Information for parents
Our brand values are what we hold dear as a school, the core beliefs that we stand for. They should drive all decisions and actions.
We set our sights high in terms of what we want to achieve as individuals and as a community, in and outside the classroom, aspiring to achieve our full potential in whatever we put our minds to.
In a diverse world, we believe that growth comes from not standing still. We are driven by an unending desire to learn and improve, not standing still and having an open and inquiring mind to anything we face.
We believe in the courage to face challenge, embrace opportunity and step out of our comfort zones to grow and become our best selves, whilst also having courage in our conviction, remaining true to our moral compass and what we believe is the right thing to do.
Since we were founded, we have had an inherent responsibility to our diverse internal and wider community and continue to dedicate ourselves to nurturing it and supporting each other to be our best selves.
Welcome to the Junior School of Haberdashers’ Girls’ School. We are excited to have you join our community and for us to start a long lasting relationship. This booklet contains several key practical details for your reference, but should you have any further questions, please see the ‘Contact’ section and do get in touch with us directly.
At Habs Girls’ Junior School, we are committed to:
• providing an outstanding education in which pupils enjoy working hard to fulfil their potential
• enhancing the ‘whole person,’ promoting opportunities for personal development including leadership and key life skills
• providing a secure and safe environment both physically and emotionally for pupils to thrive
• respecting the best of the traditional whilst embracing innovation and creativity both within the pupil and staff community
• encouraging the whole school – pupils and staff – to become a life-long learning community
• retaining our independence as a girls’ school whilst also taking advantage of our co-location to maximise opportunities to collaborate with the Boys’ Prep School
• embedding the core values of Courage, Curiosity, Community and Ambition in our pupils through active participation in daily life and rewarding pupils who display these values through our weekly Cornflower assemblies
As part of our Additional Curriculum Enrichment (ACE) programme, the Junior School offers a wide range of chargeable and non-chargeable clubs and activities for the pupils to choose from, mainly during lunchtime with some running after school. These vary by year group and change from term to term. Pupils are strongly encouraged to sign up for a range of clubs as well as to make suggestions for new clubs. Many clubs are supported by Senior School student helpers. A brochure giving full details of each club is sent out termly via Firefly, together with details of how to book a place.
We reward pupils through recognition of effort, and by both group and individual praise, written and/or spoken, as appropriate. A house points system operates in the Junior School from Year 1 onwards. Each pupil can gain points for their house for exceptional effort, achievement and contribution to the School community. House points are announced every half term in assembly.
Individual class teachers may reward effort and good behaviour with stickers or stamps, class points, star of the day awards or Golden Time opportunities.
Cornflower certificates and other achievements are celebrated in our Friday Cornflower assemblies.
There are several ways in which we seek to ease transition from the Junior School to the Senior School. These include:
• Years 5 and 6 Open Mornings
• Taster sessions for Years 5 and 6
• Year 7 Form captain Question and Answer session in the Summer Term
• Enrichment sessions which are taught by members of the Senior School
• A formal handover with the Lower 4 Form Tutor and Head of Middle School
• A ‘Welcome to Habs’ day in the Summer Term for all new joiners
Tooled Up is an online digital resource available to the entire Habs community supporting parents and families with a wealth of researched articles, podcasts, videos and webinars. Highlights to relevant sections are included in our weekly newsletters.
This section should be read in conjunction with the Behaviour Policy and the Expulsion, Removal and Review Policy on the school website.
Haberdashers’ Junior School prides itself on its happy and relaxed atmosphere, with an ethos whereby respect and consideration form the basis for all behaviour. From time to time, it may be necessary to reprimand a pupil. Sanctions are applied according to the age of the pupil, the seriousness of their misbehaviour and the circumstances, in line with the code of conduct, which is shared with all pupils. Parents are informed are informed of sanctions in accordancewith the behaviour policy which is available on the school website.
Pupils should understand that it is the responsibility of every pupil to help promote the well-being of all members of the community. Frequent discussions about considerate behaviour and about bullying and its effects are included in assemblies, Religious Studies and Personal, Social, Health and Education lessons.
In order to access our key policies, please click here.
The school has a database of parental volunteers who have been required to complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and other checks, before they started volunteering. Should the school require additional volunteers, we will contact parents.
We are always delighted to hear about out of school achievements that your child is proud of and would like to share with the school community. Equally, if there is something worrying your child at home or at school, please let us know. There are various ways of contacting us and we invite you to use whatever method suits you best. In Rainbow, Year 1 and Year 2, a quick word with the class teacher at the beginning of a school day when dropping off your child or collecting them after school is best practice. A longer conversation requires a little notice for a meeting to be arranged. Parents of pupils in Years 3 to 6 may wish to use email as a first means of communication.
