Guyana Times - Sunday, September 8, 2024.pdf

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Concentrate on large-scale production – Agri Minister to farmers

New state-ofthe-art hospital to replace West Demerara Regional Hospital – Pres Ali

…says “West Dem Hospital has now outgrown its time”

P21 State funeral for Sir Shridath Ramphal set for Sept 14 No agreement signed - VP on exploring gas monetisation with Fulcrum

250 booths up for grabs as GuyExpo 2024 is launched

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh engaging Guyanese as well as several persons from the Caribbean at a diaspora event in Central Park, Schenectady on Saturday (Finance Ministry photos)

The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

SUNDAY, September 8, 2024 at 20:30h and Monday, September 9, 2024 at 20:30hrs - 22:00hrs

The Berbice Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:

SUNDAY, September 8, 2024 at 06:45h and Monday, September 9, 2024 at 07:25hrs - 8:55hrs


Parika and Supenaam departure times –05:00h, 10:00h-12:00h, 16:00h, 18:30h daily

Coastal regions can expect mostly fair skies. No significant rainfall is expected. All the remaining regions can expect cloudy skies with brief showers and isolated thundershowers during the early evening becoming mostly fair afterward. Rainfall is expected between 0 and 15 mm.



Concentrate on large-scale production – Agri Minister to farmers …assures of Govt’s continued investment in sector


Minister Zulfikar Mustapha on Saturday said that government will continue to support farmers and calls on farmers to increase production.

“Government will continue to invest in the agriculture sector,” he told farmers at Black Bush Polder (BBP) on Saturday.

Mustapha was at the time addressing farming groups from the polders as he presented supplies to six farming groups in BBP.

He pointed out that the agriculture sector is vital in ensuring Guyana’s food security. Among the items supplied to the groups were water pumps and land tillers.

“We are making these investments because we want to ensure that we invest in the infrastructure, we develop the agriculture sector so that you can benefit. Today we have a number of groups that will be receiving some inputs from the Ministry of Agriculture. We are trying to make agriculture more innovative, more modern...”

The minister called on farmers to produce in large quantities, noting that the ministry will be working with farmers in the polder to ensure that is realised.

“You can’t plant everything under the sun. Guyana is poised to be the food capital of the Caribbean. We have to reduce the food import bill by 25 percent by 2025. If that is to be successful you have to play a part. We will work along with you, that is why you are seeing the kind of investment that we are making. If you are planting something, you must plant it in large acreage. Don’t just plant a few things and then take it to the mar-

ket and sell it. We have to concentrate on producing large-scale produce,” Mustapha outlined.

He said the Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), the National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI), the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB), and the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) to work closely

with those farmers.

“We have ensured that we gave funds to the BBP Water Users Association to maintain all of the dams and although we have done that, I am still getting calls from Black Bush that some dams are not being done.”

Mustapha said apart from producing in large quantities, farmers also need to diversify. He noted that there are a lot of opportunities for

farmers to do this.

“Not only rice farming alone. Rice farming is good, crop farming is good but we have to diversify and go into other areas and we from the Ministry of Agriculture will work along with you to get into other programmes,” he said while noting that BBP has a history of producing food in large quantities.

“Let us go back to that,” he admonished.

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha handing over farming equipment in Black Bush Polder on Saturday

Editor: Tusika Martin

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New Education Paradigms

The recently-announced CSEC and CAPE examination results for our secondary school students, which closely followed those of the NGSA for primary schools, elicited the usual frisson of excitement in the country. The seemingly inexorable push to possibly sit all the 35 subjects that CXC offers at CSEC continued: this year, the number reached 29. With the oil revenues and the promise of greater economic opportunities, there is a healthy discussion – recently energised by Pres Ali - on the relevance of our curricula to the demands of that economy. The educational establishment has responded by offering additional subjects in the technical/ vocational fields, as well as in business management, AI etc. While there is much more to be done, this is a good, if belated, start.

All of these changes are very positive, and must be encouraged, since we are situated in an increasingly globalized world that was created as the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century evolved to fundamentally new levels with the Information Revolution in this 21st century. The Industrial Revolution was facilitated by the educational system and curriculum, that is only now being revamped in our country. Queen’s College, founded in 1847, for instance, still maintains much of the orientation and ethos from that time, while broadening its curriculum beyond the old Classics orientation.

But as we try to catch up with the rest of the world developmentally, we must take cognizance that the methods of delivering education have also changed in response to the new realities of the new communication age in which we now live. Take, for instance, the old “behaviorist” paradigm we still use to transmit “education” - passive learning - in which a teacher passes on information to a classroom of students, who are expected to memorize them. This is the model that we extoll when we laud students who can regurgitate that information packaged as “subjects” in examinations such as CSEC. However, in addition to the “subjects” taught being rejigged, the 21st century methods stress “learning by doing”. There are many approaches to education that fit within this 21st century paradigm, and we quote from a summary of some of them:


Constructivism proposes that we learn by constructing ideas in our heads (rather than having them inserted into our minds). We construct information when we place ideas in our working memory, compare it to our existing prior knowledge, and make decisions about how useful, truthful or valuable this new knowledge is to us before saving it, using it to change our minds, or discarding it. We don’t just take bits of information for granted: we ‘mull them over’ and ‘consider them’ before deciding how to use them.

Discovery Learning Method (DLM) is a teaching strategy based on cognitive constructivism, and involves learning through solving problems. This is clearly very different to learning by being told facts. That’s because students aren’t given answers to problems: they have to solve the problems themselves to discover the truth.

Problem Posing Education:

PPE is very similar to problem-based learning. In a problem posing environment, the teacher or student will come up with a problem and present the problem to the class. The class and the teacher need to learn the answer to this problem together. So, not even the teacher enters the classroom with the answers in this approach. It therefore creates a very democratic co-learning atmosphere in the classroom. Project Based Learning where students in a classroom will work on one big problem for many lessons (maybe even weeks or months) at a time. Students will often work together, and use resources around them like community members or the internet to create something new (their project!)

Finally, there is Phenomenon Based Learning that is popular in Finland. Rather than learning through subjects (mathematics, languages, science, history), students focus on a ‘phenomenon’ (or ‘topic’) that requires them to use multiple different forms of knowledge from different subject areas to learn about the phenomenon in a holistic way.”

We hope our educators take note. In education, as in biology, form determines function.

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies

amBassaDor anD Permanent rePresentative to the Un, Geneva, anD other mULtinationaL orGanization in switzerLanD, rome anD aUstria

September 7 is International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. The Guyana Mission, Geneva, urges that it must not be a day for wasteful rhetoric. After all, 99% of the global citizenry breathe polluted air, and there is a negative consequence.

Particulate pollution (tiny particles in the air) is responsible for about 33% of deaths from stroke, chronic respiratory disease, and lung cancer, and about 25% of deaths from heart attacks. Ozone pollutants at ground level are a major cause of asthma and chronic respiratory diseases.

Outside of deleterious health impact, air pollutants contribute to global warming.

More than 8.1 million premature deaths, including more than 700,000 children under 5 years old, are attributed to polluted indoor and outdoor air. The huge contribution of climate change to socio-economic losses are well documented, leading to additional deaths and contributing significantly to poverty. The bad news is that, at its present trajectory, the number of deaths and morbidity cases would increase by 50% by 2050, unless we change the status quo of actions to stop air pollution.

Reducing methane emission, an important greenhouse gas and air pollutant, could prevent more than 50% of the crop

losses projected for 2050, save up to US$33 billion in crop losses due to pollutants, and save the global economy more than US$8.1 trillion per year, equivalent to 6.1% of global GDP, due to health costs.

In this regard, the Guyana Mission, Geneva, highlights the continuing bad practice of cooking and heating with wood and kerosene. This bad practice alone is responsible for 3.1 million premature deaths each year, and is a significant part of driving climate change, causing air pollution and biodiversity loss. The Guyana Mission highlights this sustained bad practice because we believe the global community has the wherewithal to end this practice. There is adequate availability of relatively inexpensive technology that a global roadmap can be created to end this practice.

Between 1990 and 2021, globally, the percentage of the population that depended on wood and charcoal for cooking dropped from 50% to 29%. We urge the global community to put together a global roadmap to end the practice of cooking and heating with wood, charcoal and kerosene by 2030. It is doable, and it is within our grasp.

Guyana is a small country, but its energy security, and climate change and environmental security development roadmaps, and its aggressive low-carbon development strategy (LCDS) seek, through its onshore gas programme, to end the practice of cooking and heating with wood and kerosene by 2030. Guyana’s preservation of our rain forest is globally recognized and has earned official certification. We urge the global

community to further secure the practice of accumulating carbon credits, in which Guyana is playing a leading role. Guyana has been certified REDD+ for carbon credits equivalent to 33 million TREES for the period 2016 to 2021. While Guyana has sold some of those credits, we believe that the value for those credits is way below the value. For those nations that are able to secure carbon credits, they must be rewarded through global action to place a premium value on carbon credits.

In this regard, Guyana’s leaders, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo, are world-class Champions of the Earth.

On International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, we acknowledge their global leadership.

Member States of the UN, at a General Assembly Meeting in 2019 (RES/74/212), agreed that every year, on September 7, Member States would observe International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. The Guyana Mission in Geneva is joining citizens in Geneva, in Guyana, and around the world to highlight air pollution and the urgent need to address the problem of air pollution as part of the global fight for climate and environmental security, one of the global existential crises that Guyana is playing a lead role in combating.

Member States, at their Meeting in December 2019, noted the urgent need to reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination by 2030.

President Dr Irfaan Ali is seen interacting with Home Economics students of the Yarrowkabra Secondary School during its commissioning last week (Office of the President photo)

Is the non-oil economy shrinking?

Dear Editor,

One of the minority political parties, namely, ANUG (A New and United Guyana), contends that the non-oil sectors have declined, and that this decline signals the presence of the “Dutch disease”.

The assertion by ANUG in relation to the “Dutch disease” exposes the party’s ineptitude in its ability to comprehend and apply basic economic concepts. What was described as the Dutch disease is not the Dutch disease. The Dutch disease has to do with the change in relative prices viz-à-viz any sharp appreciation of the exchange rate, which would cause imports to be far cheaper, and exports more expensive, thus becoming internationally uncompetitive.

Source: Author’s based on Bank of Guyana Data

Effectively, the Dutch disease would destroy the manufacturing/export sectors at the expense of the import sectors.

With respect to the notion that the non-oil economy is shrinking relative to the oil economy, this outcome cannot be determined

by merely looking at a halfyear report or the performance of a single year relative to the previous year. In order to properly determine whether or not such an eventuality has merit, one has to always analyze a time series of dataset spanning a minimum of ten years, because there is

Threats & insults veiled as acts

always a time lag between the implementation of economic policies and the outcome or impact thereof. And similarly, there is a time lag between the occurrence of uncontrollable eventualities and externalities (exogenous and endogenous factors) and the impact thereof as well.

of concern for people would not give political mileage

Dear Editor,

The PNC and its minions are in full campaign mode, and their strategy is set in the old PNC message: “We care about you, so we promise everything there is. If only we could get back into power, we will do for you over and above that which is humanly possible. This time around, we will deliver, we will reach a place called nirvana”.

This, in real time, is the same old 'Good Life’ makeover. But if you decode that message, you will see that it is a carefully set trap that is meant to fool the public into believing that they really care, when they do not. Their campaign message, when converted into intelligible language, is a set of insults and threats veiled in pretentious verbiage. In other words, they have an obscure concern for people's welfare.

So, let us begin with their power base first; that is, those in the Afro-centric community. Such a gathering was led into believing that they are the super race and are a prized possession of the PNC. As such, all other races were held in contempt.

Burnham led them to believe that they were the sole builders of Guyana, and as such, they should "own and control" everything around them. This translated into the PNC leading a fighting mob to

"take back" what they supposedly owned. That resulted in the riots which targeted persons of other races.

The Black Race was carried away into committing disgraceful acts against other races, all in the name of Black Supremacy. History will show that when they were caught in these despicable acts, Hoyte would flatly deny ever knowing them. The message here is: use the race for your own narrow political purpose, then when the goal is reached, dump them. It is a reprehensible act to ever see one's own race as pawns to be used for narrow political purposes. I cannot here use stronger language to describe them.

The message is even clearer now when you look back at the way those members of the race were treated who dared to step out of that servile mode. The party's lynch mob simply eliminated them. Dr Rodney is a prime example, something the pathetic members of the WPA have struggled ever since to live with.

Fast forward to the emancipated Afro-centric peoples of today, who have gotten the rude awakening that they were being treated as receptacles by their servile masters. These have scaled the slave border and are taking their place in a new and enlight-

ened atmosphere.

A similar fate awaited the Indo-Guyanese when the subliminal call was made that "We care for you people, we would never close the sugar estates."

The AFC faction went into the PPP/C stronghold spreading their gospel to vote for The Coalition as a "Good Life awaits them." When that goal was fulfilled in getting into power, the Granger Administration simply forgot about them and promptly closed the estates, placing thousands out of a job.

It is against this backdrop that we view the way our Amerindian brothers and sisters were treated. The PNC has, for a long time, held sway in the Indigenous communities that voted for them. They would occasionally showcase them as the original peoples of this country; yet, when in power, they treated them like dirt.

A case in point: the PNC never gave them land titles as owners of the land, only made promises to do so. The PPP/C gave back to the people what was duly theirs, hence the results of the last election showed resounding support for the party. The PPP/C have shown that they are not a party of empty promises, but one of fulfilling those promises.

In another instance, when pressed by our Indigenous peoples for sub-

ventions from the LCDS, the PNC Minister gave the intoxicated answer that "The Amerindians are greedy". I here ask the editor to please permit me to use the term the PNC think "Buckman" stupid. Thus, it was their contempt for the Amerindian peoples and their rights.

Now that they are in Opposition, the AFC are speaking in caring and concerned tones to the Amerindian peoples. they speak about the deplorable conditions existing in their communities in the use of pit latrines. This mathematical genius turned mighty discoverer is now making out a case for our Indigenous peoples. Again, his behind might never have known of a pit latrine before, so here comes the Afro-centric (he likes to use that word) Christopher Columbus to tell us of its usage in a modern society.

The point I am making is that the AFC is looking for votes in the next election, but for Jesus’ sake, do not insult our Amerindian brothers and sisters in such a condescending way. Our Indigenous peoples deserve better. Insults and demeaning language will not get your party anywhere. I repeat: your insulative strategy moves will not give you the votes you so desperately crave.


tors: Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing; Mining and Quarrying (excluding crude oil); Manufacturing; Construction and the Services sectors have expanded by 28%, 16%, 29%, 55%, and 30% respectively.

Having said that, let’s look at a time series of data for the period 2012-2023 (11 years) to ascertain whether or not the non-oil economy has been shrinking.

GDP measures the value of aggregate output (production) in an economy in a specific time frame (usually a fiscal year). In the oil sector, oil production went from 120k barrels per day to over 600k per day in less than four years (reflecting an increase of >400%). This explains why the oil economy accounts for the largest share of GDP at this time. As such, it would be prudent to look at the non-oil economy separately in order to have a broader perspective and a better appreciation on the structure, size, and growth of the economy across all the sectors, especially the non-oil economy relative to the oil economy.

To this end, the charts below illustrate that all of the non-oil sec-

Overall, the non-oil economy has expanded by 34.5% during the period 2012-2023. In nominal terms, the non-oil economy has increased from $830 billion in 2012, to $1.267 trillion by the end of 2023. Evidently, it would be incorrect to say that the non-oil economy has been shrinking relative to the oil economy.

