The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School Nurturing Excellence
Welcome to the
Senior School Year 7 Induction Booklet - June 2020
to the Senior School
Dear Parents and Year 7 Boys, It gives me great pleasure to welcome all our new boys to The Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’ School (Habs) and our Prep boys into the Senior School. I am your brand-new Head of Lower School, and I have spent my entire career at Habs. Over the past 28 years, I have skied all over Europe and America; climbed mountain ranges all over the UK; cycled 30,000 miles to and from work and many other places, including the famous Land’s End to John o’Groats ride; taught dinghy sailing to generations of boys; introduced scuba-diving to the School and been a very proud member of our School’s Combined Cadet Force, serving as an Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy Section. Boys – I hope you are inspired by this list of activities. By the end of your School career, I am expecting similar engagement and involvement from you. You are about to set foot on the most wonderfully exciting journey over the next seven years. A journey of discovery and fulfilment. There is a huge range on offer. My message is – “Get Stuck In!” My aim is very simple – to provide the right environment for all 154 of you to grow, thrive and flourish. I think of you as my acorns. 154 acorns. My job is to provide the right growing conditions for every single one of you to stand 100 feet tall in seven years’ time – as broad, proud, majestic oak trees! In order to provide the right conditions for vigorous growth, I ask all boys to consider very carefully how they treat each other, how they treat my colleagues and how they treat our support staff. Everybody at Habs works extremely hard to provide a safe, secure and, above all, a fun and happy environment. Please ensure that each and every one of you re-reads this paragraph and keeps this sentiment at the forefront of your mind. There’s a name you’re given, boys and a name you earn. What name will you earn for yourself? I am very much looking forward to leading you, along with my colleagues, down this amazing road of discovery! Hold on tight, boys and parents – this roller-coaster ride will be over in the blink of an eye so, please, embrace every day and every new challenge.
Very best wishes
Mr T B W Hardman Head of Lower School
Who you will meet on your Zoom induction Mr Gus Lock Headmaster
Mr T Hardman Head of Lower School (Year 7 and 8)
Mr A Simm Director of Co-Curricular
Your son will also meet his House Tutor, Head of House and Deputy Head of House:
Please turn to the next page and you will see an A- Z index of items covered in this booklet. Please do read through this as most questions will be answered in this document.
A – Z 11+ Information Guide 1.
Academic Support
After School
Calendar of Sporting Events
Mobile Phone Usage
Mouthguard information
Parents Evenings
Pastoral Care Houses and Sections
Progress Grades
School Council
The School Day
11+ Induction Day – Friday 4 September
Map of the Campus
Habs Social Media
When your son is ill or is intending to be absent from School, please follow this procedure: •
Email his House Tutor and Absences ( on the day your son is ill Alternatively, you can call the Senior School switchboard (020 8266 1700) or the Absences Line (020 8266 1971). On his return to School, your son should bring a letter to his House Tutor explaining his absence and specifying the total number of days he has been away.
Please write, giving at least seven days’ notice, if you wish to request absence for religious observance.
If possible, dental appointments, etc., should be made for the School holidays. If this is not possible, please write to your son’s House Tutor, asking permission for him to be absent in advance. We call this an Exeat.
If the planned absence is for more than half a day, please write to Mr Hardman at If the planned absence is for more than one day, please write to the Headmaster at
We request that absences are kept to a minimum.
Academic Support
All departments offer individual or small group support sessions if a boy is experiencing difficulties in any subject at any time. The class teacher will recommend that a boy attends these support classes. In addition, the School offers 20-minute individual support sessions to help boys to become efficient learners. Boys decide what they would like support with. Some of the areas the School will be able to help with include: • Organisation • Revision and Memory • Essay writing • Presentation skills • Note taking • Listening skills • Procrastination • Using feedback • Reading skills • Working independently • Concentration • Understanding your learning style • Handwriting Sessions take place at lunchtime (1pm and 1.20pm) and after School (4pm, 4.20pm and 4.40pm) on Mondays and Tuesdays in the IN office, which is located next to G12. Boys book their own slots by entering their name, form and details of the support they need in the file on the wall outside the IN office. Students can also get study skills help via HabsNet.
