Guyana Times Daily

Page 1

Govt scraps free transportation service P9 Nationwide coverage from the best news team in Guyana


AFC’s MP ‘buy-out’ smokescreen

Issue No. 2258

Friday, September 19, 2014

... name MPs, file charges, says PPP/C


$80 vat included


Digicel P5 acquires SportsMax for undisclosed sum

Page 7

2681 nursery pupils P10 benefitting from new entrance rule

US$6.3M channelled into LCDS project

Argentina to help Guyana manage protected P11 areas

Page 15

UNDP Country Representative Khadija Musa and Finance Minister Ashni Singh exchange documents following the signing. Also in picture is Amerindian Affairs Minister, Pauline Sukhai (Carl Croker photo)

Granger calls civil action for Local Govt poll Page 3

Matthews Ridge woman was sexually assaulted – autopsy P14


fridAY, september 19, 2014 |



friday, september 19, 2014 |

BRIDGE OPENINGS The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Friday, September 19 from 14:30h-16:00h The Berbice River Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on Friday, September 19 from 13:45h-15:15h


Granger calls civil action for Local Govt poll

Weather: Thundery showers can be expected in the morning with heavy rain showers in the afternoon. Sunny intervals can be expected in the late afternoon with light rain showers in the evening over coastal regions and near inland locations. Temperatures are expected to range between 24 degrees and 31 degrees Celsius.

Winds: East North-easterly between 3.57 metres and 4.47 metres per second.

High Tide: 00:40h and 13:23h reaching maximum heights of 2.12 metres and 2.14 metres respectively.

President Donald Ramotar


eader of the Opposition and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) David Granger, says his coalition has embarked on a campaign of lawful, orderly, peaceful public protests to force Government into holding Local Government Elections. Granger made the announcements in a televised address, which was aired on a few stations. He said the protest will take the form of picketing, rallies, and vigils. Granger has been criticised by other Opposition elements as being too docile, and even his latest moves have been seen as counterproductive, given that his coalition is sponsoring a NoConfidence Motion against the Government, which, if passed, will necessitate early elections.

Low Tide: 06:48h and 19:17h reaching minimum heights of 1.05 metres and 1.07 metres respectively.


wednesday, september 17, 2014

LOTTERY NUMBERS D 03 04 08 20 21 24 15 Bonus Ball


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Daily Millions

03 13 17 23 24 LUCKY 3


7 6

Draw De Line

06 07 08 10 11

13 19


Government has already challenged Granger to make up his mind as to which elections he wants, with the Alliance For Change (AFC) announcing on Thursday that its priority is the NoConfidence Motion and subsequently, General Elections. In his address, Granger said Guyanese face a grave threat to their constitutional liberties and privileges and that the time has come for all good people to demand their “inalienable” right to elect the persons they want to represent them in their towns, villages and neighbourhoods. He claimed that President Donald Ramotar and the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration are trying every device to derail the legislative process and to delay Local Government Elections. This, he said, includes denying assent to two Local Government bills that were duly passed by the National Assembly and declining to issue the ‘Commencement Order’ to operationalise a third. “The President and his Party have no interest in conducting Local Government Elections. They have no intention of complying with the mandate of the National Assembly. "They have no inclina-

tion to deepen local democracy. They have no incentive to heed local and international opinion. They have no intention to respect the spirit and letter of our supreme law – the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana,” the Opposition Leader contended. He argued that President Ramotar does not have the prerogative to deny the people their right to elect their own local and municipal leaders, their right to local democracy and their right even to know when those elections will be held. “The President has an obligation, not an option, to comply with the Constitution and to conform to the laws of the country.

Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall

"The President needs to understand that Local Government Elections, like General and Regional Elections, are a constitutional necessity," he said. The President has not assented to the Local Government (Amendment) Bill. He did assent to the Local Government Commission Bill, but his appointed Minister of Local Government has not issued the ‘Commencement Order’ to operationalise the Commission.

Paving the way

Both bills were passed by the National Assembly on August 7, 2013 thereby paving the way for elections to be held. The President, also, has not assented to the Local Authorities (Elections) (Amendment) Bill, which mandated that elections be held by 1st August, 2014.” He said that six months ago on March 6, 2014, several foreign missions and local Non-Governmental

Organisations issued a joint statement expressing their collective hope that Local Government Elections would be held by August 1, 2014. That statement was signed by the British High Commission, the High Commission of Canada, the Embassy of the United States of America, Berbice Chamber of Commerce, Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry, Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Guyana Association of Women Lawyers, Guyana Bar Association, Guyana Manufacturing and Service Association, Guyana Trades Union Congress, Justice institute, Private Sector Commission, and Transparency Institute Guyana Inc. “We the people must work together through renewed municipal and neighbourhood councils to make our homes, villages and communities safe, sanitary, pleasant and prosperous for ourselves, our children and old folk. "Our quality of life will not improve unless we stand up against the further decline and degradation of our communities and stand up for our democratic institutions and values. Granger said the “people deserve a good life. We demand that the President respect the Constitution of Guyana. We demand that the President respect our democratic right to elect our own representatives. We demand that the President issue the ‘Commencement Order’ to operationalise the Local Government Commission. “We demand that the President initiate a process by which the Local Government (Amendment) Bill could be returned for his assent. We demand that the President desist from obstructing the holding of Local Government Elections.

Political gimmick

"We demand that the President announce the date For Local Government Elections to be held.” Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister Anil Nandlall on Wednesday joined the President in dismissing Granger’s ultimatum on hosting Local

Government Elections, saying it was nothing but a “political gimmick”. Granger had written to the President threatening legal and legitimate local and international action if Local Government polls were not called before September 15. Nandlall said, “I don’t take Mr Granger’s ultimatum seriously; I regard it as a political gimmick”, during an interview with the Guyana Times. He added, “Mr Granger knows that he cannot express support for the NoConfidence Motion laid over to the Clerk [of Parliament] by the AFC and indicated that he will support the motion and at the same time,

Opposition Leader David Granger

give an ultimatum for the holding of Local Government Elections.” If the No-Confidence Motion is successfully debated and passed in the National Assembly, the Parliament would be dissolved and General and Regional Elections would be called within 90 days by President Ramotar. As a result, it would be impossible to call Local Government Elections within the same timeframe. The Legal Affairs Minister said the President had written the Opposition Leader seeking clarification on the matter, but, to date, a response has not been forthcoming. “In any event, it is unreasonable, if not impossible, for GECOM to prepare itself for both elections in a given year. So the Leader of the Opposition must tell the Nation which one of the elections he wants – Local or General?” Nandlall said. “His position is patently confusing.”


friDAY, september 19, 2014

Views For the love of the game Editor: Nigel Williams Tel: 225-5128, 231-0397, 226-9921, 226-2102, 223-7230 or 223-7231. Fax: 225-5134 Mailing address: 238 Camp & Quamina Streets, Georgetown Email:,


Taking Ebola seriously


ore than a month ago, on August 9, in an Editorial, "Ebola and Chikungunya", this newspaper warned about the Chikungunya virus, the spread of which we felt was not being given enough attention. Noting that its fatality rate was not very high, but that its effects on individuals was quite debilitating, we called for action. This, we felt, should have been within the competence of the said authorities, since the virus was vectored by mosquitoes the same as with the protozoan causing malaria, for almost a century. But taking note of the Ebola virus that was wrecking havoc in West Africa, we noted that it was almost certain that it would reach our shores and that efforts to combat Chikungunya might be a dress rehearsal against the more deadly Ebola. We noted: "The Ebola virus, which requires contact with the bodily fluids of a victim, their blood, urine, faeces, vomit, saliva or sweat, to leap into a new host, is almost certain to reach our shores before the end of the year. By contrast to Chikungunya, it is fatal in almost 50-90 per cent of the infected cases with 729 deaths so far, including more than 60 healthcare workers and two of the most experienced doctors, and 1323 cases overall." Sadly, as we have been forced to report, the fight against Chikungunya has been generally reactive at best, even as the World Health Organisation (WHO) now warns that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC). Most recently, the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)/WHO is "urging the countries of the Americas to be vigilant and prepared for a potential introduction of the Ebola virus in the region." Behind these warnings have to be the stark and startling figures of the epidemic since the August figures: as of this week, 2630 persons have now died from the virus and at least 5357 have been infected. There have been an increasing number of scientific analyses of these numbers which are far in excess of the infection and fatality rates observed since the virus was identified back in 1976. In the peer-reviewed publication of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, "Eurosurveillance", a worst-case hypothetical scenario, predicted an additional 77,181 to 277,124 cases by the end of 2014 should the present trend continue. In the New York Times, the Epidemiologist, Dr Michael T Osterholm of the University of Minnesota warned: “The Ebola epidemic in West Africa has the potential to alter history as much as any plague has ever done.” Some have began to speculate that the ‘Black Death’ that devastated Medieval Europe might have been a viral hemorrhagic fever like Ebola. Dr Osterholm speculates that there are two possible outcomes that we should consider: "The first possibility is that the Ebola virus spreads from West Africa to megacities in other regions of the developing world. This outbreak is very different from the 19 that have occurred in Africa over the past 40 years. It is much easier to control Ebola infections in isolated villages. But there has been a 300 per cent increase in Africa’s population over the last four decades, much of it in large city slums…. "The second possibility is one that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private: that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air… viruses like Ebola are notoriously sloppy in replicating, meaning the virus entering one person may be genetically different from the virus entering the next. The current Ebola virus’s hyper-evolution is unprecedented; there has been more human-to-human transmission in the past four months than most likely occurred in the last 500 to 1000 years. Each new infection represents trillions of throws of the genetic dice." We plead with our authorities not to panic – but like the scouts, "Be Prepared".

The Royal Southern Yacht Club and Island Sailing Club stage their annual cricket match on the Brambles, a sandbank exposed for only a few minutes at the year's lowest tide (The Guardian)

People are not pleased with Nagamootoo as Presidential Candidate

Dear Editor, This is in response to Asquith Rose/Harish Singh and Oscar Ramjeet’s letters on the Nagamootoo-Hughes ticket. Both pieces gave opposing views, with the former praising the combination, while the latter saying people are opposed to it. The ticket should be the reverse; that is HughesNagamootoo. Also, I must note that I found in my NACTA polls people who are not very pleased with the idea of Moses Nagamootoo being made the Presidential Candidate of the Alliance For Change (AFC). People feel Nigel Hughes should lead the ticket. The general view is that it is not Moses’ turn to lead the AFC and his name at the top of

the ticket would not increase support for the AFC. It is also time for a woman of substance to lead a party into an election and Cathy is a darling of the younger generation. The NACTA poll also revealed that people consider her a good debater. As Ramjeet found in his interactions with people, and as the NACTA poll found, most PPP/C supporters feel Moses should find a way to reconcile with his old party and let old wounds heal. They say vengeful politics is not the way forward for progress and development. Traditional PPP/C supporters say if Moses could find a way to work with PNC that persecuted him for 28 years dodging violent thugs,

then he can sure find some way to work with his old comrades. The AFC was viewed as an African party between 2006 and 2011 because it drew most of its support from Africans and Mixed Guyanese, and is largely viewed as an Indian party post 2011 because it now draws most of its support from Indians. It should make every effort to reach across to Africans to bolster its base and be transformed into a genuine multi-racial party. In order to attract more African and Mixed support, the AFC needs to implement the suggestion being promoted by Mahadeo Persaud. Someone of the stature of Nigel Hughes or

Raphael Trotman or Cathy Hughes should be the AFC’s Presidential Candidate, and an Indian (perhaps Nagamootoo or Ramjattan or Veerasammy Ramayya) should be the Prime Ministerial candidate. Nigel or Cathy would expand support for the AFC, whereas Nagamootoo’s leadership, as GHK Lall pointed out, and as the NACTA poll found, would not lead to an increase in support for the party. Instead of the six (seven) seats it currently has, it could end up with only four seats. Hughes or Trotman would increase support for the party. Yours truly, Vishnu Bisram

Kudos to the GRA for exposing a tax cheat, bully Dear Editor, Isn’t it predictable that the Peeping Tom article would carry a column on the deliberate release of privileged information on taxpayers? Isn’t it also even more predictable also that the same Peeping Tom does not find it despicable to have a special column written concerning the abuse of the remigrant scheme by a notorious character who masquerades as a paragon of virtues? What is even more biased and jaundiced is that the article makes absolutely no reference to public disclosure of a vehicle belonging to a major Chinese investor, which purported-

ly received full exemption of the taxes under a policy of Government no different from what applies to the policy of encouraging Guyanese to return to their homeland as remigrants. That newspaper which is known for its anti-government views expressed under the guise of exposing corruption, would appear to be an asylum for some persons whose sole agenda is not to be respectful to persons who hold public office and who are in the employ of the Government and to engage in unbalanced journalism. How else does one explain the constant harassment and intimidation that public officials are being

subject to, through the rantings and ravings of a lunatic posing as a journalist, in a daily column that passes as satire. Even a little child knows that this column which is an integral part of the newspaper sale, whom it is authored by. It’s time that both Peeping Tom and this colomunist expose themslves, sheltering behind a pen name before calling for the Parliament to censure persons for doing a civic duty in exposing information that the Guyanese public has a right to know as a matter of public interest. This is the only way we can expose wolves who masquerade in sheep’s clothing. I am therefore call-

ing on His Excellency the President to officially sanction the release of this information that has been put in the public domain through which the unsuspecting public is much more enlightened as to the true character of this masquerade of the protector of public and moral virtues Kudos to the GRA for exposing this tax cheat and bully. Peeping Tom, how ironic that you are calling on those who expose information to be sanctioned. We are now waiting on you to show your true self. Sincerely, Name and address withheld by request



friDAY, september 19, 2014 |

Digicel acquires SportsMax for undisclosed sum I

rish Telephone giant, Digicel on Thursday announced that it has acquired majority ownership and control of St. Luciabased International Media Content Ltd., parent company of regional sports broadcaster, SportsMax, and North American broadcaster CEEN-TV, for an undisclosed sum. Under the terms of the deal, the founder and a number of the lead principals will continue to have an ownership stake and be involved in the day-today running of the IMC operation. According to a release by the phone company currently available in 23 countries across the Caribbean, SportsMax is the Caribbean’s first and only indigenous 24-hour dedicated sports cable channel featuring a strong mix of international, regional and local sports content. Its large inventory of coveted content includes the Barclays Premier League, UEFA Champions League, West Indies cricket, the Indian Premier League and the IAAF Grand Prix.