One has to also be mindful that oil production would peak by 2027-30. And thereafter, the GDP growth rate would revert to the lower double- and single-digit growth rates. Cognizant of this reality, the Government is investing in other non-oil sectors, whose share of GDP would eventually increase when oil production would have plateaued.

In the final analysis, although the share of the oil economy’s GDP has grown larger than the non-oil economy’s, this does not mean that the non-oil economy is shrinking or contracting in size or output. This is a notion that the empirical evidence has disproven.


International day...

Member States acknowledged that clean air is important for the health and day-to-day lives of people; is the single greatest environmental risk to human health; and is one of the main avoidable causes of global deaths and diseases, particularly for women, children and the elderly. In order to catalyzed national, regional and global action to reduce air pollution, Member States agreed to designate September 7 to spread awareness and to further galvanize States and citizens to take assertive action to preserve the safety and health of our air.

Unfortunately, International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies has not yet garnered global attention.

The Guyana Mission in Geneva joins the Guyana Government, the UN, the WHO, UNEP and other partners in calling for great-

er attention to the issue of clean air and blue skies. We must use International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies to galvanize nations and our peoples around the world in a rallying cry for concerted global action and to assert our fundamental right to clean air.

The SDG 2030, the fight against climate change and global warming, will remain unreachable goals if the intention and the objectives of International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies are not priorities for the world. We urge Member States to use this day to commit to stronger action, to spread awareness, and to galvanize countries and citizens to be part of the fight for clean air.

We urge the 57th Session of the HRC to acknowledge and to remind the world that clean air is a fundamental right.


Last week we mentioned that there are different types of burns, with varying intensities. Let’s look at each type of burn more closely, and deal with their respective treatments:


The chemical burns with which we veterinarians are most confronted result from the patients’ encounters with acids and alkalis.

Recently, I have more and more been seeing burns on the skins of dogs/cats which originate from the misuse of anti-parasite chemicals. Most anti-tick/anti-mite/anti-flea medications (baths) have to be diluted before application to a pet’s skin. Perhaps the logic “if a little will help, then a lot will help

more” leads pet owners to use stronger-than-recommended concentrations of an anti-parasitic chemical.

This sometimes results in “burning” of the skin, and even death, as the chemical is absorbed by the skin in toxic quantities.

But let’s get back to the problem of acid/alkali burns. Believe it or not, most of these cases are not accidents, but are willful, malevolent, wicked, brutal and depraved acts of cruelty meted out to dogs and cats – lowly domestic animals that are in the care and custody of mankind. I main-

tain that any human being who has the evilness of soul to throw acid on a cat or dog is quite capable of disfiguring a man,

burn with a lot of water.

iii) Rinse the spot with a baking soda solution. The solution is made by mixing four level table-

woman, or child by the same means.


i) Clip the hair on and around the burn area, if the animal would allow you.

ii) Wash the site of the

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA), or to a veterinarian, or to the police. The law must act against all such individuals who willfully perform acts of cruelty to animals!


spoonsful of baking soda into a pint of water.

iv) You may place some ice packs (crushed ice in a cloth) on the wounded area in order to reduce swelling, inflammation, and the pain.

v) Later, especially if the hair is falling out

The steps (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi) advocated for acid burns above can also be followed for alkali burns. However, in the case of caustic soda (or any other alkali) burns, one must wash the wounded area with a weak acid solution (acids counteract alkalis, and vice versa). The solution can be made by mixing two tablespoons of cooking vinegar (e.g. EHP White Vinegar) to a pint of water. Please note that if the skin is bruised and you wish to take steps to prevent a secondary infection, you may wish to use an antibiotic ointment (as suggested in (v) above). However, in the case of caustic soda (alkali) burns, I would not use

and the skin is sloughing, you may have to use a soothing ointment that is mixed with an antibiotic (e.g. zinc oxide with an antibiotic ointment).

vi) Contact your veterinarian for further advice.

N.B. If you have, in fact, witnessed the dastardly act of a person throwing an acid on an animal, you should report this crime to the Guyana

the zinc oxide ointment recommended above for acid burn treatment. Lastly, perhaps I should mention that anytime the burns are severe and cover more than 50% of the animal’s surface area, you may wish to follow the guidelines for the treatment of the other types of burns (electrical, solar radiation, hot water, etc.).

No agreement signed – VP on exploring gas monetisation with Fulcrum

Fulcrum LNG, which in June 2024 emerged from among 17 other bids as the company that would develop a proposal to monetise Guyana’s gas, is currently exploring ways of doing just that in collaboration with ExxonMobil Guyana and the government.

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo emphasised at his recent press conference that the government has not yet signed any agreement with Fulcrum for a gas monetisation project. Instead, he clarified that the feasibility of monetising the gas is currently being explored among Fulcrum, ExxonMobil, and the government.

“We have selected a company to work with ExxonMobil and the government of Guyana, to examine the development of a project. So, we believe they will be better equipped, they may have more data and knowledge than the government, to push Exxon in that direc-

tion,” Jagdeo said. “And to give us feedback whether the concerns are real or not, from Exxon. And that’s where the discussions are taking place now. There is no contract awarded for any project at this point in time. There is no project at this point in time.”

Jagdeo explained that they are exploring how to get to the stage of a project to monetise the gas, taking into account factors that include financing. For instance, Jagdeo noted that the government prefers

some of the project to be privately financed, rather than coming out of the cost bank.

“There is the exploration of how we move to a project to monetise the gas, by looking at several options on the demand side, the cost side. And then we believe that if you do get to a project stage, that not all of this should come to cost oil. That some of it can be privately financed, so that you have greater benefits flowing to Guyana. So that’s where we are at this stage.”

Concentrate on large-scale ...

Reminding the farmers of some of the inputs the government has been making directly to farmers and farming communities since the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), Mustapha said if the party is removed from office then those inputs will stop.

He pointed out that in 2015, cash grants were given to farmers to assist them in producing with a promise that the assistance will continue once the party remains in office.

However, that year the

party was ousted from office and then the new administration discontinued the cash grants to farmers.

“So, if you don’t vote for the PPP you will not get cash grants,” Mustapha said as he called on farmers to focus on the bigger picture.

“Many of us and not looking at our future... Since coming back into office 35,000 Guyanese would have received house lots from this government. Sometimes we are petty and say if our drain is not

clean or if we get a bad road we are not going to vote. If you do that everybody will punish. The point is that now we have to look at the bigger picture. That is why the investment in agriculture moved from $13 Billion in 2020 to $97 Billion this year,” Mustapha said. The minster also met with farming groups at Bushlot, where six more farming groups along the Central Corentyne Coast also received farming supplies. (G4) FROM PAGE 3

Jagdeo meanwhile also addressed the matter of Fulcrum being awarded the contract, over more experienced companies. According to the Vice President, Fulcrum was successful based on a number of other factors, including the technical composition of its bid.

“Do they have the requisite experience to develop a project of this nature and the answer in this case is yes. Two, can they raise the financing for a project of this nature and thirdly, what is the nature of their compliance with the bid document?” Jagdeo said, in explaining the criteria used.

Unaware Jagdeo also explained that both he and Natural Resources Minister, Vickram Bharrat, were unaware that former ExxonMobil Guyana Vice President Jesus Bronchalo was involved in the company, until afterwards. He admitted that the bid evaluators were aware, but that their evaluation was based on the technical quality of the bid. Further, Jagdeo declared his full confidence in the evaluators and the work they did.

“I asked him (Bharrat) did you know that Jesus was part of the bid and he

said no and personally I did not know too until after the award was made and I saw him at one of the meetings,” Jagdeo said.

“They (evaluators) were aware of this but they evaluated not just experience, it’s the proposal…you evaluate a proposal, you ask for a proposal, what are the elements of this proposal? You don’t know, you just latch on to one thing- experience.”

Back in June, the Natural Resources Ministry had reported that Fulcrum LNG’s proposal was considered by the evaluators as the most comprehensive and technically sound proposal from the 17 bids that were received.

The ministry further added that Fulcrum LNG’s submission was very detailed and comprehensive, and outlined a structured approach to gas development; hence the evaluators were satisfied based on the submission of its competency which resulted in the company being ranked No. 1.

“The evaluation report was then submitted to the Cabinet with no objection. The Cabinet deliberated and examined the report and granted it no objection for Fulcrum LNG to be engaged. Following the Cabinet’s consideration of

the matter, the Ministry of Natural Resources has engaged the company along with ExxonMobil to begin the process. These discussions are at a preliminary stage and are ongoing,” the ministry had stated.

The ministry had further dispelled recent questions surrounding the Chief Executive Officer of Fulcrum LNG’s Jesus Bronchalo, who was indeed a former senior employee of ExxonMobil prior to forming Fulcrum LNG.

Some 17 trillion cubic feet of gas has already been found in the Stabroek Block, with the Pluma and Haimara wells being proven gas fields. Currently, Government is pursuing its model Gas-to-Energy (GtE) Project which is being constructed in Wales, West Bank Demerara (WBD), and will include a 300 megawatts power plant that will utilise gas from the Liza field offshore.

The excess gas is what will be used for the gas monetisation project. The award of the contract to Fulcrum is therefore part of the Government’s plans to safely and timely develop its gas resources and create an open-access infrastructure system, providing additional monetisation alternatives to upstream developers. (G3)

Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo Fulcrum founder Jesus Bronchalo

Operator dies after excavator topples into trench during loading accident

An excavator operator lost his life during an accident at Coghlan Dam, Pouderoyen West Bank Demerara on Saturday.

The identity of the man remains unknown as the Guyana Police Force (GPF) said they are working to notify his next of kin.

When Guyana Times arrived at the scene, a nearby business owner reported that a customer had come to Coghlan Dam to collect an excavator he had recently purchased.

The customer arrived in a small canter, accompanied by the now-deceased operator.

The operator, who had been tasked with loading the heavy machinery onto the canter, began the process while the vehicle was parked close to a trench. As he manoeuvred the excavator onto the canter, the truck suddenly tilted,

lost its balance, and the excavator toppled into the water, trapping the operator inside.

Eyewitnesses, including the business owner and others present at the scene, immediately plunged into the water in a desperate attempt to save the man. However, despite their efforts, they struggled for nearly two hours, unable to free him from the submerged machinery.

“When the excavator fell over, it fell with the top down and the wheels up. When we saw what happened, we all ran to his rescue and we jumped overboard and tried everything to help him. He wasn’t working with me. It was the person who bought the excavator, who brought him. He said he didn’t even know the man’s name. He said he just hired him to operate the excavator,” the businessman said.

Meanwhile, another resident of the community told this publication that he was in his yard when he heard a loud noise and ran outside, only to discover the excavator in the trench.

“I immediately jumped overboard but when I looked, the top of the stuff was stuck down in the mud. It took us hours to get him out. We took the other machines to try and pull up the excavator, but the machines didn’t have the power to pull it up. We even tried breaking the glass, pulling out the seat, but the mud pushed him under the seat and folded him up,” the man said.

The man's lifeless was body retrieved from the water and emergency services personnel who had arrived by then pronounced the operator dead. Investigations into the incident are ongoing. (G9)

Ferreting out…

…drug business

The proverbial dust still hasn’t been settled over the bust involving 4.4 TONNES of cocaine up at Matthews Ridge. The shipment had been dropped off at an illegally constructed airstrip, and stored in bunkers or dugouts in the surrounding jungles. We’re told it has a “street value” of some US$200 million – and, of course, while that depends on which “streets” we’re talking about, that’s a helluva lot of money!!

So, what are some of the ‘dust’ that’s gotta be settled??

Not where the cocaine came from. Everyone - and not just their friendly neighbourhood dealer - knows that most cocaine is produced in Colombia - with Peru and Bolivia filling the slack. Part of the dust is: “Just how’d it get here – apart from the obvious plane that landed at the strip?” They had to’ve passed through Venezuela! As far back as when Rum Jhaat was heading the rump Ministry of PUBLIC SECURITY, hadn’t they bought FIVE very expensive long-range drones from some US company?? We were told by then President Granger – a retired GDF general - that these drones woulda been used for border and other types of surveillance!! Well, here we are – our border has most definitively been penetrated – so where were the drones?? What makes this even more troubling is that we’ve been facing the treat of an invasion from Mad Maduro and his military, which keeps him in office!! Each drone had a five-hour flight capability with high quality cameras that “could pick up targets from long distances, and we would be able to pick up targets using infrared technology, so we can use it in the nights as well”.

Another dust that’s floating in the air is: “What were the police and GDF doing while the airstrip was being constructed and planes were landing and off-loading??”

There’s talk of one high-ranking police officer being involved, but we gotta have more than talk, since we’re talking about the security of our entire country, and not just a drug bust – large as that might be!!

This January, Government allocated some $42 billion to the GDF, of which $16 billion was for additional drones and helicopters to protect our borders. If the performance (or lack thereof) of the last 5 drones purchased and deployed are anything to go by, then we need some serious standard operating procedures issued to make sure we’re getting bang for our buck!! As it is, we haven’t even gotten a fizzle, much less a bang!

Another dust that should be settled is: “Who were the masterminds behind the operation?” Of serious concern to your Eyewitness are the syndicatos or criminal gangs that have been deployed by Mad Maduro as part of his ongoing efforts to destabilize our Essequibo!!

…Mad Maduro

Now, as your Eyewitness has been saying till he’s blue in the face, if anybody knows about rigging elections, it’s us Guyanese. It doesn’t matter whether we’re PNC or PPP – the only difference is the former justifies the rigging and the latter condemns it!! So, when the Venezuelan Opposition swore that Mad Maduro rigged the July 28 elections and broke all its international commitments – they showed their SOPs’ equivalent, and like the PNC, Mad Maduro refuses to follow suit; we know that a skunk’s in the woodpile!

Well, apart from Brazil, the US and EU calling for the declaration of Mad Maduro’s victory to be supported by evidence, Argentina has just called on the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague to request an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. Argentina has cited the latter’s crackdown on opposition members and human rights’ violations.

In retaliation, Mad Maduro has ordered the Argentine Embassy - run by Brazil – surrounded, and has arrested several Opposition members!

The noose is being tightened!!

…Ganja dealers

A Berbice teacher has been nabbed with 56lbs ganja. Now, from reading the press reports, it’s clear that as much as Colombia supplies cocaine, Berbice produces - and some residents distribute - ganja.

But was the teacher distributing to school children??

The scene of the accident

No payment for house lot should be made via MMG – Croal …warns public of housing scams

Amid the increasing number of complaints being issued to the Housing and Water Ministry regarding financial scams, Minister Collin Croal has made it clear that payments for house lots are made directly to the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA).

Reports are that several persons have been contacted recently by persons posing as staff from the Housing Ministry, and were told to make payments for their lands or housing unit via the GTT’s Mobile Money service.

Croal has since dis-

closed that there is currently no arrangement in place for persons to make payments via MMG for land, housing units, or

any other services offered by the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA).

He explained that the agency recognises the demand for housing is great and it presents an atmo-

sphere for the criminal elements to thrive on persons’ gullibility.

Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal

Simplifying the federal governance model

In tandem with my article

“Integrating One Guyana”, there were two letters that serendipitously alluded positively to the proposed federalist governance mechanism.

