dogs Pages 50-53 Whelping Box Pages 54-55 Wired Living Pages 56-57 AKC Invitational Page 68 Agility Standings & Titles Page 69 Field Top 10 Page 70 News From Down Unda Page 71 Obedience Standings & Titles Page 72 OFA Stats Page 73 New Titles Pages 74-76 Junior Showmanship Page 77 Show Top 10 Page 78 Top Producing Sires & Dams Pages 79-80

Index to Advertisers Hilltop Farms & K-S-Tzarr GWPs Cover Heywire GWPs - Cheshire Inside Front Cover Kennel Von Duffin - Duffin Page 1 Hilltop Farms & K-S-Tzarr GWPs Page 2 Windmill & Aspendel - Watkins Page 3 The Haven Kennel - Heiller Page 4 Red Brannan Wirehairs Page 46 Scotia Kennel - Reeves Page 47 Wildwest Kennels, Top Shelf Kennels Page 82 The Haven Kennels, Inverness Kennels Page 82 Jay Houghton Page 85 Justa GWPs - Brawn Page 86 Justa GWPs - Brawn Page 87 Claddagh Kennel - Vogel & Bastien Inside Back Cover Willamette GWP’s - Popescu Back Cover


Marco, or Ch K-S-Tzarr-Balkanoff Vom Sepp is owned by Betty Stroh of Hilltop Farms, and bred and co-owned by Kosta Sunda of KS-Tzarr GWPs. The sire is Ch Caramel ‘N Heywire’s Larkspur Latte JH and the dam is Ana JH. Marco has a very correct coat, lovely dark eyes and a beautiful head. Marco will now be shown exclusively by Robert Perry, PHA.

Please note, the WireNews publication provides the various standings and other reports as a service to the GWPCA members. WireNews contributors gather the data for publishing, but have no control over the content. If there is missing, misspelled or incorrect data, please consult the agency that compiles the data for corrections. 8


©2010 GWPCA


GWPCA & Wirenews Staff Wirenews Editor

Ellen Herminghaus, 6313 Saintsbury Ct., Oklahoma City, OK 73132, 405-722-0743 or ellenandscott@sbcglobal.net

Wirenews Columnists Column Rescue column From the Whelping Box CHF donations Agility New Titles Agility & Obedience standings Show standings Obedience NAVHDA Down Under Across the Pond Field Top 10 OFA Junior Talk Wired Living Yuppie Puppy

Laura Myles Laura Myles Michelle Boyd Ashlee Trotter Lori Sargent Lori Sargent Lori Sargent Greg Dubois Courtney Vogel Patricia Beckett Alexandra Friar Lynn Sandor Cathy Milachek Katie Webb Beth Hollenberg Kata Kobli

Email contact info invernesskennels@verizon.net invernesskennels@verizon.net jboyd1@newwavecomm.net training@creativepaws.com birddog@windsweptwires.net birddog@windsweptwires.net birddog@windsweptwires.net grgdubois@comcast.net courtneyvogel@hotmail.com kobnkogwp@bigpond.com alex@sashal.co.uk sandorcpa@comcast.net Ciaradoc@aol.com lemonsugar5393@hotmail.com patokagwp@verizon.net katababa@aol.com

GWPCA Breeder Referral

GWPCA Delegate to the AKC

Bernee Brawn, 1408 Pineville Rd, New Hope, PA 18938

Patricia Laurans, 54 Mount Pleasant Rd, Newtown, CT


(203)426-9169 plaurans@earthlink.net


Guidelines for Submitting Items to the WireNews 1. The preferred method for submitting items to the WireNews is via email, either as a Microsoft Word attachment or as a last resort, in the text of an email. Please don’t send items in “zipped” files. 2. Digital photos should be a minimum of 1MB. Anything less than that will look grainy, especially if you want the photo to cover a large percentage of the page. Digital photos may be emailed or sent on a CD. 3. Pictures must be sent separate from Word documents, so if you have an article or ad, send the text and photo in separate files, i.e. 1 .doc file and 1 .jpg file. You should create the image box in the text file to ensure proper placement. 4. If you want your ad to appear exactly as you’ve laid it out, please send your ad as a PDF file. 5. Please include WireNews and other description in the subject line of the email. 6. If you do not send a Self-Addressed Stamped envelope with your photos, they will not be returned, and will be kept “on file” for possible use in future issues. 7. When mailing items for the WireNews, please allow 7 days. If you want to use Fed-EX and UPS to send your items, please use the WireNews Editor’s address above. ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



Guidelines for images submitted to the Wire~News Images taken with a digital camera Most digital cameras have a setting allowing you to choose the output format. The most common formats are JPG and TIFF. Some cameras may also produce PNG image files. With any format – larger is better. We can always reduce the size of an image with limited or no loss of quality. Making a smaller image larger will result in a loss of quality. TIFF is the preferred format for electronic submission. We realize this format produces large files, but it does not lose any information. You get whatever the camera sees. PNG is the next best format, as any file compression can be reversed. JPG Images should be at the highest quality the camera will produce (largest pixel format such as 2400 X 1900 or similar numbers. Snapshot style images (400 X 300) pixels will probably not be good enough for publication. Downloaded web images are frequently compressed and of a quality that is fine for the web, but will not be suitable for printing.

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1/2 inch

If you would like to place an ad so that the color goes all the way to the border of the page with no white showing, this is called full bleed. Your ad will need to be slightly larger than normal to accommodate for the printer to trim the page. Please size your ad to the following dimensions: 8.75 inches x 11.25 inches. You should keep all of the text and wording at least one half inch inside of each side to make sure nothing gets cut off when the printer trims the page to size.

Ad Example


The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America Wire-News The GWPCA Wire-News is published by the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America, Inc. The GWPCA is a non-profit Michigan corporation which was founded in 1959 to promote and develop the German Wirehaired Pointer. Since 1959, the GWPCA has been recognized by the American Kennel Club as a member club responsible for the development of the GWP in the United States. The GWPCA Wire-News is published for the members of the GWPCA and is a benefit of membership in this club. The editors of the GWPCA Wire-News wish to encourage everyone to send articles of information of interest to our members. The editors of the GWPCA Wire-News reserve the right to edit or refuse to print any letters or articles sent into the GWPCA Wire-News. Articles or letters appearing in the Wire-News do NOT necessarily reflect the views of the GWPCA, the GWPCA Wire-News, or its staff. Individuals interested in membership in the GWPCA should contact the club membership director.

Publishing Schedule

Issue Deadline Summer 2010 (Field Dog Issue) May 15, 2010 Fall 2010 (Judges Issue) July 15, 2010 Winter 2010 (Nationals Issue) cover reserved for 2010 NFC, NAFC, or BISS Nov. 1, 2010 Spring 2011 (Performance Dog/Top Dog/Breeder Issue) Feb. 15, 2011

The Cover, inside front cover, back cover and inside back cover are available for advertising on most issues. Arrangements can be made for late submissions, but you must contact me if you want to place an ad after the deadline to ensure getting the newsletter out on time. Please mail all payments to the Wire~News Editor.

Advertising Rates

Front Cover (Color)—Includes inside story and 1 photo Back Cover (Color)—includes 1 photo Inside Front or Back Cover (Color) —includes 1 photo Full Page Black & White*—includes 1 photo Half Page Black & White*—includes 1 photo Quarter Page Black & White*—includes 1 photo Center Spread Black & White*—includes 1 photo Second Ad B&W*(same advertiser, same issue, full page) Business Card Black & White* (one year) Additional Photos Reverses(writing over photo) Bleeds (pictures running edge to edge) *Color (Contact the Editor for availability)

NonMember Member $250 $300 $200 $250 $200 $250 $75 $100 $60 $75 $40 $50 $150 $225 $65 No Disc. $50 $75 No Charge No Charge No Charge $100 additional


All Pedigrees must be typed and all ads must be accompanied with full payment. Send all advertising to the editor. All ads must be received by the deadline unless prior arrangements have been made. The editor will not be responsible for typos on any ads received that are camera ready. Ads and photos that are submitted via email are preferred. For best results, use a good clear picture. Ideally, digital photos should be at least 1 MB. Pictures can be reduced, but enlargements may become fuzzy Mail all ads in an envelope with cardboard protecting them. Your photos will NOT be returned unless you send a self-addressed stamped envelope!!!

If you do not receive an issue of the newsletter, contact Sue Mueller GWPCA Treasurer: (715) 425-9863 ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



President: Gary Wickwire Vice President: Ray Calkins Treasurer: Kathy Green Secretary: Mary Hanson (503) 632-1162 hansonm@bctonline.com www.geocities.com/oregongwp

President: Charlie Kissinger Vice President: Linda Krepak Treasurer: LuAnn Walsh Secretary: Bernee Braun

President: Rhonda Houkoos Vice President: Tom Lococco Treasurer: Jan Erbe Secretary: Chuck Casanova 2005 S. 141st Circle Omaha, NE 68144 (402) 691-9489


President: Penny Ljungren Vice President: John Renner Treasurer: Jack Richbourg Secretary: Serena Sorenson 4521 SW Admiral Way Seattle, WA 98116 (206) 935-1053 jetchev99@yahoo.com www.seatacgwpc.com

President: Dan DeGraw Vice President: Richard Hirneisen Treasurer: Bill Schmidt Secretary: Lori Sargent 5775 N. Chester Rd. Charlotte, MI 48813 (517) 667-0007 birddog@windsweptwires.net www.fdgwpc.org/

GWP Club of Wisconsin President: William Bastion Vice President: Vern Grimslid Treasurer: Carol Piette-Cagle Secretary: Carol Piette-Cagel W8489 Grandview Drive Appleton, WI 54944 (920) 779-6608 GWPPiette@aol.com

GWP Club of Southern California President: Ellis Herz Vice President: Linda Ercoli Treasurer: Karla Weber Secretary: Karen Nelsen P.O. Box 6390 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 928-636-9939 ruwyrd@aol.com www.gwpsocal.com/

President: Brian Washa Vice President: Bernadette Zabransky Treasurer: Al Brady Secretary: Cathie Dubois www.GWPCI.com

President: Cynthia Heiller, DVM Vice President: Randall Berry Treasurer: Diane Marsh Secretary: Debbie Lewis 101 Carlton Ave. Vacaville, CA 95687 (707) 447-1172


Suncoast German Wirehaired Pointer Club President: Joe Proulx Vice President: Bev Moos Treasurer: Karen Purdome Secretary: Meg Eden 10060 NW 27th Street Terrebonne, OR 97760 (541) 410-3935




President: Belinda DeLaby Vice President : Erika Brown Treasurer: Deb Wadsworth Secretary: Angie Johnson 1450 Marker Rd. Polk City, FL 33868 (863) 576-3064 angiehef@aol.com www.suncoastgwpc.com

President: Bob Karrick Vice President: Wayne Starkson Treasurer: Tom Weber Secretary: Stacy Risler email: blauermondgwp@charter.net


German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America Code of Ethics The members of the GWPCA are devoted to the continued preservation, protection and improvement of the German Wirehaired Pointer. This Code provides guidelines for ethical practices and care, and seeks to promote good sportsmanship. RECORDS GWPCA members will maintain complete and accurate records for each dog and litter. BREEDING GWPCA members will evaluate any dog or bitch used for breeding, using the criteria set forth by the breed standard. Only those dogs free of recognized genetic defects shall be used in a breeding program. Breeders will be selective with respect to the physical and mental soundness, health, temperament, and natural hunting ability of the dog or bitch. CARE AND TRANSFER OF DOGS No puppies or adult dogs shall be bred, sold or consigned to pet shops or other commercial enterprises Proper care shall be provided for bitch and puppies. Puppies shall be kept until seven weeks of age. All prospective buyers should be carefully screened to assure that puppies have a safe, loving and stimulating home. An honest evaluation of the quality of the puppy will be made. Purchasers are encouraged to spay or neuter all dogs that will not be used for breeding. New owners will receive the following documentation: 1. Written sales contract or co-ownership agreement 2. Copy of the AKC registration 3. Feeding instructions 4. Medical records 5. Three-generation pedigree 6. Training recommendations 7. Copy of this Code of Ethics GWPCA members are prepared to assist puppy buyers when questions or problems arise for the life of the dog. New owners are encouraged to become involved in GWPCA activities, regional GWP clubs, dog training, and/or dog performance events. SPORTSMANSHIP GWPCA members shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their dogs, and the sport of dogs, regardless of location or circumstance.

2009 GWPCA Board of Directors President

Laura Reeves, 5000 Waverly Rd, Lincoln, NE 68514

(206) 979-3758

reevesLJ@earthlink.net Vice President

Ray Calkins, 13235 SW Bell Rd, Sherwood, OR 97140

(503) 682-2938


Secretary Michelle Boyd, 617 Taylor St., Greenville, IL 62246

(618) 664-2250


Treasurer Sue Mueller, W 12203—870th Ave, River Falls, WI 54022

(715) 425-9863

st.croix.wirehairs@pressenter.com Eastern Director

Charles Kissinger, 547 Bellevue Ave, Penndel PA 19047

(215) 752-9580


Midwest Director Elizabeth Dixon, N7815 County Rd N, Spring Valley, WI 54767

(715) 778-4675


Western Director

Robert Perry, 527 NW Elm Ave., Suite 3, PMB 200, Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 504-9197 aspendel@aol.com




The German Wirehaired Pointer Breed Standard GENERAL APPEARANCE The German Wirehaired Pointer is a well muscled, medium sized dog of distinctive appearance. Balanced in size and sturdily built, the breed’s most distinguishing characteristics are its weather resistant, wire-like coat and its facial furnishings. Typically Pointer in character and style, the German Wirehaired Pointer is an intelligent, energetic and determined hunter. SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE The height of males should be from 24 to 26 inches at the withers. Bitches are smaller but not under 22 inches. To insure the working quality of the breed is maintained, dogs that are either over or under the specified height must be severely penalized. The body is a little longer than it is high, as ten is to nine. The German Wirehaired Pointer is a versatile hunter built for agility and endurance in the field. Correct size and balance are essential to high performance. HEAD The head is moderately long. Eyes are brown, medium in size, oval in contour, bright and clear and overhung with medium length eyebrows. Yellow eyes are not desirable. The ears are rounded but not too broad and hang close to the head. The skull broad and the occipital bone not too prominent. The stop is medium. The muzzle is fairly long with nasal bone straight, broad and parallel to the top of the skull. The nose is dark brown with nostrils wide open. A spotted or flesh colored nose is to be penalized. The lips are a trifle pendulous but close to the jaw and bearded. The jaws are strong with a full complement of evenly set and properly intermeshing teeth. The incisors meet in a true scissors bite. NECK, TOPLINE, BODY The neck is of medium length, slightly arched and devoid of dewlap. The entire back line showing a perceptible slope down from withers to croup. The skin throughout is notably tight to the body. The chest is deep and capacious with ribs well sprung. The tuck-up apparent. The back is short, straight and strong. Loins are taut and slender. Hips are broad with the croup nicely rounded. The tail is set high, carried at or above the horizontal when the dog is alert. The tail is docked to approximately two-fifths of its original length. FOREQUARTERS The shoulders are well laid back. The forelegs are straight with elbows close. Leg bones are flat rather than round, and strong, but not so heavy or coarse as to militate against the dog’s natural agility. Dewclaws are generally removed. Round in outline the feet are webbed, high arched with toes close, pads thick and hard, and nails strong and quite heavy. HINDQUARTERS The angles of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. A straight line drawn vertically from the buttock (ischium) to the ground should land just in front of the rear foot. The thighs are strong and muscular. The hind legs are parallel when viewed from the rear. The hocks (metatarsus) are short, straight and parallel turning neither in nor out. Dewclaws are generally removed. Feet as in forequarters. COAT The functional wiry coat is the breed’s most distinctive feature. A dog must have a correct coat to be of correct type. The coat is weather resistant and, to some extent, water-repellent. The undercoat is dense enough in winter to insulate against the cold but is so thin in summer as to be almost invisible. The distinctive outer coat is straight, harsh, wiry and flat lying, and is from one to two inches in length. The outer coat is long enough to protect against the punishment of rough cover, but not so long as to hide the outline of the dog. On the lower legs the coat is shorter and between the toes it is of softer texture. On the skull the coat is naturally short and close fitting. Over the shoulders and around the tail it is very dense and heavy. The tail is nicely coated, particularly on the underside, but devoid of feather. Eyebrows are of strong, straight hair. Beard and whiskers are medium length. The hairs in the liver patches of a liver and white dog may be shorter than the white hairs. A short smooth coat, a soft woolly coat, or an excessively long coatis to be severely penalized. While maintaining a harsh, wiry texture, the puppy coat may be shorter than that of an adult coat. Coats may be neatly groomed to present a dog natural in appearance. Extreme and excessive grooming to present a dog artificial in appearance should be severely penalized. COLOR The coat is liver and white, usually either liver and white spotted, liver roan, liver and white spotted with ticking and roaning or solid liver. The head is liver, sometimes with a white blaze. The ears are liver. Any black in the coat is to be severely penalized. GAIT The dog should be evaluated at a moderate gait. Seen from the side, the movement is free and smooth with good reach in the forequarters and good driving power in the hindquarters. The dog carries a firm back and exhibits a long, ground-covering stride. When moving in a straight line the legs swing forward in a free and easy manner and show no tendency to cross or interfere. There should be no signs of elbowing out. The rear legs follow on a line with the forelegs. As speed increases, the legs will converge toward a center line of travel. TEMPERAMENT Of sound, reliable temperament, the German Wirehaired Pointer is at times aloof but not unfriendly toward strangers; a loyal and affectionate companion who is eager to please and enthusiastic to learn. Approved October 10, 2006; Effective January 1, 2007 14


©2010 GWPCA


GWPCA Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On motion, meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm. Members present: Bob Perry, Michelle Boyd, Garnett Persinger, Laura Reeves, Ray Calkins, Sue Mueller, and Liz Dixon. Approval of minutes from September board meeting and annual board meeting. On motion the minutes were approved from the annual board meeting and September meeting. President’s Report: Laura Reeves reported the following: everyone who was actively involved in the National should give themselves a pat on the back. Things went well. There has been some question about the payment of the tent. The tent was set up without Gina or Laura on the premises, but it doesn’t look like that will affect the price of $1500.00 for the tent (minus the $600 Gina is giving us as a credit for the room). This would leave a balance of $900 for the tent which is payable to Rend Lake Resort. Treasurer’s Report: No report. Secretary’s report: Michelle Boyd reported we have our first mentor for AKC under the new mentor program – it’s Nikki Litwin. Committee Reports By-laws: Mark Sargent reported the following: I have nothing to report at this time. I hope to reinitiate this effort in the near future. CHIC: Robin Nelson reported the following: Just want to thank everyone involved in making our CHIC DNA Repository collection a success! We have had 30 dogs contribute blood and cheek swab DNA, with more members promising to submit samples in the future. I look forward to sharing any information regarding new research as it becomes available. Eleven GWP’s have been screened and assigned CHIC numbers. I am happy to report these dogs represent seven different kennel names. We welcome Southpaw Time is On My Side #59898 as our newest member to the list. Thanks for your support. GWPU: Joy Brewster reported the following: I am running out of ideas. The handling portion worked out well for the “newbees” and I received several compliments on that. What ideas does the Board have for 2010? The membership has not given me any thoughts except perhaps doing a Performance Event demo with explanations. That could be one portion. The board discussed the possibility of sponsoring the GWPU to make it open to all attending the National. Michelle Boyd will contact Joy to see how she feels about the possibility of the board

sponsoring the GWPU. Recommendations about subjects include a field (whoa training) demo & a presentation on thyroid. Helen George is scheduled to present another session on grooming. Judge’s Education: Judy Cheshire reported the following: I will be presenting the breed on December 4th in Rhode Island at the AKC Sporting Dog Institute. Anticipate 25-30 attendees and have 5-6 dogs lined up. Joy and I are working on merging our power point presentations and hope to come up with something that can be easily shared. An article in the AKC website regarding taking wounded veterans out hunting. SEAC Report: Judy Cheshire reported the following: Nothing definitive, but hope to get feedback from members on two questions - #1 Change the “one time only” rule on National Sweepstakes - there were some complaints regarding increasing the Sweeps to 24 months, but only allowing any dog to enter once. We’d like to make it more open to increase entries - more next month. #2 Also anticipate recommending to add a Maturity to complement the Futurity program, but need more input from Audrey and Courtney so that the program can be more fully fleshed out. Angie agreed to send a disc with all the Duals, National Specialty Winners, BIS winners, etc. to AKC to be archived. I think this is a very good idea so that it will be available for future generations. Any objections? Angie has also volunteered to do the website annually for the Nationals. Cost, she said would be nominal - do you want her to do it (she wanted me to ask the Board). (See new business for further information.) REAC Report: Liz Dixon reported that she is waiting for the judges list to pick judges for the 2010 National. Two meetings were held at the National. NEAC Report: No report. Old Business 2009 National: Discussion ensued regarding the fact that we do not have all judges for National events (field, hunt tests, conformation, obedience and agility) sign contracts. In order to have continuity regarding judges for the National, contracts should be signed by all judges. On motion all judges for any venue must sign a contract with expenses specified. 2010 National: Reservations are being taken at the hotel. Laura is working on a new flier to be included in the next wire-news. Ray Calkins reported that the hunt test will be co-chaired by Joe Prue and Chuck Casanova. Proposal for breeder of the year award: still waiting to hear from Nikki Litwin. ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS


CLUB BUSINESS New business Proposal from Ft. Detroit to host 2011 National: Michelle Boyd will either scan or snail mail the information for the next meeting so a decision can be made at the next meeting. GWPCA National Website: Angie Johnson used a website/ program that costs $15 per month. Angie is willing to continue hosting the website, but has proposed that the board fund the website. Website can use up to 500 e-mail addresses for $15 per month. On motion the board will pay the website fee of $200 per year (any amount over $200 needs to be approved by the board) and ask Angie to continue. Laura Reeves will contact Angie Johnson. Archival: Pat Laurans has asked Garnett Persinger and Kelly Wisch to put all historical items together, catalog, digitize and then send originals to AKC (climate controlled). The AKC offers a free-of-charge climate controlled archival storage. Garnet reported

that nothing would be done until spring. On motion the board will pursue the concept of having the information archived through the AKC storage system. Tri-Color GWP: Joy Brewster has been in contact with Laura Myles regarding a tri-color GWP from England or Germany. Joy wants to do an article on color for the Wire-News. On motion the board will review the article before it is submitted. Date for next month’s meeting: January 13, 2010 On motion the meeting adjourned at 9:10pm. Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Boyd GWPCA Secretary

GWPCA Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 23, 2010

On motion, meeting was called to order at 7:37 pm. Members present: Laura Reeves, Sue Mueller, Michelle Boyd, Bob Perry, Ray Calkins, and Liz Dixon Approval of minutes from December board meeting. On motion the minutes were approved from the December meeting. President’s Report: Laura Reeves reported that her President’s Report would be included under other items in the agenda. The Wire~News should be in every member’s home by now. Treasurer’s report: Sue Mueller reported the following: Rescue Fund-$10,286.87; Money Market-$10,460.14; Checking-$10,946.85. Sue is working on the 2009 National finances and should have a report ready shortly. It looks like we will have to pay for the tent that was placed incorrectly at the National site. Sue has contacted Purina - we will be receiving $2,000 from them for the 2009 National. Sue reported we may have to pay an accountant due to the fact we may be accountable for paying taxes on revenue, and we will need help with reporting this. This is based on information sent to us from the AKC. Secretary’s report: Michelle Boyd reported that she sent several approvals for field trials. She was contacted by Annie Ballotti from Purina regarding dates for the 2010 National. She received responses from the e-mail letter Angie Johnson sent regarding membership dues.



