Habs Weekly Junior School edition Friday 1 July 2022 Summer Term
Head of Junior School’s Message Mrs L Flynn
As we reach the end of our final full week of this academic year, this week’s newsletter provides information about the Autumn term with curriculum plans for the first half term, suggested reading lists and information regarding next term’s ACE programme. Our philosophy is that the holidays provide important time for pupils to rest and explore the many joys of childhood, seeking pleasure in the everyday. Our hope is that the weeks at home provide an opportunity for shared family time and enriching experiences. The benefits of taking time to allow our mind to wander, away from the structure of set activities, are many and research has shown that periods of ‘boredom’ are fundamental to creativity and curiosity, and often where brilliant ideas stem from, as discussed in the following TED Talk: Manoush Zomorodi: How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas | TED Talk The holidays can feel lengthy, and we know that many of our pupils enjoy using some of their time to explore topics ready for September. As we have done in previous years, we have created a set of holiday activity cards which provide a range of optional activities for your child. If all else fails and the cry of ‘I’m bored’ gets too much, please find below a link to a list of 100 ideas to occupy your child: 100 Things to Suggest if Your Child Complains They Are Bored - Tooled Up Education
Junior School Looking ahead...
Whole School Summer activity cards
SUMMER LEARNING Keeping children interested in elements of learning over the summer break can be challenging. To help families with this, we have created a some year group specific cards containing some suggested activities. These will encourage your child to engage and continue with their learning during the holidays.
Summer reading lists SUMMER READING With the summer holiday nearly upon us, we would like to remind you of our recommended reading lists.
Year 4
The library has recently updated the suggested reading lists for each year group and there are plenty of books that our pupils will be keen to read over the holidays.
Year 1
Year 5
Year 3
Year 5
Year 2
Year 6
Year 4
Year 6
Please utilise the card for the year group your child will be starting in September 2022.
Year 3
Tooled Up T U E S D AY 5 J U LY
The library has also provided a non-fiction reading list should you and your child be interested. We also have an online library through BorrowBox. Please click here to read more about BorrowBox and other suggestions for summer holiday reading.
Following on from Mrs Flynn’s message, and the links to the holiday activities from school, please find below some ideas for fun things to do. From packing their bags independently or of age appropriate chores lists to mapping out the summer the together as a family, We hope you find some of the ideas valuable and interesting. •
10 Quirky Activities for Teens and Tweens this Summer - Tooled Up Education
2022 Summer Activities for Children & Teens - Tooled Up Education
75 Things to Do Outside - Tooled Up Education
School Holiday Planner - Tooled Up Education
Summer Holiday Packing Checklist for Children - Tooled Up Education
Involving Children and Teens in Household Chores - Tooled Up Education
Chores List for Primary Aged Children - Tooled Up Education
Autumn Term 2022 Arrangements Term begins for all pupils on Thursday 8 September. Please look at the table below for the arrangements set for the year group your child will be starting in September 2022.
Year Group Rainbow
Start and end of day arrangements 8 September: 9am to 12pm. Drop off and collect from classroom door. 9 September: 9am to 12.30pm. Drop off and collect from the classroom door. 12 September and ongoing: Drop off using lanes or walking up from car park, pupils in Rainbow Garden between 8am to 8.30am.
Years 1 and 2
Year 3
Years 4, 5 and 6
Collection from classroom 3.30pm. Drop off lanes 8am to 8.30am. Collection from playground 3.30pm.
Drop off lanes 8am to 8.30am. Car park 8am to 8.30am (pupils can walk up unaccompanied using the pavements past the black gates). Coach Park (Junior School staff escort pupils for the first two weeks). Collection from car park bus stop area 4pm. Coach 4.15pm or 5.30pm (Both car park and coach pupils are escorted for two weeks). Car park 8am to 8.30am Coach Park. Collection from car park bus stop area 4pm. Coach 4.15pm or 5.30pm (New coach pupils are escorted for the first two weeks).
When normal lessons begin N/A
Items to be brought to school School bag and water bottle. School bag, water bottle and packed lunch.
All day
After lunch on 8 September
School bag, water bottle. Bring Forest school/PE kits on the first day the lesson appears on their timetable. Swimming kit will come into school and go home again on the day of their lesson each week. School bag, water bottle, pencil case. Bring PE kits on the first day the lesson appears on their timetable. Forest school/swimming kit will come into school and go home again on the day of their lesson each week. School bag, water bottle, pencil case. Bring PE kits on the first day the lesson appears on their timetable. Swimming kit will come into school and go home again on the day of their lesson each week.