Mr Keith Bernard invoked the topic of “democracy” writ large and attempted to address the impracticality of its purest form, “direct democracy”. He noted, “For more practical options, Parliamentary and Federal Systems come to mind. The UK’s Parliamentary System and the US Federal System balance effective governance with representation, sharing power between national and regional authorities.” But he then went on to expand on his proposal, “Guyana might consider a Semi-Presidential System as an upgrade.”

Prof Andre Brandli also suggested the federal option, but the caption of his letter coyly avoided what evidently is the political “F” word:

“Guyana should look to Switzerland to learn how to improve democracy by radical constitutional reforms.” Switzerland is a paradigmatic FEDERAL state.

Chief Eric Phillips, head of the local Reparations Committee, however, raised the major objection over the decades from African Guyanese interlocutors: equating federalism with “partition”.

This mistaken assumption probably goes back to the early 1960s, when Eusi Kwayana (then Sydney King) proposed that if the PPP and PNC could not govern together, the country should be partitioned into three zones – one for Indians, one for Africans, and the third for all those who wanted to live together. Unfortunately, this objection is nothing more than a straw man, and a red herring to boot, to our federalist proposals. In federalism, the country remains one, but its constituent regions/counties /states are given more power over local issues.

Chief Phillips’s second concern flows from the first; to wit, if the present regions are transmuted into “states”, African Guyanese, who are a majority in Reg 4 and 10, would end up with far less land than our Indigenous Peoples, who dominate Reg 1,7,8,and 9; or Indian Guyanese in Reg 6, 2 and 3.

But, in a federal system, citizens can move at will from one to any other county /province as residents from, say, Wyoming, can move to NY in the USA or Demerara to Rupununi in Guyana.

In a federal governance structure, our central government would have “competencies” over national issues such as defence and foreign policy. There would be substantial autonomy to the separate states, which would guarantee that the inhabitants of each state have real power over their lives. Constitutionally protected competencies over police functions, local development, local taxation, and spending are only a few of the functions of the State Governments.

African Guyanese, for instance, would possess some executive power in Demerara, while the same would be true for Indian Guyanese in Berbice or Amerindian Guyanese in the Rupununi.

Under the present dispensation, Indigenous peoples would never be able to exercise real executive authority.

When the centre does not possess all power, the struggle to control the centre is not as intense. The competition would be distributed among the states as groups within attempt to control. National politics would not be a zero-sum game, since “losers” at the centre would still be guaranteed power at the state level.

Indian politicians, dominant, say, in Berbice or Essequibo, are more likely to see themselves as rivals for power at the centre. Additionally, within a state, since one ethnic group would have an overwhelming majority, intra-ethnic rivalry would be developed since no threat would be perceived to be coming from ‘out groups’, and there would be no pleas for ‘not splitting the vote’. In a situation where different interests would be represented at the centre, there would be incentives for cooperation to ensure the implementation of common programmes.

As the various states manoeuvre for the maximum benefit for their citizens, alliances would be shifted depending on the issue. This should create a fluidity and multi-polar balance, rather than our present bipolar confrontation, and so dissipate the conflict.

Additionally, the state government should be the most sensitive to the idiosyncrasies of its citizens and region. Local courts, for instance, would be most sympathetic to autochthonous (native) needs. The principle of subsidiarity holds that power should be exercised at the lowest possible level.

And supposedly reacting to my encouragement for Nigel Hughes to campaign in “Indian areas” and court cross-over votes, in contraposition to Chief David Hinds’s strictures against “slave catchers”, Chief Phillips claimed, “Ravi believes in Indian supremacy, and that Nigel Hughes is here to split the Indian vote so the PPP would lose.” What can one say?

Woman wanted for human trafficking

The Guyana Police Force (GPF) on Saturday issued a wanted bulletin for a woman named Andreina (only name given), last known to reside on Robb Street, Georgetown. She is wanted in connection with a human trafficking case that oc-

curred between May and August 1.

The police are urging anyone with information about Andreina’s whereabouts to contact them immediately. Members of the public can reach the police at the following numbers: 227-1149, 225-8196, 227-1611,

Wanted: Andreina (only name given)

226-3405, 225-6978, 333-3876, or report to the nearest police station. The authorities are seeking public cooperation to ensure Andreina is brought to justice. All information provided will be treated with confidentiality.

Ravi Dev

New state-of-the-art hospital to replace West Demerara Regional Hospital – Pres Ali

…says “West Dem Hospital has now outgrown its time”

In the coming days, a tender would be issued for the design and construction of a new modern state-of-the-art facility to replace the current West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH) in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) as the Guyana Government continues to transform healthcare services and delivery for citizens across the country.

This was revealed by President Dr. Irfaan Ali during the commissioning of a new primary school at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo (EBE), on Friday.

According to the Head of State, Region Three is rapidly growing economically, financially and in the housing sector as well as its population as enormous amounts of investments are being made there.

However, he stated that with this exponential growth, existing services and facilities such as the WDRH has outgrown its purpose.

“The West Dem Hospital has now outgrown its time. It has outgrown what it was built for. It does not meet the modern efficient reliable needs of the citizens of region three. That is why, next week we will be launching a new tender for a new state-ofthe-art hospital at West Demerara,” President Ali disclosed on Friday.

This new West Dem hospital, the Guyana Leader noted, coupled with existing projects, such as another regional hospital at Zeelugt that is slated to be completed by March 2025, will bolster the re-

gion’s healthcare services. Additionally, works are ongoing on another regional hospital at De Kinderen, West Coast Demerara (WCD), and are expected to be completed in the first half of next year.

In the 2024 MidYear report, the Finance Ministry said the designs for the new West Demerara Hospital are expected to be completed in the latter half of this year. Meanwhile, the 2024 Budget had earmarked some $10 billion for upgrade works to be carried out at the WDRH along with two other regional hospitals this year.

During his address to Region Three residents on Friday, President Ali acknowledged the issues that are plaguing the WDRH.

In the same breath, however, he pointed out that there have been tremendous investments made to improve healthcare services across the region and especially at the WDRH.

As a result of these interventions, the Head of State noted that the regional hospital has churred

20,794 …compare that,” President Ali posited.

out high performances in a number of service areas over the past four years. In fact, during the first four months of 2024, the WDRH conducted a whopping 585 surgeries compared to just 16 surgeries done in the first four months of 2021.

Similarly, referrals to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC) in the first four of this year plummeted compared to 2020 when it was 208.

“The referrals to Georgetown in the first four months of 2024 is 106 – almost 100 per cent decrease in referrals. That tells you of the qualitative care, the difference in the qualitive care… Let us look at clinic attendance. In 2020, in the first four months of that year, the clinic attendance was 1899. You know what was the clinic attendance in the first four months of 2024,

The Guyanese Leader added that with more people taking greater interests in their health and with the Region Three population growth, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government is working hard to meet, even anticipate, their needs – work, which he says, are not often recognised.

“Every day, we wake up with a new mission and new drive to make your lives better and dedicating a bit more energy in getting the work done… [But] this is the story that is not being told. It is easy to post one bad story or two bad stories… but what about these [positive works being done],” the president stated, adding that his administration will continue to block out the noise and focus on building the nation and improving the lives of its people.

Only back in July, General Secretary of the ruling People’s Progressive Party, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, had stated that they are on track to delivering their 2020 manifesto promise of six new hospitals by 2025. He had noted that three Regional Hospitals will be completed this year and the remaining three will be completed within the first quarter of 2025.

In addition to completing these hospitals, Jagdeo said the next step for the government is to address the challenge of having adequate human resources to effectively manage the new facilities, citing the possibility of employing medical professionals from other countries. This, he reminded, is aside from the Government’s intention to train as many Guyanese in the medical field.

“We are already looking into how we staff these hospitals because we can’t

just complete the hospitals. We have to now get people to run these hospitals. And therefore, that’s a big challenge now. And we may have to recruit people from abroad, apart from training our own people. And that’s why we keep seeing as many people who want to go into training in the medical field. We will pay for them to be trained too, like nurses, nursing aides, and stuff like that,” the PPP General Secretary had explained.

Regional Hospitals at Diamond and Enmore in Region Four, as well as Bath on the West Coast of Berbice in Region Five are poised for completion by year-end.

Progress is also underway for hospitals at Lima in Region Two, De Kinderen in Region Three and No. 75 Village in Region Six which are all scheduled for completion within the first quarter of next year.

No payment for house lot should be made ...

However, he noted that as government work to deliver on its promise of 50,000 house lots by 2025, the general public must be vigilant and communicate directly with the CH&PA throughout their homeownership process.

“We do not have an MMG system for the payment of house lots, so if anybody else is telling you otherwise must know it’s something illegal. And for our listeners, if somebody picks up the phone and call you, you must ask yourself how come I am getting a call that’s not from the ministry? How

come I am getting a call not from an official person?” the Minister posited.

As it relates to security, Minister Croal revealed that the enforcement department at CH&PA is being strengthened to resolve such issues.

Croal who was at the time addressing new homeowners at the Ministry’s Regional Office in Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara (WBD) also encouraged those who have fallen prey to such scams to not let perpetrators get away with this crime by choosing to follow through with complaints lodged to

the ministry and Guyana Police Force (GPF).

“When you can persons for statements, then they provide any, say I don’t want to proceed further. But we can’t get persons to be convicted or be able to even charge if the police don’t get a statement to work with. So, we have to help each other too, its not just about complaining, it takes both ways for us to address this issue,” he urged.

The process of applying for house lots, land and units starts with an official application (which can be purchased at the


Ministry’s head Office on Brickdam, for GY$200, a valid form of identification (passport or national identification card), proof or affidavit of income, TIN certificate, and marriage certificate if applicable. These documents must be submitted to the CH&PA office directly, where applications are lodged following a short interview. These applications are then processed using a chronological method. Thereafter, payments are made to CH&PA under the various methods provided/ advised by the authority. (G1)

President Dr Irfaan Ali

to seize opportunities to make mark in society

rowing up at a time when handmade lamps powered by kerosene oil were the only nightlights available, Jaremy Boyal of Warapoka Village has witnessed a significant transformation in the livelihoods of indigenous folks, especially those who live in far-flung areas where huge gaps exist when compared to coast landers.

However, as more is being done to bridge those gaps as the years go by, he believes that more indigenous youths should seek out and take up the opportunities that are becoming available, in order to better their lives and make a lasting mark on their communities, and ultimately their country.

Boyal, a 39-year-old father of three, is currently the Toshao of Warapoka located on the Waini River in the Moruca Sub District of Region One (BarimaWaini).

Warapoka being a traditional Warrau Village that is some 7000-yearsold; it was originally called Awaraboko after the first settlers of the community.

“Warapoka is not the same village as in the 80’s and 90’s. Lots of development projects are going on presently: water well drilling now, renovation to the school building and teachers’ quarters, CSO [Community Support Officers], CIIP, pathway workers, all working. In the early, morning people going to their farms, fishermen coming from the

nights’ catch, school children walking to school…”

Boyal reflected on the advancements now, compared to when he was growing up.

Despite the lack of access, resources and opportunities available back then, Boyal has managed to emerge as a well-respected indigenous leader, who works tirelessly to ensure the lives of his people


“I have always wanted to be part of developing my village and having the village residents see the potential and put their trust in me,” he remarked.

“I was elected as the Toshao in 2021. Now being the Toshao for the second term I have the opportunity to see my vision for the village start to materialise.


Warapoka Village (Reel Guyana photo)
Jaremy Boyal of Warapoka Village

Deep within the interiors of the hinterlands of Guyana there are a range of significant taste that have been preserved for thousands of years through various strategic ways of cooking.

These cuisines had a distinct hold on not only the taste buds of patrons who were present at the but also on their noses as well as soon as they hit the door at the Amerindian Heritage Month exhibition at Sophia.

The Guyana times got the opportunity to find out more about the styles of cooking from various Indigenous exhibitors.

Just at the entrance at the entry of the Amerindian Heritage Month exhibition patrons were greeted with a bang, and not too far from the entrance, was a booth who was showcasing cassava bread.

Cassava bread

As the mouthwatering crumbs of the bread were spotted around the mouths of many patrons, Kathy Johnson, one of the exhibitors explained the process in making the cassava bread for indigenous cuisines

“For the Cassava, well you have to scrape it and

then you have to wash it in a tub with something we call a Matapie, which is like a strainer. some people matapie it, take out the juice till it get hard and then you take that and then you set your pan and put it on the fire.”

She also added that there is a distinct difference between bitter and sweet cassava stating that it must be acknowledge and if not analysed properly persons can become ill from the bit-

ter cassava and you have to be very careful with how you are cooking the bitter cassava…there is a certain way that you can tell, bitter cassava is harder but has a much higher cyanide content…Bitter varieties of cassava require more extensive processing, like grating or pounding and soaking in

ter one and possibly die – thus highlighting the importance of having it properly checked out.

water, before boiling.”

can be mixed with Labba. Labba is delicacy, and a type of rodent which resembles an Agouti and is found within Guyana and South America.

“The Labba only comes out at night so we hunt them in the night and because those are the easiest times to catch them. When they are caught, we boil them and them removes their hair and then we clean them properly just like you would clean any normal meat and you can bake it, roast it, fry it, or boil it.”

Tacoma Worms

Not too far off from Johnson’s booth was another booth which was showcasing living and caught moving Tacoma Worms.

They were available to eat in two forms - Roasted and ready for the on-thespot consumption.

Though it was feared to eat by the patrons’ exhibitors explained how to eat this worm.

“It is eaten by crushing the head of the worm and then eating the body, the worm is very slimy but it is satisfying, many persons prefer for it to be eaten roasted.

Many patrons gathered around the Tacoma booth in shock as they witnessed the Amerindian persons eating the worms

The Tacoma Worm, this delectable treat can be found in the heart of palm trees. The Tacoma worm, also known as the Coconut worm, contrary to popular belief, is not an actual worm but the larvae of the Red palm weevil

Cassava bread and juices showcased at the event
The entrance to the exhibition
Grilled Tacoma worms

I might not be able to accomplish all my visions but I have already worked with the village and developed our 10-year sustainable plan so incoming Toshaos can continue to follow the plan,” he noted.

Boyal was first introduced to schooling in the barracks at Warapoka.

At the age of 9, however, he moved to the nearby village of Kwebanna where he attended the primary school.

Thereafter, he attended the Santa Rosa Secondary School where he wrote his Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) exams.

After secondary school, Boyal landed a job with the Guyana Marine Conservation Society, an organisation that was established in 2000 by Annette Arjoon.

“There I got the knowledge of tourism and conservation,” Boyal reflected with gratitude, reminding that “back then opportunities were not as many as now for school leavers”.

Through his experiences

gained, Boyal developed a strong passion for tourism and conservation and now, he plays a leading role in promoting his own village’s tourism and that of its entire district.

More so, because of his expertise, he was selected to be the leader of a team that is helping to promote tourism in the Rupununi, located on the complete opposite end of the map from his hometown.

Though the geography and landscapes of two regions are vastly different, Boyal explained that he was able to offer guidance in terms of developing the governance side of tourism for the villages.

“…how to really manage a community-owned and operated tourism business, in terms of the terms of reference for the tourism committee and village council, what rules can be made so you can have a smooth governance structure, roles and responsibilities [of persons involved to avoid conflicts], etc.,” he explained, noting

too that it is a learning experience for him.

“As much as we’re doing tourism, conservation on a larger scale is not what we have been doing but it’s something that we want to do,” Boyal added.

According to him, “one of my dreams for my village was to promote it as a tourism destination.”