©2010 GWPCA

Committee Reports By-laws: No report. CHIC: Robin Nelson gave the following regarding donations for Canine Health Foundation Grants. I will not assign a monetary amount, just list those I feel are presently a priority: # 00613 The Prognostic Significance of Chromosome Aneuploidy in Canine Lymphoma # 615B Heritable and Sporadic Genetic Lesions in Canine Lymphoma # 00748 SNP Association Mapping for Canine Epilepsy #00779 Characterization of the Canine Y Chromosome: Identifying Genes that cause Male Infertility #01231-A Prevalence and Localization of Bartonella spp. in Vascular Tumors from Dogs #01352-A Detection of Brucella canis DNA in canine urine, semen and vaginal cells via qPCR analysis I’d also like to note we have yet another dog on our CHIC list. Ripsnorter’s MT View Charismatic represents a new kennel name and brings our list to 12 dogs. I plan to write an article for the next newsletter listing how to find

CLUB BUSINESS the podcasts and all the available health information AKC offers including the available research projects. I also plan to contact the GWPCA members that expressed an interest in the DNA repository, but were unable to be at Nationals. Hope to help them contribute samples on their own. GWPU: Joy Brewster reported the following: The only thing I have is that I forwarded two GWP pictures for the Wire~News and also suggested that they work with Dr Grossman. Dr. Grossman would write articles for the Wire~News. Judge’s Education: No report.

#00970 Tissue Regeneration Using Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Effects of Donor Characteristics and ex vivo Expansion on Cell Pluripotency $1000 #01231-A Prevalence and Localization of Bartonella spp. in Vascular Tumors from Dogs $1000 #01352-A Detection of Brucella canis DNA in canine urine, semen and vaginal cells via qPCR Analysis $500 See Robin Nelson’s recommendations in her CHIC report.

FEAC report: Liz Dixon reported she is compiling a list of judges for field trials to be sent for voting.

On motion the donations were approved. Ray Calkins will contact the AKC CHF to give them our donations.

SEAC report: No report.

Date for next months meeting: February 10, 2010

NEAC Report: No report.

2010 Gun Dog Nationals: They have asked for donations for trophies. Discussion ensued regarding how these trophies are determined and presented. Ray Calkins will contact them to get more clarification regarding the trophies and how they are presented. Ray will present this information at the next meeting.

Old Business 2009 National: See Treasurer’s Report. 2010 National: Bob Perry reported that Laura Myles will contact Onofrio regarding having them as our show superintendent for the National. If we haven’t heard from them, Bob will talk to them at the Portland shows. Gary Wickwire is working on someone who would be able to provide food for the field trial events. Ray Calkins reported that Gary has birds reserved already for the hunt tests and field trials.

On motion the meeting adjourned at 9:16pm Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Boyd GWPCA Secretary

Proposal for breeder of the year award: Still waiting to hear from Nikki Litwin. Proposal from Ft. Detroit to host 2011 National: The Board reviewed the proposal from Ft. Detroit. On motion the board approved the Ft. Detroit holding of the 2011 National. This will not be a board-run National event. New Business AKC Canine Health Foundation Donations: Grants were sent by Ray Calkins via email earlier. Through December 30, 2009, we have $10,999 in Donor Advised Funds. Total donations were $9500. Ray suggestions for grants are as follows: #00613 The Prognostic Significance of Chromosome Aneupoindy in Canine Lymphoma $1000 #00615B Heritable and Sporadic Genetic Lesions in Canine Lymphoma $2500 #00748 SNP Association Mapping for Canine Epilepsy $1000 #00779 Characterization of the Canine Y Chromosome: Identifying Genes that Cause Male Infertility $2500 ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS


All Star Invitational Inc 890.00 Breeder' List 1,795.00 Canine Health Inc 1,090.96 Interest Inc 105.48 Rescue Fund 5,785.00 Roger Bultman Rescue Fund Inc 1,000.00 Wire News Inc 7,784.00 By: Sue Mueller, Treasurer, GWPCA


tHE TREASURER’S REPORT 1/1/2009-2/23/2010

INCOME 2009 GWPU Inc 2009 Maturity Inc 2009 Membership 2009 Nat Catalogue Inc 2009 Nat FT Inc 2009 Nat Hospitality Inc 2009 Nat Ht Inc 2009 Nat Inc 2009 Nat Merch Inc 2009 Nat Specialty Inc 2009 Nat Trophy Fund Inc 2009 Show Futurity Inc 2010 Membership AKC Delegates Fund Inc All Star Invitational Inc Breeder' List Canine Health Inc Interest Inc Rescue Fund Roger Bultman Rescue Fund Inc Wire News Inc

$ 87,423.35 795.00 1,318.36 13,845.00 4,161.00 5,697.00 1,800.00 1,485.00 10,751.00 5,128.95 7,229.60 2,652.00 465.00 10,995.00 2,650.00 890.00 1,795.00 1,090.96 105.48 5,785.00 1,000.00 7,784.00

EXPENSES 2009 Field Futurity Exp 2009 Maturity Exp 2009 Nat Catalogue Exp 2009 Nat Exp 2009 Nat FT Exp 2009 Nat Hospitality Exp 2009 Nat HT Exp 2009 Nat Merch Exp 2009 Nat Show Futurity Exp 2009 Nat Specialty Exp 2009 Nat Trophy Exp 2010 Nat Exp Advertising AKC Delegate Exp AKC Delegates Fund Exp All Star Invitational Exp Bank Charge Canine Health Exp Donation Dues GWPCA Web Page 18 WIRE NEWS ©2010 GWPCA Insurance

$ (94,187.74) (30.75) (1,204.81) (2,834.65) (13,644.57) (7,782.81) (975.63) (1,003.73) (4,118.32) (789.55) (11,442.28) (133.33) (1,000.00) (856.00) (600.00) (1,176.57) (1,834.50) (144.03) (1,090.96) (957.50) (25.00) (906.00) (1,476.00)

EXPENSES 2009 Field Futurity Exp 2009 Maturity Exp 2009 Nat Catalogue Exp 2009 Nat Exp 2009 Nat FT Exp 2009 Nat Hospitality Exp 2009 Nat HT Exp 2009 Nat Merch Exp 2009 Nat Show Futurity Exp 2009 Nat Specialty Exp 2009 Nat Trophy Exp 2010 Nat Exp Advertising AKC Delegate Exp AKC Delegates Fund Exp All Star Invitational Exp Bank Charge Canine Health Exp Donation Dues GWPCA Web Page Insurance Rescue

$ (94,187.74) (30.75) (1,204.81) (2,834.65) (13,644.57) (7,782.81) (975.63) (1,003.73) (4,118.32) (789.55) (11,442.28) (133.33) (1,000.00) (856.00) (600.00) (1,176.57) (1,834.50) (144.03) (1,090.96) (957.50) (25.00) (906.00) (1,476.00) (1,292.30)



In Memory of:

“Max” Forster From: Wendy Warwick Here are the latest studies that the GWPCA Board voted to help support in January 2010: 00613 The Prognostic Significance of Chromosome Aneupoindy in Canine Lymphoma $1000 00615B Heritable and Sporadic Genetic Lesions in Canine Lymphoma $2500 00748 SNP Association Mapping for Canine Epilepsy $1000 00779 Characterization of the Canine Y Chromosome: Identifying Genes that Cause Male Infertility $2500 00970 Tissue Regeneration Using Canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Effects of Donor Characteristics and ex vivo Expansion on Cell Pluripotency $1000 01231-A Prevalence and Localization of Bartonella spp. in Vascular Tumors from Dogs $1000 01352-A Detection of Brucella canis DNA in canine urine, semen and vaginal cells via qPCR Analysis $500

For more information on the AKC Canine Health Foundation, please visit their website at: akcchf.org ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America Honor/Memorial Fund Contribution Form for the

AKC Canine Health Foundation

Please type or print all information. Thank you.

I (we) wish to make a gift in the amount of: $

Name: Address:

Please make your checks payable to the AKC Canine Health Foundation and mail to the following address:

Michelle Boyd 617 Taylor Street Greenville, IL 62246 Gifts to the AKC Canine Health Foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

This gift is in Honor of:

This gift is in Memory of:

Your donation will be listed in the Wirenews.



©2010 GWPCA

AKC December Eukanuba Championship & Delegates Report


By Pat Laurans, GWPCA Delegate The two days of the dog show and two days of the AKC Delegates meetings were an extravaganza. The celebration of AKC’s 125th anniversary was a great success. Almost 5,000 dogs competed in conformation, agility and obedience at the AKC Eukanuba National Championship which was held in Long Beach, CA. I was pleased to be asked to judge German Wirehaired Pointers, German Shorthaired Pointers and the Junior Showmanship Preliminaries. There was a quality entry in both breeds, and the Juniors were fabulous. My GWP results were as follows: Best of Breed CH Mountain View’s Mr Jack SH

Best of Opposite Sex CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH

Best Bred By in Breed/Variety CH Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm

Winners Dog Timo II V. Bockenhagen At Kimmax

Award of Excellence Award of Excellence CH Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm Timo II V. Bockenhagen At Kimmax Pointers (German Wirehaired), Open, Dogs 1/JAM/WIN 15 Timo II V. Bockenhagen At Kimmax . SR59070601 . 06062006. BREEDER: Antonius Kohues By Ero Iii Del Zeffiro -Kira Ii V. Brockenhagen At Kimmax OWNER: Peter & Maxine McCullough ABSN 23 Cynisters Winter Solostice . SR23054603 . 12182004. BREEDER: Cathie Magoon/Courtney Magoon By CH Cynisters Coffin Keeper -CH Cynisters American Dream OWNER: Cathie Magoon 2/RWIN 25 Afterhours Reece Have Gun Will Travel . SR50045103 . 04112008. BREEDER: Michael R Johnson/ Angela E Johnson/Christine Whitmore By CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout -CH J an J After Hours Dana OWNER: Christine Whitmore & Angela Johnson Pointers (German Wirehaired), Best of Breed/Variety, Dogs 11 CH Tagalong’s Cherry Bomb . SR46306404 . 11122007. BREEDER: Merrill B Marley By CH Geronimo’s Flying Calypso -CH Drakkars Hot As Ice OWNER: Merrill Marley (Ric Plaut PHA, Agent) ABSN 21 CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout . SR40124804 . 09042006. BREEDER: Helen Witt/Claire Wisch/Kelly Wisch By CH Ripsnorter’s Thunderhart -CH Mountain View’s Next Strike OWNER: Kiki Courtelis & James & Helen Witt & J Wilkinson (Frank Murphy, Agent) ABSN 27 CH Geronimo’s Flying Calypso . SR37303604 . 07302006. BREEDER: Gary Steffes/Joann Steffes/Laura Myles By CH Geronimo’s Calypso Choice JH -CH Geronimo’s Cheyenne Bronco OWNER: JoAnn Steffes & Laura Myles JAM/BOBBBE 7 CH Mt. View’s Ripsnorter Silver Charm . SR40124803 . 09042006. BREEDER: Helen Witt/Claire Wisch/ Kelly Wisch By CH Ripsnorter’s Thunderhart -CH Mountain View’s Next Strike OWNER: Claire Wisch & Kelly Wisch BOB 9 CH Mountain View’s Mr Jack SH . SR31740504 . 12272005. BREEDER: Helen Witt/Claire Wisch By CH Caramel N Heywire’s Mocha Chip At Star K -CH Mountain View’s Next Strike OWNER: Richard Brannan (Laura Reeves, Agent) Pointers (German Wirehaired), Puppy 6 - 9 Mos., Bitches ABSN 12 GERONIMO’S GODDESS V DAZZLE . SR57376702 . 06012009. BREEDER: Owners By Not Available -Not Available OWNER: Joann Steffes & Laura Myles Pointers (German Wirehaired), Best of Breed/Variety, Bitches 10 CH Weidenhugel Arielle V Jessie . SR33205504 . 03182006. BREEDER: Cynthia Heiller/Kathleen Boyd By CH Rlb’s Jessie The Body MH -CH Weindenhugel Xtra SPCL V Bama MH OWNER: Angela Milowski & Shon Michael 6 CH Weidenhugel Abby V Jessie . SR33205502 . 03182006. BREEDER: Cynthia Heiller/Kathleen Boyd By CH Rlb’s Jessie The Body MH -CH Weindenhugel Xtra SPCL V Bama MH OWNER: Cynthia Heiller & Kathleen Boyd OS 8 CH Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH . SR15562201 . 02282004. BREEDER: Robert Perry/SEAN FERRARO/ ASHLEY MCCLURE By CH Larkspurs Windmill Winston JH -CH Aspendel The Warrior’s Maiden OWNER: Betsy Watkins & Robert Perry &Sean Ferraro ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS


AKC NEWS Laura Reeves & BOB Winner, Mr. Jack

Delegates Report Thanks to so many Parent Club Volunteers and their wonderful dogs. Meet the Breeds had 164 booths, representing every breed recognized by AKC. Our GWP booth was manned by our devoted West Coast members. They will have the show for one more year and then the venue changes to Orlando, FL. Following is AKC Board Chairman, Ron Meneker’s statements regarding the Meet the Breeds event at Javits, which also applied to the Long Beach event. “I want to thank all the participating AKC parent and local specialty clubs that sent representatives to host the breed booths and perform in the demonstration rings. Also, I’d like to thank Parent Club Delegate Committee Chairperson Pat Laurans for her assistance. She advocated for increased parent club participation, and while we had celebrities in attendance, we all know that the real stars the public came to see were our beautiful animals. Without all of us working together as a team, this event could not have been possible. I 22


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thank everyone who contributed and congratulate you all on your great success”. The AKC President, Dennis Sprung wrote and said, “But without you, our volunteers from member clubs, parent clubs and local specialty clubs, success would not have been possible. I want to thank our presenting sponsor, Pet Partners, for their tremendous support, the hundreds of club volunteers who came out to work, and AKC staff led by Gina DiNardo and Michael Canalizo and Pat Laurans,Chair of the Parent Clubs committee. Without all of us working as a team, we could not have held an educational program of this magnitude.” A very special part of the show was the Eukanuba World Championship. This year there were entries from 40 countries. Each of the entries was ushered into the ring with standard bearers carrying the country’s national flag. The winner was a very handsome, Bracco Italiano from Italy who gaited freely and proudly around the ring. Claudia Orlandi, a longtime breeder of Basset Hounds and superb Canine Educator was honored with this years Breeder of the Year Award. The Delegates’ meetings were held on Monday and Tuesday, December 14 and 15th at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach. The Committee Meetings were on Monday. I chaired the Parent Club Committee meeting for one session and as Vice- Chair for the 2010 Parent Club Conference, which will be held in NC in August, 2010, I helped lead the other session. I also attended the Delegates Caucus and participated, as a committee head in the Coordinating Committee meeting. The December 2009 Forum was held before the regular Delegates meeting. It consisted of questions directed to Steve Gladstone, Dr. Charles Garvin, Carmen Battaglia, Dr. William Newman and Patricia Scully who are vying for three Board seats. The three chosen to run by nomination by The Nominating Committee were Dr. Charles Garvin, Dr. William Newman and Patricia Scully. The others are running on petition. The election will be held at the March delegates meeting. The candidates fielded questions on topics including: their previous tenure on the Board, talents they would bring to the Board, their views on how to address the decline in registrations, their position on group realignment, and AKC judging approval. On Tuesday, following the Forum, the formal meeting was held. At this meeting, the Delegates

AKC NEWS passed the Grand Championship Program, which is scheduled to begin on May 10, 2010. There was one change in the provisions. The stipulation that “neutered dogs or spayed bitches are not eligible for Grand Championship points” was deleted. This will affect those Veterans that are eligible to compete for Best of Breed at independent specialties. A change in the Bred By Exhibitor requirements, to bring them in line with all other regular classes (Chapter 11, Section I), was passed. Two Beagle Field Trial rules were passed. A change in the entry regulations eliminated the use of telegrams to change or cancel entries. No one can say that AKC isn’t up to date. We’re one step ahead of the Pony Express on this one! A proposal by the By Laws Committee will be formally presented for a reading at the June meeting. The committee, which originally proposed term limits now has changed its mind and will propose its deletion.

At the Delegates Lunch the following individuals were honored with the AKC Lifetime Achievement Awards. These awards were created to honor those individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the sport of purebred dogs on a national level. The recipients were selected from votes cast by AKC member clubs for nominees in each of the following categories: Conformation winner is Sandra Goose Allen Companion Events winner is Sharon Anderson Performance winner is Jacquelyn Mertens The next Delegates’ meeting will be in March, 2010 in Newark, New Jersey. This is the annual meeting at which the Board elections will be held. I am proud to represent such a wonderful breed and Parent Club as their delegate!

Pat Laurans

Pat Laurans at Nationals Friday night raffle! ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



AKC Grand Championship Program This memo is to address anticipated exhibitor questions and to clarify the Grand Champion judging procedure.

Who is Eligible for Grand Champion competition? 1. Dogs that are Champions of Record competing in Best of Breed or Best of Variety class. 2. Dogs transferred to Best of Breed/Variety which according to their owners’ records have completed the requirements for a championship but whose championships are unconfirmed. (The showing of dogs whose championships are unconfirmed is limited to a period of 90 days from the date of show where a dog completed the requirements for a championship according to the owners’ records.) 3. Champions that win Non-Regular Classes and become eligible for Best of Breed competition. (Altered or spayed CH veteran class winners at independent specialties are eligible.) 4. Winners Dog and Winners Bitch are not eligible for Grand Champion competition. At the judge’s discretion, Grand Championship points may be awarded to: 1. Best of Breed or Variety, 2. Best of Opposite, 3. Select Dog, 4. Select Bitch Grand Champion competition will not continue beyond Best of Breed competition and in breeds that are divided into varieties, Grand Champion Competition will not continue beyond Best of Variety competition. What are the requirements to earn the Grand Champion Title? 1. 25 Grand Champion points. 2. A minimum of 9 points won at 3 shows with ratings of 3 or more points (Majors) under three different judges, and one or more of the balance of points won under a 4th judge. 3. At least one Champion of Record was defeated at three of these shows. How are Grand Champion points computed? 1. Grand Champion points are only to be awarded to dogs the judge considers deserving. 2. Grand Champions points awarded to the Best of Breed/Variety shall count all dogs of both sexes competing in the regular classes and in Best of Breed/Variety competition. 3. Grand Champion points awarded to Best of Opposite Sex shall count all dogs of their sex competing in the regular classes and in Best of Breed/Variety competition. 4. Grand Champion points awarded to Select Dog/Bitch shall count all dogs of their sex defeated in the Best of Breed/Variety competition as well as the dogs of their sex in the regular classes. (i.e. one less than the total entry in that sex) 5. The entry of non-regular classes are not counted for computation of Grand Champion points to be awarded. Judging Procedure 1. Choose BOB, BOW and BOS 2. If quality warrants, choose a Select Dog (SD) and Select Bitch (SB) from the remaining Champions in the BOB ring (Do not consider BOW, WD or WB)



©2010 GWPCA

AKC NEWS 3. Annotate the judge’s book certification as to the eligibility and quality of the Grand Champion points being awarded or withheld. 4. Award BOB, BOW, SD and SB ribbons if determined to be of eligible and deserving of the Grand Champion title. For example of the revised judge’s book form, see: http://www.akc.org/pdfs/judges_ sheet_conformation.pdf Administration 1. On May 12, 2010 Grand Champion competition will be included in all shows offering BOB or BOV competition. 2. Premium lists – Other than prize listings, there is no requirement to address Grand Champion competition in the premium list since it is included in all shows that offer BOB or BOV. However, there is no restriction should superintendents and secretaries want to bring attention to the new competition. 3. Judging Schedule – No additional information is required. 4. Ribbons – BOB and BOS do not require an additional ribbon. Light blue & white ribbons for SD & SB. Flat ribbons or rosettes are equally acceptable. “Select” is acceptable wording however “Grand Champion Select” is acceptable and more descriptive. 5. Ring Markers – Just as with BOB, BOW and BOS, there is no AKC requirement to have SD and SB placement markers. These markers are provided as a service by the club or superintendent.