The timings of the school day are as follows:
*Note: Period 5B is KS2 pupils only
Please click your child’s class below to view their 2022/23 timetable.
Rainbow, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 have a designated drop off lane system, whereby you can safely drop your child to members of staff at the front of the Senior School; pupils will then make their way to the playground. Older siblings travelling with younger siblings should follow the protocol for the youngest sibling.
Years 4, 5 and 6 pupils should walk independently from the car park to the playground using the paths, pavements and crossings.
The school will take responsibility for pupils in the playground from 8am. Any pupils present on the playground before 8am will be taken to breakfast club to ensure their safety, and parents will be charged for their child’s attendance at breakfast club.
When the whistle is blown just before 8.35am, pupils in Rainbow, Year 1 and Year 2 will be met by their class teachers in the playground and pupils in Year 3 upwards will make their own way to their classrooms.
Registration is at 8.35am, with lessons starting at 8.45am.
Pupils arriving after 8.35am should enter through the Junior School Reception and proceed promptly to their classroom. Pupils arriving after 8.45am should report to the Junior School Reception to be signed in.
All Junior School pupils are entitled to school lunch as part of their termly fees and are expected to partake in this. Should there be an exceptional circumstance where a child requires a packed lunch, please inform the school of this in writing or by email. Please be aware, that in this instance, the school lunch costs are non-refundable.
It is important that you inform us via Firefly of foods that your child may not eat for religious or medical reasons. They also need to know this information so that they can make appropriate choices at lunchtime. We can accommodate most dietary requirements and our catering manager is always happy to discuss any concerns.
For pupils in Year 1 and above there is a short mid-morning break (20 minutes). The ‘free flow’ nature of Rainbow’s morning means they do not need a specified break time. Pupils (including Rainbow) may bring a small healthy snack. In addition, fruit is also provided by the school at morning break.
Snack provision will be reviewed by all pupils in September, using Student Voice. Any changes will be published accordingly.
Fruit is provided by school daily for all pupils.
Permitted snacks from home, if preferred, in a small, named and reuseable container
• Any fresh fruit or vegetables (no forks please). Grapes or olives should be cut in half.
• Dried fruit.
• Small bag of breadsticks.
• Nut-free cereal bars
• Small slice of malt loaf/fruit bread
Please note that all snacks and food brought into school must be nut and sesame seed free.
At the beginning of the academic year, parents of pupils in Rainbow, Years 1, 2 and 3 are requested to complete an online travel form on Firefly outlining collection arrangements and accompanying contact details for their children. These forms are kept for reference by class teachers. Any permanent changes to arrangements should be updated on Firefly (refer to the section on communication below).
Pupils in Rainbow can be collected from their gate outside their classroom door.
Years 1 and 2 will be escorted by the Class Teacher to the playground where they must be met by a parent or guardian who is an authorised collector.
After School Care Club is also available from 3.30pm until 5.30pm.
Pupils in Year 3 and above should walk to the bus stop in the car park using the pathways and crossings to meet the authorised adult collecting them. Year 3 pupils will be escorted by staff for the first two weeks of the autumn term. A member of Junior School staff will be in the car park on duty supervising the pupils until all Junior School pupils have been collected or until 4.30pm.
Parents who park in the gravel car park, behind the bus stop, must exit their vehicle and collect their child from the bus stop. Under no circumstances will pupils be permitted to walk in the gravel car parks without a collecting adult. Parents who park on the tarmacked area in front of the bus stop, may signal their arrival to their child, and the staff on duty will help your child to cross safely to where they are parked. Car park attendants will be present to help with traffic flow and the safety of all car park users.
Any pupil in Years 3-6 not collected by 4.30pm will be escorted to After School Care at the Boys’ Prep School until their parent/guardian arrives. If a pupil attends After School Care after the school day has finished, parents will be charged for this service. In the event of any Junior School pupil not being collected after a reasonable amount of time beyond the agreed pick-up time and when we are unable to contact an authorised collector, the school would consult the local authorities as to the best action to take in the circumstances, to safeguard the health and safety of the child.
If your child is going home with another adult who is not an authorised collector, a written note or email must be sent in advance to the class teacher and Mrs Walsh, otherwise your child will not be released. We cannot allow your child to go with another parent unless you have specifically informed us. In an emergency, please phone the school with your change of arrangements.
