Gymboree Play&Music

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It all began in 1976 with a simple idea stretch a child's rapidly developing body & mind and you begin preparing him/her for life.

GYMBOREE is the pioneer and global leader in early childhood development programs for children ages newborn to five. Based at San Francisco USA, for over 35 years Gymboree has been conducting specialized parent-child fun & interactive classes,

encouraging a child's development and helping

parents understand it better.

created by child development experts, the Gymboree Learning Program is designed to support the ‘whole’ growth and development of the child Physical, Social/Emotional & Cognitive. Today the Gymboree Program is enriching live of children and families in

over 35 countries

across Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe.

Child Development Expert Say... "Gymboree is a wonderful interactive program. Parents and children will be delighted to spend time together building strong bonds that will last a lifetime." Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP Professor of Pediatrics UCLA School of Medicine, CA, USA Author of Happiest Baby of the Block

Early Childhood Development and the Gymboree Philosophy

A child's brain is most active in the first three years of life during which it

grows to 80% of its adult size. Relationships and Experiences children have during these initial years play a critical role in the development and design of the brain, thereby leaving a profound impact on the child's future.

The Gymboree Program has been created by child development experts to support the whole growth and development of the child - Physical, Social/Emotional, It

fa c i l i t ate s



appropriate experiences for a child through a stimulating and playful environment that promotes exploration. The Gymboree program is designed to

strengthen parent-child bonds while playing and having fun together. It also helps parents better understand the needs, interests, and learning style of their child's, while providing the tools to participate in and support each stage of their child's development. After all, a parent is the most important teacher of her/his child and Gymboree helps parents become the best teacher they can be for their child.

The end goal is simple Encourage a child's inherent potential helping him/her become happy and successful in school and life.

Location : HO, India

'YES' environment Playing and learning are inextricably linked. Gymboree provides a thoughtfully planned environment where children feel confident to explore, touch, run, jump and just have Fun. Our proprietary play equipment is custom designed specifically to meet the needs of 0 to 5 years olds, creating a play floor for little children that is age and developmentally appropriate.

Classes We offer three types of classes:

Play, Music & Art.

Classes are scheduled between 9am & 6pm at our Centre during






Most classes are of 45 min duration, held once a week,

attended jointly by the parent and child. Trained Gymboree teachers lead these classes guiding the child's exploration and discovery. Every child is encouraged to problem-solve, think creatively, gain self-esteem, and grow to be an independent learner, while participating at his/her own pace. Activities facilitating in the development of physical, cognitive and social/emotional skills are covered in each class.

Play Class

Music Class

Art Class

(birth to 5 years)

(6 months to 5 years)

(16 months to 5 years)

Nurturing developmental milestones

Nurturing ability to appreciate &

Nurturing creativity and confidence

through age appropriate physical

enjoy music. Exploring global music

in self-expression, building self-

challenges, as well as social and

styles and musical ‘building blocks’


intellectual skill building activities.

like rhythm, beat, pitch, tempo,

imaginative spirit. Encouraging

Facilitates understanding & grasping

through listening, singing, playing

experimentation of ideas and new

of fundamental concepts.

instruments & movement activities.

ways of problem solving.




Play Class is the core of the Gymboree Learning Program. This is customized for 7 learning levels, providing a progression of age-appropriate play-based challenges and physical, social/emotional & cognitive skill building activities for children from newborn to 5 yrs. Each level is designed to

encourage the specific developmental milestone a child is working on at his/her age. Level

1 Birth






7 5 years

Location : HO, USA

Level 1 (birth to 6 months)

“Its fun playing this listening & touching game”

The Thoughtful Observer: Becoming engaged in the world In these early months newborn are becoming attentive & interested in the outside world. When they're made to feel safe, they learn about things around them using their senses: turn towards the sound of a maraca, visually track a moving toy, roll over to touch you.

Sensory exploration

is facilitated in class using different

activities like tummy time, flashlight play, new sounds, songs and infant massage. Visual and auditory skill development is supported.

Level 2 “the hand bell jingles when I move it”

(6 to 10 months)

The Doer: Learning to make things happen During this time babies learn about cause and effect: shaking a toy to make it rattle. They understand that they can show what they want by making noises or using gestures & facial expressions: reaching out their arms to show that they want to be picked up.

Cause & Effect is explored in class, facilitating an understanding of how the world works and how they can make things happen. Strength is built playing with ramps, climbers and slides.

“I enjoy the surprise in this peek-a-boo game”

Level 3 (10 to 16 months)

The Communicator: Exploring two-way Communication Children this age are becoming skilled in back-and-forth interaction. They use actions and gestures to communicate: leading you by the hand to open a door, pointing to the book they want you to read to them, or taking turns rolling a ball back and forth with you.