Digicel Group COO, Andy Thorburn, and Patrick Rousseau, Chairman of IMC and SportsMax (front row left and right) celebrate with Phillip Martin, Deputy Chairman of IMC and Sportsmax (standing left) and Oliver McIntosh, CEO of Sportsmax (standing right)

IMC has been responsible for the broadcast of major international events such as the FIFA World Cup tournaments since 2006, including this summer’s event, and the 2012 London Olympics. In 2013, SportsMax launched its

24-hour Spanish language channel, CDN SportsMax, in the Dominican Republic which includes similar content as SportsMax plus Major League Baseball. Ranked as the number one viewed sports channel in the region, the move to ac-

quire IMC/SportsMax comes hot on the heels of Digicel’s entry into the cable TV market with recent acquisitions in Anguilla, Dominica, Jamaica, Montserrat, Nevis and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Commenting on the ac-

quisition, Digicel Group CEO, Colm Delves, said; “As a complete communications solutions provider, it’s all about ensuring our customers enjoy access to the best multimedia content on the best devices via the very best network and that we meet all of their communication, entertainment and networking needs. SportsMax represents the perfect blend of sports entertainment and infotainment with a Caribbean flavour and I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the team to the Digicel family.” Patrick Rousseau, Chairman of IMC and SportsMax, said: “Our commitment to excellence and blazing a trail across the region mirrors Digicel’s own commitment to delivering the very best for its customers. We are delighted to be joining with them and working together to continue delivering the best sports on television and growing our audience and reach across the Caribbean and North America.” Digicel Group is a lead-

ing global communications provider with operations in 32 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. After 13 years of operation, total investment to date stands at over US$5 billion worldwide. The company is renowned for delivering best value, best service and best network. Digicel is the lead sponsor of Caribbean, Central American and Pacific sports teams, including the Special Olympics teams throughout these regions. Digicel sponsors the West Indies cricket team and is also the presenting partner of the Caribbean Premier League. In the Pacific, Digicel is the proud sponsor of several national rugby teams and also sponsors the Vanuatu cricket team. Digicel also runs a host of community-based initiatives across its markets and has set up Digicel Foundations in Haiti, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago which focus on educational, cultural and social development programmes.

calling Ramjattan’s mental state in question Pot the kettle

Dear Editor, The Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) deems as utter rubbish the so-called “public revelation” by the Alliance For Change Leader (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan that he has received information that the ruling Party is attempting to “buy off” three Parliamentarians at $30M each to vote against the No-Confidence Motion. This startling “disclosure” which is tantamount to a smear campaign follows a long line of baseless and delusional utterances emanating from the mouth of Ramjattan which forces the PPP/C to seriously question

Ramjattan’s mental stability. The Party notes with relief that based upon recent disclosures, Ramjattan will not be vying for either the Presidential Candidate or Prime Ministerial position for his party and therefore the people of Guyana will not be burdened with a person in such a mental state. The PPP/C rejects this outrageous allegation and challenges Mr Ramjattan to forthwith disclose, publicly, the names of the three Parliamentarians to which he makes reference and to further make a full and frank public disclosure of all

or any information which he claims he has received in relation to this matter. In addition, the PPP/C expects Ramjattan to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) forthwith furnishing the Police with the information he has received with a request to immediately commence an investigation since his allegations border on criminality. From all appearances, the AFC appears to be in stiff competition with the APNU in a race to the bottom aimed at grabbing media headlines, thus the reckless statements and challenges emanating

within recent times from both Parties. The PPP/C has a well established track record spanning over six decades of defending and struggling for electoral, parliamentary and constitutional democracy and the rule of law. Our democratic credentials are not only recognize nationally and internationally but can withstand scrutiny from any quarter. The party of Cheddi Jagan will never do anything to undermine the democratic rights and constitutional freedoms of our people. The PPP/C holds firmly to the view that within

recent times, the AFC has become unpredictably desperate and is obviously prepared to adopt senseless postures and make irrational statements in their quest to exaggerate their importance and standing. Moses Nagamootoo’s statement about “political diarrhoea” must therefore be situated in that context. In any event, the AFC must be advised that such statements and postures will get them nowhere save to have them end up with a petard in their hands. Submitted by PPP/C Freedom House

An assassination plot in the making Dear Editor, Last Tuesday's display by the Mayor and City Council and "friends" all adds up to an assassination attempt by the group on the acting Town Clerk which should result in her dragging the chief culprit before the court. After mounting several unsuccessful protest actions to unseat the acting Town Clerk, the City Council thought it best to resort to what the old bully is known for – violence. It is a long sordid story, that is, Hamilton Green's persistence to get Carol Sooba out of office, all of which end-

ed in his defeat. Having been embarrassed by these futile attempts he has decided to gather a few of his notorious characters to stage a mock funeral for her. He cannot deny this fact because those so called protesters went straight to his office where he welcomed their presence there at City Hall. So, Green cannot now say that the "protesters" were just an overzealous bunch of people who were agitating for their "beloved Mayor", nor can he say this was an idle prank. It goes quite contrary to that statement, what we

now know is that the raucous horde was a group of paid individuals who went there with the expressed intention to terrorize and or harm the acting Town Clerk, and for this Green must atone. Persons mounting a mock funeral for the acting Town Clerk under the auspices of the Mayor of Georgetown whether publicly or privately constitutes a criminal act and Ms Sooba should not hesitate to take Mayor Green to court. He must tell the court what his plans were when that mob stormed into City Hall. The marauding horde's actions are all consistent with

threatening remarks made by Green such as "watch your back" among others. Ms Sooba herself recently suffered a violent attack at her home when shady characters channa-bombed her residence. These are not matters that the acting Town Clerk should take lightly, they are assassination attempts which must be dealt with immediately. I recall similar actions by PNC thugs against former President Janet Jagan, when mock funeral services were held at City Hall. In fact they did follow through with their plans to assassinate her

when a grenade was thrown at the Pegasus Hotel, thinking that the President was there at an official function. Thankfully, the President was not there and their attempt to assassinate her was thwarted. So, these events are no chance occurrences they are planned, and if opportunity affords itself, would have been well executed attempts on the life of Ms Sooba. Once again I call on Ms Sooba to take this very serious matter to court. Sincerely, Neil Adams


Dear Editor, I refer to one Peter Persaud’s letter in your newspaper of September 17, calling on PNC MP Joseph Harmon to provide 1964-1991 assessments and compliance reports to the Public Library for public reading when the PNC was in Government. My opinion on this idea by Persaud is that I am in agreement, since if Mr Harmon of the PNC is concerned about public accountability, then he should put his money where his mouth is. And if he is unable to provide the past PNC Government’s 1964-1991 reports to the National Library for public scrutiny he should submit his resignation. In this connection, it is important for Mr Harmon and the others in the Opposition to have recognition and respect for the saying, “Those living in glass houses must not throw stones.” And my conclusion after reading Mr Harmon’s outpourings in the daily newspapers is nothing edifying, but a typical foolish behaviour where the “pot is calling the kettle black”. Yours sincerely, Bernard Issacs


FRIDAY, september 19, 2014




hile mothers who are still nursing children at two, three, four or more years of age are exceptional in Western culture, they are perhaps greater in number than most people realise. Because nursing beyond the first year of life is seen as atypical in Western culture, mothers making this choice may face heavy criticism. They may also feel isolated, for as their children grow older, it often becomes harder and harder to find support and more difficult to find peers who have taken the same path.

Source of support

Women as leaders are important sources of information and support for these mothers. We can help them to overcome the feelings of isolation and doubt that come with making a choice that is different. We can help them see the broader picture: there are mothers all over the world who nurse their children for years rather than the few weeks or months that are common in the Western culture. We can remind them that many mothers before them, throughout human history, have had nursing relationships with their children throughout the early childhood years. We can make sure these mothers have the information they need to counter the criticism and judgmental attitudes that they may en-

Foundation counter. We can help support their self esteem so they may confidently follow their inner voice and feel comfortable making the choices that are right for them. Since nursing past infancy is no longer the norm in many cultures and is, in fact, often perceived as abnormal, we can benefit by looking beyond our cultures and our time period to gain a more in depth understanding of what is truly normal and natural human behaviour. Katherine Dettwyler, an Anthropologist, has drawn attention to this subject through her article, “A Time to Wean”. Here is part of her answer to the question of the “natural” age of weaning in humans: “According to research, many primates wean their offspring when they are erupting their first permanent molars. First permanent molar eruption occurs around 5.5 to 6.0 years in modern humans. It is interesting to note that achievement of adult immune competence in humans also occurs at approximately six years of age, suggesting that throughout our recent evolutionary past, the active immunities provided by breast milk were normally available to the child until about this age. O u r

evolutionary past has produced an organism that relies on breastfeeding to provide the context for physical, cognitive and emotional development. The non-human primate data suggest that human children are designed to receive all of the benefits of breast milk and breastfeeding for an absolute minimum of two and a half years, and an apparent upper limit of around seven years. Natural selection has favoured those infants with a strong, genetically coded blueprint that programmes them to expect nursing to continue for a number of years after birth and results in the urge to suckle remaining strong for this entire period.” In her book, Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives, Dettwyler theorises that the six-year nursing practice for humans began to be modified, first by the use of fire for cooking (onehalf to one million years ago) and then even more significantly by the domestication and processing of grains via pounding and grinding, both of which p r o vided altern a -

tives to uncooked vegetation and raw animal foods. It is interesting to note that the hunter/gatherer lifestyle represents more than 99.9 per cent of human existence on earth and that agricultural societies have existed for only about the last 10,000 years. Ethnographic studies of hunter/gatherer and other pre-industrial societies show that while the duration of lactation varies considerably between cultures and between individual children within a culture, the average duration is between three and five years of age. Here are some examples from Wickes’ 1953 survey of various tribes: Australian aborigines, two to three years; Greenlanders, three to four years; Hawaiians, five years; Inuit, around seven years. Lactational duration is just one of many cultural variations in breastfeeding practices. Patricia Stuart-Macadam, writing in Breastfeeding: Biocultural Perspectives, informs us that the !Kung San of the Kalahari desert in Southern Africa breastfeed frequently and intensively, “giving the breast about four times an hour during the day and several times at night for at least the first two years of life.” This practice has a significant child-spacing effect with conception occurring on average 35 months postpartum, resulting in a birth interval among the !Kung of almost four years. ( TO BE CONTINUED


1. “Many women do not produce enough milk.” Not true! The vast majority of women produce more than enough milk. Indeed, an overabundance of milk is common. Most babies who gain too slowly, or lose weight, do so not because the mother does not have enough milk, but because the baby does not get the milk that the mother has. The usual reason that the baby does not get the milk that is available is that he is poorly latched onto the

breast. This is why it is so important that the mother be shown, on the first day, how to latch a baby on properly, by someone who knows what they are doing. 2. “It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt.” Not true! Though some tenderness during the first few days is relatively common, this should be a temporary situation that lasts only a few days and should never be so bad that the mother dreads breastfeeding. Any pain that is more than mild is abnormal and is almost always due to the baby latching on poor-

(Part one) ly. Any nipple pain that is not getting better by day three or four or lasts beyond five or six days should not be ignored. A new onset of pain when things have been going well for a while may be due to a yeast infection of the nipples. Limiting feeding time does not prevent soreness. Taking the baby off the breast for the nipples to heal should be a last resort only. 3. “There is no (not enough) milk during the

first three or four days after birth.” Not true! It often seems like that because the baby is not latched on properly and therefore is unable to get the milk that is available. When there is not a lot of milk (as there is not, normally, in the first few days), the baby must be well latched on in order to get the milk. This accounts for “but he’s been on the breast for two hours and is still hungry when I take him off”. By not latching on well, the baby is unable to get the mother’s first milk, called colostrum. Anyone who suggests you pump your milk to know how much colostrum there is, does not understand breastfeeding, and should be politely ignored. Once the mother’s milk is abundant, a baby can latch on poorly and still may get plenty of milk, though good latching from the beginning, even if the milk is abundant, prevents problems later on. 4. “A baby should be on the breast 20 (10, 15, 7.6) minutes on each side.” Not true! However, a distinction needs to be made between “being on the breast” and “breastfeeding”. If a baby is actually drinking for most of 15-20 minutes on the first side, he may not want to take the second side at all. If he drinks only a minute on the first side, and then nibbles or sleeps, and does the same on the other, no amount of time will be enough. The baby will breastfeed better and longer if he is latched on properly. He can also be helped to breastfeed better and longer if the mother compresses the breast to keep the flow of milk going, once he no longer drinks on his own. Thus it is obvious that the rule of thumb that “the baby gets 90 per cent of the milk in the breast in the first 10 minutes” is equally hopelessly wrong. (



friDAY, September 19, 2014 |

AFC’s MP ‘buy-out’ smokescreen A

Friendship man to face judge, jury for reputed wife’s murder

... name MPs, file charges, says PPP/C By Alexis Rodney


he Alliance For Change (AFC) has found itself in more hot water and another political quandary after the Government challenged it to produce evidence to support its allegations that the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was attempting to “buy-out” Opposition parliamentarians ahead of the pending No-Confidence Motion debate. On Thursday, AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said his party had been “reliably informed” that the PPP/C Government, against whom the No-Confidence Motion has been filed, has plans to buy off at least three parliamentarians at $30 million each to vote against the motion when it comes up

PPP/C General Secretary Clement Rohee

for debate next month. “We have been informed that the PPP/C’s answer to the No-Confidence Motion is to buy at least three parliamentarians at $30 million each to vote no or yes.” When pushed by the media for answers, Ramjattan could not divulge the names of the parliamentarians or the political parties that they represent in the 65-seat legislature. He also declined to offer any sort of tangible evidence that would support his allegations against the PPP/C. The AFC Leader was also hard pressed to explain how he came about the information divulged to the media at the party’s weekly press conference. Even its parliamentary Opposition partner, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), denied knowledge of the truth to the allegations. The Office of the President fired back at the AFC in a strongly-worded statement as it rejected the accusations made by the minority party. It expressed

President Donald Ramotar

“utter shock” at what it called the latest public revelation by the AFC Leader as it noted that the startling disclosure follows a long line of reckless and baseless utterances emanating from the AFC. “Office of the President rejects this outrageous allegation, and challenges Mr Ramjattan to forthwith disclose, publicly, the names of these three parliamentarians to which he makes reference and to further make a full and frank public disclosure of all or any information which he claims he has received in relation to this matter,” the statement said. It also called on the AFC to lodge a report with the Guyana Police Force (GPF) forthwith, furnishing the Police with the information received with a request to immediately commence an investigation since the allegations border on criminality. “Office of the President holds firmly to the view that the AFC has become desperate and is obviously prepared to adopt strange postures and make wild and irresponsible statements in their quest to exaggerate their importance and standing,” the release noted. The Government even went as far as stating that Moses Nagamootoo’s statement about political diarrhoea must, therefore, be situated in that context. Already, the allegations made by Ramjattan are creating a stir in the political sphere, on social media but many believe that the AFC is running scared, and made the accusation to open the door to rationalise the possible non-support of the motion by some APNU Members of Parliament (MPs). APNU has been more vigorously pursuing Local Government Elections, which would obviously clash with the General Election that the AFC’s NoConfidence Motion would precipitate. In an invited comment, a senior political analysis

told this newspaper that Ramjattan’s accusations against the PPP/C demonstrate a lack of trust in the leadership of the APNU to follow through with its promised support for the NoConfidence Motion. The analyst says that given the PPP/ C’s implacable rejection and response to the accusations, the manoeuvre pulled by the AFC could backfire if that party does not produce the evidence to incriminate the PPP/C. “You cannot make such irresponsible statements at this time and do not expect that your comments will be charged. Politics aside, the AFC appears not to trust the David Granger APNU group. We must examine why the AFC felt the need to make those rash statements if it had confidence in the collective intelligence of its political partners,” the ana-

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

lyst rationalised. Meanwhile, the PPP/C, in a press statement on Thursday, referred to Ramjattan’s utterances as “utter rubbish”. The Party said the publicity stunt pulled by the AFC leader was an attempt to launch a smear campaign against the PPP/C as it questioned Ramjattan’s “mental stability”. It also called on the AFC to reveal the identities of those who were approached purportedly by the PPP/C. “From all appearances, the AFC appears to be in stiff competition with the APNU in a race to the bottom aimed at grabbing media headlines, thus the reckless statements and challenges emanating within recent times from both parties,” the Party noted. It said, too, that such political mischief and posturing will not get the AFC anywhere, as it reminded the AFC of its rich history that is replete with stories of struggles for freedom, the rights of all Guyanese, and democracy.