Autumn Term 2022 Curriculum and ACE Curriculum plans AUTUMN 1 Following on from the timetables that you have already received, we are excited to share curriculum overviews for Years 1 to 6 for the first half of the Autumn term. These provide an overview of the learning that will take place in each subject by year group. Year 1
Year 4
Year 2
Year 5
Year 3
Year 6
ACE programme TIMELINES AND ACTIVITIES There will be an exciting Autumn Term cocurricular programme, comprising of activities based around the four strands of ACE (Additional curriculum enrichment): sport; create and construct; music and performance; and think and speak. Your child will bring their iPad home over the weekend so you can review the lunchtime ACE activities ahead of the children selecting their preferences in school on Tuesday 5 July. Please take some time to look through the options with your child before next Tuesday. ACE activities which run before and after school are detailed via this link. Please follow the instructions to express interest on behalf of your child by 8pm, Tuesday 5 July.
Autumn Term ACE timeline Friday 1 July Tuesday 5 July, 8pm Wednesday 6 July Friday 15 July Monday 12 September
Autumn 1 ACE programme launch Deadline for expression of interest for ACE provision before and after school Lunchtime ACE choices submitted (at school apart from new joiners) ACE activities, before and after school, confirmed Autumn 1 ACE programme begins
Autumn Term 2022 Stationery Stationery requirements NOTICE Looking ahead to the next academic year, please see below for stationery requirements. •
The school will provide all stationery for Rainbow, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils
Pupils in Years 1 to 6 should bring a set of earbuds/headphones in a small, named bag
Pupils in Years 3 to 6 are requested to bring in day to day stationery items. The specific items are listed below: •
Plain white Pritt stick
Good quality HB pencil
Propelling pencil (Years 5 and 6 only)
Blue ink handwriting pen (not a fountain pen or biro)
Pencil sharpener that collects shavings
Sharp scissors
Clear 15cm ruler (the school will provide 30cm rulers)
One highlighter pen, any colour
One coloured fine liner pen for marking and editing (not black or blue)
A4 foolscap, plastic popper wallet for homework
All equipment must be named and contained in a small, see-through pencil case
To replenish stationery items, pupils may, if they wish, utilise the school shop, which sells most of the items above. This is run by Year 6 prefects and open during break time.
Junior School Reminders
Whole School Summer Concert
Last day of term
Our Summer Concert will take place on Tuesday 5 July at 7pm in the Prevett Hall.
Reminder to all parents that the last day of term is Thursday 7 July.
Pupils in the ensembles and the Year 5 and 6 soloists will need to bring their instruments in for a rehearsal on the day of the concert (5 July). For the concert itself, instrumentalists should arrive at the Prevett Hall no later than 6.15pm, and the rest of the pupils who are taking part should arrive at 6.30pm. Pre-concert drinks will be available for the audience at 6.30pm at the Prevett Hall entrance. We expect the concert to end by 8.15pm. Concert dress is school uniform. Click here to book tickets from Thursday 30 June at 9pm. The Box Office will close at 8am on Tuesday 5 July. There is no charge for tickets and are limited to two per family. Pupils taking part in the concert do not need tickets. We look forward to seeing you at the concert which promises to be a varied programme and a real musical treat.
Y6 Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly M O N D AY 4 J U LY We are excited to invite parents to the Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly on Monday 4 July. Please arrive from 8.45am via the DT doors past the Junior School. The Assembly will last half an hour and we look forward to enjoying refreshments with Year 6 and their parents in the Philosopher’s Garden afterwards. The event will be over by 10am.
Year 6 Leavers’ Party M O N D AY 4 J U LY Following the St Catherine Parent’s Guild invite sent on the 16 May, pupils will also enjoy a funfilled party afternoon with a disco, photobooth and glitter tattoos. Please be reminded that ticket also includes entry for two adults. If you are joining us please come via the Junior School reception from 2pm to sign in.
Junior School Reminders Lunch Menu WEEK COMMENCING M O N D AY 4 J U LY Please click here to view the lunch menus for the following week.
Breakfast and After School Care B O O K I N G I N F O R M AT I O N An ASCF link will be sent towards the end of August to book your child into breakfast club or ASCF for Thursday 8 September and Friday 9 September. We will also send a separate link for week commencing 12 September.
