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Computer Science
Sports Science
This course can be taken by any pupil.
Examination Board AQA GCSE Type GCSE Specification No. 8582
What is Sports Science GCSE?
This specification follows on from the Year 9 Intro to Sports Science programme of study, providing pupils with opportunities to lead a healthy and active lifestyle by choosing from a variety of activities in which to be practically assessed. Theoretically, pupils study the physiological, psychological and social effects on sport and sports performance. Pupils will be assessed practically and can choose from the following activity groups, Games, Athletic, Aquatic, Adventure, Dance, Gymnastic and Combat.
What skills are involved/developed through the course?
Knowledge of the physiological and psychological demands of performance; an understanding of health, fitness and a healthy lifestyle; knowledge of training methods and nutrition; and an understanding of how cultural and social factors can affect participation and performance.
IGCSE Specification
Years 10 and 11
Unit/Topic Assessment
Paper 1: -Written Paper: 1-hour 15mins (The human body and movement in physical activity and sport) -78 marks – 30% of final grade Paper 2: -Written Paper: 1-hour 15mins (Socio-cultural influences and well-being and physical activity and sport) 78 marks – 30% of final grade NEA: -Practical assessment in 3 sports -30% of final grade -Written analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity -10% of final grade
Nature and timings of assessment
Sports Science GCSE is assessed through two written theory papers examining knowledge of Sports Physiology, Biomechanics, Sports Psychology, Health & Fitness and Sport & Society (60%) alongside an in-depth practical study of three different sporting activities (40%). The style of the question paper has been designed to include a mixture of multiple choice, short and long answer questions. A significant proportion of the course is assessed practically, and it is an advantage to be currently involved in sport inside or outside school to a good level. Practical performance is externally moderated through video evidence around Easter of Year 11.
What sort of pupil does it suit and what will they get out of the course?
The content of this GCSE Sports Science specification is designed to enable pupils to enjoy and understand the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle; to provide a route to study in Further Education awards, such as A levels and to Higher Education in Sports and Exercise Science, as well as to related career opportunities. It will suit pupils who have a clear interest in sporting activity, and the issues which affect participation and performance. Pupils who perform at high school/club level and beyond will have an advantage when being assessed in the practical context.