31-year-old man was on Thursday committed to stand trial at the High Court for the murder of his reputed wife three months ago. Vindra Krishna Siriram, of Lot 34 Friendship, East Bank Demerara, was slapped with the capital offence of murder, which alleged that he killed his 25-year-old reputed wife, Shellyann Persaud, between June 9 and 10 at their Friendship home. The accused was charged and placed before the courts on June 13, after he had allegedly confessed his crime to the Police. The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the matter commenced on Monday last with the prosecution, led by Inspector Michael Grant, calling some nine witnesses to the stand. These witnesses included the couple’s daughter, Lisa, and the sister of the deceased, Sherry Persaud. Several officers who conducted investigations into the matter also took the stand along with State Pathologist Dr Nehaul Singh. After presenting its last witness to the court, the prosecution closed its case. Presiding Magistrate, Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry then informed the court that she found a prima facie case was

Shellyann Persaud and Vindra Siriram in happier times

made out against the accused beyond a reasonable doubt. Hence, she committed Siriram to stand trial at the High Court at the next practical sitting of the Criminal Assizes in Demerara. Siriram was then called upon to lead his defence and, upon the advice of his attorney, Kevon Bess, opted to remain silent, reserving his witnesses for the High Court. On June 10, the 31-year-old man reportedly contacted his brother-in-law and told him that Persaud has committed suicide. When relatives

arrived at the home, they found the woman with her head and torso in a five-gallon bucket of water. The man was subsequently taken into custody and reportedly admitted to the Police the following day that he strangled and suffocated his spouse in a bucket of water. This was consistent with the results of the post-mortem examination conducted by Dr Singh. The Pathologist found that Persaud died from suffocation due to manual strangulation.


friDAY, september 19, 2014 |

NA ladies in court for ‘chopping spree’ two charges of unlawful wounding. Thirty-six-year-old Annikah Luckham, also called “Nursie”, of Martin Luther Housing Scheme is accused of unlawfully wounding Bernadette Burnham and

Accused: Bernadette Burnham


hree neighbours, including a nurse attached to the New Amsterdam Hospital, were on Thursday placed on a total of $120,000 bail when they appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on four separate charges. The charges stemmed from an incident on September 12 at Martin Luther Housing Scheme, New Amsterdam. A mother and daughter were charged for assault causing actual bodily harm, while their neighbour was slapped with

Accused: Ronetta Burnham

Ronetta Burnham on the day in question. Bernadette, 59, and her daughter Ronetta, 31, were both charged for assaulting Luckham on the same day. Police Prosecutor, Sergeant Godfrey Playter told the court that the elder Burnham used a broom stick

to inflict injuries to Luckham, while her daughter also injured Luckham causing her actual bodily harm. He said the Burnhams also received injuries inflicted by a sharp object, causing them to seek medical attention. According to Playter, the Police are in receipt of medical certificates to substantiate their claims. Attorney Charrandass Persaud, acting on behalf of the Burnhams, asked for reasonable bail. He said the younger Burnham and Luckham were before the court on a similar charge and were currently on a one-year bond to keep the peace. “The injuries my clients received were caused by a sharp object what they called a chopper,” he explained. While noting that both parties were involved in the incident, Persaud said Luckham showed blatant disregard for the law. “There is no restraining order… Something must be done to stop her from coming close to my clients,” he argued, adding that the Burnhams are living next to Luckham in a house that they own, while

“she is living in a rented house. She should go find another home.” The prosecution had no objections to bail. Bail was set at $30,000 for each of the

Eyew tness Fighting the good fight... O ...for “democracy”

Accused: Annikah Luckham

Burnhams and $60,000 for Luckham, who was unrepresented. Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus then recused herself from the case saying that she was a close friend of a sibling of one of the defendants. The matter has been transferred to the Chief Magistrate for September 25 to be reassigned.

ne thing about good guys...they just don’t get a chance to ever relax. “Easy like Sunday morning” might be a good anthem for Lionel Richie...but never for Superman. And so it’s ever been for the US – fighting for “peace, justice and the American way”. But another thing about good guys is they care about everyone – no matter how small and insignificant. The US is the last superpower left standing. Of course it is! China?? Didn’t old Mao say “political power comes out of the barrel of a gun”? Even with all those factories churning out goods like there’s no tomorrow, you wouldn’t doubt the US has more guns than China, would you?? Just think they blew US$1 trillion in fighting the war for democracy in Iraq alone. Now that’s commitment to a cause!!! And that’s POWER. With this magnanimity of spirit for the downtrodden, can you doubt that even teeny weenie Guyana would get its share of attention?? And we aren’t disappointed. In addition to the Red Caps running around at CJIA fetching luggage, we have Blue Caps running around Georgetown, insisting they would be willing to bear the burden of “observing elections”. The US, of course, has kindly helped by bearing a hell of a lot of that burden – if not all. What with flying down their Washington consultants to train the said Blue Caps. All for democracy! In the same week witnessing the Blue Caps’ noble gesture, the ABC Ambassadors – the “A” is NOT for “Apple” – took time off to educate our Foreign Affairs Minister. Seems the democratic thing for Guyana to do is support the US-EU proxies who seized power in the Ukraine. Knowing that our Foreign Minister was too busy to answer the telephone, they took the trouble to call a press conference to send their message. It just makes this Eyewitness want to sob in admiration. And today came the icing on the cake. We learnt that the IRI has already launched their operations to educate the youths of Berbice as to how they must behave to spread democracy. The IRI, of course, is the US outfit, aligned to the Republican Party of George Bush, that played such a great role to bring democracy in the Ukraine and so many other places. And for you bad-minded readers out there – DOWN!!! It is purely serendipitous that they started in Berbice – the old stronghold of the PPP/C. Pure coincidence.

...against sin

This Eyewitness is pleased – and at the same time perplexed – at a report in the Chronicle – which he’d always thought was a family newspaper. With all the stabbings, hair pulling and other sundry well-publicised reports of the activities around the St George’s Cathedral after dark, he’s pretty sure most of his Dear Readers know what’s going on – or getting down! The paper reported that “cathedral officials have noted that they are not in any way against the sex workers’ trade.” Well...well...well. Isn’t this great??? None of that fire and brimstone stuff for the “fallen” and all that!! But before your Eyewitness could say “Jackrabbit” (you know what rabbits do all the time, don’t you??) he sadly read that one of the aforementioned “officials” complained: “It is highly unethical to have male prostitutes near a church.” Now, right away your Eyewitness was struck by the slanted language against males engaging in what has been called the oldest occupation in the world. So it’s OK to have female “sex-workers” around the Cathedral and not “male prostitutes”??

...against corporate corruption

There’s people pontificating most conclusively about what telecommunications licence GT&T and other entities might or might not have received. Made this Eyewitness wonder if GT&T has finally gotten to the bottom the scam where a big one was said to have looted its treasury to the tune of billions?? Ouch!!!



friDAY, september 19, 2014 |

Govt scraps free transportation service … after bus operators to agree not to hike fares

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali with mini bus operators and other stakeholders in the Ministry's boardroom on Thursday By Alexis Rodney


overnment has decided to recall its big buses from the roadways after engaging in fruitful discussions with key stakeholders and private minibus operators on Thursday. The private minibus operators have agreed, in return, to revert to normal fare structures until an official agreement is reached and a new fare structure is published. This agreement is effective immediately, after discussions were held with a team from the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry led by Minister Irfaan Ali, in the boardroom of the Tourism Ministry. The United Minibus Union and its affiliate member, Zone 32 Motor Bus Association (Georgetown to Parika) were part of the discussions. The Minibus Association, in a release, said it was pleased that an agreement has been reached regarding the 32 zone’s fare structure. “This structure comes into effect immediately, upon its publication. The new structure does not impose any new or additional hardship on the travelling population, while, at the same time, it safeguards the interest of the operators.”

It continued that negotiations with all other zones will continue, beginning with zones 31 and 44 next Tuesday. Meanwhile, acting Tourism Minister Ali, while meeting with members of the Minibus Association,

From Georgetown $120 $160 $200 $200 $200 $260 $260 $400 $80 $40

From Vreed-en-Hoop $60 $80 $100 $120 $140 $160 $200 $300 $80 $40

explained that the Public Sector was forced to become involved in the transportation sector because of the complaints of commuters.


The meeting was intended to arrive at a solution for both commuters and minibus operators. Since the introduction of the free big bus service, operators have registered their concerns over the move, citing the infringement on their livelihood. “We have consistently is-

Charlestown man charged with using abusive langauage


inston Rollins was on Wednesday placed on $30,000 after pleading not guilty to an abusive language charge when he appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Magistrate Judy Latchman. Rollins, 48, of Lot 62 Howes Street, Charlestown, and an employee of Laparkan Trading Company

sued notices, which outline clearly that those increased fares were not legal and should not be adhered to by commuters,” Ali noted. However, he continued, his Ministry has been receiving hundreds of letters from commuters within the

Limited, was charged for making use of abusive language to Marceline Barrow on September 9 at his residence. Facts were not given for this case. Police Prosecutor Vishnu Hunt had no objections to bail for the defendant. He is to return on October 18 before Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond.

Georgetown 31 and 32 zones. “The complaint then shifted from one of the indiscriminate fees to the refusal to take short drop passengers, especially after six; in some cases, passengers complain that unless they are prepared to pay the full fare for

From Parika $300 $300 $200 $140 $120 $100 $100 $80 $80 $40

a destination to which they are going short, they would be left at the park.” Minister Ali said that steps have to be taken to ensure that both passengers and operators are at the same level. He said while the move

To Vreed-en-Hoop New Road Crane (Junction) Harlem, Windsor Forest, Den Amstel Hague, CI, Anna Catherina Leonora, Uitvlugt Zeeburg, Tuschen, Vergenoegen Philadelphia, Barnwell, Ruby Farm, Orangestein, Parika Short Drop (Adults) Short Drop (Children)

has been adding pressure to the Private Sector, it was never Government’s intention to be involved in any way that would take away from private transportation. “It is not our interest to be involved in a way that would see new competition in a service that has been provided by the private sector over the years.” However, in the current situation in which the public was requesting of the Government to act on their behalf to address what they feel is “unfair treatment; it is, of course, that the Government will have to, in the medium-long-term strategy, come up with a transportation solution that will address this”. Ali said the Ministry, over the last couple of months, has been engaging with the minibus associations to see if they both could arrive at a solution to marry the needs of the minibus operators to those of the consumers. The Minister has decided that the time has come where it was fitting and proper for him to engage with these association members. “As we contemplate the future for not only the consumers but operators within the public transportation system in Guyana, it became a situation that is untenable and this called for a comprehensive look at our transportation service. As you’re aware, Government has intervened through the Public Works Ministry; that is aimed at addressing the immediate public pressure.”

Lucky escape: Charges against 57-year-old dismissed


ifty-seven-year-old Peter Joseph, of Lot 30 Laing Avenue, Georgetown, was charged for making use of threatening language and damage to property until the Virtual Complainant (VC) chose to withdraw his complaint on Thursday.

Joseph was brought before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts. It was alleged that on September 16, at Laing Avenue, Joseph made use of threatening behaviour to Dexter Joseph.

On the said date, he unlawfully and maliciously damaged some electrical wires worth $20,000, property of the VC. No objections to bail were given by the Prosecutor; hence, it was granted in the sum of $70,000 ($50,000 for the threatening language

charge and $20,000 for damage to property charge). However, after a discussion between the VC and relatives, the VC decided to dismiss the matter. The VC was sent into the Court’s witness box after which the matter was dismissed.


friday, september 19, 2014


2681 nursery pupils benefiting from new entrance rule

The change of age for enrolment has allowed thousands of children the benefit of an early start at formal education


ith the new school year well under way, the Education Ministry is now reporting that an additional 2681 children are now benefiting from the Ministry’s new nursery age initiative, which was announced earlier this year. The Ministry said in a statement that figures presently coming in to the Ministry from across the 10 administrative regions and Georgetown suggest an average increase of 23 per cent in the enrolment of nursery children, as a result of the new age requirement. According to the

Assistant Chief Education Officer (Nursery), Ingrid Trotman, of the 465 new children enrolled in nursery schools in Region One, 115 are from the new age cohort. This figure accounts for 25 per cent of the total number enrolled. In Region Two, the Ministry saw 989 new children registered for nursery school, of which 158 or 16 per cent are from the new age cohort. Region Three enrolled a total of 1845 new nursery children, of which 311 are from the new age cohort. This number amounts to 17 per cent of the total children enrolled in that

region. The number of new children benefiting from the new nursery age requirement in Region Four amounts to 580. This figure equals 20 per cent of the total number enrolled for this new school year – 2934. Region Five registered 895 students of which 150 are of the new age cohort accounting for 17 per cent of the entire number registered. In Region Six, the total number of children registered for nursery school is 1206. Of that number, 314 are from the new cohort and represents 26 per cent

of the pupils registered for this new school year. Region Seven enrolled a total number of 177 new nursery children; 47 of which are from the new cohort, accounting for 27 per cent of the new children enrolled for this new school year. Region Eight registered 198 new children, of which 42 or 21 per cent are from the new age cohort, while Region Nine registered 58 new children as a result of the new age cohort amounting to 17 per cent of the 339 nursery schoolchildren registered. The only region to show a 49 per cent enrolment rate of children within the new nursery age cohort is Region 10. Of the 1165 nursery children enrolled, 568 or 49 per cent are from the new age cohort. Georgetown registered a total of 1823 new nursery children, of which 338 or 19 per cent are from the new age cohort. Measures in place With the increased number of children attending nursery school across Guyana, the Education Ministry made arrangement for additional furniture to be procured as well as new books and toys. Additional nursery teachers have been recruited and strategically placed to absorb the increased intake of nursery schoolchildren within the sector. The Ministry, after announcing the new nursery age earlier this year, held a number of public consultations across the country to inform parents of the essential things they needed to do in order to prepare their children for entry into the nursery school environment. Parents were encouraged to ensure they teach their children simple but important things such as feeding themselves and using the toilet. The change of age for enrolment at nursery school came about because of pleas made to Education Minister Priya Manickchand at her outreaches all over the country. This change has allowed thousands of children who would have had to wait until September of 2015 to start school, the benefits of an early start at formal education. The Education Ministry would like to encourage parents to ensure that all schoolaged children are attending school.

