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Felix on tour through Europe is a Comenius project involving pupils and teachers from 5 European countries: Germany, England, Polen, Holland and Denmark The main aim was to get to know each other by writing a book together about Felix visiting the 5 countries and the pupils at their schools. Another aim was to make the pupils make products for each other and collaborate. Most collaboration is made through Twinspace on e-twinning. The Netherlands Basisschool Kruisstraat Kruisstraat 29 5249 RD Rosmalen www.obskruisstraat.nl Polen Szkoła Podstawowa z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi Nr 22 ul. Ptasia 2, 35-207 Rzeszów www.sp22.resman.pl England Yardley Gobion CE Primary School School Lane Yardley Gobion Towcester Northhamptonshire NN12 7UL www.yardleygobion.northants.sch.uk

Denmark Thyborøn Skole Skolevej 7 7680 Thyborøn www.thyboroenskole.dk Germany Verbundschule Alme-Madfeld-Thülen Hauptstandort Thülen Am Stemmel 9 59929 Brilon www.verbundschule-a-m-t.de/

Chapter 1: Felix visiting England Chapter 2: Felix visiting Denmark Chapter 3: Felix visiting Poland Chapter 4: Felix visiting Germany Chapter 5: Felix visiting The Netherlands

Felix on tour through Europe Chapter 1: Felix visiting England Text: England - Drawings: Denmark

I went to Buckingham Palace. I met the Queen there having a cup of tea in her garden. She took me on a fabulous tour around London.

On the tour, I met a famous gymnast called Beth Tweddle. She took me 2

to see the White Cliffs of Dover. I got lost there though.

Someone came back from holiday and took me to Bow Brick Hill. I saw lots of my friend rabbits. Then I got lost again!

I found my way out of the woods. I also found my way to MK Dons 3

football stadium. One of the footballers took me to the Houses of Parliament.

The footballer forgot to take me back to MK Dons football stadium. I was left in London cold and wet all night. I got up and found myself in someone’s car.

The girl happened to be Beth Tweddle again. She told me we were going to the Space Museum. She said we were going to stand under a rocket. 4

When we got to the Space Museum we stood under a rocket and also went to the shops. At one shop I bought a jet pack.

When we got outside I said bye to Beth, then put on my jet pack. It was hard to get it started. It got out of control and I landed in Denmark. Chapter 2: Felix visiting Denmark 5

Text: Denmark - Drawings: Polen The wind carried me to a little town on the west coast called Thyboroen. I could hear the North Sea roaring. I went further down the beach and saw a bunker and then I saw a big green building called “Kystcentret”. I went inside the building and then upstairs into a small cinema where I saw movies about the North Sea.

When I got out I went straight to the harbour to look at the ships. I saw a big blue and white ship called “Gitte Henning”. A man came and asked me, if I would like a sightseeing tour of the big harbour. We went to a place where you can make fish into fishmeal. Suddenly I fell down a huge box.


I was in a big city. I was pretty hungry and thirsty, so I went to a small café and had a large coke with ice and a small portion of chips. Later I went to a large beautiful building. There was a sign saying “Aros”. Suddenly I fell and I landed in a nice old small town.

I wanted to ride on a horse andcarriage. An old man said that it would draw attention from other families if there was a rabbit in his carriage. So I got on and was riding through “The Old Town”.


Suddenly the man stopped because there was a lady who wanted to get on as well. She was called Medina and she is a very famous singer in Denmark. She was wearing a big black hat so she wouldn’t be recognised. She was going to the railway station and further on to Copenhagen. I asked her if I could come with her. She said yes because I was cute.

When we got to Copenhagen I saw the statue of The Little Mermaid. Medina told me that it had been in China and thousands of people had seen her. Medina said she would rather go shopping now. And so we did! Medina bought new shoes and I got a new scarf. We went to a café to plan Medina’s new concert. I said I wanted to see Tivoli. And so we did!

We saw a man who looked very poor. He lived on the streets, and he 8

was hungry and cold. I felt sorry for him, so Medina and I gave him 100 kroner each. We tried a lot of amusements in Tivoli. My favourite was “The Golden Tower”. You ride 65 km per hour. Medina’s favourite was “The flying carpet”. Medina got sick from all the amusements, so she went home.


In Tivoli I met the famous football player Anders Lindegaard who plays for Manchester United. He signed autographs. We spend the night at a hotel before the great match the day after. I got to play for the national team and wear shirt number 6. Next day we went to the stadium “Parken� to meet the national coach Morten Olsen. We won the first half against Sweden because I scored a goal. I got hungry and saw a wagon carrying a lot of sausages. A Swedish man pushed me into the wagon and slammed the door and the wagon drove away.

Chapter 3: Felix visiting Polen Text: Polen - Drawings: Germany 10

I was travelling a long time in a wagon. Suddenly the car stopped, the door opened and I saw National Stadion built for Euro 2012. I realized that I was in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. I met Robert Lewandowski the polish footballer who plays for Borussia Dortmund now. Together we went on a tour of Warsaw.

