Habs Weekly
Pre-Prep and Prep School edition Friday 4 November 2022 Autumn Term
Head of Prep School’s Message Ms K Umpleby Welcome back! It has been great to hear of so many half-term adventures from the pupils this week: days out to HMS Belfast, The National History Museum, theatre shows and sports events. The pupils learn so much from these experiences and we, and the pupils, are very lucky to have such an engaged and supportive parent community - broadening and deepening the learning that the students do at school, outside of school as well – thank you. It has been a great first week back after the half-term break. We have been celebrating Neurodiversity Week and yesterday some incredibly courageous and confident students spoke brilliantly in Assembly about the impact of Neurodiversity – its challenges but also aspects of it that we should celebrate, I have to admit I learnt a thing or two myself. It was insightful and impactful – well done to those that spoke. All pupils have also been taking part in a variety of activities to raise awareness and understanding – blind football, swimming in pyjamas, brain mazes and codebreaking to name a few. It has been a fantastic week of learning, which I am sure the students will remember for years to come. Mrs Kahn has included a write-up of the week and included some photographs within this newsletter. This week and next week, are all about collaboration. The Year 3 and 4 Prep School pupils, and Girls’ Junior School pupils came together for a collaborative architecture workshop. Using only sticks and elastic bands they worked together, communicated, solved problems, and worked logically to create the tallest, and most stable structures that they could
– some were even touching the top of the Prep School Hall ceiling – incredible! It was amazing to see the pupils chatting and enjoying each other’s company, re-establishing and building on friendships that they made during the mini-marathon and lunch, before half-term. Year 5 and 6 are looking forward to their collaboration workshops next week. However, it was not only the pupils that were collaborating this week, the Girls’ School and Boys’ School teachers also got together yesterday for a joint twilight staff development session – with such a wealth of knowledge and experience so nearby it would be remiss of us not to tap into each other’s expertise. Thursday this week saw a bumper Lunchtime Live – 21 pupils performed on eight different instruments, from self-composed to West End musical pieces, from Handel to traditional Russian folk music. It was a true treat. Lunchtime Live is a great opportunity for our students to gain the confidence of performance within a familiar environment and, as always, the pupils were enthusiastically supported and encouraged by many of their friends within the audience. We look forward to welcoming many of you in the next two weeks for Years 3 to 6 Parent Consultations, the first one being on Tuesday 8 November, and the second on Thursday 17 November. If you have not yet booked an appointment, please do contact your child’s Form Teacher. This is a valuable opportunity to celebrate your child’s successes, as well as discuss ways to support them through any challenges. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, and come rain or shine manage to spend time with friends and family.
Pre-Prep looking ahead
Pre-Prep school looking ahead
Reception Autumn Term 2 REMINDERS Please click here to read a letter from our Reception Classes team.
Remembrance Day - Poppy Appeal POPPIES FOR SALE If you would like to support the Royal British Legion, poppies and a selection of other items are now available at the Pre-Prep for a small donation until Friday 11 November.
Winter Concert F R I D AY 1 8 N O V E M B E R We warmly invite you to our Reception and Year 1 Winter Concert on Friday 2 December at 1.30pm. The concert will take place in the Seldon Hall (the music school building opposite the Prep School). Please click here for more information regarding rehearsals and the final concert.
Drop off
I M P O R TA N T N O T I C E As the weather is getting wetter, and the ground muddier, from Monday 7 November, all Year 2 students must be dropped off at or go straight to the playground. You can access the playground directly from the North Drive Car Park by following the path at the rear of the car park, that goes around the edge of the playing fields. Please do not use the road bridge to access the Prep School from the North Drive Carpark. This is not a pedestrian route.
Pre-Prep reminders
Pre-Prep reminders
Whole school Snacks
Please may we remind you that only fruit and vegetables are permitted at snack time. Grapes are a good healthy fruit snack but if you include grapes in your child’s snack box, please remember to always cut them lengthwise first to avoid choking.
After School Care POLITE REMINDER A polite reminder that the school day ends at 3.30pm. If you would like to book your child into After School Care until 4pm you must notify the Pre-Prep office in advance.