Tax man find de nexus to de Lexus I

t gotta man who people does call Mr Clean, who used to play Mr Clean, according to whah people seh. Every ting used to look clean, accordin to whah he used to show people. Even de weights whah he used to lift, he used to use to lift dem clean off de ground, accordin to whah people see. Mr Clean was on a trip not too long ago. And on that trip Mr Clean had to strip. And on that trip, when Mr Clean strip, he get ketch because he had mek a slip. That slip was a slip down, a slip up and a lotta tings whah he slip down he throat. Now he gon be on another trip back to wheh he first jump ship. Mr Clean used to handle 800 pounds of iron pun he hand alone, but when he try to handle 1.4 pounds of cocaine in he belly, he end up falterin like jelly. And when he was in de NY Prison dem fellas had give he a new name Shelly. When he was in fronta de judge he had try to tell a story that he been tryin to help he mother. But de judge mek it clear that he ain’t been a good ‘brother’. So when he beg fuh pardon, de judge tell he that he shoulda been plantin garden. Well, just like how Mr Clean used to play clean in high day clean, it gotta another fella by a market who does play Squeezy Clean. He does preach as far as he can reach and when he hold on pun some body he does be like leech. But this is man who from de beginnin used to put tings in salipenter and pumpkin that he coulda only do in de night under moon light. And of course he used to collect people money to send dem away and then disappear out of sight. But sooner rather than later tings start to come to light. Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! And with de tax man findin de nexus to de Lexus, Squeezy gon wish he was in Texus!

Vendor remanded on fraudulent conversion charge


wenty-five-year-old Sherwin Benjamin, also known as Shawn Clarke, was remanded on a charge of fraudulent conversion on Thursday morning. Benjamin, of Lot 100 Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts before Magistrate Judy Latchman. It is alleged that on May 2 at High Street, Benjamin was entrusted by Randolph Glasgow with a “cool down” cart valued $20,000 to retain and return the said cart, which contained beverages costing $50,500 when he fraudulently converted it to his own use. The cart and the items were property of Princess Peters. The unrepresented man pleaded not guilty to the charge after the

Administration of Justice Act was applied. Prosecuting this matter was Sergeant Vishnu Hunt, who objected to bail by telling the court that although the defendant gave an address to the court and to the Police, the prosecution learnt that he was homeless and had three previous convictions on larceny charges. However, Benjamin told the court that he knew only of one conviction and that had been for a problem with his cousin and ever since that incident, he has lived peacefully with everyone and has a stall in the market. He added that since his parents died, he has been residing at the said address. Benjamin was remanded until October 18 when he will face Magistrate Geeta Chandan-Edmond.

fridAY, september 19, 2014



Seminar puts spotlight on depletion of Ozone Layer I n the wake of the upcoming Climate Change Summit, slated for the September 23, the Agriculture Ministry on Thursday hosted a symposium on the Prevention of Ozone Layer Depletion at the Cara Lodge Hotel, Georgetown. The symposium, held under the theme ‘Ozone Layer Protection; the mission goes on’ paid particular attention to the ozone layer, its effect on Guyana and the world at large. The Montreal Protocol was also elaborated on and what Guyana has done under that agreement over the years. This mission of the Ministry was undertaken by the Hydro Meteorological Department in recognition of the International Day for the Prevention of Ozone Layer Depletion, which was observed on September 16; activities in observance of this significant pledge have been ongoing since. National Ozone Officer in the Hydro Meteorological

Awards were given to the Guyana Revenue Authority, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards and the Education Ministry respectively for their contributions towards the prevention of ozone layer depletion

ro-fluorocarbons (HCFCs). Ramsammy informed the invitees that this will reduce 50,000 tonnes and a commitment to reduce another 80,000 tonnes of its (HCFCs). Representatives from the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), University of Guyana, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other environmental agencies were also in attendance.

University of Guyana students from the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (S.E.E.S.) go through the educational aids at the symposium

Department Behonka Dey stated that this symposium was the third in observance of the prevention of ozone layer depletion, adding that there was a school workshop on September 16 and a technician workshop on September 17, as part of their drive to educate and make persons more aware of the ozone and its depletion. Agriculture Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy posited that this time should not only be looked at as a time to “observe” but a time to act as well. The Montreal Protocol at the time of its creation stood out as one of the world’s actions for this issue. It was “good news that we can reverse the damage that has been done”, nevertheless, he stated that “no country small or large cannot say that they are unable to contribute, to do their part to avoid the ozone’s depletion.” He called such attitudes a disservice and should be dispensed with. Ramsammy urged states to try to reach their targets, their goals as they have made an obligation to do so by signing the Montreal Protocol and other commitments regarding the issue of climate change. Recognition was given to the move by China by the Minister on September 16 regarding their move to do away from hydro-chlo-

UNDP Representative, Kadijha Musa, read a message from the United Nations Secretary General regarding the Montreal Protocol and how far the international community has come in putting a stop to ozone depletion. Reading on behalf of Ban Ki-Moon, Musa stat-

ed that the protocol enjoys universal ratification, which Guyana is very much a party to. It is due to this universal ratification that strides have

been made to prevent ozone depletion, remarking that the issue could’ve increased 10 fold by 2050. She congratulated

Guyana on its contribution to reducing global warming, hoping that its progress in this regard continues, while focus is on its development. Students from the University of Guyana’s Environmental Department were in attendance and informed Guyana Times that they are part of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES), and had received an invitation from the Caribbean Youths Environmental Network (CYEN) to be a part of the event. They expressed the belief that the symposium was a success as they definitely learnt quite a lot. L Ramsingh, who represented the members of the

SEES gave his opinion on the workshop, stating that it was “very informative as there is not much information online” in regards to Guyana and its involvement in the prevention to prevent ozone depletion. He remarked that he has read quite a lot about the policies but believes more can be done as there seems to be “loop holes” that organisations and companies take advantage of. The hydro meteorological service awarded the Environmental Protection Agency, the Guyana Bureau of Standards, the Education Ministry, and the GRA for their positive impacts towards the prevention of ozone layer depletion.

Argentina to help Guyana manage protected areas


n an effort to broaden technical exchange programmes and encourage investment within South America, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud recently broke new ground by leading a successful mission to Argentina. As a result of the visit, the two countries have agreed to formalise a project focusing on the improvement of parks and protected areas through technical support and multiple exchange visits, which are expected to commence shortly. According to a release by the Ministry, the mission, facilitated through a Cooperation Agreement between the Governments of Guyana and Argentina, focused primarily on benefiting from Argentina’s significant knowledge and experience in Protected Areas and natural resources management. The team, which included the Commissioner and

Natural Resources and Environment Minister Robert Persaud (second right) and other officials meeting in Argentina

a Senior Technical Officer from the Protected Areas Commission, met with a number of technical agencies, including Argentina’s National Parks Service; and the Ministries of Tourism, Environment and Sustainable Development, Mining, and Foreign Affairs. Visits were also made to Iguazu Falls National Park and the Biopark Temaiken to assess and identify options for development and

improved management of the Kaieteur National Park, the Zoological Park and the Botanical Gardens. Significant progress was made in identifying potential support to Guyana’s efforts at improved mining practices and geological assessments. The Protected Areas System in Argentina, comprising over 30 protected areas, has been in existence since 1934. The Argentine

Administration of Parks, therefore, is well-advanced, and has a wealth of experience in the establishment and management of protected areas. It is, therefore, envisioned that through this partnership, Guyana and Argentina will be able to exchange knowledge and experiences of protected areas and ultimately improve the management of Guyana’s newly created National Protected Areas System.


friDAY, september 19, 2014 |



FriDAY, september 19, 2014 |

Minibus operators divided on Govt free service … but urge restructuring of fares to the operators, the existing fare structure is wrong and need to be looked at as a matter of importance. It was noted that the fare from Georgetown to Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo, which is some 25 miles away was merely $200. “All we asking for is a restructure, we don’t want to increase. We aren’t exploiting nobody, when the Minister say that how we exploiting people with the fare, our fare structure on the West Coast of Demerara



gainst the background of Government’s recent launch of a free public transportation service, private operators are divided on whether the Administration’s move would spell doom for their business. On Monday, Public Works and Transportation Minister Robeson Benn rolled out the free service telling reporters that Government was seeking to ease the financial exploitation experienced by commuters. Areas targeted included the West Coast and West Bank of Demerara and the East Bank of Demerara. However, Cabinet Secretary, Dr Roger Luncheon said the free public transportation

Tal Makund and several other 32 minibus operators

pressing concerns over the exploitation, particularly over demands for an increase in fares by minibus operators after hours. According to Dr Luncheon, minibus operators and own-

Commerce, and commuters have been urged not to pay the increases,” he said at his post-Cabinet press briefing on Wednesday. Consequently, he said commuters who have refused to pay the increase have essentially flocked and taken up residence at the bus parks. It is because of this that Government has decided to intervene by providing free transportation service along the East and West Coast and East and West Bank of Demerara.


Public Works and Transportation Minister Robeson Benn

offered to residents living in villages on the outskirts of Georgetown is set for a twoweek trial before a more definite decision is made on its continuation. He had explained that commuters have been ex-

from Georgetown, is $120. Shawn Baynes, pointed out that the free transportation service will not endure since many problems will be encountered in the near future, saying that the real issue was the fairs and as soon as that was regularised, the sector would be better.“I don’t care what they do, it cannot work, we need to regularise the fare structure from Georgetown to Mahaica” “And they are saying that we are overcharging the

ers have thrown down the gauntlet to the Government. “Unilaterally, they have introduced fare increases in Georgetown. Those fare increases have been rejected out of hand by the Ministry of Tourism, Industry and

Meanwhile, Guyana Times visited a few of the bus parks on Thursday to get the minibus operators’ reactions to the move by the Administration and received mixed reviews. Some operators said it is generally unrewarding to provide transportation service with the current fare structure, especially over long distances. Speaking on behalf of a group of operators plying the 32 route, Tal Makund said that while the recently launched service may be

free to the commuters, it applies some amount of pressure on private minibus operators. Makund contended that it is unfair for the process to begin unannounced, especially without any sort of forewarning to the private minibus operators. “You cannot just institute something just like that without informing the people, informing the private sector… how can you bring free buses when you have millions of dollars that the private sector invested into this. You have to inform the private sector” said Makund who is also a member of the Guyana Minibus Association (GMA). Makund pointed out that the abrupt manner in which the free service was initiated is especially disturbing, given that it was the Government that encouraged the sector to invest in the transportation sector, only to provide the free service to the market. The minibus operators also denied reports that they are hiking the fares in the afternoon. According

Shawn Banes

is wrong. From Georgetown to Tuschen, you can’t pay $200 from Georgetown to Tushcen. That is like 25 miles away, when you gotta go that distance for $200 it can’t pay,” said Makund.


Similarly, a minibus operator plying the 44 route pointed out that the “fare structure is ridiculous.” He noted that the fare from Georgetown to Plaisance and Georgetown to Beterverwagting is the same, that is, $100. While this is so, the fare to Victoria, which is 17 miles

people in the afternoon with $200, we are not overcharging, we have to live, we have bills to pay” said the man. He said too that minibus operators see school children paying reduced fares as disadvantageous contending that “if you want the school children to pay $40, find school children gas”. However another minibus operator pointed out that he is not affected by the free minibus service. “They don’t bother me, I go into the villages, they don’t go in, so it don’t bother me” said the man.

Neal and Massy Group donates to 23 charities T

he Neal and Massy Guyana Group of Companies continued its Social Impact Programme by making financial and stationery donations to 23 charitable organisations across the country during a simple ceremony at its staff facility located at Ruimveldt, Georgetown, recently. Deo Persaud, Chief Executive Officer speaking at the ceremony said the Group takes its social responsibility seriously. “The Social Impact Programme is not only about donations but we conduct volunteer work in communities in which we operate,” he noted. Persaud highlighted three projects where Associated Industries Limited (AINLIM) staff recently conducted an enhancement exercise at the East Bank Special Needs

Representatives of the 23 organisations pose with Directors of the Neal and Massy Group at the presentation ceremony

School, the rehabilitation of the fencing at Eccles Primary School by employees of Demerara Oxygen Company (DOCOL) and the cleaning of the Manatee Pond in the

Botanical Garden by employees of NMSS and Trade and Distribution Inc (TDI). “We are on a deliberate engagement where we ourselves at all levels put in

hours of community service. Our group of companies will continue our meaningful engagement in the communities, we see you as partners and we would like to encour-

age your organisations to continue the good work that you are doing,” Persaud told the recipients. Representatives of the organisations that received

the donations thanked the Neal and Massy Group for its continued support. The beneficiaries were: Beacon of Hope, Bernice Mansell Foundation, Cheshire Home, Childlink Inc, Community Based Rehabilitation Programme, David Rose School for Handicapped Children, Deaf Association of Guyana, East Bank Special Needs School, Hauraruni Children’s Home for Girls, New Amsterdam Special Needs School, New Opportunity Corp, Prabu Sharan Orphanage, Radio’s Needy Children Fund, Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Centre, Shaheed Boys and Girls Orphanage and the St Ann’s Orphanage. The Neal and Massy Group comprise AINLIM, DOCOL, TDI, NMSL, CCS and NMSS.


friDAY, september 19, 2014

News Matthews Ridge Unless AFC “bulldozes” Govt woman was sexually … there will be no LGE – Nagamootoo

AFC Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo


lliance For Change (AFC) Vice Chairman Moses Nagamootoo on Thursday said he saw the party’s No-Confidence Motion against Government as a “political bulldozer”, which will ultimately pave the way for the long overdue Local Government Elections (LGE). Nagamootoo, speaking at the party’s press conference, said unless the party “bulldozes” the Government, there will be no LGE anytime soon. “I see the No-Confidence Motion as the ramrod that is going to breach rampart of the PPP/ C’s stubbornness, indifference and refusal to hold local Government Elections. Unless the PPP/C’s wall is knocked down, nothing will happen. There will not be any Local Government Elections,” he told a room filled with journalists at the Georgetown Club on Thursday. He was at the time re-

sponding to questions on the AFC’s preference between LGE and General Election, which will come about three months after the current Government leaves office, if the NoConfidence Motion is passed in the National Assembly. The questions were also tied to the demand made by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) Leader David Granger last week, for President Donald Ramotar to set a date for LGE, which were last held in Guyana some 20 years ago.