The coach service is run jointly with the Boys’ School and all coaches arrive and leave from the coach park. The school employs a Transport Manager (Ms Emma Summers, based at the Boys’ School) who you can contact at the following email address if you have any questions or concerns:
For the first two weeks of the Autumn Term, arrangements are made for those Year 3 pupils travelling by coach to be met in the morning on arrival, from where they will be guided to the Junior School. After school, they will be escorted to the coach park at 4.05pm, to catch the 4.15pm coach. After an initial two-week period, pupils will make their way to the coach park unsupervised, using the pathways and crossings.
Junior School pupils must be met by an adult at the coach stop at which they alight. All coach users are issued with a copy of the Coach Code of Conduct and must carry their coach ticket which they may be asked to show to staff and a fully charged mobile phone (preferably not a smart phone) for use in the event of delays and/or emergencies.
We would be grateful if you could reinforce the messages we are giving your child about road safety by always using the pathways and crossings. Please be aware of safety in the car park and only park in designated spaces as directed by the car park attendants.
Please note: the school is a dog free site, including all car park areas.
At Habs, we want pupils to maintain a healthy balance between learning and school commitments, and being able to relax, have down time and enjoy being a child. Research shows that learning at home, which is linked to classroom work and forms an integral part of learning, tends to be the most effective.
Foundational skills aim to establish excellent foundations in reading, spelling and arithmetic:
• child reading to an adult
• adult reading to a child
• phonics or spelling practice
• arithmetic practice
Independent learning tasks aim to practise skills, apply understanding, enrich learning, help pupils maintain focus independently and develop time management of learning at home. The tasks, to be completed within a week’s time frame, might include:
• revision for upcoming assessment
• practice of a skill of learning point from that day or week
Please click here to view the tables outlining weekly learning at home expectations.
At Habs Girls, feedback is given to pupils through a variety of methods including, but not limited to:
• Verbal feedback within lessons
• Written feedback on individual pieces of work
• Whole class feedback
• Feedback on formal assessments
The purpose of feedback is twofold; to provide pupils with an understanding of how to progress and where they are with their current level of skill/knowledge. This also provides teachers with valuable information to adapt and inform future teaching and learning. Feedback is given regularly, appropriate to the age and stage of the pupils.
We offer a wide range of chargeable and non-chargeable clubs and activities for the pupils to choose from, mainly during lunchtime, with some running after school. These vary by year group and change from term to term. Pupils are encouraged to make suggestions for new clubs, and many clubs are supported by Senior School student helpers. A brochure giving full details of each club is sent out termly via Firefly, together with details on how to book a place. Pupils may eat a small, healthy snack on arrival at their club. (see page 16 for approved snacks)
Pupils in Year 4 who are travelling home by car after a club need to be met by their parent at the end of the club, at the designated collection point, as indicated in the clubs booklet. Pupils in Years 5 and 6 may walk to the car park to be collected. Pupils catching the 5.30pm coach may attend after school care in the Boys’ Prep School until 5.15pm, at which time they will walk to the coach park. This short session will not be chargeable.
Individual music lessons can be taken during the school day by pupils in KS2. Please contact Mrs Whiteley ( to discuss further.
Ensembles practise as part of the ACE lunchtime provision.
Breakfast Club is run by school staff; Holroyd Howe catering staff will also be present to assist the pupils in the dining room. This is chargeable at £4.50 per session (or £8 for a late booking, with less than 24 hours notice) and a booking form is available here or via Firefly in the resources section.
The Club opens at 7.30am and is held in a designated area of the dining room. Children should be dropped off at the dining room entrance at the rear of the building. Children who require a school breakfast must arrive by 7.45am. Staff will ensure that all pupils eat a suitable amount of breakfast for their age. Activities will be provided for pupils once they have eaten. At 8.15am pupils will be escorted to the playground. Pupils in Rainbow are not permitted to use the Breakfast Club until parents and the School agree that they have generally settled well into school routines. Rainbow parents should, in the first instance, discuss this with their child’s class teacher.
We offer After School Care for all pupils in the Junior School. There is a charge for this service and a booking form is available here or on Firefly under the Resources section. Following parental feedback, pupils in After School Care will be based in the Girls’ Junior School from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. The late After School Care session starting at 4pm is chargeable at £4.50 per session (or £8 for a late booking, with less than 24 hours’ notice).