After School
The School day ends at 16:00 in good time for the 16:15 coaches. After School activities end at 17:15 in good time for the 17:30 coaches. It is important that your son realises the 17:30 coach routes may differ from his 16:15 route and may not include his normal stop location. If boys are being collected, parents may pick-up from the Girls’ School car park. Please do not drive through the Boys’ School to collect. The Library is open for quiet study until 17:15. In case of emergency, there is always a member of staff on duty in the Library after School. Staff can be contacted via Reception. Boys must always be supervised.
There are a variety of assemblies during the week lasting approximately 20 minutes. The Junior School (Years 7 and 8) Assembly takes place on a Tuesday morning. On Thursdays, your son can choose from the following religious assemblies: Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh. We hope that the boys will attend a variety of assemblies. The Headmaster’s assembly is available for those boys not wishing to attend faith assemblies.
Your son will be allocated a “buddy” from Year 9. The buddy will contact your son by sending a postcard after the June welcome evening. The buddy is available to help your son settle in and answer any questions he may have. Regular meetings will be arranged during their first term. The Sixth Form Directors of the Buddies will also be arranging a daily Board Games Club during lunch times in the first half of the autumn term. This will provide an opportunity for your son to meet other Year 7 students and support their settling in period whilst they are finding their feet and exploring the co-curricular programme.
Calendar of Events/Sports Fixtures
The School uses ‘miSOCS’ - this is an online calendar that can be accessed directly from the School website. Parents, boys and staff will be able to filter the calendar for their individual needs and download it to their computers and devices. Saturday fixtures are generally set one term in advance. Parents should email or write to the Director of Sport with at least seven days’ notice if they are unable to attend a fixture. If a boy is ill on the day of the game parents should email the Director of Sport or the team coach directly. Parents are strongly encouraged to watch their sons compete and refreshments are provided for spectators at match.
The School Transport Manager (Ms E Summers) will be pleased to answer any parental questions regarding travelling to and from Habs. She can be contacted by email on or on 020 8266 1705. Parents are responsible for their sons until they board the School coach. When travelling by coach, all boys must have with them a working and in credit mobile phone. If your son misses the coach at the end of the School day, he should report to the Library where there will be a member of staff on duty until 17:15. Temporary coach tickets can be purchased from the School Office, subject to availability, for the day in question. If you have any concerns about the coach service, please inform the Transport Manager. Should your son lose an item on the coach, it will be placed in the lost property racks in the Coach Park. If it is of high value, such as a musical instrument or a mobile phone, it will be taken to the Coach Park Office and can be retrieved by asking a member of staff on duty in the Coach Park. There is a Code of Conduct for the Coach Service which you are able to obtain from the Transport Office and also on the website
Communications: Who Can Parents Talk To?
We are always happy to answer any questions that you have, however trivial. You may telephone Reception on 020 8266 1700, who will direct you to the relevant member of staff. The School Nurse can also be contacted through Reception. If you have any pastoral or academic concerns about your son, you should contact staff in the following order: • • • •
House Tutor Head of House/Lower School Senior School Tutor ( Head of Lower School – Mr T Hardman ( DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead) – Mrs Michèle Jones (
Email communications Whilst we encourage an open dialogue, we politely request that teachers are given space to respond. In an emergency do please contact Mr Hardman and he will respond as quickly as he can given his teaching commitments.
How do we communicate with you? Parent information letters are uploaded to the Parent Portal every Friday.
In Year 7, boys study a full range of subjects including English, Mathematics, Geography, History, Theology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, ICT, Art, Design Technology, Music, PE and Games. They also study two languages (from French, German, Latin and Spanish) for the first half of the year and then the other two in the second half of the year. This enables them to make an informed choice when at the end of Year 7, they can choose any two of these languages to continue into Year 8. Boys will be issued with a personal timetable at the start of the academic year. The English Department will issue every student with a mini Oxford dictionary free of charge during the first week of term. These are compact and light and should be taken to all lessons as a matter of course.