The APNU had also publicly announced its endorsement of the AFC’s filed NoConfidence Motion. Questions raised sought to ascertain if the AFC would, in fact, work towards the General Election or the long overdue LGE. The Vice Chairman responded: “The two are not exclusive. In fact, why not? Why shouldn’t

this Government have Local Government Elections and why shouldn’t this country, after the passage of a no-confidence motion have national elections? The APNU, as a political independent player, has a prerogative to make demands of its own.” Nagamootoo said there was no guarantee that the current Government will call LGE soon and so the concern now is over the passage of the NoConfidence Motion. “I believe that the way to go is to ensure that the No-Confidence Motion is passed, so that Local Government Elections can be held under a new administration that is prone to respect and implement democratic norms,” he said. Nagamootoo noted that the AFC is doing what a “parliamentary party ought to do to make demands for the observance of the law and of the Constitution and obedience of the National Assembly. It is doing those things that are politically correct,” he stressed. He said the PPP/C, through its General Secretary Clement Rohee, has already begun seeking to stymie this progress by finding meaningless faults with the work being carried out by the electoral body. “They are trying to discredit the Elections Commission and the voter’s list, so they could have houseto-house registration that will take several months to complete.” He said this attempt to frustrate the democratic process needed a decisive political response. AFC Member of Parliament (MP) Cathy Hughes endorsed Nagamootoo’s statements, noting that the par-

ty has always been calling for Local Government Elections. According to her, years have passed since the last general election, and little progress has been made in this regard. “We in the Alliance For Change have our position and it is that the No-Confidence Motion and General Election is priority and that is our prerogative and we will want people to respect that prerogative and we do not want to create a division between two partners whose votes could make the noconfidence happen. We have a priority to the No-Confidence Motion, which will lead to general elections 90 days after.” She said the AFC was forced to come to the very difficult realisation that in order for Guyana to move forward it “makes sense for us to put in a no-confidence motion, have an election, have a new government, and then we can realise some of the development and progress that we have been speaking about that has not materialised since 2011. “We have tried on several occasions to engage the current Government and to put forward the view that all citizens of Guyana have an important role to play in deciding how we move this country forward. It is not the purview of any one political party or the Government. We are not saying that Local Government Election is not important. We have tried to voice that request and demand that the Constitution be adhered to, to no avail and so we have to go to the next step. What guarantee we have that this Government will ever hold Local Government Elections on its own?

assaulted – autopsy


post-mortem performed on the body of Samantha Ashby on Thursday proved that she was severely beaten and sexually assaulted. The autopsy was performed by Dr Nehaul Singh, who stated that the mother of one of suffered a broken hip and fractured skull. He also confirmed that the pregnant woman was raped before she was killed. It is also suspected that she was left to die in the clump of bushes where she was found. Madonna Welcome, the woman’s sister, told the Guyana Times that the pathologist had intimated that Ashby was sexually assaulted. She added that the doctor’s revelation has not surprised them, since they thought that was the case on the day her body was discovered. The grieving woman told the Guyana Times that her sister was a fighter and after being attacked, she might have put up a fight. A Police source close to the investigations revealed that one of the three men taken into Police custody in connection with the murder might be a main suspect, while the other two are still being interrogated. The Police are also searching for a fourth man whom they think vanished into the interior. The three men were transported to Georgetown where they will be further questioned about the murder. Guyana Times reported that the woman’s fiancé contacted her and requested money so that he can travel out

Murdered: Samantha Ashby

from where he was. At that point in time, Ashby did not have all of the cash, but was overheard telling him that she will get the money before the week was over. The following night, she reportedly told a friend that she was going to get cigarettes but never returned. Ashby, of Pakera, Matthews Ridge, North West District (NWD), was found around 11:00h on Tuesday by a group of schoolchildren, who were passing, in a clump of bushes at Matthews Ridge. Guyana Times was made to understand that the woman’s body bore marks of violence and her feet had abrasions. Her eyes were “black” and “blue” and her face, swollen. There were bloodstains on her body and her knees were badly bruised. She leaves to mourn her 15-year-old son, mother and seven siblings. Ashby will be laid to rest today.

UG re-commissions $20M IT Centre By Svetlana Marshall


multimillion-dollar agreement with Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T) Company has borne fruit, with the University of Guyana (UG) re-commissioning its Internet Resource Centre located within the Centre for Information Technology at Turkeyen Campus. In the presence of Prime Minister Samuel Hinds; UG Vice Chancellor, Dr Jacob Opadeyi; and GT&T Chief Executive Officer RK Sharma, President Donald Ramotar declared the Internet Resource Centre open. Senior officials, lecturers, and students of the University were also in attendance. The Internet Resource Centre was re-commissioned at the cost of $20 million, although the initial estimate was $10 million. It is now reequipped with 57 spanking new ‘Lenovo’ desktop computers, in addition to a router and access point to enhance the delivery and distribution of bandwidth. Additionally, the commissioning ceremony marked the delivery of the 2Mbps of dedicated Internet Bandwidth to the Centre for Information Technology (CIT) at an over-

President Donald Ramotar, GT&T CEO RK Sharma, UG Vice Chancellor, Dr Jacob Opadeyi and Prime Minister Samuel Hinds

all cost of $1.2 million monthly, for the next three years. This forms part of a $60 million Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which was signed on April 30 by GT&T for the provisions of funds to the University for a series of developmental projects valued at $20 million annually for a period of three years. Though it was believed that the $60 million included the refurbishing of the Internet Resource Centre, it was made clear on Thursday that an additional $20 million was spent to facilitate the project. The University’s Vice Chancellor, Dr Opadeyi, applauded the telephone giant for

making good on its promises, positing that other companies should follow suit. According to him, since his appointment as the Vice Chancellor of the University, he has signed more than 20 agreements, but this is the first to bear fruit. He explained that the MoU has five elements of development, with three already implemented. Though it is no fault of the telecoms company, Dr Opadeyi said the remaining elements include the provision of $4.4 million annually to fund capital works identified by the University and the provision of closed user group service packages to UG students and administrative staff with a view of offering savings and

greater value for money. In underscoring the financial and technological support being offered by GT&T, the Vice Chancellor said students would now have easier access to Internet services to conduct their research and complete required assignments in the comfort of a new and improved laboratory. The GT&T CEO, in his brief remarks, said the company will continue to aid in the development of human capital through education. He said education is key for social empowerment, positing that it is also a tool for economic empowerment. “The correlation between education and national devel-

opment has been well-established and this has been demonstrated by countries which have achieved high levels of economic growth having advanced education systems,” CEO Sharma explained. He added that having advanced education enhances economic development in a number of ways inclusive of the provision of human capital and knowledge needed for production and good governance. He said for this reason, GT&T continues to put significant emphasis on education. Recognising that the University of Guyana is the nation’s premier educational institution, Sharma said GT&T has been channelling its resources to the institution in an effort to better the quality of education provided to students. President Ramotar, in his address, also accentuated the importance of education in national development. He said for this reason, the Government took the decision to pump more funds into the Student Loan Facility to cover the increased tuition fees recently implemented by the University’s Administration. He too created a link between highly educated coun-

tries and economic advancement. If Guyana’s economy is to be propelled further, Ramotar said greater emphasis should be placed on education and social development. To complement the work of Government, President Ramotar said privately-run companies and corporations should follow in the footsteps of GT&T. “Of course, our country generally benefits from investment in the University of Guyana in building of our capacity, but the Private Sector enjoys enormous benefit from a more educated, a more technologically equipped, a more scientifically oriented workforce and therefore, this clearly was recognised by GT&T,” the President said. When the Centre for Information Technology was first launched in 2004, GT&T equipped the Laboratory with 57 Dell Pentium computers and other equipment to the value of $10 million. The company had also provided highspeed Internet access to the laboratory. Additionally, it partnered with the University to provide five annual scholarships for studies in the field of Technology and Natural Science. (

friDAY, september 19, 2014



US$6.3M channelled into LCDS project L

ong before scientists and researchers on the global front came to recognise the damning effects of climate change, rapid modernisation and the importance of rainforests, Amerindians in Guyana were cognisant of the importance of rainforests. This is according to Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh, who was at the time speaking at the signing of the US$6.3 million Phase Two of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) Amerindian Development Fund (ADF) Project under the Guyana REDD+ Investment Fund (GRIF). According to the Finance Minister, Amerindians generations ago would have already recognised the importance of Guyana’s rainforests, while other nations forged ahead and cut down their forests to build “metropolises”.

Acting responsibly

Dr Singh said the fact that Guyana still has its pristine rainforests is no “accidental accomplishment”, but must be credited to the diligence of Guyana’s indigenous people. “Generations before us, including in particular the custodians of our forest resources, recognised that reckless management of the natural resources around us whilst it might reap immediate benefits would (result) in the decimation of our natural resources.” He said that Guyana has postponed development in several areas in the interests of acting responsibly and protecting what remains of our rainforests. He contended that Amerindian leaders, then and now, should be hailed

for their conscious efforts at protecting Guyana’s forest canopy. “The occupants of those villages realised that cutting down the trees would inevitably lead to the decimation of their communities… while metropolises around the world were being built at the expense of forests… We have foregone development for centuries in acting responsibly. We must pay tribute to the leaders of or Amerindian communities,” said the Finance Minister.

Important landmark

Meanwhile, Amerindian Affair Ministers Pauline Sukhai highlighted that the signing of the document is an “important landmark in the history of this country where more than US$6 million is available now for dispensing to fund micro-projects”. She noted that for the second phase of the project, it would be important to seek partnership with the Private Sector and the University of Guyana which will be able to provide technical support in several areas. She said that the success of this, the second phase of the project, was highly dependent on inter-ministerial collaboration and support, noting that the recipient organisations and villages must be “very conscious of the sustainability and viability of this project”. Minister Sukhai remarked that the initial phase of the project, which commenced in 2013, saw 27 communities benefiting from the funds made available. She noted that from that, the Santa Rosa Tourism project was initiated and was very successful at completion, with some

Cursing Prison Officer tells Magistrate: “Don’t stress yo self”


erbice Magistrate Sherdel IsaacsMarcus is calling on court officials to have more respect for the court. She made the call on Thursday after having to caution Police officers on several occasions during court sessions. Magistrate Isaacs-Marcus asked the then presiding Prosecutor, Sergeant Godfrey Playter to caution the officers who were in court. Her comments came after one officer sucked his teeth shortly after a comment was made by the court in relation to the way the Police had been going about their business.

“I don’t know what is going on,” she said, as she related two recent cases where persons showed disregard for the court. “On Wednesday, I was at the Sisters Court and the Sergeant was cursing and carrying on downstairs while I was carrying on court upstairs. This morning at the Remand Court one of the Prison Officers was cursing and carrying on and then turned to me and said ‘Madam, don’t stress yo self’. I find it very disrespectful.” An apologetic Playter told the Magistrate that the court needs to re-emphasise the need to enforce discipline.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Representative Khadija Musa, Finance Minister Ashni Singh and Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai signing the documents at the Guyana International Conference Centre at Liliendaal

major advancement. “Success doesn’t come in a vacuum or no one can claim single credit for success; it is the cumulative support from various corners,” Minister Sukhai said. Phase one of the project

saw the Government budgeting $5 million to each Amerindian community in Guyana for the development of their chosen project towards socio-economic development. The launch saw the fund-

ing of 27 pilot projects selected under the ADF/CDP, with projects that included six non-farming, six farming, four poultry and three aqua farming projects. The ADF of the LCDS will be done in two phas-

es, an initiation/pilot phase spanning nine months, to be followed by a second phase. During the two phases, 180 commercially viable community-driven projects will receive grants of US$25,000 each.

Friday, September 19, 2014


he nine delegates competing for the coveted title of Miss Guyana Universe will be unveiled on Sunday evening at the Palm Court Restaurant, Main Street, Georgetown. The beautiful young ladies will be officially introduced to the media and stakeholders at the special event.

Alicia Kirton

Sonia Cummings

The delegates include reigning Miss Jamzone International, Soyini Fraser, former Miss Guyana Universe contestant, Nikita Barker, US-based Guyanese, Jyoti Hardat, Alicia Kirton, Sonia Cummings, Cardella Hamilton, Rochelle Cheddie, Lakota McPhoy and Shonette Cain.

The unveiling of the delegates will be followed by the sashing ceremony on October 3 at the Pegasus Hotel where the delegates will wear the official logo of their sponsors. On October 14, the delegates will compete in the intelligence segment, which will be aired live on national television – Television Guyana – 28

Soyini Fraser

Cardella Hamilton

(TVG); National Communication Network (NCN); and Hits and Jams Television (HJTV). On October 18, the contestants will be a part of the grand rehearsals at the Pegasus Pool Side where they will have an opportunity to fine-tune their preparations for the big night. The grand coronation is set

Nikita Barker

Rochelle Cheddie

Lakota McPhoy

for Sunday, October 19 at the Pegasus Hotel commencing at 20:00h. On pageant night, the delegates will be competing in swimwear, evening wear and the intelligence segments. The winner will not only win US$10,000 but a change to represent Guyana in the international pageant slated for later in the year.

