1 minute read
Focused Research
from Academic Portfolio
by H.DavidGilG
Upon delving deeper into the issue, we realize that Mexico ranks second in the world in obesity, with 32.4% of its population being obese, of which 19.5% are women. Furthermore, 13% of children in the country are obese, and 35% are classified as overweight.
This information highlights the fact that diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, sleep apnea, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, among others, are commonly caused by obesity.
Unfortunately, the state of Jalisco does not fare any better in this regard. The leading causes of death in Jalisco are:
Ischemic heart diseases
Lung diseases
Respiratory diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Homicides https://info.jalisco.gob.mx/ https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-43664557 https://iieg.gob.mx/contenido/PoblacionVivienda/DiaMundialContraCancer.pdf
The first five causes account for 42.1% of male deaths and 45.4% of female deaths, with the majority being obesity-related.
In Jalisco, individuals between the ages of 15 and 29 die primarily due to homicides (22%), while those between 30 and 64 years old succumb to obesity-related diseases (33.3%), and those over 65 also suffer from obesity-related conditions (41.7%).
After analyzing all the information gathered so far, we conclude that there is a need for a space dedicated to the local population, with the objective of attracting more people to the area. Therefore, based on the provided data, the conclusion is that the program must be developed with a focus on obesity prevention through education, sports, and health. The proposed program will be a hybrid of workshops, a sports center, and a level 1 health center, with an added semi-commercial area. The following components are necessary:
Health Area:
-Consultation rooms: general physicians, cardiologists, nutritionists/dieticians, and dentists.
-Basic laboratory for tests.
-Examination cubicles.
-Workshop and information areas.
Sports Area:
-Indoor swimming pool.
-Rooms for physical activities.
-Rehabilitation area.
-Commercial Area: Auditorium.
-Convenience store (food and nutrition).