Mrs Walsh will supervise the provision from 3.30pm to 4.30pm and Miss Rees will supervise from 4.30ppm to 5.30pm. Your child can be collected from within the Rainbow Garden using the set of doors nearest the Junior School office.
As with Breakfast Club, parents of pupils in Rainbow can request for their child to attend After School Care with permission granted by their class teachers, on the basis that they have generally settled well into school routines.
Parents will receive a weekly newsletter which will be available as a link in a letter on Firefly. This newsletter will include trip, event and competition information as well as a round up of the completed week. It is a parent’s responsibility to check Firefly for these newsletters and regularly ensure they collect the information pertinent to their child. If you have any problems accessing Firefly, please contact Information Services via the contact page on Firefly.
School trips are managed via a system called Evolve. You will be informed via the newsletters how to provide consent for your child to attend individual trips and events.
The Junior School often utilises Twitter and posts tweets, comments and pictures which share daily school life. Follow us at @habsgirlsJunior.
All pupils will receive one full written report in each academic year. In each subject, teachers comment on key strengths and areas for development. Additionally, students will receive judgements relating to attainment and attitude to learning, and an overall comment from their Class Teacher and Phase Leader. Where it is a student’s first or final report in their Junior School journey, Mrs Flynn will write a Headteacher comment in place of your child’s Phase Leader comment.
Students in Years 1 to 5 will also receive a grade sheet each Summer Term, whereby teachers make judgements on attainment and attitude to learning in the core subjects (Maths, English and Science). These statements mirror those in the full written report.
Class teacher appointments are available for all students in the Junior School and take place twice annually in person, in the Autumn and Summer Terms. They are opportunities to discuss strengths and areas for development and progress. Once a year, parents with children in Years 1 to 6 will also be offered the opportunity to meet with subject specialist teachers. Rainbow parents’ meetings take place termly.
In Year 6, students will receive a valedictory at the end of the Summer Term which celebrates their individual highlights and successes in the Junior School.
Uniform list KS2
Uniform List KS1 and EYFS
Forest school uniform list
All items of uniform and personal possessions brought to school must be clearly and permanently named. Correct school uniform should always be worn unless otherwise advised by the school. School PE kit must be worn for PE lessons and sports clubs. Uniform lists can be found on Firefly.
Pupils may go home in PE kit after a sports club or fixture.
Long hair must be tied back and kept away from the face with hair slides, bobbles, ribbons or alice bands. If worn, these must be black or bottle green and of plain design. ‘Scrunchies’ that echo the stripes in the summer dress may be worn with summer dresses, between the start of the summer term up to the October half term break. Apart from one, plain gold or silver coloured stud worn in each ear lobe, no jewellery. Studs must be removed for all PE and swimming lessons, and your child must be able to do this independently. The only exception to this rule is where pupils are allowed to wear earrings during sports lessons for a six-week period after the date of ear piercing, but earrings must be covered with medical tape (or a swimming hat as appropriate) during PE lessons. For this reason, we would encourage new piercings to be arranged for the start of the summer holiday.
Jewellery worn for religious reasons needs to be securely taped with micropore tape, to ensure the safety of all pupils during all PE and swimming lessons. Tape must be provided from home and brought into school for this purpose.
The following are permitted:
• Analogue watches only in Summer Term of Rainbow, all year in Year 1 and Year 2.
• Analogue or digital watches in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6. No digital watches with connectivity.
Outgrown uniform sales are regularly organised by the Guild. Details of how to donate uniform will be shared by the Guild during the school year and the dates for sales are published in the school calendar. All proceeds from the sales go directly into the Guild’s fundraising account.
48-50 Church Road, Stanmore, Middx ( 020 8954 3850
1103-1105 Finchley Rd, Temple Fortune ( 020 8209 0999
133-135 Victoria Street, St Albans, Herts ( 01727 853262
• The school will provide all stationery for Rainbow, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils.
• Pupils in Years 1 to 6 should bring a set of earbuds/headphones in a named, small bag.
• Pupils in Years 3 to 6 are requested to bring in day to day stationery items. The specific items required are listed below.
o Plain white Pritt stick
o Good quality HB pencil
o Propelling pencil (Years 5 and 6 only)
o Blue ink handwriting pen (not a fountain pen or biro)
o Rubber
o Pencil sharpener that collects shavings
o Sharp scissors
o Clear 15cm ruler (the school will provide 30cm rulers)
o One highlighter pen, any colour
o One coloured fine liner pen for marking and editing (not black or blue)
o A4 foolscap, plastic popper wallet for homework
• All equipment must be named and contained in a small, see-through pencil case.