Prep looking ahead
Prep looking ahead
Whole School
Remembrance Day - Poppy Appeal POPPIES FOR SALE If you would like to support the Royal British Legion, poppies and a selection of other items are now on sale from Monday 7 November in the Prep School Reception until Friday 11 November. The Prep students will also be joining the Junior School students for a joint Remembrance event next week.
Remembrance Sunday Service S U N D AY 1 3 N O V E M B E R We are looking forward to taking part in the Radlett Remembrance Service Parade next weekend together with the Girls’ School. It is such an honour to receive this invitation and to be part of the Service where pupils will march alongside other members of the community. If your child will be attending, please email Mr Thomas (thomas_g@habsboys.org.uk). Please arrive outside the Radlett Centre at 10.30am when the Service will begin.
Martin Impey visit W E D N E S D AY 9 N O V E M B E R On Wednesday 9 November, in Remembrance Week, the awardwinning illustrator Martin Impey will be visiting the Prep School. He will talk to the pupils about his personal connection to the First World War and the journey which led him to create his unique artist’s view of one of the greatest anti-war poems ever written - Wilfred Owen’s masterpiece ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’. The pupils will have the chance to purchase copies of Martin’s outstanding work, which he will personally sign for them. An opportunity not to be missed! Click here for the book order form.
Prep looking ahead
Year 5 trip to Tower of London
T H U R S D AY 1 D E C E M B E R Year 5 will be visiting the Tower of London on Thursday 1 December. Please click here for more information.
Year 6 Rugby fixture against Chesham Prep
F R I D AY 1 1 N O V E M B E R All the pupils in Year 6 are playing rugby against Chesham Prep at Chesham Prep on Friday 11 November. The matches will start at 2:30pm and your child will be in one of the teams playing. Parents and Guardians are welcome to spectate. Please can you make sure your child knows how they will be getting home and that they write one of the following three options in their homework diary: 1.
Pick up from Chesham Prep at 3.30pm
Pick up from Habs Prep at 4.45pm
Coach home from Habs Prep at 5.30pm
*Additional Herts Wix Cup football fixture for U11 football team v Holy Rood Catholic Primary School (invite only). Wednesday 9 November, 4pm kick off, 5pm finish at Habs (Parks Pitches).
P r
Prep reminders
Prep reminders
Year 3 and 5 Instrumental Scheme Open sessions
M O N D AY 1 4 N O V E M B E R We are looking forward to welcoming families to our Instrumental Scheme Open sessions on Monday 14 November. This is a fantastic opportunity to see your child’s instrumental lesson or Chamber coaching session in action and chat with their instrumental teacher. You do not need to let the school know if you are coming, but please report to Prep reception to sign in before making your way to the Seldon Music School. There will be notices at the main entrances around the music school directing you to the correct studio/room for your child. Individual emails have already been sent with the specific time of your child’s session. These sessions take place in small groups and it would be appreciated if you stayed for the whole lesson. Please do use the opportunity to ask any questions to Miss Gozzard or the instrumental teacher.
Year 4 Medieval workshop
M O N D AY 1 4 N O V E M B E R Please click here to read a letter regarding a Medieval workshop taking place for Year 4 on Monday 14 November 2022.
Prep reminders
Y6 Senior School Scholarships I N F O R M AT I O N Please click here to read a letter regarding the application of Senior School scholarships.
Year 6 Parental Information Evening Dr Aric Sigman T U E S D AY 1 5 N O V E M B E R Please click here to read a letter regarding a Parental Information Evening with Dr Aric Sigman on Tuesday 15 November at 7pm.
Pre-Prep & Prep looking ahead
Pre-Prep &Prep looking ahead
Whole school
Children in Need
F R I D AY 1 8 N O V E M B E R It’s ‘Pyjama Day’ at the Pre-Prep and Prep on Friday 18 November to raise money for BBC Children in Need and to boost the students physical and mental wellbeing (an optional £1 donation is suggested please). For hygiene reasons, your child will need to put on a clean pair of pyjamas to come to school in, not the ones they have slept in the night before. Dressing gowns may be worn when in the classroom but please ensure your child has their warm Habs coat in school for breaktimes and lunchtime. Please do not feel the need to purchase a new pair of PJs for your child; tracksuit bottoms and a top or a onesie will suffice.