The Wire Warehouse Stuff about Wires and with Wires on it! Orange Ball Cap with GWPCA Logo—$15 GWPCA Sweatshirts with Logo—$30 GWPCA Lapel Pins—$10 The yearbooks contain photos and pedigrees of GWPs from 1959 to present day and are the only photographic history of the GWP in America. These are “must own” items for anyone considering a breeding program. Vol. III 1973-1975 $20 Vol. IV 1976-1977 $20 Vol. V 1978-1979 $20 Vol. VI 1980-1981 $20 Vol VII 1982-1987 $28 Vol. VIII 1987-1989 $20 Vol. X 1993-1995 $38 (with binder) Vol. XI 1996 $15 (fits in binder) Combined 1993-1996 $50 (without binder) Combined 1993-1998 $65 (with binder) Where noted, the yearbooks are contained in a gold embossed binder that will hold 10 years worth of yearbooks. To order your GWPCA items today, send a check (US funds) to:

Liz Dixon N. 7815 City Rd. N. Spring Valley, WI 54767 (715)778-4675 bkwdsgwp@svtel.net




AKC Inaugural Meet the Breeds an Overwhelming Success

This past weekend, the American Kennel Club, along with our friends at the Cat Fanciers’ Association, hosted 36,000 people over two days at Meet the Breeds in New York City. As anticipated, it was an unparalleled success resulting from the participation of nearly 200 dog clubs and cat councils and the support of over 100 vendors and 16 sponsors – and especially our proud presenting sponsor and provider of both the AKC and CFA pet healthcare plans– Pet Partners, Inc. Meet the Breeds showcased the joys of pet ownership to an audience of dog and cat lovers who were eager to learn about the diversity of breeds and responsible pet ownership in such a welcoming and positive setting. This family–friendly event educated children of all ages –including local Girl, Boy and Cub Scout troops– in a way that engaged them and created lasting memories with dogs and cats. The genesis for Meet the Breeds –where potential pet owners can touch the dogs and talk with experts away from the hurried ringside atmosphere at dog shows– came from The Kennel Club’s “Discover Dogs” in England. AKC President Dennis Sprung envisioned an event like this in the U.S. and expanded the concept to include the CFA. With Meet the Breeds having been held in conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship for the past eight years, and being a consistent draw for crowds and media attention whether in Tampa, Orlando or Long Beach, it was clear a standalone event in a large metropolitan venue was in order. Indeed, the recent media coverage, both pre- and post-event, is testament to the tremendous appeal of this format and the public’s desire to experience cats and dogs outside the show ring. In addition to frequent coverage from New York-area media outlets like WNBC, WCBS, the New York Post and the Daily News, national coverage appeared in print outlets such as USA Today and New York Times while television coverage included NBC’s “Today” and Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” which did multiple live broadcasts from the event floor. Prior to the event, AKC and CFA rang the opening bell at both NASDAQ (with licensee Jakks Pacific) and NYSE (with licensing agent 4Kids), which was broadcast live on CNBC, Fox Business Channel and many other stations. 26


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We were also proud to host a few “boldface names” at the event itself including fashion designer Michael Kors and famed columnist Cindy Adams who brought along her dogs Jazzy and Juicy to greet the huge crowds at the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America’s booth. Whoopi Goldberg, co-host on “The View” and Mario Lopez, host of “Extra” also attended, showing up to tape segments that will air shortly on their respective programs. Media impressions are still being tabulated, but between our advertising campaign and the publicity generated by the event, we have already reached more than 300 million people with our Meet the Breeds message: the first step in responsible pet ownership is to “meet the breed” which entails doing research and selecting a pet that fits your lifestyle. An event of this magnitude isn’t created in a vacuum so I’d like to thank the hard-working staff at the American Kennel Club, led by Gina DiNardo in organizing club and staff participation; Michael Canalizo for handling the endless logistics associated with the venue and to Daisy Okas and her communications staff for getting the word out to the public. Many other staff from both the New York and North Carolina offices were critical to the success of this event and I am very grateful for their efforts. I know it took tireless attention to detail and many late nights to pull off an event of this magnitude. Last, but most certainly not least, I want to thank all the participating AKC parent and local specialty clubs that sent representatives to host the breed booths and perform in the demonstration rings. Also, I’d like to thank Parent Club Delegate Committee Chairperson Pat Laurans for her assistance. She advocated for increased parent club participation and while we may have had celebrities in attendance, we all know that the real stars the public came to see were our beautiful animals. Without all of us working together as a team, this event could not have been possible. I thank everyone who contributed and congratulate you all on your great success. Sincerely,

Ron Menaker Chairman


AKC Meet the Breeds Began as a Vision It became a shared vision and a common goal of the American Kennel Club and the Fancy to bring our unique breeds to the public on a broad scale. We wanted to show pet-lovers not only our dogs and their endearing, predictable qualities but our responsibility, devotion and love of them. The recent success of Meet the Breeds hosted by the American Kennel Club and the Cat Fanciers Association and sponsored by Pet Partners Pet Insurance has once again proved that when we set goals and work together, we can meet a challenge and exceed all expectations. We expected a large number of attendees and welcomed more than 36,000. We asked legislators to serve as honorary chairpersons and 91 accepted. We strived to reach 140 million media impressions and generated more than 468 million. We invited media outlets to join us and over 40 were in attendance. Additionally, there were 15 sponsors, 90 vendors and 148 parent clubs to engage and educate the public. We gave visitors an exciting venue, spectacular demonstrations, fabulously decorated booths brimming with happy, healthy dogs, knowledgeable experts and responsible breeders, all in a nurturing, familyfriendly environment. But without you, our volunteers from member clubs, parent clubs and local specialty clubs, success would not have been possible. I want to thank our presenting sponsor, Pet Partners, for their tremendous support, the hundreds of club volunteers who came out to work, and AKC staff led by Gina DiNardo and Michael Canalizo and Pat Laurans, Chair of the Parent Clubs committee. Without all of us working as a team, we could not have held an educational program of this magnitude. To share with you the scope of Meet the Breeds, our communications department, which was instrumental in garnering pre- and post-publicity, has put together a brief presentation, including a small sampling of the media coverage for you to enjoy. Thank you again for helping to create this historic weekend. We are all proud of your tremendous accomplishments including this past weekend’s Meet the Breeds success and our ability to bring the American Kennel Club, our clubs, our people, responsible messaging, and most importantly our dogs front and center to the public. Thank you,

Dennis Sprung AKC President and CEO




Clubs may now apply to accept mixed-breed dog entries at their Agility, Rally and Obedience trials!

Clubs may offer competition for Canine PartnersSM at events held on or after April 1, 2010. Trial applications have been updated to allow clubs to indicate whether competition will be offered to mixed-breed dogs at AKC Agility, Obedience and AKC Rally® trials. EVENT RELATED QUESTIONS 1. What events are eligible to accept mixed-breed entries? Mixed-breed entries may be accepted at all-breed sanctioned/licensed/member AKC Agility, Obedience and AKC Rally Events. It is optional for clubs to accept mixed breed entries. 2. When can clubs start offering mixed-breed classes? Mixed-breeds will be eligible for competition at events accepting mixed-breed entries held on or after April 1, 2010. 3. What is the number format for mixed-breed listings? The mixed-breed number starts with “M” and will follow the same format as all AKC breeds. We will begin the listing with “MA########” and continue on to “MZ########”. For example, the first number issued will be MA00000001. The prefix letters are part of the listing number and will be required when completing AKC entries or paperwork. 4. Will there be a designated space on the entry forms for mixed-breed entrants to list their mixedbreed numbers? No. Going forward all AKC entry forms will include a space to enter an AKC number, whether that is an AKC Registration number, AKC PAL number or an AKC Canine Partners number (listing number for the mixed-breed program). The entry form will not require a special designation, but will require the full number (including prefix letters) as listed on the dog’s registration or listing certificate. 5. What breed shall mixed-breeds be classified as? The updated AKC official entry forms will direct 28


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exhibitors to list dogs enrolled into AKC Canine Partners (the mixed-breed listing program) as “mixedbreed.” Exhibitors should not list their breed as a particular cross or hybrid. 6. How shall mixed-breeds be listed in catalogs? Mixed-breeds shall be included in the same catalog as purebreds. Instead of listing the dog as a specific breed, it will be listed as a “Mixed-Breed”. 7. What types of titles will mixed-breeds be able to earn? Mixed-breed dogs will earn the same titles as purebreds. For a full list of titles, please e-mail AKC at akccaninepartners@akc.org. 8. Are mixed-breeds able to enter specialty events? Mixed-breed entries can only be accepted at events designated as All-Breed. Specialty events cannot be restricted to a single or select group of breeds and mixed-breeds only. Events accepting mixed-breed entries must allow for all breeds. 9. Can a club set limits for mixed-breeds entries at a show? No, clubs may not set separate entry requirements for mixed-breeds and purebreds. 10. Can a club open and close entries for purebreds and mixed-breeds at different times? No, entries for purebreds and mixed-breeds must be accepted during the same period of time. 11. Will mixed-breed entrants be required to have special armband numbers? No, mixed breeds will not require the use of special armband numbers. The numbering system shall work the same as it does now. 12. Does accepting entries for mixed-breeds affect an exhibitor’s chances of getting into existing events? Many events currently do not fill to capacity. In addition, many clubs have the resources to add

AKC NEWS capacity to their existing events. If the capacity of an event is reached, there will be entries that can not be accepted. If clubs choose to accept entries from mixedbreeds, entries must be taken according to existing regulations. 13. Will FSS dogs still be eligible for AKC competition? Yes. There will be no changes to the existing FSS program. Since January 2008 Foundation Stock Breeds are eligible to compete and earn AKC titles in all venues of AKC Companion Events: Agility, Obedience, Tracking and Rally. A list of eligible breeds can be found at: http://www.akc.org/reg/fss_companion_events.cfm. Starting January 1, 2010, AKC will allow all FSS breeds to be eligible to compete in Companion Events that have a dog(s) enrolled with a three-generation pedigree and a breed standard. LISTING QUESTIONS 1. When will exhibitors be able to list their dog with AKC Canine Partners? AKC is currently accepting listings for the AKC Canine Partners program. You may enroll your dog online or download a paper form at www.akccaninepartners.org. 2. What dogs are eligible to participate in AKC Canine Partners? The AKC Canine Partners program is for mixed-breed dogs and dogs eligible for AKC registration or AKC FSS enrollment. If the dog is a breed that is already an AKC recognized breed or a breed that is an AKC FSS recognized breed, the owner is not eligible to list the dog in the AKC Canine Partners program. 3. Will AKC be registering hybrid dogs through AKC Canine Partners? Mixed-breeds will not be “registered.” Only purebred dogs that originate from an AKC-registered sire and AKC-registered dam of the same breed may be registered. AKC Canine Partners allows owners of mixed-breed dogs, including hybrids, to list their dogs. The listing comes with several privileges, including the ability to participate in AKC Agility, Obedience and Rally Events that accept mixed-breed entries. Unlike registered dogs, AKC will not record parentage or any other lineage for mixed-breed dogs. All dogs listed through this program will be designated as a mixed-breed. There will be no separate or special

classification for hybrid/designer breeds. All dogs will have the same “mixed-breed” designation. 4. Will the AKC Canine Partners program replace the AKC PAL (ILP) program? AKC Canine Partners will NOT take the place of the AKC Purebred Alternative Listing, PAL, previously known as ILP. The AKC PAL program is for a dog believed to be purebred, from an AKC recognized breed, but cannot be registered with the AKC. PAL dogs may participate in some breed specific performance events in addition to AKC Agility, Obedience and AKC Rally. 5. What if an exhibitor owns a dog that is recognized as a “purebred” by organizations other than the AKC but is not recognized as a purebred by the AKC? Can they participate in AKC Canine Partners? Yes. They would be eligible to enroll in AKC Canine Partners. However, their dog would be required to be spayed or neutered and would be designated as a mixedbreed. 6. If an exhibitor decides to list a dog in AKC Canine Partners and their breed later becomes an AKC FSS breed, will they be able to then compete in AKC events as an FSS breed? If an exhibitor competes with their dog as a mixedbreed at AKC events and later wishes to enroll the dog in the AKC FSS program, they will be able to switch designations. This enables the dog to compete in Performance Events in addition to Companion Events. However, they will not be able to compete in Conformation once the breed is eligible because the dog would have had to habe been spayed or neutered prior to competing as a mixed-breed. If an exhibitor decides to move from the mixed-breed program to the FSS program, their mixed-breed placements, awards and titles will follow to the FSS designation. As stated in Question #2, exhibitors are not able to enroll in AKC Canine Partners if their dog is a breed that is already an AKC recognized breed or a breed that is an AKC FSS recognized breed. 7. Will mixed-breeds be eligible to compete in Performance Events? No, mixed-breeds will only be eligible to compete in AKC Agility, Obedience and Rally events that accept mixed-breed entries. ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



Understanding Major Structural Faults By Dr. Al Grossman

Like automobiles, dogs are shaped and reshaped by popular tastes and fashions. Forefaces are compressed, ears are reshaped, and shoulders are rotated and slimmed down. Even staples like sense of smell, eyesight, and hearing are dabbled with all in the name of bettering the breed. The problem is that one man’s so-called improvement is another man’s disaster. Often a popularity explosion can be a breed’s greatest curse. The main reason for this is the influx of new breeders that come with a popularity surge. The net effect is that we have genetic engineering being done by people who, by and large, do not understand the breed or the rationale behind the standard. Long ago and far away, when I first began to be interested in Cocker Spaniels, I learned most from what I observed in the show ring. The dogs that won were the good ones, weren’t they? I thought so, and nearly everyone in the dog game I spoke to as a novice seemed to feel the same way. Certainly the winning dogs of the day shaped my mind’s eye impression of the ideal dog I wanted to breed. Just what was this like, and why did I want to breed for that type? First and foremost it had to have a coat. It was obvious that if you had lots of coat you could carve the kind of outline you desired. Next was head. A big, well chiseled head and the more muzzle the better. It was obvious that the judges paid a lot of attention to heads. Next came movement. The fastest ones seemed to get the most attention. I needed to breed a fast one! And that was it. That is what my Cocker Spaniel had to be. 30


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I wonder how much different it is today in any of the other breeds. Not much I bet. It was not until much later that I began to ask, WHY? To learn the construction that led to good movement, to ask the purpose of the neck and shoulders, and to question how gait was achieved. All of this came later, much later. Through studying anatomy, and as a consequence movement, combined with a knowledge of genetics enabled me to at least know the how and why of breeding. Today as I judge around the world, I still see myself in these novices who come to the show to accept the winner of the day as their model. Having just put up the winner I know what his good and bad points are. At some shows I am very proud of my winners and would be happy to have them serve as a model. At other shows, I put up the best ones there that adhere to the standard, but I would not want to set them out as a model. How is a novice to know the difference? Perhaps listing some of the cardinal faults found in most breeds might be of some help. Let me hasten to add, I do not think that the various breeds are going to pot. Dogs of today are every bit as good or better than dogs of the past. However, all man made breeds have their faults. The perfect dog is in the eye of the beholder. The first imperfection to be addressed is a steep shoulder. Many standards state the shoulder should be well laid back. By common definition among the various breeds, this has come to mean a 45-degree angle formed by the shoulder and the upper arm. Let us accept the fact that most dogs are somewhat steep in the shoulder. It is the degree that is important. Many judges and breeders can live with a less laid-back angle to allow the dog to move as it was meant to. I have seen it work. Then why do we ask for a 45-degree angle? Could it not just as well be some other workable figure? What was the meaning behind the standard? First and foremost knowledge of the anatomy of movement will shed some light on the reasoning behind a standard. The greater the angle of the shoulder, the farther out a dog can reach. Poor front angulation shortens the stride because the bones meeting at the shoulder joint are steeply set and form a wide open angle. This limits the swing of the upper arm, thus restricting the reach of the forelegs. This causes the

B R E E D E R I N F O R M AT I O N dog to take shorter steps and bounce along as he goes instead of moving with a smooth topline. In proper movement, the shoulder lays back toward the horizontal helping the dog pole vault forward with a sling shot effect (a proper front will allow a reach to the tip of the dog’s nose). The dog automatically raises and lowers his neck muscles to accomplish this. The neck muscles contract to one half to two thirds of their length. It follows then that a longer neck yields more lift and reach. The dog must be given his head when gaiting; otherwise, he cannot use his neck for the proper lift of his arm. A tight leash yields head movement, not neck movement. Many times, the handler holding a tight lead screws up a dog, which is correctly constructed, making him move like a spastic alligator! The steep shouldered dog not being able to reach very far forward is forced to snatch his front foot back early. This early pulling back of the front foot interferes with a “normal” or even worse, an overangulated rear in which the rear paw is being put down in a position that the front foot was supposed to have vacated a split second before. The dog, being a shrewd animal thinks to himself, “Ah ha! I had better change where I put my rear feet or I will trip over my front ones and take a pratfall.” So, he makes adjustments. He can place his rear feet inside or outside the front ones thus causing him to sidewind or crab down the ring. He can quickly raise his front legs higher in a hackney type gait so as not to interfere with the rear legs placement. He may also choose to slow down the action of the rear legs causing what has been called the “sewing machine” action of the rear quarters. So you see, the problems of an improper shoulder placement can be seen in a variety of ways. One exception to the rule does exist and it is an important one – a well-laid back upper arm (remember the other half of the 90-degree angle) can partially compensate for a steeper shoulder. Another factor in assessing a proper shoulder is its relationship to the upper arm. You should place your thumb in the scapula hole at the upper arm joint and stretch your fingers to the tip of the upper arm. They should be approximately equal. A short upper arm also cause gait problems. A second major problem is improper fronts. You should, unless you are the size of Shaquille O’Neal,

be able to get a full hand between the dog’s front legs. If not, he is too narrow and will usually lack adequate forechest development. He will also move too close in front and look like he is knitting and purling (which starts with twisting elbows and end with pasterns crossing over and toeing out). When a dog is too wide in front (more than a full hand) it tends to spring the rib cage and force the elbow out. When moving away from you, the paddling out at the elbows is more apparent than when approaching. Be aware that heavy coated breeds may give a false impression because of flying hair. A third major problem is the lack of a sternum (forechest). Interestingly enough when you reach across a dog’s front and find no forechest you should immediately say yourself, “I bet this dog is steep shouldered”, and 99 percent of the time you will be correct. Most of the time the dog will also look long bodied. The dog’s middle piece from the point of the withers to the beginning of the croup should be short. A dog’s length should be in the forehand and rear assemblies. A fourth and quite serious fault is the over angulated rear. Here is a classic example of “if some is good, more must be better!” Some dogs are posed with their stifles nearly touching the floor. With this type of angulation, there is no way a normal front can be in phase with the drive produced by this construction (German Shepherds excluded). Combine these with a steep shoulder and you have a caricature of the breed. But believe it or not many such dogs are being shown. I repeat, MANY such dogs are being shown. In fact, in some breeds they are accepted as the norm. In many breeds those with over angulated rears and steep shoulders, along with extreme sloping toplines, stand posed with their beautiful coats as the epitome of the breed. Fortunately, the AKC says the judge has to move each dog individually. Their shortcomings are then quickly evident to the practiced eye. It is the unpracticed eye of the novice at ringside that I worry about. Another problem is the poor angle of the croup. The croup is the three-way fusion of the vertebrae. It tends to be slightly broader in bitches. In a large measure it determines the shape of the hindquarters. ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS


B R E E D E R I N F O R M AT I O N There is a hole just in front of the croup. By putting a finger in this hole and lifting the tail, you can feel the angle of the croup. The tail-set is determined by the length and shape of the croup. The tail and the croup are under different genetic influences than the rest of the spinal column. A flat croup produces a terrier tail, while a 30-degree angle allows the tail to be carried on a line right off the back. The flat croup also throws the rear legs further out behind the dog when in motion. The so-called terrier tail is caused by the rotation of the pelvis toward a 20-dgree angle. Its basic purpose is to further “let down” the rear quarters to give a more sloping topline. The trained eye will note the dog with a flatter croup has a slight limb-swinging angle to the rear, allowing the front legs to get out of the way of the driving rear

ones. Because of this construction, the dog tends to have a topline that makes it look longer. However, when measured down the back, it will measure in proportion. Now it is up to you to put this knowledge to work in your breeding and exhibiting programs. Dr. Grossman is a well know international judge of sporting dogs. He has judged at Amsterdam World Show and the Paris International. His assignments have taken him all over the United States. His lectures are well attended and his many books have a wide circulation throughout the world.

Well, I’m sure I don’t have any structural faults. Besides, I’ve got this big pickle here and I’m loving life!



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GWP Breeders Education They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Ponder these!! Tri-color GWP

Orange & White GWP




A DOZEN CHICS! 12 dogs representing 8 kennel names have completed our recommended clearances.

WELCOME TO Ripsnorter’s MT View Charismatic - Chic # 61847 She joins all the rest to make it an even dozen!


For more information go to www.caninehealthinfo.org 34


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Dogcasts! Interested in health information, but lacking time to pursue a relevant topic?

An easy alternative to reading is signing up for the AKC CHF Genome Barks Podcast series. These podcasts feature lectures from the AKC CHF Breeders Symposium and provide an inside look at the work being done by the American Kennel Club and the Canine Health Foundation. Breeders and pet owners can hear a variety of speakers provide up-to-date information made available on their computer or ipod. A few subjects covered in the past include: tick borne diseases, common poisons, mammary cancer, responsible breeding, canine bloat and GDV, lymphoma research and vaccination protocols. Every 2 weeks a new topic is presented - some more interesting or pertinent than others. Listen if you like, or delete if the subject doesn’t concern you.

