WHAT'S INSIDE: Issue No. 5137 Nationwide coverage from the best news team in Guyana THE BEACON OF TRUTH guyanatimesgy.com PRICE $100 VAT INCLUDEDTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 P8P8P2 See story on page 3 Page7 Page2 Page 9 P13P11 Guyana inclusive,committedremainstoquality education – Pres Ali tells UN …early warning system for slow learners among initiatives planned Taxi remandeddriver for friend’s fallingpinneddiesAnother–Guyanese“I'mabductionawaitingrobberyRemandedAnthonyinfectiousdischarged,monkeypoxGuyana'smurder2casesnon-–Drarmedaccusedtrialfornotbuiltforprison”B&Eaccusedminerafterbeingbytree 2011 murder of Robb St granny Men movesentence50-yearservingjailtoCCJ Over $187M in cash grants distributed to ECD fishermen …VP assures of action being taken on Surinamese licence impasse personsmissingofBodies2 found Govt policies based on fairnessequity, –Foreign Minister tells Diaspora Essequibo River mishap …boat uncertified, not permitted to operate – Edghill Police, citizens urged to play greater role in getting children off streets …as “Street Light” initiative launched With pomp and sorrow, world bids final farewell to Queen Elizabeth Page 17 PP1214
A24-year-old gold min er was killed at Gold Finger Landing, Cuyuni River, on Saturday, after a tree fell and pinned him at the mining camp.
amination, scheduled for to day.The mishap occurred sometime between 18:45h and 19:00h on Saturday. At the time of the incident, the vessel was captained
Another miner dies after being pinned by falling tree
“We are informed, by our investigation that the small
erate on the Parika–Bartica passenger
Dead is Troy Prudencio of Lethem, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper twoofwinds,werecampandtwooncatedGuyanaInformationEssequibo).fromthePoliceForceindithatatabout13:22hSaturday,Prudencioandotherminers–aged3125–werecookingatthesite.However,thereseveralgustsofheavyfollowedbythesoundafallingtree.Prudencioandtheotherworkersscamperedto
Commander for Region Seven Police Division, Senior Superintendent Dion Moore confirmed that both bod ies were found on Monday morning. They are at the Bartica Hospital’s Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem ex
for boats to depart Parika or Bartica on this service.
He added that MARAD has designated 17:00h as the latest departure time
The issue of unlicensed “outside” boats, the Minister noted, transporting passen gers on waterways is active ly engaging the attention of the“WeAdministration.continueto urge the travelling public not to board water taxis/speedboats op erating outside of the reg ulated system and hours of operation. MARAD, as the regulatory authority, also wishes to reiterate that all persons using boats/water taxis must properly and se curely wear lifejackets.”
River Navigation Officer, Captain Romain Seurattan is spearheading the investi gation and is working along with the Guyana Police Force – Division Seven.
get out of the camp to safe ty. However, the miner was too late and he was pinned by the Reportstree. are that the oth er two workers immediately removed the tree but their co-worker was motionless at that time. Prudencio was taken to Aurora Gold Mine, where he was pronounced dead on arrival at about 15:22h by a doctor.
The body was examined and it was observed that the deceased had multi ple injuries about his body. The body will be transport ed to the Bartica Hospital Mortuary. Investigations are in progress. (G12)
“Safety on our roads, waterways, and in our air space must be adhered to. Service providers must fol low the rules and be in full compliance at all times,” the Minister warned.
Essequibo River mishap
Dead: Randy Adams
Bodies of 2 missing persons found Alvin Leitch
Minister Juan Edghill in a statement on Monday ex pressed sympathy to the family, friends and loved ones of the two men.
by 34-year-old Jermain Blackman of Two Miles Potaro Road, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), along with his bowman, 18-year-old Lamuel Allen of Four Miles, Bartica. It was also reported that apart from the two boat operators, there were 10 passengers in the vessel including popular entertainer, Darrel Romeo called “DJ Meanwhile,Magnum”.Public Works
He said that at about 19:00h on Saturday, of ficers from the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) received reports about a boat mishap in the Essequibo River.
open boat “CARLOS”, un der the command of one Jermain Blackman ran into the Rattlesnake Rock in the Essequibo River. In addi tion to the captain there were eleven (11) other per sons on board, including the bowman. Most of the per sons on board were report edly not wearing lifejackets, even though it is reported that there were several on board.”The Minister added that the boat suffered extensive damage and while sinking, some of the occupants were thrown into the water while others exited the ill-fated boat and tried swimming to theHowever,shore. the Minister noted that while the captain was in possession of a val id licence to operate such a boat, the boat was uncerti fied and not permitted to op
“Further,service.boats on this service are not allowed to operate during the hours of darkness. MARAD’s record reflects that the last autho rised departure was by the “LADY ZENIELL” – a boat licensed to operate with in the system, at 17:10 hrs. The sunset at Bartica was approximately 18:00 hours,” the Minister said.
bodies of two per sons who were miss ing after a boat cap sized in the Essequibo River on Saturday have been found.Dead are Alvin Leitch of Charlestown, Georgetown, and Randy Adams of Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).Thetwodiedafter the boat in which they were trav elling hit the Rattlesnake Rock in the vicinity of Calf Island, Essequibo River. Rattlesnake Rock is approx imately 2.7 kilometres from the Bartica Stelling and 300 metres east of Calf Island.
…boat uncertified, not permitted to operate – Edghill Dead:
The boat which Blackman captained departed from the Parika Stelling at about 17:30h after MARAD’s mon itors would have concluded work for the day.
erenced the “Because We Care” cash grant, the uni form allowance grant and the school feeding programme.
High Tide: 12:40h reaching a maximum height of 1.98 metres.
Tuesday, Sept 20 – No closure and Wednesday, Sept 21 – 14:00 – 15:30h.
The Government of Guyana has said it will dis tribute a total of 193,679 “Because We Care” cash grants and school uniform allowances, with an estimat ed cost of over $5.8 billion in 2022. Each child in the pub lic and private school system will receive $30,000 – $25,000 as the grant and $5000 as an
“The data generated is being used as a guide for re medial measures. Among the measures being planned to recover from the learning losses, occasioned by the pan demic, are accelerated tutor ing services. The creation of a learning platform to bring students back to grade level and an early warning system
President Dr Irfaan Ali while he co-chaired the roundtable discussion. Also in photo is Guyana’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett
The Demerara Harbour Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on:
Tuesday, Sept 20 – 13:20h –14:50h and Wednesday, Sept 21 – 14:00h – 14:30h.
Winds: Westerly to West South-Westerly between 1.78 metres and 3.57 metres.
Earlier this month, the Government, through the Education Ministry, had launched a $267 million breakfast programme for all Grade Six students as part of the Ministry’s activities to ob serve Education Month 2022.
President Dr Irfaan Ali on Monday updated the United Nations (UN) on Guyana’s continued commitment to providing in clusive, quality education for all, and the steps being taken to close gaps in the delivery of education.Hewas at the time the co-chair of the Transforming Education Summit Leaders’ Roundtable 1 at the UN General Assembly. He used the opportunity to inform the world leaders gathered, of the challenges Guyana fac es in educational delivery. Importantly, however, he also
Breakfast programme
Prior to the session, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres himself had urged Governments to prioritise budgetary spending on edu cation. In the 2022 budget, $74.4 billion was allocated. Of that sum, $32.2 billion was spent by year end.
slow learners among initiatives planned
The National Breakfast Programme will provide dai ly breakfast to Grade Six stu dents in the coastal regions – Region Two (PomeroonSupenaam); Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara); Region Four
(Demerara-Mahaica); Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice); Region Six (East BerbiceCorentyne) and Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice).
In addition to resurrect ing the programme, the PPP/C increased the value of the cash grant to $15,000. This was alongside the $4000 uniform grant, meaning ev ery child received a total of $19,000.The PPP/C Government has said that they will even tually increase this grant so that each student will receive $50,000 by 2025. (G3)
The Berbice Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on: Parika and Supenaam departure times – 05:00h, 10:00h-12:00h, 16:00h, 18:30h daily
3 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 | GUYANATIMESGY.COM NEWS COMMODITIES Indicators US$ Change % Crude Oil $92.00/barrel +0.71 Rough Rice $317.97/ton +0.23 London Sugar $527.80/ton 0.00 Live Spot Gold USD Per Ounce Bid/Ask $1674.60 $1675.70 Low/High $1659.00 $1681.10 Change -2.30 -0.14 LOTTERY NUMBERS DAILY MILLIONSSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 DISCLAIMER: WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS IN PUBLICATION. PLEASE CALL THE HOTLINE FOR CONFIRMATION - TEL: 225-8902 LUCKY 3 TICKETFREE 05 12 15 21 23 24H 1112 22133 18 0 2030702060104 BonusBall 26 DRAW DE LINE 15 16100301 11 15090704 PAY DAY PAYSUPERDAY 07 7 1 2 Afternoon Draw Evening Draw FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2022 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 55 73 Afternoon Draw Evening Draw 2X2X Afternoon Draw Evening Draw
allowance for school unform.
There will be thundery showers and light rain showers during the day. Expect partly cloudy skies at night. Temperatures should range between 22 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius.
encountered. Many teachers were not fully comfortable with this form of delivery. And not all students’ diagnos tic assessments, in numeracy and literacy, were conducted to assess the extent of such losses during the pandemic.”
The “Because We Care” cash grant initiative was first introduced in 2014 and saw each public school child benefitting from $10,000. However, the ini tiative came to a halt by the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance for Change (APNU/AFC) Government but was reinstated in 2020 after the current People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Government went back into office.
Guyana remains committed to inclusive, quality education – Pres Ali tells UN system for
informed them of the steps the Guyana Government has been“Guyanataking. remains com mitted to Sustainable Development Goal Number Four, an inclusive and quality education for all. Presently, however, there are educational gaps nationally, which can frustrate the ob jective. We’re adopting mea sures to narrow these gaps.”
to identify students at risk of fallingThebehind.”President also ref erenced the importance of trained teachers, calling them the backbone of the ed ucation system. According to him, they have the goal of achieving 100 per cent trained teachers in the class room by the end of the de cade. The President also ref
…early warning
Low Tide: 18:32h reaching a minimum height of 1.26 metre.
“This includes introduc ing more in-person tutor ing, reforming the nation al curriculum, extending the use of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) in education, in creasing access to digital and non-digital resources and in troducing distance educa tion,” he Accordingsaid. to the President, the Government made efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic to pilot remote learning initiatives across Guyana. He explained some of the challenges faced with that system, including the inability of some students and teachers to integrate with the “Remotesystem.learning was im plemented and digital learn ing resources were provided. As expected, challenges were
The growing phenomenon of parked vehicles belting loud music is also having the same effect. Similarly, what occurs in some minibuses needs no explanation.
This again reinforces the purely opportunistic nature of his recently adopted ethnic advocacy. It bears striking re semblance to the posture also adopted by a few others re cently, who invoke the racism bogeyman without any basis whatsoever, for the sole pur pose of political opportunism, and knowing full well that they themselves failed bla tantly to serve in any mean ingful way the very people whose cause they now claim to champion.TheMinistry of Finance takes the opportunity to re ject outright the unsubstanti ated and baseless racist rhet oric being peddled by Nigel Hinds and to reaffirm the Government’s strong commit ment to govern in the inter est of all Guyanese, in keep ing with President Ali’s One Guyana vision.
In every scenario, people are subjected to brutal and sustained assaults by high- decibel sounds which often last through the night. The harsh reality is that everyone within the affected zone – including children, the elderly and the sick – is rendered helpless and deprived of sleep. That in itself brings or exacerbates related health consequences, as people feel a profound sense of lassitude, since their energy has been sapped.
Some complaints detailed the horrible effects, especially on babies. A toll is eventually taken, and, in turn, productivity and studies are affected for those who work and attend institutions of learning respectively. There have been numerous calls over time for law enforcement to curb this
Of course, some reports are responded to and action is taken, but clearly it does not present a deterrent to those who continue to make others uncomfortable. It begs the question whether they really understand the impact noise has on people. Further, this may be an impetus for the authorities to relook at not just the criteria for granting permission for barbecues and entertainment shows, but for the proximity of residents to be taken as a primary consideration.Barringnational events, weddings and other necessary, infrequent events to some extent, the well-being of people must be foremost. It is understood that there is a requirement for the Police, as one of the approving authorities, to get the consent of residents before granting approval for events in question. This is clearly an area in which the public can be advised on whether it is being done in a sustained and thorough manner.
The unavoidable conclu sion is that his newfound pos ture as a champion of ethnic rights is firmly grounded in pure self-interest and the ad vancement of his own narrow cause, instead of that of the masses whose emotions he is trying to excite for his own personal benefit.
News Hotline: 231-8063 Editorial: 231-0544, 223-7230, 223-7231, 225-7761
Judging from the public pronouncements Nigel Hinds has been making recently on the subject of racism, as well as from interactions I have had with him privately, a ma jor source of his dissatisfac tion is a longstanding dispute he has with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana (ICAG). The ICAG is a body established by law to regulate the practice and profession of accountan cy, in much the same man ner as the Medical Council of Guyana regulates the medi cal profession.Inrelation to the dispute, he has with the ICAG, with out any intention on my part to disclose the details of the dispute, Hinds approached His Excellency the President some months ago and asked for the Government to in tervene in this dispute. His Excellency forwarded the matter to me. I communi cated with Hinds and ex plained to him that the ICAG is a regulatory body tasked with responsibility and vest ed with authority to regulate the accounting profession, and that there is no basis for Government intervention in the Nevertheless,dispute. based on his representation that he needed additional time to re solve the matter, I offered to make such a representation on his behalf to the ICAG. I took the exceptional step of contacting the ICAG my self and enquired about the matter. In light of the expla
Put differently, it is my considered opinion that Hinds is now opportunisti cally using the bully pulpit of racism to try to intimidate the ICAG to extend special treatment to him and to en able him to bypass standard requirements that are appli cable to all persons practis ing the same profession as he does.It should be added that there might be another cause for the dissatisfaction currently being displayed by Hinds. Recently, the Government invited Hinds to be a member of the VAT Board of Review, considering that this might be an oppor
nation, I received (including on the amount of time that had already been granted to Hinds to resolve the matter) and having considered his re quest for additional time, I suggested to the ICAG that consideration be given to granting Hinds an extension of time to resolve the matter. An extension was granted, as a direct result of which Hinds continues to be licensed by the ICAG to practice as an accountant. I communicated this to Hinds. At the time, I understood him to be satisfied with the result achieved as a direct result of a Government appeal on his behalf and en tirely at his request.
had admitted that statistics have over time shown an increase in complaints of noise nuisance, and prosecutions are low. This came on the heels of concerns raised by residents who continue to report problems of noise nuisance in their areas.
4 Views guyanatimesgy.comTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
Marketing: 231-8064 Accounts: 225-6707
For the schoolchildren, this not only poses a health issue, but has a profound influence on their minds and actions. Useful research would be to explore the correlation between the exposure to this type of music and violence and other unsavoury actions in schools by some students. In many ways, this can be deemed as a form of mindconditioning of the younger ones, and it can have serious social consequences. It may also be useful to explore if there is a correlation between this and poor academic grades.While the findings of the research, if conducted, would be extremely useful, there first has to be a firmer acceptance by the authorities of the serious problem and related consequences of loud music, which is a form of pollution. There is no doubt that the Police are challenged for resources if their priority is to be combating crime. That said, there has to be a commitment to find a way to make noise nuisance a priority, thereby paving the way for it to be dealt with in a sustained manner.
Members of the armed forces march during the funeral procession for Queen Elizabeth II from Westminster Hall to London’s historic Westminster Abbey (VOA)
Mailing address: Queens Atlantic Investment Estate Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown
MoF says Hinds' racist rhetoric opportunistic
Hefty fines
For years, there has been a plethora of complaints from persons in various parts of the country pertaining to noise nuisance. In every instance, the frustration of those affected was very evident, and one common gripe was the perceived lack of action by the authorities to fully address the situation. The sources of the audio bombardment include what seem ubiquitous limes and other entertainment shows, neighbours, bars, and vehicles.
Editor: Tusika Martin
For added emphasis, it is worthwhile to repeat that Hinds is currently the ben eficiary of a direct and ex ceptional appeal by this People’s Progressive Party/ Civic Government in order to ensure that he continues to enjoy the right to practice his profession, while he has been granted extra time to bring himself in order with the Alas,ICAG.his initial satisfac tion with this outcome ap pears to have morphed swift ly into dissatisfaction.
profession is changed, the ICAG is the body authorised to license accountants in pub lic practice and all accoun tants in public practice have to comply with the rules set out by that body for that pur pose.The fact of the matter is that Hinds wants to be ex empt from requirements that apply to all other practicing accountants across Guyana. I am advised that those re quirements resemble those applied by the bodies that regulate the accounting pro fession across the Caribbean and in many parts of the world. As I have already done privately, I would urge Hinds once again to engage the ICAG meaningfully with a view to resolving the matter between him and them.
attention of the Ministry of Finance has been drawn to a number of statements made by Nigel Hinds recently on the subject of racism. The most recent of these are an assertion published online that racism in Guyana is get ting worse, and a rambling letter published in today’s newspapers. As usual with his missives, both are high on rhetoric and devoid of fact. In response, I now wish to offer the following comments.
tunity for him to contribute to the work of an import ant tribunal. Hinds declined the offer, indicating that he is not prepared to accept ap pointment to any Board or entity unless he is being ap pointed to chair that Board or entity. It is, of course, a matter of public record that Ronald Burch-Smith was appointed to chair the VAT Board of Review (and Sharon Roopchand-Edwards to chair the Customs Tariff Tribunal and Emily Dodson to chair the Income Tax Board of Review).The posture adopted by Hinds in the latter mat ter speaks entirely for itself. Here again, instead of ac knowledging the diversity (not only ethnically, but also in terms of professional back grounds and skills) of the ap pointments made to these important tax tribunals, the position adopted by Hinds is an entirely self-serving one. It would appear that, in his mind, diversity is only served when he is the designated ap pointee to whichever post he covets or when he is the re cipient of whichever reward or recognition he craves.
he declaration that hefty fines will be imposed upon persons committing the offence of noise nuisance shows that long-awaited action is finally being taken. It is welcome news that the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are holding accountable violators who continue to break the law.