“I would like to see my village as the leading village for tourism and conservation initiatives in the region while supporting other villages,” Boyal remarked. Already, he has worked with others to set up a Region One Tourism Committee and he is currently the Chairperson for the Moruca District Council which will soon be applying for legal rec-


Boyal also served as a National Toshao Council Executive member on the previous body, which he explained gave him insights on indigenous development through different lenses.

“Having my village as the leading village in tourism in the region and Moruca district is one that make me proud,” Boyal expressed.

Reflecting on his life and the opportunities he has seized and is currently using to make a difference, Toshao Boyal is encouraging other indigenous youths to follow suit, notwithstanding their challenges.

“To all those persons, especially those in the hinterland of Guyana who feels there is not enough opportunities out there, is to reach out to NGOs, Government, make yourself available. Develop a plan for the village and yourself and most importantly work hard and make a sacrifice. Success comes by hard work and commitment,” Boyal guaranteed.

Annette Arjoon and Jaremy Boyal

Cassava bread pizza

A variety of foods were showcased and shockingly it was showed that the Amerindian people made cassava bread pizza.

Sabanto Onyi, Onyi meaning beautiful owner of Wakapoa pride indigenous foods explained how she has been capturing the tastebuds of many through this dish.

Pizza cannot only be made out of normal wheat bread as most would assume, but it can also be made out of cassava bread.

“So the cassava bread pizza is made with the normal dried cassava and I add a series of topping on It, from veggies etc. And on top of that I usually put whatever type of meat you would like and on top of that I

ensure to stack it with enough cheese, and trust me when you taste it you will like it and a quarter of it just a thousand dollars and two persons can eat comfortable from that serving.”

The Amerindian population did not hold back from their expertise showcasing their naturally styled juices

Delores Isaacs explained the process in making some of

these juices.

“I have potato, watermelon, cane and pineapple juice and to be honest it feels really nice being Amerindian and getting these whines and I enjoy doing this every year but it is very hard at times to make them because for instance this potato I have to boil out the skin and then you have to wait two days for it to finish a lot of work we

put into making these juices.”

Since its inception, every year in the month of September, Guyanese from all walks of life celebrate the country’s Indigenous culture through numerous activities including food and craft exhibitions, pageants, cultural extravaganza, sport activities and the Village Heritage Day celebrations. (G2)

Sanitation project benefits families across Regions 5, 6

Seventeen families in Berbice have had their outhouses upgraded to modern sanitary facilities.

The $17 million project stretched from Crabwood Creek at the easternmost part of Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) and included families throughout the coast, East Canje, and on the East Bank of Berbice. Beneficiaries of the project were also from Bath Settlement in Region Five (East Berbice-Corentyne).

The project was done by the Rotary Club of New Amsterdam in collaboration with the Church of LatterDay Saints.

A toilet, bath, and a face sink were supplied for each home. Some were also fitted with storage facilities.

“The homes fitted with storage facilities was an ‘as needs basis’ and based on the water pressure in that

specific area,” President of the Rotary Club of New Amsterdam, Kean Rein disclosed.

The Club over the years has been focusing on assisting in areas of clean water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Immediate Past President of the Club, Rafeek Kasim said the gov-

ernment also supported the project through Guyana Water Inc.

“I remember that in one area in Region Five when we started, there was no water but yesterday on our final inspection we saw that there was a service connection to those homes. We are grateful for that because had

it not been for water these projects would have been of no use,” he pointed out.

The church is a service body which contributes a lot of its resources towards the upliftment of communities.

Pastor Dian Sellers explained that when she and her husband arrived in Guyana fifteen months ago, the church was involved in the ‘dirt project’.

This project entailed the supplying of dirt to raise the level of the land to reduce flooding on properties that were considered as low.

“We thought that it did not seem like the right type of thing to do because that dirt will just wash away if there is nothing to guard

it; that is how we put our minds together to come up with something better – so we came up with the sanitation project.”

One of the beneficiaries, Lalita Bridgelall of Canefield East Canje said the upgrade is of great benefit to her.

“We had a yard toilet and one day when I was not at home, Sister Natasha came and they told me that they are going to make a toilet for me. The new toilet and bathroom is okay,” the woman told this publication.

Another beneficiary

Seepaul Ramlochan of the same village said he too had a toilet situated in his backyard and one day got a surprise visit.

“I see some people came to my home and they called me out of my house and they asked if I need a flush toilet and a bathroom. I tell them yes. Eventually, I see Mr. Kassim came and he located a spot and it was done. I am very thankful for the washroom and the toilet.”

The Rotary Club of New Amsterdam and the Church of Latter-Day Saints have been collaborating on projects since 2016. Some of the projects they successfully undertook include a clean water initiative which saw thirteen schools receiving water purification systems with the church providing the financing and the club executing. (G4)

250 booths up for grabs as GuyExpo 2024 is launched

GuyExpo 2024, which is set to take place from November 14-17, will feature some 250 booths and is expected to attract approximately 100,000 patrons this year.

This was announced by Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Oneidge Walrond during the launch of the 2024 GuyExpo, held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre on Friday.

Speaking at the launch, Walrond relayed that these anticipated numbers come on the heels of the ministry’s pursuit to surpass last year’s achievements.

Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Oneidge

steadfast in its commitment to supporting small businesses.

“This year’s theme also aligns with the impressive economic growth that the country is currently experiencing. We recorded over 49 percent growth this year alone. According to current media reports, we have seen substantial growth in the non-oil sector with a remarkable double-digit increase for the first half of 2024. We are proud to offer them a platform like GuyExpo to showcase their achievements.”

the expo aligns with international standards.

“Our dedicated team at the ministry is already setting the stage to guarantee that GuyExpo 2024 meets global benchmarks,” she said.

The minister also urged the private sector to participate fully, noting that several sponsors have already committed to the event.

The theme for this year’s GuyExpo is "Guyana on Show: The Fastest

“For this year’s event, we are building from last year’s momentum, aiming even higher. Our goal is to feature at least 250 booths and welcome 100,000 patrons.”

Growing Economy," and Walrond highlighted the link between the expo’s theme and the country’s growth, stating that the government has been

Apart from small businesses, a number of long-standing enterprises will also be participating. She highlighted the rapid progress being made in preparations to ensure

“I’m also pleased to share that we already have several sponsors confirmed, reflecting strong enthusiasm for this year’s event. I strongly encourage all businesses, both large and small, as well as individual entrepreneurs, to seize the opportunity and participate in this year’s event.”

With GuyExpo now

re-established as a cornerstone event of the Tourism Ministry’s calendar, it expects even more companies to take advantage of this significant exposure to boost awareness and drive interest in their offerings. Registration for booth spaces starts on October 1 and ends on October 30. It can be done online via our website at www. or in person at the National Exhibition Centre, Sophia. For more information about GuyExpo, call 219-0087-9. Registration for interested businesses who would like to exhibit products for Guy Expo begins on October 1 to 30.

GuyExpo is Guyana’s largest trade and investment exposition that began in 1995. (G2)


Health Ministry seeking applicants for Guyana’s

1st Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Care

…as new programme is launched at UG

Just one month after launching the Caribbean’s first Bachelor of Science Degree in Respiratory Care (BSRC) at the University of Guyana (UG), the Health Ministry is looking for persons to train and become specialist in field.

The BSRC programme to be administered by UG stemmed from a holistic collaboration between the tertiary institution, the Health Ministry, and the Georgetown Public Hospital Cooperation (GPHC).

It was developed in 11 months with the primary aim of expanding Guyana’s academic offerings and strengthening competencies in clinical healthcare skills, respiratory therapy, and technology and instrumentation, among others.

Further, the Bachelor of

Science Degree in Respiratory Care (BSRC) programme gives students a foundation in cardiopulmonary care and prepares them for careers as respiratory therapists providing patient care in hospitals, pediatric clinics, extended care facilities, sleep labs, and more.

In an interview with this publication on Saturday, Head of the Spirometry Department at the GPHC, Dr. Waleema Bacchus-Ali disclosed that the ministry intends to start the course with a batch of 15 students.

She said consideration will be extended to other individuals who apply but didn’t meet the criteria for the programme.

As such, they can be shortlisted for the next semester in 2025.

The course is slated to commence on September 16, in both hybrid and face-to-face format.

“So, the classes the first year, because it’s a four-year programme, the first year will be at the University of Guyana where that will be face-to-face classes full-time. And then for the latter three years, then it will take more of a hybrid approach where they’re going to have face-to-face classes, they’re going to have online classes, and they’re also going to have to be doing clinicals at the hospital… So, they go on to the University of Guyana new student login page. They will have to create a student ID on the university page and then they go to College of Medical Sciences. The programme will be listed there. Respiratory therapy. They just click on it and you follow the instructions after,” Dr. Bacchus-Ali explained

Speaking on the importance of the programme, Dr. Bacchus-Ali added that the ini-

play a crucial role in supporting the Government’s efforts to provide world-class healthcare services.

tiative will boost Guyana’s capability to manage and grapple with the effects of serious threats like COVID 19, which severely affects the respiratory system.

She added that these skilled professionals will also

“This programme here actually will build capacity in more specialised management in critical care, so we’re looking at the people who are in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), the newborns who are in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), people who are in HDU (High-dependency unit), the heart patients who are in the cardiac intensive care unit. It provides specialised care in terms of airway management, maintaining your airway, ventilator management, administering aerosolised treatment. It will also focus on chronic diseases, respiratory chronic diseases, so patients who have asthma, who have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) are going to receive more specialised care,” she added.

Requirements for admission Applicants must have passes in five subjects at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examination, with grades one to three. These must include English Language or Mathematics, along with any two of the following science subjects: Biology/Human Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Integrated Science (Single Award); Applicants must be a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of Guyana or hold foreign registration that is accepted by both the Nursing Council and the University of Guyana; Applicants must be at least 21 years old, have a minimum of five years of relevant work experience, and pass the University of Guyana Entrance Examination (UGEE); Any qualification deemed equivalent by the University to the above criteria will also be considered. (G1)

Head of the Spirometry Department at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), Dr Waleema Bacchus-Ali

Tender out for Hope-like canal in Region 5 – Agri Minister

…says contracts already awarded for similar structures in Region 6

In an effort to ensure the country, including farmers, are protected from flooding, contracts have been awarded for two new Hope Canal replicas in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), with tenders also currently out for a similar structure in Region Five (MahaicaBerbice).

During a meeting with residents in Region Six, Agriculture Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha informed them on the government’s ambitious plans for drainage and irrigation, including the Hopelike canals they are building across the country.

“Not so long ago, we were in Black Bush explaining to the residents, to you the farmers, on

some of the large projects that we’ll be doing. Like the Hope-like canal, we’ve started that. The entire construction of the Hopelike canal has been awarded. And the embankment has commenced from number 66 to Canje. That will prevent the water

from the backlands coming over into your housing and cultivating area.”

“We have also awarded the two Hope-like canals that will be constructed at Numbers 51/52 and Lancaster/Manchester. But there are a number of internal canals that will be leading to these major high-level canals. That’s a major investment, be-

cause that was a commitment we made to the people of this country, when

we went to the elections,” he explained.

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha
The Northern Relief Channel

State funeral for Sir Shridath Ramphal set for Sept 14

President Dr. Irfaan Ali has announced that a state funeral will be held for late son of the soil and elder statesman, Sir Shridath ‘Sonny’ Ramphal, for whom tributes have been pouring in from different corners of the world since his passing on August 30.

According to a statement from the government, Ramphal’s state funeral will be held at the Promenade Gardens, Georgetown, on September 14th, where tributes to the life and legacy of the former Commonwealth Secretary-General will be observed.

It was explained that following the funeral, where his lifelong service to Guyana, the Caribbean, the Commonwealth, and the world, his body will then be conveyed to The Place of The Seven Ponds in the Botanical Gardens.

“His Excellency, President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, has announced that a National Funeral of Honour, will be held on Saturday, 14th September 2024, in tribute to the life and legacy of Sir Shridath Surendranath Ramphal, OE, OCC, GCMG, AM. Sir Shridath, a distinguished son of Guyana, former Commonwealth SecretaryGeneral, and a towering figure in global diplomacy, will be honoured for his lifelong service to the nation, the Caribbean, the Commonwealth, and the world.”

“The funeral will take place at the Promenade Gardens, Georgetown, commencing at 15:00 hours, to be followed by interment at The Place of the Seven Ponds in the Botanical Gardens. This solemn occasion will be observed with the full ceremonial tributes befitting Sir Shridath’s monumental contributions to Guyana, including the preservation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to the global community,” the government said in its statement.

Further, the government invited all Guyanese to join in paying their final respects to “a man whose extraordinary vision and tireless dedication have left an indelible mark on our country and the world.”

Sir Shridath Ramphal passed away on August 30, 2024, surrounded by

his children in Barbados where he lived for several decades. He was 96 at the time of his passing.

The statesman was born on October 3, 1928, in New Amsterdam, British Guiana (now Guyana) and educated at King’s College London and Gray’s Inn, London, Sir Shridath was predeceased by his beloved wife of 67 years, Lady Lois

Ramphal, on September 20, 2019.

His distinguished career spanned numerous pivotal roles: Assistant Attorney-General of the West Indies Federation, Minister of Justice and Foreign Affairs of Guyana, and Secretary-General of the Commonwealth. He also held concurrent po-

sitions as Chancellor of the University of Guyana (UG), the University of the West Indies (UWI), and Warwick University.

He was the only individual to have served on all the Global Commissions that produced landmark reports on the environment, development, and disarmament between 1980 and 1995. As Chairman of the West Indian Commission, his 1992 report, “Time for Action,” remains a seminal blueprint for Caribbean development.

Globally respected, Sir Shridath served in various capacities, including President of the World Conservation Union, Special Adviser to the UN Conference on Environment and Development, and Chief Negotiator for the Caribbean on External Economic Relations. He was also a mediator and facilitator in elections and constitutional crises.

Sir Shridath ‘Sonny’ Ramphal
The Place of The Seven Ponds

Soldier jailed, fined $28M for drug trafficking

…colleague released on $350K bail

A40-year-old Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Corporal, has been sentenced to three years in prison and fined over $28 million for drug trafficking.

The sentence was delivered to Edward McCalmont on Wednesday by Principal Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrates' Courts after McCalmont changed his plea from not guilty to guilty.

The charges against McCalmont stem from a police operation on July 27, 2024. Acting on intelligence, Special Branch and other police units intercepted McCalmont and his colleague, 24-year-old GDF Lance Corporal John Johnson, on Mandela

Avenue, Georgetown. The soldiers were traveling in a Route 42

minibus, owned and driven by McCalmont, which was found to contain 316 pounds of marijuana packed in 49 large parcels.

Both soldiers were arrested and taken to the East La Penitence Police Station in Georgetown, where the narcotics were weighed and confirmed. While McCalmont was sentenced to prison, Johnson, who was initially remanded, was granted $350,000 bail. He is scheduled to return to court on September 25, 2024.

Just days before McCalmont and Johnson’s arrest, two GDF sergeants, Clovis Sam and Adisa Higgins, were also arrested in a separate operation. They were found with 154 pounds of marijuana and have been remanded to prison. That case is ongoing. (G9)

Escaped prisoner recaptured in Georgetown

Isaiah Daniels, also known as Isaiah Greaves, who escaped from custody during a medical appointment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Friday, has been recaptured.

The prisoner, held at Lusignan Prison on charges of robbery under arms, managed to flee the hospital premises around 11:30h but was apprehended later that evening in Sophia, Greater Georgetown, by members of the Joint Service, according to reports.

