Head of Prep School’s Message
Ms K UmplebyIt has been Wellbeing Week in the Pre-Prep and Prep this week with students enjoying a variety of activities designed to support their mental and physical wellbeing, as well as increase the awareness of the importance of wellbeing and how they can recognise when their own wellbeing is not as good as it could be. The Pre-Prep enjoyed a dino-tastic day, making dinosaurs, finding dinosaur fossils and even meeting two ‘real’ baby dinosaurs. Whilst in the Prep, the pupils took on a STEM challenge to make the longest paper chain possible from a single sheet of paper, learnt about lasers and enjoyed a brilliant laser show and drank hot chocolate in the forest.
At this time of year, with the reduced daylight, colder temperatures, the usual coughs and sniffles, yet still a little early to start getting excited about Christmas, recognising and supporting wellbeing is more important than ever. It is only natural that some of our pupils, and even ourselves are feeling less than our usually vibrant, energetic selves. The end of term busyness- carol concert, winter concert, special trips and visitors - although a purposeful and valuable part of our co-curricular offer, do impact routines which many children find challenging. The challenge with children, and especially young children, is that they often don’t understand, and certainly can’t articulate, how they are feeling or why they are feeling that way. Some children slow down and look melancholy, other children become hyper and non-compliant. Others become incredibly sensitive and easy to offend. In schools we call it the ‘silly season’.
There are lots of different things we at school, and you at home, can do to help children recognise when they are feeling this way and what they
can do to help themselves feel better. As adults, we are always role modelling, whether we are aware of it or not. By recognising and acknowledging when we are not feeling our best, we are showing children that it is ok to feel this way. We can also let children know what we are going to do to try to help us feel better, as this will provide them with strategies that they could also try – do some exercise, get some fresh air, do a mindfulness activity, listen to some music or read a book. If your child is acting out of character, instead of reacting to the behaviour, ask them how
they are feeling? Do they know what has made them feel that way? Is there anything they could do to make them feel better?
Although the November blues may still come knocking, here are four top tips to help keep them at bay. 1) Keep children active, exercise releases endorphins which have been proven to help relieve stress, depression and anxiety. 2) When it is sunny, make the most of it and get outside. There are links between sunlight and serotonin, with low levels of serotonin being linked to higher rates of depression. 3) Try to keep routines going, many children rely on routines. Routines reduce anxiety as they know what is coming up and what to expect. 4) Sleep, sleep and more sleep. Sleep is crucial for our mental wellbeing – we all know how grumpy we, and our children, feel when we are tired, but it is also valuable in helping to fight off common coughs and colds too – a lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the immune system.
During these final weeks of the Autumn Term, we will be making sure all the pupils, and staff, in the Prep and Pre-Prep get outside as much as possible. We are so lucky to have the amazing outdoor space that we do, so we will make sure we get wrapped up warm and make the most of the fresh air and nature we are surrounded by – especially if the sun is shining.
Pre-Prep looking ahead
Reception & Y1
During the final week of term, our pupils will be learning about Hanukkah and we would like to invite any parents and guardians who celebrate Hanukkah into school to speak to our pupils about Hanukkah. Parents and guardians are welcome to come either Tuesday 6 or Thursday 8 December at 8.45am or 2.45pm. If more than one person would like to come, then please do liaise together and come as a small group.
At this stage in their learning journey, our pupils are currently learning best with supporting visuals and they also enjoy learning words in a new language, so it would be fantastic to hear from you a story or for for you to bring in some photos to share with the children. If you would like to use any materials, such as a story or PowerPoint, please send to Miss Edwards - preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk - ahead of the day you plan to come to the school.
For all children to have the same learning opportunity, you will need to please speak to both classes in your child’s year group. This can be done either as a whole year group or as individual classes.
Please email your child’s class teacher if you would like to come in and speak to the children about Hanukkah or any other religious festival in the future. We look forward to welcoming you.