Communication is encouraged in class, responding to gestures & actions, and letting them know that what they're 'saying' is important. Balance & coordination are built on the playscapes.

“YES! I’ve reached the slide this new ‘through’ game is fun”

Level 4 (16 to 22 months)

The Problem Solver: Figuring out how the world works At this stage toddlers begin to understand the series of actions they need to perform, and in what specific order, to reach a desired goal - ‘motor planing’: climbing up the ramp and crawling through the tunnel to reach the slide.

Motor planning

is facilitated in class through games that

uncover patterns & sequences. Supports Problem solving skills-an understanding of how to get needs met through action.

Level 5 “I enjoy singing wheels-on-the-bus while looking through the bus window”

(22 to 28 months)

The Creative Thinker: Using words & symbols to express Children at this level use pictures & objects to convey thoughts and develop ideas. They can form mental images of their desires: imagine the cookie they're craving. They enjoy pretend play: feeding a toy bear, pretending to be daddy going to work.

Creative play in class stretches the imagination and supports

symbolic thinking. Props encourage language development & social interaction, helping them make sense of feelings & ideas.

“Let me get off the bus as this is my bus stop”

Level 6 (28 to 36 months)

The Logical Thinker: Making connections between ideas Children are now rational beings who begin to understand the 'why' of things. They start creating stories that make logical sense. They can substitute symbols for real object: a scarf becomes a kite & then needs the wind to fly up in the sky.

Abstract thinking is fostered in class by imaginary themes and storybooks. Connecting ideas through cooperation and communication is facilitated while palying with peers.

Level 7 (3 to 5 years)

The Big Kid

At this age children eagerly explore new activities. They learn many self-help skills like dressing and feeding themselves. Their cognitive ability to categorise & sort helps them understand the similarities and differences between people, which makes this a great time to help them learn about respecting differences & getting along with others.

Social skills

are nurtured in class:



Curiosity, Cooperation, Relatedness, Self-Control, and Intentionality. This supports an improved participation in peer group. Art, Books & Language, Group play, Science exploration, and experiences with Relationships are woven into a structure of playful learning and intellectual development.

Music “Music familiarizes children’s minds with rhythms and melodies, thus making them more civilized, more balanced, better adjusted in themselves and more capable in whatever they say or do, for rhythm and harmony are essential to the whole of life”. Plato

Our Program enhances a child’s love for music by nurturing an ability to appreciate & enjoy music. Children explore beat, rhythm, tempo and other

musical ‘building blocks’ through listening, singing, playing instruments & movement activities. Group songs, finger plays, and musical games are used to build motor, social and cognitive skills, especially encouraging listening, language and verbal communication skills. Every month children experience songs, singing games & recorded music activities featuring a variety of global musical styles like Classical, Broadway, Disco, Jazz, Rock & Roll and world music: African, Caribbean, Latin & More.

Music I

Music II

Music III

(6 to 16 months)

(16 to 28 months)

(28 months to 5 years)

Art “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world�.

Albert Einstein

Our Program encourages a range of creative possibilities by building on the lead of the child. Children discover a world of hands-on experiences through activities like building & construction, collage & print making, dramatic play, drawing, painting, sculpting, story time, tactile play & more. A process oriented approach provides every child an opportunity to create his/her own masterpiece, nurturing confidence in self-expression, enhancing self-esteem, and

inspiring the imaginative spirit, It

encourages creativity & experimentation of ideas and readiness to try new ways of problem solving.

Art I

Art II


(16 to 24 months)

(24 to 36 months)

(3 to 5 years)

Family Class Siblings of different ages can attend this class together with their parents, as a family. Group activities designed for all ages (0-5yrs) facilitate

laughter & togetherness as a family, strengthening bonds that will last a lifetime. The multi-age activities provide fun new challenges for every developmental stage.

Family Play Family Music Family Art

Parent participation is essential Children learn best when parents enter their world of play & imagination. Parental support is important for a child’s healthy emotional development, building trust between parent and child, and helping children feel

more confident to explore and learn. Also, parents understand more about the development of their child when they’re a part of the class and its activities. And don’t forget the importance of simply spending quality time with your child, bonding and connecting.

Gymboree complements a School Pre-schools are important institutions of early learning, focussing on imparting knowledge in key areas like Literacy and Math, including a range of topics like the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colours, animals and more. The Gymboree program on the other hand focuses on the development of a child’s fundamental skills: physical, intellectual, social/emotional skills. These skills lay a strong foundation for the pursuit of academic knowledge at school, making the Gymboree program a valuable precursor and complement to early child education. When teachings at School are balanced with developmental enrichment at Gymboree, it helps optimize the individual potential of a child.