Go to www.caninehealthfoundation.org .click on Genome Barks podcast, or access directly at www.genomebarks.com




Practical GWPCA Emergency Care By Liz Dixon

The Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer Club invited Dr. Don Rice of the Stillwater Veterinary Clinic to talk about emergency care with German Wirehaired Pointers. We met at Paws and Claws, a doggy day care in Stillwater owned by members Tari Nestrud and Dan Lodge. We had a great turnout and lots of good questions. Following are the highlights of Dr. Rice’s talk. Probably the most common call your veterinarian receives from hunters is regarding a laceration, puncture or scrape. And your vet might hear that the owner treated the cut/puncture/scrape with hydrogen peroxide – bad idea! According to Dr. Don Rice, senior veterinarian at the Stillwater Veterinary Clinic in Stillwater, Minnesota, hydrogen peroxide is actually not very kind to the skin and can kill tissue. He recommends flushing wounds of any type with Nolvasan, Hexadine (similar to Listerine) or Betadine with a 10-1 solution (1 part solution, 10 parts water). If you are dealing with a puncture, using a 15cc or 60 cc syringe is ideal. Use a large amount of Betadine or Nolvasan solution to flush, as there is more than likely debris in the wound. Once the dog’s wound is clean, you can assess the wound. A puncture wound may be best just flushed, treated topically, and then bandaged. A fairly clean cut generally will heal faster with stitches of some kind. If the wound is gaping (and you’re brave and possibly days from your vet) and you have a stapler or even a suture kit, you might want to consider closing the wound. Also available is surgical glue for wounds, called Woundmend II. NOTE: At this point, having an assistant might be critical. Your dog may not take kindly to being stuck with sharp objects in a fresh wound! Knowing how to muzzle your dog is critical. If you are making up an emergency kit, a piece of Stockinet is good to have. If you don’t have that, a nylon works, a piece of twine, a braided marine rope, roll gauze, or even Vetrap will work. To muzzle your dog, loop your material under the dog’s jaw and make a tie over the top, then loop under the jaw and make another tie, then take your ends and tie behind the dog’s head. This needs to be fairly tight! Some dogs will immediately try to paw the muzzle off, so be prepared! If you decide to suture or staple your dog’s cut, it’s a good idea to have your vet look at your handiwork when you get back home! 36


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If your dog’s laceration is in a non-movement area, like the ears or head, surgical glue can be a great tool to use. You will need to stop the bleeding and dry the tissue area before applying. You may have to restrain the dog for up to 15 minutes or so to make sure he doesn’t shake his head and ears, so they start bleeding again! Talk to your veterinarian about a medical kit, and what to use when suturing a laceration. Dr. Rice recommends the following for cuts/wounds:  Flushing syringes – 15cc and 60 cc  Antiseptic flushing solution – Nolvasan or Betadine  Topical antibiotic ointment – Neosporin or Bacitracin Ointment  Bandaging materials – 2 x 2 gauze sponges, 4 x 4 gauze sponges, roll gauze, PetFlex or Vetrap, Elasticon, Adhesive tape, Telfapads, bandage scissors

in  Suturing materials – needle holder, suture material, rat toothed forceps, stapling gun, Woundmend II glue  Topical anesthetic  Antibiotic/cortisone spray, Betagen spray After making the sutures, apply some kind of topical antibiotic. Neosporin or Bacitracin Ointment are both excellent and can be found at your local grocery store. Having pain medication on hand is also a good idea. Medicam, Prevacox and Rimadyl are all good for pain. Again, you will need to talk to your local veterinarian to get a prescription and dosage for these drugs. Never use Ibuprofen for a dog. Buffered aspirin is best for your dog if you don’t have access to other meds and is best given with food. Dosage: 1 – 325 mg tablet twice daily for a dog weighing under 50 pounds; 1 ½ tabs twice daily for a dog weighing 50-75 pounds. Another common problem among hunting dogs is injuries to the eyes. If your dog is squinting an eye, or won’t open an eye, it is definitely an emergency. It is very common for dogs to get a seed pod, weeds or even pieces of stick in the eye. Supplies to have on hand:  Eye wash  Triple antibiotic eye ointment  Triple antibiotic eye ointment with cortisone If you are able, gently open the lids of the eye and rinse the eye with eye wash. You may be able to see the offending object and remove it. If that is the case, remove the object, rinse the eye gently with more wash and apply the triple antibiotic ointment. If you can’t see anything, you can still apply the antibiotic ointment, but DO NOT apply the antibiotic with cortisone. Your dog may have a scratched eye, and this will delay the healing. Getting your dog to a veterinarian is your best bet at this time! Diarrhea! This is never a fun problem and miserable for everyone when you’re on the road hunting! Diarrhea can be caused by stress, traveling, change of water and a host of other reasons. Dr. Rice’s first recommendation is Metronidazole. Dosage is 25 mg/pound of body weight given in two divided doses daily. Commonly known as Flagyl, it comes in 250mg and 500 mg tablets, usually given for 3-7 days. If you don’t have Flagyl, Imodium over the counter works, and also Pepto Bismol tablets. Yogurt and pumpkin can also help. Heat stress or stroke is a very serious condition and can kill your dog. If you suspect your dog is over heating, get the dog cooled down as quickly as possible. If you have access to a creek or lake or any body of water, get your dog into it! A dog that is heat stroking can be disoriented, vomiting, wobbling on their feet and stumbling. You may need to get your dog to the vet to administer IV fluids.


Don’t hesitate to call you veterinarian if you have questions – I know I don’t! One of the questions that came up from the audience was what to do if your dog gets into rat or mouse poison. One couple’s dog found rat poison in the cabin they were using on their hunting trip. Good question! Dr. Rice strongly recommended immediate attention by a vet! Vitamin K is very successful in treating clotting disorders. Signs to look for in your dog include bruising on the insides of the legs and bleeding gums. Phytonadione from your veterinarian dosed at 1-2 mg per pound of the dog administered once a day for 2-4 weeks should take care of any potential bleeding. When asked about snake bites, Dr. Rice responded that he knew nothing about snakes!!! (Southeast Minnesota is not a hot bed of venomous snakes!) There is a vaccine available, but again, talk to your vet about the practicality of snake vaccine. The most important thing that we all brought away from Dr. Rice’s talk – have a good working relationship with your vet and have a complete first aid kit with you whenever you travel with your dogs. Your own vet can help you with the necessary components and give you instruction on how to use the materials in it. It may just save your dog’s life!




Has your dog been diagnosed with CANCER? By Cindy Heiller, DVM

As you may know, over the past 4 years I have lost 6 dogs of my breeding to lymphoma or lymphocytic leukemia. I also lost my foundation bitch in 2003, to splenic hemangiosarcoma, a malignant tumor of the blood vessels. Four of the dogs were from a cousin-to-cousin line breeding. One of the dogs was a result of breeding a litter in which a parent from the dog and the bitch were half siblings. The last dog had grandparents that were cousins. My foundation bitch was from a litter resulting from a bitch bred to her grandson. Now cancer has a lot of external factors related to its occurrence, but with occurrence of cancer in multiple related dogs, a genetic predisposition has to be considered. When my dog Xtra (Ch. Weidenhugel Xtra SPCL V Bama, MH) became the fourth dog diagnosed with lymphoma, I started searching for a person who was working on the genetics of lymphoma. I found an investigator at the University of North Carolina that was doing work, but with golden retrievers who have a high incidence of cancer. I




started to collect blood samples from affected and non-affected dogs to send this researcher. In January 2010, I learned of the Van Andel Institute, which is a world class human cancer research institute. They have received a grant through the National Cancer Institute to study five types of cancer that occur in both dogs and humans. The ultimate goal is to develop improved diagnostics and develop more individualized therapies for both canines and people. Roe Froman, DVM is the primary veterinary researcher for this study. She raises and shows Clumber Spaniels, and has collected a large number of samples of blood from them for this study. She has been very responsive to my questions and is eager to work with our breed. The five initial cancers that the institute is studying are Hemangiosarcoma, Lymphoma, Osteosarcoma, Malignant Histiocytosis, and Melanoma of the mouth or toe. If your German Wirehaired Pointer, or any other breed, has been diagnosed with any of the

in above tumors, the researchers are requesting fresh (not in formalin or frozen) tissue from the tumors, and 3 to 5 mls of blood in an EDTA (purple top) tube. Send the sample priority mail. Owner consent forms and veterinary info pages can be found at their website, http://www.vai.org/helpingdogs. Your vet can get collection kits from the institute to ship samples in. Dr Froman would also like blood samples from related dogs that are unaffected to help determine the gene or genes responsible for these cancers. If you have lost a dog to one of these cancers and had DNA collected by the group from UC, Davis at the National Show or Field Event in Northern California in 2005, please contact Dr Froman. Your dog may still be in the study as they are going to try to access those DNA samples. If you had Dr Robin Nelson collect DNA samples at the Nationals in Illinois in 2009 for the CHIC program, and you send in an owner-consent form from the above mentioned website, they can access those samples.

G W P H E A LT H I S S U E S Dr Froman’s contact info is: Roe Froman, DVM Senior Veterinary Research Scientist Van Andel Research Institute 333 Bostwick Ave NE Grand Rapids, MI 49503 (616) 234-5556 Roe.froman@vai.org www.vai.org Please show this information to your veterinarian, as the more samples that are submitted the closer we can come to ending these cancers in both dogs and humans.




Hi Everyone, First of all, I want to thank all of you that wrote or called to tell me how much you enjoyed my first article. I hope you can see how much I really do enjoy my work. I also want to thank my special friend, Janice Allen, for taking my picture with my new friends. Through her lens, you can see how much I love my job! Next, I want to ask any of you that are thinking about working like me to check out the Delta website at www.deltasociety.org. If you have any questions about how to get involved or what is required, please contact my mom, Ann Duffin, at 541.330.6044 or gr8gwp@ yahoo.com Work has continued to be so wonderful for me. Pictured here are a couple of my newest friends from St. Charles Hospital in Bend, OR. The gentleman told me his son who is a psychiatrist has a Delta dog of his own that helps him work with his patients. I also met a set of year-old triplets . Boy, and I thought having a litter of pups was time consuming! At least mine left after 8 weeks! Well, it’s time to go and get my beauty treatment so I will be ready for work. Thank you for being interested in me and my job! Becky





AKC Rally By Kay Braddock

The GWPCA first offered Rally at the Nationals in 2006. Since 2006, the number of competitors has steadily increased. In 2008, we had 7 dogs entered and 7 qualifiers. Rally was designed to provide a link between the AKC Good Citizen program and Novice obedience or agility. There are three levels—Novice, Advanced and Excellent. The judge designs a course consisting of 10 to 20 signs, depending on the level. Each sign has directions for the exercise to be completed. The handler and dog proceed through the course at a brisk pace. “Perfect heel position” is not required. Scoring is less rigorous than traditional obedience. All signs are positioned to the handler’s right side. A walk-through with out the dog is permitted prior to the start of the class. Unlimited communication is encouraged between the handler and dog. Although commands can be repeated, they can not be harsh or intimidating. Corrections are not allowed. A qualifying score indicates that the dog performed the required exercises. A perfect score is 100 points. The dog must get at least 70 points to qualify. All dogs are timed but timing is only used as a tie breaker if two or more dogs have identical scores. In Novice, all exercises are performed on leash. There is a requirement of 10 to 15 stations. In Advanced the exercises are more difficult. All exercises are performed off leash. There are 12 to 17 stations. Excellent is the highest level of Rally. All exercises are performed off leash except for the honoring exercise. The honoring dog must be on a 6 ft. leash. There are 15 to 20 stations. Handlers can only encourage the dog verbally. Clapping and/or patting the leg are not penalized. Titles are awarded for completion of each Rally level. The dog must earn three qualifying scores at each level prior to moving on to the next level. Titles earned are: Rally Novice: RN Rally Advanced: RA Rally Excellent: RE Rally Advanced Excellent: RAE To earn an RAE title a dog must qualify in both Advanced and Excellent at the same trial in ten different trials. I did not find an RAE to be a difficult title to get but it does require perseverance. You must earn an RE before you can begin to work for an RAE. Like standard obedience there is an “A” class for handlers that have not received a

Rally or Obedience title. And “B” classes for handlers that have obtained previous Rally or Obedience titles. I’ve included the signs that could be included on a Rally Novice course. I’m assuming that anyone participating beyond Rally Novice has had training classes where they have become familiar with the Advanced and Excellent signs. All signs along with directions are available on the AKC website. Rally is a great opportunity for those not ready for traditional obedience classes to participate at the Nationals. Most obedience training centers offer Rally classes. I have found Rally to be great preparation for Open and Utility obedience. The dog gets experience with jumps and the moving stand. My dogs have made a smooth transition from Novice to Open obedience after experience in Rally. It is important to understand the directions on the Rally signs. To begin competition in Rally Novice the dog must be able to walk on a loose lead. I would like to encourage people to begin training now for Rally Novice and join us in the Rally ring at the next Nationals. The Following Exercises May Be Used In All Class Levels


START–Indicates the beginning of the course. Dog does not have to be sitting at start.

2. FINISH–Indicates the end of the course–timing stops.

3. HALT–Sit–While heeling, the handler halts and the dog sits in heel position. The team then moves forward, with the dog in heel position. (Stationary exercise) ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



4. HALT–Down Dog–While heeling, the handler halts and the dog sits. The handler then commands and/or signals the dog to down, followed by the command to heel forward from the down position. (Stationary exercise)

8. About “U” Turn–While heeling, the team makes a 180° turn to the handler’s left.

9. 270° Right Turn–While heeling, the team makes a 270° turn to the handler’s right. 270° turns are performed as a tight circle, but not around the exercise sign. 5. Right Turn–Performed as a 90° turn to the right, as in traditional obedience.

10. 270° Left Turn–While heeling, the team makes a 270° turn to the handler’s left. 270° turns are performed as a tight circle, but not around the exercise sign. 6. Left Turn–Performed as a 90° turn to the left, as in traditional obedience.

7. About Turn–Right–While heeling, the team makes a 180° about turn to the handler’s right.



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11. 360° Right Turn–While heeling, the team makes a 360° turn to the handler’s right. 360° turns are performed as a tight circle, but not around the exercise sign.


12. 360° Left Turn–While heeling, the team makes a 360° turn to the handler’s left. 360° turns are performed as a tight circle, but not around the exercise sign.

13. Call Dog Front–Finish Right–Forward–While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to the front position (dog sits in front and faces the handler). The handler may take several steps backward as the dog turns and moves to sit in the front position. Second part of the exercise directs the handler to command and/or signal the dog to change from the front position by moving to the handler’s right, around behind the handler, toward heel position. As the dog clears the handler’s path, the handler moves forward before the dog has completely returned to the heel position. The dog does not sit before moving forward in heel position with the handler. (Stationary exercise)

14. Call Dog Front–Finish Left–Forward–While heeling, the handler stops the forward motion and calls the dog to the front position (dog sits in front and faces the handler). The handler may take several steps backward as the dog turns and moves to sit in the front position. Second part of the exercise directs the handler to command and/or signal the dog to change from the front position by moving to the handler’s left toward heel position. As the dog clears the handler’s path, the handler moves forward before the dog has completely returned to the heel position. The dog does not sit before moving forward in heel position with the handler. (Stationary exercise)

15. Call Dog Front–Finish Right–HALT–While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to the front position (dog sits in front and faces the handler). The handler may take several steps backward as the dog turns and moves to sit in the front position. Second part is the finish to the right, where the dog must return to heel position by moving around the right side of the handler. Dog must sit in heel position before moving forward with the handler. (Stationary exercise)

16. Call Dog Front–Finish Left–HALT–While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to the front position (dog sits in front and faces the handler). The handler may take several steps backward as the dog turns and moves to a sit in the front position. Second part is the finish to the left, where the dog must return to heel position by moving around the left side of the handler and sit in heel position. Dog must sit in heel position before moving forward in heel position with the handler. (Stationary exercise)

17. Slow Pace–Dog and handler must slow down noticeably. This must be followed by a normal pace unless it is the last station on the course.



GWP PERFORMANCE placed near or on the first pylon or post where the spiral is started.

18. Fast Pace–Dog and handler must speed up noticeably. This must be followed by a normal pace. 22. Spiral Left–Dog Inside–This exercise requires three pylons or posts placed in a straight line with spaces between them of approximately 6-8 feet. Spiral Left indicates that the handler must turn to the left when moving around each pylon or post. This places the dog on the inside of the turns (See 2). The exercise sign is placed near or on the first pylon or post where the spiral is started. 19. Normal Pace–Dog and handler must move forward, walking briskly and naturally. This station can only be used after a change of pace.

20. Moving Sidestep Right–While heeling, the handler takes one step to the right, leading with the right foot, and continues moving forward along the newly established line. The dog moves with the handler. The exercise shall be performed just before the exercise sign. (This exercise shall be considered a change of direction and the sign shall be placed directly in line with the handler’s path requiring the handler and dog to sidestep to the right to pass the sign.)

21. Spiral Right–Dog Outside–This exercise requires three pylons or posts placed in a straight line with spaces between them of approximately 6-8 feet. Spiral Right indicates the handler must turn to the right when moving around each pylon or post. This places the dog on the outside of the turns (See 1A and 1B). The exercise sign is 44


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23. Straight Figure 8 Weave Twice–This exercise requires four pylons or posts placed in a straight line with spaces between them of approximately 6-8 feet. The exercise sign is placed near or on the first pylon or post where the exercise is started. Entry into the weaving pattern is with the first pylon or post at the dog and handler’s left side. The dog and handler must complete the entire exercise by passing the last pylon or post.

24. Serpentine Weave Once–This exercise requires pylons or posts placed in a straight line with spaces between them of approximately 6-8 feet. The exercise sign is placed near or on the first pylon or post where the exercise starts. Entry into the weaving pattern is with the first pylon or post at the dog/handler’s left side. The dog and handler must complete the entire exercise by passing the last pylon or post. It should be noted that in this exercise, the team does not weave back through the obstacles as they do in the Straight Figure 8.

GWP PERFORMANCE 28. HALT–Fast Forward from Sit–The handler halts and the dog sits in heel position. With the dog sitting in heel position, the handler commands and/or signals the dog to heel and immediately moves forward at a fast pace. This must be followed by a normal pace. (Stationary exercise)

25. HALT–1, 2 and 3 Steps Forward–The handler halts and the dog sits in heel position to begin the exercise. The handler takes one step forward and halts with the dog maintaining heel position. The dog sits when the handler halts. This is followed by two steps forward–halt, and three steps forward–halt, with the dog heeling each time the handler moves forward and sitting each time the handler halts. (Stationary exercise) 29. Left About Turn–While moving with the dog in heel position, the handler makes an about turn to the left, while at the same time, the dog must move around the handler to the right and into heel position. The dog does not sit before moving forward in heel position with the handler.

26. Call Front–1, 2 and 3 Steps Backward–While heeling, the handler stops forward motion and calls the dog to the front position (dog sits in front and faces the handler). The handler may take several steps backward as the dog turns and moves to a sit in the front position. With the dog in the front position, the handler takes one step backward and halts. The dog moves with the handler and sits in the front position as the handler halts. This is followed by the handler taking two steps backward and a halt, and three steps backward and a halt. Each time, the dog moves with the handler to the front position and sits as the handler halts. The handler then commands and/or signals the dog to resume heel position. When returning to the heel position, the dog does not sit before the handler moves forward. (Stationary exercise)

30. HALT–Walk Around Dog–Handler halts and dog sits. With the dog sitting in heel position, the handler commands and/or signals the dog to stay, then proceeds to walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. (Stationary exercise)

27. Stop and Down–While moving with the dog in heel position, the handler commands and/or signals the dog to down as the handler comes to a stop next to the dog. Once the dog is completely down, the handler moves forward, commanding the dog to move forward from down position. (Stationary exercise) 31. HALT–Down–Walk Around Dog–Handler halts and dog sits.With the dog sitting in heel position, the handler commands and/or signals the dog to down and stay, then proceeds to walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. The dog heels forward from the down position. (Stationary exercise) See the directions for #28 above at top of next column.




Versatility Awards

The GWPCA Versatility Title Program is designed to recognize German Wirehaired Pointers and their owners that have distinguished themselves in AKC or NAVHDA field events and AKC conformation and performance competitions. These dogs possess the temperament, intelligence, hunting and working capabilities which represent essential characteristics of the breed. To attain any one of the three levels of recognition represents a commendable dedication by the owner/trainer/handler. The GWPCA wishes to recognize this achievement by these deserving people and their exceptional dogs. And the awards go to: For VERSATILITY EXCELLENT Ch. Weidenhugel Ernst V Einer MH – Owner: Cynthia Heiller, DVM and Gary Bonini; Breeder: Cynthia Heiller, DVM Ch. Weidenhugel Xtra SPCL V Bama MH – Owner: Cynthia Heiller, DVM; Breeder: Cynthia Heiller, DVM Ch. Weidenhugel Poppy V Dirk MH – Owner: Cynthia Heiller, DVM and Kathleen Boyd; Breeder: Cynthia Heiller, DVM Ch. Wesley Von Berens RN – Owner: Karen Potter & Valerie Potter; Breeder: Terry Berens Ch. Farmgate’s Freeway Reese Piece CD RE SH – Owner: Becky Blevins and Al Brady; Breeder: Paula Moebius Ch. Larkspur’s Cagle’s Von Duke MH CDX RE – Owner: Tommy Cagle; Breeder: Gina McCain and Kathryn Schwer 46


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2009 National Obedience Invitational By Leslie Swisher

The AKC held the 15th Annual National Obedience Invitational (NOI) in Long Beach, CA on December 12th and 13th, 2009. Dog and handler teams were invited based upon OTCH points accumulated during a specified time period or by performance at one of the regional competitions. The NOI drew 109 entries including dogs from all groups. Participants came from all regions of the United States and one came from Canada. My dog Gus (Larkspurs Glengarry Glen Gus) and I traveled from Albuquerque to participate. The NOI is a two-day event. During the first day all dogs performed in six different rings under six different judges. The assigned exercises in each ring were a mix of open and utility exercises. For example, Ring #1 had Moving Stand, Directed Jumping, and Heel Free and Figure 8. Exercises were arranged so that all of the Utility and Open exercises, except group Sits and Downs, were done twice by each dog. Sits and Downs were done only once - in essentially two large groups of about 50 dogs. Scoring is the same as in any obedience trial. The top 32 dogs at the end of the first day move onto the second day. It did not take long in the morning of the first day for Gus and me to end our hopes of getting into the second round. During the second exercise in Ring #1, Gus went out over the high jump in the Directed Jumping exercise. It was a classic “I cannot remember the last time he did that” situation. Throughout the rest of the day, we had some very good performances in most exercises, but failures on each Drop on Recall exercise. An Awards Banquet was held on the evening of the 12th. The results of first day performances and seedings for the second day were announced. Medallions

from sponsoring breed clubs for high scoring dogs were also presented. I was very pleased to receive the medallion for high scoring GWP. Thank you to the GWPCA for sponsoring the award. The second day is structured tournament style with the top 32 teams seeded and paired. Each pair of teams competes against each other with the winner proceeding to the next round. Six of the top ten seeds were from the sporting group. By the final two rounds, the performances were so good it was sometimes difficult to catch the half-point deductions. The event was won by Tyler, a happy-working Lab. In summary, it was a very nice event. The AKC staff, judges, stewards and volunteers did a great job of planning and putting on the trial. We hope to have another opportunity to attend. Guess I should stop writing and get to work on “Go-Outs” and “Drop on Recall”!