I certainly hold no brief for the ICAG, and I believe that body is capable of de fending itself against the vul gar racist assault launched on it recently by Hinds. The Government’s position is un equivocal. Until such time that the legal framework for regulating the accounting
Dr Ashni K Singh, MP, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance
It is most regrettable and completely disingenuous that Hinds would take a bilater al dispute he has with the ICAG as the basis on which to weave a patently false and blatantly dishonest narrative about racism in Guyana.
In contrast, we can re visit what obtained between 2015 and 2020. I mean the stats can be brought up too, where they will show that APNU/AFC just mer cilessly kept on reducing the agriculture budget ev ery year since they got into Government (by more than $3 billion since 2015). This reduction of course affect ed rice significantly. As a matter of fact, the coali tion Government, A Partner For National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC), even got vindictive at var ious times. For example, in their tenure, 2000 acres of rice crops were threat ened by the withholding of irrigation water from rice farmers (by GuySuCo); rice farmers were threatened by the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) with withholding water for irrigation; mill
Guyanese fishing boats can be fitted with tracking devices that con stantly broadcast their locations to all authori ties. The system is called Automatic Identification System (AIS) and is man dated for all ocean-go ing vessels by a United Nations Agreement (SOLAS Chapter V).
cap shows that in the rice sector, over $100 million was spent to improve rice yields. Then extra support in pest control was provid ed to farmers. To top it off, the Agriculture Ministry re alised the operating of the Value-Added Laboratory in March 2022.
Dear Editor,
Let this sink in please. It is that according to a new rice market report recently pub lished by market research firm IndexBox, “Rice con sumption around the world is anticipated to continue to grow steadily around 1.1 per cent per annum to 2025, when it is expected to reach a market volume of 570 mil lion tonnes (Mt). And we all know that rice is a food sta ple for more than 3.5 billion people around the world, particularly in Asia, Latin America, and parts of Africa. Thus, it’s basically impossi ble to overstate how import ant rice is to the ways people around the globe eat. Rice is actually the source of onefifth of all the calories con sumed by the world’s popu lation. No wonder then, and being quite ‘on the ball,’ the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) Government is aiming to ramp up rice production from 560,000 to 870,000 tonnes metric tonnes by 2025.
What is good about rice (other crops too) is that pru dent investment the from Government is paying great dividends. In fact, as men tioned in the press, the re
made in the industry since August (of 2020), that plans to double production and increase export over five years can be realised.” He added at that time too that “The two European destina tions, Hungary and Latvia, together received some 250 metric tonnes of white rice last year,” and “…with the recent exports to the Caribbean, there are indica tions that more persons are interested in Guyana’s rice.” Hence, “…Government is investing heavily to ensure there be sufficient rice for new markets.” After all, rice is the Government’s busi ness and the Minister and his crew are working 24/7 to make the industry flourish, as it was pre-2015.
Moreover, news cover age in the mainstream me dia of, and concerning, the Commission of Inquiry, in cluded copious references to the Terms of Reference of the Commission.MrKwayana also er roneously alleged cer tain limitations upon the President’s powers under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, Chap 19:03. I am advised that those allegations are not evident, either expressly or by implication, in the Act.
AIS allows authorities in say, Trinidad, Venezuela, Guyana and Suriname to seamlessly and even si multaneously track a ves sel as it transits the waters off of each of the countries.
I am further advised that Mr Kwayana’s insinuations of unconstitutionality are also without merit.
3. Such transceiv ers constantly broadcast a vessel’s location using a globally-agreed proto col and radio frequency.
We must not ‘take for granted’ that these results are ‘matter of fact,’ or sim ply ‘easy to come by.’ There are many challenges to rice cultivation: high cost of in puts; low price of palay; lack of capital; labour problem; lack of postharvest facili ties; pest and diseases; and irrigation system. What I mean is that to turn around rice alone is a phenomenal achievement.Irecalllast year what Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha said. He noted that Guyana was able “… to secure addition al markets for rice exports, and with the interventions
Highly erroneous and bold inaccuracy
ers were owed more than $2 billion since July 2017; and rice farmers from Hope were given notice to vacate their rice fields. Just imagine what would have happened if they had managed to steal the 2020 Editor,elections.Iwill not be able, in this letter, to com ment on the many other ar eas of agriculture, where the Government is begin ning to reap great and de served benefits, and what all of these mean for us as Guyanese. So, let me point a few important things.
Rice on the rise – Govt’s investment yielding dividends
Yours truly, H Singh
4. So, fishing boats do not need to buy a spe cial Surinamese maritime tracking system because they fish in Surinamese waters, or pay recurring fees to do so.
claimed the lives of many fisherfolk. Having AIS on board Guyanese vessels could provide constantly updated positions of boats simultaneously to vessel owners, fishermen’s associ
At the global level, the UN, via the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation), is serious about providing the means to produce rice that is better for farmers, better for the environment, and better for agri-business es. This is exactly how the Government is going about the now burgeoning rice sec tor.
Yours CommissionAdministratorMSMHercules,Colonelfaithfully,RonaldofInquiry
5. Guyanese fishing boats could also be safe ly moored on the Guyana shore of the Corentyne River and any movement to/from fishing areas in Suriname’s territorial seas would be apparent to both Suriname’s and yearpleboatsatlevelandtoglobally-agreedvocatefolk.mentandprofiteering,GuyaneseapproachGuyanaminesingandSurinametofisherfolkities.fisheries/maritimeGuyana’sauthorForcingartisanallivinginGuyanaparktheirboatsinaddsgreatcosttroubleforhardworkpeople,andunderthefoodsecurityofandallCaricom.ThespecialSurinamesetomonitoringboatsallowscorruptionoutrageousharassofGuyanesefisherGuyanashouldadfortheuseoftheapproachmaritimemonitoringsafety–AIS–andaplayingfield.Lastly,Guyanahashadleastthreeinstancesofsinkingandmultilossesoflifeatseathisalone.Piracyhasalso
notice to the world. A sim ple gazette or google search by Mr Kwayana would have pre-empted this highly erro neous and bold inaccuracy.
Fisherfolk, Suriname and Maritime Safety
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 5guyanatimesgy.com You can send your letters with pictures to: Guyana Times, Queens Atlantic Investment Estate Industrial Site, Ruimveldt, Georgetown, Guyana or letters@guyanatimesgy.com 06:00 (Sign on) Inspirational Time 06:30 Cartoons 07:00 Evening News (RB) 08:00 Stay Woke 08:30 MasterChef Junior 09:30 National Geographic 10:00 Celebrity IOU 11:00 Paternity Court 11:30 Divorce Court 12:00 Movie - Game, Set, Love (2022) 13:30 Wheel of Fortune 14:00 Raven's Home S2 E2 14:30 Liv and Maddie S3 E12 15:00 Indian Soaps 15:30 Teaching the Truth in Love 16:00 Henry Danger S2 E8 16:30 Stop Suffering 17:00 The Young & The Restless 18:00 The Evening News 19:00 CPL: TT vs Barbados 23:00 The Vampire Diaries S6 E2 00:00 Movie - The Black Godfather (2019) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 Dear Editor, The harassment of Guyanese fisherfolk in the Corentyne by Suriname’s authorities is blatant and Guyana’s strong response at the highest levels is jus tified. Suriname’s actions are profoundly contrary to the spirit of SurinameCaricom.hasstipulat ed that Guyana’s fisher folk must pay for a special maritime tracking device, with an annual fee, and furthermore park their boats in Suriname. The harassment and additional cost burden on Guyanese is based on false represen tation of maritime track ing technology. I offer the following facts to correct this:1.
2. Nearly half a mil lion ships are presently equipped with AIS trans ceivers purchased in their home countries and safely enter any other country’s seas and harbours, includ ing Port Georgetown.
DigitalSincerely,Yacht RepresentativeLtd
Dear Editor, On 17th September 2022, a letter to the Editor cap tioned, ‘First time a CoI is ap pointed but not gazetted and ToRs not publicised’ written under the hand of Mr Eusi Kwayana was published in the media. The letter inac curately asserted that the Government has neither ga zetted nor made public the Terms of Reference of the Commission of Inquiry ap pointed by His Excellency the President on 13th September 2022.It is in the national in terest that it be placed on the public record (again) that on the very same day the CoI was appointed, the Instrument appointing the Commission, in which the Terms of Reference were duly and expansively set out, was published in the Official Gazette of 13th September 2022.As Mr Kwayana must be aware, publication in the Official Gazette constitutes
ations, the Fisheries Dept, MARAD, and in an emer gency, the Coast Guard.
By The BroThers Grimm
2) Which has a greater area, a 7-cm square or a rectangle with si des of 5 cm and 8 cm?
Be careful! A square metre does not equal 100 square cm or a square foot, 12 square inches. A square metre equals 1 met re (100 cm) x 1 metre (100 cm) = 1m2 (10,000 cm) and a square foot = 144 inches.
3) Which has a greater area, a 14-cm square or an equilateral tri angle with sides of 8 cm?
4) A triangle has sides of 8 me tres. What is its area?
5)A right triangle with sides measuring 4, 5, and 6 cm has what area?6) What is the area of a rectangle with sides of 20 cm and 86 cm?
(Adapted from sratwithabook. com)
When people want to see things about the world or their soci ety change, music can often help hold the vision, solidarity,createand build courage for bringing that new idea into reality. •SuppliesComputer or laptop for watching the video “We Shall Not Be Moved” to gether•Space to move around (if available)
ometimes you want to find a figure’s area, or the number of units it would take to fill it. Those units are called square centimetres, me tres, or kilometres in metric units or square inches, feet, yards or miles in customary units.
Watch this video together as a group:“The Freedom Singers Perform “We Shall Not Be Moved” at the March on Washington”(BostonUniversity)
1) What is the area of a square with 4m sides?
WORD SEARCH Page Foundation 6 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 ◄ Area
ongs can spring from or act as fuel for movements of social change.
Charged: Wendell Austin
Members of the Guyanese Diaspora were on Sunday as sured by Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Hugh Todd that Government was focused on creating fair and equitable policies for the benefits of Guyanese.TheForeign Affairs Minister accompanied President Dr Irfaan Ali during a town hall-style meeting with the Guyanese
Foreign Affairs Minister Hugh Todd
A17-year-old of Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara (WBD), along with two adults, were on Monday slapped with a robbery un der arms Chargedcharge.along with the teen are Roberto Louis, a 21-year-old labour er of Tuschen, East Bank
They were all remanded to prison and the case will continue on October 15.
for building nationhood and a strong cultural bond.
Teen, 2 others charged for robbing policewoman
Charged: Roberto Louis
as aInpeople.”hisown address to the residents, President Ali had told the Diaspora of the Government’s plans, in cluding for the agriculture sector and tourism. He had also responded to questions from the crowd as well. The President and the Foreign Minister were present ly in the US for the United Nations General Assembly.
However, he said such aspirations extend beyond infrastructural investments. Physical transformation must be complemented by human transformation – a feat that must be under taken by every Guyanese, which brings focus on the “One Guyana” initiative led by the “ThesePresident.arefundamen tal issues which require a change in mindset, think ing, attitude, behaviour, and the way we operate. That re quires hard work, commit ment, the involvement of ev ery Guyanese in this project called “One Guyana”,” he ex plained. (G3)
speaks about that a lot. Fairness. Making sure that each and every Guyanese citizen gets what they de serve. So, our mandate is to ensure that we can create prosperity,” the President alsoToddsaid. informed the Diaspora that the govern ment was motivated by a de sire to transform the lives of Guyanese. He also refer enced the “One Guyana” ini tiative and its importance
lives of Whilecitizens.addressing a re ception with members of the Guyanese Diaspora on Wednesday evening at Guyana’s Embassy in Washington, DC, Ali had pointed out that the Diaspora community would want a level of confidence in the local system to re turn to these shores, which Government was seeking to address.“You want to know that you can return to a healthcare system that can take care of your family. You want to know that you can return to an education sys tem that can give your chil dren the best possible ed ucation. And you want to know that you can return to a system where the security of your family is not a worry, but a given. These are three fundamental principles that we must address,” he said.
Govt policies based on equity, fairness – Foreign Minister tells Diaspora
The Government has consistently paired calls for the Diaspora to return to Guyana, with updating them on efforts to devel op and transform Guyana. Back in July, President Ali had assured members of the US Diaspora that funda mental principles of trans formation were currently in the works to enhance the
“When President Ali speaks about development, he’s speaking to Guyana and the Diaspora. And he’s focusing on a balanced de velopment. Not just the in frastructural works that you would see, but the tangible things that you won’t see. But the main emphasis is on social development and en hancement.“So,when he speaks about transformation and transforming lives, every thing that we do in terms of our policies and our strate gies, centres around the in dividual – the citizen. It’s important for us, because our sovereignty depends strongly on our value sys tem and how strong we are
The trio appeared at the Grove/Diamond Magistrates’ Court before Magistrate Sunil Scarce where the charges were read to them. Austin pleaded not guilty, while the teen and Roberto Louis pleaded guilty.
Essequibo; and Wendell Austin, a 29-year-old Warehouse Attendant of Tucville Housing Compound, Georgetown.Reports are that on September 15 at Third Avenue, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, the trio robbed a 27-year-old police woman of Providence, EBD.
Diaspora in Orlando, Florida. In his presentation to them, Todd spoke about the Government’s intention of implementing fair and just“Whenpolicies.we look at the development of Guyana, it means that we have to have leadership at every level. So, at the political level, we have policies that are inclu sive. That are based on equi ty or“Andfairness.”President Ali
…to neo-colonialism
Readers are invited to send their comments by email to eye@guyanatimesgy.com
It was reported that three men had gone to the woman’s home asking for “Auntie”, and when the el derly woman emerged from her bedroom, one of them pulled out a gun and shot her several times to her up per body. The men then fled the scene in a wait ing motor car while the el derly woman was rushed to the Georgetown Public
if their co-convict Jacobs has filed an appeal.
The fourth convict in the elderly woman’s murder, Kevin October, died in pris on.
2015, Policeman Andre July went to the Bourda Post Office in a Pitbull mini bus and as he stopped, five men approached him; one of them was armed with a gun.
Most folks felt that since 1952, after being briefed EVERY WEEK by her Prime Ministers – she couldn’t say a thing or two about all the violence that was being perpetrated in her name across the Empire?? Let’s take Kenya from where she had to fly home to accept the Crown. Couldn’t she’ve told Churchill that he couldn’t just torture and incarcerate thousands – and kill hundreds – of Kikiyus whose lands were being seized?? We’re told she was a woman who was deeply Christian – and could always be counted to offer some homilies to suffering persons she encountered in Britain. Weren’t the people in the Empire, humans and brothers too?
From left: Orwin Hinds, Cleon Hinds, Roy Jacobs, and Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris
Hospital, where she was pronounced dead. It is be lieved that a bitter dispute over a property might have been the motive for her kill ing.Following a trial before Justice Navindra Singh in 2015, they were found guilty of the crime by a 12-member jury. Justice Singh had imposed the 81year prison term on each of them and had ordered that they do not become el igible for parole until after serving a minimum of 45 years. However, their attor neys had asked the Guyana Court of Appeal to quash their conviction and sen tence.The appeal was heard by Chancellor of the Judiciary (ag) Justice Yonette CummingsEdwards and Justices of
Police had said that at around 07:45h on April 1,
…to umpire
Appeal Dawn Gregory, SC, and Rishi Persaud while Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Teshana James-Lake was theInprosecutrix.delivering the court’s ruling, Justice CummingsEdwards stated that the court allowed the appeal in relation to the men’s sen tence, but not their convic tion.She said the court found that the previously imposed sentence was manifestly ex cessive, even though she ad mitted that the crime was a “gruesome murder”.
Stravo Evans
wo men who were ini tially sentenced to 81 years’ imprisonment each for the 2011 murder of a Robb Street, Georgetown pensioner, but had their sentences reduced to 50 years by the Court of Appeal of Guyana, have now moved to the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) in an effort to quash their conviction and sentence.In2015, Demerara High Court Judge Navindra Singh sentenced Orwin Hinds, Cleon Hinds, and Roy Jacobs to 81 years in prison each for the murder of 71-year-old the11CCJbywasAprilFiedtkou-Parris.ClementineButin2022,theirsentencereducedto50yearstheappellatecourt.ThehasscheduledOctobertohearanappealfromtwoHinds;itisunclear
The charge the men had faced detailed that, on June 30, 2011, they murdered Fiedtkou-Parris pursuant to an arrangement wherein money was intended to be passed from one person to another. The elderly wom an was shot and killed on the night of June 30, 2011, at her Lot 42 Robb Street, Georgetown home.