Pre-Prep & Prep reminders
Pre-Prep & Prep reminders
Lunch Menu W E E K C O M M E N C I N G M O N D AY 7 N O V E M B E R Please click here to view the Pre-Prep lunch menu. Please click here to view the Prep lunch menu.
Breakfast and After School Care B O O K I N G I N F O R M AT I O N Click here to book your child into the breakfast club or After School Care (ASCF) the week commencing Monday 14 October. Prearranged bookings can be made up until 12pm the Friday before. After this time, please email ascf@habsboys.org.uk for Prep pupil bookings and preprepoffice@habsboys.org.uk for Pre-Prep pupil bookings. Please note, there may be a small charge for ASCF after 4pm.
ABRSM application M O N D AY 1 2 A N D T U E S D AY 1 3 D E C E M B E R Please click here to read a letter with information regarding the December session of ABRSM music examinations.
Club payments REMINDER Please remember to check any payment links sent via EvolvePay and to make payment for any paid clubs selected for this term.
Important safety notice PLEASE READ Please be reminded that parents and students should not be using the bridge on North Drive for pedestrian access. This is for health and safety reasons, particularly, as the mornings and afternoons are getting darker, and the road is in constant use. If you are walking from the North Drive to the Prep School, please walk on the new path, via the pitches which is lit. If accessing the main campus, please access the footpath near the MFL car park. Please also note, that at the beginning or end of the school day, vehicles should not be parking or picking up from the service road outside the Prep building. Please use the designated pick-up areas on Pitch 5 or the North Drive Car Park for drop off and collection.
Tooled Up For Tooled Up this week, why not browse through the ‘Manage Their Emotions’ category. The Mood Thermometer, tips on normalising mistakes in family life and strategies on keeping calm might be of particular interest for the pupils and help them with all aspects of life when things get a little challenging. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the school if we can do anything further to support your child.
Pre-Prep & Prep School news stories
Pre-Prep & Prep news stories
Diwali celebrations 2022 This week the children had fun exploring all things Diwali. They made their own diva lamps and learnt a Diwali dance.
Pre-Prep & Prep news stories
Welcome to Miss Helen Brooks Please join us in welcoming Miss Helen Brooks our new Teaching Assistant in Class 1NP. We are delighted that she has joined our team.
Collaboration Day On Tuesday 1 November, Year 3 and 4 hosted their counterparts from the Girls’ School for a day of collaboration. For one activity, we made structures and for the other activity we created eco friendly outfits out of newspaper. This allowed us to get to know each other more, develop our teamwork and creativity skills. We look forward to more events together in the future.
Pre-Prep & Prep news stories
Neurodiversity Week Throughout this week we have been celebrating Neurodiversity at Habs thinking about what it means to be neurodiverse and having a learning difference such as ADHD, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia or Tourette Syndrome. We have taken part in activities that have made us think about how we use our brains, bodies and senses to access the world around us. We have celebrated all the strengths and talents of people who are neurodiverse and learnt how life might be challenging or difficult for them sometimes. The activities have across the school have improved our understanding on how to look out for each other and offer support when needed.
Pre-Prep & Prep news stories
Lunchtime Live It was fantastic to observe numerous pupils from across the school perform in Lunchtime Live this week. It was wonderful, too, to see so many other pupils attend to support their peers.
Grade 2 Orange Tennis Tournament Congratulations to Ari and Riyan who competed at the National Tennis Centre in a Grade 2 Orange tournament. Riyan ranked 3rd place and Ari got to the final of the consolation draw. The tournament hosted some of the best players in the UK!
Pre-Prep & Prep news stories
Prep pupil speaks at Parliament Over half term, we were incredibly proud of Year 4 pupil Orson who spoke to numerous MP’s in Parliament to ask them to support and fund the lifechanging Auditory Verbal therapy programme which has helped him and other deaf children learn to listen and speak. Orson articulately explained his own experiences and the way in Auditory Verbal UK assist families across the UK. It was wonderful to watch the impact that Orson has had, which was also highlighted by ITV who interviewed him for a segment that was played on the ITV news. We look forward to supporting Orson and AVUK in one of our charity days later this.