HabsDash is our own weekly community 3.5km run that takes place every Tuesday lunchtime around the school grounds. This inclusive event is open to all members of the school community; boys and girls from Year 7 up to Year 13, teaching and nonteaching staff. The numbers participating has ranged from 50 runners right up to 180 runners. We produce a results sheet each week and you are able to track your progress as well as work towards certificates of achievement to celebrate running a half-marathon, a marathon or even further! Your kilometres also count towards the house competition. To participate you need to go to the Medburn Sports Centre at the beginning of lunchtime on Tuesday to collect a coloured RunBand and get changed. The run starts at 1250 - see you there!
Homework timetables are issued to boys at the start of the academic year. Three 20-minute pieces of homework are set each night. If you have concerns about the time your son spends on homework (either too little or too much), please be in touch with his House Tutor. We do not want him to spend all evening working, as it is important he should have time to relax. Homework should be recorded in his Homework Diary, which be signed each week by a parent and your son’s House Tutor. Habs uses ‘Show My Homework’ (SMH). SMH is a digital app that enables you and your son to see the homework assigned. All homeworks are set using SMH. If a boy is absent, he should ask a pupil in the class or a Homework Buddy for the homework set in subjects not yet using SMH. Homework is not set during the first week of Year 7. Years 7 - 9 do not have holiday homework.
Year 7 homework timetable sample
Week A
Wednesday Thursday
At the beginning of the academic year, your son will be allocated a locker in either The Aske Building, The Bourne Building, the Maths block or English block to be as close as possible to his Form Room. The locker has a tethered combination padlock attached to it and each boy can use his own 4-digit code. We highly recommend boys write the code down somewhere safe, so they remember, and they do not give this code to anybody else. Please encourage your son to use his locker to put all his possessions in at the start of the day. All Junior boys will be using a House coloured bag to carry the few items needed for each lesson. They can then return to their locker at break and lunchtime to repack their House bag for their next lessons. This prevents boys having to carry a heavy bag around School. On sports afternoons, sports kit can be stored in the Medburn lockers. Boys need to sign a key out and back in again with staff on Medburn Reception, or in the McGowan Changing Rooms where lockers require a self-selected key code to be used. Boys can email should they have any queries.
Lunch and Tuck
The School uses a cashless catering system and an electronic pupil registration system. Both systems use biometric technology to scan the thumb of your son and generate a unique code that will identify him when he places his thumb on a scanner at the revaluation pay point, the catering tills or at selected pupil registration points around the School. The café in the Medburn Centre offers a range of drinks and light snacks. Boys are allowed to go every morning for breakfast and on a Monday during the School day. We strongly discourage the boys from drinking coffee and sugary drinks. We request that you monitor the choices your son makes via the Parent Portal. The Bates Dining Room is open at the following times: • • •
Breakfast Break Time Lunchtime
08:00 – 08:35 10:45 – 11:05 12:35 – 13:45
Our caterers have recently changed, further details will follow before the autumn term.
Boys can gain a Merit for a series of good pieces of work or a consistent effort to improve. If he gains a Merit he should show the work to his House Tutor and the Merit is recorded. A Head of House Merit (5 merits) may be awarded for particularly outstanding work or contribution. Certificates are awarded for: • • • •
20 merits 40 merits 60 merits 100 merits
Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
The boys are then presented with a certificate in Assembly.