Leslie Swisher and Gus Photo courtesy of Michael Godsil Photography





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To Come or Not to Come, It is up to You! By Greg DuBois

In previous articles, I have mentioned the philosophy of giving your dog only one command and expecting it to be carried out or enforcing compliance. Don’t confuse enforce with brute force. I emphasize this single command concept here as I will discuss what is arguably, the most important command you will ever teach your dog. Since this is such an important behavior, you will want it to be carried out immediately and with a single command. By its very nature, the come command has a potential for non-compliance because it is never given when you dog is within arms reach as in the sit, down or stay commands. No one will debate that a disobedient dog knows when you can enforce a command and when you cannot. That disobedience is learned by the dog when you inconsistently enforce commands and give multiple commands. The dog learns that it has a choice when it hears, Rover, come. In the early stages of puppy hood, you can lay an important foundation for the come behavior by creating games and situations that involve your pup coming to you. When pup is accustomed to the collar, fasten a light ten foot cord or flexi-lead to the collar and follow him around the yard as he explores. After a bit, crouch down, slap your thigh and enthusiastically call him to you. When he comes, praise heavily and 50


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reward with a tidbit of food. If pup does not catch on immediately, use a tiny tug on the lead, not constant pressure, but a small tug. To entice your pup to start in your direction, you can take a few quick steps away from him to trigger the chase instinct. Praise and treat when pup gets to you. It is important to keep these early sessions very positive and happy. Create situations in these early stages that have a high probability for success. At dinner time, make pup’s meal out of sight then call him to you for supper. When pup is active, pick up a favorite toy, shake it or squeak it and call pup to you. Here is a game to play with multiple people. Put pup on the ten foot cord and sit in a circle with pup in the middle. Whoever has the cord, calls pup and rewards with a tidbit of food. Pass the end of the cord to another person in the circle. If pup gets distracted, you can use that quick tug to get pup going in the right direction. Keep these sessions short and stop when pup shows any sign of losing interest. Before I talk about more formal training sessions, here is a brief list of Don’ts:   

Never call your dog to punish or scold it Never call your dog for something it finds unpleasant such as a bath, nail clip or medicine. Avoid calling your dog in situations where there is a high probability it will not come. Instead, go get the dog.

The first step in the more formal recalls is to be sure that your dog knows what come means. The games and situations you have created will tell you that. Put pup in a sit-stay and step to the end of the leash. Call pup to you; “Fido, come.” Crouch slightly; slap your thigh to entice him if necessary in these early stages. Praise heavily and give a small tidbit. If needed, give that quick tug on the leash. In obedience competition, when the dog is called, it comes in and sits facing the handler. A good game to play with your pup to make sure she does not get the idea to come toward you and veer off at the last second is to call her from the end of the leash as before but as she comes to you, start to trot backward. Most pups will find this entertaining. You can start off with trotting short distances. When pup is catching on to staying in front of you, then throw in some turns, encouraging pup to follow you and end up sitting at your feet when you stop. You can verbally encourage her but only say, “Fido, come” once.

GWP PERFORMANCE You can continue these on lead sessions with a flexilead or 20 foot cord. Mix in the walks around the yard on that lead and let pup explore. During that walk, practice a few recalls, use the tug if needed and praise and treat to reward the correct behavior. I ran across an old article recently that had a novel technique for teaching recalls. This method also laid the foundation for more complex behaviors that are taught for upper levels of obedience competition. This was done using paper plates as targets that hold small tidbits of food. Start by putting pup in a sit and let him see you put a morsel of food on a paper plate a few feet away. Release pup with a command such as “go” or “get it”. When pup has eaten the food, call him back to you for another treat. Once pup catches on to this, you can graduate to longer and longer distances. You could start in a hallway in your house to minimize distractions and even resort to the nylon cord for the quick tug if needed. After a few weeks with one plate, you can move on to two. Place your dog between plates ten or so feet apart to start with. Send pup to one plate as before and when pup is coming back, send her to the other plate and call her back again. You can take this exercise farther by stepping back from pup and sending her to one of the plates with your verbal command and pointing to the plate you want her to go to. You might have to step

in the direction of the plate at first. When pup comes back to you, take her back between the plates and send her to the second plate. As pup catches on, you can step farther and farther away. When I began this discussion, I emphasized that come was perhaps the most important command. But, don’t fall into the misconception that since come is the most important, I can let the others slide and still expect Rover to come when called. Obedience is a package deal and a sure recipe for failure is to take a shortcut and teach one or two behaviors. Go to any dog obedience class and they will teach you and Fido to sit, down, stay, come and heel. By the way, here is a productive way to spend time with man’s best friend this winter. Enroll in an obedience class near you. No, not where you buy your dog food, I mean at a kennel club. One night a week for an hour or so will get you up and moving and whether your dog is 10 years or 10 months old you both will benefit from the experience. You can easily find a kennel club near you by going to the American Kennel Club website, www.AKC.org. From the home page, click on clubs either in the left column or along the top banner. From there click on club search and select either obedience clubs or training clubs.

Blackberry going for a ride! Owned by Karen Bunch ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



The Chase By: Richard Hirneisen When Michigan’s firearm deer season opens on November 15, the bird hunting seasons close. They don’t start up again until deer season ends two weeks later. It’s legal to run dogs during the deer season as long as they don’t chase deer, and as long as you don’t carry a gun. But for years the bird hunter had avoided going out then, not wishing to put his dogs at risk. But now, in late November, after almost two weeks of enforced idleness, his wirehairs were going bonkers with restlessness. And he was, too. He decided to take them to a nearby state game area, run them hard, burn off some excess energy. Since the fields out there were huge, it wouldn’t be difficult to keep his dogs out of the woods, the most likely place for deer hunters to be lurking. This late in the season, deer would be hiding in deep cover, in the woods or swamps, staying put during the day, moving at night. And since it was a weekday late in the season, it was unlikely that many deer hunters would be out. At least that’s how the bird hunter rationalized it. An hour later his dogs were running through the tall grass, their cowbells clanking. They couldn’t possibly be mistaken for deer, he thought. 52


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His big two-year-old wire, a muscular, seventy-five pound male full of youthful exuberance, was out front. His little female, twelve years old and arthritic, lagged behind. She was the brains of the pair. The young dog ran uphill to a treeline that cut across the middle of the big field, slammed to a point, then broke point and dashed into the trees. The bird hunter saw the white flash of a deer’s tail bounding out of the other side of the tree line. He reached the top of the hill, his old dog trotting gamely along behind, busted through the treeline, and looked across the field on the other side. The young dog was two hundred yards away, right behind the deer. They disappeared into the woodlot at the edge of the field. As the bird hunter, slowed by the old dog’s pace, neared the woodlot, he saw the deer standing in the trees, its head lowered. The young dog was crouching in front of the deer, barking furiously. That’s when the bird hunter, for the first time, noticed the antlers. When the young dog leapt, the buck scooped him up in its antlers and, seemingly without effort, tossed him clear over his back. The young dog flopped to the ground like a rag doll and the deer ran off. Now the bird hunter feared that his dog had been gored, slashed open by the antlers, but as the buck turned and ran, the young dog scrambled to its feet, shook itself, and bounded off in pursuit, seemingly unharmed, paying no heed to the bird hunter’s shouts or the shrill blasts of his whistle. The bird hunter knew that an MDNR (Michigan Department of Natural Resources) officer could legally shoot a dog caught chasing a deer, and that some deer hunters would be inclined to shoot a dog on sight if

IN THE COMPANY OF DOGS they saw it chasing a deer. That made him frantic, realizing that his young dog might be committing a capital offense. The bird hunter stopped, tried to catch his breath, pulled one of the leashes from his vest, snapped it onto the old dog’s collar. As his young dog disappeared into the woods behind the fleeing deer, the bird hunter started running again, alternately coaxing and pulling the old dog along behind him. The bird hunter followed the chase out the other end of the woodlot and onto a cut cornfield. A few yards ahead he the saw the deer sitting back on its haunches. The young dog was high on the deer’s back, his teeth sunk deep into its neck. Fierce, guttural growls came from the young dog, and the bird hunter was reminded of scenes he’d seen on TV, of lions bringing down prey. Blood was spraying from the buck’s nose as it fought the creature on its back, desperately trying to get to its feet. The bird hunter hastily tied the old dog to a sapling, grabbed the young dog by the collar and tried to pull him off the deer. But the dog wouldn’t let go, so the bird hunter punched him hard in the chest, which got his attention, then dragged him to the sapling and tied him next to the old dog. The buck appeared to be mortally wounded. Blood was oozing from the wound in its neck and gushing from its nose. It tried to stand, and then fell back on its haunches. The bird hunter felt an almost overwhelming desire to flee the scene, to immediately get his dogs out of harm’s way. But he couldn’t just leave the deer to die. He reached into a pocket and pulled out the folding knife he always carried, flipped it open,

jumped onto the back of struggling buck, grabbed an antler with one hand to steady the head, and drove the point of the knife deep into the spot where the neck met the skull, twisting it to sever the spinal cord. Years ago, he had watched a guide dispatch a wounded deer this way. All the while the strong young dog and the arthritic old dog were barking insanely, lunging forward on their leashes, trying to break free to get at the deer. When the buck went limp, the bird hunter stood up, stepped back and looked at the dead buck. It had a smallish but symmetrical six-point rack. A nice buck. And then he saw the bone. Six inches of jagged, bleached bone protruded through the skin of the buck’s left haunch. There was no blood, no raw flesh. The wound had healed completely around the bone. Whatever had caused the compound fracture of the upper leg bone--an automobile, a botched jump over a high fence--had obviously occurred some time ago. The bird hunter now understood why his young dog had been able to catch this buck. The bird hunter took a deep breath, tried to calm himself. The blood was still pounding in his ears. He feared that if somebody chanced upon this grisly scene, there might be trouble. And if that somebody happened to be a MDNR officer there would without doubt be trouble, and one of his beloved wirehairs might be taken from him and euthanized.



IN THE COMPANY OF DOGS He dragged the carcass into tall weeds on the edge of the cut corn field. Light snow had fallen that morning, and bright splotches of blood testified to the recent carnage. He kicked up clean snow to cover the blood, untied his dogs from the sapling, and hurried away, his mind racing, back towards his truck. When he arrived home a half hour later the bird hunter had decided what he must do. He unloaded the dogs from the truck, tossed in his shotgun, a few slugs, and his boy’s plastic toboggan. He stuffed his deer license and unused kill tag into his wallet and drove back to the state game area. Carrying his gun and dragging the toboggan, he trudged back through the snow, towards the scene of the crime. As he came over the hill, he saw a man dressed in blaze orange and carrying a gun standing in the cut cornfield, at the edge of the field, looking down into the weeds at his feet, right where the bird hunter left the buck. The deer hunter looked up and saw the bird hunter. The bird hunter had a sudden, almost overwhelming urge too flee the scene. But something primitive, possessive, was working in him. He wasn’t about to give up this deer so easily, after what he and his wirehairs had just been through. He walked up to the deer hunter and said, as matterof-factly as he could, “Looks like you found my deer.” The deer hunter looked at him suspiciously. “I don’t see no tag on it,” he said, then and added suspiciously, “How come you didn’t tag it?” At that moment, the deer hunter’s buddy came out of the woods to see what was going on. Things were getting complicated, the bird hunter thought.



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And then he improvised on the spot a lie that later surprised him in its effectiveness. “I left my tag in my truck. I had to go back for it.” But the first deer hunter didn’t seem to buy this explanation. “Where’d you hit it?” he asked. The deer hunter looked down at the buck. Its neck and the snow beneath it were stained with blood. “In the neck,” the bird hunter quickly answered. Not quite a lie. “Well, you’re supposed to tag it as soon as you shoot it, or it belongs to whoever finds it,” the first deer hunter said. The bird hunter thought he heard a hint of pugnacity in the deer hunter’s tone. He didn’t like the way this was going. He didn’t want trouble. Then the other deer hunter, who had been standing there listening, not saying a word, spoke up. “Maybe he should have tagged it, but it’s obvious he shot it. It’s his deer.” The first deer hunter considered this and muttered, reluctantly, “But you should’ve tagged it.” The bird hunter watched as the deer hunters walked back into the woods. He could feel the tension drain from his body. He cut date and sex notches in the kill tag, cut a slit between tendon and bone of a back leg, and tied the kill tag there. He gutted the buck, rolled it onto its side and drained the blood for a few minutes, then pulled the carcass up onto the plastic toboggan. An hour later the buck was hanging in his garage, cooling. Later, he remembered that his young dog had

IN THE COMPANY OF DOGS chased a deer once, months before, but didn’t catch it. This incident had convinced the bird hunter that he needed to buy an e-collar. He had read someplace that a good way to break a dog from chasing deer was to catch it in the act and zap it with an e-collar. He wanted to buy one then, but money was tight. Damn things cost as much as a shotgun.

sprinted after it. The bird hunter pressed the continuous button on the e-collar transmitter and the young dog got a jolt of voltage, in flagrante delicto, as a lawyer might say. And that was that. He never chased another deer.

Now the bird hunter bought the e-collar. The bird hunter’s opportunity came a month later, on a training run. The young dog bumped a deer and

Author’s note: The Michigan Dog Law of 1919, section 18, states, “A law enforcement officer may kill a dog determined to be molesting wildlife and not hunting as defined in this act. This harsh penalty is not unique to Michigan. Many other states have similar laws. Richard Hirneisen

That Michigan law goes on to define hunting as “allowing a dog to range freely within sight or sound of its owner while in the course of hunting legal game or an unprotected animal.”

Most hunting dogs have strong prey drives, some breeds more than others. German wirehaired pointers are classified as “versatile” gun dogs. In northern Europe, where the breed originated, they were bred to hunt fourfooted game, like wild boars and stags, as well as birds. Instincts die hard A deer can easily outrun a dog. It usually takes a coordinated chase by a pack of dogs to bring down a deer. But, in this case the deer already had an injury that would eventually lead to its early demise, either from predators or from starvation, and which made it possible for the young dog to catch it and bring it down. Should a dog be condemned to death because it chases a deer? If so, a lot of bird dogs--especially young ones-might never grow old. What if a dog brings down a crippled or sick deer? Should the charge be murder--or mercy killing? Should there be a right to appeal? Or summary execution? Should the bird hunter have killed the deer? He believed that a mortally wounded animal should be dispatched quickly and humanely. And he believed in eating what he killed. Should he have left the deer to die? A Michigan Department of Natural Resources official told me this, in response to my query about this incident: ”…we would recommend that the [bird] hunter either kill the deer [if during deer season] with the appropriate weapon and use their [deer] tag, or leave the deer as is and leave the scene. It would be appropriate to work with a local officer, telling them what happened…however, you will never be sure of the results…since it will be the local officer’s decision.”




Pyometria & A Broken Leg By Laura Myles

“Pyometria is a bacterial infection of the uterus due to hormonal changes in unspayed dogs. It is reported primarily in dogs more than five years old, and tends to occur 4 to 6 weeks after estrus. If pregnancy does not occur after several cycles, the lining inside the uterus continues to thicken and cysts will form within the uterus. These cysts secrete fluids providing an ideal environment for bacterial infection. The signs are variable and include lethargy, poor appetite, and vomiting. When the cervix is open, a discharge of pus, often containing blood, is present. In a closed cervix, there is no discharge and the large uterus may cause abdominal enlargement. Signs can progress rapidly to shock and death. Spaying is the most common recommended treatment for most cases. For dogs that will be bred in the future, antibiotics and prostaglandin can be administered”. Merck/Merial Manual c. 2007 Welcome to the winter of my discontent! December 2009 is a month I don’t care to ever revisit. So Kate, yes, our lovely Kate was in season almost six months to the day from her litter that we raised with the foster babies in my last articles. We had no plans to breed her on this heat cycle. By the tenth day of her heat, I could see something wasn’t looking right about her discharge. I thought about it a bit more as a couple of days went by (if the bitch is eating, doesn’t have a temperature, usually I don’t run into the vet). Of course, it’s now the weekend. I get Kate out of her crate on Saturday to see a nasty pinkish discharge hanging from her, so I decide that antibiotics would probably be a good idea. Talking to my vet, I go through my dog meds and put her 56


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on amoxicillin to try and get through the weekend. By Monday there’s been no improvement, but no worsening either, so I take her in to get blood work. Her white blood count was 23,000 - double what’s considered normal. Her smear showed bacteria, so Selma my vet says, “Well you have two choices, spay her today or see about taking her to this reproduction specialist down south”. Selma had heard good things about her through the rumor mill, and said it would be worth it if we could pull Kate through this problem without having to spay her. Yeah so Kate’s a wirehair, and marching to her own game plan apparently, and yes, bitches can get pyometria when they’re in season. I wonder sometimes, what it is about wirehairs doing things differently. Did I mention yet, I am leaving on Friday this week for Eukanuba? Selma calls and we can get into see Dr Smith the specialist on Tuesday morning. We live north of Seattle about 30 miles, and this vet clinic is about 30 miles south of Seattle. The traffic in Seattle ranks in the top-ten worst in the United States - it took over three hours to drive the 60 odd miles. We get there, they take x-rays, confirm her uterus is full of pus and we talk about treatment.

WHELPING BOX Their suggestion was to start her on a series of Prostaglandin injections, but I’d have to leave her with them for at least 48 hrs while they adjusted the dosage. At this point, I don’t have anything to loose by trying, so I tell Kate good bye and left her with the tech. I started my drive home - by now, rush hour traffic is over and I coast home in less than two hours. Next Day and Good News! They call and tell me it’s going well, and Kate can go home if we can continue to give her the drugs subQ three times per day for another six days. I did mention I was leaving in two days for Eukanuba, right? My husband says I’ll owe him big time, but he’ll give her the shots while I am gone. The vet calls and tells me to come get her in the mid afternoon, ugh. More rush hour, and two youngsters at home that will need to be left out or taken along in crates for a six-hour drive. The weather is good, so I decide to leave Ruby (7 months) and Polly (6 months) outside in the fenced yard around the house. Kate is happy to see me, and the staff is very pleased with the results so far. They set me up with an appointment for a recheck in six days, her bag of antibiotics and her injections. We load up and drive for another three hours through traffic. It’s now raining, and every stupid driver on the Interstate seems to be out driving home, too. I get home with Kate, and Jack says I’d better go take a look at Polly - he thinks her leg is broken. I say, “Oh *!@%, no way!”, and hurry out to see her. Her leg is dangling from the hip as she wiggles all over. The next morning, Selma tells me that Polly should go to the orthopedic specialist and that she’ll take care of any decisions for me if Polly can or can’t be repaired - I have to leave early the next morning for Eukanuba. To make a long story short Polly, aka Shimmer, is now fitted out with a pin across her growth plate, and is enjoying spending a lot of time alone in her crate and walked slowly three times per day. Eukanuba was great! I watched a lot of really nice dogs, saw the wirehairs compete, where Laura Reeves handled her male special Jack to a nice BOB win under Pat Laurans, and visited with the Southern and Northern California contingent. Always good to see everyone and check out the

breed booths! We even had one day of warm sun - it felt so good to dry out and scrape a little of the Pacific Northwest mold off! My husband Jack had done great with Kate’s injections while I was gone, and her recheck went extremely well. We do have to breed her on her next heat cycle though, and long term prognosis is cautious if she’ll have further problems. Meanwhile, we now have to figure out who to breed her to. Shimmer has a new doting co-owner. Selma fell in love with her while babysitting, so Shimmer will be her future obedience wirehair to replace her dog Lexi. Her leg is actually coming along well. It’s my month to babysit Shimmer, and she’s just been promoted to being allowed some free time by herself in a smaller exercise yard. All in all we were lucky, both Kate and Shimmer are doing well as of February, and Shimmer is only slightly off and uses her pinned leg without any hesitation.