Donkin Cup results Thank you to all parents and guardians who came in to spectate the pupils preforming in our annual Inter House cross country event, the Donkin Cup. There was a fantastic atmosphere around the course and all the pupils gave the very best of themselves in what was an exciting morning of cross-country racing. The Donkin Cup is a special event as it is the only Inter House competition where the whole of the Pre-Prep and Prep school are together. It was a pleasure to see the pupils cheering each other on. Well done to Davids who were this year’s winners. Overall House Placings: 1st Davids, 2nd Patricks, 3rd Georges, 4th Andrews. Reception
1st place Leo Walker
2nd place Lenny Natoff
3rd place Anay Kadiwar
Year 1
Shivaan Shah
Freddie Kennedy
Kai Vora
Year 2
Gabriel Bluestone
Kyle Naik
Harry Taberner
Year 3
Freddie Simmons
Marc Bass
Asher Swimer
Year 4
Lucas Xie
Harry Sykes
Freddie Margerrison
Year 5
Luca Lane
Seth Saunders
Noah Szajman
Year 6
Taha Cockerell
Raphael Barsam
Lucas Davis
PRE-PREP CALENDAR DATES F R I D AY 1 8 N O V E M B E R Children In Need (Non-Uniform Day) M O N D AY 2 1 N O V E M B E R Reception and Year 1 Wellbeing Day W E D N E S D AY 2 3 N O V E M B E R Year 2 Wellbeing Day T U E S D AY 2 9 N O V E M B E R Year 1 and 2 trip to Pantomime Cinderella at Stevenage Theatre W E D N E S D AY 3 0 N O V E M B E R St Andrew’s Day Winter Concert Rehearsals – Seldon Hall F R I D AY 2 D E C E M B E R Winter Concert – Seldon Hall M O N D AY 5 D E C E M B E R Reception trip to Pantomime Beauty and the Beast at Watford Palace Theatre W E D N E S D AY 7 D E C E M B E R Reception and Year 1 Nasal Flu Immunisations F R I D AY 9 D E C E M B E R Reception and Year 1 last day of Term T U E S D AY 1 3 D E C E M B E R Year 2 last day of Term
For further dates, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.
T U E S D AY 8 N O V E M B E R Years 3 to 6 Parents’ Evening (1)
F R I D AY 1 8 N O V E M B E R Year Children in Need (Non-Uniform Day) Year 6 House Rugby
W E D N E S D AY 9 N O V E M B E R Year 6 Martin Impey Workshop T H U R S D AY 1 0 N O V E M B E R Remembrance Service S AT U R D AY 1 2 N O V E M B E R * Year 4 and 5 Rugby (home fixture) S U N D AY 1 3 N O V E M B E R Radlett Remembrance Service M O N D AY 1 4 N O V E M B E R Year 3 Music Instrumental Scheme Open Afternoon (1.55pm to 3.30pm) Year 4 Medieval Workshop Year 5 Rugby (away fixture) Year 5 Musical Instrumental Scheme Open Morning (9.15am to 10.45am) Year 6 talk by Stephen Clark on Cleopatra (2pm) T U E S D AY 1 5 N O V E M B E R Year 4 House Rugby T H U R S D AY 1 7 N O V E M B E R Year 3 House Rugby Year 3 to 6 Parents Evening (2)
M O N D AY 2 1 N O V E M B E R Year 6 WWI Workshop with Nicholas Wolmsey Year 5 House Rugby T U E S D AY 2 2 N O V E M B E R Years 2 to 6 Flu Immunisations Year 4 Rugby Quad (home fixture) W E D N E S D AY 2 3 N O V E M B E R * Years 4 to 6 Table Tennis (home fixure) Wellbeing Day Years 2 to 6 T H U R S D AY 2 4 N O V E M B E R Division Ten Swimming (Girls’ School) Years 3 to 6 Lunchtime Live F R I D AY 2 5 N O V E M B E R Year 6 Rugby Quad (away fixture) W E D N E S D AY 3 0 N O V E M B E R Year 5 Rugby (away fixture) T H U R S D AY 1 D E C E M B E R Year 3 Rugby Triangular (away fixture) Year 5 Tower of London Trip F R I D AY 2 D E C E M B E R Year 6 A & B Hockey (away fixture)
For further dates, please refer to the school calendar on Firefly.
* Selected pupils will be invited to participate via Evolve