…to independence
Maybe it’s time to chuck it in??
While some might’ve questioned the conditions under which we were granted “independence” from – and by –the Brits under Burnham, he did try to veer off the path they’d planned for us. But Burnham and most of the other “briefcase” PMs across the Empire – who also got their constitutions in a complimentary briefcase at Lancaster House - didn’t realise something. To use one of Burnham’s turns of phrase – there were many ways to kill a cat!!
Here in Guyana, there was a good old-fashioned Mass at St George’s Cathedral in her memory. The Monarch is the Head of the Anglican Church and very fittingly St George was the Patron Saint of England. He supposedly has the courage to face adversity in order to defend the innocent. But for some reason he didn’t defend the 12 million innocents who were shipped across the Atlantic from Africa to the Americas nor the 10 million innocents who perished in Bengal as recently as 1943 – when grain was shipped from that province to feed Brits during WWII.
So, no matter how he tried to cut links to the Empire – nationalising sugar, bauxite, wharves, stores, etc – they could always yank Burnham’s chain. Very simply after WWII, the Yanks – who’d taken over from the Brits – had established the Breton Woods Sisters – the IMF and World Bank – who’d do the yanking!! Even though Burnham cursed the IMF as “International Mother F*****”, he had to kowtow when things went south!!
In the end, his successor Hoyte signed along the dotted line. So, have we cut those chains from our legs yet??
Now we’ve got our own funding spigot from oil, we don’t need no IMF/World Bank, right?? Ghana thought so when they struck oil in 2007 – but they’re back in the arms of the IMF!! Gotta be careful!!
Remanded armed robbery, accused awaiting trial for abduction
it’s all over now…QE II has been interred in her grave with all the pomp and glory that Britain was able to muster. What was it the Bard from Avon – who flourished under QE I – advised in these matters?? In his classic “Julius Caesar” – who knew a thing or two about Empires – he had Mark Antony say, “The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones.” Well, from all that has been said from across the world – especially from the now extinct British Empire – while the consensus was QE II didn’t have too many sins of commission, the consensus was there were plenty sins of omission! They’ll live on?
As such, his appeal against his conviction and sentence was discontinued. (G1) St Men serving 50-year jail sentence move to CCJ
es to be heard at the Demerara High Court, published by the Supreme Court of Judicature’s registrar, Evans and two oth er men—Simeon Williams and Oliver Franklin—are to be tried jointly for one count of abduction.Thepending High Court trial for Evans and the two other men has to do with
Now, as your Eyewitness has advised, hopefully the Brits will now engage in some deep soul searching. From the Empire that QE I launched, QV extended and now QE II had ruled for 70 years, Britain went from empire to umpire – at best for the Commonwealth!
The views expressed in this column are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Guyana Times’ editorial policy and stance
an armed robbery that was committed in broad daylight on the Bourda Post Office at Regent Street, Georgetown, on April 1, 2015.
Your Eyewitness hopes former President David Granger was invited to the Mass. Apart from being a devout Anglican, he offered the deepest bow your Eyewitness had ever seen to QE II when he was given an audience in April 2017. Your Eyewitness figured that even though Burnham had eschewed British honorifics, Mr Granger was probably harking back to his training as a BRITISH army officer at Mons in 1965. We weren’t independent as yet!!
2011 murder of Robb
Jagdeo explained that the money is to cushion them from the rising cost of living. In fact, he noted that the Government is work ing to uplift all citizens. He pointed out the global events that have pushed the cost of livingTheup.Vice President made it clear that the Government has not just “sat on its hands” but has been mak ing interventions to cushion the cost of living. According to him, the provision of more disposable income will also help the economy.
Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo was there to spear head the distribution of the $150,000 one-off grant to the fisherfolk, along side Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha and Local Government and Regional Development Minister Nigel Dharamlall.
Trickery Touching on the grant being distributed, Jagdeo related anecdotal experi ences of persons trying to trick the system by mak ing false claims for compen sation. He noted that when President Dr Irfaan Ali first announced the fishing grant, they had been aiming for 5000 people.
“Multiplied by 12 months in the year, that’s over $12 billion. Back into the Berbice economy. So that will start getting things go ing. The markets. The shop keepers. People can buy fish because they have a dispos able income now,” Jagdeo explained.
Only last week, fish erfolk in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) began receiving the Government’s $150,000 one-off cash grant – a fulfilment of a commit ment made by President Ali
These fishermen op erate from the Corentyne coast and have to use the
Corentyne to get access to the Atlantic where they get most of their catch. The Corentyne River is consid ered Surinamese territory. Currently, the licences are issued to Surinamese busi nessmen at US$100 per year and rented to the Guyanese fisherfolk at US$3000 annu ally.About 150 boats oper ate from the Number 66 Fisherman’s Co-op Society, thus providing direct em ployment for about 800 fish ermen. Additionally, some 200 persons are employed in providing services which include transportation, fish vending and repairs to ma chinery and equipment. (G3)
The matter of Suriname’s harassment of Guyanese fishermen and the Dutchspeaking republic’s con tinued refusal to grant li cences to them, has been a topical issue. Following the high-level meeting in Guyana during August 2021 between President Ali and Surinamese President Chandrikapersad Santokhi, the two leaders had issued a joint press statement in dicating that the age-old is sue of licences for Guyanese fisherfolk to operate in Suriname’s territorial wa ters would be addressed.
“I was in Berbice, where they lost nearly 4000 jobs in the sugar industry alone. We employed 4000 peo ple part-time there. That is $40,000 a month, for 10 days work. They would earn $160
list, now they on the fisher men list. So, we want to help people. That’s why it took a while too. We were trying to go through the verification. We put up the names at the NDC and we said, you object to the people there if you see someone who was not a fish erman.”Over 700 persons at the Lusignan ground were scheduled to collect their cheques. Additionally, there are others whose award of the grants have been de layed due to lack of an ID card. However, Jagdeo as sured them that they will eventually get the cash grant.
million, the 4000 people.”
A section of the fisherfolk gathered at Lusignan
Over $187M in cash grants distributed to ECD fishermen assures of action being taken on Surinamese licence impasse
back in ThatMay.exercise was also led by the Vice President, at the Port Mourant Community Centre Ground and the Skeldon Community Centre Ground. Hundreds of people had been in atten dance, with more than 1600 fisherfolk stretching from the East Bank of Berbice to the Corentyne River expect ed to receive the grant which will amount to $153 million.
keeping with the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government’s commitment to support fisherfolk, over $187 million in cash grants was distributed to fisher folk on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) when the exercise unfolded at the Lusignan ground.
“We got 10,000 now. And some who were farm ers, turn fishermen now. They were on the farmers’
Caricom Meanwhile, the Vice President also disclosed that the Government will soon write Caricom seeking assis tance with resolving the on going issues faced between Guyanese fishermen and
Surinamese authorities.
taxi driv er, who alleged ly killed his friend during a row over $500 and parking space, was on Monday remanded to prion.
Troy Griffith of Lot 6
At about 12:30h, acting on information received, po lice ranks went to Mibicuri North, Black Bush Polder where they recovered the white Avensis motorcar regis tered with plates, PTT 4720. It was abandoned on a street.
The vehicle was used in an armed robbery, commit ted on Ishwardatt Outar at Albert Street, No. 79 Village, Corriverton, Berbice.
When Guyana Times visited the home of the dead man, his uncle, Ryan Weekes, had said that the parking space argument was not the entire story.
Detectives in Regional Police Division Six have recovered a mo torcar on Monday, used in an armed robbery commit ted a Number 79 Village, Corriverton robbery.
The man’s uncle add ed that when he got to the scene, he was told that his nephew and Griffith had an argument and his nephew was pulled from the driver’s seat of his vehicle, and the men began scuffling.
The case was adjourned to November 18.
Taxi driver remanded for friend’s murder
“He told me that every time his car load for him to come to Mocha, Troy block ing he car,” the man said.
at Mocha Access Road and Providence Public Road, East Bank Demerara.
Dead: Quincy Weekes, also known as “Balu”
“He said ‘granny, no, I al ready give this guy his mon ey already’… his uncle said ‘Balu, is no need for igno rance, collect the $500 and give the man’, and he said no, he paid him already,” she recalled.
“… I heard when he came in around minutes to eight to carry his son to school. When he come in this morn ing, he turn and say ‘if y’all see I ain’t come back, must know that I deh in the lockup’.”
Reports are that Weekes, a 41-year-old taxi driver of Lot 31 Nelson Street Mocha, EBD, and Griffith were ar guing when the suspect re portedly stabbed him.
The motor car recovered by detectives
Charged: Troy Griffith
Police recover vehicle used in Corriverton armed robbery
The suspect then armed himself with a knife and dealt Weekes several stab wounds about his body, causing him to fall to the ground.Meanwhile, Police in a report revealed that when they arrived on the scene, the body of Weekes was seen lying motionlessly in a pool of blood. He was later pro nounced dead.
The vehicle was searched and several pieces of cloth ing worn by the alleged per petrator were found. The ranks also recovered a cell phone belonging to the vic tim on the Number 43 road way, leading to Black Bush Polder, Corentyne.
The vehicle, which is registered to a female of Success, East Coast Demerara was taken to the
Number 51 Police Station, where it is currently lodged. Further investigation is in progress. (G12)
‘B’ Carol’s Place Mocha, East Bank Demerara, was
slapped with a murder charge and appeared before Magistrate Sunil Scarce at the Diamond/Golden Grove Magistrates’ Court.
It is alleged that Griffith killed Quincy Weekes, also known as “Balu”, at about 08:15h on September 14
“I ask he what happen to he and he say Troy give [him] some thousand dol lars to change the other day and he gave him [Troy] $500 change and he had a wuk to go over the river and come back. He say when he come back he give Troy [the sus pect] the other $500 and Troy keep saying he didn’t give he the $500.”
According to reports, the duo had an argument over parking space as they both were ‘working taxi’ in the area. The men would take passengers from the head of the Mocha Access Road into the village and vice versa.
The man said after re lating this to him, his neph ew immediately walked out of their home and asked the uncle to drop his son at school.Meanwhile, the dead man’s grandmother, Shirley Weekes, said that while her grandson was walking out of the yard, she called him back and offered to pay the suspect the $500, but he re fused. The family said with in minutes of him leaving, they received the news that he was killed.
Remanded: Kurt Savoury
dered to report to the Police Station but never did.
“I’m not built for Guyanese prison” – B&E accused
As of Monday, only seven new infections were report ed on the Health Ministry’s dashboard, with deaths standing at 1281.
Recoveries are pegged at 69,869 with some 693,060 test samples processed. The country’s recent vac
Therecases.are five persons in institutional isolation, 107 in home isolation, and three in institutional quarantine.
Symptoms of the corona virus include fever, cough, tiredness, diarrhoea, pains, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell. The more seri ous symptoms are difficul ty breathing or shortness of
To date, 32,662 males and 38,601 females have contracted the virus, amounting to 71,263 con firmed
If anyone is displaying any of the symptoms associ ated with COVID-19, or need any additional information, they are asked to contact the COVID-19 Hotline on 2311166, 226-7480 or 624-6674 immediately or visit www. health.gov.gy. (G12)
With daily recorded cas es dropping, active cases are also winding down. The ac tive cases consist of two per sons in Region One (BarimaWaini); seven in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam); 19 in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara); 59 in Region Four (DemeraraMahaica); four in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice); 19 in Region Six (East BerbiceCorentyne); three in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni); five in Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo) and one in Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice).Therearesixpersons in hospitals – five of which are at the Infectious Diseases Hospital. One person is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
per cent are fully vaccinat ed.
However, he was arrest ed again on September 15, in relation to an armed robbery which is still under probe. In light of this, Prosecutor Singh made serious objec tions to the defendant be ing granted bail, citing that he poses a risk of flight since the Police received a “tip off” that he was in the process of fleeing the country.
confirmed COVID-19 cases has increased to 177 million while the death toll has gone up to 2.8 million deaths.
Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony on Monday informed that Guyana’s active case count for the novel coronavi rus is now down to 119.
For adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17, 35,703 or 49 per cent have had first doses and 26,192 or 35.9 per cent second
breath, chest pain, and loss of speech or movement.
119 …7 infections surface in 24h
In the Region of the Americas, the number of to
cination figures show that so far, 446,492 adults or 87 per cent have taken a first dose, while some 346,315 or 67.5
According to World Health Organisation (WHO) figures, some 609 million confirmed cases were report ed globally along with 6.5 million deaths.
Meanwhile,doses.for children in the five to 11 category, 8156 or eight per cent have been administered first dos es. However, only 3940 or 3.9 per cent of this cohort have returned for the sec ond jab. In addition, 73,489 booster shots were taken.
Magistrate IsaacsMarcus upheld the prose cutor’s objections and re manded Savoury to prison. The case will continue on September 26. (G1)
rus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materi als such as Monkeypoxbedding.is trans mitted to humans through close contact with an infect ed person or animal, or with material contaminated with thePersonsvirus. are being urged if any of the symptoms ap pear, it is important to re port your condition to the Health Ministry, which will activate the necessary pro tocol.
The Health Ministry was expecting monkey pox vaccines by the end ing of September, after an order was placed to ac cess the shots through the Pan-American Health
He was arraigned at the Golden Grove/Diamond Magistrates’ Courts before Magistrate Sunil Scarce, who read the charges to him. Evans pleaded not guilty to both charges. Bail was re fused and he was remanded to prison until October 31.
here are no active monkeypox cases in Guyana following the recovery of the two persons whose cases were detected lastHealthmonth. Minister, Dr Frank Anthony on Monday disclosed that there have been no new cases of mon keypox detected in the country. On August 22, the first case was discovered –a 57-year-old man who hails from Region Four (MahaicaBerbice). Days later, a sec ond person tested positive.
patient care in the health sector, the Health Ministry has been aiming to create a safe environment for pa tients where they receive the proper medications and treatment.DrAnthony highlighted, “One of the things we want to make sure is that when people come to the health system, that patients feel safe. They’re in a safe en vironment and whatever medications they’re getting, this is also the right and appropriate meds for their healthPointingcondition.”out that mis takes can occur, the Minister said this rein forced the need for contin
Meanwhile, in October 2013, Evans, who was in dicted for the January 2010 murder of Pascal Johnson of Grove, EBD, was freed by Justice Navindra Singh after he was unanimously found not guilty by a mixed 12-member jury.
“We had two cases. We isolated them, treated them and they’re now discharged so they’re non-infectious. We have not detected any new cases,” the Health Minister underscored.
Holistically looking at
prepared with testing ca pacity and facilities should any new cases be reported.
papular (flat-based lesions) to vesicles (fluid-filled blisters), pustules, and sub sequent crusting affecting the face, palms, soles and the rest of the body.
It may be accompanied by headache, acute onset of fever, myalgia, back pain, asthenia, and lymphade nopathy. Monkeypox vi
Organisation beTheticallyMonkeypox(PAHO).characterisappearsasarash.acuteskinrashmaypresentwithmaculo
uous training for staffers in the health system.
Guyana’s 2 monkeypox cases discharged, non-infectious – Dr Anthony
Health Minister, Dr Frank Anthony
Remanded armed...
The men then pushed Darwin Hinds and the po liceman out of the bus af ter which one of them drove away in the vehi cle to Cemetery Road, Georgetown. According to reports, while at Cemetery Road, Georgetown, a car drove up alongside the mini bus, and the accused men and other persons removed money and other items be fore making good their es cape.As a result, the trio was arrested and subsequently charged with robbing July of one G3 rifle and 21 rounds of 7.62 x 51 ammunition be longing to the Guyana Police Force (GPF) and $42.5 mil lion, property of the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC).Itis also alleged that
while being together and armed with a gun, they robbed Hinds of a Pitbull minibus valued at $3.4 mil lion belonging to the GPF and that they wrongfully re strained and abducted July andWhileHinds.Guyana Times is unaware of the legal status of the robbery and wrong fully restrained charges, Evans, Williams, and Franklin have been indicted for abduction and are await ing trial at the Demerara HighLastCourt.Friday, Evans was remanded to prison after he was charged with two counts of robbery under arms com mitted on Nitisha Klass and Kevin Frazer on September 13, at Soesdyke Public Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD). The charges were laid con
It was the prosecution’s case that Evans shot and killed the 28-year-old man on January 3, 2010, at Laing Avenue, Georgetown. (G1)
Patient care
“At this point in time, there is no need for any fur ther follow-up, because we discharged them from the hospital, they were symp tom-free,” Dr Anthony said.
Both persons, who are unrelated, were isolated at the Infectious Diseases Hospital, Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown.
“From time to time, there can be mistakes. If the prescription is not prop erly filled, if there is a sub stitute medicine that is given, if the interaction be tween various medications is not taken into account, these can lead to complica tions for patients. Efforts were made to reinforce the need to have quality mea sures in place to make sure that these mistakes do not occur.”World Patient Safety Day was observed in Guyana on September 17. (G12)
trary to Section 222 (c) of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act Chapter 8:01.
He added that since these persons were not ex periencing any symptoms, no follow-ups were needed. As of now, Guyana remains
After the investigation and auditing of the judg es’ score sheets, the new to tals showed Region Seven with 768 points as the queen for the Miss Amerindian Heritage 2022. Meanwhile, Region Four (DemeraraMahaica) secured 736; Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni) with 672, Region Five (MahaicaBerbice) with 626.5 and Region Six (East BerbiceCorentyne) with 626.5.