• To replenish stationery items, pupils may, if they wish, utilise the school shop, which sells most of the items above. This is run by Year 6 prefects and open during break time.
Mobile phones and headphones are not allowed to be out anywhere on school premises from when pupils arrive to when they leave school. All pupils travelling to and from school must have a charged mobile phone with them for the journey. This must be left in the Junior School office during the school day. The school strongly encourages parents to provide their children with non-smart phones.
If any pupil wishes to use a mobile phone, then that can only happen with the permission of a member of staff. The ideal place to do this is in the Office or at Reception. Any pupil seen with their mobile phone or headphones out around the school premises will be subject to a sanction. Any repeats of offences will result in more serious sanctions.
Each pupil at the school is issued with an iPad and it is the individual’s responsibility to ensure that they look after these devices and use them responsibly. Please see the Acceptable Use Policy here.
All parents are automatically members of the St Catherine Parents’ Guild, the name of the Parents’ Association at Habs. The Guild organises events for pupils, parents or both, ranging from informative speaker evenings to Junior School discos! These events enhance the social aspect of the Habs school community. An element of fund-raising is also involved, purchasing lovely extras for the pupils. A new Wildwood Den has enhanced our current Forest School provision in the summer of 2021, for which we are most grateful to the Guild. Guild meetings are held half-termly and everyone is welcome to attend. If you would like further information, please email
Although we acknowledge that birthdays and holidays are special times, please note that we do not celebrate birthdays or any other special occasions with the sharing of food or gifts in school.
The school must be informed of absence for any reason, either planned or unplanned. Please refer to the Get in Touch page of Firefly.
Unplanned absence: contact the school by 8.30am on the first day of absence and again if your child is absent for more than three days or over a weekend, either through Firefly or the telephone absence line (0208 266 2400).
Planned absence requests (e.g. dentist or music exams): advise the school via Firefly with a minimum of two days’ notice addressed to Ms Lansdown.
Absence requests for extenuating family circumstances: advise the school via the Firefly at least two weeks in advance. This will then be directed to Mrs Flynn for authorisation.
Religious observance: if you wish to request absence for religious observance reasons, please complete the Microsoft form on Firefly in the resources section. The absence will automatically be authorised.
Lower 4 (Year 7) and Lower 6 students only will attend on Wednesday 7 September for an induction day. Staff Training Days: Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 September 2021 and Monday 5 and Tuesday 6 September 2022.
Parents/guardians will be contacted if their child requires liquid paracetamol, ibuprofen, or antihistamine during the school day.
For the administration of medication for your child in school hours, please complete and sign the Prescribed and Over the Counter Medication Permission Form which is available on Firefly. All medication must be in the original container, labelled with the pupil’s name, the name of the medicine, the dose and frequency of administration and the expiry date. A separate form is required for each medicine. Where possible, parents should hand in medications and forms to an adult on arrival at school. Where this is not possible, Junior School parents/guardians must email Mrs Karaolou to alert the school that the child will be bringing in medication. Pupils should be told to hand the medication with the completed form to Mrs Karaolou on arrival at school. Pupils are not to carry medicine on their person during the school day (see below for exceptions).
Please note: out of date or unused medication will be returned to parents and guardians for disposal.
1. Inhalers: Junior School pupils must carry their inhaler and spacer in their school bag which will stay in their cloakroom. If the pupil is away from their chool bag, then emergency inhalers are available around the school site for use if required. If a Junior School pupil is having a flare up of their asthma, they will be allowed and encouraged to carry their reliever inhaler and spacer on their person during the school day until the flare up has improved.
2. Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAI): Junior School students are to carry two AAIs in a waist pouch. Uniformity is expected on this matter to enable staff to easily locate the AAI in an emergency.
Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring prescribed Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) and inhalers are in date and replaced, as necessary. Spare Adrenaline Auto-Injectors (AAIs) and inhalers can be left in the medical room as emergency back-up (in case the child forgets to bring theirs on any day).
Your child’s class teacher should always be your first port of call for any questions or concerns. Class teachers share their email addresses with parents so do email them directly and, if required, a suitable time for a phone conversation or meeting can be arranged.
In the event your query has not been answered by your child’s class teacher, please contact the relevant Phase Leader (see key staff section on page 1), Mrs Ede, Ms Lansdown, Mrs Hayes or Mrs Flynn.
Academic matters
Mrs K Ede (Director of Studies)
Pastoral matters
Mrs S Hayes (Assistant Head, Pastoral)