Mobile Phones Usage
Your son will need a mobile phone if he is traveling on the coach. He must not have the phone switched on during the day. If he needs to call home, then he should go to Mr Hardman’s office to make the call. Whilst we aim to teach your son how to use his phone safely, we do encourage parents to be very firm about their usage at home. The bill payer is responsible for anything on the phone that may be construed as inappropriate. As a school, we DO NOT endorse WhatsApp as in April 2018 WhatsApp raised their minimum age to 16. We strongly recommend that if you do allow your son on social media, you add yourself as a ‘friend’ or ‘follower’ of their account. Parent Zone, which can be accessed via the Parent Portal is an excellent source of information for parents about digital parenting. Pupils will need access to a computer for homework. Our advice to parents is to keep this in a central location, not in your son’s bedroom, and to have a very clear agreement on times of access. The School has an ICT Acceptable Use Policy for students and a parental agreement which parents sign once they have had a discussion with their son about this digital usage.
Mouthguard Information
Parents Parents can visit to select and order a mouthguard for their son. If your son is only taking part in rugby, then a midimpact mouthguard will be sufficient. If your son will be playing hockey or any sport involving a hard ball, they should be looking at ordering a high or pro impact mouthguard. You may select any design you wish. However, a Habs branded mouthguard is available from the Opro website and this matches the colours of the School’s sports kits. You can order this by visiting the same link as above, selecting ‘School/Club’ in the first drop-down menu and then scrolling down to ‘Habs Boys’. Note that mouthguard fittings will take place on the 15 and 17 September, in the McGowan Hall balcony.
The Co-curricular Music programme in the Senior School is hugely active and is an element of which the School is justifiably proud. The Music Department produces over 50 concerts and recitals as well as a number of holiday courses each year, and hold weekly rehearsals for seven large orchestral ensembles, two Big Bands, Choirs, and countless Chamber Groups. Our 23 instrumental staff teach over 500 individual lessons every week, as well as helping to coach many of our groups. It is our aim to provide something for everyone, and to engage as many incoming pupils with Co-curricular Music as possible. Please contact the Music Department ( if you have any questions about the school's Co-curricular Music provision.
Parents’ Evenings
Parents’ Consultation Evenings are held in the spring term where parents will have the opportunity to meet their son’s teachers and discuss his progress. In addition, there is an evening in October to meet with the pastoral team to discuss general issues. Reports are sent home at the end of autumn and summer terms. If parents have any concerns during the School year, they should not hesitate to contact their son’s House Tutor.
Pastoral Care Houses and Sections
The Senior School is divided into three Sections. A Head and Deputy (referred to as the Senior Tutor) of each Section oversees the smooth running of their area of the School. • • •
Lower School Middle School Sixth Form
Years 7 - 8 Years 9 – 11 Years 12 – 13
In addition, all boys are allocated to a House. The Senior School Houses are:
Calverts Hendersons Joblings Meadows Russells Strouts All boys wear a tie incorporating a stripe of their House colour. The Houses are named after the original Heads of House. Boys remain in their house throughout their time at Habs. Pastoral care begins in Year 7 with a Sixth Former who acts as a mentor. Each boy remains in the same House throughout his time at Haberdashers’ in order to offer continuity of pastoral care. There are many inter-House competitions throughout the year in sport, drama, debating, chess, general knowledge and many more. Details will be given to your son by his Head of House once he joins in
September. All of this provides an opportunity for boys to mix between Houses.
Progress Grades
Boys are given Progress Grades every half term. These are accessed via the Parental Portal and the Pupil Portal. They enable House Tutors to track their tutees; praise them for doing well; spot when a boy is underachieving for whatever reason and to help get him back on track. The standard Progress Grade “2G” means that your son is working at the high standard set at the School.
Pupils can be given sanctions for a number of low-level things including being late to a lesson, not doing a single piece of homework, dropping litter, being inappropriately dressed. These are usually dealt with by the individual teacher. If behaviour is persistently poor a school detention will be given. Parents and pupils will be sent an automated email and these occur on Tuesdays 4pm until 5:15pm. If you would like more information this is available in our behaviour policy which can be found on the school website.
Student Council
Two boys from each year group are elected for the Student Council. Day to day operations are managed by seven Sixth Form Directors and the Student Council is overseen by Senior School staff. The Student Council plays a critical role in School life and provides development opportunities for students. The Student Council has achieved Silver Eco-School status and led a highly successful Christmas food bank appeal.