Summer Cricket camp S U M M E R H O L I D AY D AT E S JHC will be running a summer Cricket camp through the summer holidays for all pupils in Years 1 to 9. Click here to find out more.
Bookings can only be made up until Friday at 12pm of the preceding week. After this time, please email ascf@habsboys.org.uk to make your request.
Cornflower Assembly 24 June
Friday afternoon assemblies are always a time of joy and celebration in the Junior School. Our weekly Cornflower Assembly celebrates individuals who have particularly demonstrated ways in which they have embodied our school values: Courage, Curiosity, Community and Ambition. Without fail, the pupils in our school community celebrate the successes of their peers, as well as take time to reflect on the ways in which they have, themselves, taken risks, wondered why, supported others and aimed high. We all love Cornflower Assemblies, and hope that you enjoy celebrating weekly with us too.
We set our sights high in terms of what we want to achieve as individuals and as a community, in and outside the classroom, aspiring to achieve our full potential in whatever we put our minds to.
Since we were founded, we have had an inherent responsibility to our diverse internal and wider community and continue to dedicate ourselves to nurturing it and supporting each other to be our best selves.
We believe in the courage to face challenge, embrace opportunity and step out of our comfort zones to grow and become our best selves, whilst also having courage in our conviction, remaining true to our moral compass and what we believe is the right thing to do.
In a diverse world, we believe that growth comes from not standing still. We are driven by an unending desire to learn and improve, not standing still and having an open and enquiring mind to anything we face.
Music Year 2 Playstrings
Year 2 have made so much progress on the violin this term. They loved performing to their friends and families, demonstrating excellent bowing, plucking and clapping of very tricky rhythms! Well done everyone and a huge thank you to Mrs Boyle.
Summer Music Recitals Well done to everyone who performed in our Summer Music Recitals. Each recital demonstrated a range of musical talent and courage. For some, it was their first time performing in front of an audience as a soloist. We hope that it has inspired even more children to sign up next year!
School Community Year 4 Norfolk Lakes trip
What an adventure Year 4 had on their first residential trip to Norfolk Lakes. We stopped on the way at a wonderful woodland playground, with zip wires, giant slides, mazes and boat trips. At Norfolk Lakes, children were excited to share their dorms with classmates and took part in activities in water and on land - from stand-up paddleboarding to caving and a blind trail. A memorable time was had by all!
Year 4 Forest School “We had the best time at forest school. Activities included trust games where one of us was blindfolded and the rest of us had to help them. This helped us build our teamwork skills. We also cooked some yummy pizza pockets on an open fire. Lastly, we had ‘warm’ chocolate on a hot and sunny day. It was the best Forest School ever.” Anaiya 4 Aesc “My favourite thing at Forest School was making nail art, which is hammering nails into wood to create shapes and letters, then decorating them with ribbon. We also had options of weaving a willow fish, making pizza pockets, fire lighting, stone decorating and climbing on the wild wood den. It was great fun and I enjoyed it so much.” Summer 4 Aleph
Year 6 Rounders v St Hildas On Wednesday 22 June we played St Hilda’s school in two competitive matches. We each had put forth our two best teams, we batted and fielded twice each. The A team won both matches and the B team won the first, and lost the second match. We each played with 100% effort; our communication and positivity shone throughout the match. It was fast moving, educational and lots of fun!
Year 6 House Rounders On Wednesday 29 June, all four houses were ready and waiting for the whistle to begin three rounds of Rounders matches. The afternoon screams of delight as the batter reached the 4th post was trilling with huge hits and fabulous throws throughout the afternoon. All pupils enjoyed the competition. Aardvarks won again. Well done to all.
EYFS and KS1 Sports Day 2022 All students enjoyed their Sports Days cheered on by parents and peers. All ran, jumped and threw. Thank you to the students for all working so hard this term.
CALENDAR DATES M O N D AY 4 J U LY Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly Year 6 Leavers’ Party T U E S D AY 5 J U LY Junior School Summer Concert T H U R S D AY 7 J U LY Summer Term ends T H U R S D AY 8 S E P T E M B E R Autumn Term begins Rainbow Short Day New parents coffee morning F R I D AY 9 S E P T E M B E R Rainbow Short Day T H U R S D AY 2 2 S E P T E M B E R Year 6 School in Action