What Is A Muse by W I L D E

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What aIs




eing a photographer is more than just having that great camera with that new lens. It’s more than just having a model in front of the camera and having the perfect lighting. You must have an idea, and you have to translate that idea into a photograph.

Sometimes I meet a model and just get a rush, I get a vision of what I see this model becoming in helping me translate my vision. To me a muse is someone who gives me endless amounts of inspiration and can be translated upon numerous images that each give off a different feeling.

Taking an image and creating an image are two completely different things. Even though I’m not the world’s greatest photographer, I do know what is going to set me apart from other photographers. I understand the core relationship between everyone that is helping on set in creating this image, this piece of art, which will forever be seen. Being able to have a vision in your mind and translating that is everything.

In order for me to get what I am looking for, I feel like there has to be some kind of mutual understanding of what is going. Everyone has to be on the same page, the stylist has to understand the inspiration, the model has to understand the vision, there’s a whole creative process that is being created just for a photograph. And I believe I understand the power of having a muse.

Having a muse just makes it that much easier. Now some might not know what a muses is, and some might just assume it’s just a beautiful model, and to me it’s more than that.


I feel the greatest reward from being the fuel behind someones creativity.


Morgan Ryan

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