The School Day
School opens at 08:00 each day and closes at 17:15. If your son remains after 16:00 he must attend a supervised activity. If your son is using the coach he must have a mobile phone. Encourage your son to be ‘car aware’ and to use the pavements with any listening devices removed so they can be attentive. During the winter months we encourage the use of reflective strips on their bags and coats.
The School Shop stocks a complete range of School uniform and price lists can be obtained from them or found on the School website under the ‘About Us’ tab or click here All clothing must be marked with name tapes. Unfortunately, due to the current health crisis the School Shop is closed, but we expect it to open after 1 July for appointments only. We will email parents with further details once we know the dates and times the shop is able to take bookings.
Wellbeing (PSHCEE)
Your son’s wellbeing throughout his journey at Habs is of paramount importance to us. This is supported through both our tutorial programme and timetabled PSHCEE lessons. PSHCEE consists of five components: Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education. All boys receive a weekly PSHCEE lesson with their House Tutors during morning tutor time, and PSHCEE is a timetabled subject for Year 7 through to Year 10. In addition, workshops with specialist speakers are organised for all year groups at different times throughout the year. These focus on specific age- appropriate issues such as anxiety, e-safety, drugs and alcohol, safe driving, and sexual relationships. Workshops are also delivered to parents. PSHCEE is an integral part of School life, rooted in the School ethos. When pupils leave Habs, we expect that they will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and attributes to be morally responsible and valued citizens. Habs has two School Counsellors and they offer a confidential counselling service to all boys. Boys can make appointments by emailing their son. If your son is only taking part in rugby, then a mid-impact
11+ Induction Day Friday 4 September The following information is what normally happens on our Induction day which takes place the day before the School starts for the remainder of pupils. Due to the current health crisis, we may have to change our plans this year and we will inform you nearer the time depending on what the Government guidelines are. On Induction Day, On Induction Day, boys will be given their timetable, have their photographs taken, get to know their way around the School and learn how to use their lockers. Staff will be in the coach and car park to welcome and escort the boys to the Bourne Hall. Please arrive between 08:30 and 08:45. Induction Day will end at approximately 14:30 when boys will be escorted back to the coach or car park. Please would your son: • • • •
attend in School uniform. May we remind you that hair-styles are required to be moderate: hair should be its own natural colour, lie off the collar and be of an even cut; very short or long on top cuts are inappropriate; no hairbands are permitted have his School bag in House colour bring a fully stocked pencil case with his name marked clearly on the front to help staff learn his name bring a packed lunch if he is not using the School canteen
Nothing else by way of kit is needed on this day. Boys may bring mobile phones but these should be switched off on arrival in School.
Induction Day Coach Service For All Any pupil can use the coaches on Induction Day, whether or not they are registered for the service. There is no charge and you do not need to have a ticket. A full coach service will operate in the morning timetabled to the autumn term departure times and pick-up points. The new autumn 2020 timetable will be available on the Boys’ School website under Senior School/About Us/School Coaches from mid-July 2020. The return service will depart from School at approximately 14:30 following the normal 16:15 routes and timetable which you should adjust for a 14:30 departure time. We do encourage everyone to utilise the Induction Day coach service as we are able to give far greater assistance to your son in finding his correct coach in the coach park. From Monday 7 September he will become part of a 1,700 pupil strong coach community and the orientation provided on Induction Day together with the opportunity to ask questions will be invaluable in making the new experience routine.
Boys Travelling to School by Car If you are driving your son to School, please enter via the main gate on Butterfly Lane. You will be directed round the one-way system to drop your son off where he will be met by a prefect and taken to the Bourne Hall. Boys should plan to arrive by 08:45. Parents should use the Girls’ School car park on Aldenham Road for collection at 14:30. Your son will be taken to the Girls’ School car park on Induction Day at 14:30 but from Monday 9 September 2019, boys should make their own way at the end of the School day if being collected by car.
Join Habs online /habsboys @habsboys
JS - June 2019