Nasal Flu Immunisations
Please click here for information regarding the upcoming Nasal Flu Immunisation The Immunisation is at the Pre-Prep School on Wednesday 7 December for Reception and Year 1.
In the letter is an online link where you can submit your consent. The electronic link will close at 3.45pm on Tuesday 6 December 2022. Please note the form will not work on some mobile phones and tablets.
In the meantime, if you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Vaccination team on 01462 427008
Pre-Prep reminders
Please may we remind you that only fruit and vegetables are permitted at snack time. Grapes are a good healthy fruit snack but if you include grapes in your child’s snack box, please remember to always cut them lengthwise first to avoid choking.
After School Care
Whole school Reception
A polite reminder that the school day ends at 3.30pm. If you would like to book your child into After School Care until 4pm you must notify the Pre-Prep office in advance.
Pantomime visit
Christmas Cards
Our Christmas postbox is now in the reception area. The last day for posting cards is Monday 5 December.
St Andrew’s Day celebration
We would like to remind the pupils in Andrew’s House to come to school dressed in blue and white clothing on Thursday 1 December to celebrate St Andrew’s Day.
Christmas Lunch
Reception and Year 1 will be having Christmas Lunch on Friday 9 December. To get into the Christmas spirit we would like the pupils to wear a festive or brightly coloured jumper on this day. We would also like the pupils to make a festive hat to wear for the lunch. The hat can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. Please make sure your child brings their party hat to school on Wednesday 7 December.
Winter Concert
We look forward to welcoming you to our Winter Concert next Friday. Please remember that drop off and pick up is from Butterfly Lane on Wednesday 30 November and Friday 2 December.
Please click here for more information regarding rehearsals and the final concert.
Pantomime visit
We are looking forward to our Pantomime trip to see Cinderella on Tuesday 29 November.Please remember to send your child to school with a packed lunch. Please click here for more information.
Drop off
When you arrive at school in the morning to drop off your child, the Prep and Senior Schools operate a one-way system from Butterfly Lane.
Starting from Monday 21 November, Year 2 parents have the choice to either park in the North Drive car park and walk their child over to the Prep School or alternatively, parents may drive around the Astro-turf pitches and park up next to the blue cones behind the Aske Hall so that your child can hop out of the car ‘airport style’.
Members of Prep staff will be present during the first few days at the Aske Hall drop off, to direct the pupils safely to the Prep before they become fully accustomed to the route. If you do choose to use the Aske Hall, drop off, then we would ask that your child is sat on the lefthand side of the car to allow them to hop out safely and easily.
All pupils should be dropped off at school between 8am and 8.30am
Prep looking ahead
Whole School
Please note, gardening club will not be running on Wednesday 7 December, due to the Winter Concert taking place.
Morning arrival at Prep School
A gentle reminder that morning drop off is from 8am. Pupils should not be arriving earlier than this time as they will not be supervised in the playground or in the classroom. Breakfast club is available from 7.30am at the Girls’ School.
Swimming lesson updates
Please click here for a letter regarding swimming lesson changes on Thursday 8 and Tuesday 13 December.
Year 3 Rugby fixture
All the pupils in Year 3 are playing Rugby against UCS and Belmont at Belmont Prep, The Ridgeway, London, NW7 4ED on Thursday 1 December.
The matches will start at 2.30pm and parents and guardians are very welcome to watch. Please can you make sure your child knows how they are getting home and that they write one of the following three options in their homework diary:
1. Pick up from Belmont Prep at 3.30pm
2. Pick up from Habs Prep at 4.45pm
3. Coach home from Habs Prep at 5.30pm
Y3 to 6
Matilda The Musical trip
We are excited to inform you that we have booked tickets to see the award-winning Matilda the Musical for the Spring Term. Please provide consent and payment via Evolve. Click below to find out more details for your child’s year group.
