9 minute read
Welcome to the University Applications Handbook for 2022 Entry which provides an overview of the UCAS process and explains how to make an outstanding application for university courses of your choice. You will apply to study the subject(s) that you love, or pursue a vocation, and nothing is more thrilling. You will be comprehensively supported by your Form Tutor, Subject Adviser and the Careers Office. Mrs Wheeler is the University Applications Coordinator and will be your first point of contact. This is the first year that you will have access to the Unifrog platform to help you with the application process. We also offer support to boys hoping to make Conservatoire applications, applications to American Universities or for Degree Apprenticeships.
If you have any questions or queries about the process, just ask me or Mrs Wheeler and we will be happy to help.
Mrs Turbett
Head of University Applications
Key Dates for the University Application Process 2020 - 2022
November 2020
The Parents’ Evening in late November is an ideal opportunity to start thinking about university applications. Your teachers will be able to answer any questions you might have about your suitability to study certain subjects at degree level.
More broadly, the key message is to engage fully with your academic endeavours and the School’s Co-Curricular programme. This will help you have a competitive UCAS application. You should also think about ways in which you can make your application stand out. Attending additional webinars, editing a school journal and reading widely are three excellent starting points. This is particularly pertinent for any boy hoping to apply to Oxbridge.
January 2021
In January, Subject Advisers host drop-in meetings during form time. This will help you to identify the course(s) you might like to study at university. Between now and June, you have time to research and discover different subject and course options. You will have the opportunity to use Unifrog in your research.
June - July 2021
In the second half of the summer term, the UCAS process begins in earnest. Following the school’s UCAS Conference, you will register for UCAS. You will draft your personal statement with the help of your Subject Advisor. Form Tutors will begin the process of writing your UCAS reference. American applicants will be supported by the Aske-Princeton Fellow.
Autumn 2021
Oxbridge and Medics submit their UCAS forms at the start of the Autumn term to allow time for the final checks to take place. This includes a final reference check by the Form Tutor and final meeting with your Subject Adviser. UCAS forms are signed off by a member of the School’s SLT. Other applications are handled on a rolling-basis and all applications must be with the Careers Office immediately after October half-term at the latest. You must allow approximately three weeks between handing your form in for it to be send to UCAS.
Some of you will sit University Admissions tests during the Autumn Term and you will need to register for these with the Exams Office. Some preparation takes place during Enhancement although the onus is on the individual student to prepare for these tests.
Some of you will be called to interview. The School will help you prepare for these interviews by providing some mock interview experience as well as extensive provision in Enhancement classes.
Spring 2022
By the Spring of 2022 you will be able to select your Firm and Insurance Offers on UCAS Track. Subject Advisers can help you make these decisions if you are unsure.
August 2022
On Results Day, you will receive your A Level Results. More than 80 % of our Sixth Formers achieve their firm offer with a few taking up their Insurance offer. Every year a number of boys reapply after their results and we are happy to support these OH applications. A handful of boys take a place through clearing.
University Destinations 2020
Aberystwyth University Cardiff University Durham University Guildhall School of Music Imperial College London King's College London, University of London London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London Nottingham Trent University Queen Mary, University of London The University of Edinburgh The University of Law Trinity College London University College London University of Birmingham University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Exeter University of Leeds University of Liverpool University of Manchester University of Nottingham University of Oxford University of Southampton University of St Andrews University of Warwick University of York
University degree course choices 2020
Economics, Economics and Management, Business Studies or Land Economy PPE, Philosophy, International Relations, Politics and Theology Medicine, Dentistry, Biomedical Science or Allied subjects Engineering History or History Joint Honours Maths or Maths related Law Natural Sciences English and English and Linguistics Physics, Biology, Biochemistry Geography Modern Foreign Languages Music Other single subjects
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18 17 15 15 9 8 6 5 4 2 2 2 7
UCAS overview
The UCAS process is important because it allows you to study at University. It is, however, critical that you do not allow the application process to become more important than your academic work. The most up to date place to find information about the process is the UCAS website. The School will run sessions in June and July 2021 to help you register for UCAS and start to complete your form. You will need to enter personal details as well as your qualifications. You will then write a draft personal statement by the end of the Summer Term. Your personal statement supports your application to study at a university or college. It is a chance for you to articulate why you would like to study a particular course or subject, and what skills and experience you possess that show your passion for your chosen field. The school will also write a reference in support of you.