This incident follows closely after another escape attempt on August 23, 2024, when Bevon Stephon Griffith, alias “Spoony,” tried to break out of the Camp Street Prison while serving a murder sentence.

Griffith was quickly subdued after being shot by prison guards during his escape, which raised concerns about security protocols within the prison system.

Daniels’ escape highlighted vulnerabilities in security measures, particularly during prisoner transport for external medical visits. His brief period of freedom raised alarms, leading the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) to issue a wanted bulletin and intensify efforts to recapture him.

Since his recapture, the GPS in a statement has expressed appreciation to both the public and the Joint Service for their swift response in recapturing Daniels. (G9)

Recaptured: Isaiah Daniels also known as Isaiah Greaves
Edward McCalmont and John Johnson with the ganja that was found in the minibus

Tender out for Hope-like canal...

The minister recalled that back in 2021, one of the most devastating floods occurred. Further, he noted that many farmers lost livestock, cash crops and even equipment as a result. As such, he emphasised the importance of the investments being made.

“We said we would construct high level canals so that we could prevent flooding. And Black bush polder is an area that is very prone to flooding in our country. You know for a fact that you would have lost a lot of livestock and crops, during the period when you had floods,” the Minister further explained.

Meanwhile in an interview with this publication, Mustapha further explained that similar projects will be done in Region Five, where Hopelike canals, also known as high level canals, will be built.

“Similar work will be done in Region Five. That tender is out now, and those contracts will be awarded. From Mahaica to Abary, you’ll get an embankment and then you’ll have at places like Cottage and other parts of Region Five,” Mustapha explained.

The Hope Canal, or Northern Relief Channel, which is located at Hope/ Dochfour, is a multi-component channel that al-

lows excess water from the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) to be drained into the Atlantic Ocean via an eight-door sluice, so as to avoid overflowing and possible flooding.

The Hope Canal has been instrumental in preventing massive flooding along the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) during the unprecedented MayJune floods. As far back as 2021, the Government had announced that similar infrastructure would be constructed in other regions to curb devastating floods. These include Regions Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), Five (Mahaica-Berbice) and Six (East Berbice-


Studies have been done in 2022 to determine whether the water captured at the Hope Canal facility can be treated to be used as a sustainable source to serve the ECD corridor. It was noted that this initiative to reuse the Hope Canal water is necessary, as Guyana confronts climate change as well as responds to the growing demands for more service connections.

This project is also part of the government’s

plan to provide 100 per cent access to treated water on the coast by 2025. Last year, Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal had said that the feasibility study for the Hope Canal replica had already been completed and the next step is to source funding for the project, which is estimated to cost some €55 million.

Meanwhile, during his visit with the Region Six residents at the Mibicuri Community Centre Ground, many of

them from Black Bush Polder, six farmers' groups also received a number of farming tools and implements to assist with boosting their production.

Minister Mustapha said that the distribution was part of an ongoing nationwide programme to ensure farmers' groups across the country have access to critical tools and implements. He also said that every member of the group was entitled to access the tools to develop their farms.


Guyana discuss key economic, energy projects with US

During a recent four-day visit to the United States (US), Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh, engaged in high-level discussions aimed at deepening economic and bilateral relations between Guyana and the US. Accompanied by Guyana’s Ambassador to the US, Samuel Hinds, Dr. Singh met with several key officials to advance cooperation in areas including trade, development, and security.

In Washington, Dr. Singh first met with Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Kaplan of the US Department of Treasury. The discussion focused on Guyana’s recent economic developments and potential collaborations, with Dr. Singh reaffirming the Guyanese Government’s commitment to maintaining a favorable macroeconomic environment for US businesses.

He also held talks with Deputy Administrator for Policy and Programming at USAID, Isobel Coleman. They reviewed Guyana's impressive economic growth figures, including a 49.7 per cent overall growth and a 12.6 per cent increase in nonoil sectors for the first half of 2024. The two sides dis-

cussed ways to leverage this growth for the benefit of all Guyanese. At the State Department, Dr. Singh met with Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Jose W. Fernandez, and Assistant Secretary Geoffrey R. Pyatt. The conversation

centered on enhancing cooperation in energy security, human capital development, and pandemic preparedness. Dr. Singh expressed gratitude for US support in Guyana’s democratic restoration and its stance on the Guyana/Venezuela border issue.

Further discussions with Assistant US Trade Representative Daniel Watson focused on bol-

stering trade and investment ties, with Dr. Singh highlighting the US as a major trading partner and underscoring the government’s commitment to a robust business environment.

Singh’s visit also included a meeting with EXIM Bank Senior Advisor Larry T. Decker, where they discussed the bank’s support for Guyana’s GtE Project.

This initiative aims to reduce electricity costs and lessen the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels.

The finance minister also met with Executive President of the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) Sergio Díaz-Granados. The discussion explored potential partnerships with CAF to finance Guyana’s ongoing infrastructure development and economic diversification efforts.

The minister explained that the government is open to partnership with CAF and would like to see the bank play a role in Guyana’s exciting transformation currently underway. The two sides also explored ways in which the financial institution can partner with the Government to ensure that the current aggressive infrastructure build-out is financed optimally, and that critical investments are made toward further boosting the economy and diversifying a number of critical sectors in the country.

US Agency for International Development Deputy Administrator for Policy and Programming, Isobel Coleman, and Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh
Finance Minister meeting with US Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Jose W. Fernandez, and Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Energy Resources, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, at the State Department in Washington DC

Sod turned for construction of new $198M Orealla Secondary School

In a major boost for education in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), Education Minister, Priya Manickchand on Saturday officially turned the sod to commence the construction of the new Orealla Secondary School.

Located in Orealla, a riverain village along the Berbice River, this project represents a major investment in the local educational infrastructure, with a total project value of $198,866,010.

According to the education ministry in a release, the new Orealla Secondary School will feature six modern classrooms, four specialised laboratories, and a wellequipped library, aimed at providing a high-quality learning environment for approximately 180 students. The facility will serve the educational needs of stu-

dents from both Orealla and the nearby Siparuta area, addressing a critical gap in educational resources.

Awarded through a competitive bidding process in accordance with the Public Procurement

Act on the World Wide Web, the project has been entrusted to 4S Security & Building Enterprise, under the supervision of CEMCO Incorporated.

The initial mobilisation amount for the project is G$59,659,803.

Construction began on September 2, 2024, with an anticipated comple-

tion within six months. Manickchand highlighted the government's ongoing commitment to advancing educational opportunities and infrastructure across Guyana. She emphasised that the new school is part of a broader initiative to enhance the quality of education and provide

students with the necessary resources for academic excellence.

The ministry in its release stated that the school is poised to make a substantial impact on the local community, ensuring that students in this riverain village and the surrounding areas benefit from improved educational facilities.

Education Minister Priya Manickchand and representatives from the contracting firm and regional officials turning the sod on Saturday
A section of the gathering at the sod-turning ceremony (RCD 6 photo)

Programme launched to boost CSME awareness among Caribbean youths

Given the fact that many Caribbean youths remain unaware of the Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME) and its benefits to their lives, due to several issues, including the fact that the CSME is not adequately incorporated into educational curricula and limited engagement and interest from youths, stakeholders across Caricom have launched the Caricom Young Professionals Programme (CYPP). This initiative aims to address these barriers and better equip the region's youth to take advantage of the opportunities presented by regional integration.

According to a recent press release from the CARICOM Secretariat, Programme Manager for Youth Development at the Caricom Secretariat Michele Small-Bartley highlighted that the CARICOM’s CYPP has the potential to bridge gaps and create renewed interest in CSME among youths. She affirms that the CSME is a critical

vehicle to drive economic growth and foster regional cooperation in the Caribbean.

“We must prioritise educational reform, targeted outreach, youth engagement, and skills development to bridge the gap in awareness and empower young people to actively participate in and benefit from the CSME’s opportunities,” she stated.

The CYPP is a fourmonth programme which aims to build the capacity of Caricom nationals aged 24 to 35 years by providing them with the relevant knowledge and skills to promote the implementation of the CSME regime. It will also focus on helping young people better understand and navigate the complexities of the CSME through comprehensive training, workshops, and educational resources using an experiential approach to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Through this process, young professionals will be empowered to advocate for their inter-

Programme Manager for Youth Development at the CARICOM Secretariat, Michele Small-Bartley

ests and priorities within the CSME framework, thus ensuring their voices are heard in policy discussions and decision-making processes at the national and regional levels.

The initiative will facilitate platforms, forums, and networking events where young professionals can connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas with peers, mentors, policymakers, and business leaders across the Caribbean region. It also seeks to establish a CARICOM Young Professional Network, fostering a sense of community and

advocating for greater youth involvement in the decision-making process related to the implementation of the CSME regime.

Notably SmallBartley is also advocating for prioritising educational reform, targeted outreach, youth involvement, and skills development so stakeholders can bridge the gap in awareness and empower young people to actively participate in and benefit from the CSME’s opportunities. “The vision of a prosperous and integrated Caribbean region can

only be realised through collective effort,” stated Small-Bartley. Meanwhile, recognising the important role youths play in society, CSME Director, Leo Preville highlighted that youths will play a crucial role in the development of the CSME. The director championed the integral role of youths in the CSME during the launch of the Caricom Youth AmbassadorsCSME Attachment Programme at the Caricom Secretariat Headquarters in Georgetown, Guyana.

Where he noted that the CSME is working towards building a region that is focused on development. On this point the director explained that the CARICOM Youth Ambassadors are key stakeholders in the region’s development. He further noted that the demographic of the region consists of a fairly young population. In this regard Preville underscored that the ambassadors will be used to educate and speak with youths in the Caribbean in a language that they can identify with.

CARICOM Youth Ambassadors

Omai Gold Mines hits 3.13 g/t gold over 43.0 metres at Wenot, Guyana

Omai Gold Mines Corp has reported drill results from the company’s Omai gold project in Guyana. To date in 2024, 10 diamond drill holes have been completed totalling 3,732 metres and drilling continues. A second drill commenced in late August. Assays have been received for seven holes and additional assays are pending.

Highlights include –Hole 24ODD078: 2.20 g/t gold over 43.7 metres and 3.13 g/t gold over 43.0 metres. Hole 24ODD-076: 2.89 g/t Au over 22.0 m and 1.48 g/t Au over 22.0 m.

Hole 24ODD-077: 2.46 g/t Au over 18.9 m, 1.01 g/t Au over 25.5 m, 2.08 g/t Au over 10.8 m and 4.19 g/t Au over 4.8 m. Hole 24ODD075: 1.26 g/t Au over 21.5 m.

President & CEO, Elaine Ellingham commented, “We are very pleased with these first results from our 2024 drill program and have dou-

bled the size of the program to 10,000 metres.

Following completion of our Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Wenot open pit deposit in April, and a C$13m financing in June we prepared plans to drill several high potential areas on the Omai property that we believe will move us towards our goal of significantly expanding the mine plan for Omai beyond our baseline PEA, with higher annual production, a longer mine life and enhanced economics.

The April PEA incorpo-

rates only 45% of the property’s Mineral Resource Estimate and much of our planned program is also targeting an expansion to our already substantial gold resources.”

The planned drill program for 2024-25 will test several areas, including extensions to Wenot to the east and west, splays identified to the northeast, at depth, and very importantly along the southern side of the Wenot deposit. The Wenot deposit is very large with a strike length of at least 2.4 km and with

multiple subparallel gold mineralized zones spanning a 400+ metre width. Additional targets on the Omai property will also be drilled as some are near surface and high-grade that could bolster the grade profile in the early years of a production scenario.

Assays have been received for seven diamond drill holes. Four holes were completed (24ODD-075 to -078), testing large gaps on the south, sediment side of the Wenot deposit that were included in the PEA pit as “waste” but have seen little to no drilling. Gold mineralization within these sediment-hosted zones along strike provides evidence of the potential for these to continue through the gap areas.

Based on these successes testing the “gap zones”, additional holes have been planned and will proceed in the near-term. As per our operating methodology, a limited number of

holes will be completed on specific targets and additional drilling on that each target awaits the assay results and interpretive work to optimize the effectiveness of the holes that follow.

Currently, a series of three 150-metre spaced drill holes is underway to test along the Wenot deposit at a depth of approximately 450m. Relative to other deposits in Guyana, the Wenot Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 834,000 indicated ounces of gold grading 1.48 g/t Au and 1,614,000 inferred ounces of gold grading 1.99 g/t Au is quite shallow, with 81% of the 1.9 million ounces within the PEA pit lying above a 330m depth. The very limited drilling below the 350m level presents significant potential to expand the Wenot deposit to depth along the full 2.5 km strike length. The deepest hole to date was 23ODD-064 which intersected multiple gold

zones, with the deepest intersection of 5.18 g/t Au over 20.2 m (including 12.7 g/t Au over 7.9m) being at approximately 460m below surface.

Drilling at Omai is expected to continue until early December at which time we expect to commence work towards an updated Mineral Resource Estimate.

The most recent NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate for the Omai property, dated May 21, 2024 includes a Wenot resource of 834,000 indicated ounces of gold grading 1.48 g/t Au and 1,614,000 inferred ounces of gold grading 1.99 g/t Au. For the adjacent Gilt Creek deposit, the NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate is 1,151,000 indicated ounces of gold grading 3.22 g/t Au and 665,000 inferred ounces of gold grading 3.35 g/t Au, prepared by P&E Mining Consultants Inc. (Resource World Magazine)


People’s Progressive Party General Secretary Dr Bharrat Jagdeo meeting with young members of the Progressive Youth Organization (PYO) at a Youth Camp hosted at Mahdia Sub-District, Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni)

Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh engaging Guyanese as well as several persons from the Caribbean at a diaspora event in Central Park, Schenectady on Saturday (Finance Ministry photos)

Greenheart Gold pursues 100% interest in project near Aurora Gold Mine, Guyana

Greenheart Gold Inc has provided an update on exploration activities at the Company’s two initial gold projects currently in its exploration portfolio: Majorodam in Suriname and Abuya in Guyana (see Figure 1). The Company said that it is also excited to announce the launch of its website,, on its first day of trading on the TSX Venture Exchange.

Majorodam, Suriname Greenheart Gold has an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Majorodam project, located within the Marowijne Greenstone Belt and approximately 120 km south of Paramaribo in Suriname. The optioned area is adjacent to paved roads, about two and a half hour’s drive south of Paramaribo. Greenheart Gold believes that the

Majorodam project is highly prospective and exhibits favorable geology, including reactive host rocks, regional and property scale deformation events including polyphase folding, and the presence of abundant artisanal workings within drainages downstream of the main target areas. Majorodam is situated on the southern limb of the same regional fold structure that hosts the 1.1 Moz Au @ 1.9 g/t Au Saramacca deposit (IAMGOLD 2022 Annual Report), which is located on the northern limb, approximately 12 km from Majorodam as shown in Figure 2. The limbs of this structure contain an abundance of both active and historic alluvial gold mining. Despite the favorable geological setting and excellent access, Majorodam has been largely unexplored for primary gold deposits using

modern exploration methods.

A detailed aeromagnetic survey was flown by the concession holder in 2019 and from this data the Greenheart Gold exploration team has interpreted multiple folding events on the property. Greenheart Gold believes that polyphase deformation events could be a key feature of many deposits found in the Guiana shield, and also relates to the Oko West discovery in Guyana. The Majorodam Project is described in more detail in the Majorodam Technical Report prepared by Ross Sherlock, Ph.D., P.Geo. of Tantalus Geoscience Services Ltd. available on the Company’s website. Initial work has commenced at Majorodam with detailed geological mapping surveys underway and the first phase of a reconnaissance soil sam-

pling program also in progress.