Jyoti Hardat

Shonette Cain


bout a month ago, the Gravity Lounge exploded when “Mr Wotless”, Kees Dieffenthaller, performed for more than two hours for his fans leaving them breathless. He popped several of his hits such as “Wotless”, “ E n d l e s s Summer”, “Ram Jam”, “Country Gal” and “Spirit”. crowd went berserk and partied all night long. With that lasting experience in mind, the management of Gravity Lounge saw the need to continue the party vibes, shifting gears from soca to dancehall music. This time a r o u n d , Jamaican dancehall and most accomplished artiste Spice will be in the house. Known for her sensual performances, she is expected to create a stir on and off the stage. She is no stran-


fridAY, september 19, 2014



ger to Guyana and has been dubbed the hottest thing when it comes to provocative performances. Her versatility has made her one of the best in the dancehall business. Not

only an artiste, she has been a deejay almost all her life. She has just wrapped up recording three singles “I’m Back” on the North Coast Rhythm for House of Vibes; “Done Out” on Dem

iss Global International Guyana, Onesha Hutson will soon be simmering down into competition mode where she will be representing Guyana at the Miss Global International Pageant slated for December in Montego Bay, Jamaica. However, in order to participate in the pageant, she will have to raise a substantial amount of funds to execute several mandatory projects as pageant criteria hence she will be hosting a number of fundraising activities over a period of time. The first, however, is uniquely formulated with a creative approach to satisfy persons who have sweet tooth cravings. The Guyanese representative will host “Sweet Tooth Treats” on Saturday, September 27 at venues across the city. Tickets for this debut event cost only $500 and are available from any of the committee members or can be bought at any of the three Sub and Salads venues where the event will be hosted. These are an Sheriff Street; Vlissengen Road and Main Street avenue (opposite Courts) from 10:00h. Enjoy excellent creations of delicious and enticing cupcakes by Kasper’s Kreationz and other pleasurable goodies. The aim of this project is to finance

Rhythm for Ward 21 and “Inna Di Light” on the Gear Box Rhythm for Truck Back. There is no doubt – she is back and she intends to keep a commanding presence on the scene. Spice is expected to arrive in Guyana on the morning of September 26 and will be making several radio and television appearances. She will also be given a tour of the venue and more importantly, she will be checking her sounds. Early bird tickets for the event cost $2000 and are available at Gravity Lounge and Electronic City, Sheriff Street. Those without tickets will pay more at the gate. Lighting and sounds will be provided by Gravity Lounge. This is one party you don’t want to miss…

the upcoming charity projects in aid of the Shaheed Girls’ Orphanage were the beauty queen lends her expertise to her fellow sisters. Hutson says that life is beautiful and the more lives she can touch with happiness, even if it’s by means of a smile, she is certain that her purpose and goal have been achieved. This medical practitioner has already been creating a buzz for Guyana on the international scene and will be a part of the upcoming Suriname Fashion Week from October 1-5, where she is expected to participate in a photo shoot with the award winning Heilo Phoeli from Suriname. She is also the first Guyanese to be invited to the Makin Style Fashion Show in observation of Trinidad Fashion Week in October. Hutson is also currently undergoing intense training for the grand event scheduled for December 2-6 and promises to be a sterling ambassador to debut Guyana at the 10th edition of Miss Global International Pageant.

he Westside will definitely come alive on Saturday evening as the West Demerara Secondary School Old Student Association hosts its Second Annual West Demerara Reunion and Old School Party. The grand party is slated for the Aracari Resort, Versailles, West Bank Demerara (WBD). The first reunion was off the hook and the second is expected to be much more exciting with several surprises. Among the activities at the event will be the free distribution of Tequila to the first 100 ladies among other specials. There will be bottle specials on all drinks throughout the evening. The party will be hyped by Big Life Music System along


with Deejay Golden Chyld. Advance tickets for the event cost $1000 and $1500 at the gate while vehicular passes are also available for $1000, which will allow for secure parking on the premises. These tickets are available at Westsiderz Entertainment, Vreeden-Hoop; Aracari Resort, Versailles; Sunil’s DVD

ast year, hundreds partied in the “Heavens on Earth” when Pulse Entertainment hosted its “Thriller Party” at the Princess Hotel and it was a fabulous experience with the sexiest and most provocative costumes ever. This time around, Pulse is taking you on a journey through a fabled city – a city of flying carpets, soaring heroes, famous love and more glitz and glamour than any other fictional city in the world. Yes, Pulse Entertainment is doing it again with its concept party called “Thriller, Arabian Night”, on October 25 at the Gravity Lounge, Camp and Regent Streets, Georgetown. As usual, Pulse wants this event to be the sexiest Halloween costume party that will see patrons decked out in the most sensual outfits. But not only that, Pulse will make sure that the entire Gravity Lounge will be transformed into an Arabian Oasis, using rich influences from various Arabian countries. Other attractions will include the Hookah Lounge, Tarot card reading, exotic henna designs, authentic finger foods, Pulse belly

Club, Wales; and Avon DVD Club, Utivlugt. The event is powered by Banks Beer, Westsiderz Entertainment, West Side Taxi Service, Shoppers Super Store, First Class Auto Sales, First Aid Pharmacy and Sri Dat Service Station. The Second Annual West Demerara Reunion and Old School Party is one that you don’t wanna miss…

dancers, rope charmers, delicious specialty cocktails and fire breathers. Although, the theme is Arabian Night, all costumes will be allowed. General admission cost $3000 while patrons can pay $7000 for the VIP experience. Tickets will be made available shortly. The event is powered by Pulse Entertainment.



usic Unlimited was officially launched in November 2012. It began as a project and personal challenge for Founder Christian Sobers in 2010 which took a more serious turn when a music icon, Mr McDonald approached him about tutoring at his music school. He tutored alongside the icon for about two years and it was during his time spent at the music school that “Music Unlimited” was developed. The main aim of Music Unlimited is to teach and train people in every aspect of the music experience, from technique to production to management, in an effort to develop up more effective musicians of the future. Music Unlimited is a music institution that offers courses in music theory, guitar, piano, bass, vocals and drums. Its certified programmes are developed utilising numerous music tutoring syllabi from established music institutes. The group initially identifies the specific aspects of participants which need development, from genre to style and technique. Through modified exercises, theory based videos and games, as well as many ‘jam’ sessions, students are able to learn and retain principles faster. The trainers work with students to set goals and show them how to work the programme to achieve those goals. The group believes that live performances are an integral aspect of the Music Unlimited programme, since the group understands the dynamic of performing in front of an audience and with other musicians, and how it strengthens musicians and gives them direction as opposed to just playing alone. All students are given an opportunity to display their skill and sharpen their technique at its annual events (gigs). This has resulted in the formation of three young bands comprising


friDAY, september 19, 2014

s the Lions Club of Essequibo continues to raise funds for the effective running of the organisation, it has planned a family oriented activity in the form of a beauty pageant and fun day. The event is set for November 1, at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground. However, a pageant cannot be executed without the delegates; hence, the Lions Club of Essequibo is appealing to all those young ladies who might have an interest in pageantry to come forward. The ladies must be between the ages of 16 and 25 and must possess queenlike qualities with a pleasant personality. The applicants will be screened and once selected, they will go through rigorous training to attain that perfect pageant body for the night of the competition.

students from Music Unlimited. The group presently has students who have performed at numerous venues from Upscale, Sidewalk Café, Promenade Gardens, Red Cross, Courts Light Up (Diamond) to the National Cultural Centre. Most recently, they were involved in the Hope Vybes competition held by Samuel Medas and its contestant Frank Hoppie” was the WINNER of that competition. They also did performances and had a booth at the KISS MY ART Festival 2014 held by Red Entertainment; worked with Argentinean Guitarists “Escordando Duo” who were in Guyana in June and they have just completed a music workshop in Suriname. With Christmas just a few months away, the group has planned a number of shows including its Annual Final Jam Event and it all involves their students who are already in preparation. In addition to live performances, the group has worked on two studio projects with Guyanese artistes for this year and will be working on other projects before the end of the year. The school which is located at 89 Brickdam, Georgetown, opposite the Palms (next door to the Impeccable Banquet Hall), has tutoring classes on Mondays and Wednesdays from 16:00h to 20:00h and on Saturday from 10:00h to 16:00h. However, the group also conducts private tutoring and is available seven days a week. The group caters for children from the age of five upward; their youngest “playing” student presently is five years old and their oldest is 40. Online courses are also available. However, in addition to the school, Music Unlimited retails music equipment and accessories from sound systems to parts and electronics. Interested persons can contact the school on 626-7282 or 645-0251 for more information.

On pageant night, the delegates will compete in several segments including, intelligence, talent, evening gown and possibly in a swimsuit segment. There will be lots of prizes to be won and more so, a chance to hold the title of Miss Lions Club of Essequibo for an entire year. The title comes with several tours and motivational talks to youths along the Essequibo Coast. Ladies, this is your chance to be a part of the pageant that will not only build your self confidence and self esteem but will also be the vehicle to becoming a well groomed and well rounded young lady. To be a part of the pageant, applicants are asked to contact any of the Lions Club members on telephone numbers 678-3794; 612-3427 or 647-6620. Deadline for registration is September 30.


s the contenders get ready for an ultimate showdown at the 2014-2015 Mr Guyana International Competition later in the year, let’s meet our new addition: the confident and handsome Stowell Betham. The 25-year-old, who describes himself as a very down-toearth, determined and ambitious individual, has made a number of appearances in the fashion world strutting the catwalk for Guyana Fashion Week. Betham has also had experience working with a number of local modelling agencies. Apart from being a resilient activist for HIV awareness in Guyana, Betham also enjoys doing philanthropic work in his spare time. He is currently a student at the University of Guyana, in the Faculty of Social Science, pursuing a degree in Social Work. Betham is currently employed in the hospitality industry as a Supervisor. With his personal motto, “It’s hard to beat someone who never gives up”, Betham had this to say about his reasons for entering the inaugural competition: “Being someone who is very patriotic… I felt that entering into this competition would provide me with the opportunity to not only represent Guyana on the international stage, but, to be an ambassador and raise awareness for my platform.” With his platform “Raising awareness about Herpes in society among men”, Betham explained that the sexually transmitted disease (STD) is often times overshadowed by the awareness and emphasis placed on HIV and AIDS. “Being an HIV activist, I felt that the amount of awareness and emphasis placed on HIV, overshadows other more prevalent STD’s in our society, such as Herpes. It is my goal, through this competition and my platform, to bring about awareness about the dangers and effects of Herpes,” Betham said. Betham will join with 10 other contenders in November to compete for the Inaugural Mr Guyana International Title and hopes to win the title and be given a chance to represent Guyana on the international stage.


wo Saturdays ago, Park Albina came alive as Jera Entertainment hosted its third annual reggae show in the village in Paramaribo, Suriname. This year, the show featured a few local bands from the country and was headlined by reggae sensation Glen Washington who was backed by the Heatwave Band of Guyana. This marked the return of the popular home band as they were featured at the same event last year as the backing band for another Jamaican reggae artiste – Warrior King. The event seeks to bring live entertainment to the small village known for its love of reggae music, especially the sounds of the late South

backup for young dancehall superstar Alkaline who performed at the 2014 Jamzone Regional Night concert, the second band outside of Jamaica to ever perform with him. The band consists of musicians Anthony Johnson (bass guitarist), drummer Devon Roberts, keyboardists Earl Bishop and Joshua Dennis, lead singers Carlvin Burnett (former first runner up in the GT&T Jingle and Song Competition) and Tennicia De Freitas (two-time Junior Calypso Monarch and artiste out of Kross Kolor Records) who also performs background vocals. Along with Band Manager Chenille Bowen and engineer Jermaine Rollins, they all travelled

African Reggae icon Lucky Dube who was very popular in the neighbouring country. Glen Washington expressed his gratitude to the band for their hard work; however, this is the second time that they performed with the artiste – just over two years ago they worked with him here in Guyana. The band, which has been in existence for six years, has rapidly become a household name. They have since been making waves in the music arena, being dubbed the most popular string band in Guyana, performing at just about every major event that has been held. They have also been the house band for the annual CaribSoca Monarch Competition. They have played for many international artistes, such as Machel Montano, Rupee, Turbulance, Lady G, Admiral Bailey and Flourgan, just to name a few; as well as many Guyanese artistes and they recently played

to Suriname on Thursday, September 4 to prepare for the much-anticipated show which was very well attended. They performed a half hour repertoire of old and new reggae music which put the crowd in a bouncing frenzy, getting them prepared for the main act of the night. Jera Entertainment was also very pleased with the performance and looks forward to continued work with the band for future shows. The CEO of the Band, Anthony Johnson promises to do much more for the ending of the year and the years to come as they have already added a number of dancers, a sound engineer and deejay. The band is scheduled to perform at upcoming events in and out of Guyana for the remainder of 2014. Photos of the trip and video clips of their performance in Suriname can be found on

friday, september 19, 2014


Kumar “seriously concerned” Parbatie Jaggai Memorial 20/20 Inter School by state of football Cricket final on today

By Avenash Ramzan


irector of Sport Neil Kumar said he is “seriously concerned” by what is transpiring in local football, which has endured close to 18 months of turmoil at the administrative level. He made the comment on Thursday while addressing media operatives at the National Sports Resource Centre, Woolford Avenue. “I’m seriously concerned with what is happening in football. Could you imagine we as a government have set up a perfect football field at Leonora; it’s ready to play and you have this infighting in football?” Kumar quizzed. He added, “At this stage I just don’t know what more can we do, but if the journalists feel that we should have a seminar or a rap session to discuss how we can aid football I’m prepared for it, but I’m seriously concerned with what is happening in football in this country.” Since the election of Christopher Matthias to the helm of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF) in April

Neil Kumar

Christopher Matthias

2013, there has been an administrative battle, as a group of officials has been clamouring for his removal due to what they have termed his incompetence to run local football. Both sides have criticised each other of several perceived wrongdoings, and attempts at dialogue with the hope of arriving at a possible solution on the way forward have failed. Also, the filing of a no-confidence motion against the Matthias ad-

ministration by the disgruntled group has done little to improve the already volatile football climate. This has led to little or no football being played, resulting in a woefully underprepared national team attending the recently held Caribbean Cup Qualifiers in St Kitts, where they failed to win a game. Since then, several former Golden Jaguars players have gone public with their criticism of the Matthias ad-

ministration, with the latest being former captain Christopher Nurse, Charles “Lily” Pollard and Kayode McKinnon. Kumarsaid the situation is one that needs to be addressed urgently, noting that is of serious concern to the ruling administration. “If these people need our help, we’re prepared to help, but government should not intervene because we’ve tried our best and then people cuss we out. "If people think we can work together we are prepared to work to solve the problems in football, but then everybody needs to understand that we have to make compromise and we have to have trust in each other,” the Parliamentarian suggested. Two attempts to have the Annual Ordinary Congress also ended in a walkout by the disgruntled group, and it may now require the intervention of world governing body FIFA to lift Guyana out of the power struggle that has infested and tainted local football.

Sports Medicine Workshop opens at NSRC

Coaches from several disciplines are attending the workshop


cores of coaches are being edified on injury prevention and management as a three-day Sports Medicine Workshop opened on Thursday at the National Sports Resource Centre on Woolford Avenue in Georgetown. The coaches, drawn from the various national asso-

ciations, will receive basic knowledge on how to manage athletes and their injuries. The aim of the workshop is to create a strong link among coaches, associations and physiotherapists so as to properly look after athletes' welfare. Director of Sport Neil

Kumar underscored the importance of the workshop, noting that this aspect of sport is not often given recognition and the National Sports Commission is looking to change that by having the workshop on an annual basis. Kumar said the ultimate aim is to have a physiother-

apist attached to every national association. The workshop is a collaborative effort of the National Sports Commission, the Health Ministry, the Guyana Physiotherapist Association and the Caribbean Community (Caricom), who have provided personnel to conduct the sessions.


he Parbatie Jaggai Memorial Inter Secondary School cricket competition in the Upper Corentyne has reached the final which is set for today at the Crabwood Creek Sports Complex. The competition started with four teams Tagore Memorial Secondary, Skeldon High, Skeldon Annex and Skeldon Line Path Secondary. After one game Skeldon Annex had to pull out of the competition due to shortage of players who are between the ages of 14 and 17-yearsold. The competition was then switched to a round robin with the top two teams squaring off in a final.