Birthday Party Gymboree organizes parties at the Centre to celebrate a child’s 1st through 5th Birthday. It includes exclusive use of the facility for 2 hrs, with a personalised touch. Play, Music & Art activities are professionally conducted by a trained and enthusiastic Gymboree Teacher.

Choice of theme: Farm Yard Fun

All around the Kitchen

Jungle Safari

Ocean Adventure

Sports Galore

All aboard Trains

Super Heroes

Princess Playhouse

Location : HO, India

Centre A Gymboree Centre is a bright, cheerful place

filled with warmth and love. It is designed to make children feel safe, comfortable & happy. The Centre is temperature controlled with cushioned flooring in Play & Music classrooms. Highest standards of hygiene are maintained by daily disinfectant cleaning and sanitization.

Toys displayed in the Lobby are proprietary, available only in Gymboree Centres worldwide. These toys help parents carry the Gymboree approach home to facilitate purposeful play.

Location : HO, India

Gymboree Parents say...

“My daughter Ananya started Gymboree classes when she was 6 months old. This is an excellent program and has helped me tremendously in bonding with my daughter. The classes have made her highly expressive and she’s slowly initiating her own communication. She enjoys the classes, has become very active & energetic, and is developing an ability to enjoy music. The Training methods used are very structured & have helped me understand how to engage her in play. The Teachers are friendly & well trained, and the Infrastructure is excellent”. Rajani Kesari, CFO Schneider Electric

“Our daughter Rishika started Gymboree when she was 5 months old. After attending classes here she started responding more to music and would try to talk. She enjoys playing with children her age in class, and her social skills are improving. We think our playing and interacting with our daughter in this group setting, as facilitated by the Teacher, has made her a more confident little girl. Our understanding of our child has increased. The Teachers, Infrastructure, and hygiene here is fine quality. We like this atmosphere”. Reena & Sailesh Saxena, Lawyer

“My daughter Anya started Gymboree when she was 6 months old. The classes have been ideal for her to explore, play and develop her motor skills. They’ve provided her an opportunity to interact with other kids and develop her social skills. I have an increased understanding of her interests and how i can play with her taking her lead. The teachers are very good - they understand the purpose and work towards it. The infrastructure is top notch & hygiene rates topmost in my list. Gymboree is a safe and children friendly place”. Shwetha Sunkara, MD, Remote Tiger

Gymboree Parents say...

“Our daughter Disha started Gymboree when she was 12 months old. Within just one month of attending classes here we have seen improvements in her physical skills such as standing alone, walking and climbing. In addition to growth in a range of motor skills, she’s developed a good understanding of fundamental concepts like animals & sounds. The Teachers are nice, and good at explaining to both the child and parent. The place is very hygienic and the Infrastructure is perfect for small children”. Geetha & Srikanth Reddy, Real Estate Business

“My son Laqshyaveer started Gymboree when he was 16 months old. The play class facilitates grasping of fundamental conceptshe was introduced to the ‘push & pull’ concept in class and later at home he was breaking my crockery saying ‘push’! He’s learnt different ways of exploring things and his thinking has become very creative & imaginative. His ability of self-expression has improved and he’s ready to try new ways of problem solving. Class is an amazingly interactive 45 min session. Teachers have great abilities to understand and teach a child with love & care”. Ritu Verma, Home maker

“My daughter Misha started Gymboree at 17 months. Gymboree has been a good platform for learning for both Misha and me. She’s learnt a lot of skills & concepts and is now a confident, creative and vocal little girl. I’m able to understand her development stages better and have plenty of ideas on how to spend hours with her. Spending quality time together in this child-age appropriate environment has been very rewarding. The Teachers, Infrastructure, hygiene – its all excellent here – I’m very happy with Gymboree !”. Sumeela Mody, Home maker

Gymboree Parents say...

“Our daughter Shivani started Gymboree when she was 19 months old. The classes have improved her concentration and ability to listen to directions. Her physical skills have improved and she is more confident playing in the garden, climbing bars, or going down a slide. She is now more interested in playing alongside others and is using her hands more often in order to accomplish a task without getting frustrated – something she has learned from her art class. The Teachers are patient and always smiling. We feel safe bringing our child to Gymboree”. Shalini & Gautam Gianchandani, Director, ICREA

“Our daughter Nitya started Gymboree at 19 months. Her concentration in problem solving has improved and we see her better at handling challenges like opening or closing a bottle. Her self-esteem & confidence have increased, and social skills have improved – she now loves participating in a peer group. The developmental aides here seem to help broaden her learning/exploratory pursuits, helping her grasp basic concepts. Teachers take personalised care in tracking child’s development. Great eye for detail to create an excellent environment for kids”. Bharati & Manoj Kumar, CEO, Naandi Foundation

“My son Miheer started Gymboree when he was 22 months old. The classes have really helped him develop a fundamental understanding of concepts, like learning about ‘nest’ in the class with the feathered friends theme, or learning about spiders & insects in the class with the bugs theme. Every class benefited him in some way. He has also become more interactive after joining Gymboree. The Infrastructure is very child friendly and the Teachers are very friendly with both kids & parents. The entire team of Gymboree is superb !”. Anju Verma, Doctor

Gymboree Parents around the world say...