I Love You, Right? By Beth Hollenberg

Dinah has been helping me get through unemployment. The way things have gone; I’ve needed her assistance to stay sane. One Friday, the recruiter was to have sent me an email about a job that was to the middle of next week. It was Monday morning and still no word. I decided to clean. Dinah decided to double-check my work. I got to clean again. Just how much do I love you, Dinah? Noon came and still no work, so I started to put a bookshelf together. Dinah decided to help. I still haven’t gotten very far on it. How much do I love you, Dinah? The recruiting company called and with no fax, I needed to drive to their office. Angus went in his kennel, while Dinah held out for a bigger bribe. I do love you, right, Dinah? I got to the office, signed the contract and saw just how bad the tires were. Next stop - new tires and a gaping hole in my bank account. The bookstore was down the street and I went there to relax and check out any new books. The economy has played havoc on the new book shelves – all of the books displayed had been there a month. I found a couple of interesting titles and went to the coffee shop to glance through them. Neither of them could hold my interest for longer than a few pages. I went back to the tire shop and 58


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paid the bill, it was late and time for supper. My new job was starting in two days, so I decided to celebrate - PIZZA! I ate a couple pieces at the restaurant and boxed the rest for later. Once home, the dogs started barking as soon as I put the key in the door. I let them out and Angus headed straight for the back door. I was carrying the pizza and put it on the dryer to let them out. Angus went out, Dinah decided to stay in. I ran to the bathroom and as soon as I reached the critical point, I heard a crash. I yelled at Dinah to come. She came, looked and ran back. I jumped up, tripped (for some reason) and ran screaming after her. The pizza was face down on the floor with Dinah looking up. Oh how I love you? I gathered the pizza and put it in the box and put it in the fridge and let Angus back in and kicked Dinah out. Leaning against the door, I looked around at the mess. The baking soda used in my laundry had spilled, Angus was looking at me for his treat and the clean laundry had been dumped on the floor. I do love my dogs, right? The next day, I let them out and cooked a hot dog for lunch. Angus barked to tell me they were done. I placed the finished hot dog on the stove

Photos this page & next by Courtney Vogel

WIRED LIVING and went to let them into the house. Dinah took off. I turned around in time to see her take the last bite of my hot dog in the dining room. I gave Angus her treat. I do love you, Dinah; difficult as that is at times. Later that night, with every muscle sore and my eyelids drooping, I fell on the bed. Dinah jumped up and curled around my head commandeering the pillows. Angus dragged his blankets into a nest to guard the door. I sighed and reached for the light. Dinah moved to my side and curled against me with her head on the pillow. She rolled over towards me so that I could rub her belly. Yes, I do love her. I love her more than cold pizza, two rounds of cleaning, extra laundry, a hot dog and a bookshelf. Angus doesn’t give me half the trouble; but he is 12 years old. So, I guess I love them both a lot. They remind me that you have to live each moment and you can’t count on the future. You only have now. And now, it is a wonderful time. I have a roof over my head, food for the dogs and me, and a job that might get here. I had a call the next day saying that it wouldn’t start until the following week. Yes, I’m going to live in the moment because right now is wonderful.




Helen Born in 1914, Helen Case was from a family of hunters, but didn’t get a pointing dog until the late 1930’s when her husband was introduced to hunting with a bird dog. One of her first dogs was a German Shorthaired Pointer, purchased from Don and Betty Sandberg’s Kaposia line. It was from this line of dogs that she got involved in the show end of purebred dogs in the 1960’s. Her most memorable GSP show dog was a three time National Specialty Winner named Ch. Kaposia’s Waupun II (Deuce) whose wins were in 1969, 1970 and 1972. It was at this time that she met Roy Murray, who handled almost all of her dogs in the show ring. It was Roy Murray who introduced her to her first and most famous German Wirehaired Pointer, multiple BIS Ch. Mueller Mill’s Valentino. Also known as “Rudy”, he was at the time the most winning GWP of his day. Helen went on to own other Best in Show Wirehairs - Ch. Heywire’s Happily Ever After was owned with Judy Cheshire and Beverly Murray, and another BIS Wirehair was Rudy’s son, Ch. Mueller Mills Valentino II. With her passion for hunting, pointing dogs and horses it wasn’t a great leap into the world of field trials. Her good friend and fellow Minnesotan, Loral I Delaney introduced Helen to field trials. She once told me that she, Loral I, and GSP breeder (and local character) George DeGidio traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska to the new field trial area at Branched Oaks, Nebraska. Loral I handled her favorite GSP, DC Wildwinkel Painted Lady to a win at the new grounds. She remembers it was a long ride home with George grousing all the way. When Loral I decided to retire from field trials, she handed the reins over to the very capable hands of John Rabidou. At the time, Helen was living in Texas,



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Written By: Liz Dixon where John still trains and trials. His first field success in GWP’s was NFC/DC Uodibars Fanny Paltani. In 1989, with Helen riding and watching (at the young age of 74), Fanny won the Field Futurity. Fanny won the National title in 1996 with Dave Hill piloting her at Solon Springs, Wisconsin. Helen used many successful trainers, including Dave and his wife Jan, who showed and co-owned dogs with her. John Rabidou also finished DC Uodibars Bushman (a GWP) and NFC/FC Uodibars Shoot The Moon, a GSP. Her most recent Wirehair trainer, Greg Dixon, trained, handled and finished three of her last GWP’s – 2 x NFC/DC Backwoods Sureshot Marley, DC Backwoods Penny Lane, and FC Final Approach. In 2008, Helen was present with her daughter Casey at Branched Oaks, which was her favorite grounds in Nebraska, when Marley won his second National title. As she and Casey headed for Arizona after Marley’s big win, she told Casey that if she fell asleep and didn’t wake up, she’d die happy! Helen was a founding member of the Twin Cities German Wirehaired Pointer Club, where I first met her in the early 1980’s. Just about anyone who knew her, had a great Helen Shelley story - me included! For some reason, all of us “youngsters” were afraid of her. She always spoke her mind and let everyone know in no uncertain terms what she thought. In the early 90’s she was judging at the Lake Minnetonka, Minnesota show and had just put up a new member’s dog as Winners Dog. She came up to the handler and told her she had a nice dog, “but get rid of some of that buffalo beard – and why are you showing in your pajamas???” Poor Kelly didn’t know what to say! There used to be a Tri-breed Specialty in Eastern Wisconsin every summer that some of


the TCGWPC members would attend. I arrived and was trying to figure out where to set up, when my dogs, who had jumped out the truck window, came charging across the park, glad to have found me. Helen was there, and said – “I knew Liz was here, her dogs were running loose again!” One of the few women that judged both field trials and dog shows, Helen Shelley was a rare breed. Helen started judging shows in 1973 and went on to judge all sporting breeds. She was a sporting breed judge for more than 25 years. In 1998 Helen was awarded the 25 year Commemoration Award as a judge by the American Kennel Club. Helen Shelley loved the world of dogs and will be missed by everyone in the show ring and at field trials. As far back as 1974, Helen was a strong supporter of the dual champion when the GSP Club of America made her the chairman of the Dual Purpose Program. Her favorite dual was GSP DC Wildwinkels Painted Lady; although, she had many dual champions, National Field Champions and Field Champions that are well known in field trial circles. Among these are NFC/FC Uodibars Shoot the Moon, DC Hillhaven’s Hustler, DC Stradavarious Baroque, NFC/DC Uodibars Fanny Paltani, DC Uodibars Bushman, 2 X NFC/DC Backwoods Sureshot Marley and DC Backwoods Penny Lane. I’d like to think that Helen is somewhere warm, enjoying all her dogs that have passed on. She’s probably with some of the other GWP friends that we’ve lost recently, Steph, Roger, Fran and her great dogs – Lady, Judy, Pepe, Marley and the rest. If the weather isn’t so good, she’ll have her little plastic hat on, and loving it!

Marley’s Win

Helen Judging

1989 Nationals

Rudy Best in Show

Helen & Casey




Happy Hunting Fran, Happy Hunting! Written By: Bernee Brawn On October 3, 2009, I lost one of my dearest friends. Dr. Francis Sakiey, quietly and easily crossed over the bridge. While we were all devastated, we were also so thankful that his crossing was easy and painless. That very day, Fran had taken Stella to a field trial at the English Setter Club in Medford NJ and ran her in the Open Limited Stake. Unfortunately, Stella didn’t win the stake, but from his phone message, “She was doing one hell of a job, but she forgot to back”. That’d be Stella. Fran went home. Later on when he decided he wasn’t feeling so well, he called and left me a message saying he probably wasn’t going back the next day. He said, “If I wanted to pick Stella up and run her that would be fine.” Unfortunately, I didn’t pick up the phone that night when it rang. Fran died quietly in his sleep the same evening.



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The next day, I listened to my messages and there was that familiar voice – the one I had heard for almost 30 years, telling me of his decision to take the next day easy. It was to be the last time I would hear his voice. Fran was 73 years old, was supported by and loved by his wife Elizabeth; although, she didn’t exactly share Fran’s love of the dogs, hunting, and field trialing, she put up with it. She knew. Liz also put up with me being in Fran’s life, and for that, I thank her. Not many women could have, or would have been able to deal with the closeness that Fran and I shared, but she knew she was the love of his life. I just shared one small piece of that life. Fran’s daughter Cindy was a frequent visitor at the trials as a teenager. Now, she is a mom of two great kids, Cara and Zack. Cindy and her family


always took the retired dogs from us, and gave them a wonderful home for their final years. They still have Petey, who at 15 is still going on his daily walks. Wheeler will go to their home and become a loved part of their family. Fran was a quiet man – a gentleman in the truest sense of the word. He was a wise man, and he tried hard to teach me. Fran was never one to get involved in the petty, silly, and sometimes nasty day-to-day nonsense we see in the dog world. When I saw some injustice, he would let me rant and rave, pound my fist, and be angry. But then, as always, he would talk me down, and help me see the other side of the coin. He saved me from myself many, many times. He always had a smile on his face, a kind word and a pat on the back for everyone. As Fran got older, he became deaf as a post and used it to his best advantage! I swear, just like an old dog who can’t hear commands, but could always hear the refrigerator open, he could hear me – he just chose not too! He would have that smile on his face and tap his ear – “can’t hear ya!”

He hummed and he sang, just under his voice – never quite loud enough for anyone to know what the heck he was humming or singing – it used to drive me crazy! I’ll never know what it was he was humming and singing. Fran loved his dogs. He loved hunting, fishing, bird dogs, and field trialing. No one would ever know how competitive he was, because he took his wins and losses with grace. If he thought he was left out of the ribbons unfairly, you would never see him complaining, but rather, we would walk back to the car and talk about it. Even if he thought the judges were wrong, he would congratulate the winners with a sincere, “Good for you!” I’ll never forget the year he won the GWPCA National Amateur Championship with Tequila. After the trophies were awarded, the photos were taken, and we were alone, he had tears in his eyes. “We did it” he said, “WE DID IT!” and he hugged me and Tequila hard. I’ll miss you, Fran. Thank you for all the lessons in life, and thank you for being my friend.

Bernee Brawn




New Members Craig & Jennifer Byer 993 Turf Trail Ct Fountain, CO 80817 (910) 257-4745 byered@yahoo.com

Max & Livia Krainer Rua Alagoas 993 Avare SaoPaulo 18700-010 legend@globo.com

Jeff & Peggy Matz 809 134th Ave New Richmond, WI 54017 jpmatz@yahoo.com

John Bell 137 Parkview Grove Kathleen, GA 31047 (478) 235-2687 john.bell@ecats.gcsu.edu

Robert & Debbie Lewis 101 Carlton Ave Vacaville, CA 95687 (7070 447-1172 gsp-sbmom@comcas.net Gary Robertson 1250 Hwy 13 N Waterville, MN 56096 (507) 362-4541 lgrobertson@frontiernet.net Jeff Calkins 885 Lund Baker City, OR 97814 (541) 212-5902 calkinsjeff@yahoo.com Larry Boughman 10890 S Wildcat Rd Molalla, OR 97038 (950) 504-1786 deanwildcat@gmail.com Victor Malzoni, Jr Rue Barao de Tefe, 247-Sobreloja Agua Branco Sao Paulo 05003-040 Brazil




Scott Spackman & Nicole Recny 13802 Via Roma Circle Clermont, FL 34711 (352) 348-8811 nicole.recny@owens-minor.com Diane & Roger Willett 121 San Felipe Way Novato, CA 94945 (415) 897-2951 5790@hotmail.com Brenda Roe 2550 Straight Gut Rd LaFayette, GA 30728 (706) 764-2417 walnuthillgsps@webtv.net Daniel Bielecki 13 E Main Street Westminster, MD 21157 (443) 789-3422 Bob & Kathi Rittenhouse 1048 Frieda Lane Minden, NV 89423 (775) 782-1201 bkritts@verizon.net


Wire~News Bulletin Board Satin Balls Recipe From Bernee Brawn’s Blog 5 pounds ground meat cereal 5 cups Total whole grain g type) 5 cups oats (slow cookin 2½ cups raw wheat germ ¾ cup oil ¾ cup molasses 6 egg yolks 5 packets gelatin ld Seameal 2 ½ tablespoons Solid Go supplement e, feed as treats or Mix up, form balls, freez food supplement. er thoroughly like Mix all ingredients togeth you would a meatloaf. than 1 inch Roll into balls no larger diameter.

In order to b etter commu nicate with th GWPCA me e mbership ba se, the board has institute d Wire Mail . Wire Mail is email service an that will be u sed to send the GWPCA membership family, quick reminders o n upcoming events, new happenings, deadlines, G WPCA Board News, Natio nal Updates a nd much mo We are very re. excited abou t this new se its part of ou r v ice; r new initiati ve to reach o to our memb ut ers, and to a ssist you in a way we can. ny So far three W ire Mails hav been sent. If e you have no t received a c contact Ang opy ie Johnson a t angiehef@a com ol.

rate containers or Divide into at least 6 sepa eded for feeding. bags. Freeze. Thaw as ne there in web land There is a ton of info out ur dog. The easiest on feeding raw food to yo google, BARF – way to find out more is to you feed a raw Bones And Raw Food. If are your experience diet and would like to sh ws Bulletin add a recipe to the WireNe the editor. Board or send a letter to

ida is Mid-Flor f o b lu C seminar, oast GWP The Sunc inting dog training , Florida. po wn holding a 2010 at Masarykto dley Lin 25, April 24e Maurice ining b l il w r cto ra The instru rmation on Mo’s t nel. fo n in /lindleyke training for more :/ p tt h to the s go technique ore information on t, en m com/. For act Suncoast Presid m ont r.co seminar c aby at dogirl@cfl.r L e Belinda D

The Suncoast GWP Club st ill have digit copies availa ial ble of the W ire~News 50 Issues from 1984-2001, G WPCA 50 Y in Pictures a ears nd the 2009 N ational Vide Don’t miss o o. ut of this op portunity to the great dog v ie w s from our p ast. Contact Suncoast Sec retary, Angie Johnson at angiehef@ao l.com




GWP Club of Illinois Specialty In conjunction with Chicago’s International Kennel Club’s four days of shows, the German Wirehaired Pointer Club of Illinois held their specialty on Saturday, February 27. There were a total of 12 GWP’s shown. The Illinois Club provided excellent hospitality as usual, and several members of the Club donated towards the prizes. Courtney Vogel reports, a good time was had by all! SWEEPS Judge: Mr. Stanley Matsumoto Dogs 12-18 Months 1. WINDSWEPT’S HIGHLANDER.. 09/30/2008. BREEDER: Lori & Mark Sargent & Bernee Brawn. By Ch Scotian The Man In Black JH MX MXJ MXF-Ch Windswept’s Justa Firestarter SH. OWNER: William Compton Jr & Lori Sargent. Bitches 6-9 Months 1. CLADDAGH’S HOTCAKES AT SANGRUD. 06/25/2009. BREEDER: James & Helen Witt, Courtney Vogel, & William Bastian. By Ch Darnelle’s “Party On” JH-Ch Ripsnorter’s Mt. View Explorer SH. OWNER: Paul & Kristin Wehking, Courtney Vogel, & William Bastian. 2. EBBTIDE NO SLEEP BLUES. 06/30/2009. BREEDER: Garnett P Persinger. By Jay-Mar’s We Don’t Do It For The Money-Ch Ebbtide Miss Jerre. OWNER: Carol Reininger & Garnett Persinger. Bitches 9-12 Months 1. AIMN HI SCOTIAN GHOSTDANCE. 04/02/2009. BREEDER: Jim & Carolyn Isom & Genevieve Capstaff. By AFC DC JetSet’s RagTop Day at Scotia CD JH-Ch Wildacres Ima Gypsy Dancer MH. OWNER: Laura Reeves. Best In Sweeps: CLADDAGH’S HOTCAKES AT SANGRUD Best Opp Sweeps: WINDSWEPT’S HIGHLANDER REGULAR CLASSES Judge: Mr. Peter A Baynes

Sweepstakes Line-Up

Dogs Amateur-Owner Handler 1. DEVATA’S ASPHALT COWBOY. 06/18/2008. BREEDER: Sherry Jackson. By Ch Devata The Sun King-Devata All You Need Is Love. OWNER: Carol & John Reininger, & Sherry Jackson. Dogs Bred-By-Exhibitor 1. AMN HI SCOTIAN COLOR OF MONEY. 03/23/2008. BREEDER: J & C Isom & L Reeves-Lococo. By Ch Idawire A Few Good Men-Ch Devata Rip It At Scotia. OWNER: Leslie Puppo & Laura Reeves-Lococo. 2. WINDSWEPT’S HIGHLANDER. 09/30/2008. BREEDER: Lori & Mark Sargent & Bernee Brawn. By Ch Scotian The Man In Black JH MX MXJ MXF-Ch Windswept’s Justa Firestarter SH. OWNER: William Compton Jr & Lori Sargent. Dogs Open 1. RLB SCHNELLBERG’S WHATZTHEBUZZ. 09/19/2007. BREEDER: Roger & Lois Bultman & Joyce Wilkinson & T. Boldin. By Ch Schnellberg’s Freedom Reigns-DC RLB’s Tigger DeVille SH. OWNER: Richard Hirneisen. Winners Dog: AIMN HI SCOTIAN COLOR OF MONEY - 3 points awarded Reserve Winners Dog: RLB SCHNELLBERG’S WHAYZTHEBUZZ Devata’s Asphalt Cowboy



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G W P S P E C I A LT Y S H OW Bitches 6-9 Months 1. CLADDAGH’S HOTCAKES AT SANGRUD. 06/25/2009. BREEDER: James & Helen Witt, Courtney Vogel, & William Bastian. By Ch Darnelle’s “Party On” JH-Ch Ripsnorter’s Mt. View Explorer SH. OWNER: Paul&Kristin Wehking, Courtney Vogel, & WilliamBastian. 2. EBBTIDE NO SLEEP BLUES. 06/30/2009. BREEDER: Garnett Persinger. By Jay-Mar’s We Don’t Do It For The Money-Ch Ebbtide Miss Jerre. OWNER: Carol Reininger & Garnett Persinger. Bitches 9-12 Months 1. AIMN HI SCOTIAN GHOSTDANCE. 04/02/2009. BREEDER: Jim & Carolyn Isom & Genevieve Capstaff. By AFC DC JetSet’s RagTop Day at Scotia CD JH-Ch Wildacres Ima Gypsy Dancer MH. OWNER: Laura Reeves. Bitches Bred-By-Exhibitor 1. MOUNTAIN VIEW NATIONAL SECRET. 08/08/2008. BREEDER: Claire Wisch, Kelly Wisch & Helen & Jim Witt. By Ch RLB’s Mac The Knight MHCh Mountain View’s Next Strike. OWNER: L Seymour, K Wisch, C Wisch & H Witt. 2. WINDSWEPT’S SOLAR FLAIR SH. 04/16/2006. BREEDER: Lori & Mark Sargent & Bernee Brawn. By DC Backwoods Keystone Holy Moses-CH Windswept’s Justa Firestarter SH. OWNER: Mark & Lori Sargent.

Windswept’s Solar Flair

Winners Bitch: CLADDAGH’S HOTCAKES AT SANGRUD – 4 points awarded Reserve Winners Bitch: MOUNTAIN VIEW NATIONAL SECRET Best Of Breed Competition TIMO II V. BOCKENHAGEN AT KIMMAX. 06/06/2006. BREEDER: Antonius Kohues. By Ero III Del Zeffiro-Kira II V. Bockenhagen At Kimmax. OWNER: Peter & Maxine McCullough. CH AFTERHOURS JUST ONE LOOK JH. 12/01/2006. BREEDER: Michael & Angela Johnson & Christine Whitemore. By Ch Afterhours Sir Remington RH NAJ-Ch J an J After Hours Dana. OWNER: Maura Rakowski & Chistine Whitmore. CH RIPSNORTER’S MT VIEW LOOKOUT. 09/04/2006. BREEDER: Helen George, ClaireWisch, & Kelly Wisch. By Ch Ripsnorter’s Thunderhart-Ch Mountain View’s Next Strike. OWNER: Kiki Courtelis, James & Helen Witt, & J Wilkinson.

Timo II Bockenhagen at Kimmax & Aimn Hi Scotian Color of Money


“Scout” went on to win a Sporting Group 1 under Judge Mr. Ronald Menaker!