Skeldon High (Lutheran) has two wins whilst Tagore has one. Today they will meet for bragging rights and a claim to the Parbatie Jaggai Memorial Trophy. This competition is sponsored by Steven Seeraj, son of the late Parbatie Jaggai and organized by the Upper Corentyne Cricket Association. The winner will receive a trophy plus a stationery voucher value $15,000 whilst the runner up will receive a trophy and a stationery voucher value $10,000. The man of the match in the final will receive a trophy and a gift. The teams were supplied with balls for the competition. (Andrew Carmichael)

Captain’s golf tournament on Saturday at Lusignan


fter a hiatus of several years, the Captain’s golf tournament will return to the Lusignan Golf Course this Saturday with a number of players keenly looking forward to the contest. Lusignan Golf Club President David Mohamed commended Club Captain Chatterpaul Deo for restarting the tournament, which was a regular feature years ago. “The Captain’s tournament is being restarted after a number of years. Kudos to Captain Chatterpaul Deo, who has taken the initiative to restart the tournament. One of the significant features of the Captain’s tournament is the camaraderie that it promotes among the club members during and after the tournament,” Mohamed mentioned. On his part, Captain “Chen” Deo was quite delighted at the honour of sponsoring the tournament. “This tournament, sponsored by myself, is a medal play Flight tournament. There will be first and second place prizes for the four Flight categories0-9 handicap, 10-18 handicap, 19-28 handicap and

Chatterpaul Deo

the Ladies’ Flight. This tournament will also have prizes for Nearest-to-thePin, Longest Drive, and an overall winner [best Net] of the Captain’s tournament Trophy. There will also be some surprise prizes. During the tournament, free liquid refreshment will be available for the players and the day’s activity will conclude with a free barbecue and drinks for the players,” Deo highlighted. Keen rivalry and great excitement are expected as members converge on the Club ground for tee off at noon.


thursDAY, september 18, 2014

MYO/Raf’s 10/10 Inter-Jamaat Softball…

MYO, Leonora, Cotton Tree, Fairfield hunting supremacy this Sunday

Shakib, Rubel included in Asian Games squad


he top four teams of the annual Raf’s Variety Store’s Hajjin Zeleena Rafeek Memorial countrywide Inter-Jamaat 10/10 knock out softball cricket tournament will compete on Sunday when the competition concludes with the semi-finals, third place playoff and final at the Muslim Youth Organisation (MYO) ground, Woolford Avenue. The competition, organised by the MYO, will see defending champions MYO, Leonora, Cotton Tree and Fairfield battling for top honours on the final day of the fourth annual tournament. MYO, a strong team with some good batsmen at the top and middle, will depend on Saheed Gittens, Richard Latiff, Zulficar Ali and Safraz Esau. The bowling however, is a great concern as has been evident throughout the tournament. Taking part in the competition for the first time, Leonora Jamaat also boasts a strong and well-balanced team with some of the top softball players from West Demerara in the line-up, in-

Flashback! MYO would look to make a repeat on Sunday after copping the title in 2013

cluding the destructive Azad Azeez. Cotton Tree of Berbice and Fairfield of Essequibo are the other two semi-finalists, making a grand showdown among the top four teams of the competition. According to the organisers, all four teams are asked to assemble at the MYO ground on Sunday at 08:30 hours for the semi-finals draw. The two winners

will clash in the final, set to start at 14:00 hours, while the two losing semi-finalists will meet in the third place playoff prior to the championship game. The champion team will receive $300,000, while the runner-up, third and fourth placed finishers will pocket $200,000, $100,000 and $50,000 respectively. All the cash prizes will be accompanied by trophies. Medals will

also be given to the finalists. There will be several individual awards at stake including Man-of-the-Match in the final ($5,000 and trophy), Man-of-the-Match in third place playoff (Trophy), Most runs in the competition (Bat and trophy), Most wickets in the competition (Trophy), Highest individual score (Bat and trophy) and Best bowling figures (Trophy).

Martin Crowe suffers cancer relapse


ormer New Zealand captain Martin Crowe has suffered a relapse of lymphoma, a type of cancer he was diagnosed with in October 2012. "After a brilliant year of self discovery and recovery, I have more work to do. My friend and tough taskmaster Lymphoma is back to teach me," Crowe said on Twitter. "To say you can't beat lymphoma is not quite true, many have. Yet follicular lymphoma is incurable, and can be treated and tamed for many long years." Crowe told Fairfax media he visited the doctor after suffering back pains and tests revealed the cancer

had returned. "I was hopeful that after the first episode I might be clear for a few years; I felt very well," he said. "I feel much wiser and better equipped to deal with the situation than I was last time. I'll get stuck into the treatment again with the same resolve and positivity." Crowe had been diagnosed with grade two follicular lymphoma two years ago and at the time he said the rigours of a touring lifestyle during a 13-year New Zealand career had taken a toll on his health. He said his immune system had weakened after suffering illnesses on certain trips,

Martin Crowe has resumed his battle with cancer

like when he picked up salmonella poisoning in Sri Lanka in 1984. One of New Zealand's most celebrated batsmen,

Crowe, 50, played 77 Tests between 1982 and 1995, before he was forced to quit international cricket due to a bad knee. (Cricinfo)

The BCB recently reduced Shakib Al Hasan's ban by three-anda-half months


ll-rounder Shakib Al Hasan and fast bowler Rubel Hossain have been included in Bangladesh's 15-member men's team for the Asian Games, which will be held in Incheon, South Korea, between September 19 and October 4. The two players have been named as replacements for offspinner Sohag Gazi and fast bowler Al-Amin Hossain, who were reported for suspect actions recently. According to ICC regulations, both Gazi and AlAmin are expected to undergo tests to have their actions examined. While Gazi was reported during the ODI series in West Indies, Al-Amin was reported after the first Test in St Vincent. The selection in the Asian Games squad can be considered an important step for Shakib, who has faced a turbulent time in the past few months. In July, the Bangladesh Cricket Board suspended the allrounder for six months for what it considered "serious misbehaviour" with Bangladesh's new coach, Chandika

Hathurusingha, and for his altercation with a spectator during an ODI against India. However, in August, the board reduced his suspension by three-and-ahalf months, making him eligible for selection from September 15. Rubel had picked up an injury during the World T20 and only recently made his return to the national side on the West Indies tour, playing a T20 and the first Test. He was not part of the squad for the threematch ODI series against India in June. Bangladesh, led by Mashrafe Mortaza, will participate in the Asian Games alongside teams from Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan, China, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives and hosts South Korea. Bangladesh men's squad for Asian Games: Mashrafe Mortaza (capt), Tamim Iqbal, Anamul Haque, Imrul Kayes, Mohammad Mithun, Shamsur Rahman, Shakib Al Hasan, Shuvagata Hom, Sabbir Rahman, Mahmudullah, Nasir Hossain, Arafat Sunny, Muktar Ali, Rubel Hossain and Taskin Ahmed. (Cricinfo)

GUYTRAC 20/20 final set for Sunday GAPF senior championship


he final of the GUYTRAC 20/20 will be played on Sunday between Number 69 Red Rose, Skeldon and Number 64 Fighting Marines. The three teams all advanced to the final after careful consideration organizers decided to have a draw Number 64 Fighting Marines draw to the final. Skeldon will meet Red Rose in an eliminator match starting at 10:00hrs on Sunday before the grand final. Meanwhile in semifinal action last Sunday at the Crabwood Creek Ground,

Red Rose defeated Number 48 Challengers by 4 wickets while the Fighting Marines defeated Springlands by 2 wickets. Batting first the Challengers were bowled out for 74 in their match against Red Rose. B Samaroo top scored with 15. Bowling for Number 69 Red Rose, O. Seeram took 3 for 28 off 4 overs while T Persaud, C Nourang and D Rampersaud each taking 2 wickets. In reply Number 69 Red Rose reached 77 for 6 in 17 overs. P Chaitram top scored with 27. Bowling for the Challengers B Samaroo took 2 for 11 off 4

overs. In the other semi-final, Springlands batted first and scored 176 for 5 in 20 overs with Trishan Ramdass 47, Somdat Singh 33 and Deoprakash Ramdat 33 not out. Bowling for the Fighting Marines, Steven Embrack took 3 for 25 off 4 overs. In reply Number 64 ended on 178 for 8 off 19.5 overs. With 12 runs needed in the last overs they got there with 1 ball to spare. Leonard Snady hit 50, Davendra Budhoo 29 and Steven Embrack 26 leading the fight for the Marines. The final at expected to commence at 14:00hrs.

slated for November 9


enior powerlifters from across the country will throw down the gauntlet to each other come November 9 when the Guyana Amateur Powerlifting Federation (GAPF) stages the annual Senior championship at a venue to be decided. The date was finalised following a recent Executive Committee meeting of the GAPF. The deadline for registration for the premier event on the GAPF poster is

November 2, and according to a correspondent from the Federation, late entries will not be accepted. Participation in this year's Senior championship is a must if athletes are to be considered for selection to attended regional and international competitions in 2015. According to the GAPF, Guyana is slated to host the Caribbean Powerlifting Championship next year, while local lift-

ers are also expected to attend the South American Championship in Brazil and the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championship in Canada. The GAPF said, “Athletes, who for some reason are unable to compete, must present a medical certificate to state why and must be proven fit to compete at any meet local or international after missing senior nationals by a physician.”



Kings XI Punjab v Hobart Hurricanes, CLT20, Group B, Mohali…

friday, september 19, 2014

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Kings XI show batting depth in victory T

he loss of Mitchell Johnson to a rib injury had left Kings XI Punjab's bowling looking a little suspect ahead of their Champions T20 opener, but it proved a bit of a blessing in disguise for them, with his replacement playing a crucial hand in an five-wicket win over Hobart Hurricanes. With the four-foreigner limit leaving no room for him in Kings XI's star-studded line-up, Thisara Perera didn't play a single game for them during their 2014 IPL campaign. With Johnson's absence giving him an opportunity, Perera grabbed it, taking two wickets in a three-over spell in which he conceded less than a run a ball before coming in to bat in a thorny situation and scoring an unbeaten 20-ball 35 that steered Kings XI to a win with 14 balls remaining. The margin of victory looked fairly wide in the end, but it could have gone either way when Kings XI were 51 for 4 in the eighth over, chasing 147. This, though, was where the quality and depth of their batting came to the fore, with Glenn Maxwell playing strokes that belied a two-paced pitch on his way to a 25-ball 43 and George Bailey showing a cool head that his Big Bash League franchise could have done with during their innings, in putting on an unbroken 69 with Perera. During the IPL, Kings XI had won six out of seven matches batting second, and had chased three 190plus targets successfully. But on a greenish Mohali pitch where the back-of-alength ball behaved a touch unpredictably - moving sideways when new, stopping on the batsmen later on, and often bouncing more than expected - their top order were quickly in trouble. Virender Sehwag's first-ball dismissal owed more to his impetuosity than to the conditions, but Wriddhiman Saha, David Miller and Manan Vohra were all discomfited by the extra bounce, and ended up skying catches to mid-on or mid-off while going hard at length balls. Under these circumstances, Maxwell's innings showcased his rare talent, as he somehow found ways to slap the seamers insideout or loft them back over their heads, while also playing one of his trademark reverse-sweeps against the legspinner Cameron Boyce. It was an over from Boyce that reversed the momentum of the game back towards Kings XI, immediately after Maxwell had edged Evan Gulbis to the keeper. Perera found the third-man

Glenn Maxwell didn't let a two-paced pitch affect his adventurous shot-making

boundary via a streaky edge before hitting Boyce back over his head for six. Bailey then found the gap between deep midwicket and long-on when Boyce dropped his last ball short - 18 came off that over, and it left Kings XI needing 50 off 48. Bailey and Perera kept their heads, attacked the loose balls - which for Perera was mostly whatever he could swing over the arc between midwicket and long-on - and the win, when it was achieved, came with time and wickets to spare, Bailey clouting Gulbis for successive fours in the 18th over. Hurricanes' innings, after they had been sent in to bat, lacked a sustained period when the batsmen were on top of the bowlers. Ben Dunk and Aiden Blizzard, the two left-handers in their top three, struggled for timing early on and got themselves out just as

they were beginning to look comfortable. Perera dismissed both of them, and both times the extra bounce caused them to mishit length or back-of-a-length balls, to deep and short cover respectively. At 78 for 4 in the 13th over, Hurricanes seemed to be going nowhere when Jonathan Wells joined Travis Birt. They proceeded to add 52, with the left-handed Birt flourishing while hitting the legspinner Karanveer Singh with the spin and the righthanded Wells cutting and driving fluently through the off side. Just when the partnership was threatening to take Hurricanes to a biggish total, however, Wells ran himself out, and Kings XI tightened the screws once again, conceding only 14 runs off the last 14 balls of the innings. (Cricinfo)

SCOREBOARD Hobart Hurricanes innings (20 overs maximum) BR Dunk c Maxwell b Perera 26 TD Paine*† b Patel 11 AC Blizzard c Awana b Perera 27 Shoaib Malik c Bailey b Karanveer Singh 14 TR Birt c Karanveer Singh b Awana 28 JW Wells run out (Karanveer Singh/†Saha) 28 EP Gulbis not out 6 BW Hilfenhaus not out 0 Extras: (lb 3, w 1) 4 Total: (6 wickets; 20 overs) 144 Fall of wickets: 1-15 (Paine, 4.2 ov), 2-43 (Dunk, 7.6 ov), 3-71 (Blizzard, 11.2 ov), 4-78 (Shoaib Malik, 12.3 ov), 5-130 (Wells, 17.4 ov), 6-143 (Birt, 19.5 ov) Bowling: Anureet Singh 4-0-25-0, P Awana 4-0-251, AR Patel 4-0-20-1, V Sehwag 1-0-8-0, NLTC Perera 3-0-17-2, GJ Maxwell 1-0-9-0, Karanveer Singh 3-0-37-1 (1-w)

Kings XI Punjab innings (target: 145 runs from 20 overs) V Sehwag c Boyce b Bollinger 0 M Vohra c Hilfenhaus b Laughlin 18 WP Saha† c Shoaib Malik b Bollinger 11 DA Miller c Boyce b Hilfenhaus 0 GJ Maxwell c †Paine b Gulbis 43 GJ Bailey* not out 34 NLTC Perera not out 35 Extras: (lb-1, w-4) 5 Total (5 wickets; 17.4 overs) 146 Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Sehwag, 0.1 ov), 2-21 (Saha, 2.5 ov), 3-23 (Miller, 3.5 ov), 4-51 (Vohra, 7.3 ov), 5-77 (Maxwell, 10.5 ov) Bowling: DE Bollinger 4-0-302 (1-w), BW Hilfenhaus 4-030-1 (1-w), CJ Boyce 3-0-360, B Laughlin 4-0-26-1 (1-w), EP Gulbis 2.4-0-23-1 (1-w)


friDAY, september 19, 2014

Senior Inter-County 4-Day Tournament….