Abuya, Guyana Abuya is an early-stage exploration project located in the northwest portion of Guyana, adjacent to the Cuyuni River and on the western margin of the Aurora batholith and Devil’s Hole Gneiss complex, approx. 15 km west of Zijin's producing Aurora Gold Mine (see Figure 3). Greenheart Gold has an option to acquire a 100% interest in the Abuya Project consisting of twenty medium scale mining permits totaling 90 square kilometers in area. A local prospector is currently carrying out small scale alluvial mining activities with significant success. Greenheart is working in partnership with the prospector to carry out its exploration programs which contributes to its ability to carry out efficient and effective use of exploration funds by sharing camp and equipment operating costs. The project meets most of the geologic criteria that the Greenheart Gold team feel are im-

portant indicators for the potential occurrence of Paleoproterozoic gold mineralization in the Guiana Shield.

Despite the promising geologic setting, the project area has undergone no previous exploration for primary gold deposits, with the area only being noted in a 1968 report that referenced some initial alluvial gold mining activities in the area. The geologic setting at Abuya, which has been confirmed by phase 1 reconnaissance mapping, appears to be similar to that of both Aurora and Oko West with the optioned area being characterized by volcano-sedimentary rock units that are folded and locally sheared in proximity to the margin of the gneiss-granite complex to the east. Additionally, the Ammamuri granite is noted to intrude along the orientation of a regional fold axis and dominates the northwestern portion of the permits. The combination of the identified folding and deformation events with the reactive host rocks and the rheo-

logical contrasts between the adjacent rock units creates a prospective setting for gold mineralization. Greenheart has already completed a phase 1 reconnaissance mapping and soil sampling program at Abuya after only three weeks of field activity on the project, with results pending.

Greenheart Gold is an exploration company looking to build on a proven legacy of discoveries and mine development in the Guiana Shield. The Company was created as a “spin-off” from the business combination between G Mining Ventures Corp. and Reunion Gold Corporation. Following the business combination on July 15, 2024, Greenheart Gold acquired Reunion Gold’s interests in the Majorodam and Abuya gold projects described below and was funded with C$15 million in cash. The Company is led by former executive team members of Reunion Gold, a team that has a proven track record of both exploration success and mine development, and most recently noted for the discovery and delineation of the Oko West deposit, the largest recent gold discovery in the Guiana Shield. Greenheart Gold’s strategy is to focus on gold exploration in the Guiana Shield, an area that still remains under-explored, even though it hosts highly prospective geologic terrains and already boasts numerous gold deposits. The Company is aiming to build a robust portfolio of early-stage exploration projects that encompass the key factors in the geological setting that the exploration team feels were important in the Oko West discovery. Greenheart is focused on gold projects located in Guyana and Suriname, both providing an attractive combination of favorable geology and supportive governments. The Company is currently engaged in numerous discussions to build its exploration project pipeline. (

8-year-old gangsters: T&T cops reveal youths involved in extortion rings

Commissioner of Police (CoP)

Erla HarewoodChristopher is warning parents whose children are involved in criminal activities, that they can and will be held accountable for their offspring’s actions.

She made the comment during a media briefing at the Ministry of National Security, Port-of-Spain, yesterday, after it was announced that two eightyear-olds were part of an extortion ring operating in various parts of the country.

A tough-talking CoP said they will be using every available method, including legislation to reign in truant children, as well as errant parents.HarewoodChristopher said, “We want to advise the parents, because we have children involved in criminal activities, and we are going to use the legislation and hold parents accountable for the activities of their children.”

Earlier, Senior Superintendent, North Central Division, Richard Smith, said parents must know where their children are, as he too warned that they would be taking them to task if their young ones are found engaging in criminal activities.

He revealed that several young people were recently held in an ex-

tortion attempt in his division.

Smith said, “The description of the three persons who went to extort or demand money from a particular businessman was one person between the ages of 17 and 22, and two around the age of eight years.”

Smith challenged parents to ensure they know their children’s

Brazil probes ice buildup in plane crash that killed 62

Apreliminary report into the August crash of an airliner in Brazil found signs of ice buildup on the plane but no definite cause for the accident, the country's Center for Research and Prevention of Aeronautical Accidents (Cenipa) said on Friday.

The document pointed out that icing detectors had been activated on airline Voepass' aircraft, and a Cenipa official told a press conference that cockpit recordings showed the copilot said there was "a lot of icing" during the flight.

According to investigators, that comment indicates that the plane's de-icing system might have failed, but Cenipa said that information still needed to be confirmed.

Three experts interviewed by Reuters suggested that icing could have played a role in the crash, but urged caution as the report is preliminary and accidents are caused by multiple factors.

The ATR-72 aircraft from local carrier Voepass swirled out of control before plunging to the ground on Aug. 9, killing all 62 on


According to Cenipa, investigations into the crash will probably last for over a year.

U.S. aviation safety expert Anthony Brickhouse said: "Everything I have read from the report today is consistent with icing, but accidents are rarely caused by one single event."

According to officials, loss of speed alerts were triggered, but the ATR's crew never declared an emergency situation before the plane spiraled down to the ground.


TTPS to act on not only children but their parents.

Expressing concern after learning from one of his constituents that children of primary school age could be found on the streets as early or late as 3 am, Hinds said, “That is a straight question for parents.”

Scotland also referred to a viral recording of three students gambling in a classroom as the teacher conducted a class, which was circulated earlier this week, saying it was disturbing.

whereabouts at all times.

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds and Minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland both assured there were various pieces of legislation that enabled the

He said this was an indication of just how dire the situation had become and how brazen younger persons were now.

CoP: Homicides up but success recorded

Asked if she agreed the TTPS had crime under control, as had been claimed by Deputy

Police Commissioner Junior Benjamin the day before, the CoP said, “Yes, we have acknowledged that the homicides are out of hand, but we have also acknowledged our successes in terms of violent crime reduction.”

Confronted with a murder toll that stood at 431 for the year up to the time of the briefing, she said, “You also need to know that although we are judged on that singular index of homicides, there are other offences under violent and serious crimes.”

Asked to assess the success of her call for citizens to pray in the fight against crime, Harewood-Christopher said along with intensified efforts by the TTPS, the population should continue to pray.

“I am saying again, you do not discount the value of prayer,” she said. (T&T Guardian)

Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher, left, speaking with National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds at yesterday’s news conference at the Ministry of National Security in Port-of-Spain

Polycystic ovary syndrome is caused by an imbalance of androgens. Common symptoms include ovarian cysts, irregular menstrual periods, and hair on the face and body. Treatment options include hormonal birth control and the diabetes drug metformin.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels.

Women with PCOS produce higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones. This hormone imbalance causes their bodies to skip menstrual periods and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. PCOS also causes hair growth on the face and body, and baldness. And it can contribute to long-term health problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Birth control pills and diabetes drugs (which combat insulin resistance, a PCOS symptom) can help fix the hormone imbalance and improve symptoms.

PCOS is a problem with hormones that affect women during their childbearing years (ages



15 to 44). Between 2.2 and 26.7 percent of women in this age group have PCOS. Many women have PCOS but don’t know it. In one study, up to 70 percent of women with PCOS hadn’t been diagnosed.

PCOS affects a woman’s ovaries, the reproductive organs that produce estrogen and progesterone — hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle. The ovaries also produce a small number of male hormones, called androgens.

The ovaries release eggs to be fertilized by a man’s sperm. The release of an egg each month is called ovulation.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are produced in the pituitary gland, control ovulation.

FSH stimulates the ovary to produce a follicle — a sac that contains an egg — and then LH triggers the ovary to release a mature egg.

PCOS is a “syndrome,” or group of symptoms that affect the ovaries and ovulation. Its three main features are:

* Cysts in the ovaries

* High levels of male hormones

* Irregular or skipped periods.

In PCOS, many small fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries. The word “polycystic” means “many cysts.” These sacs are follicles, each one containing an immature egg. The eggs never mature enough to trigger ovulation. The lack of ovulation alters levels of estrogen, proges-

terone, FSH, and LH. Progesterone levels become lower than usual, while androgen levels become higher than usual. Extra male hormones disrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual.


Doctors don’t know exactly what causes PCOS. They believe that high levels of male hormones prevent the ovaries from producing hormones and making eggs normally. Genes, insulin resistance, and inflammation have all been linked to excess andro-

help the body use sugar from energy foods. When cells can’t use insulin properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases. The pancreas makes more insulin to compensate.

Extra insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more male hormones.

Obesity is a major cause of insulin resistance. Both obesity and insulin resistance can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes.


Women with PCOS often have increased levels of inflammation in their bodies. Being overweight can also contrib-

gen production.


Studies show that PCOS runs in families. It’s likely that many genes — not just one — contribute to the condition.

*Insulin resistance

Up to 70 percent of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces to

symptoms of PCOS are:

*Irregular periods: A lack of ovulation prevents the uterine lining from shedding every month. Some women with PCOS get fewer than eight periods a year, or none at all.

*Heavy bleeding: The uterine lining builds up for a longer period, so the periods you get can be heavier than normal.

*Hair growth: More than 70 percent of women with this condition grow hair on their face and body — including on their back, belly, and chest. Excess hair growth is called hirsutism.

*Acne: Male hormones can make the skin oilier than usual, and cause breakouts in areas like the face, chest, and upper back.

*Weight gain: Up to 80 percent of women with PCOS are overweight, or have obesity.

*Male pattern baldness:

Hair on the scalp gets thinner, and may fall out.

*Darkening of the skin:

ute to inflammation. Studies have linked excess inflammation to higher androgen levels.


Some women start seeing symptoms around the time of their first period. Others discover they have PCOS only after they’ve gained a lot of weight, or they’ve had trouble getting pregnant. The most common

Dark patches of skin can form in body creases like those on the neck, in the groin, and under the breasts.

*Headaches: Hormone changes can trigger headaches in some women.


Having higher-than-normal androgen levels can affect your fertility and other aspects of health.


To get pregnant,

women must ovulate. Women who don’t ovulate regularly don’t release as many eggs to be fertilized. PCOS is one of the leading causes of infertility in women.

*Metabolic syndrome

Up to 80 percent of women with PCOS are overweight or have been. Both obesity and PCOS increase your risk for:

* High blood sugar

* High blood pressure

* Low HDL “good” cholesterol

* High LDL “bad” cholesterol

Together, these factors are called metabolic syndrome, and they increase the risk of: heart disease, diabetes, stroke, sleep apnea.

This condition causes repeated pauses in breathing during the night, which interrupts sleep.

Sleep apnea is more common in women who are overweight — especially if they also have PCOS. The risk for sleep apnea is 5 to 10 times higher in women who have both obesity and PCOS than in those without PCOS.

*Endometrial cancer

During ovulation, the uterine lining is shed. If you don’t ovulate every month, the lining can build up. A thickened uterine lining can increase your risk for endometrial cancer.


Both hormonal changes and symptoms like unwanted hair growth can negatively affect your emotions. Many women with PCOS eventually experience depression and anxiety.

Venezuelan forces surround embassy sheltering opposition figures

Venezuelan security forces have surrounded the Argentine embassy in the capital Caracas, which is sheltering six Venezuelan political figures opposed to President Nicolás Maduro.

Members of the Venezuelan opposition posted images and videos of officers from the country’s intelligence service forming a perimeter around the embassy complex.

Opposition figures inside the building said they were under "siege" by Mr Maduro's regime.

The embassy, as well as Argentine interests in Venezuela, have been represented by Brazil since diplomatic relations between Argentina and Venezuela broke down over the summer due to the outcome of Venezuela's


presidential election.

On Saturday, the Venezuelan government revoked Brazil's custody of the embassy, it said, in an apparent attempt to remove its diplomatic protection.

Argentina is among several countries to have disputed the official results of the presidential election, which gave Mr Maduro a third term.

Others have called on the Venezuelan government to publish voting data, while allies of Mr Maduro - including Russia and China - have recognised his victory.

Voting tallies published by the Venezuelan opposition indicate its candidate, Edmundo González, won - but western nations have stopped short of recognising him as the presi-

Bolivia declares national emergency due to forest fires

Bolivia declared a national emergency due to raging forest fires the country's defense ministry announced on Saturday.

In a press conference, defense minister Edmundo Novillo said the national emergency would allow the country to quickly coordinate international support.

"This will allow us to have more agile and effective support from friendly countries and from international cooperation," Novillo said. Bolivia has seen the largest number of wildfires since 2010 with at least 3 million hectares (7.5 million acres) burned this year according to Inpe, Brazil's space research agency that monitors fires.

South America is in the throes of its peak fire season, that spans August and September,

A general view of the city of La Paz covered by thick smoke from wildfires in Bolivia and neighbouring Brazil, according to local authorities in La Paz, Bolivia, September 5, 2024 (REUTERS/Claudia Morales/ File Photo)

after an unusually early fire season started devastating the country in July following a drought. Bolivia's firefighting forces are stretched thin and the government has called for international aid. Indigenous volunteers tried to protect land they use to grow crops and feed livestock

near the Chiquitano forest north of Concepcion that extends towards Brazil and Paraguay, but some were forced to evacuate. Brazil has also seen major blazes in cities and the Amazon rainforest is off to the worst start in two decades after a record drought. (Reuters)

The latest actions by the Venezuelan government come after the Argentine foreign ministry said it would ask the International Criminal Court to issue arrest warrants for Mr Maduro and other senior officials. Pedro Urruchurtu Noselli, an adviser to opposition leader María Corina Machado, who has been at the embassy since March, wrote on X that as of Saturday morning, there was "an increasing presence of hooded officials.

"They have closed off vehicular traffic on the street. We are still without electricity."

Meanwhile Omar

Gonzalez Moreno, another opposition official, said that the embassy had been without electricity since Friday evening.

"The siege and threat of attack on the Argentine diplomatic headquarters in Caracas, represented by Brazil, by security agents of the Maduro regime continues," he added.

The Venezuelan government said it had been forced to take action after it supposedly uncovered "evidence of the use of the facilities... for the planning of terrorist activities and assassination attempts" against Mr Maduro and his deputy.

Brazil said in a subsequent statement that it

would continue to represent Argentina's interests in Venezuela until another government was selected to fulfil the role.

It emphasised "the inviolability of the facilities of the Argentine diplomatic mission".

The Argentine foreign affairs ministry said in its own statement: "Any attempt to interfere or kidnap asylum seekers staying in our official residence will be harshly condemned by the international community.

"Actions such as these reinforce the belief that fundamental human rights are not respected in Maduro's Venezuela."

The foreign ministry of Chile criticised Venezuela for what it described as acting "without justification", adding the move showed "serious disregard" for international convention on diplomatic premises.

Venezuela's decision has also attracted condemnation from Paraguay and Uruguay. (BBC)

T&T records 13 dengue-related deaths

Trinidad and Tobago has recorded its 13th dengue-related death with health authorities saying Friday, that the number of cases had surpassed 1,300.

In a statement, the Ministry of Health said there were 1,315 confirmed cases of dengue fever across the country, with 13 fatalities so far this year.

It said that as of September 5, health authorities have also issued 914 yellow fever notices to property owners and occupiers, urging them to clean up their surroundings to reduce mosquito breeding sites.