Year 3 and Year 4: Wednesday 25 January 2023
Year 5 and Year 6: Wednesday 8 February 2023
Year 5 Rugby fixture
This fixture is now an invite only event and parents of those pupils attending have been emailed separately. We will therefore be taking half of Year 5 to Chesham. The remaining pupils will have lessons in school as normal.
4DS Class Assembly
We are delighted to invite the parents of students in 4DS to attend 4DS’s Class Assembly on Friday 2 December.
Please arrive at the Prep School Reception at 1.25pm to sign in. We anticipate the Assembly will finish by 2pm. Parking will be available via the Butterfly Lane entrance in the North Drive Car Park.
We look forward to welcoming you on the day.
Prep reminders
Whole School
St Andrews Day
This year we are once again supporting AVUK, a charity that provides auditory verbal therapy for deaf babies and young children. We are excited to support a cause so close to the heart of our school community.
What to wear: The day will be called Loud Shirt Day and for a donation of £2 we would love all the pupils to come to school in their brightest, loudest clothes. This includes spots, stripes, or anything clashing from head to toe. Temporary hair dye is permitted. Pupils who have PE on that day will be able to do PE in their home clothes and will not be required to wear the school PE kit.
Cake Sale: We will also be holding a cake sale at breaktime, so please bring some change for the cakes which will cost 50p each.
Please could the pupils in Andrews House bake or buy the cakes (no nuts or sesame seeds) and bring them to the hall on Wednesday morning.
Thank you in advance for supporting such a special cause!
Tabla, Dohl and Dholak lessons
Click here to read a letter about Tabla, Dohl and Dholak lessons.
Please be reminded of the school policy regarding absence from Swimming lessons - which are a compulsory aspect of the National Curriculum. If a child is well enough to be in school, they must be well enough to be participate in the full timetable, which includes Swimming, Forest School, and PE. If your child cannot swim due to injury or any other reason, we ask that you submit a doctor’s note stating such. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Pupils wearing hoodies
Prep pupils are allowed to wear school hoodies during days in which they have PE or Games. They may also wear them during Games lessons if they so wish. Pupils must also be wearing their school blazer every day to school, including on PE and Games days, as this is a key component of their school uniform.
Year 5 trip to Tower of London
Year 5 will be visiting the Tower of London on Thursday 1 December. Please click here for more information.
Senior School Scholarships
Please click here to read a letter regarding the application of Senior School scholarships.
Pre-Prep & Prep looking ahead
Whole school
Co-Curricular Timetable
Please click here to view the Spring Term Prep and Pre-Prep Co-Curricular timetable. Please take some time to go through this with your child. We advise pupils to sign up to at least three of the clubs offered. Pupils will have the opportunity to sign up on SOCS for the clubs they would like to participate in during the last week of term.
School Council
Years 1 to 6 School council representatives have been invited to attend their School Council meeting on Monday 28 November from 4pm to 5pm at the Prep School. Please ensure you have provided consent.
Chess Club
Please click here for information regarding signing up to Chess club for Spring Term.
Progress Gades
Progress grades for this term will be published the week commencing Monday 12 December. Please click here for more information.
Y2 to 6
Carol Service arrangements
Winter Concert
We are excited to invite parents of pupils in Years 2 to 6 to our Winter Concert which takes place on Wednesday 7 December in the Bourne Hall.
Refreshments will be available from 1.30pm. The concert will commence at 2pm. We anticipate it to finish by 3.45pm in time for those pupils who may be catching the 4.15pm coaches. Parents who attend the concert are welcome to collect their child from outside of their classrooms after it ends.
Outgrown Uniform Sale Prep and Pre-Prep
Click and Collect service order online and have delivered to your child’s peg!
Click here for more information and to order online.
Pre-Prep & Prep reminders
Pre-Prep & Prep looking ahead
Car parking and safety
Click here to read a letter regarding car parking and safety from our Chief Operating Officer, Mr Rob Dunn.
Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) report
As a result of introducing the new Reception cohort in September, ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) were required to complete a Material Change Inspection, in order to check that our systems, policies and facilities met their standards for Early Years. We are delighted to inform you that we passed with flying colours.
Please click here to see the updated version of our ISI Report.
Lunch Menu
Please click here to view the Pre-Prep lunch menu.
Please click here to view the Prep lunch menu.
ABRSM application
Please click here to read a letter with information regarding the December session of ABRSM music examinations.
Club payments
Please remember to check any payment links sent via EvolvePay and to make payment for any paid clubs selected for this term.
Please click here to about guidance for parents regarding gifts for staff.
Breakfast and After School Care
Click here to book your child into the breakfast club or After School Care (ASCF) the week commencing Monday 5 December. Prearranged bookings can be made up until 12pm the Friday before.
After this time, please email ascf@habsboys.org.uk for Prep pupil bookings and preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk for Pre-Prep pupil bookings.
Please note, there may be a small charge for ASCF after 4pm. Please be reminded that After School Care finishes at 5.30pm. Please arrange to collect your child from the Prep School reception by that time.
Important safety notice
Please be reminded that parents and students should not be using the bridge on North Drive for pedestrian access. This is for health and safety reasons, particularly, as the mornings and afternoons are getting darker, and the road is in constant use.
If you are walking from the North Drive to the Prep School, please walk on the new path, via the pitches which is lit. If accessing the main campus, please access the footpath near the MFL car park.
Please also note, that at the beginning or end of the school day, vehicles should not be parking or picking up from the service road outside the Prep building. Please use the designated pick-up areas on Pitch 5 or the North Drive Car Park for drop off and collection.
Tooled Up
As many of you will know, the Pre-Prep and Prep School is a ‘Tooled Up School’. This is a wonderful platform that provides you and us practical and psychological tools to help the children cope with life’s ups and downs. Extensive research by academics all over the world has uncovered approaches to raising children that help them to thrive. This platform has found ‘golden nuggets’ within these academic findings and translated them into practical tips for us all to apply. You will find short videos, podcasts and tip sheets covering:
• Mental health – protecting and sustaining children’s positive mental health
• Digital life – teaching safe and positive engagement with the digital world
• Learning – what we can be doing at home to help our teens thrive at school
• Behaviour – the best approaches to challenging behaviour
• Family life and relationships – investing in good quality relationships at home to help our teens thrive in other areas of their life
• Aspiration – motivating our children to aim high and supporting them on their journey
If you have not already gained access to the platform, please click here and insert the school’s unique pin number: HABS7725.
We really hope you find using this beneficial.
Pre-Prep & Prep School news stories
Children In Need Day
Thank you to all the parents and children who supported Children in Need on Friday 18 November. The Prep and Pre-Prep combined raised a total of £427.45 which will go towards those children who unfortunately do not have access to resources and support which they desperately need. We all had a great time in our PJs and were definitely ready for bed by the end of the day!
A special thank you to Alexander T(2NY) who wanted to help children less fortunate than himself and donated all his savings to Children in Need.
Reception and Year 1 Wellbeing Day
Year 1 and Reception spent Wellbeing Day emersed in the Jurassic world. Reception explored their ‘dino small world’, made pasta skeletons and playdough teeth and claws. Year 1 made their very own ‘dino habitat’ for their dinosaurs to live in. All pupils created their own creatures from paper plates to take home!
We were very lucky to become fossil hunters for the afternoon, learning about different fossils and digging for them in sand. The day was finished with a very special surprise, we got to meet three real dinosaurs! What a fantastic day.
