Gypsy F Iles Issue No6
GypsyFiles Issue No6
----------------Gordon Holden
----------------Julian Mascuilli -------------------Dave Kiehl -------------------Ergo -----------------Russ Roe
-------------------Buck Squibb Cover-Julian Mascuilli Contents-Gordon Holden
hold on to hold on to hold on to hold on to everything.
--Jay Reatard
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Julian Mascuilli
Model:Alexa Shirt:Ergo
--Coming from the East Coast, New Jersey especially do you think you have a look on the industry as other companies? New Jersey is just where I am from, since the beginning we strived to get the most experienced industry guys that we could and thats what landed our design in Costa Mesa since day one.. Never once were we like, lets be an East Coast brand. We definitely have a different look on things working against the grain and I guess you can say we are not too influenced to chase somewhat funny trends, but rather concentrate on timeless, quality clothing with great fits and attention to detail.
--Where does ERGO pull it's influences from? We pull most of our influence from the people that surround the brand. We have a rad group of creative guys working here that are unique in their own way. We also use music, nature, surf, skate, city, art and photography to design into. I can truly say, ERGO is a collective of everyones mind with no big egos or personalities to overcome.
--Any new music lately? What have you listening too? I am always checking out beat port for emerging electronic artists, but lately I've been on the road a lot and my Sirius radio always finds it's way to 80's on 8 and more relaxed electronic music on the Chill channel. We also work with a couple bands that play roots/dub/rock reggae. Podcasts are always a staple too like Radio 538 and last but not least the punk rock that I grew up with and always gets me hyped to surf.
--With Spring here and Summer around the corner what does ERGO plan to do with this years upcoming line? In the last 3 months we built an entire new design team staring with, Joe Mac, as the creative director. Next we brought in Dean Bradley as Art Director and Andy Crane as the Merchandiser and National Sales Manager. We also brought in experienced production people, pattern makers and fit models to really concentrate on the product. All of these guys have extensive knowledge and have been around the industry for some time in key positions.. To think that they work at our small brand is pretty fucking humbling and exciting at the same time. We also brought in Stever Rapp and his agency, Add Black, to works on sportswear.
-- Big plans for the future? Besides building off our team's success the plan is to grow as smart as possible and create honest partnerships with key retailers. We are launching a new branding package and website that will help define who we are and make it easier for consumers and retailers to relate to. In addition for Fall, we are launching "Dub Nature Society" as a seasonal theme which has received an amazing response from buyers over the last trade show season. We are also launching a campaign with Surfline around Albee that is a slab feature.
Dan Drehobl on launching a collection of printables that will include some freedom reissues
-- ERGO's artist series showcases some very talented work, any new artists lined up for this new line? We have worked with a few artists over the years and it's been great. Right now we are working with Dan Drehobl, on launching a small collection of printables that will include some Freedumb re-issues. Since putting Dan on the skate team, we have had an overwhelming request to add some of his art to the collection, so keep an eye out for that. Most importantly, we have Dean Bradley (aka Mainframe) working on graphics now and he is fucking killing it.
-- Albee Layer is on a tear and fucking killing it this winter, any plans with him for the future? Albee is blowing up right now. Wether it's his Innersection part, XXL ride of the year nomination at Jaws, punt of the month win on Surfline, "The Isle" web series, or just rousting people on blogs and letting his surfing back up his words.. He is definitely defying himself as a free surfer to keep an eye on. I just had the pleasure of spending some time with him and his crew on Maui and I was blown away by their program.. the kind of stuff that gives you the chills. I cannot give details, but lets just say the intro to episode 2 of Albee and Meola's web series is going to make some people laugh.. or maybe cry. Right now, Albee is in West Oz with John John filming for his movie, so there is no sign of him slowing down.
- Your campaign 'Transcend The Delusions', Society plays a huge roll in how a company turns out and ERGO has remained to stay true to its core while steadily growing. What aspects do you think you Transcend and What aspects do you absorb? Transcend the delusions is part of our mission statement that says.. ERGO transcends the delusions within the current market place by offering individuality that represents both honest, thoughtful designs and practical purpose. This basically means.. Step back for a second and look past the bullshit and recognize the corporate destruction that is taking place in this industry that was once something special to be a part of. We are just working to bring a little piece of it back to how it was when I was a growing up. That thought process is what attracted the level of talent we have here and what is going to bring the brand to the next level. ERGO is basically a garage brand building off of it's natural progression. Photos By: Julian Mascuilli & Lambsbread
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Solitude is Bliss
Gypsyfiles Issue No6