Legal action is being considered against 43 property owners for fail-

ing to comply with these directives as the ministry reminds the public that dengue is spread by the bite of an infected Aedes Aegypti mosquito.

It is the same type of mosquito that spreads the Zika and chikungunya viruses.

Trinidad and Tobago recorded its first dengue-related death on June 19, when a 65-year-old succumbed to the virus.

The health ministry said that symptoms appear within five to six days of being bitten (and) last for one to two weeks. It said the symptoms include fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pains, skin rash, vomiting and diarrhea and that individuals showing such symptoms should seek immediate medical treatment.


Opposition figures in the building said they were under "siege"

Around the World


Goldman Sachs expects OPEC+ production increases to start in December

Goldman Sachs adjusted its expectations for OPEC+ oil production saying it now expects three months of production increases starting from December instead of October, the bank said in a note on Friday.

OPEC+ has agreed to delay a planned oil output increase for October and November, the producers group said on Thursday after crude prices hit their lowest in nine months, adding it could further pause or reverse the hikes if needed.

However Goldman Sachs (GS.N), opens new tab maintained its Brent crude range of $70-85 per barrel and a December 2025 Brent forecast at $74 per barrel.

The investment bank expects the effects of a modest reduction in OPEC+ supply in the upcoming months to be counterbalanced by easing effects from the current softness in China’s demand and faster-than-expected recovery of Libya’s supply.

“We still see the risks to our $70-85 range as skewed to the downside given high spare capacity, and downside risks to demand from weakness in China and potential trade tensions,” Goldman Sachs said. Brent crude futures were down $1.63, or 2.24%, to $71.06 a barrel on Friday, their lowest level since December 2021. U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures fell $1.48 on Friday, or 2.14%, to $67.67, their lowest since June 2023. (Reuters)

UK and US spy chiefs warn of threat to world order

CIA Director Bill Burns and UK MI6 chief Richard Moore warned on Saturday that the world order was “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”.

Writing in a Financial Times op-ed, the two spy chiefs said “we have no more trusted or esteemed allies” than each other, adding that the partnership would be vital as they “face an unprecedented array of threats”, chiefly from Russia, China and in the Middle East.

The ongoing conflict is Gaza is of particular concern, and Burns later told an FT conference in London that he was “working hard” with Egyptian and Qatari mediators to refine a framework for a ceasefire.

“We will make this

more detailed proposal, I hope, in the next several days,” he added.

The United States and UK are among the leading financial and military supporters of Ukraine in its resistance to the Russian invasion launched in February 2022.

“Staying the course is more vital than ever,” they wrote in the op-ed.

“We continue to work together to disrupt the reckless campaign of sabotage across Europe being waged by Russian intelligence.”

The pair also explained how they were

now using advanced AI and cloud technologies to harness the vast troves of data they collect.

The joint article comes days before UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s visit to Washington on September 13, where he will be received by US President Joe Biden.

They will discuss, among other things, “continuing robust support to Ukraine” and the desire to achieve a truce in Gaza, the White House said on Friday.

This meeting takes place at a time when the two nations’ stance on Israel is diverging.

London has announced the suspension of 30 arms export licences to Israel, citing a risk that they could be used in violation of international law in war-destroyed Gaza. (AFP)

Thousands protest in France over Macron’s choice of PM

More than 100,000 people protested across France on Saturday against the appointment of the centre-right politician Michel Barnier as the new prime minister.

His appointment follows an inconclusive election in which the left-wing bloc - the New Popular Front (NPF) - won the largest number of seats.

The protests were called

by trade unions and members of the NPF, who are furious that their own can-

Kentucky police say multiple people shot in ‘active shooter situation’

Kentucky police reported an “active shooter situation” on Saturday evening near Interstate 75 in London, Kentucky, south of Lexington, where “numerous persons” had been shot in traffic.

The incident began just before 6pm local time about nine miles outside London, when officers were called

for reports of multiple vehicles being fired at on the interstate in Laurel County, multiple media accounts said. The shots were reportedly coming from a wooded area or an overpass.

“Please avoid I-75 around Ext 49. Until further notice! Use alternative route do not be any where in that area,” London mayor Randall Weddle said on


Police officials said the suspect had not been caught.

Kentucky state trooper Scottie Pennington wrote on Facebook: “The suspect has not been caught at this time and we are urging people to stay inside.”

Kentucky governor Andy Beshear wrote on X: “Kentucky, we are aware of

a shooting on I-75 in Laurel County. Please avoid the area. We will provide more details once they are available.”

He also asked that residents, “Please pray for everyone involved.”

London is a small city of about 8,000 residents, about 100 miles northwest of the state capital Frankfort. (The Guardian)

didate for prime minister was rejected by President Emmanuel Macron.

Mr Barnier, the EU’s former Brexit negotiator, said he is open to forming a government with politicians across the political spectrum, including the left. The interior ministry said 110,000 protested nationwide on Saturday, including 26,000 in Paris, though one protest leader claimed the figure was 300,000.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, a veteran firebrand from the radical France Unbowed party, called for the “most powerful mobilisation possible” in national marches.

Around 130 protests were scheduled, with the

biggest setting out from central Paris on Saturday afternoon.

Mr Mélenchon joined the Paris protest, giving a speech on the back of a float emblazoned with the slogan: “For democracy, stop Macron’s coup”.

The demonstrators are also using slogans such as “denial of democracy” and “stolen election”.

Parties on the left are angry that their own candidate for prime minister, Lucie Castets, was rejected by Mr Macron, who said she had no chance of surviving a vote of confidence in the National Assembly.

Mr Barnier may be able to survive a confidence vote because the far right, which also won a large number of seats, has said it won’t automatically vote against him.

That has led to criticism that his government will be dependent on the far right.

“We have a prime minister completely dependent on National Rally,” Ms Castets said. (BBC)

CIA Director Bill Burns


Take precautions, abide by the rules and regulations, and update records, documents or promises that need revision. Standing by your word or addressing pending problems will help reduce friction and interference.

Make memories; a precious moment will bring you closer to a loved one. Engage in acts of generosity and use your charm and attributes to make someone’s life better. Be bold, kind and genuine.

Be factual, or someone will misinterpret your words. You will require insight to differentiate between fact and fiction. Don’t give in to emotional manipulation.

You have options. Get out, participate and connect with people who have valuable insight to impart. Take better care of yourself by eliminating excess stress and unnecessary criticism from your life.

Inconsistency will be your downfall. Focus on what you want and the best way to achieve your objective. Rely less on emotional input and more on facts, honesty and integrity; you’ll gain momentum.

Put your energy into something worthwhile. Adjust your lifestyle to fit your budget and abilities, and make your life less complicated. Don’t fear what you don’t know; embrace change and march forward.

Explore the possibilities. Taking a day trip, attending convention or researching a subject of interest will lead to something new and exciting. Find out what others think and how they can contribute.

Don’t let anger set in when movement and having fun will serve you better. Get together with interesting people and pursue pastimes that challenge you to look, feel and do better.

Don’t underestimate the competition. Someone you least expect will disappoint you. Be on guard, don’t share secrets and choose a minimalist lifestyle. Turn your attention toward achieving what you set out to do.

Discipline will pay off regarding your health and finances. Refrain from following the crowd; do what works best for you and set an example for the people around you.

Don’t count on getting help from others. Rely on your strengths to overcome any obstacle, and you’ll find an outlet for what you can offer. Explore the possibilities and let your entrepreneurial spirit take over.

Trust your intuition and say no to excessively persuasive people. Stay intent on pushing toward your goals and finishing what you start. Stand tall, be proud and pursue your dreams. Put yourself first.

Calvin and Hobbes

Rose Hall Town’s 54th Anniversary…

RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour team

spearheading anniversary celebrations

Rose Hall Town, Guyana’s smallest town, would be abuzz with activities between September 14 and September 22, when 54 years of attaining the status of township would be celebrated.

Rose Hall became a township on September 20th 1970 under the leadership of Mr. Hubert Patrick Benn, and has, over the years, been developed into a modern business centre in Guyana’s Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) in the ancient county of Berbice.

This small township has a population of about 20,000 residents, and is home to award-winning clubs the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club and St Francis Community Developers.

The calendar of activities starts on September 14 under the theme “Simply the Best”, and would be coordinated by members of the RHTY&SC NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour under-21 and first-division teams. Members of the club and the Town Council would start

the week of activities with a live TV program on NTN 26. On Sunday, September 15, there would be a crosscountry race for which attractive prices would be on offer. Dozens of athletes are expected to participate, while the Rose Hall Town Poonai Pharmacy Under-13 team would play the Guymine team later that same day at the Area H ground.

Other activities the NAMILCO cricket teams have planned for the anniversary are as follows: an essay competition for primary and secondary school students; a poster competition for all levels of schools; bas-

ketball competition; six-aside football competition; an ‘Evening of Music’ with the Guyana Police Force band; medical outreach; inter-secondary school 10/10 tournament; A ‘Say no to drugs and alcohol’ march; pictorial exhibition; kiddies fun session; launching of RHT historical leaflet; tribute to outstanding residents; tribute to long-serving municipality workers; and honouring of the townships top Grade 6 and CSEC students.

Other activities

planned include presenting the Coral Thrim University of Guyana Scholarship to a student, while six students would be given the Zabeeda/ Sherina Haniff Memorial educational bursary award. The RHTY&SC would also be renaming the bowler’s run-up at each end of the Area H ground after four of its greatest players. The northern end would be the Royston and Esan Crandon bowling end, while the southern end would bear the name of Assad Fudadin

and Kevin Sinclair.

The Rose Hall Council is also working with the St Francis Community Developers to organize an ‘Evening of Gospel Music’ and an ‘Afternoon of Reflection’ with all the residents of the township.

The township is currently being prepared for the activities, with employees of the Council placing dozens of national flags on posts across the town. The activities would be held under the patronage of senior Government Minister Dr Ashni Singh, and the organizers are also working on erecting an “I love Rose Hall Town” monument in the town before the end of the year.

RHTY&SC Secretary Hilbert Foster has said the Rose Hall Town NAMILCO teams have been mandated by the club’s management to organize the 54th anniversary celebration following Mayor Dave Budoo approaching the club for assistance to mark the anniversary.

The club has established a special committee

to overlook the calendar of activities under the leadership of Foster. Assistance has been forthcoming from several individuals and companies, including Ministers Collin Croal and Zulfikar Mustafa, Guyana Breweries Inc, Guyana Beverage Company, Armco Construction, J’s Printery, Metro Office Supplies, Office Express, Coral Thrim, Region 6 Vice Chairman Zamal Hussain, Mohamed Raffik, I and R Construction, Bhesam Ramnauth Plumbing, Factory Price, Alim Shaw, NAMILCO, A. Ally and Sons, Danzie Store, Mohamed Alimed, Jermaine Bagot Construction Firm, Davindra Persaud Construction, NTN Ch26, NCN Ch15, Bakewell, Deputy Commissioner Ravi Budram, Raymond Haniff, Attorney-at- law Adrian Anamayah, and Ramoo’s Funeral Home.

The RHT NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour teams are sponsored by the National Milling Company of Guyana, situated in Agricola, East Bank Demerara.

T&T blanked 4-0 by Honduras as Nicaragua edge French Guiana in League A

Trinidad and Tobago started life without Angus Eve on a losing note, being thumped 4-0 by Honduras in their opening Concacaf Nations League Group B League A contest in Tegucigalpa on Friday.

The result has dealt an early blow to the Soca Warriors and interim head coach Derek King, as they are the group’s early cellar dwellers.

With the win, Honduras have assumed pole position on three points; same as Nicaragua, who edged French Guiana 1-0, while Jamaica and Cuba both have a point from their goal-

less stalemate.

Only the top two teams from the group would prog-

ress to the quarterfinals, while the bottom-placed team would be relegated to

League B.

The tournament also determines which national teams qualify for the next edition of the Concacaf Gold Cup.

Honduras vs Trinidad and Tobago

After struggling to break down Trinidad and Tobago’s defence early, Honduras eventually found the go-ahead goal when Alexander Lopez drove in a right-footer from outside the box.

Kevin Arriaga also showed his class with a well-struck right-footer in the 45+2 minute to put Honduras 2-0 up at the


Try as they did, Trinidad and Tobago had no response to Honduras in a hostile environment, and soon found themselves further behind in the 54th minute. This as Edwin Rodriguez was allowed too much space deep inside the 18-yard box to fire home from Luis Palma’s pass.

The win was then capped by David Ruiz slotting home in the 86th minute.

French Guiana vs Nicaragua

The Central Americans have extended their unbeaten run in the Concacaf

Nations League to 13 matches by taking three points off host French Guiana at Stade Municipal Dr Edmard Lama. Both teams gave as good as they got in the attacking third, but it was Nicaragua that got the all-important strike through Widman Talavera in the 90+5 minute to secure the three points.

Group B action will resume on Tuesday, starting with Cuba facing Nicaragua, while Trinidad and Tobago will host French Guiana, and Jamaica will visit Honduras to close out the day. (Sportsmax)

David Ruiz (centre) celebrating his goal with teammates
RHTY&SC Secretary Hilbert Foster handing over items to the Town Clerk of the Rose Hall municipality, Natasha Griffith
Minister Zulfikar Mustapha

Republic Bank CPL

Royals win thriller at Warner Park against SKN Patriots

Nyeem Young kept his composure at the death as Barbados Royals broke the hearts of St Kitts & Nevis Patriots with a thrilling two-wicket victory in the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL).

The Royals appeared

and Quinton de Kock early, and the match was at a knife’s edge throughout a nerve-jangling chase.

Needing eight runs off the last over, bowled by Ryan John, the Royals’ nerves heightened when Jason Holder fell off the first ball, after a superb catch at

set for a crushing win when they reduced the Patriots to 0/3, but had to weather a rapid 82-run partnership between Wanindu Hasaranga and Mikyle Louis. After restricting the Patriots to 153/8 at Warner Park, the Royals lost Rahkeem Cornwall

deep backward square by Josh Clarkson. But Young luckily inside-edged to the boundary off the third ball, before smashing a brilliant six over mid-off on the penultimate delivery, as the Royals won consecutive games to start the season. It was their fifth

straight victory against the Patriots, who are at the foot of the table with just one win.

After being sent in to bat, the Patriots made a poor start when their top three batters were dismissed for ducks – the first time this has occurred in CPL history.

Spinner Maheesh Theekshana started the carnage on the second ball of the innings when he pinned Evin Lewis lbw. Two balls later, Theekshana produced a cracking deliv-

ery that spun sharply and through the defences of Kyle Mayers, who trudged off in disbelief. The Patriots lost their third wicket when Andre Fletcher was lbw to Dunith Wellalage, before the match suddenly flipped through a counterattack from Hasaranga and Louis, as the Royals suddenly struggled for control amid an onslaught.

Naveen-ul-Haq was on the receiving end, and leaked 16 runs to cap a madcap Powerplay. But Louis holed out in the ninth over,

New boxing ring allows expansion of GBA’s U16 programme

The Guyana Boxing Association (GBA) is keenly pursuing the expansion of its fruitful Under-16 Boxing programme that is aimed at covering more bases on the national sphere. As such, with the acquisition of a new boxing ring via the office of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS), the GBA now has the opportunity to put its expansion plans into motion.

Acquisition of the new ring, which was recently put to the test at the Caribbean School Boys/ Girls and Juniors tournament, would allow the GBA to utilise the older equipment at various venues. As such, the U16 initiative, which is staged twice per month and is regarded as the backbone of the entity’s developmental thrust, would likely become more frequent and widespread.