Subject Advisors
Head of University Applications University Applications Coordinator Biomedical/Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Natural Sciences - Biology Classics Economics English, Linguistics, Theatre Studies, Liberal Arts Geography and Land Economy History Law Maths and Accountancy and Finance, Accountancy and Management Computer Science Medicine Modern Languages Philosophy, Politics and Economics Philosophy Theology, Religious Studies Politics and HSPS Science and Engineering, Architecture, Chemistry Physics, Natural Sciences - Physics American Universities – Aske Princeton Fellow Mrs C Turbett Mrs K Wheeler Mr C Glanville
Mr C Joyce Mrs J Wolfson, Mr C Raatz, Mr G Hall Mr I Wheeler
Mr R Cooper Mr A Simm Mr A Lawrence Mr B Brown
Mr D Franks Dr R Randall Mr N Geering Mr S Clark Dr O Tromans Mr R Davis Mr A McLarin Mr R Kingdon
Dr C Gannarelli Mr A Gray
Why go to university?
The benefits of further education are clear. You get to study the subject(s) you love and gain a qualification that is internationally recognised. You develop soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving and time management, all of which make you more employable. You increase your earning potential and get your first taste of independence.
Where to study?
There are a lot of questions to consider when thinking about what university to choose. Unifrog has an excellent tool to help you narrow down your options and you Subject Adviser will also be able to share their expertise with you. You will need to consider how far from home you want to travel, if you want to study on a campus or in a town and whether a Red Brick or modern setting is where you want to study. Many boys will consider making an application to study at Oxford or Cambridge. All universities now offer virtual open days and we strongly encourage you to sign up for a wide range of these. Many universities use Unibuddy which allows you to live chat with current students and ask them questions about the university where they are studying.
What about Oxbridge?
The School provides excellent support for any boy who wishes to make an Oxbridge application. Successful applicants need outstanding academic results as well as significant academic potential. Oxbridge are looking for students who will enjoy the academic rigours of their highly competitive courses. To make a successful application, you must be highly engaged in the academic debate that surrounds your subject. You must think deeply, be prepared to question ideas and read continuously to help develop your broad understanding of the subject.
What to study?
The School will provide expert guidance to help you narrow down your course choices. Subject Advisers will be able to explain to you the differences between the courses offered by different universities. You will also be able to use Unifrog to help you compare different courses. You will select five different courses to apply for via UCAS using your school predictions as a guide.
What are Degree Apprenticeships?
For career-focused students who have advanced communication, teamwork, leadership and inter-personal skills, degree apprenticeships are well worth consideration. There are some outstanding opportunities available with organisations such as JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Eversheds Sutherland, EY, Capgemini, UBS, Jaguar LandRover and many more. Students still gain a degree and/or a professional qualification but will also gain invaluable work experience
and graduate debt-free. The majority of apprentices go on to permanent roles within the same organisation.
www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/ is the best place to search for degree apprenticeship opportunities. Please note – applications are made directly to the company, not to UCAS, and all have their own deadlines.
www.ratemyapprenticeship.co.uk is an excellent resource for anyone seeking information about apprenticeships. Students can search for opportunities, look at industry guides, and browse through top employers based on reviews.
www.notgoingtouni.co.uk provides advice and alternatives to the traditional route into university.
Admissions Tests
Some universities require you to sit an admissions test as part of the application process. You must register for the relevant tests either via the Schools Exams Office or externally.
Some universities including Oxford and Cambridge interview prospective students. All applicants for medicine, veterinary and dentistry are interviewed. The School offers comprehensive support in preparing for interviews. Much of this preparation takes place in Enhancement lessons that run in Years 12 and 13. We also offer mock interview preparation.
The best place to find out about university finance is on the UCAS website or on the Gov website. This guidance changes quite frequently and id very much dependant on individual family circumstances
Gap Years
There are two main considerations when making plans for a Gap Year. First, does the course that you want to study generally support Gap Years. You can discover this by looking at the specific courses on the university websites or calling Admissions Tutors. Second, Gap Years need careful planning to make them a success.
American Applications
The Aske-Princeton Fellow supports American applicants, and a specific American University Applications Handbook is available for anyone wanting to apply to the US. Unifrog is also very useful for boys considering an application to America.