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Hong-En Lin 20162022


Hong-En Lin /wesley


日常觀察與生活經驗轉化為創作養分,持續在不同領域中創作作 品。關注方向從地方文化、社會議題與設計理論、流行文化、藝



2022 淡江大學 建築學系 碩士 (M.Arch.)

2019 崑山科技大學 空間設計系 學士 (B.Des.)


◆ 3DM a x - 國際證照

◆ I l l u s t r a t o r - 國際證照

◆ 印前製程 - 乙級技術士+丙級技術士

◆ 視覺傳達設計 - 丙級技術士


◆ 島嶼工程顧問有限公司(2021/01-09) 工讀生

◆ 唯將建築師事務所(2020/07-09) 工讀生

◆ 龐畢度室內裝修設計有限公司(2020/01-02) 工讀生(監工助理)

◆ 徐伯瑞建築師事務所(2019/07-2020/05) 工讀生

◆ 登琨艷建築工作室 - 蘇州 (2018/06-08) 實習生

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|獲獎經歷 - 設計類別|AWARDS - DESIGN|


◆ Design Educates Awards - Special Recognition in Architectural Design

◆ Outstanding Architecture and Design Thesis Award - SECOND PRIZE

◆ 第二十屆育秀盃創意獎-工業設計類 - 銅獎


◆ 第八屆兩岸新銳設計競賽華燦獎 - 總決賽設全場大獎、一等獎、優秀獎


◆五股夏綠地藝術設置品設計案 - 入圍

◆第四屆康堤杯 - 最佳環境設計獎、最佳設計獎、創新獎


◆ASIA Young Designer Awards 亞洲青年設計師大賽 - 金獎

◆金點概念設計獎 - 金點標章獎

◆第三屆康堤杯 - 最佳創新概念獎、最佳環境設計獎


◆ASIA Young Designer Awards 亞洲青年設計師大賽 - 銅獎

◆第二屆康堤盃 - 最佳環境設計獎、環境設計類組 - 銅獎

◆新北市建築師公會學生競圖 - 佳作

◆金點新秀年度 - 最佳設計獎 - 入圍+概念設計獎 - 入圍

◆德國紅點Red Dot Design Award-設計概念獎 - 入圍

◆A+創意季Creative Festival - 入圍


◆Sakura Awards第七屆整體廚房設計大賽 - 佳作


◆空間設計國際工作坊-「Story of Tainan」 - 銅獎

◆第二屆SLDA三立盃貨櫃屋設計競圖大賽 - 入圍


2023 臺灣建築學會-2023年優良碩士論文獎

2022 斐陶斐榮譽學會-榮譽會員

2022 臺灣建築學會-葉樹源教授、Labatut教授、朱鈞教授獎學金

2020-2021 韌世代獎學金

2020 阮文成建築師紀念獎學金

2019-2020 淡江大學研究生獎學金

2019 柳廷岳獎學金

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City skywalk Landmark Science museum
|LOCATION| - 6 -
Station exit


City skywalk Landmark Science museum Station exit disintegration Hollow out Hollow out Tower placement Plug-in system Plug-in system Plug-in system Facades Space Space Structure Structure Elevator Elevator Cortex Cortex Spin Raise Roof Device placement Regional tandem Link station Media delivery Craft Art Exhibition Songshan Tobacco Factory Guanghua Shopping Mall Site City skywalk Landmark Science museum Station exit |STRATEGY| |DESIGN
- 7 -


The landmark uses the information tower as the concept to provide multimedia projection of the surrounding scenery of the area. The center of the tower is equipped with a strong signal device and base station, which can provide and ensure a wide range of network signals and speeds. The design model uses the architecture conversion of Model-1 It is a building, and the external elevator and space allow people to view the urban scenery during the day and night, and when there are laser projections for arts and cultural activities, people can watch the activities from different angles.


disintegration Hollow out Tower placement Plug-in system Spin
- 8 -
Object Plug-in structure Plug-in structure Plug-in space Plug-in platform Plug-in elevator Plug-in elevator Block space Metal roof Basis H-beam - 9 -

Science Museum

The design idea of the Science Museum is to fill the vacancy in the space for science, art and literature. Contemporary technology and design have created many handicraft-like technology products, but the overall technology art are lack of connectivity. Therefore, science will be placed here. The architecture of the museum allows the arts and cultural activities here to interact with technology.