The GBA has already put its plan into action with Vergenoegen earmarked to

serve as the next location for the event, on September 21st, with Linden slated to host the initiative two weeks later. Similarly, Berbice is scheduled to take centre stage following the conclusion of the Linden date.

Meanwhile, the decision to conduct the event on a national scale has been further boosted by the announcement of the 16th boxing facility in the form of VS Fitness Gym in the Soesdyke area.

“The acquisition of a new ring via the Government of Guyana allows the association to continue its developmental work on a national scale. The GBA will now be afforded the opportunity to utilise the older ring to stage events specifically of a developmental nature in different regions, which will benefit the respective communities and regions. This in turn will translate to the expansion of the local talent pool, further increasing

and expanding the competitive market locally, which is the main source of our continued success regionally,” GBA President Steve Ninvalle has said about the GBA’s most recent development.

The GBA Boss added, “By the same token, the increase in the sport’s infrastructure, as in the case of the Soesdyke facility, is another indication of the sport’s growing importance and popularity. This is the

leading to another collapse, wherein the Patriots also lost Sherfane Rutherford and Hasaranga in the space of six balls.

It could have been worse for the Patriots when Clarkson was given out lbw to Theekshana, before he successfully reviewed. He

the second ball, after Mayers knocked over Cornwall for a duck. Speedster Anrich Nortje had compatriot de Kock wincing in pain after a blow to the body, before the batter hit back with a six over fine leg. De Kock was clean bowled in the fifth over by Mayers, who had pa-

struggled to get going, but batted through to the end, and received support from John, who smacked 29 off 14 balls.

Just like the Patriots, the Royals lost a wicket on

St Kitts and Nevis Patriots (20 ovs maximum)

Evin Lewis lbw

b Theekshana 0 Andre Fletcher (c)† lbw b Wellalage 0 Kyle Mayers

b Theekshana 0

Mikyle Louis c Theekshana

b Wellalage 30

Wanindu Hasaranga

b McCoy 40

Sherfane Rutherford c Holder

b Wellalage 0

Josh Clarkson not out 24

Mohammad Mohsin

c & b McCoy 9

Ryan John run out (†de Kock/Holder) 29

Veerasammy Permaul not out 0

Extras (b 4, lb 2, nb 1, w 14) 21

TOTAL 20 Ov (RR: 7.65) 153/8

16th facility that is affiliated with the association, and will provide the avenue for not only the unearthing of talents from uncharted territories for the national grid, but a platform for improvement in the overall health and wellness of the community and the outlying areas. The GBA will continue in its mandate to provide the necessary support and facilities for the continued development of the discipline.”

Did not bat: Anrich Nortje Fall of wickets: 1-0 (Evin Lewis, 0.2 ov), 2-0 (Kyle Mayers, 0.4 ov), 3-0 (Andre Fletcher, 1.2 ov), 4-82 (Mikyle Louis, 8.2 ov), 5-84 (Sherfane Rutherford, 8.6 ov), 6-84 (Wanindu Hasaranga, 9.2 ov), 7-104 (Mohammad Mohsin, 15.4 ov), 8-153 (Ryan John, 19.5 ov)

Bowling O-M-R-W

Maheesh Theekshana 4-2-16-2

Dunith Wellalage 4-0-35-3

Jason Holder 3.1-0-29-0

Naveen-ul-Haq 4-0-37-0


tiently persisted around the wicket.

Wellalage battled calmly through the middle overs, before Young’s late heroics sealed a thrilling triumph for the Royals. (CPLT20)

GBA President Steve Ninvalle
Dunith Wellalage was an all-round hero for the Royals
Nyeem Young held his nerve to hit the winning runs for the Barbados Royals
Ryan John hit a late flurry for the Patriots

“Losing one match is not going to down our spirits” –

It was not the result that Guyana’s senior men’s national football team the Golden Jaguars had hoped for when they went down 3-1 to neighbouring Suriname on Thursday in their CONCACAF Nations League (CNL) League ‘A’ debut.

After the final whistle had been sounded, Head Coach Jamaal Shabazz, reflecting on what looked like a lacklustre performance from the Golden Jaguars, noted that they paid the price for missing key chances.

“I felt we were always in the game. When we made the two subs at the half, we did get the chance with the go- ahead goal. At this level of the game, when you don’t take your chances to go ahead, and you give up chances, you will be punished; and I think we

A look at last Thursday’s action between Suriname and Guyana

learned that lesson today,” Shabazz indicated. However, when it was inquired of him whether or not he had been worried about the team’s finishing in the final third, the head coach admitted some concern, but said those are the

bases that he expects to be covered at the club level.

“When you have two (or) three days to prepare, you’ve got to depend on the players’ ability and the work that they do in the clubs to become clinically accurate finishers. That’s not some-

thing that the national team can work on with an international player in two days; it’s just something we’ve got to continue to improve on. They got their chances, our keeper was brilliant at times, but we could’ve finished a lot better today,” Shabazz responded.

Quizzed about the starting XI that raised eyebrows on Thursday last, the head coach shared the rationale behind his final selection. He disclosed, “I think we looked at the chemistry in the two sessions that we had, and the fact that we had Isaiah Jones as a natural winger, Omari Glasgow (as) a natural winger, and we felt the opportunity to play two wingers. Usually, he plays as a player coming off the wing and come in the midfield; we didn’t need that at the start of that game.

of the Streets’…

“I thought we created our chances playing like that, and then we switched things around playing in the second half.”

In spite of the loss, Shabazz still believes the reality of competing in League ‘A’ can be a motivator for the national team, which he also thinks can pull off a result against Martinique on Monday.

“I think the guys are motivated. When you’re in league A, you have a motivation to play every game because you want to stay up. It took Guyana ten years to reach to League A, and losing one match is not going to down our spirits. What we say to them is, ‘Rise up, oh fallen fighters; rise and take your stance again!’, we’re not going to put our heads down,” a confident Shabazz has said.

The Golden Jaguars

Showstoppers triumph in Guinness National Championships

Showstoppers have become the first team from the East Bank/ West Demerara division to be crowned the Guinness ‘Greatest of the Streets’ National Champions, having defeated Laing Avenue 3-0 in the final, played on Friday evening at the Pouderoyen tarmac, WBD.

Amos Ramsay bagged a second-half brace in the 20th and 25th minutes, while Stephon Jupiter found the back of the net in the 18th minute.

With the win, Showstoppers walked away with $1 million and the championship trophy, while the losers pocketed half that amount and the respective trophy.

In the third-place playoff, North Ruimveldt of Georgetown edged the Silver Bullets of Linden 1-0 via an Aeon Alleyne strike in the 16th minute; and pocketed $300,000 and a trophy for their efforts, while Silver Bullets walked away with $200,000 and a trophy.

In the earlier semifinal round, Showstoppers bested Silver Bullets 3-1. Marvin Josiah, Dexroy Adams and Daren Benjamin scored in the respective seventh, 11th, and 17th minutes. On target in the loss was Colwyn

Drakes in the eighth minute.

Also, Laing Avenue edged North Ruimveldt 2-1 on penalty kicks after the game ended scoreless in regulation time.

In the quarterfinal fixture, Showstoppers defeated Mighty Ruler 1-0 via a Jupiter conversion in the eighth minute; while Laing Avenue edged Hustlers 2-0 on penalty kicks after normal and extra time ended with the game being scoreless.

Meanwhile, Silver Bullets defeated East Bank Gunners of Berbice, while North Ruimveldt bested Ballerz Empire of East Bank Demerara 2-1 on penalty kicks after regulation and extra time ended with the game being scoreless.

In the initial playoff round, Liliendaal Hustlers bested the All-Stars of Essequibo 3-0. Raushan Ritch bagged a ‘Guinness Goal’ (GG) (a goal scored in the final three minutes of normal time counts as two) in the 20th minute. Opening the scoring in the 14th minute was Sunil Logan.

Complete Results

Guinness Goal - (GG) - 2 goals

The victorious Showstoppers unit receiving their prize after winning the Guinness ‘Greatest


Showstoppers-3 vs Laing Avenue-0

Amos Ramsay-20th and 25th

Stephon Jupiter-18th

3rd Place

North Ruimveldt-1 vs Silver Bullets-0

Eon Alleyne-16th


North Ruimveldt-0 vs Laing Avenue-0

Laing Avenue won 2-1 on penalty kicks


Showstoppers-3 vs Silver Bullets-1

Showstoppers scorers Marvin Josiah-7th

Dexroy Adams-11th

Daren Benjamin-17th

Silver Bullets scorer Colwyn Drakes-8th


East Bank Gunners-0 vs Silver Bullets-0

Silver Bullets won 2-1 on penalty kicks


Ballerz Empire-0 vs

Coach added, “We go to Martinique knowing it’s a tough assignment again. But these are the times that we’ve played hard to arrive at, and now we’re going to bang it out and slug it out and see what the end brings.”

The Golden Jaguars’ clash with Martinique will go down at the PierreAliker Municipal Stadium, Fort-de- France, Martinique from 16:00hrs on Monday, September 9. (G6)

North Ruimveldt-0

North Ruimveldt won 2-1 on penalty kicks


Mighty Ruler-0 vs Showstoppers-1

Stephon Jupiter-8th


Laing Avenue-0 vs Hustlers-0

Laing Avenue won 2-0 on penalty kicks


Hustlers-3 vs All-Stars-0 Raushan Ritch-GG-20th Sunil Logan-14th


of the Streets’ National Championships

Amazon Warriors cruise to third win, against Kings

Asensational bowling performance from the Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) on Saturday night steered the defending champions to a massive 6- wicket victory over the so far, unbeaten St. Lucia Kings; in match 10 of the Republic Bank Caribbean Premier League (CPL) 2024.

For the fans at home, panic set in early in when technical difficulties stalled the live broad-

cast. However, many miles away the Amazon Warriors were wreaking havoc on the St. Lucia Kings at the Daren Sammy Stadium, for their home fans to witness.

St.. Lucia’s captain Faf du Plesis was the first to depart for 6, to Dwaine Pretorius’ bowling. Thereafter, little partnerships were formed between Johnson Charles and Ackeem August and later, Charles and

Bhanuka Rajapaksa.

But it was the 6th and seventh overs bowled by Keemo Paul and Imran Tahir that did the damage to the St. Lucian line-up.

First Paul calmed the prized wickets of Johnson Charles and Rajapaksa for 19 and 7 runs respectively, while Tahir cleaned up Roston Chase and David Wiese in consecutive balls

naled the end of the Kings’ innings.

Motie went in to claim 3-16 from 3.3 overs, with two wickets in his final over to rout the Kings for an even 100 runs in 14.3 overs. Captain Imran Tahir also took three wickets, conversing 29 runs in his four overs, alongside Paul’s 2.

In spite of the loss of

CPL after facing just 19 balls.


St Lucia Kings (20 ovs maximum)

Faf du Plessis (c) lbw

b Pretorius 6

Johnson Charles c †Azam Khan

b Paul 19

Ackeem Auguste run out (Motie) 10

Bhanuka Rajapaksa c Pretorius

b Paul 7

Roston Chase

b Imran Tahir 2

Tim Seifert †lbw

b Imran Tahir 12

David Wiese lbw

b Imran Tahir 0

Matthew Forde c Sinclair

b Motie 31

Alzarri Joseph c Paul

b Motie 3

Noor Ahmad

b Motie 1

Khary Pierre not out 0

Extras (lb 2, w 7) 9

TOTAL 14.3 Ov (RR: 6.89) 100

Fall of wickets: 1-7 (Faf du Plessis, 1.3 ov), 2-27 (Ackeem Auguste, 3.5 ov), 3-42 (Bhanuka Rajapaksa, 5.2 ov), 4-43 (Johnson Charles, 5.4 ov), 5-49 (Roston Chase, 6.5 ov), 6-49 (David Wiese, 6.6 ov), 7-94 (Matthew Forde, 12.1 ov), 8-98 (Tim Seifert, 13.3 ov), 9-99 (Noor Ahmad, 14.1 ov), 10100 (Alzarri Joseph, 14.3 ov)

Bowling O-M-R-W


Gudakesh Motie

Dwaine Pretorius 2-0-10-1

Keemo Paul 2-0-19-2

Shamar Joseph 3-0-24-0

Imran Tahir


Guyana Amazon Warriors (T: 101 runs from 20 ovs)

Tim Robinson

b Noor Ahmad 33

Rahmanullah Gurbaz lbw

b Noor Ahmad 47

Shai Hope c Joseph

b Noor Ahmad 11

Azam Khan †c Charles

b Joseph 0

Shimron Hetmyer not out 8

Keemo Paul not out 1

Extras (w 1) 1

TOTAL 10 Ov (RR: 10.10) 101/4

Did not bat: Dwaine Pretorius, Imran Tahir (c), Gudakesh Motie, Junior Sinclair, Shamar Joseph

Fall of wickets: 1-62 (Tim Robinson, 5.2 ov), 2-91 (Rahmanullah Gurbaz, 7.5 ov), 3-92 (Azam Khan, 8.4 ov), 4-98 (Shai Hope, 9.3 ov)

Bowling O-M-R-W

Matthew Forde 2-0-31-0

Alzarri Joseph 2-0-18-1

Noor Ahmad 4-0-22-3

Khary Pierre 2-0-30-0

off the 7th over.

At 49-6, the Kings were definitely in a spot of bother.

It was at that point that the live broadcasts resumed and it appeared as though this change was a stroke of luck for the St. Lucian’s who were finally able to find some runs.

Matthew Forde struck a trio of sixes in his 21ball 31 before Gudakesh Motie’s reintroduction into the bowling attack sig-

four wickets, the chase appeared to be a bit of a breeze for the defending champions.

Tim Robinson announced himself to the CPL with 3 fours and 2 sixes in his 33 from 20. Rahmanullah Gurbaz was the one carrying on the fireworks however, slamming seven sixes about the Daren Sammy Stadium.

Unfortunately, Gurbaz fell 3 short of his second half- century of this year’s

Despite the fall of wickets, the Amazon Warriors were racing to their target and the take only got more ironic when Shimron Hetmyer made his way to the pick.

The very first ball Hetmyer faced was bowled by Alzarri Joseph but a subtle bounced invalidated what could have been

over the line.

Shai Hope tried a big shot but lost his wicket and eventually Hetmyer took it home with a double- run off the last ball of the 10th over.

a caught and bowled by a visibly angry Joseph, who launched the ball back at Hetmyer’s stumps.

In the very next ball, Hetty returned the favour to Jospeh, dispatching him over the deep mid wicket boundary for six. Thereafter, the Warriors needed only 3 runs to get

Though the Warriors raced to their target in record time to make a significant boost to their run rate, which now sits at +2.53; Noor Ahmad was once again brilliant for the Kings’ bowling attack. Ahmad claimed 3-22 from his four overs.

The Republic Bank CPL action will continue tonight with the Antigua and Barbuda Falcons taking on the St. Kitts and Nevis Patriots at Warner Park, Basseterre, St Kitts, from 19:00hrs. (G6)

Captain Imran Tahir appealing a wicket
Rahmanullah Gurbaz narrowly missed out on a half-century in a blistering 47
Matthew Forde’s 31 shielded the Kings from more embarrassment
A double-wicket over from Keemo Paul opened the floodgates for the Kings
Tim Robinson had a good debut for the Amazon Warriors

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