“This was based on the compound scoring system that was implemented so as not to undermine any efforts of the delegates in every seg ment… In the circumstanc es, the Ministry urges the
Miss Amerindian Heritage Queen, Kristie Rambharat
asked if the same would oc cur again if the charges were to be withdrawn and the Child Protection Agency work with the family, the mother gave her commit ment that it wouldn’t and as such she is now employed, Gouveia stated.
exploitation, can be involved in accidents and their lives can be scarred and damaged, and as such Child Protection Officers will be taking tough er actions to protect children, which is covered in the child protection laws of Guyana.
Assistant Director of the Child Care and Protection Agency, Levine Gouveia, who noted that getting chil dren off the street is not only the Ministry’s job but the public can lend a help ing hand by reporting when
“Removing children off of the street and other plac es that put them at risk for exploitation is everyone’s re sponsibility to make the proj ect a success. This aware ness programme is to propel the populace into being part of the solution of getting the children off the street and into meaningful activities by providing purposeful assis tance, and not being part of the problem by inadvertent ly giving the children a small change.”Gouveia, while address ing the gathering, also shared an experience she had when she saw a child about seven years old and his mother on the streets one night, and she called the Police, who arrested her and had her spend the weekend behind bars. However, when
The Minister also stated that while children are on the streets, they are exposed to
Amerindian Heritage Pageant Incorrect tabulation leads to confusion, new queen announced
Both Persaud and Gouveia implored the mem bers of the public to report instances where children are seen on the road by call ing the 914 hotline or the Police. They also urged the Police Force to act upon calls made to them and to assist in rescuing children who are the future Presidents and Ministers of this country from the streets, since mak ing the call can be the biggest difference within the child’s life.Statistics from the Child Protection Agency shows that over 30 children are beg ging at stop lights in the city alone.
She said that while en gaging in those conver sations, Child Protection Officers have been evaluat ing the situations and rea sons as to why the children are on the streets and work ing to provide assistance to determine what can be done
The Amerindian Affairs Ministry has identified a new win ner of the Miss Amerindian Heritage Pageant after a miscalculation during the score tabulation led to the wrong person being named as winner.Tenwomen were vying for the title, and the Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) rep resentative was selected as the winner during the pag eant on Saturday night. However, after much public outcry about something be ing amiss, an investigation was launched. The Ministry later said in a statement that the scores were not ac curately tabulated. The del egate from Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), Kristie Emma Rambharat, was then identified as the queen.
“The Ministry under stands that the judges’ deci sions are final, however, we wish to point out that the Judges’ score sheets were tabulated incorrectly by the Tally Clerk which resulted in erroneous figures which has affected the outcome of the announced results of the Amerindian Heritage Pageant 2022.”
According to the state ment, the final scores were tabulated based on a com pound scoring system. This included tabulating the to tal scores for the six seg ments plus the final ques tion round.
he Human Services and Social Protection Ministry on Monday, in observance of Child Protection Week 2022, themed “Keeping Children Safe Through Community Collaboration”, launched a “Street Light” initiative. This initiative aids in having chil dren who are on the street for various reasons analysed and provided with whatev er care the Ministry can pro vide.The “Street Light” initia tive will start immediately with childcare protection of ficers doing routine checks at areas where children fre quent.
“It is important that when we have children on the street, to understand the risk out there not only of ex ploitation but of abuse and it is also important to look deeper into the matter to see what triggers those children into being on the street and why their parents are not in tegrally involved in supervis ing Alsothem.”at the gathering was
to eliminate the occurrence.
Minister Vindhya Persaud, while addressing the gathering, noted that the Ministry, after several dis cussions were held with par ents and children who are on the street, the name “Street Light” was initiated, because as a society, there is need to turn the light on the issue. She added that it is common and the children are predom inantly at the stop lights.
Police, citizens urged to play greater role in getting children off streets …as “Street Light” initiative launched
public to display kind can dour to each delegate and maintain respect and cour tesy to the delegates and the entire production of the Miss Amerindian Heritage Pageant,” said the Ministry said in its statement.
a child is seen on the street so the Ministry can provide shelter or whatever resourc es they can to help that child.
It added, “Most of all, the Ministry wishes to ex tend greatest gratitude and recognises the hard work, professionalism and dedica tion displayed by each dele gate who participated in the Pageant. This Pageant con tinues to serve as a platform for empowerment of young Amerindian women across the length and breadth of Guyana.”
Persaud added that un der the initiative, when chil dren who are on the streets are identified, the Ministry through the Government is providing training, employ ment and support to both the parents and the children and is creating a database to fol low up the children to ensure they have stability in their lives.“Is need for intervention, for family stability, can the family take care of its chil dren, is there other social is sues contributing to this?”
2021 AG Report handed over to Speaker of the House
“We must feel proud that while windfalls are coming our way in terms of the re sources, that all arms of the State are ensuring that the resources at our disposal are going to be transparent, traceable and used in the most efficient way possible,” NadirAccordingsaid. to the Auditor General, the achievement reflects the office’s objective of timely reporting to the
He was remanded to prison and the case will con tinue on September 23.
The car that was involved in the fatal accident in Essequibo
Hit-and-run accident Essequibo Coast driver charged for fatal accident
Members of the Public Accounts Committee in attendance
Auditor General Deodat Sharma hands over a copy of the 2021 Auditor General’s Report and five performance audit reports to Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir
He said during the course of the year, in addition to reg ular audits, there was a roll out of several cash grants, including the “Because We Care”, Children Living with Disabilities, and the hinter land and riverine villages cash
“Ourgrants.team of auditors were engaged in real-time audits, where we were able to ensure the objectives of the activity were achieved, beneficiaries received their
Choonilall, a car driver of Airy Hall, Essequibo Coast, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam), was charged on Monday.
He lauded the coopera tion received from Ministries and departments, and even Ministers who availed them selves to answering ques tions.
the best practices obtained across the commonwealth.
subsequently arrested.
On Monday, he appeared at the Charity Magistrate Court before Magistrate Crystal Lambert, via Zoom. He pleaded not guilty to the charges but was nonetheless refused bail.
grant without prejudice of any minor post-review doc umentation issues, these real-time audits also pro vided us with an opportuni ty to witness first-hand the process, and there is no bet ter audit evidence than firsthand witness,” Sharma not ed.
legislature and the public.
As such, the injured man was picked up in an uncon scious state by public spir ited persons and rushed to the Suddie Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Auditor General Deodat Sharma on Monday presented his 2021 report to Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir, ahead of the statutory deadline.
injuries to his body. The driver of the car that hit him drove away from the scene.
As a result of the colli sion, the elderly man fell on the roadway and sustained
The 35-year-old man was charged for failure to stop at an accident scene and fail ure to render assistance to theItvictim.isalleged that on Friday at about 19:30h, mo tor car PWW 2293 was pro ceeding along the Adventure Public Road at a fast rate and struck down 63-year-old Ameer Ally, who was walk ing on the corner of the road.
Charged: Ganesh Choonilall
The driver of the motor car who fled the scene was
Five performance au dit reports namely the Management of Medical Waste at Hospitals; Management of Drugs and Medical Supplies at the Ministry of Public Health and Regional Health Facilities; Receipt, Storage and Distribution of Textbooks at Schools; Review
of Training Programmes Established and Developed by the Council of Technical and Vocational Education and Training; and Guyana’s Preparedness for Marine Oil Spill Response were also presented to the House Speaker.TheSpeaker noted the importance of the reports.
“The five areas, are need ed, necessary of course not sufficient, but when you look at text books, when you look at drugs, those are two of the biggest areas of expen diture and the performance audits are designed to give an objective, critical, impar tial analysis of the process es so that we can get more efficiency out of the system,” Nadir is quoted by DPI as saying.He noted that the per formance audits could be used for all of the account ing units to look at their own systems and utilise finances better. He said Parliament has voted to make the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) become a member of the Commonwealth Association of Public Accounts Committees, which will give Guyana’s PAC exposure to
skill and was pleased with her“Iperformance.alwayslike take up challenge and as soon as I hear about this programme, I put my name down, I was the second person. I always wanted to learn to drive different things, especially tractor. This is the time and just now I feel really nice when I jump on, on that tractor and know I could’ve
He also cautioned that new Covid-19 variants could still emerge, espe cially in the coming winter months.TheUS recently autho rised new vaccines that match the version of the Omicron variant current ly dominant in the country, with federal health officials asking Americans to keep their jabs up-to-date.
Last week, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that the world has "never been in a better position to end the pandemic".
Top Republicans crit icised the president's re marks, with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeting: "Biden now says 'the pandemic is over' as he's kicking tens of thousands of healthy sol diers out of the military with his COVID vaccine mandate."
resident Joe Biden has declared the pan demic over in the US, even as the number of Americans who have died from Covid continues to rise.Mr Biden said that while "we still have a prob lem", the situation is rapid ly improving.
But in comments made at a Washington DC think tank, he said the daily death rate remained "unac ceptably high".
disease.Data from Johns Hopkins University shows that the seven-day average of deaths currently stands at over 400, with more than 3,000 dead in the past week.
to the development of her community.“Ifeelas a woman, wom
moved it off. It is really, re ally something nice. I mean this should encourage other young girls that still deh in their shell to come out and do certain things.”
Mainstay/Whyaka women beneficiaries of BIT’s tractor operation training
The course was tailored specifically for the develop ment of the Amerindian vil lage which currently has no tractorLabouroperators.Minister Joseph Hamilton expressed satis faction for the number of female participants in the male-dominated course.
Labour Minister Joseph Hamilton and BIT participants from the Amerindian Village of Mainstay/ Whyaka, Region Two
be able to 'live with the vi rus,'" Dr Fauci said.
In August, US offi cials extended the public health emergency, which has been in place since January 2020, through to 13 October.Todate, more than one million Americans have died with the coronavirus
have it right here in our vil lage and its free,” she not ed.
ight women from the Amerindian Village of Mainstay/ Whyaka, Region are(Pomeroon-Supenaam),Twopartofagroupof18
On Monday, Dr Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, ac knowledged the situation had improved.
"We are not where we need to be if we're going to
The training programme will span four months and will see participants en gaging in a community en hancement component. This component was con ceptualised to have partic ipants test their practical knowledge to enhance their communities.Meanwhile, DPI spoke with several participants who lauded the initiative.
“I’m hoping that you can influence other young wom en to think outside the box.
She also extended grati tude to the Government for hosting the training within the“Thankscommunity. to the Government because this training is all over Region Two, not only in our village and I should say a special thanks to the Government bringing it so far into the village and we don’t have to go out on the coast or so, we
"That has changed ev erything... people's atti tudes about themselves, their families, about the state of the nation, about the state of their communi ties," he said.
More than 6.5 million people have died since the beginning of the pandemic around the world. The US has had the highest death toll, followed by India and Brazil . (BBC)
Public health officials have expressed cautious optimism in recent weeks that the world is edging to wards a pandemic recov ery, but continue to urge people to be careful.
In Region Two alone, some 152 other persons from Charity, Airy Hall, Mashabo, Dartmouth and Bethany are being trained in several courses.
The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said last week that the end of the pandemic is "in sight".
Another trainee, Ricky Reynolds said, “I was de prived very early in child hood and not having the op portunity to qualify myself educationally. So, this op portunity is very great and I don’t want to miss it.”
"We are not there yet," he said. "But the end is in sight."
Anastasia Joseph said she was eager to learn this
en should come out some more and do things for themselves and not just al low the men to do every thing. You need to play a part in your life especially if you are married and have a husband. And I think I can do something more for my village and I have some thing in me that I want to learn more so that’s why when anything in my vil lage come up, I usually take part in everything.”
set to benefit from the Labour Ministry’s Board of Industrial Training (BIT) tractor operator course.
Covid-19 also continues to have a significant impact on the US economy, with the National Bureau of Economic Research report ing last week that Covidrelated disease had slashed the US workforce by about 500,000 people.
Mr Biden said he be lieves that the pandem ic has had a "profound" impact on the psyche of Americans.
In an interview with CBS programme 60 Minutes aired on Sunday, Mr Biden said that the US is still doing "a lot of work" to control the virus.
COVID -19 pandemic is over in the US - Joe Biden
Statistics show that over 400 Americans on av erage are dying from the vi rus each day.
So, what you’re doing is not just for yourself, is to be come an example to become a trailblazer for a young woman who can say that if you can do it, I also can. You have to think outside the box,” he stated.
The interview - aired over the weekend - was partly filmed on the floor of the Detroit Auto Show, where the president ges tured towards the crowds.
In January 2021, by comparison, more than 23,000 people were report ed dead with the virus over a single week-long span. About 65% of the total US population is considered fullyCertainvaccinated.federal vaccine mandates remain in place in the US - including on healthcare workers, mili tary personnel and some non-US citizens entering the country by airplane.
Participants of the BIT tractor operator course
"It's been a very difficult time. Very difficult."
He said the experience should encourage other women to continue break ing barriers and stereo types in the technical field.
"If you notice, no-one's wearing masks," he said. "Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape... I think it's Butchanging."administration of ficials told US media on Monday that the comments did not signal a change in policy and there were no plans to lift the ongo ing Covid-19 public health emergency.
choreography, there were mo ments of raw emotion. Late in the day an ashen-faced King Charles held back tears, while grief was etched on the faces of several members of the roy al family.Huge crowds thronged the streets of London and at Windsor Castle to witness the moving, grand processions and“Fewceremonies.leaders receive the outpouring of love that we have seen,” Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, told the congregation at the State funeral in the majestic Westminster Abbey, where monarchs have been married, buried and crowned over the last 1000 Amongyears.the 2000 con gregation were some 500 Presidents, Prime Ministers, foreign royal family members and dignitaries, including Joe Biden of the United States.
In the royal group follow ing the casket into the Abbey was the queen’s great-grand son and future king, Prince
“I’ve been coming to Windsor for 50 years now,” said Baldev Bhakar, 72, a jew eller from the nearby town of Slough, speaking outside Windsor Castle.
Some wore smart black suits and dresses. Others were dressed in hoodies, leggings, and tracksuits. A woman with dyed green hair stood next to a man in morning suit as they waited for the London proces sion to Millionsbegin.more watched on television at home on a public holiday declared for the occa sion, the first time the funeral of a British monarch has been
“People of loving service are rare in any walk of life,” Welby said during the funer al. “Leaders of loving service are still rarer. But in all cases, those who serve will be loved and remembered when those who cling to power and privi leges are long forgotten.”
Music that played at the Queen’s wedding in 1947 and her coronation six years later again rang out. The coffin en tered to lines of scripture set to a score used at every state funeral since the early 18th century.
“I saw her many times over the years; it felt like she was our neighbour and she was just a lovely woman; a beautiful queen. It was good to say one last goodbye to our neighbour.”
“Abundant life”
countries with which she had little direct link.
capital to honour Elizabeth, whose death at the age of 96 has prompted an outpouring of gratitude for her 70 years on theManythrone.more lined the route as the hearse took her cof fin from London to Windsor, throwing flowers, cheering and clapping as it passed
However, in line with her
Towards the end of the ser vice, the church and much of the nation fell silent for two minutes. Trumpets rang out before the congregation sang “God Save the King”. Outside, crowds joined in and broke into applause when the an them was over.
The Queen’s funeral cortege was borne on the State Gun Carriage of the Royal Navy
Outside hundreds of thou sands had crammed into the
After the funeral, her flagdraped casket was pulled by sailors through London’s streets on a gun carriage in one of the largest military pro cessions seen in Britain, in volving thousands of members of the armed forces dressed in ceremonial finery.
her nation trying to carve out a new place in the world, and she was in strumental in the emergence of the Commonwealth of Nations, now a grouping com prising 56 countries.
At St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, some 800 guests attended a more inti mate committal service which concluded with the crown, orb and sceptre – symbols of the monarch’s power and gover nance – being removed from the coffin and placed on the al
tar.The Lord Chamberlain, the most senior official in the royal household, then broke his “Wand of Office”, signify ing the end of his service to the sovereign, and placed it on the casket which then slowly descended into the royal vault.
When she succeeded her father George VI, Winston Churchill was her first Prime Minister and Josef Stalin led the Soviet Union. She met ma jor figures from politics, enter tainment and sport including Nelson Mandela, Pope John Paul II, the Beatles, Marilyn Monroe, Pele and Roger Federer.Despite being reputedly 5ft 3ins (1.6m) tall, she dom inated rooms with her pres ence and became a towering global figure, praised in death from Paris and Washington to Moscow and Beijing. National mourning was observed in Brazil, Jordan and Cuba,
They walked in step to funeral music from march ing bands, while in the back ground the city’s famous Big Ben tolled each minute. Charles and other senior roy als followed on foot.
The tenor bell of the Abbey tolled 96 times. Among the hymns chosen for the ser vice were “The Lord’s my Shepherd”, sung at her wed ding in the Abbey.
The 40th sovereign in a line that traces its lineage back to 1066, Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952 and be came Britain’s first post-impe rial
George, aged nine, and his younger sister Charlotte, sev en.
Members of the Royal Family walked behind the Queen’s coffin in a procession from Westminster Hall
It was in the same vast
building that the Queen was photographed alone, mourn ing her husband of 73 years, Prince Philip, during the pan demic lockdown, reinforc ing the sense of a monarch in synch with her people during testing
At the State funeral, Welby told those present that the grief felt by so many across Britain and the wider world reflected the late mon arch’s “abundant life and lov ing “Herservice”.late Majesty fa mously declared on a 21st birthday broadcast that her whole life would be dedicat ed to serving the nation and Commonwealth. Rarely has such a promise been so well kept,” Welby said.