“Valerie at 5 months would pay full attention to the instructor who would always confidently guide the class into a state of euphoria, with the help of a huge array of musical instruments and live singing atmosphere to match. She laughs at the instructor’s antics and they all laugh with her! Having a hearty laugh, she brought lots of joy and happiness to the family. Scientific studies have proven that babies with hearty laughs or who often have a cheerful disposition are good examples of constantly active brain activity. I look forward to many fantastic years with Gymboree!”

Lisa, China

“I learned that teaching Lexi (2½ yrs) can be fun and I learned how to make it fun. I found out which way she learns best & what activities she enjoys the most. So it’s also a good indicator of what kind of learning style she’ll eventually have or already has”. Anna, Philippines

“I really thought that the classes were beneficial to my child in many ways. The Art teacher, Samantha, was excellent in giving the philosophy of why the children were doing various tactile experiences and how it links with speech development. As a teacher myself, I could see she was prepared and informed about her lesson. Play class was full of energy and activity for my son. I loved the way imagination was stressed and for the parents to facilitate the imaginary play with their child. Hopefully, we parents will be able to learn through the classes and carry the teaching goals into our own homes. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as much as my son did! Thank you for helping to enrich and establish creativity and imagination in our young children. Lori, USA

Case Study

“ For us Gymboree is like a time machine, where an adult can come in and become a child again! Our daughter loves that...because during classes everyone’s become children again. Nowadays, time machines are needed to take us back to childhood, stop time, and have more time for our children. Madalena has the privilege and the luck to have that famous Gymboree time machine. We have that privilege too because we can play without being afraid that someone will call us ‘crazy’ - here we are monkeys, bears, big trucks, cookies, everything. We even hop like frogs from one “lily pad” to other. We can go wherever our imagination wants to take us and we feel so good about it !

Play Everything we do at Gymboree, Madalena likes to repeat at home, like songs or parachute time. Madalena's symbolic thinking skills are growing every day. Recently, at home, while we were sitting on the sofa, Madalena said she was going to ride a tractor! We were so surprised and proud because without any help she built a tractor with only three boxes and a sitting bench (see photo). That is an evidence of the benefits for our daughter !

Music Music brings more benefits because Madalena learns new songs with concepts that take her to the next level, learns the name of the musical instruments and contacts with different music styles. And she is educating her ears so it will be easier, in the future, to learn foreign idioms. Madalena loves to repeat the songs at home and we sing a lot in our car trips. So we feel obligated to take a paper and a pen to Music classes in order to write the lyrics of the songs, so we can sing them. She likes to repeat the games she learns in Music classes – fast/slow/silence.

Art At Art classes children learn by creating. That is excellent because there is always a relation between new concepts and learning/finding. She learned about insects by creating insects. She learned about transportations






Her creative ability is more developed and also her interest in learning new sensations & emotions.

In conclusion, we would like to thank the Gymboree teachers for all the attention, care and work with our daughter. We are very grateful. Programs like these help the harmonious development defined upon multilateral basis. Even more important are the smiles during classes at Gymboree and her bright eyes when it’s a Gymboree day. At Gymboree, ‘Play’ rhymes with ‘Learn’. Thank you very much ”. Mother Rute and Father Paulo Malhão, Portugal

Gymbo Club

Gymbo Club

Bharati Kumar Nitya 2 Apr 07

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Gymbo Club is a membership benefit program of Gymboree Play & Music. Every family enrolled for Classes will be provided a Gymbo Club card. The membership to the Gymbo Club is valid till the child’s last scheduled class, i.e. enrolment end date.

Membership entails: OpenGym for Parents & Children Freely Exploring the Play equipment together

Access to all Gymboree Events Parties for children like ‘Sweetheart Party’ on Valentine day

Access to Seminars

& Discussions

Interaction with Speakers who’re renowned in their field

Special price for a Gymboree

Birthday Party

A ‘member only’ price for your child’s birthday celebration

Special deals with Gymboree Partners Discounts & Benefits at select Hotels, Restaurants, Retail stores and other providers of high quality products/services

Creativity. Confidence. Friendship. It all starts at Gymboree!

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