Claddagh’s Hotcakes at Sangrud ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



The Healing Power of Agility By Ashlee Trotter This last year has brought a seemingly larger number of challenges into my life than in years past, including the death of my 12-year old mix breed dog, a divorce, buying and moving into a new house and a serious car accident in which my step-mother was killed, my dad was seriously hurt and I was battered and bruised. To say the least, I am welcoming 2010 with hope for a brighter tomorrow. Interestingly enough, as my regular life increased in difficulty, my agility life increased in ease. It was almost as if Spirit knew that our success in agility was literally the highpoint of my week, and it was a little bit of extra joy that only he could bring to my life. The car accident occurred the weekend before Thanksgiving, just three short weeks before the AKC Agility Invitational. As I sat at my dad’s bedside in the ICU unit of the hospital, it was clear to me that I wouldn’t be able to attend this year. My dad needed both physical and mental support to accomplish daily



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tasks, as well as, to cope with the loss of his wife. On top of that, I wasn’t anywhere near physically able to make the drive from Chicago to Long Beach. Not to mention, I’d been 350 miles away from my dog since the accident, hadn’t even seen him for the last 2 weeks, and it had been 3 weeks since we last played agility. By the first weekend in December, my dad was moved to a rehab facility. He was well enough to realize the Invitational was ten days away, and he asked me when I was leaving for LA. I told dad I had decided not to go because first, I didn’t want to fly Spirit, second, there was no way I could make the drive as planned due to my physical condition, and third, he needed someone to be with him. Dad gave me a mildly disapproving look and said he didn’t see how the car accident and his injury should prevent me from doing something that I had worked hard on for a year. I just smiled at him and said I was ok with missing the event. He replied, “Get your ass on a plane and figure it out”. My friend and first agility instructor, Anne, had offered earlier to take Spirit to Long Beach as she was also scheduled to drive out with her Belgian Malinois. She and I had traveled long distance before, and our dogs have known each other since they were puppies. She is on the very short list of people I would trust enough to make a 4,000 mile round trip with Spirit. My stepsister arrived to stay with my dad, and I flew back to Chicago to spend two nights at home with Spirit – it was the first time I’d seen him in over two weeks. I then turned him over to Anne at 6:00 am on a snowy Chicago morning so they could start their journey to LA. The next day, I met the movers, moved into my new house, and the day after that, I boarded a plane for Long Beach. Part of me was not looking forward to running Spirit - simply getting dressed was a painful process, and I expected running to be a painful experience as well. I was also nervous about being able to move well enough and fast enough to give Spirit good direction on the course; however, to my surprise as we left the start line, all the pain disappeared. Everything faded away. In fact, it was just me and my dog, playing our favorite game together. I was too slow, and gave him insufficient information that caused us not to qualify in 3 of our 4 runs, but he didn’t know that. He just

AGILITY AND OUR DOGS thought we were together again, and playing, and it was wonderfully healing to my heart and soul. That handful of runs made all the challenges of the year melt away. Judy and Sylvie also came very close to not making it to the Invitational - so close in fact that over the summer, Judy and I had a plan that if need be, she’d bring Sylvie to Long Beach and I’d try to run her. Judy recently had her ankle replaced and knew at the 2008 Invitational that she would have to have it replaced again in 2009. As the rehab process started, Judy said she had stepping back onto the agility field with Sylvie in her mind - Sylvie was her motivation. When she was frustrated by the pace of rehab or the sheer difficulty and pain of it, she thought of Sylvie and agility and pressed on. Judy received her surgeon’s permission to run Sylvie on Dec. 4th – just eight days before the Invitational. She was nervous before her first run, not completely sure the ankle would hold up

to actually running, not certain if it would be painful or if it would cause her to be out of position and send Sylvie off course. But as she stepped onto the field, all misgivings melted away and it was just Sylvie and her dog – a couple of gals having the time of their lives – together, one more time! Agility is a silly little game we play with our dogs. It doesn’t dictate the course of world events. It doesn’t mean much of anything to the majority of people on the planet, and in matters of life and death, it’s not very important. But for those of us that play the game, it represents the bond we have with our dogs. It’s an expression of our relationship and the mutual trust and respect that we share. And at the end of the day it’s a few seconds of unmitigated joy. If you have suggestions or comments, please let me know at training@creativepaws.com.

Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring -- it was peace. Milan Kundera




2009 AKC Agility Invitational By Ashlee Trotter

For the qualifying period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 we had 9 GWPs earn qualifying points towards the 2009 AKC Agility Invitational (see list below). Each year the top five dogs are invited to attend. If one or more of the top five dogs decline the invitation, then it is extended to the next dog(s) on the list.

Rank Name Class Formula Value 1 Vom Grafenauer's Free Spirit MX MXJ OF “Spirit” REG 903 2 Afterhour's Frosted Mocha MX MXJ MXF REG 364 3 CH Scotian The Man In Black JH MX MXJ MXF “Cash” REG 300 4 Weidenhugel Sylvie V Merlin CD RE MX MXJ NAP NJP NFP “Sylvie” REG 163 5 Paradox SGR Ollie Get Back RN SH AX AXJ REG 41 6 CH Scotian Movin On Up RN MX MXJ XF “Jessie” REG 40 7 Windswept Raven Evermore MH AX AXJ REG 30 8 Afterhours Major's Sunny Sky RE AX AXJ OF REG 20 9 Harvey AX AXJ REG 9

The GWPs that attended the 2009 Invitational were the same four that attended in 2008: me and Spirit, Stephanie Rainwater and Cash, Judy Rowley and Sylvie, and Shannon Jackson and Jessie. As we reconnected, we shared stories of the challenges of the past year and stories of our personal successes, and throughout the weekend we all made it a point to try to be ringside or in the stands for each other’s runs. Stephanie and Cash had 3 clean runs and took the top GWP honors. They also narrowly missed making the finals, however Cash did win the amateur dock diving event! Stephanie entered him in dock diving largely just to give him a chance to play in between agility runs and he wowed the crowd leaping after a borrowed bumper! Judy and Sylvie also had 3 clean runs, but were over time on one of them. A pretty good showing considering Judy’s new (literally not even a year old!) ankle and Sylvie is a spry 11 years young! Shannon and Jessie didn’t have any qualifying runs, but they did have some lovely sequences and an awful lot of fun! Spirit and I were 0-3 going into our last round, we just weren’t quite in synch given my physical limitations (from a major car accident just 3 weeks prior), but we managed to qualify in the last round to finish on a high note. Overall, a good time was had by all, and we’re looking forward to next year!



©2010 GWPCA

2009 Agility Standings


These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 – November 30, 2009 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 30 No. 1, January 2010 – compiled by Lori Sargent. Each dog’s score is added to the number of seconds under time for that run and tallied for the year. The highest 3 scores are summed to determine total points. Ties will be broken using highest average score. NOVICE 1. Ch. Farmgate’s Hipoint Heaven Scent CD RE NA NAJ – B. Blevins/A. Brady 2. Madeline’s Prince Charming NA NAJ – S. Rainwater 3. Ch. Scotian Whiskey River NA – C. Eberhardt/L. Reeves-Lococo 4. SGR Dirty Witch AXP AJP SH NA NAJ – T. Brooks 5. Newman NA NAJ – E&W Drifka 6. Misty’s Savannah Blue CD RE NA – J. Eidemiller/L. Smith 7. Ch. Darnelle’s Makin a Point JH – C. Vogel/W. Bastian/D. Pusateri

346 345 337 335 327 311 99

NOVICE PREFERRED 1. Kywire’s Blackberry Whine CD RE JH NAP NJP – K. Bunch 2. Smoke Creek’s Elsie Rose RN NA NAJ – J&K Morgan 3. Lil’ Girl SH – B. Hein

309 226 90

OPEN 1. SGR Dirty Witch AXP AJP SH NA NAJ Max Bratton RA OA OAJ – K. Bratton 2. Madeline’s Prince Charming NA NAJ – S. Rainwater

326 325 221

OPEN PREFERRED 1. Jerelin’s Know When to Hold JH OAP NJP – J. Reese


EXCELLENT 1. Vom Grafenauer’s Free Spirit MX MXJ OF – A. Trotter 2. Afterhours Frosted Mocha MX MXJ XF – D. Philibert/M. Rosenblatt 3. Ch. Scotian The Man in Black JH MX MXJ MXF – S&J Rainwater/L. Reeves 4. Afterhours Major’s Sunny Sky CD RE AX AXJ OF – S. McKeever/J. Quattrochi 5. Weidenhugel Sylvie V Merlin CD RE MX MXJ NAP NJP NFP – J&B Rowley Paradox SGR Ollie Get Back RN SH AX AXJ 6. Windswept Raven Evermore MH AX AXJ – C. Bettinson/D. Smolen/L. Sargent 7. Harvey AX AXJ – E. Drifka Ch. Scotian Movin On Up RN MX MXJ XF – S. Jackson 8. Ch. Cynister’s Jumpin Jack Splash OA OAJ – D&A Anderson

373 363 349 330 324 324 320 314 314 273

EXCELLENT FAST 1. Afterhours Frosted Mocha MX MXJ XF – D. Philibert/M. Rosenblatt 2. Ch. Scotian The Man in Black JH MX MXJ MXF – S&J Rainwater/L. Reeves 3. Ch. Scotian Movin On Up RN MX MXJ XF – S. Jackson 4. Vom Grafenauer’s Free Spirit MX MXJ OF – A. Trotter

234 222 132 74






Field Top Ten January Through December 2009 Field Top Ten Rankings are based on dogs defeated. Submitted by Lynn Sandor, email: sandorcpa@comcast.net Number

Dog Name



Number of



COMBINED SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) In Combined Senior Gun Dogs, a total of 36 GWPs placed 146 times, defeating 2003 dogs. 1 2 3

FC AFC Okk Left To Do It NFC FC Brillows Wild West Show DC Casade Tumalo Tess

J & R Schoonover, IN R Haukoos, IA J & S Williams, OR

215 193 156

21 9 8

4 5 6 7 8 9 9

NAFC CH Ariels Justa Gotta Go Now FC Overbaron's Chix Dig Me SH FC AFC Showdown At Okk Corral FC Jerelins Justa Stacked Deck DC Schnellberg's Double Down SH Wilson's Dp Trish JH NFC NAFC DC AFC Rudolph's Blitzen Von Duffin

M Ezzo/B Brawn A McGrane, IA G & S Wickwire, OR B Brawn/F Sakiey R & P Doyle, MI J Houghton, GA J & S Williams, OR

104 94 91 90 78 71 71

7 9 5 6 7 4 8

9 6 5 7 3 4 3 5 5 3

OPEN SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) In Open Senior Gun Dogs, a total of 33 GWPs placed 91 times, defeating 1380 dogs. 1 2

NFC FC Brillows Wild West Show DC Casade Tumalo Tess

R Haukoos, IA J & S Williams, OR

193 118

3 4

NAFC CH Ariels Justa Gotta Go Now FC AFC Okk Left To Do It

M Ezzo/B Brawn, PA J & R Schoonover, IN

79 71

5 6

FC Von Duffin's Shock and Awe FC Jerelins Justa Stacked Deck

A & T Duffin, OR B Brawn/F Sakiey

65 64

6 8 8

FC AFC Showdown At Okk Corral DC Schnellberg's Double Down SH Wildwire's Holy Terror

G & S Wickwire, OR R & P Doyle, MI E Fowls & L C Shealy, GA

64 63 63


NFC DC Backwoods Sure Shot Marley

H Shelley/G Dixon


AMATEUR SENIOR DOGS (GUN DOGS) In Amateur Senior Gun Dogs, a total of 20 GWPs placed 55 times, defeating 623 dogs. 1 2

FC AFC Okk Left To Do It FC Overbaron's Chix Dig Me SH

J & R Schoonover, IN A McGrane, IA

144 64

3 4

Wilson's Dp Trish JH DC Nyramskov's H. Hector

J Houghton, GA G Bonini, CA

52 50


DC Cascade Tumalo Tess

J & S Williams, OR


6 7

DC Rlb's Tigger De Ville SH NAFC DC AFC Griffiths Willy Be Mine?

R & L Bultman/S Degraw C & D Griffith, OR

36 34

8 9

FC AFC Showdown At Okk Corral FC Jerelins Justa Stacked Deck

G & S Wickwire, OR B Brawn/F Sakiey

27 26


NAFC CH Ariels Justa Gotta Go Now

M Ezzo/B Brawn


14 7 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 2

JUNIOR DOGS (PUPPY/DERBY COMBINED) In Junior Dogs, a total of 43 GWPs placed 126 times, defeating 851 dogs. 1

Von Gezers Hivoltage At Wildwire

R Allison/E Fowls, GA


2 3 4 5 6

Brillow's Wild West Ponder Rosa Jed's Sf Blue Belle Wilsons Skye Von Einsestrauss Jonnee Blue JH Snowy River's Tnt Timber Tick

J Sodoro M & K Braddock, MI K Morrison R Lewis/R Berry, CA B Silcott/M Verdoom

67 44 43 41 37

7 8

Okk's Tumalo Tumbleweed Tumalo Timberjack

G &S Wickwire, OR J & S Williams, OR

36 34

9 10

Cascade Dasha Okk Plato Petoola

R & L Calkins, OR J & R Schoonover, IN

33 28


Cascade Sophia V Blitzen

M Hanson, OR


7 8 11 3 5 7 4 4 5 3 4

DC, FC or AFC Titles Earned Field Champions:

FC Jerelins Justa Stacked Deck (B) SR08116812 12-09 (10/2/09) by DC AFC Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete 11/02 x CH Jerelin's Afternoon Delite MH NA 5-02 Breeder: Linda Krepak Owner: Bernee Brawn & Francis Sakiey




FC Von Duffin's Shock and Awe (D) SR06097401 0808 (12/4/09) by CH Jed's Wild Trukey 3/02 x Jed's Konigin Gabriella MH 5-00 Breeder: Edward & Barbara Tucker Owner: Ann & Terry Duffin

News Down Under


Hi all, well down under has had a slow start to the show season; however, rounding up the final winners of the Dogzonline point score for 2009 are: All Breeds National Leader Grand Ch/AmCh RLBs Napoleons Legend, SH – Owners, S & K Wright Best of Breed Points. Grand Ch Korskote Stop N Stare – Owner, Catherine Ryan Rising Star Puppy Ch Dentrese Behind The Scenes At Kobnko – Owners, P Bond-Beckett and T & D Peacock (pictured at right) Results and photos can be seen at www.dogzonline.com. au Go to breed pages on left Toolbar, and click GWP, down on the right are breed leaders 2009 below the 2010 starters. Korskote Stop N Stare also gained her Grand title late 2009, and Dentrese Behind The Scenes at Kobnko gained her Champion title at 12 months of age. Our own Kobnko The Mannlicher hit the show ring late January performing acrobats in the ring both days and was perfect outside the ring, of course. Another new addition, which was shown and won some sweepstakes, was Kobnko Der Freischutz (Morris) owned by Tony Eales. Hotwyr Secret Agent Also gained his title just after 12 months of age and Ch Korskote Some Like It Hot has gone to New Zealand and halfway to her title already. Korskote Kennels recently had a new litter, so some new babies will be seen out and about soon in New South Wales. Recent results to date: 23-Jan-10 Judge: K Harrison (NZ) Ch Hotwyr Charmed And Dangerous (Rae Banks) NZ Bred in Group at Banks Peninsula Kennel Club 30-Jan-10 Judge: Mrs R Henderson Ch Dentrese Behind The Scenes At Kobnko (Bond-Beckett & Peacock) Junior In Group and Junior In Show at Mackay Kennel Club Ch Dentrese Behind The Scenes At Kobnko (Bond-Beckett & Peacock) Junior In Group and BOB at Mackay Kennel Club 31-Jan-10 Judge: Judge: L McVicker (NZ) Ch Hotwyr Charmed And Dangerous (Rae Banks) NZ Bred in Group and NZ Bred In Show At Nelson District Kennel Club 7-feb-10 Judge: Mrs D Haseldine (SA) Ch Dentrese Behind The Scenes At Kobnko (Bond-Beckett & Peacock) Junior In Group and BOB at Bundaberg Canine Club

Until next time, Trish Bond-Beckett ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS



2009 Obedience Standings These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 – November 30, 2009 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 30 No. 1, January 2010 – compiled by Lori Sargent. The highest 3 scores are summed to determine total points.


NOVICE 1. Ch. Aspendel Windmill J Roy Bean CD – B. Watkins/R. Perry/S. Ferrara/A. McClure 2. Sagerer’s Decker Boy CD – S&J Sagerser/K. Cetak/H. Hallock 3. Schneewittchen Vom Hessenjaeger CD RAE – M. Brzoska 4. Red’s Emerald Cut CD RN – T&C Guschl 5. Three Spokes’ Aurora CD – W. Starkson 6. Afterhours Major’s Sunny Sky CD RE AX AXJ OF – S. McKeever/J. Quattrochi 7. Kywires Blackberry Whine CD RE JH NAP NJP – K. Bunch 8. Alison’s Luca Von Blackforest RN JH – W. Gorgoschlitz 9. Ch. Jay-Mar’s Tzar’s Passing the Torch RN MH – C&L Troncale 10. Ch. Scotian Tougher Than Leather JH – C. Casanova/R. Nelson

574.5 564.0 563.0 561.0 552.0 532.0 390.0 368.0 358.0 197.5

OPEN 1. Ch. Larkspur’s Intrepid V Erebus UD JH – A. Kostishak/G. McCain 2. Larkspurs Glengarry Glen Gus VCD1 UD JH – L. Swisher 3. Jed’s Blue Angel UD RAE – K. Braddock 4. Pryor Creeks Gracie Mae VCD1 UD RAE MH – C&T Cagle 5. Ch. Lemieux’s Marksman of Blitz CDX – S. Williams 6. Inverness Hammerin Hank CDX RE JH – K. Braddock/L. Myles 7. Wireswest Shady Lady CD MH – M. Eden 8. Nitro Proof Quill Gordon CDX RE TD – R. Menotti 9. Ch. Abigail Von Blu Sands VCD2 UD MH – G&C Dubois

586.0 585.0 581.5 575.5 360.5 192.0 190.0 189.5 187.0

UTILITY 1. Jed’s Blue Angel UD RAE – K. Braddock 2. Ch. Larkspurs Intrepid V Erebus CDX JH – A. Kostishek/G. McCain 3. Larkspurs Glengarry Glen Gus VCD1 UD JH – L. Swisher 4. Pryor Creeks Gracie Mae VCD1 UD RAE MH – C&T Cagle 5. Sharpe’s Creek’s Desiree UD SH – W. Starkson

581.0 579.5 577.0 568.5 185.0

VERSATILITY 1. Pryor Creek’s Gracie Mae VCD1 UD RAE MH VER – C&T Cagle



©2010 GWPCA


OFA Test Results OFA Number

Registration #

Registered Name


SR45233805 SR37303603 SR34441902 SR45135308 SR45062501 SR42127805 SR34996501 SR07439706 SR18980501 SR12939908 GW007067 SR44786807 SPAI0605278 SR28346501 SR59070601 GW005358 SR46257902 SR25386901 GW005359 SR42708805 SR47345702 SR26460107 SR41197507 SR45914402






SN73473205 SR09070905 SR15562207 SR31167501 SN88692005 SR34000601 SR39235201 SR18979602 SR31584401 SR50836808 SN86770201 SR53255601 SR52349201 SR50180301 SR56463006 SR31167502 SN48345206 SR34753403 SR38192502 SR18926305 SN66954004 SN67183102 SR48693303 SR50836801 SR53204514 SR53204512 SR33205502 SR31740507 SN67183101 SN66954003 SN81151201 SN87998403 SN83717611 SR00834705



SR45233805 SR15746703 SR45135308 SR34996501 SR46612904 SR44786807 SR47345702 SR45914402



SR44786807 SR12939908 SR47345702



SR38315802 SR25283204 SR00834703 SR40124805






Hips GWP-3459G26F-NOPI GWP-3460G38F-PI GWP-3461G40M-NOPI GWP-3462E25M-VPI GWP-3463F37F-VPI GWP-3464G31M-NOPI GWP-3465G41F-VPI GWP-3466G78F-VPI GWP-3467G65M-VPI GWP-3468E72M-VPI GWP-3469G25M-NOPI GWP-3470G25M-PI GWP-3471G37M-PI GWP-3472G51M-NOPI GWP-3473G41M-VPI GWP-3474E57M-NOPI GWP-3475G24M-VPI GWP-3476G57F-VPI GWP-3477G57M-VPI GWP-3478G29F-NOPI GWP-3479G24F-VPI GWP-3480G54F-PI GWP-3481F32F-PI GWP-3482G24F-VPI Cardiac GWP-CA28/25M/C-PI DNA GWP-DNA-10/B GWP-DNA-11/B GWP-DNA-12/B GWP-DNA-13/B GWP-DNA-14/B GWP-DNA-15/B GWP-DNA-16/B GWP-DNA-17/B GWP-DNA-18/B GWP-DNA-19/B GWP-DNA-2/S GWP-DNA-20/B GWP-DNA-21/B GWP-DNA-22/B GWP-DNA-23/B GWP-DNA-24/B GWP-DNA-25/B GWP-DNA-26/B GWP-DNA-27/B GWP-DNA-28/B GWP-DNA-29/B GWP-DNA-3/B GWP-DNA-30/B GWP-DNA-31/B GWP-DNA-32/B GWP-DNA-33/B GWP-DNA-34/B GWP-DNA-35/B GWP-DNA-4/B GWP-DNA-5/B GWP-DNA-6/B GWP-DNA-7/B GWP-DNA-8/B GWP-DNA-9/B Elbows GWP-EL414F26-NOPI GWP-EL415F69-PI GWP-EL416M25-VPI GWP-EL417F41-VPI GWP-EL418M25-VPI GWP-EL419M25-PI GWP-EL420F24-VPI GWP-EL421F24-VPI Thyroid GWP-TH158/25M-PI GWP-TH159/72M-VPI GWP-TH160/24F-VPI Von Willebrand's GWP-VW35/36M-NOPI GWP-VW36/54M-NOPI GWP-VW37/91M-NOPI GWP-VW38/38F-VPI Unknown




N30,ew T itles 2009 - N 30, 2009)



CHAMPION CH Afterhours Trickeration (B) SR48404501 (10/24/09) by CH Shurcan Baron Of Afterhours x CH Carrera Four Wheel Drive CD JH; Breeder/Owner: Robert Wickes D.V.M. & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism & Marion Hancock

CH Windswept’s Ring Of Fire (B) SR52349206 (11/6/09) by CH Scotian The Man In Black JH MX MXJ MXF x CH Windswept’s Justa Firestarter SH; Breeder: Lori Sargent & Mark Sargent & Bernee Brawn; Owner: Lori Sargent & Mark Sargent