The casket was taken from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch and trans ferred to a hearse to travel
Her health had been in de cline, and for months the mon arch who had carried out hun dreds of official engagements well into her 90s had with drawn from public life.
Elizabeth was laid to rest alongside her beloved husband on Monday after a day which saw Britain and the world pay a final farewell to the nation’s longest-reigning monarch, in a dazzling show of pomp and ceremony.Amidformality and careful
Latertimes.onMonday evening, in a private family service, the coffins of Elizabeth and Philip, who died last year aged 99, were moved from the vault to be buried together in the same chapel where her father, King George VI; mother; and sister, Princess Margaret, also rest.
to Windsor, where more big crowds waited patiently.
from the city to the English countryside that she loved so much.
sense of duty she was pho tographed just two days be fore she died, looking frail but smiling and holding a walk ing stick as she appointed Liz Truss as her 15th and final PrimeSuchMinister.washer longevity and her inextricable link with Britain that even her own family found her passing a shock.“We all thought she was invincible,” Prince William told well-wishers.
Elizabeth died on September 8 at Balmoral Castle, her summer home in the Scottish highlands.
The queen’s piper brought the service to an end with a lament called “Sleep, Dearie, Sleep”.At Windsor there was a similar, poignant end to the ceremony with a lone pip er walking away, leaving the chapel in silence.
“I’ve sang God Save the Queen all my life,” said John Ellis, 56, an army veteran who had travelled to Windsor. “It’s going to be quite hard to change now.” (Reuters)
As the congregation sang “God Save the King”, King Charles, who faces a huge challenge to maintain the ap peal of the monarchy as eco nomic hardship looms in Britain, appeared to be fight ing back tears.
Among those who came from around Britain and be yond, people climbed lamp posts and stood on barriers and ladders to catch a glimpse of the royal procession.
With pomp and sorrow, world bids final farewell to Queen Elizabeth
The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II, followed by (left to right, from front) King Charles III, the Queen Consort, the Princess Royal, Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, the Duke of York, the Earl of Wessex, the Countess of Wessex, the Prince of Wales, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales, the Duke of Sussex, the Duchess of Sussex, Peter Phillips, the Earl of Snowdon, the Duke of Gloucester, the Duke of Kent, and Prince Michael of Kent, is carried by the Bearer Party in to the Committal Service at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle, Berkshire on Monday September 19, 2022 (Victoria Jones/Pool via Reuters)
Thousands of people flocked to Windsor to catch a glimpse of the State Hearse driving to St George’s Chapel
(Excerpt from Reuters)
"Most of the revised quantitative programme targets through end-June 2022 were met, with the exception of the floor of net international reserves, mainly on account of high er-than-programmed im port volume growth," the IMF said in a statement.
St Lucia has begun the process of replacing the London-based Privy Council as its final court.
United Kingdom has recently responded with its non-objec tion to St Lucia commencing the legal process to terminate appeals to the Privy Council.
In La Altagracia, in the extreme east of the country and where the hurricane made landfall on Monday morning, the overflow of the Yuma River damaged agricultural areas and left several towns isolated.
Major quake strikes Mexico on “cursed” anniversary of temblors, at least 1 dead
GMT) near the western coast and close to the Michoacan border with the state of Colima – where Manzanillo is located, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.
(Excerpt from CMC)
The CCJ also acts as an international tribunal inter preting the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas that governs the regional integration move ment.Attorney General Leslie Mondesir said the island’s ac cession to the CCJ brings the country one step closer to at taining full independence.
ed following decisive poli cy steps to correct earlier setbacks and rebuild cred ibility."The IMF has praised steps by Argentina's Economy Minister Sergio Massa, who took over the role in August after a vol atile period that saw longterm Minister Martin Guzman quit and his re placement Silvina Batakis only last a few weeks.
The Category One hur ricane will likely become a Category Three as it moves across warm Caribbean waters toward the Turks andOnCaicos.Tuesday, the centre of Fiona is expected to pass near or to the east of the archipelago, which is sub ject to a current hurricane warning, the U.S. National Hurricane Center (NHC) said. Tropical storm condi tions were also expected in TheAfterBahamas.strafing Puerto Rico, Fiona made landfall in the Dominican Republic
A view shows the destruction caused by the passage of Hurricane Fiona in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, September 19, 2022 (Reuters/Ricardo Rojas)
T he (IMF)MonetaryInternationalFundhasreached
fiscal deficit to improve the country's finances.
18 guyanatimesgy.comTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
Demonstrators sit near the National Congress as the senate debates the Government's agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 17, 2022 (Reuters/Agustin Marcarian)
Fiona made landfall there on Sunday after noon, dumping up to 30 inches (76.2 cm) of rain in someTheareas.storm comes five years after the U.S. Caribbean territory was ravaged by Hurricane Maria, which triggered the worst US power blackout. (Excerpt from Reuters)
Haitians have taken to the street in protest over the existing socioeconomic and political situation (CMC file photo)
(Excerpt from Reuters)
said it was “gravely con cerned” by the continuing deterioration of the securi ty situation and the social circumstances in Haiti.
“The Government of the
Electric and water util ities are working to restore services in areas that have lostInsupplies.Puerto Rico, a terri tory of the United States, residents were still fac ing strong winds, frequent lightning and heavy rain.
“The continued break down in law and order, and its distressing effect on the people of Haiti, is intensi fying. The fraught situa tion is exacerbated by the inability of the Haitian se curity forces to address the ongoing violence,” the 15-member regional inte gration grouping said in a statement.Itsaid that the unrest is having a negative impact on the already weak econ omy leading to even more mass demonstrations, “es pecially the worsening so cial conditions and the lim ited availability of food require urgent and imme
“We wish to emphasise that a referendum is not re quired to complete the acces sion process once agreement is reached with the United Kingdom.”AGovernment statement said that a committee was es tablished to facilitate the “his toric move” and it is being led by Sir Denis Byron, a former CCJ President, and former Chief Justice of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court.
IMF staff back US$4B tranche for Argentina, praise “decisive” steps to become St Lucia’s final court of appeal
The approval, which needs to be ratified by the IMF executive board, would unlock US$3.9 bil lion for the embattled South American nation, which is looking to rebuild reserves and tamp down spirallingArgentina,inflation.a major grains producer, struck a new IMF deal earlier this year to replace a huge failed programme from 2018. The new programme was critical to being able to meet the country's ob ligations to the IMF that it was otherwise unable to pay.That deal came with economic targets, includ ing rebuilding depleted in ternational reserves and reducing a deep primary
Apowerful earth quake struck western Mexico on Monday on the anniversary of two dev astating temblors, killing at least one person, damaging buildings, knocking out pow er, and sending residents of Mexico City scrambling out side for Presidentsafety.Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a vid eo address a person had died in the Pacific port of Manzanillo after a wall col lapsed in a store. Authorities also reported damage to two hospitals in the west ern state of Michoacan near the epicentre, which was in a sparsely-populated part of Mexico.The magnitude 7.6 quake hit shortly after 13:00h (1800
"The damage is consid erable," said Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader. He plans to de clare a state of disas ter in the provinces of La Altagracia, where the famed resort of Punta Cana is located, El Seibo and Hato Mayor.
“In April of this year, we signalled to the Government of the United Kingdom our in tention to terminate appeals to the Privy Council,” the Attorney General said. “This is a necessary step by virtue of Section 41 of our Constitution.
Mexico on the same day as destructive quakes battered the country in 1985 and 2017."It seems like a curse," Isa Montes, a 34-year-old graphic designer in the city's central Roma neighbour hood, said of the quake's tim ing as helicopters flew over head, surveying the city.
“This persistently dis tressing situation is unten able, and Caricom calls for all stakeholders to engage meaningfully with the aim to find a way forward and to put country first and ad dress the situation urgent ly.”The regional grouping
urricane Fiona was churning north on Monday evening after bringing torrential rain and powerful winds to the Dominican Republic and triggering a total pow er outage in neighbouring Puerto Rico, where at least two people died.
Fiona caused severe flooding, leaving several villages isolated, and some 800 evacuees and more than 11,000 people with out power in the eastern region of the country.
near Boca Yuma at 3:30 a.m. local time, according to the NHC. The centre of the storm had reached the northern coast of Hispanola before noon.
"A subsequent peri od of FX and bond market volatility has been arrest
Hurricane Fiona seen intensifying after slamming Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico
The quake was relative ly shallow, at only 15 kilo metres (nine miles) deep, which would have amplified its impact.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), one of the country's most prestigious seats of higher learning, said there was no scientif ic explanation for three ma jor quakes on the same day and attributed it to pure co incidence.Butothers could not quite believe it.
T he (Caricom)CommunityCaribbeanonMonday
diate attention from the in ternational community.
Caricom gravely concerned at ongoing security situation in Haiti
It is the first hurricane to score a direct hit on the country since Jeanne left severe damage in the east of the country in September 2018.
The US Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued a tsunami warning for parts of Mexico's coast, saying waves reaching one to three meters (three to nine feet) above the tide level were possible.
said that following discus sions in the past weeks, it “remains available to as sist and work with interna tional partners to mobilise financial and technical re sources to facilitate a pro cess towards normalisation and ultimately the holding of free, fair and credible general elections”.
Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said there were no immediate reports of major damage in the capital after the trem ors, which rumbled through
a staff-level agreement on Argentina's US$44 billion extended fund facility ar rangement, which should unlock nearly US$4 billion in funds for the country, the lender said on Monday.
The Phillip Pierre Administration, in a state ment, said that the island was hoping to become the fifth Caricom country to join the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) that was established in 2001 to replace the Privy Council in Britain.The other Caricom coun tries that are members of both the original and appel late jurisdiction of the CCJ are Barbados, Belize, Guyana, and Dominica.
Independent confir mation is hard to come by on the ground in sep aratist-held areas of the east. However, local au thorities said nine 150mm shells were fired at the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk, from a village to the west of the city.
UN experts on Monday said that there are reasonable grounds to believe that “war crimes and crimes against human ity” have been committed by the Ethiopian Government in the Tigray region, warn ing that renewed conflict there increased the risk of “further atrocity crimes”.
A British public holiday for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth limited trade volume during London hours on Monday. Still, oil also came under pressure from hopes of an easing of Europe’s gas supply crisis. German buyers reserved capacity to receive Russian gas via the shut Nord Stream 1 pipeline, but this was later revised and no gas has been flowing.
lieve that, in several in stances, these violations amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity”.
il prices edged slightly higher in volatile trading on Monday, as worries of tight supplies outweighed fears that global demand could slow due to a strong US dollar and possible large increases to interest rates.
He posted the comments a day after the south-west
They have repeatedly accused Ukrainian forces of targeting the city.
Local media said one man was found dead inside his car, which was submerged up to its roof in the middle of a field, while another man died after being caught in a landslide.
Wu Zunyou's comments have drawn controversy
19guyanatimesgy.com TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
In its first report, the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on
One other person remains missing, and at least 115 peo ple have been injured, NHK said.
The head of Luhansk re gion, Serhiy Haidai, shared video of a Ukrainian tank crossing a pontoon bridge, and said Ukraine now con trolled the left bank of the Oskil river, seen as the front line in north-east
Oil edges up as supply woes outweigh demand and rate hike worries
February, they have strug gled to push the Ukrainian army back from the outskirts of the city Ukrainianitself.forces have launched counter-offen sives in the south as well as the north-east, and their most dramatic progress has come this month in the northern Kharkiv region.
The US dollar stayed near a two-decade high ahead of this week’s decisions by the Fed and other central banks. A stronger dollar makes dollar-denominated commodities more expensive for holders of other currencies and tends to weigh on oil and other risk assets.
hirteen people have been killed and others wounded in a series of explosions in the sepa ratist-run city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, accord ing to its Russian-backed mayor.Alexei Kulemzin blamed “punitive” Ukrainian shellfire for the deaths. There is no comment from UkrainianDonetskofficials.hasbeen con trolled by Russia’s proxy authorities since 2014.
"Howuser. racist is this? What about the ones like me who have been living in China for almost ten years? We hav en't seen our families in like 3-4 years due to borders being closed," wrote another Weibo user, who appeared to be a foreigner.China has imposed some of the world's toughest COVID measures since the start of the pandemic, which have included snap lock downs, border closures, man datory testing and travel re strictions.
Russia was accused on Monday of targeting a nu clear plant in the south.
This, combined with shortages of food, med icine and fuel as well as se vere restrictions on humani tarian access have left some 20 million people in need of assistance and protection, nearly three-quarters of them women and children.
Easing COVID-19 restrictions in China, which had dampened the outlook for demand in the world’s second-biggest energy consumer, could also provide some optimism, the analysts said.
Kishida delayed his depar ture to New York for the UN General Assembly this week to assess the damage from
The report was issued as fighting resumed between the Ethiopian Government and its allies, and forces backing the Tigray author ities following a tense fivemonth cessation of hostili ties.The commission said that Ethiopia’s beleaguered civil ian population now faces re newed risks after enduring nearly two years of conflict, which has now expanded beyond Tigray to other ar eas of the country and risks spreading beyond Ethiopia’s
The Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies led by Russia, known as OPEC+, fell short of its oil production target by 3.583 million barrels per day (bpd) in August, an internal document showed. In July, OPEC+ missed its target by 2.892 million bpd.
(Excerpt from BBC News)
"This is very inappropri ate [to say]. At the start of the pandemic, some foreign ers stood up and [defended us] by saying that Chinese people are not viruses," wrote one
Local leader Denis Pushilin accused Ukraine of deliberately targeting civilians at a bus-stop, a shop and a Althoughbank.Russian forc es have seized areas of the Donetsk region further south since the invasion began in
Chinese health of ficial has warned lo cals against touching foreigners, a day after China recorded its first monkeypox infection.Inapost on Weibo, the chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wu Zunyou advised against "skin-to-skin contact withTheforeigners".postdrew controver sy, with some labelling it as racist.Comments on the original post have since been disabled from the platform.
ly shared on social media over the weekend, drew largely critical comments on Weibo.
Ukraine.IfUkrainian forces are able to maintain a foot hold on the eastern side of the Oskil, it will represent a breakthrough. Haidai said the next target would be liberating the city of Lyman, which was seized by Russian forces in May.
yphoon Nanmadol, one of the biggest storms to hit Japan in years, killed at least two people and brought ferocious winds and record rainfall to the west of the country on Monday, caus ing transport disruptions and forcing manufacturers to sus pendPrimeoperations.Minister Fumio
United Nations experts say they have reasonable grounds to believe that the Ethiopian Federal Government is using starvation as a method of warfare [Michele Spatari/AFP]
Japan’s 14th typhoon of the season.Nanmadol made landfall near Kagoshima city late on Sunday before battering the western island of Kyushu and roaring onto the main island of Honshu on Monday morn ing.A river in Kyushu’s Miyazaki prefecture over flowed, flooding fields and roads, footage from public broadcaster NHK showed. Other video showed a river
locals to avoid skin-to-skin contact with recent travel lers who had returned from abroad in the past three weeks, and with strangers.
Crude has soared this year, with the Brent benchmark coming close to its record high of US$147 in March after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine exacerbated supply concerns. Worries about weaker economic growth and demand have since pushed prices lower.
borders, with consequences for peace in the entire Horn of Africa.Theexperts highlight ed the horrifying situa tion in Tigray, where the Government and its allies have denied people access to basic services, including the internet, banking and elec tricity, for over a year.
"In order to prevent possi ble monkeypox infection and as part of our healthy life style, it is recommended that 1) you do not have direct skinto-skin contact with foreign ers," Wu wrote on his Weibo page on Saturday.
The market has also been pressured by forecasts of weaker demand, such as last week’s prediction by the International Energy Agency that there would be zero demand growth in the fourth“Thequarter.market still has the start of European sanctions on Russian oil hanging over it. As supply is disrupted in early December, the market is unlikely to see any quick response from US producers,” ANZ analysts said.
ern city of Chongqing report ed its first case of monkeypox in a person who arrived from abroad. It is not clear if they were a Chinese citizen or a foreigner.Thepost, which was wide
Chinese official warns against touching foreigners after monkeypox case
Deadly Donetsk blasts hit separatist-run city in Ukraine
The storm made land fall again in Shimane prefec ture in western Honshu after tracking the coastline earlier on Monday, and was heading east at about 35 km per hour (22 miles per hour), the JMA said.Up to 300 mm (11.8 inch es) of rain was expected in central Japan’s Tokai region, the nation’s industrial heart land, over the 24-hour-period to Tuesday evening, it said. (Excerpt from Reuters)
US crude oil stockpiles are estimated on average to rise by around 2 million barrels in the week to Sept 16, according to a Reuters poll. (Excerpt from Reuters)
“The surveys of OPEC+ production being so far below their quotas for August has the market feeling that they’re simply unable to increase their production if the market demands,” said Andrew Lipow, President of Lipow Oil Associates in Houston.Central banks around the world are certain to increase borrowing costs this week to tame high inflation, and there is some risk of a full 1 percentage point rise by the US Federal Reserve.Many traders were once again moving to the sidelines to await the Fed’s meeting this week, said Dennis Kissler, senior vice president of trading at BOK Financial.
In addition, he called for
Typhoon batters western Japan with record rain, killing 2
Around the World
Brent crude for November rose 65 cents, or 0.7 per cent, to US$92 a barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for October was up 62 cents to US$85.73 per barrel, or 0.7 per cent.