Facades Space Structure Elevator Cortex
- 10 -
Object Basis Metal grille Railing Cortex Cortex Cortex Elevator Structure Metal floor Metal floor Metal roof panel |EXPLODED
- 11 -

City Skywalk

The empty bridge tower uses metal steel structure and glass to create a high-tech empty bridge. This empty bridge connects Guanghua Shopping Mall and Huashan Cultural and Creative Park. In the past, you had to wait for a long traffic light to change to another location. Therefore, Establishing an air bridge here can increase the flow rate of the two places and reduce the


Hollow out Plug-in system Elevator Raise Roof
- 12 -


Object Basis Metal skin Metal skin Elevator Structure Plug-in structure Glass Plug-in space Bridge structure Bridge structure Punching plate Entrance and exit Entrance and exit Vents Steel cable Steel cable - 13 -

Station Exit

Since the station exit is a little far away from Guanghua Shopping Mall and Huashan Cultural and Creative Park, this area is the most densely populated area in Taipei City. Therefore, I want to build a large station exit in this area to ease the crowds in this area and speed up the arrival of Guanghua Shopping Mall and Huashan Cultural Park.


Plug-in system Space Structure Cortex Device placement
- 14 -
Object Main body Pipeline trough Pipeline trough Exit MRT Export Vents Vents Pavement Art installations - 15 -

Water/Pure Power

Daily Combat Strategy with Water Harvesting

The Jorejick family at the base has long-term water resources pollution and long-distance access to water. It must take one to three hours from home to water, but the water that can be obtained is full of muddy muddy water and water resources. Pollution is also one of the leading causes of death in Africa, because they drink contaminated water for a long time. These contaminated water usually contains a lot of bacteria and parasites, causing illness and even death. Therefore, I hope that they can have clean water resources that can be used to solve the problems of water resources, which will improve the problems of the Jorejick family's long journey to get water, clean drinking water, and cooking and eating hygiene.

Acquisition / Distance 0 60 120 180 Unit /Minute About 1/4 of African residents have to spend more than half an hour to get water every day, some people even one way Problem / Acquisi�on / Distance Adults and children who drink water often get sick and even die. Sixty percent of African patients arecaused by diseases caused by unclean drinking water. Phenomenon/water pollu�on No longer have to travel long distances to get water. Have clean drinking water. When there is water, local residents can start growing vegetables. Campylobacter E.coliVibrio CholeraeParasite Amoeba Most of them come from open rivers, lakes, and ponds, which are susceptible to pollution by animals and excreta. Problems / Pollu�on - 16 -


Limited Conditions / Weave / Fabric Color The residence is the most important place in life to provide people with shelter from the wind and rain, as well as activities that meet daily needs. Daily / Life / Place Colorful/Totem/Weaving The local weaving culture uses rich colors to present diverse visual changes. Weave Fog net 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 57% 68% 100% 13℃16℃18℃21℃ 24℃ DryWell Well Wet Wet Sultry Sultry Sultry Sultry Sultry and uncomfortable Sultry and uncomfortable Extremely uncomfortable Extremely uncomfortable 2/17 4/19 7/16 Temperature and humidity in Africa Cold air Hot air dew Night Day�me Early morning The physical principles of fog filling
In the early morning, the dew in the air can be collected, through the use of local weaving colors and simple manufacturing methods.
research - 17 -

Cutaway Perspective


Exploded View

Roof covering

Create a

garden landscape to solve the accidental water leakage.

Window Detail Design

Facade side

The windows are designed to accelerate indoor heat dissipation through partially inclined openings.