Demerara batsmen put Berbice to the sword on day one − bowlers put GCB Developmental Squad in control

Kellon Carmichael took 3-50

300-run partnership on a Bourda pitch that was offering Berbice little assistance. Christopher Barnwell was on two at the close of play. The right-hander Chandrika has so far faced 256 balls, hitting 16 fours. Singh had been dismissed in the final half hour for 153. An innings which spanned 248 balls, 348 minutes, inclusive of 16 fours. Vishal Singh collects run down the ground

Vishal Singh acknowledged his teammates after reaching his hundred

Johnson, the most impressive of the Berbice bowlers, finished the day at 3-55 from 15 overs. Meanwhile, in the other first round game played at the Demerara Cricket Club ground, the GCB Developmental Squad closed the opening day on 60-1, replying to Essequibo first innings total of 232 all out in 71.1 overs. First-class opener Tagenarine Chanderpaul was the lone batsman to be dismissed for 11. Fellow opener Shimron Hetmyer in not out on 27 and with him is Chanderpaul Hemraj on 15. Earlier, Steven Sankar (4-36), Kellon Carmichael (3-50), Kemo Paul (2-8) and Steven Jacobs (1-66), combined to restrict after decided to bat first.

Rajendra Chandrika played fluently down the ground

Mark Gonsalves made a fighting 28 for Essequibo By Rajiv Bisnauth


emerara’s skipper Vishal Singh and opener Rajendra Chandrika punctured Berbice's growing bubble of self-belief on Thursday as they both scored centuries to guide their side to an imposing 320-3 at the close of play on the first day of round one of the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) Senior InterCounty four-day game. The visitors had entered the match with a burgeoning sense of confidence after a credible performance in the one-day format. However, after two early wickets in the opening session, the rest of the day’s play was belonged to Demerara. Chandrika was 138 not out, at stumps after he and Singh combined for a

Berbice's bowling attack, proved ineffective on the easy-paced wicket after Demerara won toss and make first use of the surface. The hosts omitted Rodolph Knights, Seon Daniels, Gavin Moriah from the playing X1, while Berbice leave out Gudakesh Motie, Romario Shepherd and Seon Hetmyer. Fast bowler Raun Johnson struck twice, to remove both openers cheaply inside the first half hour but Berbice recovered from a dodgy start after the opening session was cut short by an hour, due to rain. At lunch, the visitors reached 60-2, with Rajendra Chandrika (17) and Vishal Singh (21) at the crease. Johnson, working up a tidy pace, had Robin Bacchus (3) caught at

square-leg off a top-edged hook, in the fifth over of the morning with the score on 13. Left-hander Trevon Griffith followed soon afterward in the same over, caught at the wicket for 12, lazily driving an innocuous delivery that hurried onto him as he got neither back nor forward. Both Chandrika and Singh have grown in confidence under the mild sun, playing positively against pacers Johnson and Keon Joseph, before the session was cut short by rain. Upon resumption, the right-hander, Chandrika collecting back-to-back boundaries off Johnson, forces skipper Narsingh Deonarine to introduce an all-spin attack. However, after put down twice off Veerasammy Permaul, one at short-leg and the other at the wicket, Singh made the most

of those reprieves to record his half-century off 93 balls, with five boundaries while the right-handed Chandrika got to his 50 with a single, a knock which required 83 deliveries and featured eight eye-catching fours. The pair continues to accumulate runs patiently and showed perfect temperament, mixing patience with aggression and were never hesitant to step out, and were quickly to stepped back and concentrate on finding the gaps. Singh got to his hundred from 152 balls, hitting 13 fours but Berbice bowlers had some frustrating moments in the post lunch session in which Demerara score 160 runs. Singh stood firm on 112 not out along side Chandrika not out on 82. The opener continued to compile his runs in an understated, unruffled man-

Ricardo Adams after reaching his half century

ner, the only nerves being apparent just before the 25-year-old completed the cherished 100th run. Demerara added 100 runs in the last session for the lost of one wicket, ending the day on a high. Berbice, on the other hand, must have been peeved at not taking the chances.

Ricardo Adams hit a top score of 56 (6x4, 4x6). He received support from Ricardo Peters (44), Brian Herbert (31), Mark Gonsalves (29), Anthony Adams (27) and Shivindra Heimraj (13). Both games resume today at 09:30 hrs and admission is free.

Haynes appointed to FIBA Governance Commission


uyanese Patrick Haynes was appointed to the FIBA Governance Commission on Saturday in Sevilla, Spain at the FIBA congress for the 2014-2019 term. Haynes is currently the Vice President of Finance and Marketing for the Caribbean Basketball Confederation (CBC), a Board Member of the Confederation of Central America and Caribbean Basketball (CONCENCABA) and

an Honoury General Secretary for the Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF). According to a press release, Haynes role as a Guyana Amateur Basketball Federation (GABF) Honoury General Secretary is to oversee international operations, including international recruiting, fund raising, and seeks to ensure GABF compliance with FIBA statutes. In addition, Haynes also works closely with the

GABF and the CBC on the day-to-day operations of all digital assets, including GuyanaBasketball. com, CaribbeanBasketball. com, CBC Rebound Digital Magazine, CBC Mobile and the CBC social media as well as overseeing the digital development, operations and content management for all CBC Championships. The GABF has extended its congratulations to Haynes as a Guyanese and former Pacesetter player who has worked relent-

lessly for the development of Basketball in Guyana from the youth to the senior level. Haynes has also played in key role by contributing in cash and kind to basketball stakeholders in Guyana. Further, the release noted that the GABF is proud to have played a role in Patrick's appointment to the FIBA Governance Commission. The FIBA (Membership) Governance Commission comprises of the following

members: Chairman: George Vassilakopoulos - Greece; Deputy-Chairman: Usie Richards - US Virgin Islands, Members: Abdullah Al Ansari - United Arab Emirates; Maimouna Bah Diallo- Guinea; Mabel Ching - Hong Kong, China; Terry Donovan - England; Patrick Haynes - Guyana; Jean-Michel RamorosonMadagascar; José Luis Saez Regalado - Spain; Giancarlo Sergi, Giancarlo - Switzerland and Burton Shipley - New Zealand.

Patrick Haynes

friDAY, september 19, 2014

5-stage cycling set for October 16-19

2013 overall winner Raynauth Jeffrey posing his trophies and yellow jersey By Avenash Ramzan


he premier event on the local cycling calendar- the ‘Ride for Life’ Five-Stage- will take place on October 16-19, covering a distance of 266 miles of the country’s roadways. This publication was able to confirm the dates on Thursday,

after engaging key personnel close to the organising body for the eighth annual event. After cyclists and officials travel to the Ancient County on October 15, the opening stage will be held the following day from Corriverton to New Amsterdam (46.6 miles) from 07:30 hours;

while Stage Two will be on the same day from Rosignol to Georgetown (60.4 miles) from 14:00 hours. Stage Three will take place on October 17 from Wales to Parika (35 miles) from 09:00 hours, while the penultimate stage will be contested from 07:30 hours the following day from Supenaam to Suddie, covering a distance of 62 miles. The fifth and final stage will commence in Linden at 08:30 hours and finish in Georgetown on October 19, covering a distance of 62 miles. As was the case in previous years, the event will be held with the objectives of increasing awareness and knowledge about HIV/Aids among participants and the general public, and increasing HIV/Aids activism and volunteerism among the participants and inspiring them to become ambassadors in the fight against HIV/Aids. The event has over the years attracted a large amount of overseas riders, and this year would be no different, according to chief organiser Hassan Mohamed. “Once again we can expect a large group of foreigners, including Guyanese residing in the Caribbean and North America, coming down to compete in the race. Right now we’re on putting all the logistics in place to ensure we have a successful event come October,” Mohamed related from his Homestretch Avenue office on Thursday. The deadline for registration is October 13 and those riders interested in participating are advised to contact Mohamed at his office, located in the Help and Shelter building, during regular working hours. Team Coco’s Raynauth

Roshandin comfortable with new rules G

uyanese motor racer Shairaz Roshandin is of the belief that the new rules of the Caribbean Motor Racing Association (CMRA) will only level the playing field for drivers. Roshandin made the judgment in a recent interview where he highlights that he will use the local race meet set for September 28 as a test run for the Caribbean championships final leg in November right here in Guyana. “It now opens the door for the Groups to be far more competitive and now you have to pay attention to everyone rather than a few that was the established norm as recent as last year,” Roshandin stated of the rules. The Honda Civic driver who is a group two racer is confident ahead of the meets despite suffering gear box issues in Trinidad that slipped him to fourth position heading into the final leg of 46 points. Roshandin who was in the lead in Trinidad related that his gearbox snapped and he had to nurse the car until the end of the race which was a bit unfortunate for the reigning group two champion. Further, Roshandin that he will face a tough challenge against the likes of Chet Singh, John Joseph, Raj Singh and Andre D’ Andrade. With the news set to effect throughout all the racing territories, Roshandin knows it will ot affect his driving since he will be able to adapt. Meanwhile the reigning champ thanked

sponsors Rubis, M.S Roshandin Professional Services and Total Lubricants for their support over the years.

Shairaz Roshandin

Hassan Mohamed

Jeffrey is the defending champion of the Open category, having won last year’s event in a time of 10 hours, 05 minutes, 33 seconds. Hamzah Eastman was the leading Junior rider with a time of 10 hours, 09 minutes, 56 seconds, while Raymond Newton was the top Veteran in a time of 10 hours, 09 minutes, 57 seconds.


Hikers to host junior hockey tournament


he Hikers Hockey Club will be hosting the fourth annual junior indoor tournament from today at the National Gymnasium from 17:30hrs. The programme which is a part of the Hikers and Saints Hockey Clubs development scheme is expected to have over 100 players participating in the TeleSky under-13, iNetCommunications under-16, Woodpecker Products under-21 and the Global Technology Inter Schools categories. Further the programme is also being held in order to raise funds for both clubs to participate in an annual tour in November. Marian Academy who was last year’s champion in the under-13 category will hope to have a repeat of last year’s dominance; scoring 19 goals in the tournament while conceding none on their way to the title. Old Fort and Hikers will look to upset the GCC girl’s in

the under-16 category, while the GCC boy’s will have an even tougher task against the ever improving competition. In the Under-21 category GCC find themselves in a weakened state due to some of their top players turning seniors and will have to face full strength squads from Hikers and Old Fort. Meanwhile trophies and medals will be up for grabs while the MVPs of the TeleSky, iNet Communications and Woodpecker Products age categories will receive gift certificates from Woodpecker Products. The overall champion school, as well as the MVP of the Global Technology inter-schools category will benefit from computer classes at the institution of considerable value. The tournament will run throughout the weekend with the competition staring from 10:00hrs on Saturday and 09:30 hrs on Sunday.

friday, september 19, 2014

Sports is no longer our game, it’s our business


WICB, WIPA form new partnership to "take regional cricket forward" T

he West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) and the West Indies Players Association (WIPA) signed a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during a ceremony on Thursday. Whycliffe ‘Dave’ Cameron, President of the WICB, signed on behalf of the regional board, while Wavell Hinds, President of WIPA, signed on behalf of the players association. Cameron hailed the signing as a “new partnership which will take regional cricket forward” while Hinds said it “created a stable environment” for the players to play and demon-

Clive Lloyd

Michael Muirhead

Richard Pybus

strate their skills. The signing ceremony was also attended by Clive Lloyd, former West Indies

captain and Chairman of Selectors; Michael Muirhead, Chief Executive Officer of the WICB, and

Richard Pybus, Director of Cricket of the WICB. “The one word to stress is partnership. Right through

5-stage cycling set for October 16-19

the theme is partnership. Everything we have done we have done in partnership. The agreement is we do better as an organisation and the players do better,” Cameron said. “This is the most important things we have done for West Indies cricket in the last couple of year. "What it means is that we are going to have 105 players engaged in cricket all year round. We are going to have 15 at the WICB level – which I will call the international team, while we will have 90 players at the regional franchise level – 15 players among the six teams.” Hinds, a former West

Chesney released after serving time for smuggling cocaine

Colin “Mr Clean” Chesney


Flashback! Top performers of the 2013 edition of the race, along with officials strike a pose at the conclusion of the presentation ceremony at the National Cultural Centre (Avenash Ramzan file photo) By Avenash R amzan


he premier event on the local cycling calendar- the ‘Ride for Life’ Five-Stage- will take place on October 16-19,

covering a distance of 266 miles of the country’s roadways. This publication was able to confirm the dates on Thursday, after engaging key personnel close to the organising body for the

eighth annual event. After cyclists and officials travel to the Ancient County on October 15, the opening stage will be held the following day from Corriverton to New

Amsterdam (46.6 miles) from 07:30 hours; while Stage Two will be on the same day from Rosignol to Georgetown (60.4 miles) from 14:00h. see full story on page 23

Indies batsman noted: “This means stability and means we are operating in an environment which speaks to partnership and putting West Indies Cricket first. It will make sure that the pillars are in place to look after the players and the key stakeholders of West Indies Cricket – who are the fans.” Pybus outlined details of the new franchise system. “This is going to be fantastic for the players. We will have structured support mechanisms for the players and will provide a competitive wage in a competitive marketplace which is going to fantastic in terms of the product we put on the field,” he said.

uyanese powerlifter Colin “Mr. Clean”' Chesney was released this week after serving his four-month sentence for smuggling cocaine into the United States of America. Chesney, 39, was arrested in May after swallowing cocaine pellets, weighing 1.4 pounds, which were discovered after he was seen ‘physically shaking and sweating’ at the John F. Kennedy airport. “I've worked hard at becoming the best bodybuilder and weightlifter my whole life," Chesney wrote in a letter to Judge Margo Brodie. "I finally reached a place to

be recognised in my profession and I’ve watched it all torn down by the results of this horrific action on my part.” Chesney had agreed to carry the drugs in his stomach to raise money for medical treatment for his ailing mother, according to court papers. “Mr. Chesney has been personally affected by this more than any client I've had in long time,” Peter Kirchheimer said in court. “He calls me every day from jail asking about his case. It's inconceivable he would do anything like this again.” Chesney had attracted the suspicion of Customs and Border Protection officers after he arrived on a Caribbean Airlines flight from Georgetown because he appeared "unusually nervous … physically shaking and sweating," according to court papers. He admitted ingesting the cocaine and was taken to a special lavatory where he passed 33 pellets containing cocaine. Chesney faced a maximum of six months in prison and the judge did not impose a fine.

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