(Excerpt from BBC News)
UN: Warring sides committing atrocities in Ethiopia’s Tigray
The attack has not been independently confirmed, although footage was post ed online by the Ukrainian military.
side house half hanging over a torrent, the tin roof ripped off a gas station, and a toppled billboard leaning over a street from the top of a building.
Ethiopia said it found that violations, such as extraju dicial killings and rape, have been committed by warring sides in Ethiopia since fight ing erupted in the northern Tigray region in November 2020.The commission, creat ed by the UN Human Rights Council last year and made up of three independent rights experts, said it had “reasonable grounds to be
(Excerpt from Al Jazeera)
guyanatimesgy.com20 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
Say what’s on your mind, reveal how you feel, and discover where you stand and what you can expect from others. Listen attentively, ask questions and verify
22-Jan. 19)
21-July 22) (July 23-Aug. 22)
(Jan. (Dec.
Socializing will pay off. Follow through with the promises you make. Your words count only if they turn into something tangible. A last-minute change will lessen risk.
dedication and originality to help you develop a surefire plan. Play it safe and leave nothing to chance. Put your ideas in place and get things
21-April 19)
Stick to what you know. Consistency will be your ticket to success. Take care of responsibilities, and you’ll avoid dis appointment. Personal gain and self-im provement are favored.
24-Nov. 22)
Express your concerns and make suggestions. A passionate plea will af fect how others treat you. Don’t waste money on entertainment when investing in yourself or your home will lower your stress.
23-Dec. 21)
(Feb. 20-March
20-Feb. 19)
Look for a financial opportunity. Cutting back where you can and invest ing more time, effort and cash into some thing that interests you will improve your life. A lifestyle change will pan out.
(Oct. (Nov.
plans secret until you are ready to put them into play. Approach someone who can offer a different per spective on something that interests you. Avoid all forms of risk.
23-Sept. 22)
Trust and believe in yourself, and ev erything else will fall into place. Look at the possibilities, use your imagination and find new ways to use your skills to further your plans.
Oversee people’s actions, and com pensate for any mistakes. Don’t put emotional pressure on yourself or oth ers, but prepare to pick up the slack to ensure you get the desired results.
After some reflection, alter how you live and do things to suit your current needs. Don’t listen to someone trying to push you in a direction that suits them instead of you.
your energy where it can do some good. Anger won’t solve anything or help you win favors or respect. Compromise, make positive suggestions and help oth ers see what you want.
Don’t accommodate others when you need to follow your heart and give your plans a chance to develop proper ly. Home improvements will enrich your life and your relationship with a loved
23-Oct. 23)
21-June 20) (April 20-May 20)
Having recently struck form with a hundred against Afghanistan, Kohli has recused himself of some scrutiny which has now in turn turned towards KL Rahul, India's chosen open er ahead of Kohli. Rahul has come out stating that he's been working on up ping his strike-rate a day ahead of the series opener againstAaronAustralia.Finch'smen aren't exempted from that debate either, with eyes training on Steven Smith's impact in the format with his style of play. While Finch has backed him to come good, the series will act as an audition in ways as Australia get in with out some of their mainstays like Mitchell Marsh, David Warner and Marcus Stoinis.
he previous time that Australia and India clashed in a T20 game in Mohali, the format was not as evolved as it is now six years later. Back then, in the World T20, India won the semi-final through a thrilling chase that was headlined by the running between the wickets of Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni, in what was a measured and calculated batting dis play. It was a strategy dic tated by the longer bound aries square of the wicket.
of RinaSaigoSaigo.was one of two home hopefuls to depart on Monday as Qinwen Zheng won 19 points in a row en route to beating Misaki Doi 6-2 At6-4.the Korean Open, Zhu Lin was the only seed in action and got the better of Jang Su-jeong in straight sets. (Sportsmax)
“I think I had to prove to probably myself and some other people that I am still a great player; you know, I am still out here to win golf tour naments,” Smith said.
She was the top seed at the Chennai Open last week, only to lose in straight sets in the first round to Anastasia Gasanova.
(The Guardian)
Both players birdied the second hole, but Smith bo geyed the fourth and sixth as Johnson got to within a stroke before the duo card ed birdies at the par-five sev enth.Smith opened up a threeshot lead with a birdie at the par-four eighth, where
Johnson carded the first of two consecutive bogeys to reach the turn four back and his hopes of becoming the first multiple winner on the LIV Golf series all but dashed.Uihlein (69) got into the mix and was briefly one shot back of Smith, who was cruis ing along the back nine until a bogey at the par-three 16th, but the Australian reached the 18th three shots clear after a birdie at the penulti mate hole coupled with a late UihleinSmithbogey.is the high est-ranked player to join LIV Golf to date and fin ished fourth in his debut two weeks ago in Boston where he missed out on a three-man play-off by one shot after a bo gey on his penultimate hole.
Pacific Open began in Tokyo on Monday.Riske-Amritraj reached the last 16 at the US Open earlier this month but has struggled in Asia since then.
Probable XI: Aaron Finch, Matthew Wade, Steve Smith, Glenn Maxwell, Tim David, Cameron Green, Ashton Agar, Pat Cummins, Daniel Sams, Adam Zampa, Josh Hazlewood
In the age of the T20 World Cup, that style has fewer and fewer takers. It is a style of gameplay that Rohit Sharma and Co are trying to actively break away from, with the protag onist from then, Virat Kohli being the centrepiece for
Probable XI: KL Rahul, Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, Rishabh Pant/Dinesh Karthik, Suryakumar Yadav, Hardik Pandya, Axar Patel, Bhuvneshwar Kumar, R Ashwin/ Yuzvendra Chahal, Harshal Patel, Jasprit Bumrah
While Johnson could not catch Smith, he did help his 4 Aces teammates Patrick Reed, Talor Gooch and Pat Perez to victory in the team competition as the squad split a US$3 million firstplace prize for the fourth con secutive event.
India, with a fair ly-settled XI, welcomes back Jasprit Bumrah and Harshal Patel – who had missed the Asia Cup – and thus will be at near fullstrength. Whether they ex periment with giving the likes of Deepak Chahar, a World Cup standby, some game time will be a ques tion for the think-tank even as the Rishabh Pant or Dinesh Karthik question continues to hover around. And they will be hoping to answer those questions in the couple of series left be fore the World Cup.
Riske-Amritraj falls to another early defeat in Tokyo
The opportunity for Tim David, as a result, throws up more possibilities as they look to finalise their best XI with a month to go for the start of the tournament.
of the best players that has ever played the game over all formats of the game. So, we know the skill that he's got and the game sense and the tactical nous that he's got. So, we're really confident that regardless of what role he has to play within the structure of the squad, that he can do that very, very well” – Aaron Finch (Cricbuzz)
The final round was inter rupted for a scheduled mo ment of silence that was ob served across the venue in honour of Queen Elizabeth, whose image was shown on screens around the course.
India and Australia's chance to fine tune their T20 World Cup plans
Australia’s British Open champion Cameron Smith has claimed his first LIV Golf victory in only his second start on the lu crative Saudi Arabia-backed circuit with a three-shot tri umph over Dustin Johnson and Peter Uihlein just out sideSmith,Chicago.one of 12 major champions in the 48-player field at Rich Harvest Farms, shot a three-under-par 69 in the final round of the 54-hole event on Sunday to reach 13 under and secure the US$4 million ($A6M) first prize.
Cameron Smith poses with LIV Golf chief executive Greg Norman after winning the individual title in Illinois
“Proud of how I hung in there today. Didn’t really have my best stuff the first eight or nine holes, but stuck it tough and made a few good putts coming in. It was nice.”
eryone has a certain role to do. Obviously, strike-rates are taken on an overall ba sis. You'll never see when that batsman has played at a certain strike-rate, whether it was important for him to play at a 200-strike rate, or whether the team could have still won playing at a 100120 strike rate” – KL Rahul
And the American fell at the first hurdle again in Japan.Riske-Amritraj was drawn against compatriot Claire Liu, who was com ing off back-to-back defeats to Anastasia Potapova and without a win since qualify ing for the Canadian Open lastButmonth.Liu brushed aside the seventh seed 6-2 6-3 to set up a meeting with Elise Mertens in the second
the strike-rate debate.
What they said “No one is perfect. No one in the dressing room is perfect. Everyone's work ing towards something, ev
A lison lysufferedRiske-AmritrajanotherearexitasthePan
round.Mertens eased through with a 6-0 6-3 win over Wang Qiang, while Petra Martic was similarly com fortable in a 6-1 6-1 defeat
Tactic talk: The strikerate question could throw up the possibilities of a tin kered batting order if need ed. They, too, like India could consider breaking the glut of right-handers in the middle order by punting on the likes of Ashton Agar.
Compatriots Matt Jones (72) finished four under, Jed Morgan (71) and Wade Ormsby (72) four over, and Marc Leishman (78) six over to come home in last place.
The stage was set for a fi nal-round duel between two of the world’s best golfers as overnight leader Smith be gan the day two shots clear of playing partner Johnson (70), who fell three shots back af ter a bogey at the first hole.
Australia’s Cameron Smith banks US$4M from 1st LIV Golf win in Chicago
Tactic talk: The presence of a left-hander in the mid dle order is something that India have been very keen on. It proved to be a deci sive factor for Pant jumping the queue ahead of Karthik when Ravindra Jadeja was injured. But with the avail ability of Axar Patel, does the equation change once again? Will India have as much faith in Patel's bat ting abilities as they had in Jadeja's? And without too many left-handers in Australia, can Yuzvendra Chahal get ahead of R Ashwin?
“We know the quality that Steve's got. He's one
Rose Hall Town Namilco Thunderbolt Flour and arch-rivals Young Warriors CC have also advanced to the tournament’s lone semi-final after winning their second-round match es. Rose Hall Town Namilco Thunderbolt, who drew a bye in the first round, de feated Blairmont by 68 runs at the Albion Ground while Young Warriors got the bet ter of Port Mourant at the latter venue.
Bowling for Young Warriors, Kasim Khan had 3 for 18 off 4 oversAlbion v Tucber Park @ Albion. Albion won by 5 wickets.Tucber Park, batting first, made 90 all out off 19.2 overs. Nail Smith 24, Malcom Mickle 14, and Devon Clements 11.
Led by a responsible in nings of 27 not out by Kevin Umroa, Albion held their nerve at the end to defeat Tucber Park and book their place in the final, which is set for Saturday, September 24. Other outstanding per formances from the sec ond-round matches came from West Indies play er Kevin Sinclair, national all-rounder Clinton Pestano, left-arm spinner Kasim Khan, and Gaurav Ramesh. The tournament was spon sored By Chandradat Chintamani in memory of his late uncle, Ivan Madray. Madray was the third of 20 Berbicians to play for the West Indies at the Test lev el.
GFF/NAMILCO Thunderbolt U17 League – Essequibo-Pomeroon FA ….Henrietta
Warriors v Port Mourant @ Port Mourant: Young Warriors won by 20 runs. Young Warriors 125 for 9 off 20 overs with Suresh Dhanai 34, Vishal Mohabir 34, and Seon Hetmyer 18.
Madray 20/20 First-Division Tournament
Henrietta United and pocketedDeterminatorsDartmouthbothfullpointswhen
Ifill was the lone marksman for North, net ting a brace in the 34th and 52nd minutes .
North Ruimveldt (yellow) multilateral and Cummings Lodge were locked in a fierce battle
Rose Hall Town Namilco scored 173 for 5 with Kevin Sinclair making 60 runs, Clinton Pestano 56, Kevlon Anderson 42. Bowling for Blairmont Blazers, Chris Harry had 1 for 18 off 4 overs, Shabeer Baksh 1 for 32 off 4 overs. Blairmont Blazers in reply scored 106 for 8 off 20 overs. Zameer Nazeer 30, Altaf Khan 22, Nigel Deodat 12. Bowling for Rose Hall Town Namilco, Jonathan Rampersaud had 2 for 3 off 2 overs, Keith Simpson 2 for 23 off 4 overs, and Jeremy Sandia 1 for 9 off 2 Youngovers.
minutes later, Zavier Layne’s goal not only hand ed Henrietta the lead for the first time, but salvaged full points for his team in the 42nd minute.
Bowling for Port Mourant, Joshua Harrichan had 3 for 27 off 4 overs, Vinod Samaroo 1 for 13 off 4 overs and Yudendra Harrinarine 1 for 12 off 3 overs. Port Mourant scored 120 for 7 off 20 overs. Joshua Ramsammy 26, and Madhan Budhan, 22.
Sachel Marks (left) and Rockcliffe Grant – Dartmouth Determinators FC
The following game was a score-fest for Christianburg
CWSS, Cummings Lodge, PC, Golden Grove are opening winners
Albion march into final, RHT Namilco Thunderbolt & Young Warriors reach lone semi
Tapakuma FC are the other club contesting this league, which will be played over three rounds as only five clubs are battling for bragging rights as the best from Cinderella County and the rights to represent it at the National InterAssociation competition. Matches will continue at the same venue this Sunday.
The Albion Community Centre Cricket Club Sunday defeated Tucber Park CC by five wick ets to advance to the final of the 2022 Berbice Cricket Board/Ivan Madray first-di vision 20/20 tournament.
A look at the contest between CWSS (Black T-shirt) and West Ruimveldt (Red T-shirt) also take full points on opening day
65th) scored twice for their 5-0 Goldenwin. Grove got in on the action, thumping Friendship Secondary 4-0. Yanick Williams (3rd, 70th); Kelon Croal (21st) and
Scores from the second round of matches are:
That advantage was held for 10 minutes be fore Henrietta drew level through a well-taken shot from Dwayne Verwayne in the 35th minute. Seven
Wismar Secondary, as they took on West Ruimveldt Secondary. Devon Gilbert (25th); Amali King (29th) and Darnel Warner (40th) contributed one apiece, while Daniel Adolph (42nd,
Just five minutes lat er, Marks was on target again to double the advan tage for Dartmouth. Goal number three was scored by Rockcliffe Grant in the 36th minute as Dartmouth fur ther put a clamp on their op ponents.Marks completed his hattrick in the 52nd minute for the winners, and they have sent an ominous warning to the other three teams in the reckoning for top honours. Queenstown got their con solation goal from Jameen Hubbard.
College.The Guyoil/Tradewind Tankers League is expected to continue this Saturday, at the same venue, the Ministry of Education (MoE) Ground, Carifesta Avenue.
Antwan Samuel (11th, 13th) and Fabian Figueria (37th, 38th) both netted dou bles for Cummings Lodge, while Elijah Mendonca (35th) committed the car dinal sin of scoring an own goal.Kwali
Pearson, a teacher by profession, also thanked the sponsor, National Milling Company of Guyana (NAMILCO) for staying the course by sponsoring this league that would be played for the first time in the Regional“SponsorshipAssociations.isvital to the sustenance and devel opment of our players and while we, as a member of the GFF, express our gratitude to the Managing Director of NAMILCO and his staff, we would also like to recognise the leadership of the GFF led by President Wayne Forde for making this tournament happen,” Pearson said. "We look forward to some excit ing football over the coming weeks and months.”
In the final game, President’s College nar rowly escaped the grasp of Dolphin Secondary, 3-2.
Marks’ hat-trick lead Dartmouth to victory
Grove and President’s College were the teams to emerge victorious on the first day of the Guyoil/ Tradewind Tankers League on Sunday.Inthe opening game of the league, Cummings Lodge were locked in a tight contest with North Ruimveldt Multilateral, but eventually prevailed 4-3.
ummings Wismar,ChristianburgLodge,Golden
Jaquan Cole’s (20th, 25th) equalising brace was not enough for Dolphin as Michael Joseph (11th, 14th) also scored two, while Treyon Grenville (56th) add ed another for President’s
5 off 17.3. Kelvin Umroa 27 not out, Afraz Budhoo 22, and Sewnarine Chattergoon 17. Bowling for Tucber Park, Nail Smith had 2 for 10 off 4 overs and Qwesi Mickle 1 for 19 off 4 overs.
the FootballEssequibo-PomeroonAssociation (EPFA) leg of the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)/ NAMILCO Thunderbolt Flour Power, Under-17 Intra Association League kicked off on Sunday last at the Anna Regina Community CentreStampingGround.their author ity from the onset of ac tion was Dartmouth, which, led by the first hat-trick of the league off the boots of Sachel Marks, brushed aside Queenstown United easily, 4-1. It took some time for both sides to set tle in and get into a groove given the return of competi tive football following a pro longed layoff owing to the COVID-19Groovingpandemic.infirst was Dartmouth in the 20th min ute when Marks latched onto a well-taken pass be fore firing the ball past the Queenstown goalkeeper
Omarion Burrowes (72nd) were the names on the score sheet for Golden Grove.
Henrietta United had to dig deep to take full points as they came from a goal down against Good Hope FC to win their clash 2-1. Good Hope would take the lead in the 20th minute through an Alonzo John effort.
Earlier, new EPFA President Marvin Pearson, presiding over his first tour nament since taking over the reins of the Association, congratulated the players and the respective club ex ecutives for making the tournament possible, noting that they all were winners.