I saw Belweder - the place where the President of Poland works and lives, and The Palace of Culture and Science. Then I remembered that I had a friend in Cracow and found a telephone box to call him. When I got into a telephone box I locked the door and started to make my call then something strange happened - the box was spinning around. When 11

it stopped I was in a different place.

It was Cracow. I met Agnieszka Radwanska there. She is a famous Polish tennis player, she showed me Wawel Castle. Underneath the hill where the Wawel Castle is I found Wawelski Dragon which is a great metal sculpture – it had a fire comming out of its huge mouth. I tried to climb on it to take a picture….

Suddenly a dragon took off and I was flying sitting on its neck, flying higher and higher. I fell asleep and when I woke up I was falling down - it was a bit scary but it happened that I landed on something soft and blue…. Guess what was was?


It was a one of the flower beds in Rzeszów city. It was planted with blue and white flowers and was in the middle of Rzeszów city. I bounced of the flowers and landed in a bus going to Zakopane which is the capital of Polish Tatra mountains. There I met a man in strange clothes. He was a Polish highlander and he was singing such a beautiful strange song that I followed him.

We got to the biggest ski jumping area I have ever seen. I climbed onto the top of it. There was Adam Małysz the famous Polish ski jumper and he was ready to jump. I stood on his skis and we jumped together into the air. There was a strong wind which took us to the place 13


Chapter 4: Felix visiting Germany Text: Germany - Drawings: The Netherlands

We landed on the school playground of the Verbundschule AlmeMadfeld-Thülen. There I heard loud music and hundreds of men in white trousers, dark jackets, green hats and carrying wooden hunting rifles came along. Among them I saw a Queen and a King dressed very smartly. It was shooting festival and the king had shot a wooden bird from a high pole. I quickly went into the school building.


In the school the children sort the litter and check the temperature in the classrooms. They open the windows during breaks and switch off any electrical appliances after lessons. Energy – detectives collect and safely dispose of batteries and they check that everybody uses paper 15

and exercise-books made out of recycled paper. The pupils won an award : -Agenda 21 School –2012

In the evening I met lots of children in the village and I made funny tricks with them. It was the night of the May-witches. We wrapped toilet-paper around trees and hid dustbins. When we rang on a door and ran away a tall man followed us. I jumped on a bike and rode away as quickly as possible. 16

At the central station of Cologne I stopped and saw the huge Cathedral of Cologne. I ran up its thousand steps and when I was on the top a gust of wind took me away and I landed directly on a carnival float. All the people were disguised and very cheerful. Suddenly a clown put me into his jacket pocket and drove me away in his car.

We drove to Munich to the Octoberfest. The clown invited me to eat bratwurst und sauerkraut. Then we walked over to the fairground and saw millions of beer tents and a great fair. In the sky we saw a helicopter which wanted to save somebody who was injured. But unluckily the lifeline caught my backpack. 17

The helicopter took me to Berlin and I could see the Brandenburg Gate, the giant television tower and the Reichtagsgeb채ude with its huge dome made out of steel and glass. In front of the building Mrs. Merkel and Mister Gauck were talking with politicians. Suddenly a big bear came up to me. He said he was the emblem of Berlin and he told me to sit up on his back. He had two tickets to go to Hamburg and we went 18

there by train.

In the town we visited the famous Miniaturmuseum. There we saw tiny country sides, trains, other vehicles and buildings. When we got hungry we ate a Heringsbrötchen (a bun with herring on it). I was curious so I crept onto one of the Luxuxliners which suddenly left the harbour towards …………

Chapter 5: Felix visiting the Netherlands Text: The Netherlands - Drawings: England

Den Bosch! I fell asleep at the Luxuxliners, but woke up in a very small boat. It was sailing on the river Dieze. It’s an underground river, floating under the houses of this Dutch city. I even saw a bride and groom in a boat. They were on their way to the underground pier of the 19

Cityhall, to get married!

I got off near the railwaystation. There was a statue of a golden dragon. I climbed to the top of the statue. The dragon spread his wings and flew around with me on his back. To the Sint-Jan (Saint-John’s) cathedral! I got off the dragon’s back and went inside. I lit two candles in front of Mary. One for my grandmother and one for Sophie. I really miss her.


In November it was cold. I was at a harbour and saw lots of children. They were wearing mitres and hats and singing songs to Saint-Nicholas. Saint-Nick arrived by steamer, bringing a lot of Petes. They bring presents to each child. I put my shoe in front of the chimney at night. I sang a song with the dragon and the next day I found a chocolate letter and peppernuts (pepernoten) in my shoe! Mmmmmm, delicious!

After Saint-Nick the dragon brought me to the Beekse Bergen. On our way I noticed tulips and windmills. At the Beekse Bergen I met the children of Crossstreet Primary School. They were on a safari and a giraffe licked the windowpanes of their bus! That was funny. Then we saw lions eating a dead zebra. That was scary‌ The dragon gave me a bike and left me at Cross Street. 21

The final day of my stay in the Netherlands, it was Koninginnedag (Queen’s day). Everyone was dressed in orange. Children were sitting on a blanket. They were selling old toys. I heard someone playing the violin and I stopped. I knew that song… I went to see who it was. Sophie! She was here! She took me in her arms and that night we flew back home…. 22



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