CH Drakkar ‘N Rlb’s Eyefull (B) SR51817504 (10/25/09) by CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout x CH Drakkars Ididnt Do It Of Rlb RN; Breeder: Roger Bultman & Joyce Wilkinson & Terrence Boldin; Owner: Joyce Wilkinson & Roger Bultman & Rolanda Pote

NATIONAL FIELD CHAMPION NFC FC Brillows Wild West Show (B) SR15444509 (10/27/09) by FC Wildwire’s Cowboy JH x CH Brillow Ally’s Li’l Snippet; Breeder/Owner: Rhonda D Haukoos

CH Drakkar’s Rlb Celtic Private Eye (D SR51817509 (10/25/09) by CH Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout x CH Drakkars Ididnt Do It Of Rlb RN; Breeder: Roger Bultman & Joyce Wilkinson & Terrence Boldin; Owner: Jim Boyd & Joyce Wilkinson & Michelle Boyd CH Mountain View National Acclaim (D) SR52430803 (10/24/09) by CH Rlb’s Mac The Knight MH x CH Mountain View’s Next Strike; Breeder: Claire Wisch & James Witt & Kelly Wisch & Helen GeorgeWitt; Owner: Norma Paduch & Pete Paduch CH Cynister Aynia Faery Cando (B) SR49848110 (11/15/09) by Cynisters Winter Solostice x Cynisters Jitter Bug V Calypso; Breeder: Cathie Magoon & Courtney Magoon; Owner: Donna Crane & Diane Turnee CH Cynisters Demon In Disguise (D) SR50801908 (11/13/09) by CH Cynisters In The Center Ring x CH Cynister Idawire Rose Quartz; Breeder/Owner: Cathie Magoon & Jodi Quesnell CH Haar Barons Van The Man (D) SR49958307 (11/6/09) by Aimn Hi Jump N Jack Flash x CH Haar Barons Billie Holiday; Breeder/Owner: Patricia Dunleavy & John Dunleavy



©2010 GWPCA

FIELD CHAMPION FC Jerelins Justa Stacked Deck (B) SR08116812 (10/2/09) by DC AFC Bounty’s Justa Pegleg Pete x CH Jerelin’s Afternoon Delite MH NA; Breeder: Linda H Krepak; Owner: Bernee Brawn & Francis Sakiey NATIONAL AMATEUR FIELD CHAMPION NAFC DC AFC Griffiths Willy Be Mine? (D) SR03505802 (10/27/09) by Harris’s Huntin Buddy x Molly Dancer Hunter; Breeder: Amber Daggett & Fred Daggett; Owner: Carolyn Griffith & Doug Griffith COMPANION DOG Afterhours Major’s Sunny Sky CD RE AX AXJ OF (D) SN88983804 (10/11/09) by CH Afterhours Major League x CH Afterhours Spirit In The Sky; Breeder: Christine Whitmore; Owner: Susan McKeever & John Quattrochi CH Aspendel Windmill J Roy Bean CD (D) SR15562207 (10/4/09) by CH Larkspurs Windmill Winston JH x CH Aspendel The Warrior’s Maiden; Breeder: Robert Perry & Sean Ferraro & Ashley McClure; Owner: Betsy Watkins & Robert Perry & Sean Ferrara & Ashley McClure

NEW TITLES Schneewittchen Vom Hessenjaeger CD RAE (B) SR33938309 (11/8/09) by Gunner Von Heinz x Nordic’s Wildfire V Abshier; Breeder: Margie Hollnagel; Owner: Marlene Brzoska RALLY NOVICE CH Cynister Mystic Calliope Cando RN (B) SR34927204 (10/31/09) by CH Cynisters Coffin Keeper x CH Cynisters Wish Upon A Star; Breeder: Cathie Magoon & Courtney Magoon; Owner: Diane Turner & Larry T Turner

RALLY ADVANCED EXCELLENT Willis The Moose CD RAE JH (D) ILP154939 (11/15/09) Owner: Tammy Aylward TRACKING DOG EXCELLENT Aische Vom Badenland TDX SH (B) SR38538001 (11/15/09) by Floran Vom Tapperen Herzen x Edda Vom Furstenwall; Breeder: Astrid Geisler; Owner: Ann Karrick & Robert Karrick

CH Heywire ‘N Cedrbrook Justa Sure Shot RN (D) SR33102006 (10/18/09) by CH Caramel ‘N Heywire Larkspur Latte JH x CH Heywire ‘N Wismar Justa Fairy Tale JH; Breeder: Bruce K Ross & Bernee Brawn & Judy Cheshire; Owner: Don Coller & Bernee Brawn & Pat Coller

JUNIOR HUNTER CH Afterhours Trickeration (B) SR48404501 (10/26/09) by CH Shurcan Baron Of Afterhours x CH Carrera Four Wheel Drive CD JH; Breeder/Owner: Robert Wickes D.V.M. & Christine Whitmore & Christi Chism & Marion Hancock

Jed’s SF Blue Belle RN JH (B) SR48693303 (10/23/09) by CH Jed’s Wild Turkey x Jed’s Lexus Lx Von Duffin; Breeder: Edward Tucker & Barbara Tucker; Owner: Mike Braddock & Kay Braddock

Captain Morgan JH (D) SR48697502 (10/25/09) by CH Afterhours Fuzzy Navel x CH Weaver’s Morgen Raine; Breeder: David M Weaver; Owner: Mr. Lloyd R Soller Sr. & Mrs. Orchid Soller Cedarbrook ‘N Heywire’s How Fancy JH (B) SR42435108 (10/11/09) by CH Caramel ‘N Heywire Larkspur Latte JH x CH Heywire’nwismar Justa Fantasy JH; Breeder: Bruce K Ross & Judy Cheshire; Owner: Donna Burgess & Bruce Ross

FC AFC Weidenhugel Impulse V Xero RN MH (D) SR03458302 (11/1/09) by CH Weidenhugel Xero V Goetz x CH Weidenhugel Vixen V Einer MH; Breeder: Sharon E Jahn; Owner: Sharon Jahn RALLY ADVANCED CH Cynisters One For The Books RA (D) SR25928001 (10/31/09) by NFC NAFC DC AFC Rudolph’s Blitzen Von Duffin x DC Jay-Mar’s Tzar’s Wicked Mistress; Breeder: Cathie Magoon & Courtney Magoon & Don Magoon; Owner: Larry T Turner & Diane Turner Weidenhugel Dylan V Ernst RA (D) SR36847307 (11/1/09) by CH Weidenhugel Ernst V Einer MH x CH Weidenhugel Liberty V Boeing; Breeder: Mildred L Revell; Owner: Elaine Gray

Jed’s Ella Marie JH (B) PAL203956 (10/4/09) Owner: Pete Matesowicz & Claudia Matesowicz Scotian Driven By What’s Inside JH (D) SR39235202 (10/10/09) by CH Scotian Kryptonite Nick SH x CH Scotian Jetset’s Xtra Chunky; Breeder: Clifford Newton & Vicky Newton; Owner: Brent Colvin & Sue Colvin CH Slh Wynnsome Larkspur Latte Lewis JH (D) SR38192502 (10/26/09) by CH Caramel ‘N Heywire Larkspur Latte JH x CH Rlb’s Wynnsome Abby SH; Breeder/Owner: Steve Handevidt & Linda Handevidt Weidenhugel Houston V Joey JH (D) SR50836808 (10/26/09) by NFC DC AFC Tumalo Joe x CH Weidenhugel Becca V Blitz JH; Breeder/Owner: Cynthia L Heiller & Kathleen Boyd



NEW TITLES Dayhill’s Whitetail Kiwi JH (B) SR36435004 (11/29/09) by CH Oakhyll Kate’s Bomber x Jagdburg Inga Forest Dancer; Breeder: Joan Hanks; Owner: Tyler Ball & Anna Lloyd Jay-Mar’s One In Every Crowd JH (D) SR53880211 (11/28/09) by DC St Croix’s Diamond Jim x CH JayMar’s Liver And Onions SH; Breeder: Nickol Litwin & Christopher Hieber & Patricia Hieber; Owner: Patricia Hieber & Nickol Litwin & Christopher Hieber Snips Sugar Cookie JH (B) SR56341503 (11/22/09) by FC Wilson’s Famous Amos SH x Zippin Calahoo; Breeder: Quintin Wiseman; Owner: Brenda Roe Wildwire’s Imanoangle JH (B) SR46669401 (11/21/09) by Piemonte Lucifer V Chisola x Brillow’s Abaracadabara; Breeder: Rhonda D Haukoos; Owner: Earl Fowls SENIOR HUNTER CH Blueridge Foxie Belle SH (B) SR28204603 (10/26/09) by Blueridge Treborwolf Skipper x Blueridge Foxie Roxie; Breeder: Trent G Conner; Owner: Henry Gentry & Julie Gentry CH Jerelin’s Justa Pat Hand SH (B) SR08116811 (10/17/09) by DC AFC Bounty’s Justa Pegleg Pete x CH Jerelin’s Afternoon Delite MH NA; Breeder: Linda H Krepak; Owner: Linda H Krepak & Bernee Brawn Zeus Von Wilson SH (D) SR31537413 (10/26/09) by NFC FC Backwoods Sure Shot Wilson x Fancy Pressure Cooker Wilson; Breeder/Owner: Ronald E Wilson NOVICE AGILITY CH Scotian Whiskey River NA (B) SR35640805 (10/25/09) by CH Wildacres Boxcar Willie SH x CH Scotian Jetset’s Dreamcatcher; Breeder: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso & Carolyn Isom; Owner: Chris Eberhardt & Laura Reeves-Locco



©2010 GWPCA

NOVICE AGILITY JUMPER CH Scotian Whiskey River NA NAJ (B) SR35640805 (11/15/09) by CH Wildacres Boxcar Willie SH x CH Scotian Jetset’s Dreamcatcher; Breeder: Laura Reeves & Jane Bonaccorso & Carolyn Isom; Owner: Chris Eberhardt & Laura Reeves-Locco OPEN AGILITY Madeline’s Prince Charming OA NAJ (D) PAL201024 (11/8/09) Owner: Stephanie Rainwater OPEN AGILITY PREFERRED Jerelin’s Know When To Hold JH OAP NJP (B) SR08116805 (10/25/09) by DC AFC Bounty’s Justa Pegleg Pete x CH Jerelin’s Afternoon Delite MH NA; Breeder: Linda H Krepak; Owner: Jean Reese

2009 Junior Showmanship


Novice Junior Shaye Rowley Canada Del Oro KC Mar. 21 3rd/5 Canada Del Oro KC Mar. 22 1st/5 Kachina KC Apr. 5 4th/5 Caleb Bope Steel City KC Apr. 11 1st/2 Hannah Hieber GWPCA Oct. 24 1st/2 GWPCA Oct. 25 2nd/2 Brock Hieber GWPCA Oct. 24 2nd/2 GWPCA Oct. 25 1st/2

Novice Intermediate Alyssa Kraft Electric City KC June 19 2nd/3 Electric City KC June 20 2nd/3 Ashley Wilson Mensona KC Aug. 22 1st/2 McKenzie Cascade DF Sept. 4 2nd/2 Eugene KC Sept. 5 2nd/2

Novice Senior

Josephine Chabarneau Canada Del Oro KC Mar. 21 4th/4 Canada Del Oro KC Mar. 22 3rd/4 Kachina KC Apr. 4 3rd/3 Kachina KC Apr. 5 2nd/2 Grace Macuk Dog Fanciers of OR Jan. 17 4th/5 Tualatin KC Jan. 18 2nd/3 Seattle KC Mar. 7 2nd/8




2009 BIS and Group Competitions These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 – November 30, 2009 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 30 No. 1, January 2010. The number following each entry represents the number of BIS, Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4 (left to right) placements for the calendar year - compiled by Lori Sargent. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Ch. Ripsnorters Mt. View Lookout (D) – K. Courtelis/J&H Witt/J. Wilkinson Ch. Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine (B) – R&L Stark/V. Malzoni Ch. Mt. View’ Ripsnortersilvercharm (D) – C&K Wisch Ch. Mountain View’s Mr. Jack SH (D) – R. Brannan Ch. Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH (B) – B. Watkins/S. Ferraro Ch. Geronimo’s Flying Calypso (D) – J. Steffes Ch. K-S-Tzarr-Balkanoff Vom Sepp (D) – K. Sunda/B. Stroh Ch. Ripsnorter’s A Fringe Benefit (D) – R. Miller Ch. Drakkar’s RLB Celtic Private Eye (D) – J&M Boyd Ch. Reece Afterhours The Buck Stops Here (D) – M&A Johnson/C. Whitmore

28,191 – 15/82/20/11/5 18,024 – 5/38/25/15/6 2,094 – 0/3/5/3/0 1,508 – 0/2/6/4/1 1,491 – 0/1/3/4/4 449 – 0/1/2/0/1 253 – 0/0/1/1/0 195 – 0/0/1/0/0 186 – 0/0/1/2/1 141 – 0/0/1/0/0

2009 Breed Point Competition These rankings are based on competition during the period January 1 – November 30, 2009 as reported in AKC Awards through Vol. 30 No. 1, January 2010. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


Ch. Ripsnorters Mt. View Lookout (D) – K. Courtelis/J&H Witt/J. Wilkinson Ch. Star K’s Mile Hi Valentine (B) – R&L Stark/V. Malzoni Ch. Mountain View’s Mr. Jack SH (D) – R. Brannan Ch. Aspendel’s Pale Rider JH (B) – B. Watkins/S. Ferraro Ch. Geronimo’s Flying Calypso (D) – J. Steffes Ch. Weidenhugel Abby V Jessie (B) – C. Heiller/K. Boyd Ch. Mt. View’ Ripsnortersilvercharm (D) – C&K Wisch Ch. Tagalong’s Cherry Bomb (D) – M. Marley Ch. Darnelle’s Get the Party Started (D) – C&J Reininger Ch. Cynisternidawires Final Fantasy (D) – C. Magoon/J. Quesnell


©2010 GWPCA

423 235 198 155 135 84 58 38 33 21


Top Producing Sires & Dams of 2009 Compiled by Lori Sargent (birddog@windsweptwires.net)

Top Producing Sires & Dams of 2009 Compiled by Lori Sargent (birddog@windsweptwires.net)

BENCH CHAMPIONS Dams Sires Ch. Cynisters In the Center Ring 4 Ch. Cynister Idawire Rose Quartz Ch. Ripsnorter’s Mt View Lookout 4 CH Drakkars Ididnt Do It Of RLB RN Ch. RLB's Mac the Knight MH 3 Ch. Drakkar's She's All That Ch. ADPG The Patriot MH 2 Ch. Mountain View's Next Strike Ch. Cynisters Coffin Keeper 2 Ch. Jay-Mar's Tzar's Wicked Mistress Ch. Ripsnorter's Thunderhart 2 DC RLB’s Tigger DeVille SH NAFC DC AFC Rudolph's Blitzen Von Duffin 2 Ch. Southpaw Left Handed Gunner JH CH Schnellbergs Freedom Reigns 2

4 3 3 3 2 2 2

FIELD CHAMPION / AMATEUR FIELD CHAMPION Sires Dams____________________________ NAFC DC AFC Cascade Jagd Freund 2 FC/2AFC Okk Ebony Flo Laveau 2 FC/2AFC DC AFC Bounty's Justa Pegleg Pete 1 FC FC AFC Cascade Maria 1 FC Ch. Jed's Wild Turkey 1 FC Flintlock's Allterrain Hunter MH 1 FC Ken Vospet 1 FC Jed’s Konigin Gabriella MH 1 FC NAFC DC AFC Rudolph's Blitzen Von Duffin 1 FC Jerelin's Afternoon Delite JH NA 1 FC NFC FC Sure Shot's Slick Nickel 1 FC Ch. Schnellberg's Live Wire JH 1 FC Harris’s Huntin Buddy 1 AFC Molly Dancer Hunter 1 AFC

Sires Ken Vospet NAFC DC AFC Rudolph's Blitzen Von Duffin

Sires Cascade Jump For Joy Ch. RLB's Jessie the Body MH Cadenberg Mick V Rogue Chump Changes Nothin to Lose Ch. Darling's Tick Tock MH Fritz Gon Burden Ken Vospet Kalle From Masterhunt Thunderhill's Montana

DUAL CHAMPIONS Dams 1 Ch. Schnellberg's Live Wire JH 1 FC AFC Cascade Maria

HUNT TEST TITLES MH SH JH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1

Dams FC AFC Cascade Cadence Drakkar's All Eyes on Me CD Blackbriar’s Bailey Black Canyon Gin Callie V Stuth Iffy Von Camp Larkspur's Caramel at Heywire Shotshelle Gon Burden DC Vonduffin's RKLD Cappuccino


MH SH JH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Top Producers From 1985-2009 Compiled by Lori Sargent (birddog@windsweptwires.net) BENCH CHAMPIONS Sires & dams on this list must have produced 10 titled dogs


48 45 40 33 25 22 21 20 18 18 16 14 14 12 12 12 11 11


16 15 14 14 13 13 13 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10

FIELD CHAMPIONS / AMATEUR FIELD CHAMPIONS Sires & dams on this list must have produced 3 titled dogs


8 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 3


Please contact Lori Sargent if anything was missed concerning your dog on these lists.

HUNT TEST TITLES These dogs must have produced 3 master hunters



MH 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3

SH 2 6 1 1 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 1 1 1

3 2 1 1

JH 13 3 1 6 13 9 18


2 1 1

5 4 4 4 3 3

WIRE~NEWS TOPICS Performance Dog Articles

Wire~News Needs You! It seems I’m getting fewer articles every issue, so I need more writers to keep this a great publication. Everyone needs to contribute something – we can’t expect the busy people who contribute issue after issue to always carry the burden. Even if you don’t think you can write, just start putting something on paper and send it to me. I’ll make sure the grammar and spelling are right – that’s what editors do! But I need something to work with. There is also a need for high resolution images – 1 MB plus. Pictures really make the issue, so please share yours! Also, we need you to write-up the news and send photos from your local shows and events – you’re the only one that can do it! The Field Dog issue is coming up next, so start thinking about it. Take your camera and some paper to your next event! Following is a great list of Wire~News Article Topics that are looking for a writer. If you see something you are knowledgeable about, please go for it!

“Puppy Kindergarten” training series Fear stages Introducing your pup to strangers/strange dogs The pros and cons of dog parks House training your puppy Beginning obedience Crate training (including reintroducing a dog to the crate who is afraid of crates) Tips for selecting a trainer/class for your dog What you need to know before you try competing with your dog in AKC Obedience Fixing problems (barking, jumping up, possessiveness, shyness, aggressiveness, pulling on walks) Clicker training Rally Tips Rally stories Fly Dog

Agility Articles

Introducing your dogs to agility obstacles Building your own agility obstacles Tips for improving your time and/or accuracy for better scores Focusing on contact points How to maximize your walk-thru What are some common problem issues, and how to fix/avoid them

Other Article Ideas Field Dog Articles

So you’ve entered your do in your first Derby/Puppy Stake - how can you prepare your dog for the best performance possible, and what to expect Preparing for a JH test, and what to expect Top 10 mistakes people make with their new pup (i.e.—what not to do if you want a good bird dog) How to select a field trainer Meet the GWP field trial Pros. Preparing for the GWP Water Test Nurturing a natural retriever The differences between a JH and a NAVHDA NA test Introducing your puppy to birds The value of Wing on a String—pros and cons, and when if ever it should be used Getting serious at field trials—what to look for in a field trial horse Training with pigeons vs game birds (chukkar & quail); raising & maintaining training birds Things you can try to do to “fix” a gun-shy dog/how to introduce your pup to the gun shot Master Hunters vs Field Trial Dogs Methods for conditioning dogs—“roading” (w/chains or off a 4-wheeler), treadmills, running (turning the dog lose to freeexercise) —how long/how much/how often/when is a dog too young or too old to road Preparing your dog for hunting season—conditioning and training Conditioning in weather extremes—hot and cold

Dress for success in the show ring Training a successful stack; also training a successful free-stack Keeping it “fun” for your puppy in the ring, while keeping pup focused on you. Building a web-page/the advantages of having a web-page Temperaments—what judges should expect in the show ring, appropriate vs inappropriate responses

Breeding topics

Inbreeding vs Linebreeding vs outcrossing Health testing Factors in deciding on a stud-dog (prioritizing temperament, health, conformation & field ability) What a pedigree can tell you about a dog (reading a pedigree) The heritability of temperaments, coats, etc Early puppyhood temperament testing Things to do to socialize pups while they are still with their mom & littermates Types of whelping boxes—pros and cons of each Multiple sire litters, pitfalls, AKC rules, costs, etc. Supplementing a bitch in whelp and a bitch nursing pups Puppy contracts Co-ownerships—pros and cons Things to look for when hiring a professional handler—things to ask before you hire them. Building a kennel—things to consider, including flooring, walls, landscaping, drains, etc. ©2010 GWPCA WIRE NEWS




©2010 GWPCA

Regional Club Basket Raffle How did your club fare in the club basket competition at nationals in 2009? If you are a member of the GWP Club of S. California, you won t-shirts and bragging rights. It is not too early to start collecting items for this year’s raffle. There are lots of post season sales on hunting and dog related items. The money the club collects from this basket raffle can be used for many worthy causes such as rescue and special projects. Here are some suggestions for success: · Regional food items · Club and member historical info or pictures · Club trinkets such as mugs or caps · At your next club meeting, get a volunteer to bird dog your club’s basket for the next Nationals. I’m looking for someone to start working with me to do the solicitation to obtain items for the various raffles. I plan to work on this year’s raffle project even though I may not attend the event. Age is catching up with me and I can't do this forever – I just need help. It’s a great cause, so please contact me if you’d like to help. --Sylvia Miller at ripsnort@cheqnet.net





©2010 GWPCA





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©2010 GWPCA

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