Section A-A’Section B-B’Section S=1:100 Hand Pump Punching Plate water pipes Water treatment Dew Collection Device Wood Skeleton Gauze Water storage tank
roof's multiple layers
covered with structure, waterproof layer (PVC), and dew collection layer, which can collect the dew in the air in the early morning,
collect the rainwater in the rainy day,
filtration system. Outdoor Bench
and can
and store it after filtering the
through the
Wood Skeleton Brick Wall Wood Grill PVC Board (Catch Dew) Outdoor Bench Water Collection Tube Dew Collection Device Facade Shade Version Planting Roof
How poor villages think about using local materials based on economic sustainability as an effective tool, and can meet the need to be built elsewhere in 10 to 20 years. In construction, bricks and wood, which are easily available locally, are used as the main building materials, and budget expenditures are reduced through local capabilities.
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Comfortable Semi-Outdoor Space

Children can be protected in the building and provide a cool and comfortable space to reduce the impact of climate disasters.

Create a safe, practical and beautiful living environment, reduce children's long-distance water safety problems, have more time to spend with their families, and have more time to help with housework and reading.

Increase Family Time And Safety Protec�on
Friendly design Through simple and accessible design methods to change the housing and water problems in Africa. Woven Decora�on Of Your Own Home Use the local residents' own weaving methods and use of colors to create a unique facade decoration and totem design for their own homes. - 19 -

City Courier Station

Gaps Alley Hillside& Stairs Stairs Mixed-Used Elements Borrowed Scenery+Sight Borrowed Scenery Borrowed Scenery Sight SITE Street view in front of the site Ground view park behind the site There is historic monument Tait & Co. on the west, the road on the south, the little park is on the north side and an abandoned space on the east. Featured Space Site Tamsui Terrain Open space strategy PUBLIC LANDSCAPE Spatial Strategy Extraction AA’Elevation BB’Elevation DESIGNER:林宏恩+吳宜庭 - 20 -
First Floor Plan S=1:100
Third Floor Plan S=1:100
Fourth Floor Plan S=1:100 Roof Plan S=1:100
A A’ B Site Plan S=1:200 UP DN DN +400 +410 Male bathhouse Hostel reception area Laundry area Open Space
Road Wenhua Road - 21 -
Fifth Floor Plan S=1:100

Fil t er Cit y

異質空間有如一面鏡子映射 真實與虛幻的空間,並且預 設了開啟和關閉的系統。

濾 鏡 城 市
鏡子與開關詮釋圖|Mapping of Mirror and Switch 園區會館 騎樓店面 騎樓店面 騎樓店面 社區公寓 社區公寓 社區公寓 社區公寓 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 獨棟會館 傅柯:異質空間|FOUCAULT : Heterotopia Real Space Utopia HeterotopiaHeterotopia
New Beitou Erotic Development 10203040506070 (間) 1890 1910 1960 1950 1930 1920 1940 1970 2000 1990 1980 日據時期 藝妓飲酒 限時專送 美軍駐紮 舞廳 KTV 日本旅遊團
廢公娼制度 衰退期 回春期 成熟期 發展期 成長期 國民政府 解嚴後 會館數量/時間 Quantity/time 情慾強度 Lust Intensity 事件/演化 Event/Evolution - 22 -
L-Mirror 情慾接觸 Erotic Contact 台北市區 會館大廳 關渡平原 關渡平原 陽明山腳 陽明山腳 台北市區 北投車站 北投車站 辦公室 電梯 電梯 電梯 電梯 電梯 房間 房間 房間 車站 北投 北投 浴室 北投公園 L 北投公園 L 北投公園 L 火車 XL 溫泉會館 溫泉會館 溫泉會館 過渡空間 M 過渡空間 M 過渡空間 M 會館登記 離開會館 離開會館 回到會館 親吻挑逗 親吻挑逗 互脫衣服 互相愛撫 淋浴搓澡 淋浴沖澡 穿上衣物 穿上衣物 按摩泡澡 浴池性愛 床上性愛 下班後 下火車 搭電梯 搭電梯 搭火車 走路 下火車 搭火車 走路 走路 納涼 散步 回家 進入房間 離開房間 開關 鏡子 過渡 情慾壓抑 情慾映射 情慾解放 過濾 情慾過濾 濾鏡與流程轉變|Filters and Process Changes Before After M-鏡子|M-Mirror 園區會館 獨棟會館 騎樓店面 社區公寓 定義詮釋|Definition Interpretation - 23 -
等角透視|Isometric Perspective - 24 -
14m8m 8m 34m 3m15m6m6m 30m 24m 21m Before After - 25外掛系統爆炸圖 建築改建設計 結構系統 景觀步道 活動平台 觀景台 屋頂層 外掛結構系統 外掛平台系統 外部綠化植栽 溫室花架設計 正立面圖 側立面圖 14m8m3m15m6m6m 4m 3m 3m 18m 3m Before After Architecture Remodeling Design Exploded view of external system 鈻製水溝蓋 活動大廳 戶外酒吧空間 玻璃溫室空間 露天電影院 竹林叢 露天電影院 公共澡堂
- 26 -
- 27 -