22 GUYANATIMESGY.COMTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 CLASSIFIED ADS Bus Service: Need a bus? Call us. Planning a Tour? Call us. Matthew’s Bus Service and Tours. Call or WhatsApp: 639-2663 or 673-2348. BUSTOURSSERVICE Tours: Planning a tour or planning a trip? Call Matthew’s Bus Service and Tours. Call or WhatsApp: 6392663 or 673-2348. WANTED Lot 668 Mandela Ave., opposite the new Citizen Bank. 628-7605, 650-1184. PROPERTY FOR SALE Male and Female to work in factory. Apply to R.P’s Enterprise, Area ‘K’ Le Ressouvenir, E.C.D. Tel. : 220-2818 FOR RENT For international visitors seeking over six (6) months stay or long term contractual agreement: new ly built house, fully furnished with 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, parking space for multiple vehicles locat ed 5 minutes away from Timehri Airport. Contact Brian Baksh at +13476134987 or representative 613-0448. Guyoil/Tradewind Tankers League…
Bowling for Albion, Gaurav Ramesh had 3 for 19 off 4 overs, Karan Arjpaul 3 for 21 off 3 overs, and Leon Cecil 2 for 17 off 4 overs. Albion in reply scored 91 for
much to the delight of his teammates and supporters.
Rose Hall Town Namilco v Blairmont Blazers @ Albion: Rose Hall Town Namilco won by 67 runs.
…players encourage fans to support
“I just want to tell them thank you very much for their support and I would like them to come.
… players sharpening their skills for Suriname Open, says Persaud
* Nearest to the pin –Avinda Kishore
Some scenes from the GAW arrival at the Guyana Marriott on Monday
“Well, I have to take lots of wickets for that. So yeah, as long as I’m taking wick ets, you’ll see me running around,” Tahir said about his famous running celebra tion.On the other hand, Shepherd said, “You know,
Ghanpat bags IBGL/LGC title
The Guyana Amazon Warriors were, fitting ly, the first team to arrive in the Land of Many Waters for the remainder of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL). In spite of the tough weekend the team just experienced, Captain Shimron Hetmyer and oth ers had encouraging words for the fans at home.
lay that with the Suriname Open being an interna tional tournament and be ing played on a different course, this allows the play ers to truly test their game and compete against over seas players, which makes for good experience as it will carry a similar feeling to the Guyana Open.
“We’re finally here, can’t wait to actually get started and get cracking. Come out and support us ‘cause we need it,” Hetmyer related to this publication about their need for “That’ssupport.theplan,” a smil ing Hetmyer said about his intention to light up Providence this week.
ing in front of the crowd at Providence. It’s going to be nice, so expecting a lot of fans out there, starting on Wednesday.“Comeout and support
us, we’re going to make you guys proud. We have to win these games, so, we need all the support that we can get,” Shepherd added in a word to the GAW fans.
Guyana Open and with the Suriname Open around the corner, he said that it was his belief that the players were sharpening their skills by coming out, partaking in the weekly tournaments, gaining much exposure to the competition and tourna mentHepressure.furtherwent on to re
Miguel Nunes came in third
The action at the Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) on Saturday saw a total of 32 players take over the golf course. Each player battled for glory, but in the long run, it was Hardeo Ghanpat, who stood out from the rest after keenWithcompetition.alackof rain, the course was in pristine con dition and the sunshine was lush, this meant that the grass on the tees, fair ways, and greens was green and full. Ghanpat was giv en much competition from Miguel Yunes and Mahesh Shivraj, but he dug deep and
* 2nd – Mahesh Shivraj: HC 15. Gross 82, Net 67
The Warriors have four home games ahead of them, starting with a con test against the Jamaica Tallawahs on Wednesday night, before the Hero CPL play-offs begin next week.
* 3rd – Miguel Nunes: HC 22, Gross 90, Net 68
managed to keep them at bay.The results for the tour nament were as follows:
LGC Captain Videsh Persaud
The Amazon Warriors will play back-to-back games on Wednesday and Thursday against the Tallawahs and the St Lucia Kings, respectively; on
Saturday and Sunday, they will lock horns with the Trinbago Knight Riders and the Barbados Royals, all be ginning at 19:00h (7pm) lo cal time.
man” Imran Tahir and local boy Romario Shepherd, who
The winners’ row
Asrodeen Shaw (cream) had the best gross with a score of 79
“It’s really nice to be back in Guyana, and I just want to say thanks to the fans. I know that we’ve not being doing how they’re expecting us in this competition, but look, there are four games in front of us and we’re going to play in front of them and we’re very excited about it,” Tahir shared.
GAW arrive for final leg of CPL
* 1st – Hardeo Ghanpat: HC 27, Gross 92, Net 65
Also sharing their thoughts was the “running
* Longest Drive – Miguel Oviedo*Best Gross – Asrodeen ShawSpeaking(79) at the end of the tournament was LGC Captain Videsh Persaud who said, “This being the first ever of this kind of tourna ment hosted by Insurance Brokers Guyana Inc, I would say it was a great success. The tournament saw 36 per sons registered, with 32 tak ing the field, making this tournament, one of the big gest tournaments after the rainy season in terms of participants. I would like to thank IBGL for support ing the club and pledging to make this an annual event at thePersaudLGC.” further noted that the next step for the Golf Club was preparation for the highly-anticipated
I’m always excited to be home, especially play
encouraged the fans to turn up at the National Stadium.
The GAW Captain con tinued, “I think most of the guys, they can’t wait to get started and it’s been a while since we actually played in Guyana as well. It’s been quite a number of years, so we can’t wait to get started.”
Speaking exclusively with Guyana Times Sport, Hetmyer expressed his ex citement at being home, and being able to play at Providence since the COVID-19 hindrance.
GUYANA TIMES - www.guyanatimesgy.com, email: news@guyanatimesgy.com, NEWS HOTLINE: 231-8063 EDITORIAL: 223-7230, 223-7231, 231-0544, 225-7761 SPORT: sport@guyanatimesgy.com SALES AND MARKETING: 231-8064 - marketing@guyanatimesgy.com - PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY GUYANA TIMES INC. Sport is no longer our game, it’s our businessTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2022 GAW arrive for final leg of CPL …players encourage fans to support Some scenes from the GAW arrival at the Guyana Marriott on Monday Ghanpat bags IBGL/LGC title … players sharpening their skills for Suriname Open, says Persaud Guyoil/Tradewind Tankers League… CWSS, Cummings Lodge, PC, Golden Grove are opening winners Page 22 Page 23 Page 23
behalf of the management, coach ing staff and players of the Guyana Amazon Warriors, I would like to welcome all the fans in our dear land of Guyana who will be coming out from today in numbers to fill our National Stadium in all our games – and those who could not get in because the tickets were all sold out with in a few days. In the ten years that the Hero T20 Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has been in existence, I can say – without any fear of being accused of exaggeration that you have been the most consistent in dem onstrating support for your team – and for CPL Cricket – in all of the territories.
places, our history has made us appreciate life more, since it could have been so easily taken from us. This year, we have launched a unique Cricket Carnival to bring it all to gether!Cricket has been an integral part of Caribbean life, and as I have said in previ ous years, T20 might have been launched elsewhere, but its joie de vivre and all its synonyms – cheerfulness, cheer, light-heart edness, merriment, glee, gladness, happi ness, joy, joyfulness, joyousness, delight, pleasure, high spirits, good spirits, good hu mour, jollity, jolliness, hilarity, mirth, jovi ality, exuberance, elation, exultation, eu phoria, jubilation – declare it was “born” in the West Indies.
Once again, on behalf of your Guyana Amazon Warriors I ask that you join me as I say with all sincerity: GO WARRIORS! – Let us celebrate the joy of Caribbean Cricket!!
This year, our season was bookmarked between the end of the month of August – the month we have commemorated as “Freedom Month” for more than a century and a half – and the end of September, which is the month we celebrate “Amerindian Heritage Month” in honour of our First Peoples. During that time, we West Indians have marked that freedom and indigenous ness by achieving success in several fields –but nowhere else more unique than in the culture we evolved in celebrating life itself. Maybe it is because, more than most other
And I repeat, the Guyana Amazon Warriors are your team and your vociferous support of your team in and out of the sta dium has proven to be their secret weapon – providing at crucial moments that rush of adrenalin that takes teams across the line from the agony of defeat to the thrill of victo ry. Your Guyana Amazon Warriors have re sponded by being the most consistent team in the last decade. And they have become known as a team that never say die.
is much more than a game for us in Guyana, it is a passion, part of our culture and a unify ing force. As we celebrate “One Guyana”, the hosting of the CPL final will be an energis ing force. We are building a product that will be spectator-focused, integrated with our re gional partners for a global market. Cricket
Carnival is a fusion of entertainment and celebration that will be mind-blowing and unbelievably different from any other glob al cricketing event. We welcome all to the greatest celebration of music, pageantry, Caribbean vibes with a South American touch, and, of course, cricket played loud est.” GUYANA, CPL 2022
My fervent hope, like many Guyanese, is for our Amazon Warriors to draw inspiration from the games being staged in Guyana to finally reward their passion ate and loyal fans by win ning the elusive CPL cham pionship on home
As a result of the vi
sion of promoting Guyana as a top-tier international destination for investment, tourism, entertainment, sports, food, and cultural ac tivities.There is something for everyone to enjoy, including music festivals, food shows, concerts, competitions, and organised tours.
More importantly, the Government’s inten tion through the events is to invest in its people as a springboard that will foster economic opportunities for every Guyanese.
On behalf of the Government and the people of Guyana, I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to thousands of visitors from across the globe, particular ly our Caribbean Region.
WeIndies.warmly welcome the teams, players, coaches, and their fans for the final leg of the tournament. The first game in Guyana is set for Wednesday, September 21, and will climax with the fi nals on Friday, September 30.
An exciting brand of cricket is expected from the six teams participating in the tournament name ly, Jamaica Tallawahs, St Kitts and Nevis Patriots, Barbados Royals, Trinbago Knight Riders, St Lucia Kings, and, of course, the Guyana Amazon Warriors.
Both events fulfil the Government’s overall mis
for economic growth.
“The 10th anni versary finals in Guyana will be the biggest finals the CPL has ever had. We'll have sell out crowds to all the games, there's going to be an ex traordinary atmosphere. As I said, that coming together of Carnival and cricket will
The CPL games in Guyana are paired with Cricket Carnival, a fun, vi brant and colourful medley of activities held under the “One Guyana” theme.
Notwithstanding,soil. host ing the CPL is a special mo ment for Guyana.
and our Government has mapped out a transforma tional development trajec tory that will ensure the di versification of our economy by using the gains from this natural resource for coun trywide development.
sion and investments of our Government, led by Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the CPL finals were secured, particularly given the socioeconomic development bene fits that cricket offers.
We will continue to build out many new pillars so that our economy will be resil ient, strong and sustainable. Combined, CPL and the Cricket Carnival is one such avenue Government has ad opted as a unifying catalyst
Guyana is a proud host of the highlyanticipated finals of the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) 2022, the do mestic Twenty20 cricket league played here in the West
This is the first of three annual CPL finals and Cricket Carnivals to be host ed byTheGuyana.CPLand the carnival events mean a lot to Guyana as our unwavering drive is to bring people together and to unify the country. There is no better way to achieve this than through sports and culture.
This is the 10th season of the CPL, but the first time that the finals are being held in Guyana. We anticipate an electrifying atmosphere from the wave of fans who will fill seats at the National Stadium in Providence to witness the games.
In advance of the CPL, we noted that hotels were booked solid and numer ous economic opportunities have opened up for bed and breakfast accommodations, vendors, restaurants, bars, transportation services, and tourGuyanaoperators.israpidly evolv ing as an oil and gas market,
never be seen better than in Guyana this year. So, for us it is all about, you know, en joying what's ahead. I think it's going to be a phenom enal few days in Guyana, and I hope all the fans, both watching at home and in the stadium, will enjoy the expe rience.”
Think about it: a GAW team stacked heavily with Guyanese players, the Guyanese fans enthralled in the boisterous crowd as they revel in the glory of win ning their first Hero CPL trophy, at the first final to ever be played at their home ground. And, of course, they are being led in celebra tions by none other than the only captain who has led an Under-19 West Indies side to World Cup victory.
“I’m very excited actu ally. It’s something that I’m
very year, as Hetmyer leads the local fran chise in the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL), the Amazon Warriors may have the opportunity to play their first CPL final at home, the first time that the final will
Shimron Hetmyer: The long-proclaimed “Captain of Destiny”
Shimron Hetmyer is embracing the captaincy role
By Jemima Holmes
Guyana leg of the Hero relish“[But]HeCPL.related,Ireallyplayingin
Captain would love nothing more than to raise the Hero CPL trophy at the Guyana National
plained, weighing the pres sures of performing at home and the captaincy, “Knowing that you’re playing at home, it’s always fun and exciting, but it’s also very challeng ing, because of the fact that you know you have to win, or there’s this pressure on you to win.”Nonetheless, Hetmyer is very eager to get to the
son.“Being here for a while I think, yes, I am ready,” the left-handed batsman added.
He went on to add, “Lifting the trophy, that was a feeling like no other, be cause being the first captain to do it and then having such a wonderful team and some great guys that I actually grew up with since Under-15 cricket, that made it even moreAndspecial.”now, the GAW
be played at the Guyana National Stadium.
On this topic, he relat ed, “It’s always good to know that there’s guys you could always go to and find out what they’re thinking and they could help you, in terms of field setting, who to bowl at a specific time, just to make sure that everything runs“There’ssmoothly.a lot of guys there that’s actually experi enced.”One pressure situation that Hetmyer might not be able to escape that easily is the thousands of adoring fans in the Guyana National Stadium, holding strong to the hope that Captain Hetmyer would get their team over the line this time.
2014, a lanky Guyanese lad from Cumberland, Berbice got another shot at represent ing the West Indies on the international stage, having played Under-15 cricket pre viously. Two years later, the same teenager achieved the unthinkable – the opportuni ty to lead that very Under-19 team that he was first select ed for, two years prior.
When it comes to pres sure situations, Hetmyer is pretty confident that there is enough support for his team to rely on.
Upon his return from Bangladesh with the West Indies’ first Under-19 World Cup trophy and a smile that you could spot miles away, the Berbician lad was hailed as the “Captain of Destiny” by a Guyana Chronicle writ er – a title that is truly fit ting, six years down the road.Of course, the individual needs no introduction. He is Shimron Hetmyer, Captain of the Guyana Amazon Warriors and only the sec ond Guyanese to hold the ti tle in the franchise’s 10-year
Some occurrences have destiny written all over them, and Shimron Hetmyer’s cap taincy is one of them.
“It’s a little bit of both, to be honest,” Hetmyer ex
Hetmyer’s batting has also reflected his intent to lead well
Guyana, the crowd and so on and knowing the conditions that I’m playing in as well, so, all of that helps. It makes it just a little bit more exciting, a little bit more special when you actually win games in Guyana.”“Winning the World Cup, it was just a breath-tak ing feeling. There were just so many different thoughts running through each and everyone’s head,” A young er Hetmyer had reflected to the International Cricket Council (ICC) back in 2020.
“That’sStadium.something all Guyanese players, fans, ev eryone have been looking for ward to and more so myself, because I literally cannot wait to go back to Guyana and play some cricket.”
Shimron Hetmyer is no stranger to lifting trophies as captain
I’d like to call that desti ny.
“I got the opportunity now to captain my side and captain my country as well; it’s something that I can’t wait to actually go out on the field and start doing,” Hetmyer told the Hero CPL’s media team prior to the com mencement of the 2022 sea
really looking forward to, to be honest and it’s something I think I could learn a lot from, in terms of taking my cricket forward. Like how to manage my innings, how to look after my team, as well. Just to be a little bit more of
a team player than just try ing to hit 6s and 4s basical ly.”He continued, “So, I’m trying as much as possible to do as much as I can, in terms of being the captain, trying to help out as much as I can and just being there for the team.”Of course, the captain cy hat is one that we have not seen Hetmyer taking on much, since 2016. Aside from occasional stints at the national level, Hetmyer has stayed far from leadership, but this time around, the challenge is what enticed him.“I think it’s the experi ence really. Being around the West Indies team, I think I’ve learned a lot, in terms of how to go about doing stuff as someone in a leadership group. I’m just trying to do my best, in terms of trying to help the guys that are com ing up in their careers and who’re in the centre part of their careers. To really push on and really play more for the West Indies,” the 25-year-old said.
As one would expect, Hetmyer has been looking forward to his rise in the ranks for quite a while; may be even since his entry into the Warriors team in 2016, months after his World Cup glory. The then 19-year-old only played a single match for the Warriors, but two years later announced him self as the flamboyant bats man Guyana has come to know and However,love.Hetmyer, who is still the youngest player to slam a Hero CPL century (having done so as a 21-yearold), is looking to bring more than boundaries and maxi mums to the table.
indeed, the Cricket Carnival has put Guyana on the map; flights in and out of the country are booked, hotels reserved to capacity, and tourists from all around the globe are mingling comfortably with Guyanese natives.
Cricket Carnival planning committee has managed to pull it off.
Ramson Jr further elucidated, “This is
Of course, the thought of Cricket Carnival sounds easy to those who may not have an intricate knowledge of the planning that has gone into the event, but, in six months the
“It’s not done that way, but we’ve done it in this way, because we need to leapfrog the curve, so that we start to occupy space in a much more significant way,” Ramson Jr added.And
A glimpse of what to expect at Cricket Carnival
product every year. And, after three years, we will have a big surprise for you, it’s going to get even Culture,bigger.”Youth and Sport Minister Charles Ramson Jr has, however, offered a different perspective on the prospects of Cricket
The only aspect left that will make it a perfect picture of success is the music, food, culture and not to forget, the cricket. Let the fete begin!
Culture, Youth and Sport Minister, Charles Ramson Jr
an event that is streamed by 500 million people in the world, they get to see this. Five hundred million people tune in to the CPL finals and semi-finals. How would they have had that otherwise?”
