Drama What is Drama?
The course covers the development and examination of individual performance skills through group practical work, improvisation, play scripts and the appreciation of live professional theatre.
What skills are involved?
In addition, pupils will also be given practical experience in the principles of design and technology in the theatre. During the year, all pupils will have practical study in set design, theatre lighting, sound, stage management, costume, make-up and the construction of theatre props.
What sort of pupil does it suit and what will they get out of the course?
Pupils will get a chance to increase their cultural awareness through their study and experience of live theatre. In addition, Drama is an excellent way to improve presentation skills, increase confidence and, uniquely, to develop the capacity to work co-operatively and creatively with others. Drama is a subject that suits a wide range of boys but particularly those pupils who would like to develop their own skills as performers and who enjoying working as part of a team.
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