Floating Island

When the existence of historical buildings can not meet the needs of the city, from the future architectural concept to create a floating island coexisting with historical buildings.

Curved operation Educational pattern Course teaching Signified Basic feedback SITE
Historic Buildings
- 28 -
Hidden pipeline Rainwater conduit Rainwater conservation Floor water and electricity pipeline Column structure design Island shape Organization Reverse beam structure Platform and garden Platform Column structure Historic Buildings Educational pattern Course teaching Cultural&creative park School Signified Signifier Basic feedback When the existence of historical buildings can not meet the needs of the city, from the future architectural concept to create a floating island coexisting with historical buildings. - 29 -

新城組 構 牆線新生 X 雲霧之 間

空心磚是工地常見的材料,也是常 被 忽視 的 材料,這些具有穿透性的空心磚經 由 堆疊 後 能形成具阻隔性的牆面卻有其他材 料 所沒 有 的穿透性,水霧穿透與牆形成材料 與 體驗 的 共生關係。藉由堆疊形成的牆面縫 隙 變化 人行走、穿梭、體驗的視線轉移產 生 角度 變 化與視覺層次的變化,走進大梯階 看 見一 座 小山在雲霧繚繞的淺水上,水霧散 開 後磚 牆 映在水面上形成牆與水面的對話 。

西側立面 S=1:100 南側立面 S=1:100 - 30DESIGNER:林宏恩+吳宜庭+范巧諭
皮層單 元 / 爆炸 圖
- 31 -
雲霧氛圍 燈光、水霧/穿透效果
- 32 -
- 33 -


Simulation generation / Big station

我嘗試以一個大型車站做為發想,思考大型車站在城市中具有網絡性的連 結會產生何種可能性,人在大型城市的車站中經常會因多種交通工具共構 所形成的空間中迷路,因此,想像以車站做為人在車站中迷路狀態的發想 ,透過車站作為單點進行線狀的串聯與結合,車站之間相似的進出口所產 生的節點讓人會覺得自己所在的空間都是相似的狀態,因此而在現有的空 間中迷路,我藉由此設計探討人在大型城市車站中迷路的感覺。

- 36 -



設計發想從冰店來做設計的結合,透過空間的分解、錯層 、重組來重新定義水果攤這件事,基地位置在台南中西區, 透過觀光人潮來帶動這個銷售中心的商業行為,基地周遭 建築發展飽和在設計上我讓空間虛化、輕量化在不同的空 間區域可以選擇到不同的水果來做水果的拼盤組合,透過 四種冰品與水果結合來提升水果的附加價值,讓人會想走 進來有不同的空間體驗。

現況:停車場 民生路二段 海安路二段 正興街 國華街三段 基地範圍:60mX30m 拆建部分 基地位置 販售種類 N
設計操作 民生路二段 海安路二段 正興街 國華街三段 海安路二段民生路二段 正興街 國華街三段 基地周遭人潮 基地附近主要道路 N 產銷中心 冰品 水果 + 水果冰 凍飲 冰棒 冰淇淋 - 37 -



