Lonely Ghost A story by Gyan Lakhwani
The lonely ghost lived alone in a haunted mansion at the edge of the forest.
The ghost’s only friends were the mice who lived in the walls. Sometimes the ghost would go up to the mice and shout “Boo!” in his best scary voice, and the mice would scamper away and hide.
When the ghost got bored of scaring the mice, it would make the lights in the house flicker on and off. It would also practice making an assortment of scary noises, just in case some nasty humans came into the house.
One day, the lonely ghost was going about it’s business when another ghost came wandering into the house. “Boo!” said the lonely ghost, quite surprised by this unexpected intrusion of his home. “Boo!” said the other ghost, more as a greeting than anything else. They became best friends.
When the moon came out each night the ghosts would go up to the roof and dance in the moonlight. It was great fun, and the lonely ghost was lonely no more.
The Lonely Ghost Written and Illustrated by Gyan Lakhwani With inputs from Shirin Choudhary IDC School of Design 2018-20