Creative Wire - Winter 08/09

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Winter 08/09

Winter Wire Wonderland December 13th marked the Open Studio event at H2Okay Creative. ©2008 Angela Hook


Music, crafts and munchies...visitors were treated to live Christmas carols as they sipped hot chocolate and created wire ornaments in the workshop. While on the lower floor, in the gift gallery, shoppers enjoyed 25% off everything in the store! Congratulations to door prize winner, Herman Metzger, and thank you to everyone who braved the snowy roads to join us. For those that couldn’t make it, please stop by in the new year and see what we’re up to!

A recent commission from Aspiring Heights Equestrian Centre in OK Falls, BC pushed wire artist Angela Hook to new heights. This impressive jumper, measuring 20 inches from nose to tail, is the largest sculpture Hook has ever created from a single strand of copper wire.


Following a long tradition of wirecraft in his country, DANIEL LARSSON of Gotland, Sweden has mastered the trade of tinkering!


work in both black and galvanized wire, but here in Sweden wire is expensive. Much of it is exported to China, so it is expensive for us to buy it here. Today, I make all different kinds of wire works, but originally I worked in wood. I studied in a school in Dalarna, Sweden and learned the craft. As a teacher, I do a lot of work with children and let them explore and create things on their own. It’s very fun.

Wirecraft by Daniel Larsson of Gotland, Sweden.

SHEEP ON A STICK by Daniel Larsson

These small wire animals are sheep which I designed and made while I lay in a hospital in Visby one summer. The next summer I designed a potato stick with a little sheep on it. I tell the tourists “If the potato says “Baaaa”, like a sheep does, it is ready... but it only works on potatoes from Gotland!”

This year, I have been to many Christmas markets. It is fun to meet people and sell my handicraft. Here on Gotland we have no snow, but in some place in Sweden there is. I think it is better without snow, otherwise it would be so hard to drive with a bike! For the past few years I have spent time in Malta, on an island called Gozo. Since I was there making my handicraft, I taught the people there in wire work. In turn, I learned their handicraft of making books. It was nice.

Wire bike by Daniel Larsson


Creative Wire Subscriber since December 2008

Wirecraft by Daniel Larsson

Thank you so much to Daniel for sharing photos and stories about his work with our readers. Don’t be shy! Send in your photos and share your creativity with other wire enthusiasts! email:

Winter Wire Project FAMILY PHOTO DISPLAY two lenths of 10-12 guage wire cut to approx. 12 inches long - use round pliers to create spirals at both ends, as shown:

two lenths of 10-12 guage wire cut to approx. 18 inches long use round pliers to create spirals at both ends, as shown:

one long continuous strand of 10-12 guage wire (approx. 4 feet), bent into the word ‘family’ (as shown) with approximately 2 feet of wire left over at the end of the ‘y’ to swirl upwards and attach to the other four pieces with the spirals on the ends. Again, use round pliers to help create spirals and lettering in the wire, as shown:

using approx. 10-12 inches of a smaller wire (12-14 guage), attach the four loose pieces of wire to the long one by wrapping the smaller wire tightly around all 5 strands of wire.

(OPTION: write the word “friends” instead!) once the wires are bundled, flatten the spirals and the writing so they lay flat against the wall when mounted. Choose and display photos, as shown.

©2009 Angela Hook

Yes, we are well into winter. Here in Canada, that generally means there’s lots of reasons to stay inside and be creative! Of course, playing in the snow is fun too... but a warm fireplace and a spool of wire make for a great indoor afternoon.

In November, the South Okanagan Horse Association held a fundraising dinner and silent auction to raise money for upgrades and maintenance to the Summerland Rodeo Grounds. The 11th Annual North Okanagan Horsey Ladies Christmas Banquet & Charity Auction was also held in November. This year the banquet and auction raised over $ 6,000 for the Equine assisted Therapy Program for Vernon Women’s Transition House.


WIRE SCULPTURES DONATED TO SILENT AUCTIONS This season I was able to once again contribute to a few worthy causes through the donation of my artwork.

The theme for this year’s Call for Artists was ‘connection’, which was particularly relevant to my work, since I create each of my sculptures from a single, continuous strand of wire... horse and rider are connected!

WORKSHOPS FOR TEENS This February I will be offering a four week course in Wire Art through SADI, a local youth organization. Classes will run Wednesday nights. For more information, contact Adrian at 250-494-9722.

My sculpture of a reigning horse titled “Power Steering” has been included in the 23rd Annual Polo and Equestrian Sporting Art issue (Nov 2008) of POLO Players’ Edition magazine, produced in Florida. It is an honor to be in the company of such amazing talent, and it is also a great success for the medium of wire in the fine art world!

I’m working on some changes for this year, and would appreciate any feedback or suggestions. I’m also curious if anyone prints this newsletter? If not, I may switch to a different format. Let me know if you like the pdf. Please continue to send photos and stories. Sharing our creativity is inspiring. Everyone benefits!

Creative Wire is produced quarterly by H2Okay Creative Please send questions and submissions to

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