“FromCarnival.theperformance arts area, those young people, they’re going to be able to get the biggest platform that they have ever had before. People from all around the coun try, the Region and the world will be here in Guyana and getting the opportunity to see our talent here. Getting them the name and face recognition that they would not have had otherwise,” he explained.
“The loudest it will ever be!” was the vow President Ali made on the evening of March 30, 2022, when he went on to announce the inaugural Cricket Carnival, a fusion of fete and cricket that has never been attempted in the Caribbean Region before.
Simply put, the main objective of Cricket Carnival is to diversify Guyana’s tourism product, but for other sectors like culture and arts, it is said to be the driving force that will put Guyanese creatives on the map.
A grand celebration of Guyanese and Caribbean culture, an array of colours and costumes, coupled with the sport that the Region enjoys the most, was what he had in mind. And so, Cricket Carnival was birthed.
She continued about the event’s future prospects, “In these next three years, this Cricket Carnival is only going to get big ger and bigger and we will be perfecting the
Pegging the event as an outlet that will leap frog Guyana in sectors out side of agriculture and oil and gas, Ramson Jr also touched on the necessity of Government’s involvement.
Of course, coupled with the Hero CPL, it would be hard for tourists to resist and that fact has unfolded well for Guyana.
“By the time we announced, all the rooms in the hotels were booked up and so, we launched the Bed and Breakfast programme that added 300 new rooms, those are most ly taken up, sorry to say,” Tourism Minister Oneidge Walrond said about the response to Cricket Carnival.
He remarked, “What I want everyone to know, too, is that when we speak about Carnival, for us it’s Cricket Carnival, but Carnival in Trinidad, which has been the biggest in the Region, is not a Government-led process. It’s not the Government that budgets a significant sum of money, puts aside the mon ey to do all the events or puts together a committee that is chaired by the President and co-chaired by two Ministers.”
Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Oneidge Walrond
President Dr Irfaan Ali boldly declared his intention in December 2021, to bid for the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) finals in Guyana, lit tle did anyone know that the Head of State had bigger plans in mind.
Warriors Women’s batting strength
The team’s skipper, Jamaica-born Taylor emerged onto the international scene as a 17-year-old, hitting a 49-ball 90 on her T20 International debut against Ireland in 2008. In 2013, she became the only player in history, male or female, to ever achieve the number one OneDay International (ODI) ranking in both batting and bowling simultaneously. Taylor’s crown of glory came in 2016 when she led West Indies to the Women’s World T20 title. The talented allrounder has amassed a total of 5298 runs in the ODI format with a healthy average of 44.15 and a high score of 171. On the T20I scene, she has scored 3121 runs at an average of 35.87. With the experience of having led a team to a world title, Taylor was a definite fit for the Warriors camp, bringing a wealth of experience to the side.Another important player was Sri Lanka’s very own Chamari Athapaththu. She is her country’s highest run scorer in the T20 format. She is a hard-hitting player and by no means, needs an introduction as her reputation precedes her. The attacking left hander has played 90 ODIs and scored 2840 runs at an average of 31.91 while in the T20I format, she has blasted 2079 runs from 98 matches at an average of 22.11 with a high score of 113.
Opener Rashada Williams is a Jamaican cricketer who plays for the Jamaica women’s national cricket team in the Women’s Super50 Cup and the Twenty20 Blaze tournaments. In January 2019, Williams was named in the West Indies squad for their tour of Pakistan. She is a right-handed batter and is a wicketkeeper as well; she has played 16 ODI matches thus far with a high score of 78 not out.
The St Lucian has scored 147 runs from four games in the Women U19 T20, 2022 tournament at an average of 73.50.
Cherry-Ann Fraser is a Guyanese cricketer; the 23-year-old allrounder was added to the West Indies Women’s Twenty20 International squad in November 2019 as a replacement for the injured Stafanie Taylor. In May 2021, she was awarded a central contract by Cricket West Indies (CWI) and on September 16, 2021, she made her ODI debut against South Africa, bowling 1-33 in her seven overs. She was picked to showcase her exceptional talent as she has the ability to pick up wickets at will and can score runs through all parts of the ground.
Shabika Gajnabi plays for Guyana and the West Indies. She is a right-arm medium bowler. In August 2019, she was named in the West Indies squad for their series against Australia. On the regional scene, she has dominated with both bat and ball, as she emerged the Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the Guyana Cricket Board’s Female Inter-County 50over competition, scoring 173 runs and taking five wickets. In the ODI format, she has taken 10 wickets while she has only taken one in T20Is.
Shamilia Connell is a Barbadian cricketer who represents the West Indies; the right-arm speedster has played a total of 56 ODI matches
Isani Vaghela was the baby of the Warriors camp, Vaghela is 16 years of age and plays for the United States of America Women’s team. She is a right-hand batter and bowls right-arm medium pace. She was also named in America’s squad for the 2021 Women’s Cricket World Cup Qualifier tournament in Zimbabwe. On November 23, 2021, she played in America’s first match of the tournament against Bangladesh.
he 10th edition of the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has already brought the vibes and the atmosphere is immaculate. To make things even sweeter, the “Biggest Party in Sport” launched the Women’s Caribbean Premier League (WCPL). The Guyana Amazon Warriors were selected as one of the three competing franchises as they possessed an exceptional line-up led by the one and only Stafanie Taylor. The squad comprised a well-balanced unit, with an equal balance of experience and youth.
The middle order was bolstered by Vice Captain Shemaine Campbelle. The explosive middle-order batter hails from Berbice and has captained her national team. She is enjoying a resurgence in international cricket. Campbelle is a veteran of 77 ODIs with an average of 20.25, scoring 1357 runs with a high score of 105. In her 91 T20Is, she has an average of 13.10 and can change a match in the middle overs when her bat gets hold of the ball.
the Women’s Super50 Cup and the Twenty20 Blaze tournaments. In June 2021, Vincent was named in the West Indies A Team for their series against Pakistan. In the said series in Pakistan, she registered a high score of 56 on July 12, 2021.
Chedean Nation, who is Jamaican, is a right-hand middleorder batter, who has represented the West Indies in 59 ODI matches and has scored a total of 812 runs with a high score of 51. In the T20Is, she has played 38 matches, scoring 406 runs with a high score of 63. Her role in the GAW-W team was to cement the middle order and set the tone for the power hitters.Zaida James, represents the Windward Islands Women and the West Indies A Women. In June 2021, James was named in the West Indies A Team for their Pakistan.againstseries
GAW-W’s all-round ability
The bowling unit is led by Ayabonga Khaka, the South African cricketer who plays for the national cricket team as a right-arm medium bowler. Khaka has played a total of 87 ODI matches and has bagged a total of 113 wickets at an economy rate of 4.14 with a best of 5-26. In the T20I format, she has played 42 games and picked up 37 scalps with a best of 4-23 at an economy rate of 6.43.
Kaysia Shultz is a Guyanese cricketer; the talented slow left-arm orthodox bowler is a main feature in the Guyana side as she has been representing the country since 2016. She was named in the West Indies squad for the Women’s T20I series against England, earning her maiden call-up to the team. Recently, she played for West Indies in a tour match against South Africa Women XI, and bowled figures of 1-23 off her six overs at an economy rate of 3.83.
Yet again, Captain Taylor appears on the list; she has shown her worth on the international scene and is one of the most sought-after players. With the ball, she has bagged 152 wickets at an economy rate of 3.52 in the ODI format while with the ball in T20Is, she has picked up 98 wickets at an economy rate of 5.66.
GAW-W’s bowling unit
and bagged 42 wickets at an economy rate of 4.62 with a best of 4-54. In T20Is, she has played 54 games and taken 36 wickets with a best of 3-14 at an economy rate of 6.54.
Karishma Ramharack is a Trinidadian cricketer who plays for Trinidad and Tobago and the West Indies as a right-arm off-break bowler. She made her T20I debut on February 3, 2019. She has played 14 ODI matches and taken eight wickets with a best of 2-18 at an economy rate of 4.40. In the T20I format, she has played seven games and taken seven wickets with a best of 3-8 at an economy rate of 6.59.
Another young talent in the Guyana Amazon Warriors Women’s side was Rachel Vincent, a Trinidadian cricketer who plays for the Trinidad and Tobago women’s national cricket team in
he Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) fixtures for the 2022 season were announced with the best crick eting talents from across the Caribbean and from around the world set to be part of the Biggest Party in Sport. As such, local son of the soil, Chandrapaul Hemraj is set to turn out in his patriotic Guyana Amazon Warriors colours as he is eager to hit the field and showcase his talent before his home crowd.
When asked about her emotions when she first heard she was playing in the Women’s CPL, Schultz said it was a dream come true.
“It’s a great feeling to be a part of this his toric Women’s CPL, having a women’s franchise tournament in the Caribbean will surely grow women’s cricket,” the left-arm spinner said.
that the team just needed to go through the process and once they get to the semi-finals, take it home for the fans.The talented Guyanese also reiterated that for him, it was a privilege to represent the Warriors year after year as he stressed on the importance of playing in front of his friends and family. He stated that it was an honour to rep resent the Guyana Amazon Warriors and he has spent four years with them. He added that in this time, he has gained a lot of experience and he believes that now is the time to show some more maturity and have a good season.
…says century has given him the confidence heading into CPL 2022 2021hisHemrajChandrapaulcelebratescenturyintheeditionofCPL
with 353 runs at a strike rate of 177.39 and an average of 35.30; he also scored two centuries in the league with a high score of 130.
When asked about her expectations, the 25-year-old Schultz said she expected to see more fans support the women’s game. She also added: “In the future I’ll like to see more female
As it relates to how confident he is that the Warriors will lift the trophy, Hemraj explained that it is his belief that the process is very important for the team. He clarified that as much as one would like to look at the results and
By TimoThy Jaikarran
he 2022 Caribbean Premier League (CPL) is certainly a historic event. For the first time in the tournament’s history, a Women’s CPL was played, with three teams locking horns. While noting that this CPL signi fied growth of women’s cricket, Guyanese crick eter Kaysia Schultz said she was excited to rep resent the Guyana Amazon Warriors Women.
The talented left hander in the 2021 edition had blast ed a scintillating 105 not out against the Barbados Royals, which he deemed as one of his most memorable moments.
Hemraj ended the interview by saying, “We all know that Warriors fans are one of the most passionate fans out there, but I think it’s time for us to deliver it. Time for us to give them what they have been asking for from the incep tion. We have a good bunch of players here, a good bunch of locals and international players and I’m very confident we are going to deliver this year.”
“Being able to score a century last year definitely gave me the confidence going into this tournament, knowing I can score bigger at this level. I am very much prepared going into this tournament, I have it very clear. I understand my role and responsibility with the team, but you know as an opening batsman, I see myself as an entertainer and that’s what I’m going to do this season and I’m looking forward to entertaining my fans.”
The Women’s CPL will certainly inspire more young female cricketers around the globe. According to Schultz, the CPL is a huge inspi ration for young Caribbean players to share the same dressing room with international stars.
come true when I found out I was playing for my home franchise, it’s every cricketer’s dream to be play ing for their home franchise as well.”
teams competing in the Women’s CPL, which will also widen the pool of Caribbean players.”
In the 2021 edition of CPL, Hemraj was the third highest run scorer for the Warriors with 254 runs at an average of 25.40 with a strike rate of 133.68. In 2022, he played in the US Minor League and from his 11 games, he walked away
As he has been playing minor league cricket during his off season, Hemraj came into the CPL with some form. In further preparation, he had been challenging himself to bat 12 to 15 overs every game. The fitter-looking Hemraj has been putting in the necessary work over the past few months as he prides himself on bringing out the best version of himself. “Over the last few months, I have been putting in a lot of work in the gym, a lot of strength work, been plac ing some emphasis on my diet and coming into this tourna ment I feel more prepared, mentally and physically. I don’t want to be overconfident, but I just want to be prepared,” he shared.Hemraj has stated that one of the things he would be looking forward to is playing in front of his friends and fami ly and the huge crowd at the National Stadium. He revealed that the National Stadium was a venue where he enjoys batting and was optimistic that he would be able to help the Warriors bag some victories.
“It’s a huge inspiration for young female cricketers to share the same dressing room with top international players and gain knowledge to develop our game, and even to young female cricketers aspiring to make a career out of crick et,” the humble spinner added.
Schultz, who finished with eight wickets in the Women’s T20 Blaze, which was held in Guyana earlier this year, said her goal was to capture the most wickets and help Warriors lift the Whiletrophy.theentire Women’s CPL is be ing played in St Kitts this year, Schultz has hopes of playing at Providence, in front of her family and friends. She explained that it would mean a lot for her.
Only this year, the company has resuscitated its Petra-organised ExxonMobil Under-14 Boys’ and Girls’ schools’ football tournament, which fills a critical gap in youth football
For the oil and gas giant, its CSR knows no bounds, ranging from educational ini tiatives including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), community projects and agriculture to, of course, sport.
Since ExxonMobil began consistent operations in Guyana, it has contributed heavily to several sport disciplines, such as athletics, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, motor rac ing, squash, tennis and volleyball.
a company as large and successful as ExxonMobil, the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is increasingly important.
ExxonMobil has sponsored both the GAW Men’s and Women’s teams this year
development, between the Pee- Wee (Under-11) and Under-18 levels. ExxonMobil also eagerly hopped onboard as the title sponsors of the National Schools’ Basketball Festival, which has introduced and produced national youth players sinceNot2006.to mention the Guyana Amazon Warriors (GAW) will don the company’s logo for the sixth consecu tive year. Not only has Exxon thrown its support behind the men’s team, but its support for the women’s team in the inaugural Massy Women’s Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has been equally consistent.
ExxonMobil’s Senior Director of Public and Government Affairs, Marcus Tripp was present for the kickoff of their Boys’ and Girls’ U14 football tournament
Earlier this year, ExxonMobil became the title sponsors of the National Schools' Basketball Festival
Similarly, Community Relations Advisor Ryan Hoppie shared at the commencement of the third ExxonMobil U14 football tour nament, “You know sport is very important for youth development, and we know that it brings both physical and mental benefits, but, also the camaraderie among players within the team!”
Additionally, given that the Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) is return ing to Guyana, after being hosted in soli tary destinations during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, ExxonMobil is going all-out for sport once again.
There will be a booth at the Guyana National Stadium on every game day, where Guyanese patrons can interact and play games for chances to get their hands on prizes.Aside from this, the company is plan ning activities where fans can meet Guyana Amazon Warriors players.
ExxonMobil’s hands-on approach to en suring sport development in the country is a great example of avid investment in sport development. One can only hope that more corporate entities will take a page out of Exxon’s book.
To be frank, ExxonMobil is the perfect picture of sport involvement and develop ment, and the company is always elated to play the role.
“The many benefits of sport are wellknown, and we take our role as a part of the Guyanese community very seriously. That’s why we support sports at the youth lev el as well as raising our sponsorship of the Warriors,” ExxonMobil Guyana President Alistair Routledge shared as the compa ny announced its support for the Guyana Amazon Warriors’ Men and Women.
Fans were delighted with the return of CPL
he Caribbean Premier League (CPL) is known as the biggest party in sport. During the COVID-19 pan demic, this was the first league to host a bio-secured tournament, and it was a success. The stands were empty, as fans were not al lowed, and the tournament was played in one country only. For the players, it was difficult, as they were not allowed to leave the hotel/ bubble.Come 2022, the CPL is being played in four countries:St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana. The fans are back, and stands are filled to capac ity. Players are allowed to move around the different Caribbean countries, and even have their families withThethem.2022 CPL has burst the bubble, and players, match officials, and own ers are relishing this expe rience. Moreover, the 2022 CPL was historic in nature, with the first Women’s CPL being played in St Kitts, and the newest format, 6IXTY being played in St Kitts as Fromwell.StKitts to Guyana, fans are going wild for tick ets, which are high in de mand. This is according to the numbers and a re cent comment from CPL’s Head of Marketing, Chris Watson.
A few fans from the United States of America came to witness the CPL live and direct (Brandon Corlette photos)
“We have not been able to put on games in Guyana since 2019, so we are really excited to bring a more nor mal CPL this year.”
Fromagain.a Guyanese stand point, the CPL carnival in Guyana has attracted a large number of tourists. A majority of the hotels are booked and this is evidence of the high level of interest for CPL 2022, the tourna ment where the bubble was officially burst.
of the neutral games, 10 in the morning has been on sale, and it shows how hun gry fans are to come out to a more normal CPL,” he said.
In recent interviews with fans at the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground in St Lucia, the excitement for the return of CPL has been over-the-roof. Fans from the United States of America, who are Guyanese by birth, noted that the CPL has the best atmosphere and it was good for them to see live ac tion
in Camp Street, the guys have seen great levels of interest, with some games sold out already. So, it has been a strong “Surprisingly,reaction.”forsome
“Across all four of host locations this year, the sales have been really strong, and the reaction has been huge. Particularly in Guyana, the new box office
Guyana Amazon Warriors Squad for 2022 CPL: Imran Tahir, Shimron Hetmyer, Tabraiz Shamsi, Odean Smith, Romario Shepherd, Colin Ingram, Chandrapaul Hemraj, Paul Stirling, Shai Hope, Heinrich Klaasen, Keemo Paul, Jermaine Blackwood, Gudakesh Motie, Ronsford Beaton, Veerasammy Permaul, Junior Sinclair, and Matthew Nandu.