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The culture of peace in European citizenship Thyborøn School – Denmark - Work done in 5.B from August 2013 – June 2014 Learning by involving family and community

What is Peace - Children’s rights - EU - Democracy in Denmark - Nobel - Unicef Knowing our partners - Irish worksheet about partners - Italian pen pals – Skype meetings Interviews and surveys World war 2 in our local area of Thyborøn

Foto: Tine Local citizens Petrea and Jens are visiting 5. B for two very exciting and intense hours. Great experience!

The subjects used in the project are Danish, English, Art and History. 1

Comenius: The culture of peace in European citizenship Penpals with Italian Class (Vittoria) and Skype meeting with Italy and Finland. Posters on Peace and working with Peace in groups: • • • •

What is necessary to keep having peace in our country? Why is peace important? What can we do ourselves to keep having peace? List the things you think is important to live in peace.

5 B agreed on a top 8 list of the class for what’s important for peace.

Fred means PEACE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Be together with family Have a home Live in peace Be able to go to school Love Friendship Food Happiness

We read the Childrens Rights, found out who Nobel was and what UNICEF is. Then the pupils made questions and interviews with parents and wrote small articles.

Online magazine:

(On line magazine is printed for you after the photoes)


Involving local citizens we had a project about World War 2 in Thyborøn. Thyborøn is a harbor city with a lot of bunkers from the war. The pupils knew the bunkers at the beach very well but they hardly anything about the war and the background for the bunkers.. We invited two local senior citizens Petrea Hviid and Jens Bro to come to our class and tell about their experience of growing up during World War 2. The children had made a questionnaire for the visit.

From the local historical archive in our area we got photos and stories from World War 2. in Thyborøn. A senior citizen Christian Olesen who is very keen on World war 2 in Thyborøn helped us very much and guided and supported us.. We used our local museum (Kystcentret) and saw and heard about Thyborøn during the war. At the Kystcentret there is an exhibition of a special bunker and the story about the architect who helped the Germans and Danish government build the bunkers in Thyborøn. He copied all the drawings and sent them to England and was later known as The Turtle Spy because he signed his drawings with a small drawing of a pipe smoking turtle.

Local Television had made a documentary about The Turtle Spy and bunkers in Thyborøn, which we saw together. To our great surprise and recognition Jens also figured in the movie. Here we also saw what Thyborøn looked like during the war.

Posters were made in three groups showing the war in Thyborøn. The pupils made a real magazine in Danish about Thyborøn during World War 2 (Which you will have at our meeting in October). 3

Questionnaires made by pupils in 5 B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Did you have many bunkers? Were there many mines? Do you know anybody joining the war who is still alive? Do you know of anybody who died during the war? How old were you when the war started?

6. How was it to be child during the war? 7. How old were you? 8. Did you have weapon? 9. Where did you live? 10. Did you see weapon? 11. What was it like? 12. How was it to be at war? 13. How did you live? 14. Did you know Adolf Hitler? 15. What happened to the children during the war? 16. What kind of weapon did the Danes have? 17. Were there bombs and mines in the sea? 18. Did you see anybody being shot during the war? 19. For how long did the war last? 20. Så I en, der blev skudt under krigen? 21. What was the worst about the war? 22. How were you warned? 23. What did you do when you heard the alarm 24. How did the soldiers leave? 25. When did the soldiers leave? 26. Hvordan blev man anholdt? 27. What was it like when the soldiers came to Thyborøn? 28. Did any Danes work against the soldiers? 29. Was everyday life like before the war? 30. Were the children at war, too? 31. What did the children do during the war? 32. Did adults go to war all the time? 33. Did Danish people in Thyborøn use guns? 34. Did many die in Thyborøn because of the war? 4

Articles answering the questionnaires: Jens and Petrea visit 5 B By Katja and Eline Petrea tells the children played during the war and the German soldiers did not ruin their childhood. Jens tells they had weapon. They used a hunting rifle but they only used it for hunting. Both Petrea and Jens knew who Hitler was but they tell the fact that he was never in Thyborøn. Petrea told they had no television but they had a radio.

They were children during the war By Pernille & Laura Petrea and Jens tell they know other people who joined the war and who are still alive. All the people and equipment coming to our town was scaring, but it did not ruin our childhood says Petrea. She goes on telling she was 8 years old when the war started. Jens tells he was a bit older than Petrea. He was 10. The children were not very influenced by the war. They were playing as usually. We both knew a boy who died during the war. He was older than us and called Leo

Jens and Petrea tell about World war 2 By Thea and Simon Jens and Petrea tell they knew a boy who was killed by a mine during the war. They tell the German soldiers lived various places in the town. They lived for example in barracks, houses, and the school and in bunkers. Jens and Petrea tell that suddenly the German soldiers just arrived in Thyborøn. Jens and Petrea say they had no weapons during the war but when the German soldiers left Thyborøn they left their weapons behind. They found many German weapons in the bunkers. Jens and Petrea also told that even though a war was going on they still played in the streets and they did not hide because the German soldiers did not do anything to harm them. 5

They joined World war 2 By Mads and Sebastian Wednesday 30th of April two older citizens, a man and a lady, from Thyborøn came to Thyborøn School and told about the time when German soldiers came to Thyborøn in World war 2. They were both old and the man was a bit death so he interrupted a lot. We had made some questions for them. One of the questions was about the bunkers. At that time there were more bunkers than today. They told a lot about the war when the German soldiers came into the harbor in big boats and till they left town walking on their feet. The man told about boats being shot at and bombed. And he told about the mines lain out at the beach and at sea.

We were bombed at sea By Martin and Philip Jens and Petrea tell there were mines in the sea. Sometimes they were washed ashore. Then they lay on the beach and sometimes they were activated and went off.

Weapon By Lucas and Casper One day we were visited by two people named Jens and Petrea. They had taken part in World War 2. It was fun in the beginning of the war and also after the end but they were also scared.


The German soldiers come By Victor and Daniel Jens and Petrea told they were 8 and 12 years old when the war started. Petrea lived in a cabin and Jens parents owned a pension where they could buy food, too. The German soldiers came into the pension and said they had to cock for 100 persons or leave the house. So they cooked and could stay in their house. They only heard someone was shot but they did not see it themselves.

Daily life during the war By Søs and Maja Petra and Jens told World war 2 went on for five years. The kids played while the adults were at war. But the Danish men only used weapons for hunting. Whenever they went to the grocers they had to bring a note on which was written how much one was allowed to buy. They were called rationing labels and no family was allowed to buy very much.

Was the war fun? By Peter - Interview with Jens and Petrea: They told about World War 2 and I asked them what was worst. They said it was the last part of the war because then the German soldiers were not very nice. Sometimes they had to sleep in their own clothes under the bomb attacks. I asked how they were warned and they said they had an alarm at the harbor which blew out air. Then I asked them about daily life and they told it was not like normal life. You could not go to school normally and you could not have the same normal food, which you could get before the war. Asked about the German soldiers they told they were rather nice and willing to help for example driving them to school or other things. I also asked if any Danes worked against the Germans. They told that there was a resistance group. They also told they had rather big radar in Thyborøn where the Kystcenter is now. When the planes were flying rather low the radar could not always see them so from time to time the British were crossing the town by plane without being stopped. 7

Photoes from local history archive:


Container with weapons thrown in the sea from English pilots picked up by fishermen and delivered to the resistance group

The big radar but up at the entrance to the harbor so spot allied airplanes.

Removing mines after the war ended.

Danger. Barbed wire so nobody could go to the beach which was mined area.

Fishermen were at risk at the Nothsea

German soldiers leaving Thyborøn at the end of the war.


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