Years 2 to 6 Wellbeing Day
On Wednesday 23 November, pupils in Years 2 to 6 had a fantastic Wellbeing day. In their houses, the children completed a series of teamwork challenges, testing their communication and perseverance. They also had time outside, to explore the forest, create woodland decorations, animal shelters and warm up with a hot chocolate! We were amazed with their artist baubles they created – just in time for Christmas! A highlight for many of the children was the laser show. We were very lucky to have Brandon Ellis in to talk to the pupils about lasers, how they work and what they can be used for. Some children even got to draw their own lasers using his special programming software!
Year 4 Medieval Day
Year 4 were excited to welcome Dan, from Horrible Histories , come in and show us what life would have been like in the Medieval Times. In the morning, pupils re-enacted the Battle of Hastings and timeline of different kings. In the afternoon, pupils got to try on and touch Medieval artefacts, play Medieval board games and ask Dan any questions. Year 4 are looking forward to more of our history unit on the Middle Ages!
Ishaan said: It was fun because you got to learn about what it was like at that time.
Rohan commented: I enjoyed trying on all the different types of helmets.
Year 6 WWI workshop
On Monday 21 November, the World War I trenches came to life in the Prep Hall. During the workshop, history enthusiast Sargent Parsons spoke to Year 6 about the key parts of a soldier’s life. The Year 6 pupils were then invited to use an individual virtual reality headset where they could watch brilliant footage to support this. The pupils also had the opportunity to handle real artefacts that Time Travel History had shared with us. A brilliant visual and rich learning experience!
An account of the day by Connor and Jack;
Recently, Year 6 took part in a virtual reality experience of World War One. For those of you who don’t know what VR is, it’s a reality created on the computer with a headset. Richie, who came in to talk to us, was so passionate about history and wanted us to learn so much. He even brought in artefacts and equipment used by soldiers in the war! The whole VR day was split into topics, which allowed us to take all the information in without your brain physically hurting. After each topic was complete, we put our headsets back on to listen to the virtual soldiers and to visualise each scene.
One of the things that we learned was how the trenches worked and we hope that when it is your turn to be educated about war, that you will come away with a deeper understanding of what life was like in World War One.
Lunchtime Live
On Thursday, we relished the performances of 25 children in Years 2 to 6 in our third and final Prep Lunchtime Live of the term. We were treated to a multitude of styles and disciplines - everything from Handel’s Gavotte to Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline . I was particularly proud of those who dared to perform despite nerves and self-doubt. Everyone played and sang beautifully and was a credit to themselves and the school.
Thank you to all parents and guardians for their endless support and encouragement behind the scenes.
Divison 10 Swimming Gala
On Thursday evening the Year 4,5 and 6 Prep swimming team took part in our second Division 10 Swimming Gala hosted by the Girls’ School.
Well done to all the pupils involved who swam incredibly well and thank you to those parents who came to spectate and cheer us on.
School Council meeting
Year 1 and 2 trip to Pantomime Cinderella at Stevenage Theatre
St Andrew’s Day
Reception and Year 1 Winter Concert Rehearsals – Seldon Hall
Reception and Year 1 Winter Concert –Seldon Hall
Reception trip to Pantomime Beauty and the Beast at Watford Palace Theatre
Reception and Year 1 Nasal Flu Immunisations
Reception and Year 1 last day of Term
TUESDAY 13 DECEMBER Year 2 last day of Term
Reception to Year 2 first day of Spring Term
For further dates, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.
Year 5 Rugby (away fixture)
Year 3 Rugby Triangular (away fixture) Year 5 Tower of London Trip
Year 6 A & B Hockey (away fixture)
* Year 4 Rugby Festival (home fixture)
WEDNESDAY 7 DECEMBER Years 2 to 6 Winter Concert - Bourne Hall
FRIDAY 9 DECEMBER Years 2 to 6 Carol ServiceSt Albans Abbey
TUESDAY 13 DECEMBER Years 3 to 6 last day of term
MONDAY 9 JANUARY Years 3 to 6 first day of Spring Term
* Selected pupils will be invited to participate via Evolve
For further dates, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.