我們認為未來世界將會重視科技結合綠能再生循環系統,因此透 過植物和生態鏈的關係使空間有如呼吸般聯結著整個廚具系統, 並將智能科技和植物連結產生共生體的關係。

- 38 -


Reintro-1980Pub是以傳統的中國元素作為設計核心,透過 牆面、紅磚、黑瓦、木質、山水的材料導入設計中,導入鋼骨結 構、玻璃、燈具、廚具現代材料,呈現傳中國元素與現代材料結 合而成的餐酒館。

- 39 -


Real space state
perspective view of the model Exploded view Top view Front view Right view In the real world in which human beings exist, individuals are in independent states.
of cut surface Real space state Get information Get information Conceptual model Viewing angle Production process FoldCombinationArray Copy Mirror Mirror - 42 -
Program Information Tools to access the Internet Partial perspective view of the model Exploded view Top view Front view Right view The interface of software and program, through the program to enter the world of the Internet. Type of cut surface Conceptual modelViewing angle Production process FoldCombination Combination CombinationCombination Array Mirror - 43 -
Groups on the web Partial perspective view of the model Exploded view Top view Front view Right view The groups in the network form their own groups individually, and there is a state of closeness and independence between groups. Conceptual model Type of cut surface Viewing angle Production process Fold Combination Combination Combination Array Mirror Mirror Mirror Group Group Group Group Comfort Zone Comfort Zone - 44 -
Interaction on the Internet
the model Exploded view Top view Front view Right view The complex state of mind presented by group consciousness and individual consciousness is a metaphysical ideological manifestation.
of cut surface Production process Fold Combination CombinationCombination Array CopyCopy Mirror Thought loop Thinking logic Concept - 45 -
Partial perspective view of


Design details

- 46 -

Stool surface-laser cutting

Metal parts

Structural support 01~06

Fxed component 01~03

Upper component 01~03

Bottom component 01~03

3D Printing component

Auxiliary support 01~03

Intermediate support-01

Intermediate support-02

- 47 -


裝置造型設計:林宏恩 細部設計+結構設計+參數畫設計:溫力樊+林宏恩





攝影:林靜汶+林宏恩+吳軍+溫力樊+蕭列邦 縮時錄影+剪輯:林宏恩

- 48 -
Wing Component B-C C-D D-E E-F F-G G-H H-I I-J J-K L-M M-O O-N N-P P-Q Q-R R-S S-T A-B B-C C-D D-E E-F F-G G-H H-I I-J J-K K-L A-B K-L L-M M-O O-N N-P P-Q Q-R R-S S-T Base Base Center A-B B-C C-D D-E E-F F-G G-H H-I I-J J-K K-L L-M M-O O-N N-P P-Q Q-R R-S S-T Wing A-01 A-02 B-01 B-02 C-01 C-02 D-01 D-02 E-01 E-02 F-01 F-02 G-01 G-02 H-01 H-02 I-01 I-02 J-01 J-02 K-01 K-02 L-01 L-02 M-01M-02O-01 O-02 N-01 N-02 P-01 P-02 Q-01 Q-02 R-01 R-02 S-01 S-02 T-01 T-02 57.2 237 -57.2 237 57.5 233 -57.5 233 59.2 226 -59.2 226 62.0 220 -62.0 220 65.5 214 -65.5 214 69.3 209 -69.3 209 72.9 206 -72.9 206 75.7 205 -75.7 205 77.6 204 -77.6 204 78.4 204 -78.4 204 78.3 204 -78.3 204 77.5 205 -77.5 205 76.1 206 -76.1 206 74.5 208 -74.5 208 72.9 210 -72.9 210 71.5 -71.5 70.3 -70.3 69.4 -69.4 68.9 -68.9 68.7 -68.7 - 49 -


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